Holy springs of the Sheremetev estate. Ancient estates of the Sheremetev family

Description of the surrounding area

The Sheremetevs are an ancient and, perhaps, the most famous Russian boyar family. In the genealogical books, the Sheremetev family is named among the “travelling” families from the land of the Prussians. Andrei Kobyla (Sheremet), mentioned in the annals of 1347, is considered the ancestor of the Sheremetevs. at the court of the Moscow prince. His son Fyodor Koshka was a boyar under Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Two mighty branches of the Sheremetevs and the Romanovs descended from the descendants of Fedor.

Estates such as Ostankino, Kuskovo are associated with the name of the Sheremetevs, but the estate in the village of Chirkino is the first ancient patrimony of the Sheremetev boyars, granted at the beginning of the 16th century to Andrei Kobylin by Ivan III for the Novgorod campaign. The glorious sons of this family (who were later the first in Russia to receive the title of count granted by Peter I to an outstanding Russian commander, successful diplomat, the first Russian Field Marshal General, Knight of Malta Boris Petrovich Sheremetev (1652-1719)) did a lot for Russia: they participate in ALL historical events: battles, state reorganizations.

In 1514, on a high hill in the village of Chirkino, a temple was built in honor of the Intercession. Mother of God. Next to him in the 17th century, the boyar Vasily Sheremetev erected in honor of his heavenly patron St. Basil the Great is a typically Baroque tiered temple "under the ringing", which later became his tomb. Once it was surrounded by an open gallery-gullbishche. At the same time, the superstructure of the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God was made. Later, Pyotr Borisovich Sheremetev (1713-1788, chief chamberlain, art lover) added a chapel of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Unfortunately, the fate of the temples themselves, Archpriest John (who served in the Church of the Intercession) and novice Anna Korneeva, who helped him in the church, after the October Revolution repeated the fate of many thousands of others in the territory Soviet state. In accordance with the testimony of false witnesses, a certificate was issued for the arrest of priest John Pokrovsky, signed by the leaders of the NKVD of the Moscow region. On January 27, 1938, the authorities arrested Archpriest John, and on February 13, novice Anna Korneeva, imprisoning them in the city of Kashira. The Hieromartyr John (Pokrovsky) and the Monk Martyr Anna (Korneeva) on February 21, 1938, were sentenced to death by an NKVD troika. On February 26, 1938, the sentence was carried out. It is sad, but for that time it was quite an ordinary case ... Excerpts from the protocols of interrogations are now available on the Internet.

It was believed that the line of the Sheremetev boyars died out after the October Revolution of 1917, however, it turned out that there is a direct descendant of the Sheremetevs - Count Georgy. He lives in the USA, in California. A few years ago, he visited his family nest and, according to eyewitnesses, on that day a small icon of the Intercession began to stream myrrh. Holy Mother of God from the Church of the Intercession...

The aforementioned miraculous event is by no means the only one: the current rector of the Chirkinsky churches, Priest Viktor Kuznetsov, can cite many testimonies of contemporary miracles and cases of miracles. And the vast majority of them are connected with consecrated, strong, purest water sources located near the village of Chirkino.

“One is located in a lowland. Right under the temples of the village of Chirkino towering on the mountain. Source "Joy of All Who Sorrow". It is famous for the extraordinary concentration of silver in it. Twenty times its content in the water exceeds the usual norm here!.. A high canopy with a dome and a cross rises above the source. Nearby there is a comfortable bathing area.

Two other sources are located at the entrance to temple complex, near the village of Shcherbinino, near the bridge over the river. Here you will see how a crystal stream escapes from the large diameter of the pipe. This spring was consecrated in honor of the locally venerated saints Hieromartyr John (Pokrovsky) and Rev. Martyr Anna (Korneeva), who were martyred for their faith in 1938.

Next to the inexpressible beauty is the Royal Spring in honor of the Great Martyrs, Passion-bearers of Tsar Nicholas 2 and Tsesarevich, the youth Alexy, who were killed for the faith and the Fatherland. Such a dedication is not accidental, since the root of the clan of the Sheremetev and Romanov boyars is one. Almshouse (now demolished) at the churches of the village. Chirkina was also consecrated during construction in 1908 in honor of the birth of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov.
This spring fascinates with its extraordinary beauty. Round barrel the purest water, six meters in diameter. This is a living, marvelous, natural aquarium, created by the Creator of everything. Algae green lace frame its bottom. About two dozen springs break out, whipping grains of sand high. Their seething does not excite the numerous fish, slowly waltzing in the weightlessness of the reservoir. Anyone who approaches and sees this inexplicable miracle is stupefied with bewitching delight. The strong beating of springs in the sandy bottom of the source does not frighten at all, does not excite, on the contrary, joyfully calms. I don't want to leave him. Everyone who wants to cheer up receives long-term energy for the body and soul in it.

