If you hit a person. He knocked down a man at a pedestrian crossing, is it possible to avoid initiating a criminal case

Universal dream book

What does it mean if you dream of being hit by a car?

Interpretation of the dream book: Hit by a car - perhaps the dream signals an impending danger, in reality you should exercise extreme caution and attentiveness. You were hit by a car - you will get into a major alteration, your business area will suffer the most. Correct the situation will help active life position. Dream Interpretation Hit by a car usually portends a deception on the part of a partner or a broken deal. The accident was avoided or you were not injured during the impact - troubles will bypass you, although you should pay attention to your health. The car hit your relative or friend - he will need serious help, do not deprive him of attention.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream of being hit by a car in night dreams?

Hit by a car - in reality, wait for important news related to your work. For some reason, the project will not be completed on time, the business that you have been doing for a long time will no longer bring the desired profit, or you will have some difficulties. Dream Interpretation Hit by a car in some cases is interpreted positively. Perhaps soon you will hear about distant relatives with whom you have not previously maintained close relations.

After the accident, you remained unharmed - life will be prosperous and will delight you with joyful events. Why dream of a car hit - this is a warning, try not to risk your health, refuse to travel, be more careful. A dream sometimes indicates a contagious disease, so do not forget about prevention.

Erotic dream book

Why dream of being hit by a car in a dream?

A hit by a car speaks of an imminent love affair, it will be happy and durable if the driver of the vehicle is of the opposite sex, and you remain safe and sound after the accident. You knocked down a handsome person of the opposite sex - you will soon meet a person who is pleasant in all respects, whom you will fall in love with at first sight.

Psychological dream book

A car was hit by a dream - how to understand the image:

A car was hit by a car - it all depends on the general plot of the dream, your feelings and emotions from what you saw. Perhaps, at the subconscious level, you anticipate some kind of danger looming over your head, but you still cannot understand exactly where the threat comes from. Dream Interpretation A car knocked down portends problems at work, observation, developed intuition, and the ability to calculate in advance the possible moves of a competitor will help to understand what is happening and cope with negative events. In any case, be vigilant, refuse business trips, carefully read the contracts before signing them.

Hello, we don’t have sidewalks in our yard and there is a road near the entrance for both cars and people, but there is no sign of the pedestrian zone, today I was driving along this road and hit the man’s hand with a mirror (severe bruise, not a fracture), who is to blame, for which ...

June 26, 2017, 18:08, question #1678929 German, St. Petersburg

What threatens the driver if a child is knocked down not at a pedestrian crossing?

When turning from the main street, onto a secondary road, we slowed down for another foreign car in front of a pedestrian crossing. The car was parked with right side road, where there was a row of parked cars. And moved on, in the middle of the road. So...

26 June 2017, 15:42, question #1678749 Evgenia, Komsomolsk-on-Amur

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What threatens me if I hit a person outside the pedestrian crossing?

On June 15, 2017, at 15:29, he hit a man outside the pedestrian crossing, moved in parallel with a car in the same direction, but 5-7 meters behind, a drunk man ran out onto the roadway from the opposite side, the car managed to slow down on the left, and ...

What to do if a relative is hit by a car?

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What threatens a driver who knocked down a pedestrian if the pedestrian had no claims against the driver after the accident?

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How do I get compensation if I was hit by a car?

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April 30, 2017, 08:50, question #1625118 Popova Elena Igorevna, Severodvinsk

What threatens if I knocked down a person outside the pedestrian crossing?

the driver was driving a gazelle at a speed of 50 km / h, then a car in front of him braked sharply, the driver of the gazelle also began to slow down, and then a pedestrian jumped out from behind the car, respectively, right under the gazelle.

Knocked down a man at a pedestrian crossing, is it possible to avoid a criminal case?

Hello, I have such a situation, I hit a person in a pedestrian crossing by car in winter, this person received serious bodily harm, my case turned into a criminal one. Is it possible to negotiate with a person so that they do not start a criminal case against me?

I was hit by a car on purpose, the driver claims that I jumped under the car, what threatens?

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Accident with a pedestrian and compensation for non-pecuniary damage

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It is always best for a driver to remain at the scene of an accident in the event of an accident. And call the ambulance and the traffic police. This step already speaks of prudence and decency. This is already a "plus" in further proceedings.

