Why dream of an intimate male body part. Why do genitals dream

If a man sees his own penis in a dream, most likely he is not one hundred percent sure of his male viability, which, in principle, is characteristic of many men. If a woman sees male dignity in a dream, she is ready to enter into an intimate relationship.

What if manhood is dreaming?

Why dream of manhood of enormous size? Oddly enough, the meaning of such a dream does not carry anything reprehensible or indecent. This dream simply means that the dreamer can always count on the support of friends. Of course, if a sexually aroused woman has such a dream, it should be interpreted literally.

A dirty penis in a dream warns that someone is very angry with the dreamer and will not miss the opportunity to throw mud at him in figuratively this word - gossip.

Injury to the genitals in a dream may portend illness or insult, that is, humiliation. In general, a member of a man in a dream is the personification of his reputation. For a woman, the penis means thoughts about future offspring and pregnancy.

If a person often sees genitals in a dream, most likely, he may have some psychological deviations on this basis. It is possible that the dreamer has difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. If in a dream manhood looks somehow abnormal, it means that the dreamer will soon have to change his sexual partner. Touching a penis in a dream portends an extramarital affair.

A member is also the personification of creative energy, success in society, social status, self-esteem.

What portends?

If you dreamed of a long penis of small thickness, it warns of the occurrence of diseases. Ejaculation in a dream symbolizes the completion of all the work begun. Just looking at manhood in a dream means the inability to get what you want, deceived expectations. Male testicles represent material profit, and the larger their size, the larger the profit that is already moving towards the dreamer. In general, for a man to see a penis in a dream is almost always a good sign guaranteeing success and patronage.

Also, the presence of a penis in a dream may indicate that, on a subconscious level, the dreamer is striving for something new, wants to change the situation and do something unusual. This interpretation is valid for both men and women. A person who sees such a dream wants to find the meaning of life.

Even without a clear sexual connotation, dreams about the genitals tell about the deep inner experiences of a person. Perhaps they affect those parts of the personality that even the dreamer's inner circle is not aware of. Such dreams must be carefully analyzed.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

See your own genitals- a sign of concern about their attractiveness, their strength.

See the genitals of the opposite sex- the desire for acquaintance, possession.

Penis or vagina smeared with dirt- gossip, secret malice.

Damaged Organs- illness, insult.

see a huge penis- dignity, friendly support.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

If this dream is not associated with erotic experiences, then the male genital organs in your dream- portend a quarrel and confrontation, and women's- insults and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Seeing your genitals in a dream for a man- take care of your reputation; from another man- to lose something or be at enmity with someone.

If a woman sees in a dream the male genital organs in her- she will soon have children; in men- to deceit, treason.

See female genitals for men- means to receive protection, protection from someone or from something, or interesting business proposals. For women- an intimate relationship with someone.

Islamic dream book

One who feels in a dream that his sexual organ is exhausted- he, in all likelihood, caused damage to people, and for this reason they slander against him and appeal to the wrath of the Almighty.

If he sees his penis cut off and thrown away from him He will die and have no offspring. This dream may also portend the death of his son.

If he has only one daughter, and he sees his sexual organ cut off and attached to his ear- his daughter will have an illegitimate child.

For a representative of authority to see a cut off sexual organ- means the loss of his post, but for a warrior- defeat.

If someone sees himself castrated in a dream or will castrate himself- he will be humiliated.

If a man intends to entrust a secret or give something for safekeeping to someone, and if he sees a castrated man in a dream, he must refuse to fulfill his plan. However, they say that if someone sees himself at the moment of castration, he will receive the mercy of Allah.

If the sleeper sees in a dream a castrated man unfamiliar to him in the guise of holy people and speaking wise words, let him know that an angel has come to him with a warning or good news.

If the sleeper sees himself in a dream unable to urinate- this portends that he will be unable to ensure his existence.

The dream of someone who sees in a dream that he has difficulty urinating- means that he has a debt that he cannot pay. Swelling of the scrotum portends wealth, and the one who sees such a dream should beware of the envy of his enemies.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

sexual organ- male reputation, creative potency, strength.

Huge- dignity, success.

Long, thin- diseases.

See- blunder, deceit, not getting what you expected.

ejaculation- the end of all affairs.

See the female genitals for a man- good, protection, realization of the plan. For woman- love affair; rival.

Modern universal dream book

Why so much noise around the genitals? Some people don't consider them a very beautiful part of the body, but they are very functional!

If in a dream you saw the genitals- First of all, you need to pay attention to the circumstances of sleep. For example, do you defecate? This suggests that you need to get rid of emotional arousal. Is the dream telling you to let go of the past? Remove it from your life?

If in a dream you saw the genitals of the opposite sex- what did you feel when you woke up: envy or relief? If envy, the dream suggests that you would like to have the advantages that the opposite sex has. If you are relieved, then you are glad that you are the way you are. In a dream, did you see the genitals of your gender?

If you are a man, have you seen a larger or smaller penis? If you've seen a larger penis- it means you want to be more powerful and desirable. If in a dream you saw a smaller penis- this suggests that you are waiting for recognition for your mental abilities and personal qualities, and not for success in bed.

If you are a woman and you dreamed of a vagina- a dream speaks of a desire to give birth to an idea or a new life! Do you want to start a family?

Sexual organs are associated with the most pleasant moments in life- Do you dream of sensual relaxation? Or do you experience it when you succeed?

Erotic dream book Danilova

Separated from overt sexual content, female genital organs- can be considered as a symbol of the childbearing function of a woman, and also, if used in an even broader sense, as a natural creative force. In any meaning, this symbol will have such an interpretation that the organs act as producing something new. But this interpretation can hardly satisfy our needs in the study of the essence of the unconscious.

Regardless of the gender of the person who sees this dream- its meaning lies in the fact that the unconscious requires the introduction of new elements into life. The circle of things and people in which you exist no longer satisfies you, it simply bored you. You are striving for something that can give you something new, which will give meaning to the whole existence, give a complete worldview and a feeling of joy and well-being. The old age and decrepitude of your state of mind is compensated by the unconscious in a dream, but you need to understand that this is not enough. After all, the instinctive sphere cannot fully function if the consciousness turns away from it: a conflict arises in the psyche, which is easier to prevent than to overcome later, spending precious time and energy. Thus, your search actually becomes a search for yourself in another, this is exactly what the unconscious requires of you.

According to the theory of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, hollow and rounded objects seen in a dream- symbolize the female genital organs, and all elongated and sharp - the male genital organs.

Dreams related to intimate parts of the body- as a rule, have their source in the deepest experiences of the individual. Being sexually colored, the dream makes us understand that everyday deprivations, even without connection with the intimate aspects of human existence, leave a deep mark on all components of the psyche. This also applies to dreams in which it seems to a person that he is losing what is most dear to many. This suggests the conclusion that the loss of genital organs symbolizes the deprivation of something close and dear. In life, we always have to lose something, to sacrifice something, which we then bitterly regret. Not realizing some loss of the mind, we still feel it with the unconscious part of the soul, which is why regret is expressed in such dreams.

