Lives of the Saints. The complete life of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt

Portal republishes the life of St. Spyridon, published in 2005 by the Tabernacle publishing house ( Bugaevsky A.V. Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky. His life, deeds and miracles, set out according to ancient Greek manuscripts. - M .: Tabernacle, 2005. - 64 p.).

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky (Salamis), a miracle worker, was born at the end of the 3rd century on the island of Cyprus.

From childhood, Saint Spyridon grazed sheep, imitated the Old Testament righteous with a pure and God-pleasing life. In adulthood, Saint Spyridon became the father of a family. His extraordinary benevolence and spiritual responsiveness attracted many to him: the homeless found shelter in his house, wanderers found food and rest. For the unceasing remembrance of God and good deeds, the Lord endowed the future saint with grace-filled gifts: clairvoyance, the healing of incurable patients, and the exorcism of demons.

After the death of his wife, during the reign of Constantine the Great (324-337) and his son Constantius (337-361), Saint Spyridon was elected bishop of the city of Trimifunt. According to the testimony church historians, St. Spyridon in 325 took part in the acts of I Ecumenical Council.

As a bishop, Saint Spyridon set an example for his flock of a virtuous life and diligence: he pastured sheep, harvested bread. He was extremely concerned about the strict observance of the church order and the preservation in all inviolability Holy Scripture. The saint severely denounced the priests, who in their sermons inaccurately used the words of the Gospel and other inspired books.

The Lord revealed to the saint the approach of his death. The last words of the saint were about love for God and neighbor. Around the year 348, during prayer, Saint Spyridon reposed in the Lord. They buried him in the church in honor of the holy apostles in the city of Trimifunt. In the middle of the 7th century, the relics of the saint were transferred to Constantinople, and in 1453 to the island of Kerkyra in the Ionian Sea (the Greek name for the island is Corfu). Here, in the city of the same name Kerkyra (the main city of the island), the holy relics of St. Spyridon are still preserved in the temple of his name. Five times a year, a solemn celebration of the memory of St. Spyridon takes place on the island.

Troparion, tone 1

The Cathedral of Pervago appeared to you as a champion and miracle worker, Godonos Spiridon, our father. The same, you proclaimed dead in the tomb, and turned the snake into gold, and when you sing the holy prayers of the angels serving you, you had the most sacred. Glory to the One who gave you a fortress, glory to the One who crowned you, glory to the Healing One who acts by you.


St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is an amazing saint, a contemporary of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Over time, his veneration among the Orthodox people, and especially in Rus', only increases. More and more information and details about the life of the saint are being discovered and published, miracles are multiplying through his prayers and intercession, and more and more often from the island of Corfu to Orthodox Rus' the relics of the saint arrive, showing his glory and intercession for us before God. Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is a great prayer book, having great boldness to the Lord. Therefore, people come to him with such reverence and love. His life is full of extraordinary height and beauty, striking with the power of miracles and at the same time with an abundance of love - strict, meek and edifying. The saint was “non-possessive, meek, for the sake of all endure, do not be ashamed to worry about a flock of dumb sheep,” we read in the akathist. At the word of the saint, the dead were awakened, the elements were tamed, idols were crushed. The saint gave healing to the sick, living in sins - correction and forgiveness, delivered from drought, hunger and want, took care of widows and orphans, assisted in the successful arrangement of land and property affairs. Saint Spyridon, being a meek and gracious assistant, at the same time was always a persecutor and eradicator of all sin, a strict and exacting lord. His words came true with such accuracy that he finally refused even to utter threats to sinners, so as not to appear to be the cause of their disasters. He was born in a simple rank and kept the habits and principles of a simple life all his life - he worked with his own hands, worked in the field together with the inhabitants, tended a flock of sheep, as it is said in the akathist to St. feeder and helper. At the same time, wisdom was given to him by the Lord; such wisdom that even kings bowed their heads before him, that his answers amazed those who asked: he knew how to reason with a sinner with one hint, save a pagan, return to the truth the erring. Here is how St. Spyridon was praised in his “Word a Week to Fomin on Virtue” by a wonderful preacher, a native of the island of Corfu, the Russian archbishop Nicephorus Theotokis: “Neither the nobility of the family, because his family was miserable; nor exalted rank, because he was a shepherd of sheep; lower is the knowledge of the light of worldly wisdom, because he did not study in schools; below, what other thing, besides virtue, was elevated to such a height of this miracle worker and representative of our Spiridon. The most august Caesar and autocrat, Tsar Constantius, who was the owner of almost the entire universe, with a scepter in his hands, with a crown on his head, with purple on his ramen, fell at the feet of the Spiridonovs and kissed them a thousand times, washing them with warm tears, when the saint in the royal house cleansed him of leprosy. What other great honor is this? What other glory is more excellent than this? Then [the king] ordered the royal treasures to be opened before him, so that he could take whatever he wanted from them. The king himself asked the saint to accept from him gold and precious gifts brought to him. When again in Alexandria he crushed an idol with his prayer, did not all Alexandria fall at his feet? And to this day, do not all the glorious and sovereign princes worship him? Do we not consider it a great honor for ourselves to kiss not only his head, but also the tips of the boots that he wore?<…>So, as a reward for your kind and commendable inclination, I entrust all of you to the patronage of our common intercessor Spiridon. I see him ready to hear the faithful and I dare to believe that he will hear my humble prayer. As soon as he saw that the Cypriot people were in distress from lack of rain and from a deadly ulcer, he immediately cleared the air of harmful vapors and mists and, like Elijah, brought rain from heaven. As soon as he was asked for the forgiveness of the deacon, he at the same hour granted him the permission of the tongue. As soon as the Syro-Phoenician woman fell at his feet, he immediately resurrected her son. The river current for his friend stopped; turned the snake into gold for the sake of the poor; He raised his daughter from the dead as a consolation to a poor widow. But I leave everything ancient. Wasn't he ready to hear your prayer when you asked him to drive out the Hagarites who surrounded this island? Were we not heard by him so many times? Didn’t he calm the earth from earthquakes, didn’t he drive away the pestilence that surrounded us, didn’t he deliver wheat to storage in a miraculous way to stop the famine that we had?<…>Since you, the standard-bearing and inspired Saint Spiridon, hear everyone, then I dedicate all this Christ-named people to your intercession. You implore the resurrected Lord from the dead and Thomas tangible on this day, may he guide them to His truth, confirm them in His fear, cover His divine wings with blood. To her, Lord Humanity, beg the prayers of Your beloved Hierarch Spyridon, send down on them Your heavenly blessing and bless them.

To a person overwhelmed by vanity, material needs, everyday demands and sorrows, St. Spyridon points to the possibility of ascending to heaven. This path becomes obvious from the life of the saint himself, which opens before us many events and wonderful examples of how to choose the right Christian life and, like St. Spyridon, to be hospitable, merciful to the needy, not greedy, zealous in faith and strict observance of the church order, in preserving in all inviolability to the last word of the books of Holy Scripture.

