How to survive a breakup with a loved one. The psychology of separation. How to live and life after a breakup. Breakup treatment program. How to survive a breakup with a guy: someone else's experience.

If you want to know how to survive a breakup with a loved one, the advice of a psychologist will be a lifeline that will support and guide you in the right direction.

It happens only in fairy tales: they saw, fell in love, celebrated their wedding, were happy and died together. Life is more difficult. Erupted feelings do not always blaze with a hot fire. Disappointed and tired of each other, people decide to leave. But more often it happens: one leaves, and the second, confused and offended, remains to experience farewell to his beloved. So that the painful state after separation does not turn into a chronic loser complex, let's try to figure out: is there life after parting and how to become loved again.

Where to put a comma: you can’t leave

The breakup happened, it's time to accept it. If you were not the initiator of the breakup, is it worth it to engage in soul-searching and try to return the departed. The person is gone - let him go in your soul. It's time to stop hesitating and put a comma at the right place in the phrase you're testing.

Perhaps, after a while, having changed, having gained life experience, you will meet again, renewed, strong, and new harmonious relationships will happen. The path that you walked along with the former chosen one has ended. It's time to accept this, as well as the right of a former lover to an independent life. Mentally open your arms and say: “I let you go!”

Most importantly, stop hoping that he will definitely return, realize his mistake, ring the doorbell with an apology and a huge bouquet of roses. Don't cling to what's gone. There are women who have been poisoning the lives of themselves and their former lover for years. This is a dead end path. New relationships, a bright life and love are impossible on it. And the past feelings will not return.

In the early days, comforting friends will have absolutely no effect on you. Even though they will tell you a thousand times what a scoundrel he is, this will not calm him down. The end of love is to be mourned. Suffering brings a person an incomparable spiritual experience, irreplaceable by anything. And love does not always give only roses.

It is impossible to demand an instant recovery from the patient; an abandoned lover cannot be cured in one day. Be the Princess Nesmeyana, let yourself suffer: cry plenty, complain to a friend, mourn to tearful music.

In order for the pain to go away, it must be endured and felt. But try not to overdo it. Too deep suffering can turn into a complex when a person does not notice anything, revels in pain, enjoys it, poisoning the life of others. Such experiences can affect health, and these are constant headaches, nervous conditions, decreased immunity.

What Not to Do

In the first days after a breakup, it can be very difficult. Having roared to your heart's content in a pillow or on a friend’s shoulder, it’s time to gradually put your life in order. And here many of us are waiting for serious tests. There is a great temptation to do something so that the former regretted what he had done and repented. But will it be?

So, what should not be done in any case!


The constant pursuit of the former, the endless clarification of the reasons, cutting off the phone and every minute SMS will not help. A cornered person will try to escape as soon as possible and as far as possible. Remember: a man is a hunter by nature, not a game.


It is impossible to take revenge on the former, telling nasty things about him to others and leaving unflattering reviews on the networks. The question may arise, if a person is so bad, why did you meet him. And follow the conclusion about you as an illegible and frivolous person. Attempts to upset his new relationship will confirm the former lover in the correctness of his act.

Shut up in yourself

It is not worth locking yourself up, constantly looking for flaws. To cherish the loss, reveling in their suffering and broken hopes, too. Don't blame others for your misfortune. Try to understand that when we close one door, we open another. Perhaps a completed relationship will help you meet the most important person in your life.

Start a new relationship immediately

Immediately, as if into a pool with a head to rush into a new relationship, thinking that this will help to forget the former, it is impossible. The situation of "knocking out with a wedge" will not help. While in the heart at least a small piece is occupied by the departed person, is it worth hoping for a new happy meeting.

Drown grief in alcohol

There is no need to drown your grief at the bottom of the glass. Alcohol will exacerbate the problem by adding spoiled health. The reputation of a drinking woman is unlikely to help return the departed relationship.

It's time to relax

Comforted by tears in a girlfriend's vest, you need to tune in to a new life without a former lover. Difficult, but possible. We remove things reminiscent of completed love. We collect the little things donated by the former lover, put them in a box, seal them, and throw them away. Sometimes psychologists advise to burn the remaining things. Let the chains that bind you burn with them. Throw off the fetters that prevent you from striving for a new life.

