Attract the dragon. A unique method of attracting good luck - "Dragon of Luck

You met a bright man, you want to know how to seduce the Dragon. We hasten to warn you: do not expect a quick and easy seduction. The dragon is an extraordinary person. He loves more than anyone in the world ... himself.

Often, women looking for an answer to the question of how to charm the Dragon see him as strong, reliable, loyal, enterprising, caring. And in fact, the chosen one may well turn out to be a complete egoist. How to understand the Dragon? The true face of the representative of the sign is revealed in communication. Be careful, observe the behavior of a man, evaluate not words, but actions.

Interested in how to conquer the Dragon? We offer a simple proven solution - astrological consultation. Every man born under this sign has his own characterological, psychological and, accordingly, behavioral characteristics. Many of them are dictated by the stars. Do you want to learn how to conquer the Dragon man? Our astrologers are at your service!

How to Attract a Dragon Man?

Dragon men attract the attention of women with their fiery temperament. They are extraordinary, always stand out from the crowd. How to attract a Dragon man to an average woman? First of all, you need to become interesting for the representative of this sign. To do this is not so difficult. The dragon loves women's society, flirting, loves to seduce. He will not miss the opportunity to meet a new woman.

The question of how to attract the Dragon may be relevant in several cases. Most often, they are asked by women who are not in the company of the alleged chosen one. Finding mutual acquaintances will help to correct the situation. This method is not available and the question of how to interest the Dragon man is still relevant? It's time to take the dating initiative into your own hands.

Dragons are used to wooing women. This is important to consider. Frontal attack in dealing with such men is inappropriate. Gentle but carefully thought-out tactics work much more effectively. How to interest the Dragon if you are not already familiar? Try to find out what he likes, or just observe the behavior. Surely there is something that can be made a starting point for future relationships.

How to please a Dragon man at the first meeting? Be uninhibited and relaxed, but don't fall for his tricks too quickly. For a conqueror, there is nothing more desirable than an inaccessible woman.

How to conquer the Dragon man?

The question is relevant for you, how to conquer the Dragon man? Don't look for easy ways. We also hasten to warn against common female mistakes. To understand how to conquer the Dragon, it is important to study the type. Representatives of this sign are fickle. Every second Dragon sins with this. Accordingly, 50% of relationships with women develop according to a certain scenario.

How to fall in love with a Dragon man, you should not especially think about it. He falls in love quickly and seemingly without looking back. But, alas, not for long. The question of how to make the Dragon fall in love is quickly replaced by another. It is more complex. How to keep the Dragon, experienced astrologers will tell you. A specialist can draw up a compatibility horoscope, develop recommendations for communicating with a representative of your chosen sign.

How to understand the Dragon man?

The Dragon man is a typical representative of the stronger sex. He is strong, purposeful, assertive. And also a man is selfish, amorous, windy. Well, how not to notice such a handsome man?

How to understand the Dragon man? With this, things are much more complicated than with seduction itself. To the question of how to seduce a Dragon man, the answer is universal: you just need to be a woman. It is not easy to understand the chosen one.

The dragon is inconsistent. In addition, he is prone to mood swings and opinions. At the same time, the Dragon is sure that he is right every time. He is unique. Always. Unconditionally. What the chosen one thinks about this is not at all important. The dragon quickly gets tired of the company of one woman. But you can’t call him an eternal womanizer either.

How to marry a dragon?

If you need an answer to the question of how to marry a Dragon, you cannot do without the help of specialists in the field of astrology. This sign is not easy to lasso. How to please the Dragon, you already know. As for the development of relationships up to marriage, there are a lot of nuances.

It is difficult to say which woman would be ideal for the Dragon. His changeable nature constantly wants something new. You can try to play it. The most painful thing for the Dragon is boredom. If a man is bored, he goes hunting. Accordingly, yesterday's chosen one remains out of work.

What to do to make a man want to marry? Be indispensable to him. At the same time, it is important to make it clear that he is not the meaning of your life. Difficult? You can't argue with that. But the effort is worth it. The dragon, although not ideal in marriage, will be quite a decent match for a woman who is not a hypocrite, an avid homebody.

How to keep the Dragon man?

Are you lucky enough to be the wife of the Dragon? Get ready for a truly royal life. And it's not about luxury. You will find constant tension, warming up feelings, testing endurance and emotional stability.

After a few years of marriage, the question of how to seduce the Dragon may become relevant. Does a man consider you a read book? Surprise, but avoid platitudes. Also be careful with the acting. Representatives of this sign do not like bad actors.

How to keep the Dragon man? You will have to work a lot, including on yourself. It is important to give your life partner something that he will not find in another new acquaintance. And this may not be bright emotions every day. Any man appreciates reliability and stability to a certain extent. Let him know that you can rely on.

But, providing the rear, do not forget about love. The dragon will not forgive his companion for indifference to intimate life, his appearance. A greasy robe is not the best clothing for meeting the Dragon Husband. Much more he will like to see his beloved in an elegant suit, simple, comfortable, so homely, but not without elegant details.

