Medical manganese. Potassium permanganate solution - home first aid

A concentrated solution of potassium permanganate has a purple color. At a low concentration of the substance, the liquid looks pale pink.

How to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate for gastric lavage

A solution of potassium permanganate can be used to wash the stomach in case of poisoning. It will help cleanse the body of pathogenic bacteria and their toxins. To do this, dilute the antiseptic in water until a pale pink hue is obtained, give the patient to drink this liquid (2-3 liters), and then provoke vomiting.

It is important to consider that not all potassium permanganate crystals can dissolve, and undissolved potassium permanganate causes serious burns of the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach. Therefore, potassium permanganate granules must first be dissolved in a small amount of liquid, then filtered through several layers of gauze, and after that add the resulting saturated solution to the bulk of the water. It should only turn slightly pink, since a rich pink solution is also fraught with burns of internal organs.

Washing water should be warm: cold water does not dissolve potassium permanganate well and irritates the mucous membranes. The prepared solution can be stored for no more than a day in a darkened container. It should be protected from direct sunlight.

How to use potassium permanganate for bathing newborns

Potassium permanganate can be used to disinfect water when bathing newborns, but in no case should crystals of the substance be added directly to the bath, because if they get on the baby's delicate skin, they can cause burns. Prepare a pre-solution by pouring a few granules of potassium permanganate with boiling water, stirring and waiting for their complete dissolution, and pour it into the water. It is more convenient to dilute the solution in a transparent glassso that the undissolved crystals lying at the bottom remain visible.

Treatment of conjunctivitis and other diseases with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate can help treat conjunctivitis. To do this, you need to prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and rinse your eyes with it. With this solution, you can also gargle for the treatment of sore throats or treat the oral cavity with stomatitis. Drinking twice a day a glass of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, you can get rid of intestinal upset.

Dark crystals of potassium permanganate can be found in many first aid kits, despite the fact that this substance has not been on the free market for a long time. Potassium permanganate is a popular drug from the times of our mothers and grandmothers, they used it mainly for the treatment of food poisoning, as well as for disinfection, for example, when bathing babies. Potassium permanganate is consumed very economically, and a vial with it can be stored for a long time. Now it is used much less frequently, because there are a huge number of various medicines for sale for all occasions. Nevertheless, a solution of potassium permanganate for treating wounds is still suitable, and therefore we recall and discuss its use in a little more detail.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is inherently crystals of a dark purple, almost black color. If they are diluted in water, the liquid will immediately turn into crimson tones. Potassium permanganate is widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine. According to its chemical formula, it belongs to the known metal compounds, and includes potassium, manganese, and oxygen.

Potassium permanganate is excellent for treating wound surfaces. Its solution remarkably disinfects the skin, stimulating the rapid healing of the wound. This property of this substance is explained by its active components. After manganese comes into contact with the living cells of our body, it begins to produce atomic oxygen.

A solution of potassium permanganate is excellent for treating ulcers and burns. It can also lubricate infected wounds and other types of skin injuries.

What solution of potassium permanganate is needed, what is its correct application?

What solution is needed to treat wounds?

It seems that preparing a potassium permanganate solution for treating wound surfaces is not at all difficult. However, care must be taken when creating and using this drug. After all, potassium permanganate crystals are very strong oxidizing agents. A significant concentration of such a substance can cause the development of a rather severe burn.

Therefore, even a solution of potassium permanganate for external use should be prepared with caution. For this purpose, a 0.1-0.5% solution of potassium permanganate is usually used.

How to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate?

To dissolve the manganese crystals, it is best to use slightly warm water. So the particles will dissolve as quickly as possible. For seventy milliliters of liquid, you will need literally a couple of grains of potassium permanganate. They should be thoroughly mixed - up to complete dissolution.

You should not take the crystals with your bare hands, because they can cause skin burns, you can also accidentally spill them or even inhale them. It is better to use a spoon or a toothpick for this purpose.

You should end up with a light pink solution. If you accidentally get a darker liquid, dilute it with water to the desired concentration.
It is desirable to strain the finished solution through gauze, folding it into several layers. This will help you eliminate tiny potassium permanganate crystals that may not have dissolved.

Use the resulting solution immediately. It cannot be stored.

How to use potassium permanganate solution for wound treatment?

So, a light pink solution of potassium permanganate is a truly universal antibacterial agent. It perfectly disinfects wound surfaces. But, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to process the affected area itself, but only its circumference. Contact with the wound itself can result in infection.

With a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, treat the surface of the skin near the affected area.