The stronger the negative emotions associated with the disappearance of sexual organs in a dream- the more significant is the reason that caused the appearance of this phenomenon on the horizon of the unconscious state in which the person resides during sleep. The release of psychic energy into sleep requires that a person find the source of its occurrence and take certain measures to bring his state of mind into balance. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of thoughts and sensations without harming yourself and others.

Esoteric dream book

Sexual organs of the opposite sex- there will be problems in relationships on sexual grounds. Same gender- a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

Touch the genitals- Unwanted sexual intercourse is possible.

Unusual view- you have to change your sexual partner. Perhaps if you are married, you will have a relationship on the side.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Male reproductive organs- reputation (for a man), future children (for a woman); women's for men- protection, protection, business offers.

Collection of dream books

Sex organs- strength; sexuality.

Female reproductive organs- special favor spiritual path for the neophyte spiritual seeker.


Why dream of manhood?

If a man sees his own penis in a dream, most likely he is not one hundred percent sure of his male viability, which, in principle, is characteristic of many men. If a woman sees male dignity in a dream, she is ready to enter into an intimate relationship.

Why dream of manhood of enormous size? Oddly enough, the meaning of such a dream does not carry anything reprehensible or indecent. This dream simply means that the dreamer can always count on the support of friends. Of course, if a sexually aroused woman has such a dream, it should be interpreted literally.

A dirty penis in a dream warns that someone is very angry with the dreamer and will not miss the opportunity to throw mud at him in the figurative sense of the word - gossip.

Injury to the genitals in a dream may portend illness or insult, that is, humiliation. In general, a member of a man in a dream is the personification of his reputation. For a woman, the penis means thoughts about future offspring and pregnancy.

If a person often sees genitals in a dream, most likely, he may have some psychological deviations on this basis. It is possible that the dreamer has difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. If in a dream manhood looks somehow abnormal, it means that the dreamer will soon have to change his sexual partner. Touching a penis in a dream portends an extramarital affair.

A member is also the personification of creative energy, success in society, social status, self-esteem.

If you dreamed of a long penis of small thickness, it warns of the occurrence of diseases. Ejaculation in a dream symbolizes the completion of all the work begun. Just looking at manhood in a dream means the inability to get what you want, deceived expectations. Male testicles represent material profit, and the larger their size, the larger the profit that is already moving towards the dreamer. In general, for a man to see a penis in a dream is almost always a good sign that guarantees success and patronage.

Also, the presence of a penis in a dream may indicate that, on a subconscious level, the dreamer is striving for something new, wants to change the situation and do something unusual. This interpretation is valid for both men and women. A person who sees such a dream wants to find the meaning of life.

Even without a clear sexual connotation, dreams about the genitals tell about the deep inner experiences of a person. Perhaps they affect those parts of the personality that even the dreamer's inner circle is not aware of. Such dreams must be carefully analyzed.


According to Felomena's dream book, the sexual organ seen in a dream is interpreted as a projection of the sleeping person's relationship to sex, a characteristic of his sexuality, the dominance of his male or female principle.


Sexual female organ

Dream Interpretation Sexual female organ dreamed of why in a dream the sexual female organ? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a female genital organ in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Apart from explicit sexual content, the female genital organs can be seen as a symbol of a woman's reproductive function, and also - if used in an even broader sense - as a natural creative force. In any meaning, this symbol will have such an interpretation that the organs act as producing something new. But this interpretation can hardly satisfy our needs in the study of the essence of the unconscious.

Regardless of the gender of the person who sees this dream, its meaning is that the unconscious requires the introduction of new elements into life. The circle of things and people in which you exist no longer satisfies you, it simply bored you. You are striving for something that can give you something new, which will give meaning to the whole existence, give a complete worldview and a feeling of joy and well-being.

The old age and decrepitude of your state of mind is compensated by the unconscious in a dream, but you need to understand that this is not enough. After all, the instinctive sphere cannot fully function if the consciousness turns away from it: a conflict arises in the psyche, which is easier to prevent than to overcome later, spending precious time and energy. Thus, your search actually becomes a search for yourself in another, this is exactly what the unconscious requires of you.

According to the theory of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, hollow and rounded objects seen in a dream symbolize the female genital organs, and all elongated and sharp objects symbolize the male genital organs.

Dream Interpretation - Female genital organs

They appear in dreams as containers that can contain something: bottles, vases, boxes, suitcases, cans.

Some symbols are more closely connected with the organs of childbearing: this is a cave, a furnace.

Activities that are substitutes for sexual intercourse: dancing, horseback riding, endless climbing stairs.

The meanings of these symbols were also highlighted by Freud.

Freud's followers, his students and opponents have clarified this issue.

Jung, for example, believed that no more than 20% of dreamers who dream of dancing or climbing stairs can find echoes of sexual intercourse in this action.

When interpreting a dream, one should take into account the dreamer's personality, his age, and life realities.

Acceptance of a sexual interpretation for things from the listed list is possible only if there are obvious details hinting at sex.

Similar to the dream given at the beginning of the section.

Dream Interpretation - Organ

Dream Interpretation - Sexual abstinence

Dream Interpretation - Sex organs (female)

For a man, good, protection, realization of the plan. For a woman, a love affair; rival.

Dream Interpretation - Female genital organs

(but made, as it were, jewelry from pure gold) a special favor of the spiritual path (pure higher egregor) for the spiritual seeker neophyte (for a man).

Dream Interpretation - Sexual intercourse

The desire to take over, to lower.

Erotic transfer.


Projection of the desire for power.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual intercourse

Means the following:


to see female genital organs in a dream ... why?




Seeing your genitals in a dream is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction. If you see the genitals of another woman, this portends the emergence of a new intimate relationship. Seeing a man's genitals in a dream means problems in sexual relationships. If a woman sees male genital organs in her dream, she will soon have children. Touching the genitals in a dream - unwanted sexual intercourse is possible. If you see an unusual type of genitals, you have to change your sexual partner. For married women, such a dream may portend treason.


Yes. to shame. BUT it all depends on the details.


This is positive! In a dream, the female genital organs symbolize functions corresponding to the functions of the genitals - fertility, pleasure.

Larina Alena

In general, seeing yourself naked is a shame or illness. Get checked by a gynecologist just in case. You never know ... Good luck.)


Genitals, genitals (according to Morozova's dream book) - Seeing your genitals in a dream for a man - taking care of your reputation; for another man - to lose something or be at enmity with someone. If a woman sees male genital organs in her dream, she will soon have children; in men - to deception, treason. To see the female genital organs - for men means to receive protection, protection from someone or something, or interesting business proposals. For women - an intimate relationship with someone.
Phallus, penis (according to Miller's dream book) - A phallus seen in a dream warns you against possible disappointments. For a young woman, a dream in which she touches her penis means that her love affair will bring her more problems than joy. Not only her reputation can suffer, but also her health.