Perhaps each of us wondered how to attract good luck, luck, prosperity in your life. And someone stopped a long time ago and managed to find a solution: bought amulets, sang mantras or came up with a quick ritual to attract all the benefits, and now enjoys his life.

In this article, the site will talk about a unique technique that really works and allows you to attract good luck. This technique helps to open up to the World, the Universe and let miracles into your life. This is the brightest and most exciting adventure that can happen to anyone, provided that he really wants to change his life, fill it with luck, luck, happiness and love.

The "Green Dragon of Luck" technique is amazingly effective, as you will see for yourself if you use it. Try it, take a chance - you will not lose anything, but you can win many times more! And after some time, with firmness, say: “Yes, I know how to attract good luck in my life!”

So let's get started. First you need to get ... your own, personal dragon. Yes, yes, you read everything correctly, since you signed up for the ranks of luck hunters, you have to find and tame this wonderful creature. It will become your friend and helper.

How to find your personal dragon? For 30 minutes, get rid of all your affairs, get rid of noise and extraneous irritants. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Mentally imagine that you are in your favorite place, where you are the best in the world, nothing bothers you, you feel peace and satisfaction.

Perhaps you have never been to this place... Don't be afraid to dream, it's even useful for learning how to attract good luck. For example, you can find yourself in a picturesque corner of nature, on the seashore, in the place of your romantic meetings. Yes, let it be at least a football field - the main thing is that you feel good there. You love this place, and it loves you - mutually.

Now the most important thing begins.

Imagine in front of you a large egg, similar to a chicken, only about half a meter in diameter. The egg begins to sway, move and bounce. And then suddenly it cracks. And before your eyes appears a small creature of green-emerald color. That's what it is your Dragon of Luck. He is kind and friendly. Give him some milk and pat him on the head. He smiles charmingly and looks at you with cheerful, kind eyes. Most likely, your pet and future assistant is still that mischievous and wants to play with you. Love him with all your heart and give him a name. Not just some nickname, but such a name so that you can respect him as an equal, because he is your astral friend and helper. For example, you can name your luck dragon "Garpa".

Then imagine that the dragon has grown, just be careful with the size - 5-7 meters is fine. Let him be big, strong and handsome, with emerald scales, with yellow eyes. Now it is already an adult and very wise dragon. He really shines with cheerfulness, loves you and this world. He is calm and confident. He is almost omnipotent. He also loves miracles and unusual wonderful people.

You got acquainted with the character of your Dragon of Luck - now invite him to live with you. He will gladly agree, as he is very attached to you. Think of where to put him - mentally equip him with a convenient and comfortable place. From now on, the Dragon of Luck lives in your house, which means luck itself.

Now remember the most important thing. Every time you leave home for work, for a visit, for a walk, call your Dragon with you. Or rather, and this is extremely important, send it ahead of you. Let him fly along your current route twenty minutes before you. Tell him (better even out loud): “Fly, my Dragon of Fortune. You go ahead, I follow you." And imagine how he warms up, stretches and spreads his wings, how he takes off, smiles, anticipating the next meeting with the world. How beautifully he takes off and flies forward. Then calmly follow him.

You will immediately feel: this has never happened to you. You are following in the footsteps of the Dragon of Fortune. People will smile at you, even nature will give you smiles, because everyone loves the Lucky Dragon. Everything will turn out smoothly for you, since the Dragon has already tried to prepare a line of luck for you. Perhaps, around some corner, a surprise awaits you, a small, or maybe a big miracle.

All this was done just for you by the Dragon of Fortune. For example, unexpected pleasant meetings, acquaintances with interesting people... If you go to work, and you have a serious conversation with your boss, feel free to go to this meeting. You can be calm - the Dragon of Fortune has already "spoke" with your boss. Imagine this conversation and the director's face... And now he is quietly and happily waiting for you to cross the threshold of his office. If you have a meeting with friends, then you don’t have to worry either - the Dragon has already made sure that the party is fun. Well, if you have a date, then your Dragon of Luck will try to inspire the best dreams of your chosen one. Buses will arrive on time, and if they are delayed, then this is just a great idea for another surprise from the Dragon, a pleasant surprise. Do not forget - he loves to fool around, so be prepared for miracles. They will fill your life, will attract money, prosperity, necessary and interesting acquaintances.

Thanks to your personal Dragon of Fortune, you will avoid trouble and catch miracles, knowledge and joy from everyday days. And when you return home, the happy Dragon will already be snoring quietly from bright colorful dreams ... Do not forget to wish him good night and thank him for a wonderful day.

How does the Lucky Dragon work?

