Kirill Belozersky. Kirill Belozersky - short biography Prep Kirill Belozersky

Date of publication or update 01.11.2017

  • Contents: Lives of the Saints
  • Rev. Kirill, Abbot of Beloezersky.

    The Monk Kirill, Abbot of Beloezersky (in the world Cosmas) was born in Moscow to pious parents. In his youth, he was left an orphan and lived with his relative, the boyar Timofey Vasilyevich Velyaminov, a courtier at the court of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy (1363-1389). Secular life weighed heavily on the young man.

    Rev. Kirill Belozersky. Gallery of icons.

    At the request of St. Stephen of Makhrishchsky († 1406; comm. 14 July), the boyar released Kosma to the Simonov Monastery, where he received tonsure from St. Theodore († 1394, comm. 28 November) with the name Cyril. The Monk Kirill performed monastic obediences under the guidance of Elder Michael, later Bishop of Smolensk. At night, the elder read the Psalter, and the Monk Kirill made obeisances, but at the first stroke of the bell he went to matins. He asked the elder for permission to eat food after 2-3 days, but an experienced mentor did not allow this, but blessed to eat every day with the brethren, but not to satiety. The Monk Cyril carried obedience in the bakery: he carried water, chopped wood, distributed bread.

    Rev. Kirill Belozersky. Hagiographic icon (XIX century, comes from the Assumption Cathedral of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.). Many hallmarks of this icon. tell about the miracles of the saint.

    Rev. Kirill Beloezersky. Centerpiece of a hagiographic icon from the early 16th century. from the Dormition Cathedral of the Kirillo-Beloezersky Monastery. Dionysius. State Russian Museum (see Iconography of the disciples of Sergius of Radonezh).

    Avoiding human glory, the monk at times began to play the fool. As a punishment for violating decency, the abbot appointed him bread and water for 40 days of food; Saint Cyril gladly bore this punishment. But no matter how the saint concealed his spirituality, the experienced elders understood him and, against his will, forced him to accept the rank of hieromonk. In his free time from ministry, the Monk Kirill placed himself in the line of a novice and engaged in hard work. When St. Theodore was consecrated Archbishop of Rostov, the brethren in 1390 elected the Monk Kirill archimandrite of the monastery.

    Rich and distinguished people began to visit the monk to listen to his instructions. This confused the humble spirit of the saint, and, no matter how the brethren begged him, he did not remain the rector, but shut himself up in his former cell. But here, too, frequent visitors disturbed the monk, and he moved on to the old Simonovo. The soul of St. Cyril strove for silence, and he prayed to the Mother of God to show him a place useful for salvation. One night, reading, as always, an akathist in front of the icon Mother of God Hodegetria, he heard a voice: "Go to Beloozero, there is your place."

    Icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh and his disciples - St. Theodore Simonovsky and St. Cyril of Beloezersky. XIX century. From the book page

    In the Beloezerskaya side, then deaf and sparsely populated, he walked for a long time in search of a place that, in a vision, was intended for his stay. In the vicinity of Mount Myaury near Lake Siverskoye, he, together with his companion, the Monk Ferapont (Comm. 27 May), erected a cross and dug out a dugout.

    Icon of St. Cyril of Beloezersky. Icon painter S. Burlakov, late 20th century. From the page Temple - a monument to the glory of the Kulikovo field of the book Blessing of St. Sergius.

    The Monk Ferapont soon withdrew to another place, and the Monk Cyril labored in solitude for many years in an underground cell. Once St. Cyril, tormented by a strange dream, lay down to sleep under a pine tree, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard a voice: "Run, Cyril!" As soon as Saint Cyril had time to jump back, the pine tree collapsed. From this pine the ascetic made a cross. On another occasion, the Monk Cyril almost died from the flames and smoke when he was clearing the forest, but God protected His saint. One peasant tried to set fire to the monk's cell, but no matter how hard he tried, he did not succeed. Then with tears of repentance he confessed his sin Saint Cyril who tonsured him a monk.

    Cancer with the relics of St. Cyril of Belozersky. The relics of the monk rest under a bushel in the Kirillovsky Church of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.

    From the Simonov monastery, the monks Zebedee and Dionysius, beloved by him, came to the monk, and then Nathanael, later the cellar of the monastery. Many began to come to the monk and ask him to honor them with monasticism. The holy elder realized that his time of silence was over. In 1397 he built a temple in honor of the Assumption Holy Mother of God.

    When the number of the brethren multiplied, the monk gave the monastery a charter of communal life, which he illuminated by the example of his own life. In the church no one dared to talk, no one had to leave it before the end of the service; the holy gospel was approached by seniority. Everyone sat down at the meal in their own place, and there was silence in the refectory. From the refectory, everyone silently walked to his cell. No one could receive letters or gifts without showing them to the Monk Cyril; no letters were written without his blessing. The money was kept in the monastery treasury, no one had any property. They even went to the refectory to drink water. The cells were not locked, and in them, except for icons and books, nothing was kept. IN last years the life of St. Cyril, the boyar Roman decided to donate a village to the monastery and sent a deed of gift. The Monk Cyril reasoned that if the monastery began to have villages, then the brethren would begin to take care of the land, settlers would appear, the monastic silence would be broken, and he refused the gift.

    The Lord rewarded His saint with the gift of clairvoyance and healing. A certain Theodore, having entered the monastery out of love for the monk, then hated him so much that he could not look at the saint and tried to leave the monastery. He came to the cell of the Monk Cyril and, looking at his gray hair, could not utter a word from shame. The monk said to him: "Do not grieve, my brother, everyone is mistaken in me, you alone know the truth and all my unworthiness; I am really an indecent sinner." Then the Monk Cyril blessed Theodore and added that he would no longer be troubled by thought; Since then, Theodore lived quietly in the monastery.

    One day there was not enough wine for the Divine Liturgy, and the sexton told the saint about it. The Monk Cyril ordered that an empty vessel be brought to him, which turned out to be full of wine. During the famine, the Monk Cyril distributed bread to all those in need, and he did not run out, despite the fact that usually there were barely enough supplies for the brethren.

    The monk tamed the storm on the lake, which threatened the fishermen, predicted that none of the brethren would die before his death, despite the fact that the plague was raging, and after that many would follow him.

    The monk celebrated his last Divine service on the day of the Holy Trinity. Having bequeathed to the brethren to preserve love among themselves, the Monk Cyril reposed blessedly in the 90th year of his life on June 9, 1427, on the feast day of St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, who was named after him. In the very first year after the death of the monk, out of 53 brethren, 30 died. To those who remained, the monk often appeared in a dream with support and instruction.

    The Monk Cyril loved spiritual enlightenment and instilled this love in his disciples. According to the inventory of 1635, there were more than 2 thousand books in the monastery, among them 16 "miracle worker Cyril". Remarkable examples of spiritual guidance and guidance, love, peacefulness and consolation are the three epistles of the monk to the Russian princes that have come down to us.

    All-Russian veneration of the saint began no later than 1447-1448. The life of St. Cyril was written on behalf of Metropolitan Theodosius and Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich by Hieromonk Pakhomiy Logofet, who arrived at the Kirillov Monastery in 1462 and found many eyewitnesses and disciples of St. Cyril, including St. Martinian (Comm. 12 January), who then ruled Ferapontov monastery.

    Information source:

    The Monk Kirill of Belozersky is the founder of the Monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God in the Belozersky land, which became famous as Kirillo-Belozersky.

    Saint Cyril, in the world Kozma, was born about 1337 in Moscow; his parents died when he still needed the care of his elders; before their death, they entrusted it to their "relative" Timofey Vasilievich Velyaminov, a roundabout of the Moscow Grand Duke, one of the most noble and wealthy people in Moscow.

    In the house of Timofey Velyaminov, Kozma grew up and eventually became the manager of his household. Already a middle-aged man, having at least thirty-three years of age, he managed - against the will of his guardian - to fulfill his old dream - to take the veil as a monk.

    Kozma became a monk Cyril in the Moscow Simonov Monastery, whose hegumen was the nephew of Sergius of Radonezh Theodore, and was trained there in various services, starting with work in a bakery and a cookery and ending with the leadership of the monastery. At the beginning of this path, in order to consciously make his life harder, St. Cyril began to play the fool, asking for punishment. He was noticed and correctly assessed by Sergius of Radonezh; coming to the monastery of his nephew, he talked for a long time with Kirill, who worked in the bakery.

    In 1397, when the monk was already sixty years old, he and his monk friend Ferapont, having left the Simonov Monastery, went to the Belozersky lands and created his own monastery there, in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God. The monastery of St. Cyril quickly went through the usual evolution for that time: as people came to the hermit who wanted to follow his rules, the refuge of the silent turned first into a skete, and then into a monastic hostel, kinovia. In the year of the death of St. Cyril (1427), the brethren of his hostel numbered fifty-three people.