In the subsequent period, the pain of separation dulls and does not cause acute suffering. Own situation in such a depressive state begins to be perceived as if from afar. This is a period when emotions have already passed, and thoughts in the head are spinning without ceasing.

To distract yourself and not drive yourself into a state of acute psychosis, it's time to look for activities that will not leave time for sad thoughts. That's what friends are for. Visiting various events, exhibitions, corporate events, going to cinemas, meetings with colleagues, classmates will help get rid of sad thoughts. It is advisable not to visit places that will remind you of the past.

And also get yourself a “Book of Happiness”, a small notebook in which, like in a diary, take one page a day. And constantly write down all the joyful moments from the compliment to the funny dog. After a dozen written pages, you will feel that the seal of separation has gradually begun to recede into the background.

It is good when parting with a once loved one brings only joy and relief. But often the opposite happens: the gap causes pain, anguish and suffering. If parting is inevitable and there is no chance to improve relations, you should think about how to part with your loved one painlessly.

Dots over i

In order not to harbor false illusions, when parting, it is important to speak frankly in order to avoid understatement. It is necessary to express to each other everything that has accumulated and sore. So on a subconscious level it will be easier to accept the breakup. When choosing words to break up with a guy, you should not leave ellipses. So you can give your partner the hope that he will live. This is dangerous for the state of mind, because people tend to believe in what they would like. It is better to let go of the past, clearly and clearly convey a balanced and final decision about the need for separation. No need to be cunning, offer to meet and discuss the situation over a cup of coffee or brush off your partner with phrases such as "let's talk about it later." It’s better to say goodbye right away and keep meetings as short as possible, because former lovers communicate extremely rarely, only if necessary.

If the initiator is

When a woman decides to part with a man, this does not mean that she is free from torment and worries. As a rule, the gap in any case brings negative emotions to the fair sex. If the decision is final, you should think about how to break up with a guy without causing him suffering. Often women feel guilty and are tormented by doubts about whether they did the right thing. To avoid this, you need to listen to the opinion of experts.

Experts in the field of relations between a man and a woman recommend following these basic rules when parting:

When the initiator is

How to part with a loved one, if feelings are still strong? This question is asked by many women who are faced with the desire of a lover to break off relations. Such a decision causes severe pain, and misunderstanding and resentment do not allow a sober assessment of the situation. First of all, you need to calm down and understand that the gap is a fait accompli. The ability to look the problem in the eye is already a victory.

How to reduce mental pain?

Many women know how difficult it is to part with a loved one. There are ways to help ease feelings and look at the situation from the outside:

accept and forgive

When thinking about how to part with a man without suffering, you need to clearly realize that any memories will not be useful. It is necessary to accept the situation and understand that everything is over. It is worth putting all joint photos and other trifles that may remind you of a partner into a distant drawer.

No need to exist in your own fictional world and constantly use the word "if". Such thoughts do not allow you to live in the present, they take you into the past and make you relive everything anew. There is nothing to return, the decision has been made. We need to go further. If depression is very strong and there is no strength to cope with it on your own, it is better to contact a psychoanalyst. He will definitely find a way out of the situation.

To make it easier to understand how to part with a loved one, you need to forgive him. You need to realize that he, too, has the right to his opinion and is free to make any decisions.

Breakup is not the end. Breaking up is the beginning...

You need to disperse with dignity and beauty, leaving a pleasant impression about yourself. A woman should always be sure that she is beautiful, desirable and successful. A break with one man necessarily entails a meeting with another, who, perhaps, will become a dear and beloved person. If the realization has come that it is time to part with a former lover, you need to take this as a temporary ailment that will soon pass. It is necessary to think about the future only in bright colors, then happiness will not keep you waiting.