The penis fell off

Dream Interpretation Penis fell off dreamed of why in a dream the sexual organ fell off? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a penis fell off in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

in a dream it is glory among people. Whoever sees that his sexual organ is cut off, his son will die, or he himself will die and his authority will fall. If he sees his sexual organ short or long, then this indicates a decrease or increase in his fame. If he sees that his sexual organ has two or more branches, then he will have as many children as there were branches.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

Male reputation, creative potency, strength. Huge honor, success. Long, thin disease. Seeing a blunder, deceit, not getting what you expected. Ejaculation is the end of all affairs. Husband. Paired glands authority, profit, the larger they are, the greater the profit.

Dream Interpretation - Organ

The organ is an important and solemn event.

Hearing organ music - true and devoted friends, well-being and prosperity in the house.

Seeing the organ in the church is sadness and sadness.

Playing the organ is good luck, fame and honor.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual abstinence

As you know, the era of late antiquity and Hellenism was marked by licentiousness and permissiveness in eroticism. However, it was replaced by the Middle Ages with its morality, innocence and abstinence. It was at this time that such an institution as celibacy, or celibacy, took shape, which the Catholic priests who entered the dignity were obliged to maintain.

In Orthodoxy, there is no such institution of complete celibacy, the lower ranks of priests can have a family and children, divorces among them are practically impossible. It is forbidden to have a family only to the highest ranks of the Orthodox Church.

However, a dream about sexual abstinence can be dreamed not only by priests, but also by lay people, so it would be useful to give an interpretation of such a dream plot.

Dreams about sexual abstinence can be interpreted in different ways. However, all possible interpretations must be based on the idea of ​​hoarding. This is due to the fact that abstinence is a refusal to waste sperm and sexual desire energy (libido), as a result of which these substances accumulate and are in the human body in a larger amount than necessary.

Therefore, during sexual abstinence, the subject becomes redundant, his sexuality overflows the space established by the norm and splashes out in the form of aggression, nervousness, tantrums, or a sharp increase in efficiency.

In connection with such an understanding of sexual abstinence, a dream can be interpreted as a reluctance to spend something (perhaps at the moment in your life there is a situation where you have to pay off a loan, pay off your debts, buy something for which you feel sorry for the money). Another interpretation: You do not want to share something with your acquaintances or friends.

However, information about the future cannot be drawn from sleep, the content of which may directly depend on prolonged sexual abstinence. Such a dream can be considered "prophetic" only in the sense that it allows you to determine the physical needs of the body.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual intercourse

Positive sexual experiences.

The desire to take over, to lower.

Be dependent on the object of desire.

A symbol of the unification of anima and animus.

Much depends on the position of intercourse.

The specific human pose face to face allows us to talk about the symbolism of the unification of male and female without the expressed subordination of one to the other.

The position of a man from behind implies the submission of a woman, the position of a woman from above - the submission of a man by a woman, but if in this position the woman's face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous.

Group sexual intercourse refers to the period of adolescent initiation or ritual sexual intercourse characteristic of a number of archaic and modern societies.

Sexual intercourse can be seen as a means of proving power, appeasing or relieving anxiety, it is also a symbolic union of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness.

Erotic transfer.

Someone who performs heterosexual intercourse.


Projection of one's own desires for possession.

Someone who performs homosexual intercourse.

Projection of the desire for power.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual intercourse

Means the following:
- if seen in full in all real details (bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm), then it symbolizes positivity;
- if you dream of scenes of an expected, alleged sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this indicates a person’s uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence;
- in other cases it can mean desire seduce for the purpose of vampiric capture, psychic plagiarism with a destructive ending;
- in general, a mature person never sees sexual intercourse in a dream as it actually happens, since he has the opportunity to live it in real life. If this happens, then, most likely, it indicates the presence in the environment of the subject of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is plotting his vampiric capture;
- sexual intercourse with the father - an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with the mother is always negative; erotic relationships with animals always symbolize psychic regression, black vaginismus or the "wormy attitude";

Dream Interpretation - Organ

Dream Interpretation - Organ

The dream in which you heard solemn organ music portends you a long friendship and reliable well-being.

We saw an organ in the church - get ready for quarrels in the family and other unpleasant events.

If you heard melodic, pleasant music performed on the organ, you will be lucky and gain wide popularity.

A sad chant, accompanied by an organ, is a dream of tedious work and, possibly, the loss of friends or position in society.


Suck penis

Dream Interpretation Suck the penis dreamed of why in a dream Sucking the genitals? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Sucking the genitals by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

in a dream it is glory among people. Whoever sees that his sexual organ is cut off, his son will die, or he himself will die and his authority will fall. If he sees his sexual organ short or long, then this indicates a decrease or increase in his fame. If he sees that his sexual organ has two or more branches, then he will have as many children as there were branches.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

Male reputation, creative potency, strength. Huge honor, success. Long, thin disease. Seeing a blunder, deceit, not getting what you expected. Ejaculation is the end of all affairs. Husband. Paired glands authority, profit, the larger they are, the greater the profit.

Dream Interpretation - Transformation of the genital organs

A dream about the transformation of the genital organs should be considered as a symbol of serious changes in the dreamer's personality and his worldview.

So, changing the genital organs of one sex to the organs of the other can mean:

1) a feeling of inferiority due to sexual coldness;

2) a feeling of inferiority associated with the fulfillment of a social role (man, woman, husband, wife);

3) a feeling of pressure exerted by society on the dreamer, and a subconscious desire to get rid of him by changing his essence;

4) the desire to change the chosen role in sex (from active to passive and vice versa).

Changing the genitals to the organs of an animal has the meaning of the fundamental impossibility to realize secret dreams for one reason or another: perhaps you expect too much from life and demand from others. Moderate your requests in relation to the world around you, if you wish to live in harmony with it.

Dream Interpretation - Disappearance of the genitals

Dreams associated with the intimate parts of the body, as a rule, have their source in the deepest experiences of the individual. Being sexually colored, the dream makes us understand that everyday deprivations, even without connection with the intimate aspects of human existence, leave a deep mark on all components of the psyche. This also applies to dreams in which it seems to a person that he is losing what is most dear to many. This suggests the conclusion that the loss of genital organs symbolizes the deprivation of something close and dear.

In life, we always have to lose something, to sacrifice something, which we then bitterly regret. Not realizing some loss of the mind, we still feel it with the unconscious part of the soul, which is why regret is expressed in such dreams. The stronger the negative emotions associated with the disappearance of the sexual organs in a dream, the more significant the reason that caused the appearance of this phenomenon on the horizon of the unconscious state in which the person resides during sleep.