Let us also not forget to prayerfully turn to St. Spyridon, for there are numerous testimonies that everyone who comes to the saint receives a good petition, does not leave without consolation, partakes in his purity and mercy, and gets drunk with the truly all-encompassing love of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

Stroganova Maria

Life of St. Spyridon


Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was born at the end of the 3rd century (c. 270) on the island of Cyprus, in a village called Askia (Assya), not far from Trimifunt (Trimitus). About the childhood and youth of Spiridon, about his parents, reliable information has not been preserved; it is only known that they were simple peasants, and the future saint himself herded sheep and goats in childhood (which is why it is customary to depict him in all icons in a shepherd's hat woven from wicker twigs). Spiridon did not receive any education, but he had a naturally sound mind, a bright and kind soul. With a pure and God-pleasing life, he imitated the Old Testament righteous: David - in meekness, Jacob - in kindness of heart, Abraham - in love for strangers. Unusual benevolence and spiritual responsiveness attracted many to him: the homeless found shelter in his house, wanderers - food and rest. The future saint did not refuse anyone to help. For the unceasing remembrance of God and good deeds, the Lord endowed the future saint with grace-filled gifts: clairvoyance, healing the terminally ill, and casting out demons. The grace of God, resting on him, and his natural ingenuity developed in him wisdom, before which they were lost the greatest philosophers that time.

Start of ministry

In his youth, Spyridon married an honest, chaste girl, they had a daughter, Irina, whom Saint Spyridon himself baptized. But family life did not last long, the saint's wife soon died. When his wife passed away, Spiridon did not grumble, but began to serve God even more zealously. good deeds. In the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337), he was elected bishop of the city of Trimifunt. In the rank of bishop, St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky did not change his way of life, combining pastoral service with works of mercy. He sold the house and all the property, and distributed the proceeds from the sale, and until the end of his days he lived much more modestly than the far from the richest other residents of Trimifunt and its environs, grazing sheep for hire and in the days of suffering went out with reapers to harvest. For the unceasing remembrance of God and works of mercy, the Lord rewarded His faithful servant with the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working. The special gift of the saint was power over the forces of nature - through his prayers, the drought stopped - and such blessed rains fell on the earth that after them the people gathered surprisingly rich harvests. If prolonged rains began, threatening to wash away the labors of the farmers, Spiridon prayed again, and by the grace of God, fine days came.

Miraculous patronage

Once in Cyprus there was a lack of rain and a terrible drought, followed by a famine, and a famine after a pestilence, and many people died from this famine. Saint Spyridon, seeing the disaster that befell the people, and fatherly pitying those dying of hunger, turned with fervent prayer to God - and immediately the sky was covered on all sides with clouds, and heavy rain poured down on the earth, which did not stop for several days. The saint prayed again, and the rain stopped. The earth was abundantly watered with moisture and gave abundant fruit: the fields gave a rich harvest, gardens and vineyards were covered with fruits, and after the famine there was great abundance in everything.

A few years later, hunger again befell the country. Wealthy grain traders rejoiced at the high cost, having grain harvested over several harvest years, and, having opened their granaries, began to sell it at high prices. At that time there was a grain merchant in Trimifunt who suffered from an insatiable greed for money and an insatiable passion for pleasures. Having bought a lot of grain in different places and brought it on ships to Trimifunt, he did not want to sell it, however, at the price that was at that time in the city, but poured it into warehouses in order to wait for the famine to increase and then, having sold at a higher price, get a big profit. When the famine became almost universal and intensified from day to day, he began to sell his grain at the highest price. And then a poor man came to him and, bowing humbly, with tears, begged him to show mercy - to give him some bread, so that he, the poor man, would not die of hunger along with his wife and children. But the merciless and greedy rich man did not want to show mercy to the beggar: "Bring a payment, and I will give you whatever you want." The poor man, exhausted from hunger, went to Saint Spyridon and with weeping told him about his poverty and about the heartlessness of the rich man. “Do not cry and do not wail,” the saint told him, “for the Holy Spirit tells me that tomorrow your house will be filled with food, and you will see how the one who did not want to sympathize with your need and give alms will be forced to ask you to take everything without interest. » . The poor man, thinking that the saint had said this only to console him, went home in sorrow. As soon as night fell, as, by the command of God, a heavy rain fell, which washed away the barns of the merciless money-lover, and carried away all his bread with water. In the morning, the grain merchant ran around the city and begged everyone, including yesterday's petitioner, to take as much as anyone wants, if only to help save the remaining grain. The needy came and collected the wheat that had been carried along the roads by streams, and that poor man got himself an abundance of bread. So God punished the rich for his mercilessness and, according to the prophecy of the saint, delivered the poor from poverty and hunger. But the lesson did not go to the future, the merchant was not cured of stinginess.

Shortly after the flood, another peasant came to the same rich man with a request to lend him bread to feed him, and promised to return it with interest when the harvest came. The rich man, in addition to those washed out by the rain, also had other granaries full of bread; but he turned out to be just as merciless towards this poor man, so that he did not even want to listen to him. Then the poor farmer wept and went to Saint Spyridon of God, to whom he told about his misfortune. The saint consoled him and let him go home, saying: “Do not cry, child, because you are a Christian, but rather trust in God, and He will do mercy to you.” The next morning the bishop himself came to him and brought a beautiful golden decoration. He gave the gold to the farmer and ordered to give it to the merchant and take grain from him in return; when the peasant reaps the harvest, and he has a surplus of grain, then let him redeem this pledge and bring it back to the saint. The poor farmer took the jewel from the hands of St. Spyridon, thanked God and the saint, and hurriedly went to the rich man. The greedy rich man rejoiced at the gold and immediately gave the poor bread as much as he needed. Then the famine passed, there was a good harvest, and after the harvest, that farmer gave back the bread he had taken to the rich man, receiving a pledge from him and taking it with gratitude to Saint Spyridon. The saint took the gold and went to his garden, taking the farmer with him. Entering the garden, he laid the gold at the fence, raised his eyes to heaven and exclaimed: “My Lord, Jesus Christ, who creates and produces everything, who once made the rod of Moses (Ex. 7: 10) into a serpent in the eyes of Pharaoh of Egypt and his servants, turn and return this decoration to its natural form, in which it was originally. While he was praying like that, the piece of gold suddenly stirred and turned into a snake, which, writhing, crawled away into its hole. Thus, at first the snake, through the prayer of the saint, turned into gold, and then, just as miraculously, from gold again became a snake. At the sight of this miracle, the farmer trembled with fear, fell to the ground and called himself unworthy of the miraculous beneficence rendered to him.