Out of sight…

You should not look for meetings with a former loved one by changing your usual routes or visiting those places where he usually rests. You need to act on the contrary: completely avoid communication with him and try to delete him from life. But you shouldn't shut yourself up either. It is important to realize that this person is a passed stage, now it is time to move towards a wonderful future. You need to enjoy every day, find new hobbies and discover the unknown facets of everyday life. Then the understanding of how to break up with a guy will come by itself.

I release you!

These words must be repeated daily, especially in those moments when sadness and melancholy rolls over. Don't try to get your loved one back. It will not lead to anything good, it will only increase the pain and bitterness of the loss. Stuck in this state, people are immersed in their illusions and hopes. Frustration grows with every failed attempt to win back the ex, while the chances of building a new happy life are decreasing.

The main enemy is obsessive thoughts

Women often worry about how to break up with a man and not suffer. The paradox is that sometimes your own thoughts hurt more than the partner's words. A woman is capable of driving herself to despair, thinking that now her life is over, and she will never love anyone and become happy. You need to get rid of such false attitudes in the bud, otherwise it will be very difficult to overcome fear later.

How to conquer thought?

You can get rid of one thought by replacing it with another. You can not hide from the problem, it is better to talk with yourself. It is necessary to analyze the situation, assess the circumstances and find positive aspects in parting. Gradually, it is necessary to replace false thoughts that bring suffering with positive and correct ones. We need to recognize what happened, try to understand that all the changes are for the better.

forgive yourself

If people decide to leave, they often have grievances against each other. But sometimes one partner begins to blame himself for everything. This is not always justified. No matter how the situation develops, it is necessary to forgive not only the former, but also yourself. Only such a position will help to fully recover and begin to live without the baggage of the past.

Time for a change

Many guys do not find the answer to this question for a long time: “The girl broke up with me. What to do?" Perhaps you need to stop looking for a clue and get on with your life. Parting - best time for change. You can do something that you didn’t have time for before, or radically change your appearance. Books about self-development and self-improvement will help you become better and succeed. Any work on yourself brings positive emotions. And an attractive reflection in the mirror increases self-esteem.

Starting a new relationship immediately after breaking up is a rather dangerous business. This is due to the fact that the substitution effect is activated, which makes it difficult to soberly evaluate a partner. As a rule, the foundation of such relations can hardly be called strong. After a breakup, you need to give yourself time to calm down and prepare for a meeting with a worthy person. You cannot allow yourself to be unhappy. It is necessary to have a clear confidence that there is happiness, and new love will definitely come. Focusing on failures and suffering, it is difficult to enjoy life and enjoy the little things.

Couples break up for various reasons.

Most often, the reasons are pride, pride, selfishness, as well as the difference in interests and values.

In fact, there are many reasons for parting, but in our opinion, the most common reason is that most modern people can't truly love.

At the moment, everywhere on TV and on the radio they sing and talk about love, but how many people, consciously, know what the essence of love is?

Love- this is a conscious desire to live for the sake of a loved one, die for the sake of a loved one, forgive, endure him, and also sacrifice everything for him.

Such sincere love is most often seen between mother and children.

Very often people want to love and be with certain person because it is beneficial for them and they are comfortable with it.

But what will happen if such a person is suddenly mutilated, what will happen if such a person becomes disabled or goes to prison?

Now love is treated as a profitable and mutual deal between two people, if one of them is not very satisfied with something, then from such love relationship nothing will be left.

So most people, before a relationship, create inflated expectations in their heads and then are disappointed, as a result of which they part.

Can this be love?

This is pure selfish benefit and enjoyment!

  • Benefit from bodily pleasure.
  • Benefit in obtaining good monetary conditions.
  • Benefits of having a healthy baby.

Unfortunately, many people, especially young people, have selfish relationships with other people, as the media now teaches not to live for other people, but to live only for yourself.

Therefore, just one misunderstanding, one refusal, one unpleasant word and that's all, a person is ready to break off relations.

Be prepared for the fact that there will probably be many people like this in your life who will take advantage of you and abuse your kindness.

How easy is it to get over a breakup?

No matter what person you part with, this is an eternally sad and difficult life period, because of which many people drink too much or even go crazy.