The release of psychic energy into sleep requires that a person find the source of its occurrence and take certain measures to bring his state of mind into balance. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of thoughts and sensations without harming yourself and others.

Dream Interpretation - Suck

Sucking milk from someone's chest in a dream is a sign of an imminent love adventure and pleasure. Sucking something in a dream means that you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve your intended goal. If you dream that someone (a person, animal or insect) has stuck to you, then beware of freeloaders or business partners who are ready to rob you. The dream in which you saw some object on a suction cup indicates that you will have to overcome some obstacles or get rid of some people who interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Dream Interpretation - Suck

Sucking someone's breast is the arrival of a noble relative.

Dream Interpretation - Organ

The organ is an important and solemn event.

Hearing organ music - true and devoted friends, well-being and prosperity in the house.

Seeing the organ in the church is sadness and sadness.

Playing the organ is good luck, fame and honor.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual abstinence

As you know, the era of late antiquity and Hellenism was marked by licentiousness and permissiveness in eroticism. However, it was replaced by the Middle Ages with its morality, innocence and abstinence. It was at this time that such an institution as celibacy, or celibacy, took shape, which the Catholic priests who entered the dignity were obliged to maintain.

In Orthodoxy, there is no such institution of complete celibacy, the lower ranks of priests can have a family and children, divorces among them are practically impossible. It is forbidden to have a family only to the highest ranks of the Orthodox Church.

However, a dream about sexual abstinence can be dreamed not only by priests, but also by lay people, so it would be useful to give an interpretation of such a dream plot.

Dreams about sexual abstinence can be interpreted in different ways. However, all possible interpretations must be based on the idea of ​​hoarding. This is due to the fact that abstinence is a refusal to waste sperm and sexual desire energy (libido), as a result of which these substances accumulate and are in the human body in a larger amount than necessary.

Therefore, during sexual abstinence, the subject becomes redundant, his sexuality overflows the space established by the norm and splashes out in the form of aggression, nervousness, tantrums, or a sharp increase in efficiency.

In connection with such an understanding of sexual abstinence, a dream can be interpreted as a reluctance to spend something (perhaps at the moment in your life there is a situation where you have to pay off a loan, pay off your debts, buy something for which you feel sorry for the money). Another interpretation: You do not want to share something with your acquaintances or friends.

However, information about the future cannot be drawn from sleep, the content of which may directly depend on prolonged sexual abstinence. Such a dream can be considered "prophetic" only in the sense that it allows you to determine the physical needs of the body.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual intercourse

Positive sexual experiences.

The desire to take over, to lower.

Be dependent on the object of desire.

A symbol of the unification of anima and animus.

Much depends on the position of intercourse.

The specific human pose face to face allows us to talk about the symbolism of the unification of male and female without the expressed subordination of one to the other.

The position of a man from behind implies the submission of a woman, the position of a woman from above - the submission of a man by a woman, but if in this position the woman's face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous.

Group sexual intercourse refers to the period of adolescent initiation or ritual sexual intercourse characteristic of a number of archaic and modern societies.

Sexual intercourse can be seen as a means of proving power, appeasing or relieving anxiety, it is also a symbolic union of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness.

Erotic transfer.

Someone who performs heterosexual intercourse.


Projection of one's own desires for possession.

Someone who performs homosexual intercourse.

Projection of the desire for power.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual intercourse

Means the following:
- if seen in full in all real details (bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm), then it symbolizes positivity;
- if you dream of scenes of an expected, alleged sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this indicates a person’s uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence;
- in other cases, it can mean a strong desire to seduce with the aim of vampiric capture, mental plagiarism with a destructive ending;
- in general, a mature person never sees sexual intercourse in a dream as it actually happens, since he has the opportunity to live it in real life. If this happens, then, most likely, it indicates the presence in the environment of the subject of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is plotting his vampiric capture;
- sexual intercourse with the father - an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with the mother is always negative; erotic relationships with animals always symbolize psychic regression, black vaginismus or the "wormy attitude";


Shave the penis

Dream Interpretation Shave the penis dreamed of why in a dream Shave the genitals? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Shaving your genitals by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

in a dream it is glory among people. Whoever sees that his sexual organ is cut off, his son will die, or he himself will die and his authority will fall. If he sees his sexual organ short or long, then this indicates a decrease or increase in his fame. If he sees that his sexual organ has two or more branches, then he will have as many children as there were branches.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

Male reputation, creative potency, strength. Huge honor, success. Long, thin disease. Seeing a blunder, deceit, not getting what you expected. Ejaculation is the end of all affairs. Husband. Paired glands authority, profit, the larger they are, the greater the profit.

Dream Interpretation - Transformation of the genital organs

A dream about the transformation of the genital organs should be considered as a symbol of serious changes in the dreamer's personality and his worldview.

So, changing the genital organs of one sex to the organs of the other can mean:

1) a feeling of inferiority due to sexual coldness;

2) a feeling of inferiority associated with the fulfillment of a social role (man, woman, husband, wife);

3) a feeling of pressure exerted by society on the dreamer, and a subconscious desire to get rid of him by changing his essence;

4) the desire to change the chosen role in sex (from active to passive and vice versa).

Changing the genitals to the organs of an animal has the meaning of the fundamental impossibility to realize secret dreams for one reason or another: perhaps you expect too much from life and demand from others. Moderate your requests in relation to the world around you, if you wish to live in harmony with it.

Dream Interpretation - Disappearance of the genitals

Dreams associated with the intimate parts of the body, as a rule, have their source in the deepest experiences of the individual. Being sexually colored, the dream makes us understand that everyday deprivations, even without connection with the intimate aspects of human existence, leave a deep mark on all components of the psyche. This also applies to dreams in which it seems to a person that he is losing what is most dear to many. This suggests the conclusion that the loss of genital organs symbolizes the deprivation of something close and dear.

In life, we always have to lose something, to sacrifice something, which we then bitterly regret. Not realizing some loss of the mind, we still feel it with the unconscious part of the soul, which is why regret is expressed in such dreams. The stronger the negative emotions associated with the disappearance of the sexual organs in a dream, the more significant the reason that caused the appearance of this phenomenon on the horizon of the unconscious state in which the person resides during sleep.

The release of psychic energy into sleep requires that a person find the source of its occurrence and take certain measures to bring his state of mind into balance. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of thoughts and sensations without harming yourself and others.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

it is a sign of peace, comfort and healing from diseases of the head and eyes. Sometimes, shaving in a place where one would not normally shave indicates distress and loss. Shaving the head is the fulfillment of what is entrusted to him and safety. And shaving the head in the Hajj is security, payment of debt and victory. Hair shortening is safety. And if the dreamer shaves it not in the Hajj, then he is less pious, and if his friend is in sorrow or in debt, then he will get rid of it. And shaving a beard is a loss of property, dignity and rank.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

If you are just watching shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.