It is easy to explain why this technique is strong. The fact is that the Dragon of Luck is just a part of yourself, which you visualize every day and thereby make you stronger. She is very lucky and open to the wonders of the world. She makes everything easy. By sending it ahead of you, you really tune in to the wave of attracting good luck into your life, discarding troubles and hardships. You open your heart to the world, show him your readiness for miracles and the joy of meeting them. You are not in the mood to reflect dirty tricks and malice, because you know that this is not necessary with the Dragon of Luck. He will take care of you.

But that is not all. It's worth knowing that green color- it is the color of good luck, heart chakra, love for the world, openness, life force. That is why Lucky Dragons are born emerald green.

This technique has one very interesting side effect. By launching your Dragon, you are preparing people to meet you. Many who began to practice this technique noted this effect. If there were cases that people shuddered at the unexpected appearance of a person, then after they were visited by his personal Dragon, they said: “Oh, you know, I just remembered you” or “And we were waiting for you.” With the advent of the Dragon of Luck, life becomes more interesting and diverse. You yourself will soon feel how much happier and more successful you have become with your Dragon of Luck and you will never want to part with it ...

Don't think this is a joke!

This fabulous technique is several thousand years old. She was born among the ancient shamans and has not undergone significant changes to this day. And today, those who have filled their lives to the brim with magic use similar techniques for programming and building a successful day. Use it and you, if you like it.

Now I will tell you about a unique technique that really allows for every day. It helps open up the world. You let miracles into your life. Everything is bright and exciting. The technique is amazingly effective, as you will see for yourself. And it is called "Green Dragon of Fortune." Try it and I guarantee you won't regret it.
First you need to get... a personal dragon. Yes, yes, I'm not kidding, we must find and tame this wonderful animal. It will be our friend and helper. To do this, you need to be free from all cases for half an hour. Get rid of noise and extraneous irritants. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
Mentally imagine: you are in your favorite place, where you are the best in the world.
Even if you have never been there... Remember how in the fairy tale "Cinderella" the magician took all the participants of the ball to their favorite places... And you can settle down in a picturesque corner of nature, on the seashore, in the place of your romantic meetings. Yes, let it be at least a football field - the main thing is that you feel good there. You love this place, and it loves you - mutually. Now the most important thing begins.
Imagine: in front of you is a large egg, similar to a chicken, in diameter - fifty centimeters. This egg begins to sway, move and bounce. And then suddenly it cracks. A small creature of green-emerald color appears before your eyes. This is your Lucky Dragon. He is very affectionate and friendly. Urgently feed him - give a bowl of milk and pat on the head. He has a charming smile and cheerful, kind eyes. Most likely, your pet and future assistant is a lover of mischief. Play with him. Love him with all your heart. Give it a name. Not a nickname, but such that you can respect, as an equal, your astral friend and helper. For example, I named mine "Garp".
Then imagine that he has grown, just do not overdo it with the size. Five to seven meters is enough. Let him be big, strong and beautiful, with shiny green-emerald scales, with yellow eyes. Now it is already an adult and very wise dragon. He really shines with cheerfulness and loves you and this world. He is calm and confident. He is almost omnipotent. He also loves miracles and unusual wonderful people.
You have familiarized yourself with the character of your Dragon of Luck - now invite him to live with you. He will go with joy, because he is attached to you with the tenderest love as to himself. to the best friend. Think about where he will live. Mentally equip him with a convenient and comfortable place. From now on, the Dragon of Luck lives in your house, which means luck itself.

And now the most important thing. Every time you leave home for work, for a visit, for a walk, call your Dragon with you. Or rather, and this is extremely important, send it ahead of you. Let, suppose, he takes off on your today's route about twenty minutes before you. Tell him, better even out loud: “Fly, my Lucky Dragon. You go ahead, I follow you." And imagine how he kneads and spreads his wings, how he takes off, smiles, looking forward to the next meeting with the world. How beautifully he takes off and flies forward. Then calmly follow him.
You will immediately feel: this has never happened to you. You are following in the footsteps of the Dragon of Fortune. People will smile at you, even nature will give you smiles, because everyone loves you. Everything will turn out smoothly for you, since the Dragon has already tried to prepare a line of luck for you. Perhaps around some corner you will find a surprise or a small miracle. The Dragon of Luck did this for you too.
For example, unexpected pleasant meetings, acquaintances with interesting people ... If you go to work, and you have a serious conversation with the director, feel free to step into his office. You can be calm - the Dragon of Fortune has already "spoke" with your director. Imagine this conversation and the director's face... And now he is quietly and happily waiting for you to cross the threshold of his office. If you have a meeting with friends, then you don’t have to worry either - the Dragon has already made sure that the party is fun. Well, if you have a date, then your Dragon of Luck will try to inspire the best dreams of your companion. Buses will arrive on time, and if they are delayed, expect another surprise from the Dragon. Don't forget - he loves to play pranks. So get ready for miracles.
With your personal Dragon of Fortune, you will, avoiding trouble, catch miracles, knowledge and joy from everyday life. And when you return home, the contented Dragon will already be snoring quietly from bright colorful dreams... Don't forget to wish him good night and thank him for a wonderful day.

