What is knowledge in brief? What is knowledge? Definition in social studies, categories of knowledge. Knowledge and its formulation

when using materials from www.psi.webzone.ru This dictionary was created specifically for...

Existing types of spiritual activity What is human spiritual activity

We all do something all the time: we walk, read, work, buy, sleep, eat, breathe...

About the film “Noah”, or what is the sin of Ham

Noah, according to the Bible, is the last (tenth) of the antediluvian Old Testament patriarchs...

How to find a lost item in the house

The ancient occult science of numerology uses numbers as its main argument....

Unified matrix of runic signs Sector “Spirit” - Odal rune

Matrix of Runes, or Runic Matrix. What it is? Is there even such a thing...

Initial meditation Akashic Records meditation for beginners

You can learn to read your own Akashic Records by tapping into the knowledge of your...

Jesus Christ the Son of God, God who appeared in the flesh, who took upon Himself the sin of man, and with His sacrificial death made his salvation possible

Slide 2 “The Birth of Jesus” According to Christian doctrine, the appearance of Jesus is...

In which direction is prayer performed?

When performing prayer in Islam, you need to position yourself strictly in relation to...