If you recently had a breakup, then keep yourself in control and do not lose your mind.

Try to read carefully 5 tips to help you get back to normal life after a breakup.

1. Remember all the bad things that the person you broke up with did for you.

After parting, after a while, people begin to remember various bright joint moments.

Men and girls remember how they traveled together, how they celebrated birthdays together, how they skated together and so on.

Yes, if you remember such life moments, it will be very sad in your soul.

Do not worsen your current situation, do not remember all the good moments that you had, otherwise you will begin to regret it very much.

Remember better how your former loved one called you, or hit you.

Remember how a former loved one offended you so much that you wanted to leave in tears.

Remember how your former loved one acted hypocritically and selfishly towards you.

Yes, these are all unpleasant life moments, but they will give you the opportunity to think about " Did you need such an unpleasant and bitter relationship»?

2. Forgive the person you broke up with

Very often, when a couple breaks up, a man or a girl holds a huge grudge against each other.

Young people simply hate each other and begin, everywhere, to throw mud at each other behind their backs.

Why are you doing this? Thus, you do not throw your former loved one out of your head, you exacerbate all your suffering and torment.

You keep anger and hatred in your head, which devour you from the inside, forcing you to spend a lot of nerves.

At some point, men can become misogynists, and girls can call all men animals.

In order for you not to become like this, take and forgive your ex-boyfriend.

Many readers will probably ask, “But, how can you forgive a person who offended you or left you if you were not to blame”?

You can easily forgive such a person and even very easily you can pray for his health and wish him happiness.

Thus, you will relieve yourself of responsibility and stop blaming yourself for something.

3. Find the benefits of breaking up

You don’t need to look for some selfish benefit for yourself in love, but, nevertheless, if your relationship has broken up, then why not find it?

Every end is the beginning of something new.

Look at your gap from an optimistic point of view.

Now you will save a lot of money, which in the future you can invest in your self-development.

Now you have much more time to spend with your parents or loved ones.

Now, for you, no one sets any specific framework or deadlines, and you can go at your own calm pace towards achieving your goals.

Quite a lot for yourself, you can find pluses and benefits that will help you easily survive a breakup.

4. Avoid contact with the person you broke up with.

Burning and throwing away your joint photos is a useless thing, don't do it.

This applies to how "Vkontakte", "Facebook", "Instagram" and so on.

On the pages of your significant other, you will see photos where she is happy with another person.

Also on your pages former love you will see a bunch of happy photos that will make you angry and make you discuss them with your girlfriends or friends.

In these photographs, you will see that your former soulmate does not remember you and continues to live happily and happily.

At some point, you will become terribly sad that the person you loved so much is out there walking and traveling without you.

Don't live the life of your ex-love, live your life.

5. Find your meaning in life

Very often people after parting with their love go to suicide.

For those people who committed suicide, the meaning of life was in the second half.

And if those people had grandiose goals that they would like to achieve, would they then end their lives?

It is unlikely, since purposeful people have their own meaning of life, which gives them vital energy as well as optimism.

Breaking up a relationship will only weaken a purposeful person a little, but will not break him.

Find your meaning of life for yourself, find out what you are ready to do with pleasure every day and every hour that is useful for society.


Before starting a new relationship, be prepared for the fact that someday your loved one will be able to leave you.

Such thoughts will help you become more hardened and prepared, and next time you will no longer think about how to survive the breakup with your loved one.

anna base December 28, 2013

Man is originally a social being who cannot live without communication with his own kind. Therefore, our whole life is a series of meetings and farewells. And how you treat the inevitable depends on your relationship with people in the future.

Love is one of the most exciting and inexplicable feelings that arise in the human soul. It swoops in like a hurricane and deprives the mind and any desire to think rationally.

At first, you see only the best and most beautiful in the object of your love. But in the life of each of us there comes a moment when we have to say goodbye. There can be many reasons for this. But the most inexplicable of them is the departure of a loved one. A lot of questions are crowded in my head, thoughts are confused and life takes on a gray tint of longing.

Depending on how long the relationship was, parting can be different.