How does the Lucky Dragon work?

Why is this technique effective? I'll explain now. The fact is that the Dragon of Luck is your part, which you visualize and thereby make stronger. She is very lucky and open to the wonders of the world. She makes everything easy. By sending it ahead of you, you really build a line of luck, discarding troubles. You open up to the world, show it that you are ready and glad to meet it. You are not in the mood to reflect dirty tricks and malice, because you know that this is not necessary with the Dragon of Luck. He will take care of you.
Moreover, green is the color of good luck, the heart chakra, love for the world, openness. That is why Lucky Dragons are born emerald green.
This technique has one very interesting side effect. By launching your Dragon, you are preparing people to meet you. When I started practicing this technique, I immediately noticed it. If earlier people shuddered at my unexpected appearance, then after my Dragon visited them, they said: “Oh, you know, I just remembered you” or “And we were waiting for you.” With the advent of the Dragon of Luck, life becomes more interesting and diverse. In general, I am terribly pleased with my Dragon of Fortune and now I will never part with him ...

Don't think this is a joke!
This fabulous technique is several thousand years old. She was born to the ancient shamans and has not changed a bit to this day. And today, those who have filled their lives to the brim with magic use similar techniques for programming and building a successful day. Use it and you, if you like it.

From the book by A. Razumov "The book of attracting good luck into your life"

feng shui dragons most often used to ensure material prosperity. Here are a few rules for using dragon symbols to attract wealth:
1. It is favorable to have a figurine of a dragon in any part of the house (or even in the car). This has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the whole family. But the best sector for this purpose is the eastern sector of the house.
2. In the East they like to include images of a dragon in company logos. The dragon in feng shui symbolizes the prosperity and growth of enterprises, therefore, in the office of the director of the company, a statue of a dragon must be placed, as well as in other important office and retail premises. Top Sectors - north (career) southeast (wealth), northwest (influential patrons).
3. You can also put the dragon next to the window so that it looks at the river, lake or sea. This helps him to attract the luck of wealth. In urban areas, roads play the role of rivers.
4. It is recommended to keep 1, 2, 5, 6 or 9 dragons at home, but it is still better, no more than 5. Feng Shui dragons contribute to the growth of a very large yang energy, whose excess is not useful for everyone.
5. feng shui dragon should never be above eye level, it can get out of your control.

A dragon holding a magical pearl of wisdom is a symbol of complete harmony and achievement of a goal. The dragon, also a symbol of fortitude, the keeper of treasures and secrets, is a symbol of vigilance and security in Feng Shui, brings prosperity and protection to the house.

The dragon is a divine being that contains the spirit of Earth and Sky. He exhales divine Qi - wholesome, pure energy. The dragon symbolizes strength and generosity, courage and endurance. It carries the spirit of rebirth and change, life-giving rain, representing the productive forces of nature.

The dragon guards the dwelling, expels evil spirits from it. This is a classic talisman of the third zone of Feng Shui in the East. Living inside the house, the Dragon will bring money into it.

The dragon brings success in business. He must be depicted with a magical pearl - a symbol of spiritual and material wealth. This magical pearl is a symbol of the inseparability of matter and spirit. If the dragon does not have a pearl, he is angry and does not bring good luck.

The Dragon should have four claws on each paw, if five claws is an Imperial Dragon, its strength is too great for an apartment. But it will fit perfectly into the office, as it brings success in business, promotes career growth, financial success, protects a person from unscrupulous partners, competitors and, in general, from unkind people.

It is good for the Dragon if it is near water: put it next to the aquarium or kitchen sink. This will bring prosperity to your home. You can not put the Dragon in the toilet or bathroom. The dragon should also not look in the direction of the toilet or bathroom.

The image of the Dragon greatly activates the love luck of a single woman living alone or with her mother, where the balance of yin-yang is disturbed towards the yin principle. Dragon Qi will bring yang energy to such a home.
The best place for the Dragon in such a house is the living room.

The dragon is a strong being and he should not dominate you in your home. Therefore, if people born in the year of the Dog live in the house, then only a small figurine or an image of a dragon should be kept in the house.
If you were born in the year of the Dragon or the year of the Tiger, then the Dragon is well compatible with your home.

The dragon is a symbol of Yang energy, therefore it patronizes the strong half of humanity.

Opening the Dragon's eyes will activate it. This can be done in the following way: determine by Chinese calendar the day of the Dragon and in the morning, between 7 and 9 o'clock in your local time, with a new brush and black ink, dot the eyes of the figure or the image of the Dragon. Just make sure that during the ceremony the Dragon looks to the East. And you can also activate the Dragon by symbolically consecrating the Dragon's eyes with an incense stick.

The dragon turtle is a magical animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle - a unique symbol of harmony with the universe.

The dragon turtle serves as a protection for the family's capital, marital well-being and reduces quarrels in the family. The wisdom and health of the Turtle, combined with the intelligence and vigilance of the Dragon, can work wonders.

