Runes types and meaning. Reversed rune Uruz

Runes are very ancient symbols used from the 1st to the 13th centuries in the writing of the peoples living in the territories of Germany and Scandinavia. Runes were used in the Swedish provinces until the 19th century. The word "runes" comes from the ancient German "run", which means "mystery". Since ancient times, as historical sources testify, runes have been used in secret magical rites. The ancient Germans and Scandinavians believed that the engraved runic sign on ships and tools serves as a reliable protection against the forces of the elements and provides a barrier to magical negativity.

There is a deep meaning in runic amulets, it is not so easy to make them

A person also sought protection with the help of these signs. Runic amulets endowed people with the ability to successfully resolve any life situation. However, making a runic amulet is not as easy as it seems. You need to know the meanings of all runic signs and how to apply them to solve a specific problem.

The meaning of runes and amulets with their image

As already mentioned, the runes were not only elements of writing, but were largely used in various rituals and predictions. In the Middle Ages, rune magic spread almost everywhere in northern Europe. Viking shamans revered these symbols as a sacred alphabet.

In the modern world, several alphabets are known, consisting of a different set of rune signs, however, they were formed from the main alphabet containing 24 runes. In the Middle Ages, the Icelanders added a 25th sign to the alphabet - an empty symbol or "pure fate" in a magical interpretation.

The characters of the main alphabet are discussed in detail below:

  1. . This rune is a symbol of the transition to the next life cycle. The symbol is used in those situations when they are waiting for serious changes in life and seek to accelerate their approach. The same sign can be used by people who are in a crisis situation and who want to overcome this period without major upheavals.
  2. - a sign of financial well-being. Symbolizes the energy of creation, penetrating human life. They use the sign if necessary to achieve a significant life goal and gain material well-being.
  3. is a sign of positive communication between people. This is a symbol of travelers, but it can also be used by those who seek to establish strong contact with a person they like.
  4. has a very powerful potential for protection against negative external influences. Increases the likelihood of a positive outcome in controversial situations. The symbol is very useful for timid and indecisive people to gain self-confidence.
  5. will help to see and understand the secret, hidden and mysterious. An excellent symbol for those who in the professional field must discover the truth.
  6. - love rune. A very powerful sign for all lovers and spouses. He will eliminate all misunderstandings, establish harmony in relationships, and lead to a happy marriage. But the use of Gebo requires very great care.
  7. - a powerful incentive for the development of talent in creative people. This sign will help those who are in a creative or emotional crisis. Another meaning of Kenats is to increase the potential of other runes if the amulet carries a combination of other symbols.
  8. symbolizes life changes. It can be of great help to people who expect significant changes, but are not sure of their result. The same sign is very strong in repelling magical attacks - it is able to return magical negativity to the one who sent it.
  9. brings success in any endeavors, helps a happy resolution of the most difficult situations. With injuries and ailments, Vunyo contributes to a speedy recovery.
  10. is a very complex sign. It symbolizes calmness and patience in order to overcome various difficulties. It helps to gain perseverance in achieving goals and survive crisis situations without serious consequences.
  11. personifies the slowdown or cessation of certain periods. Will provide assistance in cases where a time-out is needed to make the right decision.
  12. symbolizes a warning. The sign is very strong, but its use requires great knowledge of rune science and the greatest caution. This rune is very capricious, but its help is invaluable - with new beginnings, it will warn of possible risks and difficulties.
  13. carries the meaning of well-being in many aspects of human life: finances, health, love, family relationships. Brings success in planned affairs.
  14. - this symbol is depicted on objects that protect the owner from possible dangers and warn about them.
  15. - the sign of the winners. A powerful rune that contributes to the accomplishment of plans. This rune was held in high esteem by kings. For people whose character is weak, this symbol will also be very useful.
  16. - the most complex rune, personifying the karmic course of events and capable of correcting them. It is not recommended to use this symbol for people who are only superficially familiar with runic science. It is very dangerous to touch upon karmic situations, and the slightest mistake can lead to such life turns, the consequences of which are completely impossible to predict.
  17. - a symbol of vital energy. It is also a very powerful sign that promotes the development of intuitive understanding. An excellent symbol for restoring lost vitality due to experienced karmic blows.
  18. symbolizes forward movement. The amulet with the rune Evaz is necessary for those who lack faith in their own strengths when making significant decisions.
  19. recommended for those who are excessively modest and cannot be the first to start a relationship with a possible future marriage partner.
  20. symbolizes the growth of the individual in all aspects - spiritual, social and professional. It will provide invaluable assistance in making decisions that require balance and wisdom.
  21. symbolizes complete readiness to perform an action. The Dagaz symbol will give strength and confidence in achieving goals.
  22. - a symbol of water elements. A protective object with the Laguz sign will save a person from internal unfounded fears and emotional barriers to fulfilling his plan.
  23. symbolizes the beginning of any situation. Work, acquaintance, road - in all cases, Inguz will ensure the right start and successful promotion.
  24. - a symbol of refusal and retreat. This rune is useful in cases where the time comes to free yourself from everything that burdens life.