    For thirty years of labors in his monastery, the monk managed to create from it one of the most powerful spiritual, bookish, cultural and economic centers of Great Rus'. The sons of Dmitry Donskoy Vasily, Yuri and Andrei corresponded with Kirill; his replies to them have been preserved. Also preserved, and in the original, is the Spiritual Letter, the testament of Cyril Belozersky, where he asks Prince Andrei Dmitrievich to continue to patronize the monastery after his death, Cyril. (Three epistles and the Spiritual Diploma of Kirill Belozersky are printed in vol. 6 of this edition).

    Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery retained its significance as the largest spiritual, cultural, economic, and then also the military center of Muscovite Rus' until its very end, at least until the end of the 17th century.

    The life of St. Cyril of Belozersky is the most important source of our information about him. It was written at the beginning of the second half of the 15th century. Pachomius Serb.

    Pachomius Serb was a native of Athos. In the thirties of the XV century, still young (but not younger than thirty years old), with the rank of hieromonk, he arrived in Rus', first in Novgorod. Then, in the early forties, he moved to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and after that he lived mainly there, although he repeatedly returned to Novgorod. Both in Moscow and Novgorod, he fulfilled the literary orders of high authorities - archbishops, grand dukes. In total, he wrote ten or eleven lives in Russia (of Varlaam Khutynsky, Sergius of Radonezh, Nikon of Radonezh, Metropolitan Alexei, Kirill Belozersky, Mikhail of Chernigov and the boyar Theodore, Savva Vishera, Novgorod archbishops Euthymius II, Moses and, possibly, John and Jonah, and some of them in more than one edition), a number of laudatory words and legends (on the acquisition of the relics of Metropolitan Alexei, on the transfer of the relics of Metropolitan Peter, on the Protection of the Virgin, the feast of the Sign of the Virgin in Novgorod, Varlaam Khutynsky, Sergius of Radonezh, Clement of Rome, about the death of Batu), fourteen services and twenty-one canons (mostly to the same persons and holidays). Pachomius is one of the most prolific writers of Ancient Rus'. Moreover, this is a rare case in Ancient Rus' of a professional writer who worked to order and received good fees for his work (he writes about this with pride himself).

    Compiling lives, words and services with the canons to order, Pachomius had in mind mainly practical - church service purposes. He was well versed in the style of Slavic liturgical literature and did not see anything reprehensible in borrowing from other people's works (such as: Sermon on the renovation of the church of the Great Martyr George Arcadius of Crete, Eulogy to Clement of Rome by Bishop Clement, the lives of Athanasius and Peter the Athos, the writings of Gregory Tsamblak and Metropolitan Cyprian) , in repetitions of oneself (in introductions to a number of lives), in the creation of one's own editions - by slightly reworking the text (reducing some passages and spreading others), mosaic connection and simply adding a preface and afterword to other people's works. But at the same time, he also used oral sources, and some of his lives - primarily the Life of St. Kirill Belozersky - created almost exclusively on the basis of the stories he heard from his contemporaries, eyewitnesses.

    The prose works of Pachomius - and the Life of St. Cyril is no exception here - they are usually built according to a clear scheme: foreword, main part and conclusion. The prefaces talk about the importance of glorifying holidays or saints, about the difficulty for a person in this matter, and about the circumstances that excuse the author in this overwhelming undertaking. In rhetorical introductions, digressions, praises, etc., the language of Pachomius is artificially complicated, ornate and approaches the style of hymnographic literature - stichera, canons and akathists (with akathists, in particular, he is related by numerous hayretisms, that is, appeals to glorified persons beginning with the word "rejoice"). The main part is divided into a number of episodes. In the hagiographies, speech begins, as a rule, with the parents of the saint, is interrupted by conversations and reflections of the characters, instructive authorial remarks and laudatory exclamations, sometimes quite lengthy, and ends with a chain of stories about miracles. In the narratives of events, the language of Pachomius is simple, clear and businesslike. Based on a large number of oral traditions and previous written works, sometimes documents, the lives of Pachomius Serb are rich in historical, literary and historical material and therefore are of interest both to literary historians and historians themselves.

    At the end of 1461 - the beginning of 1462, Pakhomiy Serb once again left Novgorod for Moscow, from where, on the instructions of Grand Duke Vasily II Vasilyevich (d. in 1462) and Metropolitan Theodosius (1461-1464), he went to Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, in order to collect materials there for the Life of the founder of this monastery ordered to him. The order was explained by the gratitude of the Grand Duke to the monastery for the support that he received there in the forties, when he was deprived of the great reign by Dmitry Shemyaka and exiled to Vologda. Pachomius Serb completed the Life of Cyril after March 1462 (the death of Grand Duke Vasily II Vasilyevich) and before May 13 of the same year (the ordination of the third successor of St. Cyril Abbot Tryphon to the Archbishop of Rostov), ​​possibly already upon his return to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. (For more information about Pachomius Serb, see the article about him in the Dictionary of Scribes and Bookishness of Ancient Rus'. Second half of the 14th-16th centuries. Part 2. L-Ya. L., 1989, pp. 167-177).

    Apparently, under the pen of Pachomius himself, who acted for liturgical purposes, around 1464-1465. the second edition of the Life appeared, which is a mechanical reduction of the first. In addition, a short prologue Life of St. Cyril, compiled on the basis of the first, lengthy edition shortly after its appearance, but having some features of originality. In 1615, on the basis of the Pahomiev Life of St. Cyril, another edition of it was created by Joasaph.

    Life of St. Cyril of Belozersky is one of the few stories about saints written by Pachomius for the first time, according to "self-readers", and not by editing or supplementing other people's works. His only written source was this case The spiritual writing of St. Cyril, included by him in the Life with some omissions and amendments.

    The main informants of the author in the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery were the students of St. Cyril: the then abbot of the monastery Cassian (1448-1465 and 1466-1470) and Martinian Belozersky. Pachomius notes Martiniana as the one who told him most fully and coherently about his teacher. So the virtues of the Life of St. Cyril, his pithiness and entertaining, to a large extent - the merit of Martinian, "from a young age he lived with Cyril and knew well about the saint."

    Consisting of more than forty stories, the Life of St. Cyril is the largest of the works of Pachomius and - despite the stylization and typification of persons and events inevitable for this genre - the most saturated with specific historical information, circumstances and names. Here, in much more detail than in other lives, it is said about the youth of the saint, about the periods of his life, about the people around him - his relative-educator Timothy Vasilyevich, his wife Irina, hegumen Stefan of Makhrishchsky, St. Sergius of Radonezh, his nephew Theodore Simonovsky, Mikhail Smolensky , prp. Ferapont Belozersky and others.

    It seems that the disciples of St. Cyril, including Martinian, knew very little in the secular period of their teacher's life. Possibly Rev. Cyril did not like to talk about his youth in his old age. But, perhaps, the hagiographer Pachomius was careful not to let the specific details of the life-historical plan damage the purity of the genre of life, called to tell about the eternal, the supernatural in a person’s life, and not about the vicissitudes of his life. Be that as it may, the Life contained very little information about the first half of St. Cyril's long life.

    The text of the life of St. Cyril of Belozersky is provided according to the manuscript of the National Library of Russia, Kirillo-Belozersky collection, No. 18/1095, 30-60s. XVI century, originating from the Kirillov Monastery. All corrections and additions were made according to the text of the RSL manuscript, MDA, No. 13 (208), XV century, published by V. Yablonsky in the book “Pachomius Serb and His Hagiographic Writings” (St. Petersburg, 1908, p. I-LXIII).

    Preparation of the text by E. G. Vodolazkin, translation and comments by E. G. Vodolazkin and G. M. Prokhorov

    We thank the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and personally E.G. Vodolazkin for providing

    A short life of pre-dob-no-go Kiril-la Be-lo-e-zero-go

    In the world of Kos-ma. Born in Moscow from the b-go-che-sti-vy ro-di-te-lei. He took a different-ness in Si-mo-no-vom mo-on-sta-re, in his own way, in a move-ha-mi, he lowered the respect of all the brethren and was from-whether-cha-eat by the father of the foreigners - the pre-excellent Ser-gi-em. In 1390, the brethren of the Si-mo-nov-sky obi-te-li upro-si-li-pre-do-no-go Kiril-la to be their igu-men-nom. Many-number-len-nye and noble in-se-ti-te-li, come-ho-div-shie to the yoke-me-well for-becoming-le-ni-i-mi and blah -go-ve-we-no-em, strong-but embarrass-do-be-good-but-go Kiril-la, from-be-gav-she-go-you-che-lo- ve-che-sky, and he soon folded the rank of yoke-me-na from himself and began to hang out like a simple monk. Looking for co-ver-shen-no-go seclusion-non-niya and silent-vija, re-po-b-ny Ky-rill by miracle-des-no-mu-instruction-of-bo-go-ma -te-ri removed-lyed-sya on the shore of the Be-lo-go-lake-ra (Vo-lo-god-skaya region) and in the deep forest thicket began to ve-sti life from-shel-no-ka. A roar-no-those without-silence began to flow to him, and St. the old man realized that his time of silence was over.