In the event that any foreign bodies have penetrated the wound, for example, dirt, earth, chips or fragments, etc., you should not try to remove them yourself. It is better to seek medical help.

By the way, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is a great find for all people who have to deal with dressings. If you have a dried bandage to the wound, moisten it with such an antiseptic and carefully remove it.

Also, a weak solution of potassium permanganate with salt will help to cope with abscesses and panaritium. In this case, it must be heated and the affected area soared in it. Also, such an antiseptic is great for lubricating only pierced ears.

How else can you use a weak solution of potassium permanganate?

Such a drug is suitable for rinsing the throat. If you suffer from infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity or nasopharynx, calcium permanganate will help you cope with pathogens.

A solution of potassium permanganate is quite widely used in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. They are washed, rinsed and douched. Such procedures will be useful for patients suffering from colpitis and urethritis.

A light pink solution of potassium permanganate is a first aid for various poisonings. They carry out gastric lavage to remove aggressive substances from the body.

Also, such a drug can be used to wash the eyes, for example, in inflammatory processes, insect bites, etc.

It should be noted that the use of even a very weak solution of potassium permanganate is contraindicated if the patient has a tendency to allergic reactions.

The first thing they resort to for diseases of the throat, intestinal disorders, poisoning is potassium permanganate(potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate).

During the Great Patriotic War, like a soldier's cartridges, she was in the bags of orderlies, paramedics and was widely used in the treatment of wounds in hospitals.

The basis of the action of potassium permanganate is its ability to oxidize organic substances, while releasing oxygen. This is due to the antimicrobial and antiseptic effect of potassium permanganate.

An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate has anti-inflammatory properties. In various concentrations, this solution is used for washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and throat, for lubricating ulcerative and burn surfaces, douching. The range of application of potassium permanganate is quite wide. Even with the presence of many new synthetic agents, it is still indispensable "in" gynecological, urological, dermatological practice.

In the table of antidotes for poisoning, potassium permanganate is one of the most important first aid.

However, with all the advantages of potassium permanganate, it is necessary to handle it carefully. In high concentrations, it cauterizes and causes swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, the solution should be used with caution.

Our grandmothers also knew the useful properties of potassium permanganate in everyday life: they washed wounds, treated poisoning, disinfected them, bathed babies, and even used them in pest control in the garden. Such widespread use of potassium permanganate explains its main property is an antifungal, antimicrobial preparation m. Due to active oxidation processes, potassium permanganate kills harmful microbes - the causative agents of various infections both on the surface of the skin and inside the body.

Healing properties of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Potassium permanganate is an effective disinfectant. A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) has antiseptic properties, is able to neutralize the toxic effect on the body of such toxic compounds as aconitine, morphine, other alkaloids, phosphorus (when taken orally).

Potassium permanganate is one of the types of permanganates (from Latin manganum - "manganese") - permanganate salts. This chemical is widely used both for household needs and for medicine. Potassium permanganate - dark purple crystals, highly soluble in water (depending on the concentration, the color can be from light pink to red-violet), methyl alcohol, acetic acid and acetone. In everyday life, potassium permanganate dissolved in water is called potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in medicine

Neutralization of hydrocyanic acid (toxic substance) with potassium permanganate occurs only in an alkaline environment. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate has a strong disinfecting and drying effect, it is widely used in dermatological and surgical practice.

When the first signs of gastritis and gastroenterocolitis appear, first of all, it is necessary to wash the stomach, using a weak (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate for this. For gastric lavage in adults and even children, it is not necessary to use a probe, it is enough just to give the patient a prepared solution to drink in an amount of 0.5 - 2 liters, and then reflexively induce vomiting.

In case of poisoning, when it is necessary to induce vomiting as soon as possible, the victim is given a pink solution of potassium permanganate to drink, which is also a medicinal disinfectant of the gastrointestinal tract.

The solution is often prepared "by eye", but the main recommendations are 10 crystals per 1 liter of water, the further strength of the solution can be adjusted according to its color. It is very important that all crystals dissolve in water before use, otherwise, in the process of contact with the skin or internal organs, undissolved crystals may cause a burn.

The most popular solution of potassium permanganate in case of poisoning. At the first signs, including diarrhea, the patient is offered a solution of potassium permanganate, which stimulates bowel cleansing.

Potassium permanganate for oral administration in case of poisoning is prepared in the ratio of 2 crystals per cup of water, such a solution is drunk. Due to its antiseptic properties, such a medicine stops the focus of infection in the stomach.