Out of envy evil people a friend of the saint was slandered: without any fault he was imprisoned, and then sentenced to death. Upon learning of this, blessed Spyridon went to save his friend from an undeserved execution. At that time there was a flood in the country, and the river on the path of the saint overflowed with water, overflowed its banks and became impassable. The miracle worker remembered how Joshua with the Ark of the Covenant crossed the flooded Jordan on dry land (Josh. 3:14-17), and, believing in the omnipotence of God, ordered the waters, as a servant: my Christ-loving friend, slandered from death.” As soon as he said this, immediately the stream stopped in its course and opened a dry path - not only for the bishop, but for all who walked with him. The witnesses of the miracle hurried to the judge and informed him of the approach of the saint and of what he had done along the way. The judge received Spiridon with honor and immediately released his innocent friend.

Nikephoros Theotokis (1731–1800), archbishop, theologian and spiritual writer one of the most educated people of his time. For almost a quarter of a century he worked in Russia, for the last 7 years Archbishop Nikifor was the rector of the Danilov Monastery in Moscow, where he was buried.

In the Russian manuscript - Arianka; in the life of St. Demetrius of Rostov - a pagan who could not speak Greek.

This refers to the blockade of Kerkyra by the Turks in 1715, when the island was miraculously delivered by the intercession of St. Spyridon.

Resting in Cyprus, I learned about the miracle worker Spiridon, revered by the islanders. I became interested in his history, and it turned out that he is also known in Orthodoxy. The life story of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is quite rich and interesting, so I cannot help but talk about the saint.

The life path of Spiridon of Trimifuntsky

The life of Spyridon Trimifuntsky began in the 3rd century AD on the land of the island of Cyprus, where the Word of God came in the 1st century. As a boy, he watched the sheep, led a clean and charitable life.

Having matured, Spiridon created his own family, and after the death of his wife, he was elected to the post of city bishop of Trimifunt. The parishioners saw in him a loving father, an example of virtue and love for work. A benevolent attitude towards people led many to its gates: people without shelter could count on shelter, wanderers - on food and respite after a long journey.

The life of Spiridon was dedicated to the preservation and zealous adherence to the letter Church Charter. He severely criticized confessors who inaccurately used the Holy Words in their sermons.

Spyridon Trimifuntsky was a participant in the First Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea, where he clearly explained why he professes the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

With the approach of death, the elder knew about it. His last words were filled with love for the Lord and people. He was buried in his native Trimifunt, but then the relics of the saint migrated to Constantinople and the city of Kerkyra (Corfu Island), where they are now. His shrine is trimmed with gold and silver donated by grateful people, and the relics retain their former appearance. Through the glass, one can see the almost unchanged face of the saint with preserved hair and teeth. The most mysterious moment is that the body temperature of the old man is maintained at 36.6 degrees, like that of a living person.

Miracles of the saint

For honest service to the Lord, He rewarded the saint and miracle worker with gifts: he was perspicacious, could heal even the most seriously ill and cast out demons. The testimonies refer to the healing of Emperor Constantius, conversations with the deceased daughter of the elder Irina, the resurrection of the dead and the healing of the seriously ill.

In an effort to protect the righteous believers, he performed unprecedented miracles. A friend of Spiridon was slandered, taken to prison and had to be executed. The saint hurried to the rescue, but a powerful stream of water stood in the way. Believing in His power, Spiridon prayed, and the Lord divided the stream so that he and his companions could pass. The judge, who heard about what had happened, cordially greeted the saint and freed the innocent.

Being endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, the elder was engaged in exposing the vices, secret sins of people, calling for repentance and correction. Those who did not listen to his voice were punished.

Having gone to the Cypriot village. Eritra, the saint ended up in a local temple and, being tired from the journey, asked not to prolong the service. The local deacon did not heed the request of Spiridon, dreaming of earthly glory and continuing to slowly lead the service. For disobeying the confessor, the punishment of the Lord befell him: he lost his voice, unable to utter a word. Spiridon himself completed the prayer, but at that moment friends and relatives of the deacon began to approach, wishing to alleviate his plight. The culprit himself asked by signs to forgive the conceited act. After giving long instructions to the young cleric, the confessor offered up a prayer, and the measure of his punishment was reduced. The purity of speech was not fully restored, but the tongue-tied deacon served in the church until the end of his life, being a living example of God's mercy.

Speaking all about the same insight, the church has the following evidence.

A middleman turned to the saint about the sale of livestock. Without starting to bargain, Spiridon gave him 100 goats from his herd. The merchant paid God's man, leaving a fee of only 99. The confessor did not count the money received, but went to the herd. Offering the merchant to pick up the paid number of goats, the old man watched as the dealer counted 100 heads. Released over the fence, they followed the buyer, all but one stubbornly returning to the paddock time after time.

The trader was completely incomprehensible, even tried to carry the goat away on himself, but the animal butted desperately and bleated loudly. Understanding the reason for the behavior of the animal, the saint acted wisely, suggesting that the merchant himself check the fee left in the house. Realizing the foresight of the clergyman, the merchant repented and paid for the purchase in full. Immediately the goat stopped kicking and calmly followed the pen.

Veneration of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

The Orthodox world reveres the saint as a "walking" saint. In cases where his cancer does not open, the keepers say that the saint has gone away and walks the lands of the island. Spiridon's clothes and shoes are periodically changed, because they wear out, as if they are really worn. old shoes after replacement, they are cut into pieces and distributed to parishioners. Corfu priests claim that during the change of shoes they feel reciprocal movements. Miracles, and nothing more.

St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky is revered Orthodox Church December 12 (25). The clergy and residents of the island of Corfu solemnly celebrate the memory of the saint four more times. IN Palm Sunday, August 11, 1st Sunday of November, Good Saturday remember the saint and miracle worker. His parishioners thank him for saving the island from hunger, plague, for the defeat inflicted on the Turks in the 18th century. Mass religious processions performed in such special days, became known as the Litany.

It is worth praying to St. Spyridon in the presence of material difficulties, hunger. Ask him for intercession, the speedy appearance of housing, a good harvest, the healing of diseases and facilitating their course, for spiritual insight. Patronizes widows and orphans, helps travelers. Due to his shepherd past, he is considered the patron saint of domestic animals and provides support to workers.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is a great miracle worker, who, for his virtuous life, was promoted from a simple farmer to a bishop. This is a Personality, with a capital letter, whose holiness was undeniable even during His lifetime, and His miracles, which are performed to this day, surprising with their scale and beauty of the plot.

So who is this Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker? What miracles are associated with His name and why is He considered the defender of Orthodoxy? Why do they pray to Spiridon for housing and where is His miraculous image in Russia? All this is the topic of today's post. Well, and finally, already traditionally, a selection of prayers, and today it is dedicated to St. Spyridon.