    When the number of brethren multiplied, the pre-excellent gave the charter of the common life for the obi, someone consecrated the rum of your life. In the church, no one dared to be-se-to-vat, no-one should have left it before the end of the service, to the Holy Evangely-ge-liyu under-ho-di-li by seniority. For tra-pe-zu, everyone sat down in their own place, and in the tra-pez-noy there was silence. From the tra-pez-noy, each silent went to his cell. The money was stored in the mo-on-styr-sky treasury, no one had any property. The kel-lies didn’t f-pi-ra-lis, and in them, except for icons and books, they didn’t hold anything.

    The Lord on-graded His pleasing-no-ka-da-rum of pro-zor-whether-in-sti and healing. Once upon a time, there was not enough wine for the Divine liturgy, reverend Kirill ordered to bring to him a po- stand co-court, someone's eyes are full of wine. During the famine, the pre-excellent Kirill spread bread to everyone who needed it, and he didn’t end, despite the fact that usually for-pa-owls ed-va hva-ta-lo for brethren. Once upon a time, a pre-additional ukro-til boo-ryu on the lake-re.

    He performed his next divine service on the day of the Holy Trinity. For-having the brothers keep the thread of love between each other, reverend Ky-rill is bliss-women-but-chill on the 90th year of his life June 9, 1427

    The venerable Ky-rill loved the spiritual enlightenment and instilled this love with his teachers. According to the inventory of 1635, there are more than two thousand books in the monastery, among them 16 “miracle-to-creator Kiril-la”. For-me-cha-tel-we-mi-raz-tsa-mi-du-hov-no-go on-becoming-no-che-stva and ru-ko-vod-stva, love-vi, mi-ro -love-biya and consolation yav-la-yut-sya to-gone before us three messages of pre-good-no-go Russian princes.

    A full life of pre-dob-no-go Kiril-la Be-lo-e-zero-go

    Venerable Kirill, in the world of Kos-ma, the son of the blessed and godly Muscovites, in childhood he received personal re-pi-ta-nie. Remaining in his young years as a si-ro-toy, he, in the ru-che-niya ro-di-te-ley, lived with relatives-no-ka-his-e-go, bo-yari -on Ti-mo-fairy Wa-si-le-vi-cha Ve-lya-mi-no-va, around-no-thing at the court of Prince Di-mit-riy Don-sko- go. For a quiet disposition and a good life, the Boyarin loved Kos-mu and entrusted him with looking after the economy and the service of his home . The young man from-the-roof-wa-moose was a brilliant pop-ri-sche of the secular service, but he aspired to move-no-thing. He didn’t open the races-of-his-bla-go-de-tel-no-mu-related-no-ku, because he was sure in the absence of Ti-mo-fairy with his same-la-ni-i-mi, and tai-but prayed-sya to the Lord. And so he came to the house of the bo-yari-on the pre-beloved Stefan Makhrishchsky († 1406; pa-myat July 14/27), who had arrived in Moscow on business lam obi-te-li. Kos-ma opened his soul to him. And the venerable Stefan, seeing in the youth the bu-du-sche-go in a move-no-ka, inclined the bo-yari-on to the fact that he accords with the desire of his heart to serve the one Lord in the same way.

    Kos-ma gave away all his property to the poor, after which heguman Stefan brought him to the monastery of Si-mo-novskaya, just -no-van-nuyu in a new place ar-khi-mand-ri-tom Fe-o-do-rum († 1395; pa-myat 28 Nov-Nov-rya / 11 de-kab-rya) , ple-myan-no-one pre-on-dob-no-go Ser-giya. St. Fe-o-dor accepted Kos-mu with joy, dressed him in a different image with the name Kirill and ru-chil him in motion -ni-ku Mi-ha-i-lu, in the aftermath of the epi-sko-pu Smo-len-sko-mu. Under the leadership of the elder, the young monk, with all his zeal, entered into the feat of monasticism. But-whose elder read the Psalm-Tir, and Ky-rill, on his orders, put in clones, and on the first blow, ko-lo-ko-la went to the morning and before everyone came to the church. He tried, with incessant listening, in everything, to re-press the old-tsu and asked him to let him eat food only after two or three days, but an experienced mentor told him to de-lyat tra-pe-zu together with his brother, although not to satiety. Kirill listened to the old man, but tasted so little that he could hardly walk. Ar-khi-mand-rit appointed him to listen in the bread-bakery, and he himself carried water, chopped firewood and, apart, warm bread -would be brethren, with-no-small instead of them, warm self-be-lit-you. According to the time-me-us, the pre-excellent Ser-gius came to the monastery of Si-mo-nov-sky for the se-sche-nation of the tribe-myan-no-ka -go Fe-o-do-ra, but first of all he searched for Kiril-la in the bakery and for a long time be-se-do-val with him about the benefits of the soul-shev- Noah. All the brethren were astounded: in some way, ve-li-ky Ser-giy, leaving on-one-hundred-I-te-la and all the monks, for-no-small -sya alone only Kiril-crowbar, but do not for-vi-do-wa-whether young-she, knowing his dob-ro-de-tel. From the bread-no-re-re-went, according to the will-to-sto-I-te-la, in the var-nu, he drank the pe-chi and, looking at the pa-la-yu- burning fire, he said to himself: “Look, Kirill, you wouldn’t fall into the eternal fire.” These humble labors of Kiril-la continued for nine years; and he gained such a numbness that he could not eat even bread without tears. The general respect from the brethren embarrassed him, and he began to foolishly, in order to escape to reap something. In na-ka-for-nie for na-ru-she-nie bless-go-chi-niya on-to-I-tel-signed him to drink only bread and water for days fourty; Ky-rill with ra-do-stu you-half-nil this for-meaning. How, one-on-one, neither concealed his spirituality, St. Kirill, experienced elders in no way him and against him in-whether for-sta-vi-whether to take the rank of hiero-mo-na-ha. And then a new service began for him: strictly fulfilling the order of the priesthood, but the service, he did not leave the former on-styr-sky ra-bot in bread and varna.

    Soon, ar-khi-mand-rit Fe-o-dor was elected episcop in Ro-sto-ve, and in his place in Si-mo-nov, ve-ve-li pre- in a better way Kiril-la, not heeding his tears and from-ri-tsa-nyu. It would be in 1390. But prp. Kirill, now already ar-khi-mand-rit, not because of me-nil about-ra-for-life and in your free time you went to work that together with listen-no-ka-mi. The rich and noble people began to greet the pre-good in order to listen to his in-stations. This confuses the humble spirit of the saint, and no matter how the brothers tried, he didn’t -created in her former cell. But here, too, there are frequent in-se-ti-te-whether the devil-on-co-and-whether pre-do-good-no-go, and he went to the old swarm Si-mo-no -in. The soul of the pre-beautiful Kiril-la rushed to silence, and he prayed to the Mother of God to show him a place, useful for spa-se-niya. One day, at night, reading, as always, an aka-fist before the icon of God, Ma-te-ri Odi-git-riya, he heard a voice: “ Go to Be-lo-lake-ro, there you-be-a-hundred. At the same time, the light began to shine, and from the windows, Kirill saw an illuminated place in the far north. Hearing from a friend of his Fe-ra-pon-ta (pa-min May 27 / June 9), ka-ko-va country on Be-lo-zer-skaya, he with the same icon-noy Bo-go-ma-te-ri from-right-vil-sya on Be-lo-lake-ro in co-p-ro-waiting for a friend.