Potassium permanganate - use in urology, gynecology

Due to its antiseptic, antimicrobial abilities, potassium permanganate solution is used in the treatment of fungal, bacterial diseases in urology and gynecology. Potassium permanganate is used for thrush, when a weak solution is prescribed for daily douching. For urological problems in men associated with external inflammatory processes, prescribe washing with a solution of potassium permanganate.

When used in urology and gynecology, it is important to follow the rules for preparing the solution, to ensure that the potassium permanganate crystals are completely dissolved. Otherwise, if it gets on the mucous membrane, the crystals can cause even more irritation.

Potassium permanganate - contraindications

It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate in case of individual intolerance. This can be immediately understood by the presence of side effects - swelling, discoloration of the mucous membranes, sharp pain when taken orally, convulsions, etc. If you have similar or other unpleasant symptoms, potassium permanganate should be stopped.

Potassium permanganate due to its oxidizing properties is absolutely incompatible with the use of coal, sugar and other substances that are easily oxidized. It is important to store potassium permanganate crystals away from easily oxidizing substances, otherwise their contact can lead to an explosion and even a fire.

Treatment with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in traditional medicine

Treatment with potassium permanganate in folk medicine to eliminate pain caused by calluses. To do this, table salt is added to a pink potassium permanganate solution and, pouring the solution into a basin, lower the legs into it for 20 minutes; after the procedure, the legs do not need to be wiped. After a while, the pain in the area of ​​​​the corns will pass. In no case should a highly concentrated solution (purple) be used for the treatment of potassium permanganate, as this can lead to harm to health, burns of the skin and mucous membranes, and poisoning.

A good therapeutic effect for diaper rash, including in infants, is hygienic baths with potassium permanganate: the water should be pink and warm.

With increased sweating of the lower extremities, unpleasant odors, purulent calluses, a warm foot bath with salt and potassium permanganate will help; after the procedures, the legs should be wiped well and sprinkled with talc.

Treatment with potassium permanganate is actively used for washing open wounds, including festering ones. For dermatitis characterized by blistering, the skin should be washed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If you hold them for too long when placing cans, purple spots and even bubbles filled with bloody fluid may form on the skin. In such cases, it is useful to lubricate the affected areas with a 5-10% solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in practice: the best recipes

In advanced cases of hemorrhoids, you can prepare a healing solution.

Required: 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil, potassium permanganate, 3 liters of water.

Cooking. Pour so much potassium permanganate into hot water to get a pink color, add soda, oil, pour the solution into the bath.

Application. Take a bath for 20 minutes at night. The procedure is carried out daily for a week.

In folk medicine, there is a recipe for treating dysentery with potassium permanganate.

The composition of this tool includes several crystals of potassium permanganate per 0.5 l of water. It is advised to increase the concentration of the solution depending on age (babies - pale pink, and adults - raspberry solution).

It must be borne in mind that potassium permanganate, when interacting with various organic substances, becomes explosive. Therefore, its crystals should be stored in clean glassware with ground stoppers, and the solution should be stored in dark glass flasks, since it easily decomposes under the action of sunlight and daylight.

When using the solution, it is often difficult to wash off stains on the skin and linen. To eliminate them, the skin can be washed with a solution of ammonium sulfide at a concentration of 1:5, and then with hot water. Stains are removed from linen with a solution of oxalic acid (1:9), a 2% solution of hydrochloric acid, vinegar or lemon juice.

It turns out that potassium permanganate is not so easy to obtain. In one pharmacy they told me that potassium permanganate was equated (by appropriate orders) with explosives and a corresponding license was needed to sell it, in another pharmacy they said that potassium permanganate was classified as a narcotic substance and, again, a corresponding license is needed.

At the same time, everyone pointed to one pharmacy in the city where drugs are made to order (“maybe you can buy it there”). Still others say that potassium permanganate will be sold to an ordinary person only in solution, and in the form of crystals you can only buy according to a “red” recipe, and that all these bans on the sale are allegedly due to drug addicts who massively bought potassium permanganate to purify their brew.

If pharmacies do not sell potassium permanganate, then it can be found in veterinary and hardware stores. Where seeds and fertilizers.

Have you heard about how potassium permanganate can be treated? It's hard to believe, but it is used not only for gastric lavage!

Take care of yourself and!

The first thing they resort to for diseases of the throat, intestinal disorders, poisoning is potassium permanganate(potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate).

During the Great Patriotic War, like a soldier's cartridges, she was in the bags of orderlies, paramedics and was widely used in the treatment of wounds in hospitals.

