A story about your journey. “Tests of Fate” - a parable A parable about two life paths

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Many of us often complain about what is happening around us. Because of this, we do not notice all the beauty that the Universe gives us. But we rarely think about what could be worse. Our mind is so arranged that we are always dissatisfied with everything. And only by an effort of will we can change our thinking, and, accordingly, our destiny.

This parable is about how important it is to be able to trust the Universe and remain calm in any situation.

The boy was walking along the forest road. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the air was filled with the enchanting aroma of forest herbs.Pine trees went high into the sky, exuding their magical, tart smell of needles. The boy's heart was filled with joy, the joy of Life!And suddenly he stumbled on some root and fell. Joy left him, his knee was broken into blood and aching pain eclipsed the colors of summer.- Oh my God! - the boy exclaimed, - well, why did you slip this root on me on the road? What kind of keeper are you if you let me hit you so hard? - the boy said with resentment.

He got up and, limping slightly, turned onto another path. The pain gradually subsided. The boy was too kind to remember insults, and he again walked cheerfully along the new chosen path. Quite tired, he went down to the brook, invitingly calling him to quench his thirst and restore his lost strength.

Got drunk. But when he was climbing the slope leading from the stream, he slipped again and hit a stone lying nearby.

Oh God, why am I so unlucky! Again you have forgotten me and are not helping me to follow my path!
While he was getting up and looking at his bruises and cuts, a large tree collapsed from old age not far from him, almost catching him.

From the brook the path turned into a wide road, and the boy again walked merrily along it.

And the boy did not know that, having stumbled for the first time on a snag, a poisonous snake crawled near him. And if he had not fallen, he would certainly have stepped on her and said goodbye to his life.

And the second time, when he hit a stone, climbing the slope, imminent death lay in wait for him, being crushed by this mighty tree.

The road led him to a large clearing. But suddenly, clouds swooped in, a strong wind blew, and a thunderstorm began. First, small drops of rain changed to larger ones, then even larger ones and the rain turned into a downpour.

The boy ran in the hope of hiding under the crown of a large tree that could be seen at the edge of the forest, and again fell and broke his arm. And he hated his God.

I no longer believe that you exist, the boy shouted in despair.
- I will not go along the roads that you point out, - the boy continued to shout, writhing in pain. And the boy did not know that lightning struck that big tree, and his fall miraculously saved his life.

Remember: Not everything that at first glance seems to be a failure is one. Perhaps your fall, your trouble is a Great boon for you! Do not rush to grumble at God and Fate, perhaps Fate is very favorable to you.

Parable about the signs of fate

There is a legend according to which God comes to each of us at least once in a lifetime. But we are not given to know in what guise he will come, an abandoned puppy, a small homeless kitten, a beggar or a destitute person. And the way we meet him will affect our whole life.

Once upon a time there lived a man. And he had three dreams: to have Good work with a high salary, marry a beautiful kind girl and ... become known to the whole world.

During his life, many stories happened to him, we will tell about three of them:

On a cold winter morning, a young man was in a hurry for an interview at a well-known company. There were 5 minutes left before the meeting, and he still had to run a block. Suddenly, an elderly man slipped and fell right in front of him. Our hero looked at the man, decided that he was drunk and, without shaking his hand, ran on. Luckily, he made it to the interview on time. Unfortunately, he was not hired for the job of his dreams.

On a warm summer evening, a man was walking around the city. Noticing a troupe of street performers, he stopped to enjoy the spectacle. The audience was small, but the play was fun and exciting. After the performance ended, applause was heard and people began to disperse. Our man also turned back, but someone timidly touched his shoulder. It was the main character of the play, an old clowness. She began to ask him about whether he liked the performance, whether he was satisfied with the actors. But the man did not want to carry on a conversation and, turning away in disgust, went home.

One rainy autumn evening, a man hurried home from the birthday of a friend. The day turned out to be hard and he dreamed of taking a bath as soon as possible and falling asleep in a warm soft bed. Suddenly, he heard a muffled sob. It was a woman crying. She was sitting on a bench near our hero's house. She was alone, without an umbrella, and only the hood of a light jacket saved her from the cold rain. Noticing our hero, she turned to him for help. Something happened in her family and she really wanted to talk heart to heart with someone. The man thought, before his eyes appeared a bath and a bed, he muttered that he was terribly busy and hurried to the entrance.

The man lived an unhappy life. And died.

Once in heaven, a man met his guardian angel.

You know, I lived a very miserable and useless life. I had three dreams, but none of them came true. What a pity…
- Hmm ... My friend, I did everything to make all your dreams come true, but for this you only had to lend a hand once, open your eyes and warm your heart.
- What are you talking about?
- Do you remember the man who fell on the slippery winter road? I'll show you this picture now ... That person was the general director of the company that you so wanted to get into. An exciting career awaits you. All you had to do was give a hand.

Do you remember the old clowness who came up to you with questions after a street performance? It was a young beauty actress who fell in love with you at first sight. A happy future awaited you, children, undying love. All you have to do is open your eyes.

Do you remember the crying woman near your entrance? It was a rainy evening, she was soaked through with rain and tears ... She was a famous writer. She was going through a family crisis and she really needed spiritual support. If you had helped her warm up in your apartment, listened and comforted her, she would have written a book in which she would have told about this incident. The book would become famous all over the world and you along with it, since on the main page the author would indicate the name of the one who became the muse of this work. All that was required of you then was just a small spark of your heart. You were inattentive, my friend.