The fact that Saint Spyridon is not like other saints becomes clear even at the first glance at the icon. The saints on the icons are mainly depicted - either with their heads uncovered, or in a mitre. Saint Spyridon is not just hair, and not in a mitre, but in a small cone-shaped shepherd's hat. The thing is that the saint was a shepherd for many years. Moreover, He was a family man, he had a wife and children. Spiridon was loved for his gentle and meek disposition, for always helping his neighbors and giving all his funds to the needs of the poor and needy. For this, the Lord gave the saint the gift of miracles.

To begin with, Saint Spyridon lived in that troubled time, when the Church, calmed down from oppression, was “sick” with false teachings and heresies. That era began to demand true defenders of the True Faith, apostolic fidelity and steadfastness. It was at this time that such Greatest Saints were born as: Nicholas of Myra the Wonderworker and Spyridon of Trimifuntsky the Wonderworker.

After the death of his wife, Saint Spyridon was elected Bishop of the Cypriot city of Trimifunta. Cypriot farmers were happy with this choice, because He was common man and in many ways similar to them. The inhabitants of the district acquired a kind and caring father in the person of Spiridon. In the event of a drought, through the prayer of the saint, it rained, through His prayers people were repeatedly resurrected, justice and peace reigned around. According to the word of the saint, the weather changed and, like the example with Elisha, the water element obeyed.

Once, Saint Spyridon, with his prayers, caused heavy rain, which washed away the granaries of a rich, merciless rich man, who, due to his stinginess, sold bread at incredibly high prices during a drought.

Once, a simple farmer came to the Saint with a request to lend money. Spiridon ordered the farmer to go home, and in the morning he himself brought an ingot of gold. The farmer was incredibly happy about this, his affairs improved, and soon he brought Spyridon the debt he had previously occupied.

“Let's go, brother, now let's pay tribute to the One Who so generously gave the loan,” said the Saint.

Spiridon in prayer began to ask the Lord that the gold would regain its original form. The piece of gold hissed, writhed, and turned into a snake.

It should be noted that the description of Spiridon's life is not complete, one might even say it consists of fragments, but even those that remain admire the power of force, the unusual plot and are an example of the greatest miracle - philanthropy.

The most famous plot from the life of the saint, which is often depicted on icons, is the “accident with a brick”.

Let me explain the plot:

In the year 325, St. Spyridon takes part in the Nicene Council, where he miraculously refutes the heresy of Arius, who rejected the holiness of Jesus Christ. All those gathered understand that the Lord Himself spoke through the lips of the saint, and as proof of this, Spyridon brilliantly proves to the Hagarians the Unity of the Holy Trinity. He took a brick and squeezed it: instantly water flowed out of it and fire soared up, and the clay remained in his hands. Three hypostases in one Trinity - this explanation of Spiridon has become more eloquent than any words.

“When, instead of evidence from reason, some kind of special power, the evidence became powerless against her ... God Himself spoke through his mouth. The philosopher is an eyewitness.

Saint Spyridon has great boldness towards God: through His prayer, people are healed and resurrected from the dead (in a word, but resurrection through prayer is a rather rare case in the life of the saints).

To prove these words:

A woman comes to Spiridon, full of tears with a dead child in her arms. The saint, praying to God, resurrected the baby. Shocked by what she saw, the woman fell lifeless, and already at the second prayer of Spiridon, she is also resurrected.

“The woman got up, as if waking up from a dream, and took the revived child in her arms.”

The case of how St. Spyridon entered an empty church and began to celebrate Divine service is widely known. People nearby were surprised by the angelic sounds coming from the church. But when they entered, they did not see anyone except the Bishop and a few servants of the temple. Another similar case has come down to our days, when, through the prayer of the saint, empty lamps began to be filled with oil.

Saint Spyridon tried to lead people to repentance, to change their sinful way of life. For example, there is a case when thieves decided to steal sheep from Spiridon. Having climbed into the sheepfold, they could not get out of it until the morning, and the Saint admonished them in the morning, discouraging them from going down the criminal path, then he forgave them and even, finally, gave each a sheep, saying: “Let you not stay awake in vain” .

Another case is known when a greedy merchant, knowing that the saint trusts people and does not count money, decided to deceive and not pay Spiridon for one goat. Having counted 100 goats, the merchant began to take them out of the pen, but no matter how hard he tried, one of the goats ran away and came back. The stingy merchant saw in this case his sin and repented to the Saint of his intention to hide money from him.

There are other lifetime miracles that you, my dear readers blog, you can easily find it yourself. I wanted to move on to the second part of the post.

Miracles through prayers to St. Spyridon and how the saint helps

The imperishable relics of St. Spyridon are located on the Greek island of Corfu (Kerkyra), where many believers come to venerate the relics of the saint. In a word, this is the only island in the Ionian Sea that did not fall under the yoke of the Turks, and so the saint protects his island.

An interesting fact is that the imperishable relics of Spyridon are well preserved and the features of the saint are very recognizable: white teeth, hair, skin is perfectly preserved, although it has darkened a little and then recently, namely at the end of the 17th century, after the so-called reform of Patriarch Nikon. As the clergy say: "It is evident that the saint did not like it."

Another surprising fact is that the body is soft and its temperature is constant: 36.6 degrees, like that of a living person. Scientists cannot explain the phenomenon of the imperishable relics of Spiridon, despite their numerous studies.

It is a miracle that Saint Spyridon to this day does not stop “wandering”, helping those who turn to Him in prayer. Proof of "walking" are the velvet shoes of the saint, worn to holes, which are changed twice a year and handed over to believers as a shrine.

Cancer Spiridon is closed with two locks that must be opened and closed at the same time. Two people need to open the box. And if the cancer does not open, the ministers know that at this time the saint walks the earth and helps people.

By the way, the saint’s shrine is opened only for the Orthodox, however, particles of the saint’s velvet shoes are also distributed only to the Orthodox.

Why is Spiridon considered the "Defender of Orthodoxy"?

Saint Spyridon never ceases to testify to the true faith. In 1719, the ruler of the Venetian fleet, Andrea Pisani, and some other Catholics decided to Orthodox church Saint Spyridon to arrange a Catholic altar, about which he asked the clergy of the temple. Having received a firm refusal, Andrea decided not to accept it and act violently and contrary to the ban. Orthodox priests turned to the saint for help.

On the first night, Spiridon comes to Pisani in a dream demanding to abandon his intention: “Why are you bothering me? The altar of your faith is not befitting to have in my temple.”

The frightened ruler rushed to his adviser for advice, and he assured that these were just tricks of the devil.

Having calmed down, Pisani began to order materials for the construction of the altar. Orthodox priests began to pray even more to the saint with a request for protection from Catholics.

“I asked you not to disturb me. If you dare to proceed with the fulfillment of your plan, you will be very sorry, but then it will be too late, ”Spyridon said to the ruler of Pisani in the second dream.