If you dream that you are going to shave - this means that you will let the crooks deceive you.

If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.

If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.

If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships.

If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life.

If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require from you.

If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.

If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving in a dream is a harbinger of useless work. The dream in which you shave predicts loss of property and trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts discord in the family. If in a dream you want to shave, then you are in danger of being deceived and you can lose a lot of money. For a woman to see a shaving man in a dream is a sign of temptation that she cannot resist; shaving herself in a dream is an indication that she is not doing her own thing. Seeing your face in a dream well and clean-shaven is a harbinger of peace and prosperity. If someone shaved the back of your head, then shame awaits you, a lot of worries, and sometimes danger. Only criminals such a dream predicts good luck. If in a dream you shave someone, then in real life you will act dishonestly towards your close friends and partners. However, as a result, your dishonest act will benefit this person, and you yourself may suffer. Sometimes such a dream portends news of the death of a friend or relative. If a man dreams that his beloved woman shaves him, then he should be more careful, since his beloved is unfaithful to him and, using his trust, allows himself a lot of excess. For a single man, a dream about shaving predicts an early marriage. Seeing or using a razor in a dream is a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs, you should try to reconcile your friends, because as a result, both of your friends will be offended by you. A dream in which you are trying on how best to hold a razor means that you will make bold plans for enrichment that can harm your partners or loved ones. The same thing means a dream where you carefully observe how others shave. If in a dream you see that you are being shaved, then a streak of failures, disappointments and sorrows awaits you. See interpretation: what you shave, by name.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

The process of shaving symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A shaving cut tells you what your fears are about. possible pregnancy turned out to be in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving - if single - close matchmaking - to yourself - loss of property - shaving others - having good friends.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Seeing in a dream how someone is shaving - in reality, a business that you take on with excessive haste and without a definite plan will end in obvious failure.

If your friend or husband shaves in a dream, in reality he will reveal your trick, and the deception will not work.

If your head is shaved, it means that you have the courage and strength to lead a solid enterprise, proving your superiority over the claims of all other applicants for this role.

If you shave yourself, it means that in reality there will be temporary difficulties, but then you will rest like never before. Shaving someone in a dream - you will experience many unpleasant minutes in explanations with your husband or boss.

Shaving a beard - you risk losing your property, a mustache - the end of a careless life, sideburns - an unfortunate loss, perhaps a large amount of money that does not belong to you.


Boy's penis

Dream Interpretation Boy's penis dreamed of why in a dream the sexual organ of a boy? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a boy's genitals in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

in a dream it is glory among people. Whoever sees that his sexual organ is cut off, his son will die, or he himself will die and his authority will fall. If he sees his sexual organ short or long, then this indicates a decrease or increase in his fame. If he sees that his sexual organ has two or more branches, then he will have as many children as there were branches.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

Male reputation, creative potency, strength. Huge honor, success. Long, thin disease. Seeing a blunder, deceit, not getting what you expected. Ejaculation is the end of all affairs. Husband. Paired glands authority, profit, the larger they are, the greater the profit.

Dream Interpretation - Transformation of the genital organs

A dream about the transformation of the genital organs should be considered as a symbol of serious changes in the dreamer's personality and his worldview.

So, changing the genital organs of one sex to the organs of the other can mean:

1) a feeling of inferiority due to sexual coldness;

2) a feeling of inferiority associated with the fulfillment of a social role (man, woman, husband, wife);

3) a feeling of pressure exerted by society on the dreamer, and a subconscious desire to get rid of him by changing his essence;

4) the desire to change the chosen role in sex (from active to passive and vice versa).

Changing the genitals to the organs of an animal has the meaning of the fundamental impossibility to realize secret dreams for one reason or another: perhaps you expect too much from life and demand from others. Moderate your requests in relation to the world around you, if you wish to live in harmony with it.

Dream Interpretation - Disappearance of the genitals

Dreams associated with the intimate parts of the body, as a rule, have their source in the deepest experiences of the individual. Being sexually colored, the dream makes us understand that everyday deprivations, even without connection with the intimate aspects of human existence, leave a deep mark on all components of the psyche. This also applies to dreams in which it seems to a person that he is losing what is most dear to many. This suggests the conclusion that the loss of genital organs symbolizes the deprivation of something close and dear.

In life, we always have to lose something, to sacrifice something, which we then bitterly regret. Not realizing some loss of the mind, we still feel it with the unconscious part of the soul, which is why regret is expressed in such dreams. The stronger the negative emotions associated with the disappearance of the sexual organs in a dream, the more significant the reason that caused the appearance of this phenomenon on the horizon of the unconscious state in which the person resides during sleep.

The release of psychic energy into sleep requires that a person find the source of its occurrence and take certain measures to bring his state of mind into balance. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of thoughts and sensations without harming yourself and others.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If the boy was born to someone else, such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reason to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts a dual position for you, when you will seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. To beat a boy in a dream or to punish is a waking warning to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

You will toil. The boy is playing - anxiety over trifles. The boy is sleeping - inner doubts make you indecisive. The boy is learning - you are suffering because of a mistake made in the past.

Imagine that the boy runs away and the girl comes (see Girl). Or a boy - it's actually a girl in disguise.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A little boy is a surprise or unexpected news;
for a pregnant woman - rapid childbirth;
playing with a boy - a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and financially stable;
for creative people - a surge of inspiration;
crying boy - you have to show care and attention in relation to your family, and especially to your loved one;
an unfamiliar boy, and you perceive him as your son - disappointment in love and distrust of the opposite sex.
See also Cry, Children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

If an older boy entering adolescence is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed of a little boy - this is a great success, all things will go uphill for you.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not keep you waiting.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

For a woman to see a boy: to money and an increase in property.

To see fighting boys - friends can entangle you in a dirty business.

Students - to successful and profitable plans.

An adult sees himself as a boy - your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Dream Interpretation - Organ

The organ is an important and solemn event.

Hearing organ music - true and devoted friends, well-being and prosperity in the house.

Seeing the organ in the church is sadness and sadness.

Playing the organ is good luck, fame and honor.


touch the penis

Dream Interpretation Touch the genitals dreamed of why in a dream to touch the genitals? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to touch the genitals in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

in a dream it is glory among people. Whoever sees that his sexual organ is cut off, his son will die, or he himself will die and his authority will fall. If he sees his sexual organ short or long, then this indicates a decrease or increase in his fame. If he sees that his sexual organ has two or more branches, then he will have as many children as there were branches.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual organ (male)

Male reputation, creative potency, strength. Huge honor, success. Long, thin disease. Seeing a blunder, deceit, not getting what you expected. Ejaculation is the end of all affairs. Husband. Paired glands authority, profit, the larger they are, the greater the profit.