The dragon turtle protects from the wrath of the prince of the year Tai-Sui. It is believed that the Grand Duke of the year "Tai Sui" likes when the Dragon Turtles look at him, and the prince does not show his anger at people.

Works anywhere in the house, but the best place for the Dragon Turtle is Feng Shui Zone 3 in the East or Feng Shui Zone 1 in the North.

One of the best additions to the Elder Scrolls game world is dragons. Since there are a lot of these flying, deadly creatures, and they are not very friendly. You will have many chances to blunt your sword on their scales. What starts as a one-off brawl in a random location then turns into a real fight. Arriving in the city, you will hear a deafening roar of a dragon, from which buildings will shudder, and as soon as this monster notices you, a fight will begin.

Fighting dragons is not easy. Every time you think that it has become easy to cope with a dragon, a new one will appear - even bigger and scarier.

However, there are some tricks that can make fighting dragons easier. In this article, we will tell you how to fill up any dragon in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. You will learn what strategy to use against which dragon is better to use, what equipment to choose, and most importantly - where are the lairs of dragons in Skyrim!

Basic information about dragons

In theory, fighting dragons in Skyrim might be easy, but in practice, it's not. Dragons will not tolerate your scratches and light blows. There are many things that will not work with these monsters. Everything is complicated by your playing style, but more on that later. However, the reward for killing them is worth the effort - the dragons can "give" you a huge number of points, as well as scales and bones, which can be sold for a considerable amount, for which, in turn, you can buy good weapons and armor.

It seems that dragons do not lose energy and magic, so cold or lightning is powerless here. Their breath can be subdued by Shouting, but it cannot be weakened. So you will need to have a couple of potions with you to resist fire or ice in order to prepare for the next attacks.

First, dragons cannot be frozen, paralyzed, or immobilized in any other way. You can beat them off with fairly powerful attacks, but you can’t kill them with this. They bounce for a moment, and then go on the attack again. A short pause is just enough to raise the shield. This means that melee with them can be a real challenge. Even if other characters help you, the dragon will swing its tail, wings and incinerate everyone with its breath

However, this does not mean at all that you should not fight dragons in a group. If you have an ally, you can surround the dragon and try to confuse him. He will move his head back and forth, wondering who to attack, which means that he will attack you and your ally once or twice before you lull his guard. Somewhere in the middle of the game, there is a chance that you will be able to attack the dragon with three people, and this will make it much easier to fight them in their nests.

Thus, there is an almost "ideal" way to hunt a dragon, as well as ways specific to each of the three types of characters. Here are the most important points to kill those flying hulks.

Dragon fight strategy

There are four approaches to dragon hunting: three of them are based on each of the main classes, and one is considered the most advanced. Each battle strategy has several main features, in particular, you need to have equipment and potions with you that will help you withstand physical damage, as well as ice and fire. Otherwise, your play style will dictate the course and difficulty of the fight, as well as how you best change your tactics.

The most important thing in these battles is which Shout you use. The most effective Shouts for fighting dragons in Skyrim are:

✓ Fire Breath - very useful in the battle against ice dragons
✓ Frost Breath - use it against fire breathing dragons
✓ Marked for Death - especially effective against dragons on the ground
✓ Dragonrend: You will get it towards the end storyline when you fight dragons all the time. But, since this Shout forces the dragons to land, it is better to use it at the end of the fight.

There are other Shouts that can be useful depending on your playstyle or specific situation, but these are the most common. Eg:

✓ Become Ethereal or Slow Time - can help if your hit points are too low.
✓ Animal Allegiance - useful if you are fighting a dragon next to a mammoth or saber-toothed cat. This shout can be used for extra help.
✓ Call Dragon or Call of Valor - These Shouts can be especially useful, however, they can be inconvenient due to the time they need to cool down.

As long as you don't have a Dragonrend, you will have to manually force the dragon to land. Try to stay outside at all times. If you're on a mountain path, run back onto a flat surface, or climb up a plateau to force the dragon to land for a hand-to-hand fight. Of course, the dragon doesn't have to land just because you're out in the open - it can keep attacking you with its breath, but that's the only way to get to them.

Optimal equipment for fighting dragons

For perfect equipment, you need to have a strong bow and excellent sorcery, a strong melee weapon and a shield or second weapon. Armor is not that important, so light or heavy will do, as long as you move fast.

If you wear a ring or amulet that helps soften the blow from the dragon's breath, then you will be able to withstand the most difficult parts of the battle.

Weapons and shields can be replaced with dual magic if you are a mage of course - just be sure you don't use the magic of the same element as the dragon's breath, otherwise it won't deal as much damage. If you've fortified fire magic enough, for example, it's worth using it against ice dragons, although you shouldn't expect it to work wonders. However, the mage still needs a sword (or the Bound Bow spell), as the dragon is constantly moving and will move out of the cast's range.