Create a runic amulet

There is no practical difficulty in making a rune amulet. The difficulty in this case is different - you must clearly understand what exactly you expect from the amulet and know the meanings and features of all runic symbols.

A properly made rune amulet is a powerful magical ally that can radically change your life for the better, protect you from enemies and envious people, and make your cherished desires and dreams come true.

Rune - the focus of great power

Remember, a magical amulet with a rune is of great importance - this is not a toy for adults, but a very serious item that is created with the involvement of higher powers. If you decide to make yourself a defender "on trial", without sufficient grounds for this or to "see what happens", then just do not start this business, you will not succeed. Moreover, a frivolous attitude to cult objects can introduce such distortions into your karmic line, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

Never distort the outline of symbols, you will break the harmony of the sign, and the amulet will not have any power - this is at best.

For the manufacture of the amulet, only natural materials are used.

If your decision is balanced and your intentions are serious, then you can start making a runic amulet. The material can be any natural substance on which you can depict (engrave, cut, etch, and so on) runic signs. It can be wood, stone or even thick paper. However, if you decide to try to make a charm out of paper, then it should be really dense, because after applying the image it will need to be lowered into melted wax for a few seconds - to save the applied information. After this procedure, the paper is wrapped with polyethylene or a dense natural cloth.

They store the amulet in a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes, or in secret pockets of a handbag or clothes.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Runes are very ancient symbols used from the 1st to the 13th centuries in the writing of the peoples living in the territories of Germany and Scandinavia. Runes were used in the Swedish provinces until the 19th century. The word "runes" comes from the ancient German "run", which means "mystery". Since ancient times, as historical sources testify, runes have been used in secret magical rites. The ancient Germans and Scandinavians believed that the engraved runic sign on ships and tools serves as a reliable protection against the forces of the elements and provides a barrier to magical negativity.

There is a deep meaning in runic amulets, it is not so easy to make them

A person also sought protection with the help of these signs. Runic amulets endowed people with the ability to successfully resolve any life situation. However, making a runic amulet is not as easy as it seems. You need to know the meanings of all runic signs and how to apply them to solve a specific problem.

The meaning of runes and amulets with their image

As already mentioned, the runes were not only elements of writing, but were largely used in various rituals and predictions. In the Middle Ages, rune magic spread almost everywhere in northern Europe. Viking shamans revered these symbols as a sacred alphabet.

Runic alphabet

In the modern world, several alphabets are known, consisting of a different set of rune signs, however, they were formed from the main alphabet containing 24 runes. In the Middle Ages, the Icelanders added a 25th sign to the alphabet - an empty symbol or "pure fate" in a magical interpretation.