Dream Interpretation - Transformation of the genital organs

A dream about the transformation of the genital organs should be considered as a symbol of serious changes in the dreamer's personality and his worldview.

So, changing the genital organs of one sex to the organs of the other can mean:

1) a feeling of inferiority due to sexual coldness;

2) a feeling of inferiority associated with the fulfillment of a social role (man, woman, husband, wife);

3) a feeling of pressure exerted by society on the dreamer, and a subconscious desire to get rid of him by changing his essence;

4) the desire to change the chosen role in sex (from active to passive and vice versa).

Changing the genitals to the organs of an animal has the meaning of the fundamental impossibility to realize secret dreams for one reason or another: perhaps you expect too much from life and demand from others. Moderate your requests in relation to the world around you, if you wish to live in harmony with it.

Dream Interpretation - Disappearance of the genitals

Dreams associated with the intimate parts of the body, as a rule, have their source in the deepest experiences of the individual. Being sexually colored, the dream makes us understand that everyday deprivations, even without connection with the intimate aspects of human existence, leave a deep mark on all components of the psyche. This also applies to dreams in which it seems to a person that he is losing what is most dear to many. This suggests the conclusion that the loss of genital organs symbolizes the deprivation of something close and dear.

In life, we always have to lose something, to sacrifice something, which we then bitterly regret. Not realizing some loss of the mind, we still feel it with the unconscious part of the soul, which is why regret is expressed in such dreams. The stronger the negative emotions associated with the disappearance of the sexual organs in a dream, the more significant the reason that caused the appearance of this phenomenon on the horizon of the unconscious state in which the person resides during sleep.

The release of psychic energy into sleep requires that a person find the source of its occurrence and take certain measures to bring his state of mind into balance. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of thoughts and sensations without harming yourself and others.

Dream Interpretation - Touch

You touch gold hairpins, hairpins - a long trip is ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Organ

The organ is an important and solemn event.

Hearing organ music - true and devoted friends, well-being and prosperity in the house.

Seeing the organ in the church is sadness and sadness.

Playing the organ is good luck, fame and honor.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual abstinence

As you know, the era of late antiquity and Hellenism was marked by licentiousness and permissiveness in eroticism. However, it was replaced by the Middle Ages with its morality, innocence and abstinence. It was at this time that such an institution as celibacy, or celibacy, took shape, which the Catholic priests who entered the dignity were obliged to maintain.

In Orthodoxy, there is no such institution of complete celibacy, the lower ranks of priests can have a family and children, divorces among them are practically impossible. It is forbidden to have a family only to the highest ranks of the Orthodox Church.

However, a dream about sexual abstinence can be dreamed not only by priests, but also by lay people, so it would be useful to give an interpretation of such a dream plot.

Dreams about sexual abstinence can be interpreted in different ways. However, all possible interpretations must be based on the idea of ​​hoarding. This is due to the fact that abstinence is a refusal to waste sperm and sexual desire energy (libido), as a result of which these substances accumulate and are in the human body in a larger amount than necessary.

Therefore, during sexual abstinence, the subject becomes redundant, his sexuality overflows the space established by the norm and splashes out in the form of aggression, nervousness, tantrums, or a sharp increase in efficiency.

In connection with such an understanding of sexual abstinence, a dream can be interpreted as a reluctance to spend something (perhaps at the moment in your life there is a situation where you have to pay off a loan, pay off your debts, buy something for which you feel sorry for the money). Another interpretation: You do not want to share something with your acquaintances or friends.

However, information about the future cannot be drawn from sleep, the content of which may directly depend on prolonged sexual abstinence. Such a dream can be considered "prophetic" only in the sense that it allows you to determine the physical needs of the body.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual intercourse

Positive sexual experiences.

The desire to take over, to lower.

Be dependent on the object of desire.

A symbol of the unification of anima and animus.

Much depends on the position of intercourse.

The specific human pose face to face allows us to talk about the symbolism of the unification of male and female without the expressed subordination of one to the other.

The position of a man from behind implies the submission of a woman, the position of a woman from above - the submission of a man by a woman, but if in this position the woman's face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous.

Group sexual intercourse refers to the period of adolescent initiation or ritual sexual intercourse characteristic of a number of archaic and modern societies.

Sexual intercourse can be seen as a means of proving power, appeasing or relieving anxiety, it is also a symbolic union of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness.

Erotic transfer.

Someone who performs heterosexual intercourse.


Projection of one's own desires for possession.

Someone who performs homosexual intercourse.

Projection of the desire for power.

Dream Interpretation - Sexual intercourse

Means the following:
- if seen in full in all real details (bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm), then it symbolizes positivity;
- if you dream of scenes of an expected, alleged sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this indicates a person’s uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence;
- in other cases, it can mean a strong desire to seduce with the aim of vampiric capture, mental plagiarism with a destructive ending;
- in general, a mature person never sees sexual intercourse in a dream as it actually happens, since he has the opportunity to live it in real life. If this happens, then, most likely, it indicates the presence in the environment of the subject of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is plotting his vampiric capture;
- sexual intercourse with the father - an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with the mother is always negative; erotic relationships with animals always symbolize psychic regression, black vaginismus or the "wormy attitude";

Dream Interpretation - Organ

Listening to organ music in a dream is a sign of triumph, joy, holiness. Sometimes such a dream warns you of anger. important person. If the music is gloomy, then soon you will receive news of death. Sometimes such a dream can portend death to you. To hear a church organ in a dream is a harbinger of sad news.

If in a dream you are surprised to hear the sounds of an organ, then in life you will encounter unforeseen circumstances or hear about some unusual incidents.

Seeing, meeting or speaking with an organist in a dream means that you will regret the mistakes you have made. Playing the organ yourself in a dream is a sign that you should be more tolerant of other people's shortcomings if you do not want to lose your friends. See interpretation: music.

In his dreams, a person can see a lot: visit a fictional world, learn to fly, etc. But it happens that the Kingdom of Morpheus takes a person far beyond the bounds of decency. Why is the male organ dreaming? Dream Interpretations give different interpretations to this image. Worth sorting out.

The images of most dreams are born deep in the subconscious. Therefore, it is worth considering what a person thought in recent times and what I saw during the day.

To understand this issue, it is necessary to take into account a number of details: gender, age of the dreamer and other circumstances. Most dream books pay great attention to this.

Many dream books do not give such an image any positive forecasts for the future, but on the contrary, they believe that this is a symbol of great disappointment, the evil eye and black magic.