    In the Be-lo-zero side, then deaf and little-crowded, for a long time ho-di-whether countries-no-ki and went up to the mountain Mya- u-ru. This is the sa-may you-so-kaya mountain in the vicinity of Be-lo-zero. In a dosh-wu, it is washed by the waves of Lake Si-ver-go. Le-sa, lu-ga, waters united here in a vast expanse and about-ra-zo-wa-whether one of the most beautiful places Russia. On the one hand, Sheks-at times-whether-va-et-sya from-we-whether-on-mi through the meadows is indispensable, on the other - a few si- of them lakes are raz-bro-sa-but among dense forests. Here Rev. Ky-rill saw that place, someone swarm in vi-de-nii na-zna-che-but it was for his stay, and b-go-gift fell noah soul before Pre-chi-stop. Descending from the mountain to the square surrounded by forest, he put up a cross, and near his deserts you-to-pa-whether the earth lan-ku. The venerable Fe-ra-pont soon retired to another place, and the venerable Ky-rill has been alone for more than one year under-vis-hall-sya in an underground cell-ley. One day, St. Cyril, in that strange dream, lay down to sleep under a pine tree, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard a voice: “ Run, Ky-rill!” Only the pre-excellent Ky-rill had time to jump off, like sos-on ruh-nu-la. From this pine, the mover made a cross. Rev. Ky-rill prayed so that the Lord would take away a heavy sleep from him, and from that time he could stay for several days without sleep. Another time, reverend Kirill almost died from the flames and smoke, when he cleared the forest, but God kept His please. One peasant tried to set fire to the cell-liya pre-do-no-go. More than once he went to the cell, so that you could fill your mind; he set fire to it, but the fire went out. Then, with the tears of the races-ka-i-niya, he gave his sin, reverend. Kiril-lu and, at his request, had a haircut, was in mo-na-she-stvo.

    Soon, from Si-mo-no-howl ob-te-whether to the pre-dob-no-mu came their favorite foreigners Ze-ve-dey and Dee-o-ni- this one, and then Na-fa-nail, subsequently ke-lar obi-te-li. Many began to come to the pre-good-no-mu and ask to honor their monasticism. The holy elder realized that his time without silence was over.

    In 1397, he built a temple in honor of the Assumption of the Pre-Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy.

    When, in the neighborhood, there was a rumor that the ar-khi-mand-rit Kirill, who came from Moscow, would arrange-and-va-et in desert mo-na-styr, then bo-yari-well Fe-o-do-ru came to the idea that, it’s true, ar-khi-mand-rit brought with him many go de-neg, and he sent his servants to rob Kiril-la. But two nights in a row under-ho-di-whether those to the obi-te-li and see-de-whether around the obi-te-whether military people. Fe-o-dor thought it was small that, it’s true, someone from the Moscow nobles came to Kiril-lu, and sent to find out who that who came. He-ve-cha-whether that more than a week, as if none of the other parties had been in obi-there. Then Fe-o-dor came to his senses and, after se-tiv the abode, with tears, he gave Kiril-lu his sin. The reverend said to him: “Be sure, my son Fe-o-dor, that I don’t have anything, except for clothes, I you see on me, and several books. From that time on, Boyarin began to b-go-go-wei-but respect Kiril-la and every time, as soon as he came, he came but-strength of a fish-boo or something else. After that, the silent chief-nick Ig-na-ty came to him, your husband is good-ro-de-te-li; in the course of 30 years of life in the obi-li Kiril-lo-voi, he was, after Kiril-la, the first example in the movement-no-thing stva. He never lay down to sleep and fell asleep standing up, leaning against the wall; ne-shche-that and carrying-ty-zha-tel-ness reached his highest degree.

    When in the obi-there Kiril-lo-voi smartly lived the number of brethren, the reverend gave her a charter of community life and consecrated his example of his life. In the church, no one dared to talk and no one should have left it before the end of the service; to the Holy Evangelion-ge-liu under-ho-di-li according to seniority. For tra-pe-zu, everyone sat down in their own place, and in tra-pe-ze there was silence; in the pi-schu before-la-ga-there were only three ku-sha-nya. Very strictly for-ve-gave the pre-added, so that neither with him, nor after him, hop-ny drinks not only did not drink, but also don’t keep it in obi-those. From the meal, each silently went to his cell, not going to the other. No-one dared to-be-chat neither pi-sem, nor gifts, in my-mo pre-be-good-but-go - to him, but-si-neras-pe- chat-tan letters; without his b-go-word-ve-niya and do not pi-sa-li pi-sem. The money was kept in the mo-on-styr-sky treasury, and no one had any property, yes, you want to drink water di-whether in tra-pe-zu. In the cell, they didn’t keep anything, except for icons and books, and she never got drunk. Ino-ki stared one before the other to appear as soon as possible to the service of God and to the mo-na-styr-sky ra-bo-you , sub-vi-za-is not for people, but for the Lord-for-yes. When did it happen that there was a shortage of a hundred current in bread and bra-tia in need-yes-whether for a hundred-I-te-la to send for bread-bom to Christ-a-hundred-love -tsam, pre-dob-ny from-ve-chal: “God and the Pre-chi-flock of God-mother will not forget us, otherwise why should we live on earth -le? And he didn’t doz-in-lyal to-ku-chat mi-rya-us asking-ba-mi for da-i-nii. He had a student, by the name of An-to-niy, experienced in de la spiritual and life; he sent him once a year for-ku-drink everything you need for mo-na-stay, at other times no one left obi-the-whether, and if-whether-sy-la-las-ka-kaya-li-bo mi-lo-stay-nya, with love-view it with-no-ma-li as a gift from Bo- living.

    In the last years, pre-dob-no-go-bo-yarin Ro-man, every year he brought 50 measures of rye, he fanned to provide obi -tel se-scrap and sent him a darst-vein-gra-mo-tu. But the pre-better, better, better, gra-mo-tu, ras-su-dil like this: if we become-it to have a se-la, from that they will come out for-bo-you for the brethren about the earth; they will appear in the villages and a row-no-ki, silence-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o. For some reason, b-go-your-ri-te-lu was sent such an answer: “You please, man of God, give se-lo to the house Bo-go-ma-te-ri on the pro-pi-ta-nie brothers. But instead of a hundred and 50 measures of rye, you give something every year, give us 100, if you can, we will be free to those, and behold - la-mi rule it yourself, for they are not useful for the brethren.

    Before that, it was pro-nick-nut love-bo-view to the Lord, that during the service of li-tour-gy and during the reading of the church -kov-nyh could not hold back from blessed tears; especially-ben-but they were with him during the time of ke-lei-no-go pra-vi-la.

    Meek, humble, spending all his life “in tears and air-dy-ha-ni-yah, bde-ni-yah and prayers” “and in the air -der-zha-ni when lying down, ”before-in-advanced even during the life of pro-la-vil-sya for the gift of pro-zor-whether-in-sti and miracles. A certain Fe-o-dor-drank among the brethren, but after a few time, the human enemy inspired him with such to the holy Cyril-lu that he not only could not see him, but even hear his voice. Confused in my thoughts, he came to the strict old man Ig-na-tiy, silently-chal-no-ku use-ve-to give him a heavy some con-st-i-ing of my-e-th-spirit: that out of hatred for St. Kiril-lu ho-chet leave the abode. Ig-na-ty consoled him somewhat and strengthened his mo-lit-howl, convincing him to stay on the test for another year; but the year mi-no-val, and the hatred did not fade away. Fe-o-dor decided to open his secret thought to sa-mo-mu Kiril-lu, but, having ascended into his cell, he was ashamed of him se-di-na and couldn’t you-go-vo-rit. When he already wanted to get out of the cell, the visionary old man himself began to talk about the hatred that he was pi-tal to him Fe-o-dor. The ter-e-my-with-ve-stu monk fell to his feet and could-lil forgive him for his sin, but the saint with a blood-to-stu -chal: “Do not grieve, my brother, everything about me was conjured; you alone knew the truth and all my lack of worth, I am exactly a sinner and unworthy. He let go of him with the world, promising that from now on such temptation would no longer fall on him, and since then Fe-o-dor pre-be -shaft in complete love with the ve-li-ko-av-you.

    Did a man bring a lo-ve-ka to the monastery? -whether before death. Pre-beautiful and clothed him in a different way with the name Dal-mat. After a few days, he began to end and asked for the communion of the Holy Ta-in, but the priest for-med-lil co-ver-she-ni-em li-tur-gyi, and when he brought the Holy Gifts to the cell, more-lya-shchy had already died. The embarrassed priest was in a hurry to tell about that, pre-good-no-mu, someone was very upset. Then Saint Cyril soon closed the windows of his cell and began to pray. A little later, a ke-lei-nik came, serving Dal-ma-tu, and, knocking on the windows, said to the bless-women-no-mu that Dal-mate is still alive and asks for par-cha-st-sya. Immediately-len-but sent st. Ky-rill for the priest-no-one, in order to par-shield the brother. And although he was sure that Dal-mat had already died, one-on-one, fulfilling the will of av-you, went. But how much would it be his surprise when he saw Dal-ma-ta, sitting on the step. As soon as he communed the Holy Ta-in, he began to say goodbye to all the brothers and quietly went to the Lord.

    One day there was not enough wine for the church service, but it was necessary to make a liturgy. The priest-nick came to tell the saint Kiril-lu about that, and he asked in-no-ma-rya Ni-fon-ta: is it really no fault. Hearing from him that there is no, as if with me, va-ya, ordered to bring that co-court, in which-rum there would always be vi-no . In-vi-but-val-sya Ni-font and with astonishment-le-ni-em brought a co-court, so full of guilt that it is yes from-whether-wa-moose, and for a long time not osku-de-va-lo vi-but in co-su-de, like once the widow’s oil, according to the word about -ro-ka Elijah.