A good buff on a bow is elemental damage (although you'll need to use two bows for different types of dragons) or Silent Moon Enchant. While the Silent Moon Enchant is only useful at night, the damage bonus it gives is very effective. It is worth using Absorb Health, because, believe me, you will lose enough health.

With this set, you can easily fire your bow until the dragon gets close enough to cast a spell, shout, or melee weapon. To be honest, this set is easy to play with and will help in any situation - the dragon is in front of you or not.

Equipment and weapons of the Warrior

Surprising as it may be, warriors have plenty of time to fight dragons. If you're playing a pure melee character, without taking advantage of spells or ranged weapons, then you'll only have screams to fight dragons. As you might guess, it's not peaches and rainbows for you when the dragon really wants to fry you straight from the sky without even landing. In this case, you have only one choice, wait until the dragon lands...

If you're a fan of fist-flapping, you'd better not fight the dragon until you get the Dragonrend shout. This scream weakens the dragon's defenses and forces it to land. You can get this shout during the main storyline, after completing the Alduin's Bane quest. Having received this cry, you can even make it so that the dragon does not take off at all. So you can run up to the ready with your weapon and hit him properly.

All of the above seems simple, but until you get this ability, every fight with a dragon will be a real test of patience if you do not want to use a bow or magic. It is best to get an ally who uses magic or a bow, and then hide, giving him the opportunity to prove himself. Go inside the tent, under the canopy, or at least hide behind a shield (if you have the Elemental Protection perk). Once the dragon lands, load up and fire, preferably before it hits you. Repeat to complete the battle.

You can use Shouts to deliver long range attacks. If this is the case, consider taking the Talos Amulet, as it reduces the recharge time by 20%.

Thief equipment and weapons

One hand-to-hand combat is not enough to emerge victorious from the battle with the dragon. The problem is that you can't use surprise attacks on them, and most likely you use daggers that don't deal serious damage to dragons. For such situations, you must use a powerful sword. It is best to use the bow on dragons, mammoths and in serious battles in order to gain enough experience and cause serious damage to the dragons with arrows. Take your strongest bow, strengthen it properly, and then buy the best arrows to deal as much damage as possible.

Even if you are used to using a bow in all battles, it is better to take a shield with you when fighting a dragon. Fortify your Fortify Health shield so you have the guts to face this flying creature. However, if you want to step back a little to have more space anyway, then use the weapon quick switch menu to instantly change it to a bow.

To be honest, a thief should have the easiest time with dragons. The bow is an incredibly powerful weapon when trained and can take out a dragon no matter where it is. Of course, you might think that the hand-to-hand combat lover is the easiest, but until you get the Dragonrend, the dragon may not land at all, then things will smell fried. Even if this happens, the archer can noticeably damage his health while the master of hand-to-hand combat is helpless.

Mage equipment for hunting dragons

There are two different types of magicians: those who run around in a long cloak and use pure magic, and those who use armor and weapons for "extra effect". Both should have no problem with dragons as long as they have the necessary abilities to deal with each type of dragon.

Pure mages will have a hard time, as only destruction magic will help here, although the Atronach can help if the enemy is far away. The illusion doesn't work without a high level of perks, and the Atronach will be practically useless. A high-level destruction ability, coupled with the right perks, will allow you to deal with dragons when they are far and near.

Here's an example of a good strategy, say, while fighting an ice dragon: grab a Flame Atronach and start hitting the dragon with fireballs (with one hand to save magic) until it gets closer. As soon as he gets close, take a fire spell in both hands and don't forget to absorb potions to save magic until the dragon dies or takes off again. Don't forget that since these spells ignite instantly, they are good to use on flying dragons, as you don't need to aim your shots, and they can also make the dragon land.

One of the safest ways to kill a dragon (if you are a mage) is to use a battle mage. Wear strong armor, and don't forget to strengthen it properly to increase your stamina level, then take weapons that can literally "suck" the health out of enemies - a sword is best here, as it is the fastest. The dragon will be confused and will constantly turn around to keep up with you, and in the meantime you can reduce his health and, as they say, go your own way.

To be honest, the mage can deal with the dragon quite easily, so if you have the opportunity to strengthen your equipment and magic level, everything should go well.

Dragons in Skyrim

Now let's talk about where to find and how to defeat story dragons in Skyrim, random dragons, as well as where the dragon nests are and how best to get to them.

As your level increases, you will meet more and more powerful dragons on your way. Most of these changes are just "cosmetic", but there are some differences between different breeds of dragons. There are a number of named dragons in the game, although they are just a boosted version of a certain type of dragon.

The Dragon

This is a common type of dragon. They do not have any special abilities, although they can still tear an unprepared player to shreds. Their attacks consist of fire or ice and, depending on the dragon, bite or lash blows that harm those on their sides. However, they are not very fast, so it is possible to strike by circling around them.