The characters of the main alphabet are discussed in detail below:

  1. Urus or Uruz. This rune is a symbol of the transition to the next life cycle. The symbol is used in those situations when they are waiting for serious changes in life and seek to accelerate their approach. The same sign can be used by people who are in a crisis situation and who want to overcome this period without major upheavals.
  2. Fehu is a sign of financial well-being. Symbolizes the energy of creation, penetrating human life. They use the sign if necessary to achieve a significant life goal and gain material well-being.
  3. Raidho or Raido is a sign of positive communication between people. This is a symbol of travelers, but it can also be used by those who seek to establish strong contact with a person they like.
  4. Turisaz has a very powerful potential for protection against negative external influences. Increases the likelihood of a positive outcome in controversial situations. The symbol is very useful for timid and indecisive people to gain self-confidence.
  5. Ansuz will help to see and understand the secret, hidden and mysterious. An excellent symbol for those who in the professional field must discover the truth.
  6. Gebo is a love rune. A very powerful sign for all lovers and spouses. He will eliminate all misunderstandings, establish harmony in relationships, and lead to a happy marriage. But the use of Gebo requires very great care.
  7. Kenats or Kenaz is a powerful incentive for the development of talent in creative people. This sign will help those who are in a creative or emotional crisis. Another meaning of Kenats is to increase the potential of other runes if the amulet carries a combination of other symbols.
  8. Hagalaz symbolizes life changes. It can be of great help to people who expect significant changes, but are not sure of their result. The same sign is very strong in repelling magical attacks - it is able to return magical negativity to the one who sent it.
  9. Vunyo brings success in any endeavors, helps to successfully resolve the most difficult situations. With injuries and ailments, Vunyo contributes to a speedy recovery.
  10. Nautiz is a very complex sign. It symbolizes calmness and patience in order to overcome various difficulties. It helps to gain perseverance in achieving goals and survive crisis situations without serious consequences.
  11. Issa or Isa personifies the slowing down or cessation of certain periods. Will provide assistance in cases where a time-out is needed to make the right decision.
  12. Eyvaz symbolizes a warning. The sign is very strong, but its use requires great knowledge of rune science and the greatest caution. This rune is very capricious, but its help is invaluable - with new beginnings, it will warn of possible risks and difficulties.
  13. Yera carries the meaning of well-being in many aspects of human life: finances, health, love, family relationships. Brings success in planned affairs.
  14. Algis or Algiz - this symbol is depicted on objects that protect the owner from possible dangers and warn about them.
  15. Teyvaz is a sign of winners. A powerful rune that contributes to the accomplishment of plans. This rune was held in high esteem by kings. For people whose character is weak, this symbol will also be very useful.
  16. Pertro or Perth is the most complex rune, personifying the karmic course of events and able to correct them. It is not recommended to use this symbol for people who are only superficially familiar with runic science. It is very dangerous to touch upon karmic situations, and the slightest mistake can lead to such life turns, the consequences of which are completely impossible to predict.
  17. Sowilo is a symbol of vital energy. It is also a very powerful sign that promotes the development of intuitive understanding. An excellent symbol for restoring lost vitality due to experienced karmic blows.
  18. Evaz symbolizes forward movement. The amulet with the rune Evaz is necessary for those who lack faith in their own strengths when making significant decisions.
  19. Mannaz is recommended for those who are excessively modest and cannot be the first to start a relationship with a possible future marriage partner.
  20. Berkana symbolizes the growth of the individual in all aspects - spiritual, social and professional. It will provide invaluable assistance in making decisions that require balance and wisdom.
  21. Dagaz personifies complete readiness to take action. The Dagaz symbol will give strength and confidence in achieving goals.
  22. Laguz is a symbol of water elements. A protective object with the Laguz sign will save a person from internal unfounded fears and emotional barriers to fulfilling his plan.
  23. Inguz personifies the beginning of any situation. Work, acquaintance, road - in all cases, Inguz will ensure the right start and successful promotion.
  24. Odal is a symbol of rejection and retreat. This rune is useful in cases where the time comes to free yourself from everything that burdens life.