The basis of the action of potassium permanganate is its ability to oxidize organic substances, while releasing oxygen. This is due to the antimicrobial and antiseptic effect of potassium permanganate.

An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate has anti-inflammatory properties. In various concentrations, this solution is used for washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and, for lubricating ulcerative and burn surfaces, douching. The range of application of potassium permanganate is quite wide. Even with the presence of many new synthetic agents, it is still indispensable "in" gynecological, urological, dermatological practice.

In the table of antidotes for poisoning, potassium permanganate is one of the most important first aid.

However, with all the advantages of potassium permanganate, it is necessary to handle it carefully. In high concentrations, it cauterizes and causes swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, intestines, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, the solution should be used with caution.

Our grandmothers also knew the useful properties of potassium permanganate in everyday life: they washed wounds, treated poisoning, disinfected them, bathed babies, and even used them in pest control in the garden. Such widespread use of potassium permanganate explains its main property is an antifungal, antimicrobial preparation m. Due to active oxidation processes, potassium permanganate kills harmful microbes - the causative agents of various infections both on the surface of the skin and inside the body.

Healing properties of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Potassium permanganate is an effective disinfectant. A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) has antiseptic properties, is able to neutralize the toxic effect on the body of such toxic compounds as aconitine, morphine, other alkaloids, phosphorus (when taken orally).

Potassium permanganate is one of the types of permanganates (from Latin manganum - "manganese") - permanganate salts. This chemical is widely used both for household needs and for medicine. Potassium permanganate - dark purple crystals, highly soluble in water (depending on the concentration, the color can be from light pink to red-violet), methyl alcohol, acetic acid and acetone. In everyday life, potassium permanganate dissolved in water is called potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in medicine

Neutralization of hydrocyanic acid (toxic substance) with potassium permanganate occurs only in an alkaline environment. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate has a strong disinfecting and drying effect, it is widely used in dermatological and surgical practice.

When the first signs and gastroenterocolitis appear, first of all, it is necessary to wash the stomach, using a weak (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate for this. For gastric lavage in adults and even children, it is not necessary to use a probe, it is enough just to give the patient a prepared solution to drink in an amount of 0.5 - 2 liters, and then reflexively induce vomiting.

In case of poisoning, when it is necessary to induce vomiting as soon as possible, the victim is given a pink solution of potassium permanganate to drink, which is also a medicinal disinfectant of the gastrointestinal tract.

The solution is often prepared "by eye", but the main recommendations are 10 crystals per 1 liter of water, the further strength of the solution can be adjusted according to its color. It is very important that all crystals dissolve in water before use, otherwise, in the process of contact with the skin or internal organs, undissolved crystals may cause a burn.

The most popular solution of potassium permanganate in case of poisoning. At the first signs, including diarrhea, the patient is offered a solution of potassium permanganate, which stimulates bowel cleansing.

Potassium permanganate for oral administration in case of poisoning is prepared in the ratio of 2 crystals per cup of water, such a solution is drunk. Due to its antiseptic properties, such a medicine stops the focus of infection in the stomach.

Potassium permanganate - use in urology, gynecology

Due to its antiseptic, antimicrobial abilities, potassium permanganate solution is used in the treatment of fungal, bacterial diseases in urology and gynecology. Potassium permanganate is used for thrush, when a weak solution is prescribed for daily douching. For urological problems in men associated with external inflammatory processes, washing with a solution of potassium permanganate is prescribed.

When used in urology and gynecology, it is important to follow the rules for preparing the solution, to ensure that the potassium permanganate crystals are completely dissolved. Otherwise, if it gets on the mucous membrane, the crystals can cause even more irritation.

Potassium permanganate - contraindications

It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate in case of individual intolerance. This can be immediately understood by the presence of side effects - swelling, discoloration of the mucous membranes, sharp pain when taken orally, convulsions, etc. If you have similar or other unpleasant symptoms, potassium permanganate should be stopped.

Potassium permanganate due to its oxidizing properties is absolutely incompatible with the use of coal, sugar and other substances that are easily oxidized. It is important to store potassium permanganate crystals away from easily oxidizing substances, otherwise their contact can lead to an explosion and even a fire.

Treatment with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in folk medicine

Treatment with potassium permanganate in folk medicine to eliminate pain caused by calluses. To do this, table salt is added to a pink potassium permanganate solution and, pouring the solution into a basin, lower the legs into it for 20 minutes; after the procedure, the legs do not need to be wiped. After a while, the pain in the area of ​​​​the corns will pass. In no case should a highly concentrated solution (purple) be used for the treatment of potassium permanganate, as this can lead to harm to health, burns of the skin and mucous membranes, and poisoning.