Andre did not listen to the saint for the second time, but again he listened to his adviser.

But his plans were not destined to come true.

On the night of November 12, a terrible storm arose. Thunder and lightning shook the city. At midnight, a wanderer in monastic robes approached the gates of Fort Castelli. To the question: "Who's coming?" the guard heard: "It's me, Saint Spyridon." At the same moment, three flames erupted from the bell tower of the church and hit the gunpowder warehouse. Nine hundred Catholics were killed, and the body of Admiral Pisani was found dead with his neck between two logs. Councilor's body found dead in a sewer pit outside the tower. Not a single Orthodox was harmed. The guard of the Fort, who communicated with the saint, did not suffer either. And in the temple of St. Spyridon, a silver lamp, donated to the temple by Andre, fell and received a dent. You can look at him even now, he weighs like a dumb witness to an old tragedy.

Through the prayers of Spiridon, countless miracles are performed. He helps those in need in many ways.

“Would you pray to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, and you would have been with housing for a long time” John Krestyankin

They mostly pray to Spiridon in search of and. I will not give examples of cases of the saint's help in the housing issue, since there are a great many of them.

In addition to housing problems, they pray to Spiridon of Trimifuntsky:

About health and healing, on the road, when oppressed by enemies and for faith, from the loss of livestock, for prosperity in the house, for success, in the house, for, with hunger, spiritual infirmities and domestic needs.

Miraculous image with part of the relics of St. Spyridon in Russia

This wonderful and unusual image is located in Moscow, in Bryusov Lane, house 15/2 (200 meters from Tverskaya) in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on Uspensky Vrazhek.

The temple was built in 1634 and there are three shrines in it:

  • Ancient icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikola Mozhaisky);
  • The miraculous icon "Search for the Lost" (St. Justin the Philosopher);
  • Miraculous icon of Spyridon Trimifuntsky with relics.

The icon of Spyridon is unusual, with a small metal door (the ark with the relics of the saint). There are witnesses that by prayer to the saint (the icon is behind glass, so draft is excluded) the door opens and closes by itself.

It is said that this icon is very much prayed for, and many miracles happen through prayer in front of it. There are also documentary about this theme.

Prayers to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Prayer one

O great and marvelous saint of Christ and the wonderworker Spiridon, Corfu praise, the whole universe is the brightest lamp, warm to God in prayer and to all those who come running to you and pray with faith, a quick intercessor! You have most gloriously explained the Orthodox faith at the Nicestem Council among the fathers, you have shown the Unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power and shamed the heretics to the end. Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you and by your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. For in your temporary life, you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Agarians and from gladness your country, you saved the king from an incurable illness, and you brought many sinners to repentance, you gloriously resurrected the dead, for the holiness of your life Angels, singing and serving you invisibly in the church, thou hadt. Therefore, glorify you, your faithful servant, Lord Christ, as all the secret human deeds have been given to you to understand and denounce those who live unrighteously. You zealously helped many, living in poverty and insufficiency, you assiduously nourished the people of the poor during the famine, and you created many signs by the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Do not leave us, Saint Hierarch of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, the death of the belly is shameless and peaceful, and vouchsafe eternal bliss in the future us, let us send forth glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Prayer two

O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great saint of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Stand in Heaven to the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with a gracious eye on the people coming here and asking for your strong help. Pray for the goodness of the Lover of God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by His mercy! Ask us from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, healthy soul and body, the earth's prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good, given to us from the generous God, but to His glory and glorification of your intercession! Deliver everyone with unquestioning faith to God who comes from all spiritual and bodily troubles, from all languor and devilish slander! Be a sad comforter, an ailing doctor, an assistant in adversity, a naked patron, an intercessor for widows, an orphan protector, a baby feeder, an old strengthener, a wandering guide, a floating helmsman, and intercede for all your strong help requiring all, even to salvation, useful! Yes, yes, with your prayers we instruct and observe, we will reach eternal rest and together with you we will glorify God, in the Trinity of the Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three

O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Humanity God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by His mercy. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, may he grant us, but the death of the belly is shameful and peaceful and eternal bliss in the future, let us unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Troparion to St. Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifunts

The Cathedral of Pervago appeared to you as a champion and miracle worker, / Godonos Spiridon, our father. / Yet you proclaimed dead in the tomb, / and turned the serpent into gold, / and when you sing holy prayers to you / You had angels serving you, most sacred. / Glory to the One who gave you a fortress, / glory to the one who crowned you, / glory to the one who acts by you, healing all.

Akathist to Spyridon Trimifuntsky

Kondak 1

Ikos 1

rejoice, representative of the poor.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Kondak 2

Seeing the island of Cyprus and all the Christian countries of your incorruptible relics, saint, abundant healing flows from them, rejoicing; and we, honoring thee as an abundant source of grace sent down from above to us, cry out to the Supreme Giver of heavenly and earthly blessings: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Divine Mind, if you are the shepherd of the dumb sheep, you were chosen by the will of the Chief Shepherd of Christ to be the shepherd of the verbal sheep. But the faithful, understanding the good shepherd, vigilantly caring for their flock, singing:

Rejoice, hierarch of the Most High God, in consecration having abundantly received Divine grace;

Rejoice, bright lamp, burn and shine.

Rejoice, faithful worker in the garden of Christ;

Rejoice, shepherd, who brought up your flock in the pasture of faith and piety.

Rejoice. shining of your virtues, the world is enlightening;

Rejoice, offering the Divine Sacrifice to the Throne of Christ.

Rejoice, hierarch, adorned with the understanding of Orthodoxy;

Rejoice, filled with the apostolic teaching, solder the faithful with streams of saving teaching.

Rejoice, for thou hast illumined even the wise;

Rejoice, for thou hast renewed even simple hearts.

Rejoice, glory of the Orthodox and the unshakable affirmation of the Church;

Rejoice, otcev adornment, glory and praise iereev blagogovejnyh.

Kondak 3

By the power of the Most High, who overshadowed you, Saint Spyridon, you appeared to be God-wise and, squeezing the clay in your hand, the trinity of Persons clearly explained to everyone: the same is the false wisdom of philosophy, gathered at the Council, horrified, the faithfulness of the incomprehensible glorification of God, who made you wise for salvation, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having thee in their thoughts, all the fathers of the Council are simple, unskillful in book teaching, praying to you, Father Spiridon, not to argue with the wind, who thinks to be wise. But you, the saint, are inflamed with zeal for God, believing that the preaching of Christ is not in human words of reprehensible wisdom, but in the manifestation of the spirit and power, having wisely reproved, enlightened and guided you on the true path. All who have seen this miracle cry out:

Rejoice, light of Orthodox wisdom;

Rejoice, for thou hast confounded the wise interrogators who were told to be.

Rejoice, source of abundant grace;

Rejoice, unshakable pillar, firmly containing those who are in the faith.