  1. A romance that lasted several months is hard to break. But the two do not yet know all the advantages and disadvantages of their soulmate and therefore cannot reliably assess the scale of the loss. It is difficult to lose the one you love, but during this period you have not yet recognized each other, and you have already managed to part. This speaks volumes. On your life path met not the person you need.
  2. Marriage that lasts more than 3 years. This is an already formed family, which has its own traditions and concepts of marriage. The separation of such couples is difficult. Passion and love have not yet faded away, it seems that everything can be corrected and “rewritten” family life again. But this is a delusion. If a person leaves, then he is uncomfortable with you today. By the way, the decision to leave the family is very difficult. Especially a man. After all, no matter how rude it sounds, a person is a very lazy creature and it is still necessary to decide to change the usual sofa, TV and kitchen for the unknown. So, he did not make his decision today. This is a carefully thought out and calculated action.
  3. And finally, the most difficult and tragic breakups are inherent in those people who have been married or in a relationship for more than 10 years. These are established couples who, at times, think one thought for two. There is such a close connection here that each half really feels like a part of something whole. Breaking such strong bonds can be very difficult. And both to the one from whom they leave, and to the one who leaves. For the most part, these are marriages in which there are children. It is they who suffer the most from the breakup of parental relationships. If adults, albeit with difficulty, but can understand the deed of the departing, then it can be impossible for children to explain this.

The first and most important thing to understand is that you should not get depressed after breaking up with your loved one. This will only exacerbate an already incomprehensible situation. Try to get over yourself and follow some of the advice of people who have experienced a breakup.

Parting with a loved one - tips

  1. The chaos that is going on in the head and soul at this time is simply beyond words. Questions are queuing for answers. The most intrusive of them:

- Why did this happen to me?

The answers to all these questions lie on the surface. It’s just that you don’t fit together and the reason is not only one of you. In a breakup, both partners are always to blame. And it happened to you because you just met on your way the wrong person who was supposed to be your destiny. Do not dwell on self-blame, do not blame yourself and do not indulge in bitter thoughts.

  1. Throw out all the accumulated negativity once, cry bitterly, close yourself in your room for a day and take pity on your loved one. But only one day. Do not flirt and do not feel sorry for yourself for too long. Otherwise, you are threatened with depression, which will result in self-doubt and low self-esteem. Tell your mother about your grief or best friend, but in no case put the status of parting with your loved one in social networks. Nevertheless, this is a deeply intimate incident that should not please your "well-wishers".

Upset? Enough! Pull yourself together and start doing your daily activities. It will be very difficult for you to force yourself, but it really helps to disconnect from emotional tension.

  1. Now you need to "put an end." Understand that the flame of hope for the revival of relations that burns in your heart is better to crush at the very beginning. This does not mean that you will not give a second chance to your loved one. Man is a rational being who can make mistakes, so your passion will be able to return to you only if you yourself want it. Just put up with what is today and do not allow the thought of begging your loved one for the return. Don't be humiliated. If a person decides so, then this is his decision, which must be respected. Let him go if you really love him. Consider the moment of his departure as a “point” in the epic of your love story.

Never make plans that supposedly will help you get your loved one back. Especially if it's a trick. Lies, sooner or later, will be revealed and it will only get worse. Do not lose respect for yourself, do not "roll" at the feet of your beloved and do not beg for a return. Then you will be very ashamed of yourself in front of others and yourself.

  1. If you decide to act, guided by common sense and reason, do not deviate from the intended goal. Get rid of intrusive thoughts like:

- Where else can I find such (such);

- I will never be as good as I was;

- Who needs my presence on this Earth now;

- I will never love anyone again.

Rave! Do not escalate the situation, sweep unnecessary thoughts out of your head, like old rubbish from a house. It is rightly said that thoughts are material. They only hurt, and they will not bring any benefit.

Our suffering is 90% our fantasies, which we experience again and again. Write on a piece of paper all your experiences and for each of them give 5 facts that this is true. It is doubtful that you will be able to substantiate even one of your obsessions.