    In a good way, during the famine, smartly lived for the stock of bread, so that the most bread-no-ki hurray-zu-me-whether was - neck wonder. “Ki-rill, smart-living vi-but for liturgy, smart-stinging and bread for pro-pi-ta-niya smooth, with the help of God-go-ma- te-ri, ”they say, and so it continued until the new bread.

    Uche-ni-ki pre-add-but-go lo-vi-li according to the will of his fish on the lake-re. A terrible storm arose, the waves pe-re-be-ha-whether through the boat, death would have swallowed everyone. Hundred-yav-shey on the be-re-gu in-be-zhal to tell pre-do-be-no-mu about the danger. He, taking the cross in his hands, hurriedly came to the shore and, having autumned St. cross-lake-ro, soothe the waves. There was a fire in the monastery, and the brethren could not extinguish it, but the saint stood with the cross right against the fire, -carried prayers to God, and the fire, as if tired of marveling at his prayers, suddenly died out.

    Approaching the blissful end, the reverend called the whole brethren to him, appointed the teacher In-no- ken-tia in the yoke-me-na and strictly for-on-ve-gave not to-ru-shat his mouth. In-ru-chiv for-those cloister in the blood-vi-tel-stvo Be-lo-zero-go prince Andrey, added that “if anyone is not for -wants to live according to my pre-da-tion and will not listen to the yoke-me-na, ve-li, go-su-dar, send those from the monastery ". For thirty years he was in the wives of St. Ky-rill in Si-mo-no-ve mo-on-hundred-re and lived there for thirty years, having come to this place for six-sti-de-sya-ti-years -him, he lived for another thirty years in this new obi-those, until he reached half the number of years de-vya-no-hundred. From long hundred-I-I and old-growth, but-gi pre-be-good-but-go in the last time he weakened, and he in the last days si-dya co-ver-shal ke-ley-noe pra-vi-lo. On the day of the Holy Trinity, he co-performed his next divine service. And his last word was to the weeping brothers: “Do not mourn about my departure. If, in a better way, my audacity and my labor will be pleasing to the Lord, then not only my abode will not be smitten, but even more painful we are distributing according to my step, just have love between you and the fight. He peace-but-chil in the 90th year of his life on June 9, 1427.

    Not for a long time before the end of the pre-good-no-go was the monk So-si-patr. His brother Hri-sto-for hurried to pre-do-b-no-mu Kiril-lu to re-ve-stit that So-si-patr was already dying, but pre-po -good, smiling, answering: “Believe me, cha-do-Chris-to-for, that not one of you will die before me; after my departure, many of you will follow me.” And really-but, So-si-patr you-well-ro-led; but after death, the pre-death prophecy about the brethren was fulfilled. Not even one year passed after his death, as out of 53 people, the brothers re-re-se-li-moose from the local life - no more than 30. Remaining pre-extra-of-a-hundred yav-la-et-sya in a dream with support and on-becoming-le-no-eat.

    Even during his lifetime, pre-be-good-no-go, his disciple Fe-o-do-this pe-re-told him to give him -lo mo-at-stay-ryu and heard from the pre-do-but-th answer: “During my life, I don’t want to sit down, but after my death, de - lay-te, as ho-ti-te. Fe-o-do-this thought-small that it was the afflicted old man who said it, and was offended by it; after that, he began to grieve that he had brought upon himself the inconvenience of the saint. The pre-beautiful appeared to Mar-ti-ni-a-well and said: “Tell brother Fe-o-do-so, so as not to be sad: I am against him I don't have anything." Not tro-ga-tel-but is this evidence of snis-ho-di-tel-noy love-vi pre-do-b-but-go, yes, behind the pre-ela-mi coffin-ba ?..

    The holy relics please God in a chi-va-yut under a stu-house in its ob-the-between the Assumption Cathedral and the church-to-view in his name. On the icon, pi-san-noy in 1424 pre-excellent Di-o-ni-si-em Glu-shits-kim († 1437; pa-meat June 1/14), pre-po -ex-Ki-rill is depicted in full-length, in old-Che-sky years, with an open head, with a face for-dum-chi-you, with ru-ka-mi, folded-wife-us-mi on the pers, in the mantle and ana-la-ve. In addition to that, after him, a genuine spiritual charter was preserved, pi-san-naya on a column of an ordinary-but-vein-noy boo-ma-gi small-kim, even-kim and red-si-you in black-com. From the number of ru-ko-pi-sey, pi-san-nyh sa-mim pre-in-dob-nym, for-me-cha-tel-on one with ob-yas-no-no-I -mi different yav-le-ni-pits of nature, you-you-mi from the ancient nature-is-py-ta-te-la Ga-le-na. There are articles here about the seas, about clouds, thunder, lightning and falling stars. These-mi-sve-de-ni-i-mi blissful-pol-zo-val-sya in order to-go-to-understand the pre-races-court-ki on-native about the le-ni-yah nature and show the true meaning of these phenomena. To the explanations-not-no-pits of Ga-le-na, here they add-le-na and their remarks. For example, about the pa-y-y-y-ing stars, it’s said-for-but: “About the pa-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y stars, they say that it’s pa-yes- yut stars, and others that these are evil we-tar-stva. But this is not the stars, and not we-tar-stva, but from-de-le-ni-heaven-no-th-fire; they descend a little, ras-tap-li-va-yut-sya and again merge-va-yut-sya in the air-du-he. In a way, no one has seen them on earth, but they always merge and ras-sy-pa-yut-sya in the air; the stars never fall, only in the coming of Christ. Then the heavens co-curl and the stars fall; equally, the spirits of we-tarsts will then go into the eternal fire.

    Especially-ben-ny-mi-e-raz-tsa-mi spirit-hov-no-go on-becoming-no-che-stva and ru-ko-vod-stva, love-vi, mi-ro-lu-biya and the consolation of the yav-la-yut-sya that has come down to us three messages of the pre-good-no-go Russian princes. They are from-whether-cha-yut-sya simply from-the-lo-zhe-niya and is-roll-no-stu b-go-che-sti-howling soul-shi, deep-bo-ko- zi-da-tel-ny.

    In a letter to the ve-li-ko-mu prince Vasi-liu, St. av-va pi-shet: “The more the saints come to love God, the more they see themselves as sinners. You, sir-dar, give-about-re-ta-eat yourself you-be-whether-what benefit to the soul, sm-re-ni-em with your own, that in-sy -la-eat to me sin-no-mu, no-sche-mu, passion-no-mu and un-stand-no-mu with a request for prayers ... I, a sinner, I am glad with my brother-ti-her, how much strength there will be, to pray to God about you, our go-su-da-re. But for the sake of God, be yourself attentive to yourself and to the whole prince, on whom the Holy Spirit has placed you pa-sti people, is-kup-len-nyh with the blood of Christ-hundred-howl. The more power you grant to the neck, the more strictly you lie under the ve-tu. Re-give Bla-go-de-te-lu your duty, keep-no-no-eat the saints for-the-ve-dey of Him and evade-no-no-eat from the paths, ve-du-shchi to for-gi-be-whether. No power, neither royal nor prince-sky, can ba-wit us from the ne-tse-mer-no-th su-yes of God; and if you will love to beat your neighbor, like yourself, if you console the souls of mournful and distressed ones, it will help you a lot -be, go-su-dar, on the Terrible and right-wing court of Christ. The Apostle Pa-vel, a disciple of Christ, writes: ve not an imam, there is nothing good for us. ” I love your brethren and all Christians, and your faith in God and mercy on the poor will be pleasing to the Lord.