Blood Dragon

The blood dragon is the same as a regular dragon, with only one addition: a devastating tail slash. Those who try to get around him from behind will be smashed to pieces by a powerful shovel-like tail. If you do decide to go around him from behind, it is best to do this between the tail and the wing, closer to the wing than to the tail. So he will have to at least turn around a little before slapping you with his tail.

Ice Dragon

In a sense, the Ice Dragon is an upgraded version of the regular dragon, although it is dangerous to underestimate this monster. While other dragons can use ice breath to attack, the Ice Dragon uses an incredibly powerful explosion that can easily negate your entire energy bar. Then you will not be able to use powerful attacks or run away from the explosion. Very often, this dragon flew somewhere nearby, allegedly accidentally hooking you and depleting all your energy, and then landing nearby and starting to spit huge balls of ice.

old dragon

This is a real brain teaser. These dragons are some of the most powerful enemies a Dragonborn can face in the world of Skyrim. They have a very powerful bite and tail lash, and their breath is especially destructive. They can also set you on fire, and you will have to dance in the fire, wasting precious energy. All of their attacks are very painful, so make sure you have good defensive equipment with you.

ancient dragon

Ancient Dragons are the same Old Dragons, only in a different color scheme and slightly more powerful. By the time they start appearing, when you get to level 40-45, the difference between them and the Old Ones will be almost invisible.

Bone Dragon

By all indications, the Skeleton Dragon is a fortified Blood Dragon, although it can use both fire and ice at the same time. He is very durable, plus he has all the strength and weakness of the "undead". One of the dragons of this kind lives in the Labyrinthian, and the rest only seem to be ridiculous misunderstandings - as if the ghoul continues to attack you. Since this dragon is rooted to the ground, you can run away from it, land a couple of blows from a distance, and then run away again. Just keep watching your energy if you don't want to just go with it.

Dragons of Skyrim main storyline

With these dragons, you cannot avoid meeting during the main storyline. To complete the game, you will only have to fight five dragons, although you will be attacked by others along the way. There are even unique dragons in the service of Alduin, but about them a little later.


The first dragon you will have to fight is Mirmulnir. It is not so scary even for an unprepared player, since your allies will fight next to you. Since Mirmulnir is distracted by other characters, you have a choice of how to deal with him. This battle is very easy.

It is best for a hand-to-hand combat fan to stay in the tower and watch the movements of the monster until it lands. Run out of the tower, land a couple of hits, and then hide in the tower again while he flies in the air. Mages can do the same, because you are unlikely to be ready to fight a dragon head-to-head right now.

However, the easiest way to deal with a dragon is to bring a bow with you. While he can shoot fire at you while you're on the tower, if you go down the stairs, he won't be able to reach you. Keep going down the stairs while he's attacking and shoot him from the tower while he's distracted by others. So you will quickly deal with him, and you will get your first dragon soul.


Further along the main quest line, you will need to climb a mountain in a cloud of snow. Your goal is to get to the dragon's burial place with Delphine, but there you will find an unpleasant surprise. Saloknir obeys his master's words, attacking you and all your allies. If you do not have the necessary equipment or potions with you, then, as they say, you have hit.

Saloknir is a more powerful version of the Blood Dragon. This can be a very difficult fight given how powerful he is, but you can have two allies with you. For Mages: If you can't get the Atronach, then you can complete the A Night to Remember quest to get the unique Sanguine Rose artifact. This will allow you to take a Dremora, which will help in the battle. If you use a sword, you will not have any problems, besides, Delphine is also a master of it.

Meet at Kartsspire

Arriving in Karthspire, you, Delphine and Esbern will find themselves under siege from numerous Forsworn and a furious Ice Dragon. Usually the Forsworn are distracted by the flying giant, but sometimes they turn their anger on you and things get out of control. Luckily, this happens on rare occasions, so most of the fight can be focused on the dragon. Esbern's Frost Atronach is especially useful in getting a dragon's attention.

The dragon itself should not be a problem for you. Since more than one ally is helping you, the monster must fall quickly. What complicates the situation is that immediately after you deal with the dragon, you will also have to deal with Forsworn. Luckily, the dragon itself will help you get rid of many of these freaks running around during their rage attacks.


First meeting. Honestly, this is without a doubt the most difficult battle in the game. No matter how well prepared you are, Alduin is powerful enough to ruin a day. Even if you came with a follower, allies and the help of Paarthurnax, you will still die 1-2 times during the battle.

Everything Alduin does, he does with fire, so you'll need gear to counter his attacks. His attacks: fiery rain from heaven, breathing fire, a very powerful bite and a devastating tail whip. While it bites you, fireballs will fall from above, so your only choice is to just endure the battle. It is practically indestructible until you use the Dragonrend shout.

In theory, defeating him is quite easy, but in practice it is a completely different matter. As it flies in circles, shoot it with a fully charged Dragonrend shout. This will force him to land and also make him more or less vulnerable. Prepare your most powerful weapon, or ice spells, and hit the bastard. Keep your healing spells and potions ready at all times, while still loading him up with your most powerful attacks. Don't risk it, replenish your health as soon as it starts to fall, so that death does not take you by surprise, and soon he should fall.