Of course, even a law-abiding driver, a professional can knock down a person - pedestrians very often break the rules themselves traffic.

But hitting a motorcycle is very scary. Usually, the motorcycle rider suffers severely as a result of an accident, and the guilty driver may face criminal liability as the owner of a high-risk vehicle, even in the absence of culpable acts.

If you hit a person today, the following tips may come in handy. If it was already “yesterday”, it is better to meet with a specialist and get legal advice.

If you hit a person, and the driver himself suffered.

If the driver was immediately taken to the hospital from the scene of an accident, today the relatives need (before the first meeting of the driver with the investigator) to conclude an agreement with an accident lawyer. After that, the lawyer must prepare and explain the legal position, responsibility, ways to avoid punishment. Further - to protect the driver at all stages, up to justification.

If a person was hit, but the driver himself did not receive bodily injuries or received them slightly, and can remain in place

The following legal advice must be followed:

If the downed person was slightly injured and wants to leave without making any claims, he may be in shock. Subsequently, complaints of hidden injuries may appear. It is necessary to contact a lawyer, and (at least by phone) draw up a document on the innocence of the driver, which the downed person himself will sign under his dictation.

With more severe injuries, after calling an ambulance and the traffic police, in no case do not move the victim, so as not to harm more and not increase the injury.

Do not remove the vehicle from the scene. A change in its position leads to administrative liability for violation of clause 2.5 of the Rules of the Road, and, possibly, deprivation of the right to drive a car for up to 2 years.

Record the data of witnesses to the accident (who saw the events before and during the accident). It is desirable that they themselves identify themselves to the arrived traffic police officers and enter the data into the protocol.

Put up an emergency sign to the place where the skid marks begin. This will be evidence that the driver took measures to prevent the accident and in the future will allow the expert to calculate the speed of the car by the time the braking began.

Fix the location of the victim relative to the car, road signs, the location of glass fragments, plastic, etc. This is important in the case of an auto technical examination. Fix the condition of the roadway, the presence of slopes, road signs, damage to the vehicle. This can be done with a registrar, a camera, a mobile phone, etc. Even one circumstance, for example, a person was knocked down at a pedestrian crossing or in a place prohibited for traffic, gives rise to various measures of driver liability.

Do not refuse to sign the protocol. Moreover, it is obligatory to participate in the preparation of the protocol of inspection of the scene of the incident in order to record the measurement figures and other data entered, and if you disagree with the specified data, write your dissenting opinion or clarifications. Moreover, if you have your own lawyer, it is desirable that they be present at the scene of the accident when examining the scene of an accident.

Be calm and reasonable. Understand that a criminal case will be initiated only if the downed person is inflicted with grievous bodily harm or death, and even then not in all cases. If you did not have guilty actions (for example, a downed person threw himself under a car), illegal or intentional actions (for example, drunk driving, significant speeding, etc.), an experienced lawyer or accident lawyer can help you avoid criminal punishment .

Knocked down a man: responsibility

The responsibility of the driver, if he knocked down a person, is defined in the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO RF) and in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Depending on the culpability of the actions and the degree of harm to health, liability may be (but not necessarily exactly that) as follows:

In case of slight harm to health (Article 12.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) (a short-term health disorder or a slight permanent loss of general ability to work) - “imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to one and a half years ". In the case of guilty actions, the qualification can go into the framework of the criminal law.

In case of moderate harm to health (Article 12.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) (non-life-threatening long-term health disorder or significant permanent loss of general disability by less than one third) - “imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of ten thousand to twenty-five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles funds for a period of one and a half to two years. But if the qualification goes into Art. 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Intentional infliction of moderate harm to health", punishment "by restriction of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by forced labor for a term of up to three years, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years." And if several citizens were shot down, or a minor, helpless, the punishment could be with "imprisonment for up to five years."

If you hit a man to death

Upon the death of a downed citizen, criminal liability may be predominantly under Art. 105 or 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The measure of responsibility also depends on mitigating or aggravating circumstances, the behavior of the driver, and other circumstances of the case. Seemingly, the same circumstances can lead to different responsibilities.

Lawyers or attorneys can tell you more about liability in an accident when a citizen or a group of people was shot down, evaluating this particular situation with the circumstances that occurred. It is important to understand that under different circumstances, liability will be different.

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