A good therapeutic effect for diaper rash, including in infants, is hygienic baths with potassium permanganate: the water should be pink and warm.

With increased sweating of the lower extremities, unpleasant odors, purulent calluses, a warm foot bath with salt and potassium permanganate will help; after the procedures, the legs should be wiped well and sprinkled with talc.

Treatment with potassium permanganate is actively used for washing open wounds, including festering ones. For dermatitis characterized by blistering, the skin should be washed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If you hold them for too long when placing cans, purple spots and even bubbles filled with bloody fluid may form on the skin. In such cases, it is useful to lubricate the affected areas with a 5-10% solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in practice: the best recipes

In advanced cases of hemorrhoids, you can prepare a healing solution.

Required: 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil, potassium permanganate, 3 liters of water.

Cooking. Pour so much potassium permanganate into hot water to get a pink color, add soda, oil, pour the solution into the bath.

Application. Take a bath for 20 minutes at night. The procedure is carried out daily for a week.

In folk medicine, there is a recipe for treating dysentery with potassium permanganate.

The composition of this tool includes several crystals of potassium permanganate per 0.5 l of water. It is advised to increase the concentration of the solution depending on age (babies - pale pink, and adults - raspberry solution).

It must be borne in mind that potassium permanganate, when interacting with various organic substances, becomes explosive. Therefore, its crystals should be stored in clean glassware with ground stoppers, and the solution should be stored in dark glass flasks, since it easily decomposes under the action of sunlight and daylight.

When using the solution, it is often difficult to wash off stains on the skin and linen. To eliminate them, the skin can be washed with a solution of ammonium sulfide at a concentration of 1:5, and then with hot water. Stains are removed from linen with a solution of oxalic acid (1:9), a 2% solution of hydrochloric acid, vinegar or lemon juice.

It turns out that potassium permanganate is not so easy to obtain. In one pharmacy they told me that potassium permanganate was equated (by appropriate orders) with explosives and a corresponding license was needed to sell it, in another pharmacy they said that potassium permanganate was classified as a narcotic substance and, again, a corresponding license is needed.

At the same time, everyone pointed to one pharmacy in the city where drugs are made to order (“maybe you can buy it there”). Still others say that potassium permanganate will be sold to an ordinary person only in solution, and in the form of crystals you can only buy according to a “red” recipe, and that all these bans on the sale are allegedly due to drug addicts who massively bought potassium permanganate to purify their brew.

If pharmacies do not sell potassium permanganate, then it can be found in veterinary and hardware stores. Where seeds and fertilizers.

With the widespread use of manganese solution for various procedures, the question of how to dilute potassium permanganate is still open. Dry matter in the form of small maroon crystals is in every home first aid kit, and in moments when the need arises, they invariably resort to it.

Too weak a solution will not have the desired effect, and too concentrated when applied orally can cause burns to the mucosa. Therefore, it is necessary to know for sure how to prepare the solution.

1 Areas of demand for potassium permanganate

Despite the fact that potassium permanganate has been used for more than a century, and medical chemistry has developed and shown hundreds of new generation antiseptic preparations for use, a solution of potassium permanganate or potassium salt of manganese acid has not lost its relevance at all.

An old and proven remedy, inexpensive and affordable, showing invariably the desired result, will always prevail in use over newfangled and expensive ones. People are extremely inert to innovation when you can use what is available.

The chemical formula of potassium permanganate is KMnO4. Few people remember it when looking at the crystals in a bottle or pharmacy vial. But they remember him immediately, as soon as:

  1. It is necessary to treat a cut, callus or wound.
  2. Rinse the throat and throat with inflammation.
  3. Use for some gum disease.
  4. Provide first aid in case of poisoning a person.
  5. Finding a simple and effective drug for a wound surface is not a problem; a solution of potassium permanganate for treating wounds will help with this.
  6. Take on a trip a means for disinfecting drinking water.
  7. Add to baby's bath for a safe bathing environment.
  8. Help to heal the wound surface.
  9. Sometimes it can be used as a treatment for certain types of diseases.

2 Types of solutions

There are three variable varieties of dissolved potassium permanganate:

  • weak;
  • average;
  • intensive.