    In a letter to Prince Andrey Di-mit-ri-e-vi-chu Mo-jai-sko-mu, with delight, reminiscing about the miraculous from -bav-le-nii of Russia from Toh-ta-we-sha, pi-shet, with ka-ki-mi races-lo-same-ni-i-mi over-le-lives to be after ta-ko-go blah-go-de-i-niya. “You are the power-ste-lin,” writes the pre-excellent, “in your rank, you were appointed by God to keep people from li-ho th custom; look, sir, so that su-di-whether the court is right, as before God, not crooked; so that there are no sub-logs and clones; the judges wouldn’t take gifts, but let them have their own lesson yes-I-no-eat ... On-observe-give, sir, so that there are no taverns in your region - from them we-li-kai pa-gu-ba people-dyam: the peasants pro-pi-wa-yut-sya, and their souls perish ... So, let you not have such-my-wife-ditch - this is money that is not right; where there is a pe-re-cart, go-su-dar, you should give it for work. Let there be no fight, no theft in your rank. If you don’t get away from the evil de la, ve-whether to-ka-zat, who is worth something. Uni-mai under-chi-nen-your-them from bad words and swearing - all this angers God. If you don’t sweat to manage all that, cry out on you, because you are power-ste-lin over all people, set th God. Don’t be lazy yourself to give the peasants us-management: it’s up to you to pray for you. Keep from drinking. Po-da-wai-te by si-le mi-lo-sta-nu. You can’t s-s-s-s-ss and mo-pour-sya - le-no-tes. Let mi-lo-sty-nya re-full of the lack of stats of your-shi. When-ka-zy-wai-te sing mo-leb-na in the church-you Spa-si-te-lu and Ma-te-ri God-zhi-her , and don’t let yourself go to church. In the church, stand with fear and trembling, imagining to yourself that you stand as in heaven. The Church is the earthly sky, in it the Ta-in-stva of Christ-you are co-verified. Be-re-gi yourself, sir, standing in the church, do not talk and do not speak idle words; if you see that someone is be-se-du-ing in the church, be it from boyars or ordinary people, forbid them, for all this is angry God."

    Zven-no-kind-of-the-th-prince Yuri Di-mit-ri-e-vi-cha pre-extra-dob-ny consolation in mourning for more-left-shay su-pru- ge. And together they wrote: “I tell you in advance that you can’t see us: leave me-on-shit and go away, ku- yes God on-sta-vit. You think that I am a kind, holy man here. No, truly, but I am more sinful and unhappy than all and full of stench. Do not be surprised at this, Prince Yuri: I hear that you yourself chi-ta-eat and know St. -is-ho-dit from man-lo-ve-che-praise, especially for us, the weak.

    The venerable Ky-rill loved spiritual enlightenment, he himself worked in writing books and instilled this love in his -im teaching-no-kam. In the 16th century, not one of the obi-te-lei of the Russians was so bo-ga-ta ru-ko-pi-sya-mi as Kiril-lo-va. According to the description of 1635, it kept in it until 2092 ru-ko-pi-sey.

    The abode of pre-be-good-no-go Kiril-la in many acts on-zy-va-et-sya Love-roy. Its external view is in a do-ben fortified-len-no-mu city: you-so-kai three-tiered fence-yes with big-shi-mi towers, not counting the small ones, it surrounds the mo-to-stack, divided into several parts; one of them, enclosing that hill in itself, in some-rum there would be an earth-lyan-ka pre-be-good-no-go, on-zy- va-et-sya Ivanov-skim mo-on-stay-rem.

    General-Russian in-chi-ta-nie pre-do-no-go on-cha-moose not later than 1447-1448. The life of St. Cy-ril-la would-lo on-pi-sa-but in-ru-che-niyu mit-ro-po-li-ta Fe-o-do-this and ve- whether-of-prince-zya Va-si-liya Va-si-lie-vi-cha hiero-mo-na-hom Pa-ho-mi-em Lo-go-fe-tom, someone at -was in Kiril-loving mo-na-styr in 1462 and made many eye-witnesses of pre-good-no-go Kiril-la, including and pre-good-no-go Mar-ti-ni-a-na († 1483; pa-myat 12/25 Jan-va-rya), manager-lav-she-th then Fe-ra- pon-to-vym mo-on-stay-rem.


    Troparion to St. Cyril, hegumen of Beloezersky, tone 1

    Like a creen in the desert of David flourished thou, Father Cyril, / eradicating thorns of mischief, / and thou didst gather in it a multitude of disciples, / by the fear of God and thy teachings instructed, / even to the end, like a child-loving father, let me visit you / did not leave you : / glory to Him who gave you a fortress, / glory to Him who crowned you, / / ​​glory to Him who acts by you, healing all.

    Translation: Like a lily in the desert, according to Scripture, you blossomed, Father Cyril, eradicating the vicious thorns, and gathered in it many disciples, guided by your teachings, but to the end, as a father who loves his children, you did not leave, giving them attention, yes we all cry out to you: “Glory to the One who gave you strength, glory to the one who crowned you, glory to the one who gives healing to all through you.”

    Kontakion to St. Cyril, Abbot of Beloezersky, Tone 8

    As if having offended the perishable and the bottom attracting wisdom, father, / joyfully rushed to the Higher current, / and there with the saints of the Most Holy Trinity are coming, / pray from the enemy that your flock be preserved, / like yes, your holy Assumption is celebrating, crying out, // blessed Cyril, our father.

    Translation: Rejecting disastrous and earthly philosophies, father, you joyfully rushed to heavenly ascent, and standing there with the saints, pray for the preservation of your flock from enemies, so that we, celebrating your holy, cry out: “Rejoice, blessed Cyril, our father!”

    Prayer to the Monk Cyril, Abbot of Beloezersky

    Oh, holy head, reverend and God-bearing Father Cyril! We fall to you with faith and love, and we ask you, our Heavenly intercessor: show your great mercy to us, humble and sinners, and pour out your warm prayers for us to the Lord God. It is peculiar to you to have mercy, holy lord of God, for, I live on earth, you alone have care, even to save the soul of man from perdition, and all your holy life is a mirror of good deeds, about whom the Heavenly Father is glorified in you. Having acquired great boldness to Him, ask us from His goodness for the right faith, unfeigned piety, true repentance, perfect brotherly love and prosperity in all good deeds. Give us health of mind and body, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, a peaceful and serene life, a shameless Christian death and a good answer at the terrible Judgment of Christ. Save the Holy Church and the Russian state from wars and discords. Protect your honest monastery from all evil, and all the faithful people who come to you and worship your relics, autumn with your Heavenly blessing, and fulfill all their petitions for good. She, in vain, do not adopt the prayers of the people who are like, but Budi for us, the main idea of ​​the state, and the pronouncing of us, the eagerness of the eagerness and the kingdom of the unsuccessful in the Trinity of the worshiped God, and your fatherly intercession, forever and ever. Amen.

    Canons and Akathists


    Kondak 1

    Chosen from the King of the forces of the Lord Jesus, spiritual warrior and wonderworker, reverend Our Father Cyril, we praise You with love in spiritual songs, our holy intercessor, but you, as if you have much mercy, bow mercifully to us who sing to you, and your intercession to the Lord, from all troubles of freedom calling you joyfully:

    Ikos 1

    You were truly an earthly angel and a heavenly man, O Reverend Father, from the morning of your life until the deep evening of death, lazily working for the Lord in reverence and holiness, leaving us as an example of imitation your life equal to the angels, it is strange to him, and we call your voices laudatory with your miracles. sice:

    Rejoice, God-loving fruit of pious parents;

    Rejoice, holy vegetation of the capital city of Moscow.

    Rejoice, orphan in your youth;

    Rejoice, in thy orphanhood God sought with diligent love.

    Rejoice, numbered above in the sonship of God;

    Rejoice, all the riches of this world for the sake of Christ, despised.

    Rejoice, earthly joys and joys, sane for nothing.

    Rejoice, having only diligence, pleasing the only God.

    Rejoice, having nourished your soul with the reading of divine scriptures;

    Rejoice, fruitful heart of yours with tears of prayer.

    Rejoice, purity of soul and body immaculately preserved.

    Rejoice, curbing youthful passions with fasting and abstinence.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 2

    Seeing your relative, the eminent boyar of the Autocrat of Russia, the well-being of your soul, Most Blessed Father, love you and make you the builder of your house, but take care of his needs, you are overwhelmed by the rumors of life, you were very sick with your soul and prayed warmly to the Lord, may you grant thee is outside the world and its vanities, serve Him in silence and unhinderedly sing the angelic song: Alleluia.

    Ikos 2

    With a God-enlightened mind, you recognized the goodness of your soul, Reverend Stephen, hegumen of the monastery, even on Makhra, when you came to the city of Moscow and knew you, Holy One of God, you confessed with tears the desire of your heart, as if you wished to be a monk, and from him the betrothal of an angelic image thou hast perceived. Remembering, therefore, such your zeal for spiritual exploits, we bless you, as the chosen one of God, and with tenderness we say:

    Rejoice, meek and gentle follower of Christ;

    Rejoice, having accomplished the commandments of the Gospel by the very deed.

    Rejoice, wondrous self-denial according to the word of your Lord;

    Rejoice, nobility of the family and worldly honors, leaving Christ for the sake of it.

    Rejoice, instead of golden-woven robes, beloved monastic rags;

    Rejoice, thou who didst receive the cross of Christ with diligence on thy frame.

    Rejoice, planting high virtue in your souls;

    Rejoice, uprooting every vain passion in yourself.

    Rejoice, strongly armed against the world, the flesh and the devil;

    Rejoice, by the power of God you conquered all their pretensions.