The advice of psychologists on how to survive a breakup with a loved one and not fall into despair is unequivocal - get distracted from unnecessary thoughts.

  1. Force yourself to connect with other people. Try to switch your attention to their problems and questions. By isolating yourself from the world, you will only drive yourself into a corner even more and be left alone with your experiences. It's great if your work is connected with communication with people. Even if you get angry at someone around you, you can distract yourself from thinking about yourself. Especially this moment will be convenient in order to feel the parental "wing" again. Haven't been in your home for a long time? Drop everything and go to mom and dad. Walk around your native places, visit places where you have not been since childhood. Talk to your parents, sit at the family table. Meet old friends, remember happy moments and stories from adolescence. This is really proven advice that is worth listening to.
  2. Try to feel different. Change your hairstyle, styling, make-up style, clothes or behavior. Any experiments on oneself during the period of parting with a loved one will certainly be crowned with success. After all, the zeal with which a person is attached to making changes in his life during the period mental disorder, can give its results in the shortest possible time.
  3. Nothing helps? Thoughts continue to torment day and night? Go on a long journey. New people, new countries and nature, all this, like a balm for the soul, will be shed on a wounded heart. Go for as long as circumstances and means permit. The longer the better. Laze on the beach, go to restaurants and nightclubs, sightseeing, indulge in saving shopping. In general, do everything not to be left alone with your thoughts. Most importantly, in this mess of events, you can forget your difficulties, but there is also the opportunity to meet new relationships.
  4. Do good deeds! Go to the Baby House and play with the children, visit the Nursing Home, help your grandmother cross the road or buy her bread in the store. By doing good deeds, we begin to respect ourselves and take pride in our ability to be empathetic and the right person. This significantly increases self-esteem and helps to distract from the oppressive feeling of uselessness and loneliness. No need to "rush into the embrasure" and with increased fanaticism take on the overwhelming problems of strangers. Believe me, now you yourself need help.
  5. This advice is rather for those who have a literary talent. Pour out your pain on paper in prose or write poems about parting with a loved one. Perhaps this experiment will radically change your life and help you become a successful writer. In addition, your life experience is invaluable for those who have their whole life ahead of them. This work will help someone not to break loose and not to do trouble in difficult times.

What can not be done when a loved one leaves

Do not alienate loved ones and those who really want to help you in this difficult situation. Accept their help and do not close yourself in loneliness in your misfortune. By pushing everyone around, you will be left alone with your problems. And then it will be much more difficult for you to get out of depression. It is advisable, of course, to follow the tips described above, but you also need to know what not to do.

  1. Never start a new relationship to spite your former passion. Your emotional experiences will be noticeable to a new partner, and this hurts his pride and feelings. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to act and feel consciously in this situation. This romance will be doomed to another parting. Survive one misfortune or two, and even hurt someone who loves you - you choose.
  2. Do not accumulate in your soul plans for revenge in relation to the one who left you. Revenge is the weapon of the weak and stupid. Be above this low feeling. Besides, how can you "hook" the one to whom you are now indifferent? The result will be your additional suffering from the fact that you have simply exposed yourself to ridicule. In addition, seeing that you are not doing anything, the beloved will once again think about whether he made the right choice or not.
  3. Put away all your joint photos and video albums. Do not tear, do not wash, and do not throw away, just hide and forget this place for a while. Don't torture yourself with memories of happy times when you were there. These thoughts simply will not allow you to be distracted from your experiences, and you will again leave reality into the world of illusions. Know that if you could feel happy in the past, then in the future you will find even greater happiness.
  4. And the most important thing!

    Never stoop to a showdown. Everything this man wanted to do, he already did.

    Try to keep yourself with dignity even when fate brings you face to face. Don't beg for reciprocity. If he is not next to you, then so be it.
  5. Children. These are the ones who are most hurt by the breakup of their parents. They are the first to lose their footing and understand that now it will never be the same as before. Let it be bad, let it be hard, but not like when the family was together. They are frightened by the future and now it is necessary to think not only about their mental balance, but also about preventing them from being depressed. If you are recently divorced and have children in your arms, never manipulate their feelings. A person who left a family will never return to it only for the sake of children. Instead, let them communicate. Let the "traitor" himself understand what he needs in this life. In addition, the children will understand that nothing has changed for them. No one died or left their lives, everything remained in its place, only now you live separately.