The degree of intensity or weakness can be determined by the characteristic color that the dissolved crystals give to the water. They dissolve in water that is rather inert in temperature, however, those stored for a long time are less susceptible to the dissolution process and can be harmful if they are not removed from the prepared mixture.

To avoid this, it is recommended to use potassium permanganate, which has not exceeded the prescribed shelf life. The second precaution is to prepare a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, which must be kept closed in a dark place and also monitor the expiration date.

If you have any doubts about the age of storage of crystals, it is enough to drop a few drops into water and look at the resulting shade. If the water turns brown or brownish, then the concentrated solution has become unusable.

With a small amount of the dissolved drug, the water becomes pink. This is a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The liquid of medium degree, that is, more potent, is already intense pink in color, turning into crimson tones.

To obtain a strong concentration in water, potassium permanganate is diluted until an intense crimson color appears, sometimes even with a hint of burgundy.

3 Application in low concentration

A weak solution is used in the following cases:

  1. When bathing a baby. It should be remembered that the water should be pale pink, and in the case of preparation from a crystalline preparation, make sure that crystals do not get into the bath. In case of contact, they should be removed immediately. At the same time, it has a disinfecting effect for water and an anti-inflammatory effect for problem areas of the child.
  2. When washing conjunctivitis (even weaker consistency to avoid burns of the mucous membrane of the eyes). It has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect at the same time).
  3. When washing areas of gynecological and urological inflammation (on the recommendation of a doctor, the solution should be mild in order to avoid the negative drying effect of a strong solution).
  4. When rinsing the throat and pharynx in case of inflammation (for the destruction of pathogenic microbes and at the same time for an anti-inflammatory effect).
  5. In the treatment of diarrhea, when it is recommended to take a solution of potassium permanganate inside 2 times a day. The tool is proven and effective.
  6. With stomatitis and herpes for irrigation of affected areas (in a very low concentration, literally pale pale pink).

4 Medium strength squad

An intense pink liquid, or a solution of medium saturation, is already a stronger preparation, the preparation of which should be carried out with the utmost care and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Its use is more limited at home and should be no more than 0.1-0.5% for disinfection of wounds and no more than 2-5% for application to ulcers and wounds.

In case of poisoning, the color of the solution varies with an eye to age. A child is given a drink of a pale pink, an adult - a dark pink remedy. Do not cause vomiting immediately, but allow potassium permanganate to perform its function of disinfection and absorption.

In these cases, it is better to dilute potassium permanganate with warm water and mix thoroughly so that there are no undissolved grains left. If these are still present in the colored water, then it must be filtered through a strainer or sterile gauze.

5 Strong degree of saturation

It is not difficult to make such a solution, but it must be used with great care.

One of the widest ways to use a saturated solution of potassium permanganate are manganese baths. Crystals of the substance are added to the bath until the water reaches the color of red wine. It is necessary to achieve their complete dissolution or with a small amount settling to the bottom.

6 Necessary precautions

A solution of strong concentration is used with all precautions, as a means of cauterization. They can, and a 10% solution is applicable even for bites of poisonous snakes, as a means of simultaneously cauterizing and detoxifying.

A solution of potassium permanganate is used in horticulture for seed disinfection, soil disinfection, and for various horticultural plant diseases.

7 What should you keep in mind?

Potassium permanganate is an exceptional natural antiseptic with prolonged and local effects.

With its widespread use, some precautions should be taken:

  1. Store it with the maximum observance of certain rules, because the substance has the ability to form explosive compounds under certain conditions.
  2. When stored as a concentrated solution, contact with the skin should be avoided, as this may burn it.
  3. Carefully monitor the color of the prepared potassium permanganate, so as not to use more concentration than necessary and not harm instead of benefiting.
  4. Do not allow grains and crystals in undissolved form in the prepared solution.
  5. In order to completely dissolve, carry out the reaction in moderately warm water, which speeds up the process.
  6. Dilute potassium permanganate only in the amount that will be needed at the moment, and use a fresh solution.
  7. Do not use expired crystals and buy potassium permanganate, preferably Russian. This is due to the chemical purity of the drug made in Russia.

The most important thing is to do no harm. And potassium permanganate can help if it is properly diluted and applied for its intended purpose.

And some secrets...

Have you ever had problems with Itching and irritation? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you have a lot of experience. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • scratch annoyance
  • wake up in the morning with another itchy plaque in a new place
  • persistent unbearable itching
  • severe dietary restrictions
  • inflamed, bumpy skin, spots....

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to endure? And how much money have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with Elena Malysheva, in which she reveals in detail the secret why itchy skin and how to deal with it. Read article...

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