    Rejoice, former vessel of the undefiled grace of God;

    Rejoice, thou who hast become fearful and impregnable as an invisible enemy.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 3

    Fortified by the power of God, you were not afraid, reverend, your kinsman was angry with you, forbidding you to monasticize, but from the hand of the holy Theodore, Archimandrite of the Simonov Monastery, you took perfect tonsure into the angelic image, and within the walls of his monastery you found a quiet haven of salvation for yourself, applying labor to labor, and in prayers day and night sweetly singing to the Savior God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 3

    Having obedience from the abbot, even to work in bread and cookery, O Holy Father, you did not give sleep to your eyes, nor a slumbering eye, but thou didst work lazily; and stay on your knees cheerfully, you were a good worker of the Kingdom of Heaven, ascending to spiritual perfection according to the degree of virtues. We also praise thee:

    Rejoice, otherwise God-pleasing, monastic without hypocrisy from a sincere soul;

    Rejoice, perfect novice, who preceded the word of command by deed itself.

    Rejoice, tearful seeker of eternal bliss;

    Rejoice, prayerful lifter of the hands of the saints, mountain to the Lord.

    Rejoice, with the fire of the oven in the bakery and the kitchen, the fire of eternal torment reminding yourself;

    Rejoice, obedience to the cookery of tenderness, acquiring depth.

    Rejoice, you who watered the bread with tears of love for the Lord;

    Rejoice, dissolving thy drink with repentant weeping.

    Rejoice, first of all found in the temple at Divine services;

    Rejoice, beloved, rush to the house of your God.

    Rejoice, fasting severely mortifying your flesh, may it not prevail in spirit;

    Rejoice, after two and three days you ate scarce food.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 4

    A storm of passions and heavy waves of temptations, even if they attack you in a new beginning, a monastic, a servant of God, both unable to shake the strength of your will, even to please God alone. By the same prayer, fasting and true obedience, all the arrows of the enemy, fired at you, were ineffective, and you were able to still in the flesh, in deep passionlessness, lift up to the Creator the Seraphim song: Alleluia.

    Ikos 4

    Hearing about your virtuous life, great Sergius of Radonezh, love you dearly, Father Kirill. And when you come from your wilderness to the monastery of Simon, first of all visiting you, existing in the exploits of monastic obedience, preferring you to a young old man of many years, and thereby surprising all the brethren, from his lips of the saints you heard many words of spiritual benefit, and compiling them in your heart yours, you were a good student of the great teacher, truly worthy of such praises;

    Rejoice, chosen friend and interlocutor of God-bearing Sergius;

    Rejoice, thou who didst acquire great love in the Lord for him, and dearly beloved from him.

    Rejoice, in your humility you received high spiritual gifts;

    Rejoice, humbly laboring in the feats of obedience and vouchsafed the visitation of Sergius.

    Rejoice, never grumbling at your obediences;

    Rejoice, ever-remembering judgment of God and eternal torment.

    Rejoice, avoiding vain honors and human glory;

    Rejoice, for the sake of Christ's foolishness, you will be humiliated from everyone.

    Rejoice, punished by the abbot, dishonor to honor yourself sane;

    Rejoice, wearer of thin and many-seamed robes.

    Rejoice, oppressor of your body with winter cold;

    Rejoice, hateful bodily rest.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 5

    Having been a divine luminary, you were placed on the candlestick of the priesthood by the will of your rector, Father Cyril, and like an immaculate altar of the Lord's servant, with fear and reverence, you offered a bloodless sacrifice to God, even though you made you a secret spectator of many great miracles, hidden in the sacrament of the Eucharist and being a worthy clergyman, You were also numbered with them, calling out of warm love to Christ who suffered for us: Alleluia.

    Ikos 5

    Seeing the brethren in the monastery of Simonov, God-bearing and equal to the angels of life, Cyril is God-blessed, having chosen you, even unwillingly, into the Archimandrite of your monastery, you are the baton of the rector's reception, you did not exalt yourself to a great rank in height, but you succeeded in humility and was an image reverence to your verbal flock, teaching your disciples in word and life, even crying out to you:

    Rejoice, O God-foretold teacher of piety and purity;

    Rejoice, tenderness full of preaching repentance.

    Rejoice, whose words were for the salvation of many;

    Rejoice, for you softened his exhortations, petrified in sins of the heart.

    Rejoice, not only in a word, but in your whole life, teaching your spiritual child;

    Rejoice, thou didst teach what thou didst, and thou didst not lazily do it.

    Rejoice, wise counselor of princes;

    Rejoice, impartial accuser of the mighty of this world.

    Rejoice, loving feeder of the poor and wretched;

    Rejoice, for his love for the lesser brethren in Christ never fails.

    Rejoice, for you have enjoyed many of its blessings;

    Rejoice, in whom the Heavenly Father is glorified on earth.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 6

    The preacher of true humility appeared to you, Father, when, shaking with glory and the rumor of the priesthood in Simonov, you left the priesthood and retired to the silence of the cell, so that only one God could work unhindered, both in silence did not leave the enemy of human salvation, arming on the rector who came after you, giving way to his wrath, you moved to the old Simonov, and there, staying alone, silently sang a song to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 6

    Ascend to you the light of heaven, when you prayed in the deep evening, reverend, in your cell before the icon of the Mother of God, asking Yu to grant you a place convenient for silent living, and behold, you heard a voice from the icon of Her Holy One, saying: “Cyril, get out of here and go to Beloezero: there you have prepared a place where you can save yourself, ”and with a voice together, a radiant beam from the midnight country of Osiya and an indication of the place chosen from above for your settlement, you joyfully contemplated it through the window of your cell. You are a shame to the rejoiced, and we joyfully exclaim:

    Rejoice, great servant of God, contemplating the light of heaven while still on earth;

    Rejoice, chosen servant of the Mother of the Lord, who spoke to you from the icon of Your Holy One.

    Rejoice, favored by the grace of the Lady of the world;

    Rejoice, receiving your petitions from Ney.

    Rejoice, for your prayer has been heard by the intercessor of the Christian race;

    Rejoice, as the night is enlightened for you by the radiance of Divine glory.

    Rejoice, as a place far away, near seemed to you the marvelous fates of God;

    Rejoice, as from above you have been granted a place of spiritual rest.

    Rejoice, full of joy and consolation about this;

    Rejoice, pouring out tears of warm thanksgiving and praise before God.

    Rejoice, fragrant censer of prayers;

    Rejoice, graceful psalmody organ.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 7

    A wondrous vision and a voice from the icon of the Mother of God, the former, told thou, reverend Father, to thy companion and friend, the Monk Ferapont, and together with him left the city of thy fatherland, and flowed into the impenetrable desert to Beloezero, looking for the place indicated by God, hedgehog found , thou rejoiced greatly, and thou didst dwell on him in a cave, for the consecration of the same place, honest cross, having built your hand, you placed it there, calling to the one who was crucified on the cross and trampled on the power of hell, the King of glory to Christ: Alleluia.

    Ikos 7

    With a new spiritual feat, thou art afar off to thyself, God-blessed Father, in the desert dwelling in solitude in prayers, fasting and unceasing labors, even seeing the All-seeing Lord, gathered to you a flock of desert-loving monks, even though I want to live with you, and be edified from you for salvation: and so arranged Thou art a holy abode, like a creen in the desert that flourished spiritually, in which your name is glorified to this day with these worthy praises:

    Rejoice, reverend, lightly adorned with holiness and purity;

    Rejoice, O God-bearer, gifted with divine gifts from above.

    Rejoice, good shepherd of the herd of verbal sheep gathered by you;

    Rejoice, builder of God-wise monastic dormitories.

    Rejoice, thou who didst transform the impenetrable wilderness into a spiritual garden by thy labors;

    Rejoice, shameful of all the fears and ghosts of the enemy with your prayers.

    Rejoice, thou who didst build thy dwelling place with undoubted hope in God;

    Rejoice, with prayerful tears its foundation was irrigated.

    Rejoice, poor in spirit, but rich in many;

    Rejoice, sovereignly guarded by the hand of the Most High.

    Rejoice, miraculously delivered from vain death;

    Rejoice, invisibly protected from the flames of fire.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 8

    A strange vision was a robber, who thought to rob your monastery, Holy of God, even when he came to her at night, he saw a lot of military people standing on guard around the monastery, and rob those who did not allow it, even taking it away, as if no guards were in the monastery of that night, knowing God the protecting power, and with repentance flowed to you, I confessed a wonderful vision, rejoicing about it, you sang with your disciples, to God saving you, a song of thanksgiving: Alleluia.