Rejoice, darken the all-pernicious heresy;

Rejoice, madness was trampled through the worthless.

Rejoice, as the dust of the earthly preaching of your hands to the Holy Trinity;

Rejoice, for thou hast brought forth fire and water from clay in order to affirm the dogma of the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, for thou hast enlightened the people to glorify the Word, truly Consubstantial with the Pre-Beginning Father;

Rejoice, for thou hast smitten the serpent's head of the pernicious Aryan heresy.

Rejoice, for malice has been consumed by you;

Rejoice, converting the unfaithful wise man of the interrogator to the true faith.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Kondak 4

Spending your life in squalor and poverty, you were a feeder and helper to the poor and poor, and, for the sake of love for the poor, you turned the snake into gold and gave it to the one who needed your help. Marveling at this miracle, we cry out with gratitude to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 4

It was heard by everyone and everywhere that St. Spyridon truly is the dwelling of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Word and God the Holy Spirit dwell in it. For this sake, you preached words and deeds to all Christians of the incarnate true God, crying out:

Rejoice, the words of God are mysterious;

rejoice, enlightening the dispensation of God about the salvation of the world.

Rejoice, for thou hast taught not to test the hedgehog above the mind and wisdom of man;

Rejoice, manifesting the incomprehensible power of God in you.

Rejoice, for God Himself prophesied through your mouth;

rejoice, for I will listen to you in sweetness.

Rejoice, thou who dispersed the darkness of idolatry;

Rejoice, for you have led many to the truth of faith.

Rejoice, for thou hast slain the heads of the invisible serpents;

rejoice, for the Christian faith is glorified by you.

Rejoice, as you brightly illuminate all those who bless you;

Rejoice, champion of the Christian faith and Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Kondak 5

You were filled with the Divine Spirit, Saint Spiridon, for the sake of your virtuous life; you were not meek, merciful, pure in heart, patient, unmemorable, hospitable, you were a stranger: for this sake, the Creator and in miracles is glorious for showing you. We, glorifying God, glorifying thee, cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

We see the equal angel of Spiridon, the great miracle worker. Once upon a time, the country suffered greatly from lack of weather and drought: there was a famine and a plague, and a lot of people died, but with the prayers of the saint, rain came down from heaven to earth; but the people, being delivered from the calamity, thankfully cry out:

Rejoice, having become like the great prophet Elijah;

Rejoice, as the rain, which takes away smoothness and ailments, brought down in good time.

Rejoice, closing the sky with your prayers;

Rejoice, for thou hast punished the merciless merchant with deprivation of her estate.

Rejoice, for thou hast given richly to those who require food;

rejoice, for you are moving the love of God towards people.

Rejoice, take up the infirmities of the weak;

Rejoice, God-gracious helper of man.

Rejoice, give health to the sick;

rejoice, the demons tremble at him.

Rejoice, source of countless miracles.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Kondak 6

The veil of the Old Testament tabernacle closed the ark, manna and tablets into the Holy of Holies. And your temple, Saint Spiridon, has your cancer, like an ark, your holy relics, like manna, your heart, like the tablets of Divine grace, on them we see the inscribed song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The people of Cyprus once, for the multiplication of iniquities, were punished by the Lord with the barrenness of the earth, when a well-known farmer came to St. Spyridon, asking for help, giving him holy gold; the past disaster, this farmer return packs of gold, And - about a miracle - the gold of the serpent was fast. Glorifying God, wondrous in His saints, we cry out:

Rejoice, as you imitated Moses, miraculously turning the rod into a serpent;

Rejoice, philanthropic shepherd, deliver from the troubles of the verbal sheep of your flock;

Rejoice, abundantly enriching everyone with all blessings;

Rejoice, like Elijah, nourishing the poor;

Rejoice, turn the unmerciful to mercy;

Rejoice, imitative example of love for people living in the world. Rejoice, comfort to the faithful and unfaithful in troubles;

Rejoice, hay-leaved tree, hail and overshadowing the country;

Rejoice, glory and praise of the Kerkyrians;

Rejoice, dominion over moisture and dry land, heat and coldness by the grace of God;

Rejoice, changing the charters of the earth with prayer;

Rejoice, future, as if real, foreseeing;

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker.

Kondak 7

The intercessor before the Lord for all appeared to you, Saint Spiridon: for this reason, we also run under your roof, seeking salvation, all the imams help you in all needs, during famine, deadly ulcers and in all times of troubles and temptations. For this sake, we cry out to God with gratitude: Hallelujah.

Ikos 7

We see a new miracle, a divine one: when you, father, marched to deliver the innocent condemned to death, a stormy stream blocked your path; you, in the name of the Almighty God, commanded him to stand and you passed from the satellites across the river, as if on dry land. The glory of this miracle will spread everywhere, and all will glorify God, crying out to you:

Rejoice, as sometimes Joshua passed through the Jordan river on dry land;

Rejoice, river of aspirations with your taming voice.

Rejoice, for thou hast taken the difficult path, moved by mercy;

Rejoice, for you have destroyed slander and delivered the innocent from the bonds of prison and vain death.

Rejoice, good haste of life according to God;

Rejoice, protector of the innocent of the oppressed.

Rejoice, changer of the statutes of the nature of water;

Rejoice, for you have enlightened the judge and saved you from murder.

Rejoice, true correction of souls;

Rejoice, marvelous power, holding back the streams.

Rejoice, delighting the hearts of people who flow to you;

Rejoice, imitator of Abraham's philanthropy.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker.

Kondak 8

You were a wanderer and a stranger on earth, like other people. Both from the womb of the mother, the All-Knowing great saint and miracle worker showed you, Saint Spiridon: you cast out demons, you heal every disease and ulcer, you see the thoughts of people, and you appeared marvelous in the saints. We, sending up a prayer to the Benefactor of all God, cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The whole world will tremble with horror when I hear that death, according to your voice, returns its dead from the graves, and cry out:

Rejoice, thy dead daughter, may she reveal the treasure entrusted to her, calling to life;

Rejoice, mournful widow, consoling you who gave you gold to save.

Rejoice, resurrecting the dead youth from the dead;

rejoice, like his mother, who suddenly died of joy, revived.

Rejoice, for you have become like Elijah, who with prayers to the son of the wife of Sarepta brought back life;

Rejoice, for you imitated Elisha, who aroused the youth from death.

Rejoice, shepherd, sincerely loving people;

Rejoice, harlot wife, who washed your nose with tears, releasing sins in the name of God.

Rejoice, having acquired the holy zeal of the supreme apostle;

Rejoice, as an unrepentant sinner, according to your verb, die in grave illnesses.

Rejoice, having asked for the fruitfulness of the earth with your prayers;

Rejoice, assurance of the immutable resurrection of men.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker.