The most terrible delusion is “what if…”. Don't be fooled! You can’t turn back time, and no matter what you did in the past, if a person left, then he had been hatching this plan for a long time.

Remember Yesenin? I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry, everything will go away like smoke from white apple trees ...

This is how your suffering will pass and the memories of the feeling that is tearing your heart today will be erased.

21 April 2017

Everyone has to deal with breakups in one way or another. And no matter how old you are and what is the reason for separation, the feelings caused by this event cause inexpressible pain, torment, torment and kill a piece of the soul. What happened is a huge stress for a person. Faced with this, he either closes in on himself, or begins to look for ways to survive parting with dear person, recover faster and return to normal life. Here is what experienced psychologists advise those who find themselves in a similar situation.

Why do people struggle with breakups?

Parting with a loved one causes a feeling of emptiness, grief and despair, causing hard-healing mental trauma. Among the main reasons that force us to react so sharply to a break in relationships, psychologists highlight the sincerity of feelings, affection, fear of loneliness and self-flagellation. Let's look at each factor in more detail.

Sincere love inspires and inspires, encourages you to give yourself completely and completely to your loved one. The lover cannot imagine life without a partner. A strong and all-encompassing feeling cannot disappear immediately after parting. It takes time to calm down and recover. Until emotions cool down and fade into the background, memories of parting will cause torment and pain.

It is no less difficult to part with a person to whom you are very attached. This is especially true for couples who have lived together for many years. For a long time, they have studied each other's habits well, learned to trust and predict the partner's reaction. Losing it in an instant is hard. It is difficult to realize and come to terms with the fact that everything is left behind.

Often the main reason forcing you to react sharply to parting is the fear of loneliness. An abandoned person has a sharp drop in self-esteem. Thoughts of unworthiness and inferiority are constantly spinning in my head. An obsessive fear “what if” appears: “What if I don’t meet anyone”, “What if I remain lonely (lonely) forever”, etc. Such reflections do not inspire optimism, make you feel sad and depressed, and more and more immerse you in negative feelings associated with separation.

Self-flagellation forces you to experience the fact of parting again and again. A person constantly returns his thoughts to the past, recalls the happy and joyful days lived together, looks through photographs, listens to music associated with a particular event. All this causes him to feel depressed and guilty, which do not allow him to quickly recover from the event. So how do you get over a breakup?

Psychologists' advice

Psychological practice shows that in order to survive a breakup, you need time and a person’s desire to cope with the problem. Do not hold on to the past and let go of all thoughts and feelings about the departed person. Understand: life goes on, and a new stage awaits you ahead. To make the breakup less painful, psychologists recommend following a certain sequence.

To begin with, take a sober look at what happened and reconsider your attitude towards your partner. After all, the very feeling of love does not cause suffering. They are caused by other motives masquerading as love: hurt pride or unbridled sense of ownership, the desire to live someone else's life or low self-esteem. Don't blame others for what happened. Take an honest look at your shortcomings and draw useful conclusions. Try to take them into account when building new relationships. Remember: tests are not given to a person just like that. They are needed to make us stronger and wiser.

Psychological practice shows that in order to survive a breakup, it takes time and a person’s desire to cope with the problem.

Try to find something positive in the breakup. Stop being offended and hating. Negative emotions destroy health. Throw away anything that reminds you of the departed person and evokes sorrowful memories, tears, or resentment. Do not lead a reclusive lifestyle. Communicate more with friends and family. Don't be afraid to tell them how you feel. By pouring out the experiences accumulated in the soul, you will feel relief. In addition, the support of loved ones will help to cope with low self-esteem and increase self-confidence.

Don't give up on new relationships. Understand: the gap that occurred was the beginning of a new life, full of new experiences, joys and meetings. Open your heart to new love, believe that you are worthy to love and be loved.