Second meeting. Unlike your previous encounter with the dragon, this fight is quite simple. Although all companions can be left behind, three of the most powerful warriors in Sovangard will fight with you. In addition, by this time you will already be quite experienced, and you will also have improved equipment. And Alduin will be almost defenseless next to the four heroes.

When the four of you reach the foggy area, choose the Clear Skies shout. Wait until you are told to use it, then use the third level shout to clear the fog. This will have to be repeated several times until Alduin stops hiding. When the dragon appears, your friends will start attacking it, however, it is invulnerable until you use the Dragonrend cry on it. Drop him to the ground with this shout, and you can start attacking him with the whole quartet. He fights in the same manner as before, but now he has many more targets to distract him from you. These battles are pretty easy to complete even with simple healing items.

Nests and other dragons in Skyrim

All the dragons described above are not the only ones you will meet in the game. There are also four "named" dragons here, as well as random dragons in almost every location and a few more in the wasteland. There are also nests where dragons guard walls of words. As you advance in the game, you will pass checkpoints and dragons will become a more familiar sight:

✓ The first checkpoint will be after killing Mirmulnir. After that, dragons will appear all over the world, although still rarely.
✓ The second checkpoint is after getting the Dragonrend shout. There will be more dragons, they will appear more and more often as soon as you arrive in the city.
✓ The last point will be after the completion of the main storyline. Dragons will appear constantly, attacking you every time you drive into a city or dungeon.


Arriving in a small village where you have not been before, you will meet Nahagliv. For example, you arrived in Rorikstead during the quest A Night to Remember, where you have not been before, and this "guy" will fall on you like snow on your head. It can be considered a more enhanced version of the blood dragon.


After the wise dragon helps you deal with Alduin for the first time, the Blades will demand that you kill Paarthurnax in retaliation for his actions years ago. If you refuse, they will no longer show you other dragon nests, which means you can forget about helping to kill dragons. And if you do this, it will anger the Greybeards, and they will no longer tell you where the Words of Power can be.

Either way, this dragon is pretty easy to kill. Shoot him with the Dragonrend shout until he attacks you, and then crush him with your most powerful attacks. It falls surprisingly fast.


Winturut is an occasional dragon, however he is very dangerous. He will attack you after a random dungeon, appearing at the end of the Thieves Guild quest. Depending on where this ice dragon attacks you, it may have an ally - another ice dragon or a weaker blood dragon. Just in case, replenish your health before leaving any dungeon after you get the Dragonrend, because it won't appear before anyway.


One of the most dangerous random enemies in the game. A very powerful old dragon that will attack you on your way to the Word of Power. For example, this can happen on the way to Greywater Gorge or Gray Crone Rock. In any case, during his attack you need to be at the peak of your game, as one breath can kill a weak character, especially if you do not have enough hit points or resistance to fire.

Dragon Nests

Ancient Ascent

Ancients Ascent is located in the mountains, east of Falkreath. There are two paths to the mountain. The first is a mountain path on the side of the mountain, often guarded by a dragon who will try to weaken you before you reach the winged monster that lives above. The easiest way to get up is to go through Bonechill Passage, a small cave with ice trolls. This is 100% the simplest and easiest way, so go ahead.

autumn watch tower

The tower is in the southeast of Ivarstead, up a winding path through the mountains. Getting there is much harder than fighting the dragon itself. Unfortunately, along the way you will meet a bunch of bears, who strive to distract you from the main task. This is usually one of the first places you should meet dragon hunters.

Bonestrew Crest

This is one of the most easily accessible nests. Head south from Winterhold, straight through the woods and up the mountains. Of course, more often than not the dragon itself will find you and attack long before you even get to the word wall. By the way, be careful: somewhere here lives the absolutely harmless dragon Hagraven, and if you hit her, she can become brutal.

Eldersblood Peak

This is a real thorn in your armor. You can get to the top either up the mountain north of Rannveig's Fast, or along the winding path south of Morthal. This path is more dangerous, because on the narrow paths you will meet ice trolls. If a dragon attacks you here, you will not avoid problems. It is better to go through the mountains, because then the dragon will attack you in the open.

Lost Tongue Overlook

Another easy dragon lair: to get to it, you just need to go through the wastelands, south of Riften, and then go up the southeast path. The dragon will attack you on the main road, so you won't have any problems with it. Once he is dead, you can continue your climb to the word wall.

Mount Anthor

Not the easiest road. The local dragon loves to roam, which means you will have to fight him before you start climbing the mountain, or you can meet him on a narrow path. On the way you will also meet polar bears, giants, and sometimes even ice trolls, and they will try to get your attention sooooo diligently. In addition, a second dragon will fly somewhere nearby, which will attack even before you have time to deal with the first.

Encyclopedia of diseases