Kondak 9

You were illumined by the Spirit of the Divine radiance, Saint Spiridon, you had the spirit of wisdom, as if you were wise with the words of the insane, and among the fathers you affirmed the faith, the spirit of reason, as you illuminated the minds of the darkened; the spirit of the fear of God, as if you had cleansed your soul by making it pleasing to God. Meanwhile, presenting yourself to the Throne of the Most High, with a host of Angels you sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The rod of the shepherd of verbal sheep received from the Shepherd of the Lord Jesus, Saint Spyridon does not change his life: he is not acquisitive, meek, endure love for the sake of everything, do not be ashamed of the flock of dumb sheep. All this excites us to praise God and cry out to you:

Rejoice, contemptible glory of this world, like a vain one;

Rejoice, thou who didst receive many rewards in Heaven.

Rejoice, red of this world in the mind of a sane person;

rejoice, vessel of heavenly blessings.

Rejoice, most holy one, live the Cypriots;

rejoice, for for the sake of God your sheep are bound by invisible ties.

Rejoice, thou who didst teach fatherly admonition;

Rejoice, by your mercy, for the night spent without sleep, you gave them a ram.

Rejoice, by the disobedience of the goat, as if the mind of the possessor, the merchant, who concealed his price, is convicting;

Rejoice, thou who hast hidden thy pieces of silver to repentance.

Rejoice, for thou hast healed him with thy exhortation of the passion of covetousness.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker.

Kondak 10

Save the souls of the flock, entrusted to you by God, you, Saint Spyridon, by the will of God, were called to reveal your glory, and even more so the glory of the True God, and to other countries, let God's name be glorified everywhere, crying: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

A quick helper and intercessor in all needs and sorrows, Saint Spyridon, at the command of the tsar, like other shepherds, came to the city of Antioch, where Tsar Constantius was possessed by illness; the saint will touch his head and make him healthy. Marveling at this miracle, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, in a dreamy vision, an angel, as a healer, reveal to the king;

Rejoice, for the sake of God's love, you accepted the difficult path in old age.

Rejoice, Tsar's servant, who struck you in the cheek, according to the commandment of the Savior, substituting another;

rejoice, pillar of humility.

Rejoice, granting health to the Tsar with your tearful prayers;

Rejoice, as if by humiliating your servant you enlightened and changed his unmerciful disposition.

Rejoice, for thou hast taught piety and mercy to the king;

Rejoice, for if you hate earthly treasures, you have rejected the gold of the king.

Rejoice, for thou hast turned away thy disciple Trifillius from addiction to earthly goods and made thou a vessel of the grace of God;

rejoice, as I will come to you in Alexandria, the idol of the fall.

Rejoice, even demons obey him;

Rejoice, for thou hast turned away many from idolatry.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker.

Kondak 11

Angelic singing was always, when in the temple you brought, to St. Spiridon, your evening prayers, and those who serve you do not besha. The inhabitants of the city, having heard the wondrous singing, entered the temple and, having seen no one, sang with the Higher forces: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The luminous sun of the world, the interlocutor of the Angels was on earth, Saint Spiridon; betraying your spirit in the hands of God, thou hast settled in the Mountainous village, praying for peace before the Throne of the Lord. But we, who live on earth, cry out to you:

Rejoice, as to you, I still live, I serve Angeli;

Rejoice, hearing the psalmody of the Archangels.

Rejoice, visible image of our transformation;

rejoice, for God, for the sake of the lack of oil in the temple, fill the lamp with it with an abundance of it.

Rejoice, lamp of divine radiance;

Rejoice, vessel of the grace of God, richly, like oil that fills your soul.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source, constantly exuding currents of grace to all;

Rejoice, angels are amazed at him.

Rejoice, punishing the deacon's disobedience in the temple;

Rejoice, conceited with your voice, and depriving of voice and tongue.

Rejoice, as, during the heat, suddenly the dew that descended from above, your sacred head of coolness;

Rejoice, foreseeing the nearness of your repose in this sign.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker.

Kondak 12

The cover and refuge that was to all the faithful flowing to you even in your life, you, saint, did not leave us orphans and according to your assumption; God, conqueror of nature, keep your holy relics incorruptible to strengthen the Orthodox faith and piety, as a sign of immortality, glorifying Him, cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing to you, the saint of God, as if you surprised the world with miracles flowing from your holy relics. All who come in faith and kiss them receive all the good things they ask. And we, who gave you strength, crowned you with the crown of incorruption, and glorifies God who works through you, we cry to you:

Rejoice, during the famine you appeared as a shipbuilder, and deliver food by command;

Rejoice, blind, with faith flowing to your holy relics, bestowing sight.

Rejoice, healer from the incurable illness of the lad;

Rejoice, you cast out the demon from your wife and made her healthy.

Rejoice, exiled governor of Kerkyra;

Rejoice, for thou hast expelled the hordes of the wicked Hagarites, and thou hast sank their ships in the abyss.

Rejoice, having seen him surrounded by a host of angels, holding a sword in his right hand and bringing enemies into awe;

rejoice, create a temple for yourself, in a hedgehog to celebrate the liturgy in it on unleavened bread, forbidding the governor.

Rejoice, thou who struck the governor of the Latin with fierce death;

Rejoice, having burned his image in a house in Venice with lightning.

Rejoice, shameful apostasy and false wisdom of the West;

rejoice, one Orthodox faith to be true and saving for people affirming.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker.

Kondak 13

O wonderful Saint of Christ, Father Spiridon! Our current prayer is received, deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, strengthen our country against enemies, grant us forgiveness of sins and deliver from eternal death all who cry about you to God: Alleluia.

(Let's say Kontakion verbs triždy inhabitants, so ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Ikos 1

From youth, adorned with all the virtues, imitating your life as an angel, you, Saint Spyridon, truly appeared to be a friend of Christ; we, seeing you, a heavenly person and an earthly angel, with reverence touchingly cry out to you:

Rejoice, mind, contemplate the mysteries of the Most Holy Trinity;

Rejoice, enriched by the Spirit with bright radiance.

Rejoice, bright lamp;

Rejoice, enlightening your mind with dispassion.

Rejoice, beloved of true simplicity and silence;

Rejoice, ornament of chastity.

Rejoice, inexhaustible stream of love;

Rejoice, for you imitated the hospitable love of Abraham.

Rejoice, for thou hast opened the entrances of thy house to all lovingly;

rejoice, representative of the poor.