The fourth source is especially famous - the ancient miraculous source of the prophet of God Elijah. He is mentioned in many historical descriptions, chronicles, church historiography of the Kolomna district of the 18th century. The archives contain certified, documented records of the consistory about the miraculous events that took place for a long time at the source.

→ Guide to the Moscow region → → Holy springs of the Sheremetev estate (village of Chirkino). How to get there?

Holy springs of the Sheremetev estate (village of Chirkino). How to get there?

Holy springs of the Sheremetev estate (village of Chirkino)

The estate in the village of Chirkino is the first ancient estate of the Sheremetev boyars. Near the village there are many purest consecrated water sources. One of them is located in a lowland, right under the temples of the village of Chirkino towering on the mountain. This is the source of "Joy to All Who Sorrow." It is famous for its unusual concentration of silver. Its content in water exceeds the usual norm by twenty times! There is a bath near the spring.

Two other sources are located at the entrance to the temple complex, near the village of Shcherbinino, near the bridge over the river. The fourth source is especially famous - the ancient miraculous source of the prophet of God Elijah. He is mentioned in many historical descriptions, chronicles and church historiography of the Kolomna district of the 18th century.

HOW TO GET TO THE patrimony of the Sheremetevs (village Chirkino)

By car: Drive along Novoryazanskoe highway. At the Small Concrete Ring (MBK), turn left at the sign "Myakinino" and "Temples, springs".

On your own: From the metro station "Vykhino" by bus number 402, 403 to Malin, then by bus number 34 to the place.

On the stand near the temples there is a small handwritten map-scheme,
indicating the location of the sources.

Such estates as Ostankino, Kuskovo are associated with the name of the Sheremetevs, but the estate in the village of Chirkino is the first ancient patrimony of the Sheremetev boyars, granted at the beginning of the 16th century to Andrei Kobylin by Ivan III for the Novgorod campaign.

In 1514, on a high hill in the village of Chirkino, a temple was built in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God. Next to him in the 17th century, the boyar Vasily Sheremetev erected in honor of his heavenly patron Saint Basil the Great a typical baroque tiered temple "under the ringing", which later became his tomb. Once it was surrounded by an open gallery-gullbishche. At the same time, the superstructure of the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God was made. Later, Pyotr Borisovich Sheremetev (1713-1788, chief chamberlain, art lover) added a chapel of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Unfortunately, the fate of the temples themselves, Archpriest John (who served in the Church of the Intercession) and novice Anna Korneeva, who helped him in the church, after the October Revolution, repeated the fate of many thousands of others on the territory of the Soviet state. In accordance with the testimony of false witnesses, a certificate was issued for the arrest of priest John Pokrovsky, signed by the leaders of the NKVD of the Moscow region. On January 27, 1938, the authorities arrested Archpriest John, and on February 13, novice Anna Korneeva, imprisoning them in the city of Kashira. The Hieromartyr John (Pokrovsky) and the Monk Martyr Anna (Korneeva) on February 21, 1938, were sentenced to death by an NKVD troika. On February 26, 1938, the sentence was carried out.

Excerpts from the protocols of interrogations are now available on the Internet.

It was believed that the line of the Sheremetev boyars died out after the October Revolution of 1917, however, it turned out that there is a direct descendant of the Sheremetevs - Count Georgy. He lives in the USA, in California. A few years ago, he visited his family nest and, according to eyewitnesses, on that day a small icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos from the Intercession Church began to stream myrrh...

The aforementioned miraculous event is by no means the only one: the current rector of the Chirkinsky churches, Priest Viktor Kuznetsov, can cite many testimonies of contemporary miracles and cases of miracles. And the vast majority of them are connected with consecrated, strong, purest water sources located near the village of Chirkino.

“One is located in a lowland. Right under the temples of the village of Chirkino towering on the mountain. Source "Joy of All Who Sorrow". It is famous for the extraordinary concentration of silver in it. Twenty times its content in the water exceeds the usual norm here!.. A high canopy with a dome and a cross rises above the source. Nearby there is a comfortable bathing area.

Two other sources are located at the entrance to the temple complex, near the village of Shcherbinino, near the bridge over the river. Here you will see how a crystal stream escapes from the large diameter of the pipe. This spring was consecrated in honor of the locally venerated saints Hieromartyr John (Pokrovsky) and Rev. Martyr Anna (Korneeva), who were martyred for their faith in 1938.

Next to the inexpressible beauty is the Royal Spring in honor of the Great Martyrs, Passion-bearers of Tsar Nicholas 2 and Tsesarevich, the youth Alexy, who were killed for the faith and the Fatherland. Such a dedication is not accidental, since the root of the clan of the Sheremetev and Romanov boyars is one. Almshouse (now demolished) at the churches of the village. Chirkina was also consecrated during construction in 1908 in honor of the birth of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov.