Ways of distraction

New hobbies and activities will help to leave the depression and negativity caused by the breakdown of relationships. You don't need to change your life drastically. It is enough to make a few innovations so that it sparkles with bright colors again. Here are some of the most popular ways to get over a breakup and rebuild.

Change your image. Psychologists say: a radical change in appearance helps to recover faster after a breakup. Change your haircut or dye your hair a different color. Refresh your wardrobe or completely change your style. Visit the beauty salon and enjoy a great time.

Go in for sports. Buy a gym membership. Physical activity can improve your mood and give you an extra boost of energy. In addition, this way you can increase confidence, keep fit, make new friends and attract enthusiastic looks from the opposite sex.

Take advantage of shopping therapy. For many women, this is the best way to cope with anxiety and depression. An updated wardrobe has a beneficial effect on mood, distracts from sad thoughts. Connect friends and girlfriends to the shopping trip, and then you will not only get new clothes, but also have fun.

Take a trip. Visiting unfamiliar places, you will get unforgettable impressions and emotions, enjoy the beauties of local nature and architecture, and be able to take a fresh look at your old life. Being far from the place where the break occurred, it is easier to analyze your actions and deeds, to reflect on why a loved one could stop loving.

Start home renovation. A small redevelopment, new wallpaper or a change of furniture is a great opportunity to get distracted. Arrange a holiday in a refreshed apartment. Enjoy chatting with friends, relax and have fun.

Visit theaters, exhibitions, museums. Go to the movies or read positive literature. Cultural outings will allow you to recharge your batteries and introduce beauty, change your worldview and become a source of positive emotions. In addition, you will have a wonderful chance to spiritual development and self-improvement.

Get a pet. Caring for a living being will be a great way to get rid of loneliness, help you get distracted and dull the pain of a breakup. An affectionate kitten or a funny puppy will not only brighten up your leisure time, but also become a source of great mood.

Popular techniques

There are many special practices that help to cope with stress and restore the joy of life. They may be useful to those who believe in the possibility of adjustment. energy body person. Here is some of them.

"Second birth". Get a bucket of cold water every morning. fingers right hand start spinning the whirlpool clockwise and say the following words: Pure water wash away my anger and attachments, help me to be reborn!” Repeat the phrase 6 times. Then pour the charmed water on the crown of your head. Try to follow the steps positive emotions. Imagine that you have just been born and are as pure as a baby.

"Firing connections". Get a wax candle (preferably a church one). Light it, take it with both hands and position it so that the flame is at the level of the knees. Slowly raise your arms up, keeping to the middle of the body. Linger in those places where the flame cracks and begins to flutter. At the same time, mentally evoke the image of the person who left you and say: “I am getting rid of all ties with you. I'm freeing myself from you. Forgive and let go." Bring the candle to forehead level and extinguish it.

"Ventilation of the Heart" Do the exercise in the evening before bed. Sit facing the window and put on soft music. Try to relax and get rid of bad thoughts. Apply some fir or lavender oil to the center of your chest, neck and forehead. Focus on inner feelings. Feel the pain and heaviness in the region of the heart that arise at the thought of the departed person. Take a deep breath and imagine that a hole appears in the center of your chest, through which pain and suffering begin to flow. Breathe slowly and deeply. Feel how with each exhalation your soul becomes lighter, a feeling of pleasant chill appears in your chest. When all the pain pours out, fill the resulting void with a warm feeling of love. Remember everything you love: beautiful sunsets, the smell of baking, parents and pets. Wait until the warmth spreads throughout the body, smile and go to bed.

Dealing with a loved one is hard. It takes time to come to terms with what happened and continue to live without the usual relationships. The realization does not immediately come that everything has changed and it will not work to return the past. The main thing - do not cheat yourself and do not look for someone to blame. Slowly, step by step, rebuild your life and move forward. Try to erase the memories of this person from your memory for the next few months. Follow the advice of psychologists on how to survive a breakup, and perhaps in the future you will remember this episode with a smile, as it will be the start of an amazing new relationship.

Psychology of divorce