    Ikos 8

    Being wholly in God, you placed strong hope in God, O Reverend Father, as you are strong to feed you with your disciples, who are in a desert place. Moreover, you did not send alms to anyone, believing undoubtedly that you will receive everything you need from the hand of God for life: and according to your faith and prayer, you received all this from the lovers of God and without your petition, surprising your children with the power of faith, working miracles, and striving call you:

    Rejoice, zealous silence, hating vain rumors;

    Rejoice, thought of God is high, unattainable care of worldly things.

    Rejoice, abstinence in food and drink is a well-known rule;

    Rejoice, forbidden drinking in your monastery.

    Rejoice, Father unfailingly preserving the laws of the saints;

    Rejoice, for your guiding disciples to the feat of lofty.

    Rejoice, achieve in measure perfection in Christ;

    Rejoice, having taken power over unclean spirits.

    Rejoice, enriched with the gift of miracles;

    Rejoice, full of divine power.

    Rejoice, having shown grace-filled foresight;

    Rejoice, thou who didst not give healing help.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 9

    All the monks of your monastery, Reverend Father, as an angel of God I honor you, for truly angel-like manners you showed them in your holy life, and everything was dedicated to the unceasing pleasing of God. Moreover, God gave you wonderful miracles: you healed the sick, you freed the demon-possessed from the torment of the devil, you predicted the future, you also resurrected the dead with your prayer, in a hedgehog to sing about you near and far, a laudatory song to the supreme miracle creator God: Alleluia .

    Ikos 9

    The vitiation of man cannot utter the greatness of your miracles, God's servant, Father Cyril, in the image of your earthly life, like fragrant flowers, spiritually beautified, fragrant souls of the faithful with the sweetness of reverence and holiness, and leading them to the glorification of God, this glorifying thee of his chosen one, but to us inspiring call to you:

    Rejoice, good healer of the sick;

    Rejoice, merciful strengthener of the weakened.

    Rejoice, thou who bestowed sight on the blind many times.

    Rejoice, freeing the possessed from the violence of the devil.

    Rejoice, thou who didst restore Roman's health from the deathbed;

    Rejoice, resurrecting the deceased monk Dalmat for repentance.

    Rejoice, miraculously multiplying the wine that has become impoverished in your monastery for the Liturgy of the saints;

    Rejoice, filling the empty granary with bread during the famine.

    Rejoice, thou who graciously nourished smooth people with this bread;

    Rejoice, for the bread that you distribute is not impoverished in the granary, but rather multiplied.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 10

    Thou hast inherited eternal salvation, O servant of God, and thou hast received a righteous death, like a crown by thy feat, painlessly and peacefully passing from the earthly to the heavenly abodes, where thy holy soul, the recompense of the priest from the hand of the Almighty God, and with the angelic armies will stand on the throne of His Divine singing a song that is silent to Him: Alleluia.

    Ikos 10

    Good and faithful servant of the Tsar of Heaven, the talent given to you is not hidden, but diligently aggravating it, and I will buy a lot of spiritual things by creating them, Father Cyril, help us, earthly and earthly, to imitate your holy life, and at our exodus acquire the good hope of salvation, let us sing to you with tender voices:

    Rejoice, Holy One of God, holy and blameless end of earthly life;

    Rejoice, Chosen One of Christ, painlessly and peacefully betraying your spirit in the hands of God.

    Rejoice, for your death is honorable before the Lord, and your dormancy with the Saints;

    Rejoice, for your memory is honored with praise in the Holy Church.

    Rejoice, as if you have settled in the heavenly abode, and do not leave the earthly;

    Rejoice, for from the heights of heaven you penetrate with your mercy to the earthly.

    Rejoice, miracle worker who was during life, who appeared the same after death;

    Rejoice, thou who didst preserve thy abode and after thy death.

    Rejoice, thy spiritual child, and after thy death do not forget.

    Rejoice, leaving your healing relics to comfort them.

    Rejoice, quick representative who honors you.

    Rejoice, diligent intercessor of all who resort to you.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 11

    Prayer singing is brought by the faithful at the shrine of your holy relics, Cyril God-bearing, even if they rest in the bowels of the earth, both emit the rays of many miracles, illuminating the souls and hearts of those who seek your intercession with faith, vouchsafe it to us, the humble, who offer this song of praise to you, and God gratefully calling: Alleluia.

    Ikos 11

    The luminous lamp of God's grace, illuminating the midnight country of the Russian Kingdom, appeared to you, reverend and venerable Father Cyril, enlightening the desert with the spiritual radiance of your exploits and miracles, and in it you arranged a monastery as a monk, where the faces of fasting people find a quiet haven of salvation, and you, your original, majestic love, they cry out to you in song:

    Rejoice, great-named and many-glorious ascetic in miracles;

    Rejoice, angelic human.

    Rejoice, blessed consolation of your fatherland;

    Rejoice, everlasting joy of thy abode.

    Rejoice, miraculously working miraculously with your relics;

    Rejoice, fulfill our prayers and petitions for good.

    Rejoice, beloved of humility in life and after death;

    Rejoice, humbly to your relics in the bowels of the earth, rest in peace.

    Rejoice, as your honest doctor's clinic appeared as a human ailment;

    Rejoice, as from her everyone with faith comes and accepts healing gifts.

    Rejoice, ever-flowing river of miracles;

    Rejoice, source of healing and ever impoverished.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 12

    By the grace of God, having been a bright dwelling during your life, God's servant, and after the death of your grace, I participated in the cancer of your relics, assuring us with glorious miracles that you are great before the Lord, and how much your prayer can do before His goodness. Reveal, therefore, to us, the unworthy, your prayerful bounties, and with your warm intercession feed us to the haven of salvation, and let us sing on the lands of the living, forever alive and dead to the possessing Lord God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 12

    Singing many and glorious miracles of yours, Reverend Father Cyril, we humbly ask you, our heavenly intercessor: in the terrible hour of death, when our wretched soul draws near to its end, show us your powerful intercession, and deliver us by your intercession from the power of dark, ordinary forces block the soul of mankind from ascending to the heights of the monastery, reach them with your prayers, let us call you grateful voices:

    Rejoice, most holy consubstantial Trinity, zealous servant;

    Rejoice, worthy chosen one of the Most Holy Lady Theotokos.

    Rejoice, bright interlocutor of angelic forces;

    Rejoice, forerunner of the Lord, desert-loving imitator.

    Rejoice, clairvoyant likeness of the Prophets of God;

    Rejoice, unanimous follower of the Apostles of Christ.

    Rejoice, thou who was compared with patience in labors as a victorious martyr.

    Rejoice, thou who competed with the soul-saving teaching of the holy hierarch.

    Rejoice, shining star in the face of the Saints;

    Rejoice, blessed cohabitant of the Righteous and all Saints.

    Rejoice, people rejoice in it and praise God;

    Rejoice, dark hellish forces tremble at him.

    Rejoice, Cyril, the great Wonderworker!

    Kondak 13

    Oh, great servant of God and Wonderworker, reverend Father Kirill! You are woe in heaven, we are down on earth, far from you, not only a place, but by our sins: both dare to bring you this little laudatory singing, if you graciously accept, implore the merciful Creator, have mercy on us and deliver hellfire and the torment of hell, may we be honored Together with you, in the Kingdom of Heaven, sing to Him an eternally joyful song: Alleluia.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

    Prayer to the Monk Kirill, hegumen of Beloezersky, miracle worker

    Oh, sacred head, reverend and God-bearing Father Kirill! We fall to you with faith and love, and we ask you, our heavenly Intercessor: show your great mercy to us, humble and sinners, and pour out your warm prayers for us to the Lord God. It is peculiar to you to have mercy, holier God, for whoever lives on earth, you alone have care, to save human souls from perdition, and all your holy life is a mirror of good deeds, about which the Heavenly Father is glorified in you, to Nemuzhe great boldness having acquired, ask us of His goodness: faith in law, piety not hypocritical, true repentance, perfect brotherly love and success in all good deeds. Grant us health of soul and body, fruitfulness of the earth, good air, peaceful and serene life, a shameless Christian death and a good answer at the terrible Judgment of Christ. Save the Holy Church and the Russian State from strife and disorder. Protect your honest monastery from all evil, and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with your might, autumn with your heavenly blessing, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, Father, do not despise our prayers, with tenderness offered to you, but be a warm intercessor for us to the Lord, and make us worthy of your holy help to receive eternal salvation, and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify the great bounty and inexpressible mercy of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, and your Fatherly intercession, forever and ever, amen.

    random test

    Quote of the Day

    Love your neighbor and the Lord will love you.

    archim. Modest (Potapov)

    This day in history

    33 years old As the Menologion, published in 1869, tells us, Jesus Christ Resurrected on this day. The soldiers guarding the Tomb of the Savior testified to the high priests about His Resurrection, but they bribed the guards to say that the disciples of Christ stole His body when they were sleeping (Matt. 28, 11-13)

    Mental disorders