  • If a virgin girl managed to see the male organ in her dreams, most dream books personify this plot with puberty and hidden sexual desires. But if in a dream the male genital organ scared the girl, then in reality a series of troubles will have to be experienced, perhaps they will be associated precisely with the first sexual contact. Notoriety can be fixed on a young girl for a long time;
  • To see the genitals in a man's dream. There are many interpretations of this situation. One of them is an inferiority complex. It can be caused by an unsuccessful love affair or sexual contact with a mistress, which is sometimes better not to remember. The image intensifies if in a dream a man watched his organ;
  • I dreamed of a large genital organ - ahead of the dreamer, serious troubles and obstacles await life path. It is also possible to betray a loved one, which will drive the sleeping person into depression for a long time. Also, dream books do not recommend moving away from the help and advice of friends;
  • To see the male genital organ in a dream for a mature woman. This dream symbolizes complete sexual dissatisfaction. Also, a woman yearns for the times of youth;
  • To see the organ of your relative is in trouble. It is worth waiting for the deterioration of the financial situation in the family and problems at work;
  • If the young lady managed to contemplate the organ of a man unfamiliar to her, then in reality she will meet the man of her ideal. But this meeting will not bring anything good, but will only leave pain and disappointment in the soul. Dream books recommend married women not to lose their heads, since cheating on a spouse will only bring negative consequences. For men, this image is interpreted by dream books as a deception of friends and loved ones. You may fall for fraudulent tricks;
  • I dreamed of a gigantic organ - to a pleasant pastime with a loved one alone. For young girls free from relationships, this image marks a fateful meeting;
  • Looking at the genitals of a friend - to betrayal. The interpretation of a dream applies to both men and women;
  • Seeing the body of your boss is hard work. Also, your superiors can set you up to put “their man” in your place;
  • Older people see this image when regrets about missed opportunities in their youth break out. Regret that you can't get anything back. Also, dream books mark a meeting with unpleasant people or past enemies;
  • A very strange image when the genitals are not in their place. He warns of a quarrel with loved ones from scratch. Disagreements are unlikely to be avoided, but you can easily mitigate their consequences;
  • To dream about the organ of an adult man on a little boy - to deceit and gossip behind your back in real life.

Interpretation of a dream according to Miller's dream interpreter

Gustavus Hindman Miller believes that the male sexual organ in dreams symbolizes good luck in business. You will also discover unexpected talents that will surprise the people around you very much. If you use this opportunity wisely, you can achieve unprecedented heights.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Sigmund Freud

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud pays great attention when interpreting hair in the intimate area. The hair on the organ symbolizes the dreamer's increased sensitivity and sexuality. And shaving your hair - in reality, a meeting with a new sexual partner is possible. Remove hair from intimate places - Dr. Freud believes that it is necessary to put an end to boring relationships that not only do not bring any moral satisfaction, but also moral.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov - interpretation of a dream

  • If a woman in her nightly dreams watched the male genital organ, then in reality she completely feels safe with her loved one. Also, this image marks good luck in business;
  • For a man, this dream is very ambivalent for interpretation. If you see your genitals, then the reputation will remain clean, no matter what happens. Such a man is surrounded only by the most devoted people. And if you see someone else's genital organ, then the reputation will be lost. This man has let "wolves in sheep's clothing" into his life who only contact him for personal gain. It is worth looking at your surroundings. Intrigues are possible behind your back, so you should once again protect yourself in order to save a place in the sun. In addition, it is worth considering carefully every minute of your life.

Dream Interpretation Online Male Member

For some, dreaming genital organs can cause embarrassment, but it is worth remembering that this is a strong symbol associated with the appearance of a person. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the plot and figure out what this dream was about. For the interpretation of night dreams, it is better to use dream books.

The male genital organs seen in night dreams may indicate relationships in the dreamer's sexual life. This may be caused by a lack of sexual relations. Without carrying a sexual connotation, the night story indicates emotional experiences. Also, such a dream can and most often personifies the social position of a person in real life and his self-esteem.

If you dreamed of a man's genitals

It is very important to note that the correct interpretation of the plot seen may directly depend on the details,.

When interpreting night dreams, it is important to consider:

  1. the size of the reproductive organ;
  2. who dreamed the plot;
  3. whose phallus.

Touching manhood in a dream - be careful, watch your behavior, as the interpretation of the plot indicates the risk of unwanted sexual intercourse.

An unusual type of phallus - for those who are married, there is a risk of an intimate relationship on the side.

Who is dreaming of the plot

It is worth noting that the sex of the dreamer plays an important role in the interpretation of the night dreams he saw.

To a young man

Accomplished man

A man to see his dignity in a dream is a sign that he is sure that he has taken place as an adult self-sufficient person.

Small in size - you are respected in real life, for your personal qualities and intelligence. Big - the dreamer is trying to prove to everyone around him his power and strength.

A man also dreams of testicles as a sign of sexual desire. To see that they are not there or they are small in size - in fact, a man cannot fully have sex with his chosen one.

Seeing someone else's penis is a favorable sign that guarantees success in your endeavors.

If there was an allergic reaction on the organ in a night dream, you need to take care of your health. It is even possible to undergo a medical examination.

Married woman or young girl

If the dreamer is a girl

The fair sex to see manhood in a night dream - a vision is a symbol of the fact that she wants intimacy. In some cases, the seen male genital organ indicates the manifestation of masculine traits in the character of the girl.

But also such a dream indicates that a young woman is ready to become a mother and thinks about her future offspring. Now it remains to persuade her husband to this decision.

A married woman should call her husband for a serious and frank conversation.

If in a night dream a woman sees a penis bleeding, it means that in real life a woman is experiencing emotional trauma.

The size of manhood

It should be noted that for the correct interpretation of the plot seen, it is important to remember the size of dignity.


What is the dream of a large male penis? In fact, there is nothing vulgar in the interpretation of such a plot.

Long, but of small thickness - a vision warns of an approaching illness.

A smeared dick - the interpretation warns that the dreamer should be more careful, since there is a person in a person’s life who is very angry with him and seeks to harm him with all her might.

To dream of a wound in this organ - a vision portends illness. For some night dream indicates that a person will actually be humiliated and offended.

Touching a husband’s penis in a dream - a vision promises the appearance of a love affair in a person’s life, which will only be flirting and will not lead to marriage.

Watching and not touching it - the plan will not come true.

Male testicles - portend material well-being in real life. It is important to note that the larger this body, the greater will be the financial flow.

Additional values

How they interpret famous dream books seen plot with a male member.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

A man dreams of a phallus as a sign that he is worried about his appearance.

For a woman, a male member seen in a dream suggests that she seeks to get to know its owner.

To see that he is smeared in the dirt - get ready to become the cause of gossip in real life. There were damages on the organ - to be insulted.

The husband's sexual organ was large - you can count on the support of friends.

Interpretation of the Islamic dream book

To failure at work

The Islamic dream book indicates that the emaciated penis indicates that the dreamer in real life harmed those around him, who are now angry with him and spread unpleasant rumors about him.

Why dream of a cut off organ that was thrown out - a person is barren and will die without giving birth to an heir.