The man sighed and walked along the lunar path into the starry distance...

Moral: listen to the world, it offers opportunities. And you need to not only be able to ask for help, but also accept it with dignity.

Many of us often complain about what is happening around us. Because of this, we do not notice all the beauty that the Universe gives us. But we rarely think about what could be worse. Our mind is so arranged that we are always dissatisfied with everything. And only by an effort of will we can change our thinking, and, accordingly, our destiny.

This parable is about how important it is to be able to trust the Universe and remain calm in any situation.

The boy was walking along the forest road. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the air was filled with the enchanting aroma of forest herbs.

Pine trees went high into the sky, exuding their magical, tart smell of needles. The boy's heart was filled with joy, the joy of Life!

And suddenly he stumbled on some root and fell. Joy left him, his knee was broken into blood and aching pain eclipsed the colors of summer.

Oh my God! - the boy exclaimed, - well, why did you slip this root on me on the road? What kind of keeper are you if you let me hit you so hard? - the boy said with resentment.

He got up and, limping slightly, turned onto another path. The pain gradually subsided. The boy was too kind to remember insults, and he again walked cheerfully along the new chosen path. Pretty tired, he went down to the brook, invitingly calling him to quench his thirst and restore his lost strength.

Got drunk. But when he was climbing the slope leading from the stream, he slipped again and hit a stone lying nearby.

Oh God, why am I so unlucky! Again you have forgotten me and are not helping me to follow my path!
While he was getting up and looking at his bruises and cuts, a large tree collapsed from old age not far from him, almost catching him.

From the brook the path turned into a wide road, and the boy again walked merrily along it.

And the boy did not know that, having stumbled for the first time on a snag, a poisonous snake crawled near him. And if he had not fallen, he would certainly have stepped on her and said goodbye to his life.

And the second time, when he hit a stone, climbing the slope, imminent death lay in wait for him, being crushed by this mighty tree.

The road led him to a large clearing. But suddenly, clouds swooped in, a strong wind blew, and a thunderstorm began. First, small drops of rain changed to larger ones, then even larger ones and the rain turned into a downpour.

The boy ran in the hope of hiding under the crown of a large tree that could be seen at the edge of the forest, and again fell and broke his arm. And he hated his God.

I no longer believe that you exist, the boy shouted in despair.
- I will not go along the roads that you point out, - the boy continued to shout, writhing in pain. And the boy did not know that lightning struck that big tree, and his fall miraculously saved his life.

Why is a person born?

What does this world need him for?

What does the world give him?

What is the path for each of us?

How not to go astray?

One day a man came to the world's greatest teacher.

Master, he said, you say that you can show the way to your own essence, which is God. I left everything. I left home, family, work. I dropped everything to see the way.

Okay, the teacher said. - I will show you this way, just remember, you must be in time before sunset, otherwise you will again return to the beginning of the path.

How long do I have to go?

A few kilometers, maybe meters, maybe miles.

But will I make it?

If you don't get distracted, then yes.

But will you guide me down this road?

If you want it

Well, let's go now!

They walked around the Teacher's house and stopped near a small gate, locked with a rusty padlock.

It's here? asked the surprised guest.

Now you will see everything for yourself.

Behind the gate began a park alley paved with stone. Flowers, bushes, trees grew around, birds sang. The air was filled with a wonderful aroma.

What a wonderful road! the guest exclaimed.

The teacher didn't say anything. Before they had time to take a few steps, they saw a chicly set table, bursting with all sorts of dishes.

Completely forgot! I didn't have lunch today. Can I stop for a bite to eat?

This is your path.

But do you mind?

This is your path.

The food was so tasty, and the wines were intoxicating, that the guest did not notice how the sun went down over the horizon. In the morning he was again with the Teacher at the cherished gate.

Sorry that I lingered so at the table, - the guest began to justify himself, - but you could hurry me up too.

This is your way, - only the Teacher said.

This time, the guest took only a couple of sandwiches from the table, and some water, so that he could have breakfast on the go, and quickly walked forward. Around the next corner they met a young wonderful girl, and the guest stayed with her. They spent many, many days and nights together, until one day the guest got fed up with her.

What am I doing! he shouted and rushed to the Teacher.

This is your way, - only the Teacher answered all his excuses.

Now nothing can stop me, - said the guest and rushed forward. But they did not go even a third of the way, as they caught up with best friend guest.

It's good that I caught up with you! There is your mother. She died!

Sorry, - the guest said to the Teacher, - but I have to bury my mother. Will you let me go

This is your way, - said the Teacher to the guest.

Then there were relatives, inheritance, illnesses of children, urgent matters, intrigues of enemies. Every time something stopped him on the way. And once he did not find the Teacher.

The teacher is dead, they told him.

And where is the gate?

There is no gate here and never has been.

The parable "not in the eyebrow, but in the eye":

People! Look around, think about how many excuses, reasons and excuses we find to slow down, stop and deviate from our path. This road is still waiting for us for the time being, but "once" and "then" lead to the point of no return, then the gate to it closes and disappears forever.

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