This spring fascinates with its extraordinary beauty. Round barrel of the purest water, six meters in diameter. This is a living, marvelous, natural aquarium, created by the Creator of everything. Algae green lace frame its bottom. About two dozen springs break out, whipping grains of sand high. Their seething does not excite the numerous fish, slowly waltzing in the weightlessness of the reservoir. Anyone who approaches and sees this inexplicable miracle is stupefied with bewitching delight. The strong beating of springs in the sandy bottom of the source does not frighten at all, does not excite, on the contrary, joyfully calms. I don't want to leave him. Everyone who wants to cheer up receives long-term energy for the body and soul in it.

The fourth source is especially famous - the ancient miraculous source of the prophet of God Elijah. He is mentioned in many historical descriptions, chronicles, church historiography of the Kolomna district of the 18th century. The archives contain certified, documented records of the consistory about the miraculous events that took place for a long time at the source.

The landowner possessed such unlimited power on his estates that he had the right to impose quitrents and fine the factory owners from among the former peasants immensely. Others could, at their discretion, even ruin. “... there is no appeal against the owner of the rich,” Prince I.M. Dolgoruky, Governor of Vladimir (1802-1812). “Sheremetev is to Ivanov what a sovereign is to all of Russia.”

For his wife, Princess V.A. Cherkassky Pyotr Sheremetev received a huge dowry. The count was given the lands and environs of Ivanovo, tens of thousands of serf souls. The estate of the Sheremetevs was managed by a residence in St. Petersburg, managers served in Ivanovo - elected peasants, whom the count trusted. The manor of managers - an impressive one-story mansion in the style of classicism - "stood" to this day.

In 1771, the count hid in the village of Ivanovo from the Moscow plague epidemic and took up the affairs of the patrimony himself. Through his "guarantors", former serfs, he sent expensive gifts to Moscow to bribe and "sweeten" the necessary officials states. He spoiled his son with gifts, N.P. Sheremetev, to whom he sent to London "... with the peasant Efim Grachev, a yakhont ring, showered with diamonds ... to say that he was sent from a healthy place, there is no sticking in it." The “capitalist” peasant Grachov, at the behest of the count, had to pay for all the necessary purchases. E.I. Grachev paid off the will of the count 35 years earlier than other peasants and became the richest manufacturer. Sheremetev established his own laws in the estates, published a collection of "house resolutions". We must give him his due, the count did not tolerate laziness, theft and drunkenness. Under the son of Peter Sheremetev, in 1804 alone, 847 punishments were noted in the penalty book, five for non-payment of dues, the rest for drunkenness and neglect. The count punished with a ruble those who were in no hurry to start a family. The count's orders came to recover 12,591 rubles from bachelors.

At the behest of N.P. Sheremetev (1799-1800) created a description of all the possessions of the Sheremetevs - "Atlas of dachas". The inventory was carried out by the manager of the Ivanovo estate, Mr. S.I. Greitz. In 1793, the manager I.P. arrived in Ivanovo as an auditor. Argunov. A well-known artist, he was born in the family of serfs of Count Cherkassky, came to the Sheremetevs as a "dowry".

IN late XVIII - early XIX century, the Ivanovo estate becomes the most profitable estate of the Sheremetevs. Fabulous quitrent money was sent from the patrimonial office to the Kuskovo estate. “Rich and boastful, like an Ivanovo peasant,” said the proverb of those times. S.D. Sheremetev survived three revolutions, the nationalization of all property, but did not run abroad. “What are our losses compared to what Russia is losing?” - wrote the last manager of the huge estates of the Sheremetevs in his memoirs. Sergei Dmitrievich died in 1918. In the Novospassky Monastery, in the tomb of their ancestors, the oldest family of which comes from Andrei Kobyla, they could not bury the count. By that time, the monastery had been turned into a prison camp. Sheremetev was buried "under the fence", near the wall of the monastery. On the site of the ancient Kruglikha grove in Ivanovo, another manager of the Sheremetevs, Deineka, laid out the "Count's Garden", now the May Day Park. In a buiding former estate manager of the estate of the Sheremetevs housed "Ivanovorestavratsiya". Before the revolution of 1917, the richest heir of the Sheremetevs was categorical: "You must not leave your homeland, you must not transfer capital, because the ancestors made all this for their country, for the people."

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Holy springs of the Sheremetev estate (village of Chirkino)

The estate in the village of Chirkino is the first ancient estate of the Sheremetev boyars. Near the village there are many purest consecrated water sources. One of them is located in a lowland, right under the temples of the village of Chirkino towering on the mountain. This is the source of "Joy to All Who Sorrow." It is famous for its unusual concentration of silver. Its content in water exceeds the usual norm by twenty times! There is a bath near the spring. Two other sources are located at the entrance to the temple complex, near the village of Shcherbinino, near the bridge over the river. The fourth source is especially famous - the ancient miraculous source of the prophet of God Elijah. He is mentioned in many historical descriptions, chronicles and church historiography of the Kolomna district of the 18th century.

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