Rejoice, people revere before him;

rejoice, for you are the abode of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Kondak 1

Glorified from the Lord to the saint and wonderworker Spiridon! Now we are celebrating your all-honorable memory, as if He is able to help us a lot about Christ who glorified you, we tenderly cry out to you: deliver us from all troubles and evils, but with thanksgiving we call you:

Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Akathist to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky (performed by the Male Choir of the Church of St. Nicholas of Myra in Zayatsky

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Every parent wants to bring up in his child a beautiful and strong character for happy life. Children take an example from others, and often book characters become role models. The most convincing are real images, and among them the most beautiful are holy people, their life experience. With this in mind, the Nikea Publishing House has released a series of books, which contains the lives of Christian ascetics, talentedly presented by modern writers for children. Reading these books together creates a good family tradition and gives children wonderful examples of love and kindness to become better and happier. One of these books will be discussed later in our program. It is called "The Life of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky in retelling for children." ***

Several books have already been published in this series, thanks to which young readers will learn about Saints Nicholas the Wonderworker and Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), about the saint of the northern capital - Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, about the great naval commander - Righteous Theodore Ushakov, about St. Sergius and Seraphim. This book tells the story of the life of a revered in all Orthodox world Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky. The book is written in a lively, understandable language for kids and schoolchildren, is intended for children 4-6 years old and is perfect for family reading and exciting discussion. And now let's open the book and read part of the life, which was compiled by Valery Posashko.

“Once upon a time there was a simple and kind shepherd Spiridon at the end of the 3rd century on the island of Cyprus. He was accustomed to work from early childhood - as a boy he grazed sheep. And when he grew up, he met a girl whom he fell in love with, married her, and they had children. They lived, worked and were happy. But perhaps a simple shepherd would not have become a shepherd of thousands of Christians if the Lord had not called him to serve. Spiridon had to go through a difficult test: his beloved wife fell ill and died. But Spiridon did not despair and did not give up, but devoted his life to serving people. For this humility and simplicity, for trust in God and the extraordinary power of faith, the Lord rewarded him with the gift of working miracles. And a special gift - to love every person, forgetting even about yourself.

As the author notes, “the kindness of the widowed shepherd very soon became known throughout the district: if a wanderer passes by, he can always spend the night and strengthen his forces at Spiridon; if a beggar passes, he also has a road to Spiridon, where they will definitely feed him and even give him some bread on the way. The townspeople chose Spiridon as their bishop. But he continued to live very modestly, making do with little and striving to give more than to take. He even raised crops and tended sheep, like an ordinary shepherd! Once on the island for many weeks there was not a drop of rain, but there was a terrible heat! Nothing grew, and famine began, and then diseases. Desperate residents asked their bishop to pray for the Lord to help them. And as soon as Spiridon got up from prayer, the sky was covered with clouds and the rain came down like a bucket! Everything poured and poured, for several days, and people rejoiced. The earth was filled with rain water and gave a rich harvest.

Spiridon gave most of his harvest to the poor. Another was given as a loan to those in need: for example, someone did not have enough money for a cow or it was necessary to patch the roof of a barn. Why in debt? The saint understood that, receiving food without labor, a person can become completely lazy. But who and what takes from him, Spiridon did not count at all. “Go to my pantry and take as much as you need,” he said to the coming person and did not even check how much and what he took there. It remained on the conscience of the petitioner. Knowing this custom of his, one cunning merchant decided to be cunning. He asked the saint to sell him 100 goats, and paid only for 99. “Go and take as much as you bought,” Spiridon said and calmly went about his business.

The satisfied merchant ran to the paddock. He carefully counted - one, two, three, four ... 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 ... All the goats obediently followed him. He is happy, happy, rubbing his hands, but suddenly he sees: one goat is running back to Spiridon. He's after her! I took it by the horns, dragged it along. The goat rests, shakes its head, kicks its legs, uses its horns. She broke free and ran back. The merchant got angry, put the animal on his shoulders and carried it. Then the goat bit him and again ran to Spiridon. The bishop understood everything, but he was so kind that he did not want to denounce and scold the merchant in front of everyone. He said to him quietly, so that no one would hear, “Look, my son, it is not in vain that the animal does this. Have you withheld the proper price for it?” The merchant was ashamed and immediately repented. Spiridon, of course, forgave him. But one should not think that Saint Spyridon only stroked everyone on the head. When needed, he could be very strict and even harsh. However, this severity has always been to the benefit of man.

In 325, in the city of Nicaea, by order of Emperor Constantine the Great, the First Ecumenical Council was held - a meeting of bishops and patriarchs from all over the world. Why did they gather? The fact is, - the author narrates, - that one bishop - a learned man and a skillful orator named Arius was mistaken in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and misled many Christians. Spiridon asked to give him the floor. At first they didn’t want to do this: “Just stop the shepherd from Trimifunt - what else will he say there? ..” But still they allowed it. The saint began to speak simply and sincerely about God, about Christ, His death and Resurrection. One Greek philosopher grinned at first, and then became more and more serious, and in the end completely lowered his eyes and thought deeply. When Spiridon finished speaking, there was silence. The philosopher was silent for a long time and looked at the floor. Finally he said, "I think it's really just as you say."

He turned to his friends and said, “As long as I argued with intelligence and evidence, everything was fine. But God Himself is on the side of this elder, and a person cannot resist God.” This philosopher was soon baptized and became an Orthodox Christian. But others asked Spiridon to explain better: how can God be one and at the same time in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Then the saint picked up an ordinary brick in his hands - and you know that bricks are made from clay when it is mixed with water and then burned on fire ... So, the Bishop of Trimifuntsky tightly squeezed an ordinary kir-pich in his hand ... And what is it?! A flame burst out of it, water flowed, and clay remained in Spiridon's hands. One object, and in it three substances at once! Philosophers immediately understood everything and agreed: indeed, God is what Orthodox Christians say about Him - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Saint Spyridon, with his simple but clear confession of faith, converted many heretics to Orthodoxy.

Concluding his story, the author writes: “There is such a proverb: with whom you behave, you will gain from that. If you are with a harmful and ill-mannered person, then you yourself can become harmful and ill-mannered, and when you are friends with a smart person, you can become smart yourself. From a holy person one can learn both love, and kindness, and a simple sincere faith in God. Learn to believe - not cunningly and cleverly, like Arius, but simply, sincerely and cordially, like St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. After all, when you are with God, you are not afraid of anything in the world: neither the water stream that blocks the path, nor the mercilessly scorching sun, nor death itself. This is evidenced by the life of the saint.

*** St. Spyridon lived a long life and died at a ripe old age doing what he loved most while living on earth: talking with God. The bishop came from the field where he worked, began to pray, and the Lord took away his loving and simple soul. Now Saint Spyridon prays for all of us, for everyone who asks him for help. The city where the holy bishop lived and served is now called not Trimifunt, but Tremetusia, and the relics of the saint are on the Greek island of Corfu, in the main - cathedral - cathedral of the city. Five days a year, local residents honor the memory of the saint, making religious processions these days with his honest relics. Similar processions were established in memory of the miraculous help of St. Spyridon to the inhabitants of the island, and are performed on the Week of Vai, Great Holy Saturday, August 11 and on the first Sunday in November. And of course today is December 25th.

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