Castration of any man (it can be the organ of a husband, boyfriend, or absolutely stranger) dreams of a warning to be humiliated.

For a person in a leadership position, a cut off member dreams of losing a job or demotion.

Dream Interpretation N. Grishina

The male member, seen in a dream according to the interpretation of N. Grishina, portends a deception in real life. Playing with him is a true friendship. Smeared with mud - to evil gossip.

The dream book indicates that a long phallus is dreaming of a friend’s illness or native person. We had a dream in which the penis was of an ordinary size, but during the course of the plot it became huge in size - to advance the career ladder.

See it made from:

  • Trees - to get to know a person who will later become a true friend.
  • Straw - a dream book indicates that it is worth becoming more economical. Don't waste money on unnecessary things.

Did you happen to see ejaculation in a dream? Such a vision portends a situation in real life in which an urgent important decision will have to be made.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

A dream with a phallus according to the dream book indicates the reputation and creativity of a man. Large - interpretation portends success in real life. Sleep with testicles - portends profit. It is worth noting that the larger the seminal glands in the night plot, the greater the profit in reality.

To believe in the interpretation of night dreams, everyone decides for himself, but it is worth remembering that dreams are sent by our subconscious. Which wants to show us our present and, in some cases, warn against unpleasant events in the future.

To acquaintance, possession.

Penis or vagina smeared with dirt- gossip, secret malice.

Damaged Organs- illness, insult.

see a huge penis- dignity, friendly support.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

If this dream is not associated with erotic experiences, then the male genital organs in your dream- portend a quarrel and confrontation, and women's- insults and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Seeing your genitals in a dream for a man- take care of your reputation; from another man- to lose something or be at enmity with someone.

If a woman sees in a dream the male genital organs in her- she will soon have children; in men- to deceit, treason.

See female genitals for men- means to receive protection, protection from someone or from something, or interesting business proposals. For women- an intimate relationship with someone.

Islamic dream book

One who feels in a dream that his sexual organ is exhausted- he, in all likelihood, caused damage to people, and for this reason they slander against him and appeal to the wrath of the Almighty.

If he sees his penis cut off and thrown away from him He will die and have no offspring. This dream may also portend the death of his son.

If he has only one daughter, and he sees his sexual organ cut off and attached to his ear- his daughter will have an illegitimate child.

For a representative of authority to see a cut off sexual organ- means the loss of his post, but for a warrior- defeat.

If someone sees himself castrated in a dream or will castrate himself- he will be humiliated.

If a man intends to entrust a secret or give something for safekeeping to someone, and if he sees a castrated man in a dream- he must refuse to carry out his plan. However, they say that if someone sees himself at the moment of castration, he will receive the mercy of Allah.

If the sleeper sees in a dream a castrated man unfamiliar to him in the guise of holy people and speaking wise words, let him know that an angel has come to him with a warning or good news.

If the sleeper sees himself in a dream unable to urinate- this portends that he will be unable to ensure his existence.

The dream of someone who sees in a dream that he has difficulty urinating- means that he has a debt that he cannot pay. Swelling of the scrotum portends wealth, and the one who sees such a dream should beware of the envy of his enemies.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

sexual organ- male reputation, creative potency, strength.

Huge- dignity, success.

Long, thin- diseases.

See- blunder, deceit, not getting what you expected.

ejaculation- the end of all affairs.

See the female genitals for a man- good, protection, realization of the plan. For woman- love affair; rival.

Modern universal dream book

Why so much noise around the genitals? Some people don't consider them a very beautiful part of the body, but they are very functional!

If in a dream you saw the genitals- First of all, you need to pay attention to the circumstances of sleep. For example, do you defecate? This suggests that you need to get rid of emotional arousal. Is the dream telling you to let go of the past? Remove it from your life?

If in a dream you saw the genitals of the opposite sex- what did you feel when you woke up: envy or relief? If envy, the dream suggests that you would like to have the advantages that the opposite sex has. If relief, then you are glad that you are who you are. In a dream, did you see the genitals of your gender?

If you are a man, have you seen a larger or smaller penis? If you've seen a larger penis- it means you want to be more powerful and desirable. If in a dream you saw a smaller penis- this suggests that you are waiting for recognition for your mental abilities and personal qualities, and not for success in bed.

If you are a woman and you dreamed of a vagina- a dream speaks of a desire to give birth to an idea or a new life! Do you want to start a family?

Sexual organs are associated with the most pleasant moments in life- Do you dream of sensual relaxation? Or do you experience it when you succeed?

Erotic dream book Danilova

Separated from overt sexual content, female genital organs- can be considered as a symbol of the childbearing function of a woman, and also, if used in an even broader sense, as a natural creative force. In any meaning, this symbol will have such an interpretation that the organs act as producing something new. But this interpretation can hardly satisfy our needs in the study of the essence of the unconscious.

Regardless of the gender of the person who sees this dream- its meaning lies in the fact that the unconscious requires the introduction of new elements into life. The circle of things and people in which you exist no longer satisfies you, it simply bored you. You are striving for something that can give you something new, which will give meaning to the whole existence, give a complete worldview and a feeling of joy and well-being. The old age and decrepitude of your state of mind is compensated by the unconscious in a dream, but you need to understand that this is not enough. After all, the instinctive sphere cannot fully function if the consciousness turns away from it: a conflict arises in the psyche, which is easier to prevent than to overcome later, spending precious time and energy. Thus, your search actually becomes a search for yourself in another, this is exactly what the unconscious requires of you.

According to the theory of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, hollow and rounded objects seen in a dream- symbolize the female genital organs, and all elongated and sharp - the male genital organs.

Dreams related to intimate parts of the body- as a rule, have their source in the deepest experiences of the individual. Being sexually colored, the dream makes us understand that everyday deprivations, even without connection with the intimate aspects of human existence, leave a deep mark on all components of the psyche. This also applies to dreams in which it seems to a person that he is losing what is most dear to many. This suggests the conclusion that the loss of genital organs symbolizes the deprivation of something close and dear. In life, we always have to lose something, to sacrifice something, which we then bitterly regret. Not realizing some loss of the mind, we still feel it with the unconscious part of the soul, which is why regret is expressed in such dreams.

The stronger the negative emotions associated with the disappearance of sexual organs in a dream- the more significant is the reason that caused the appearance of this phenomenon on the horizon of the unconscious state in which the person resides during sleep. The release of psychic energy into sleep requires that a person find the source of its occurrence and take certain measures to bring his state of mind into balance. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of thoughts and sensations without harming yourself and others.

Esoteric dream book

Sexual organs of the opposite sex- there will be problems in relationships on sexual grounds. Same gender- a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.

Touch the genitals- Unwanted sexual intercourse is possible.

Unusual view- you have to change your sexual partner. Perhaps if you are married, you will have a relationship on the side.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Male reproductive organs- reputation (for a man), future children (for a woman);
Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

M - to dream