Create a runic amulet

There is no practical difficulty in making a rune amulet. The difficulty in this case is different - you must clearly understand what exactly you expect from the amulet and know the meanings and features of all runic symbols.

A properly made rune amulet is a powerful magical ally that can radically change your life for the better, protect you from enemies and envious people, and make your cherished desires and dreams come true.

Rune - the focus of great power

Remember, a magical amulet with a rune is of great importance - this is not a toy for adults, but a very serious item that is created with the involvement of higher powers. If you decide to make yourself a defender “on trial”, without sufficient grounds for this or to “see what will happen”, then just do not start this business, you will not succeed. Moreover, a frivolous attitude to cult objects can introduce such distortions into your karmic line, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

Never distort the outline of symbols, you will break the harmony of the sign, and the amulet will not have any power - this is at best.

For the manufacture of the amulet, only natural materials are used.

If your decision is balanced and your intentions are serious, then you can start making a runic amulet. The material can be any natural substance on which you can depict (engrave, cut, etch, and so on) runic signs. It can be wood, stone or even thick paper. However, if you decide to try to make a charm out of paper, then it should be really dense, because after applying the image it will need to be lowered into melted wax for a few seconds - to save the applied information. After this procedure, the paper is wrapped with polyethylene or a dense natural cloth.

They store the amulet in a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes, or in secret pockets of a handbag or clothes.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money read here

Today, many people are discovering the pagan culture of the ancient Slavs - the Scythians, Lutiches, Drevlyans and other nationalities. Genuine interest in the traditions and beliefs of the ancestors is not accidental. The connection of people of that time with nature, the energies of the Earth was too strong, which allowed them to live in harmony with the outside world, which is so lacking in modern man.

Old Slavic runes are part of that culture. At one time they were very revered and were used not only as symbols of the alphabet, but also for protection.

The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

Historians have not come to a consensus about the time of the appearance of runic writing among the Slavs, but agree that it is as ancient as the Celtic and Etruscan symbols.

For example, the famous German chronicler Titmar of Merseburg, who lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, mentions idols with incomprehensible signs on them when describing the Slavic temple in the lands of the Luticians. Surely he would have recognized the Germanic or Scandinavian runes.

Similar images were described by Ibn El Nedim, an Arab writer who lived in the same period. He mentions the ancient pre-Cyrillic writing, which he found on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

Thus, we can safely say that the oldest alphabet of our distant ancestors was the Old Slavonic runes. If you turn to archaeological finds, you can find out that the ancient masters put runic signs on household utensils. For example, a clay pot found near the village of Voiskovoe, on the Dnieper, contains an inscription of 12 words, for which 6 characters were used. The fact that 3 of them looked like Scandinavian runes suggests that the cultures of these peoples intersected.

The same symbols were found on cult objects from the ancient temple of Radegast, destroyed in the 11th century, belonging to the Polabian (Baltic) Slavs.

It is impossible to perceive the Old Slavonic runes (and their meaning is a direct confirmation of this) solely as signs of writing. Their influence on the life of the ancient pagans was enormous: these symbols were applied to the body, to rune stones, dishes, livestock, idols and other objects important for life and beliefs.

Runic alphabet

This writing has Etruscan and Celtic roots, since these peoples lived next door to the Slavs. In addition to the fact that runes were used for writing, there was a cult according to which these signs were considered sacred, since they were given to people by the gods. Tablets with runes, for example, were placed in burial places, and pebbles with signs applied to them served as amulets.

They were used not only during pagan times, but also after the adoption of Christianity by the Slavic peoples. For example, the rune Algiz was depicted in the temporal rings, since it was considered a strong protection against someone else's witchcraft and the evil eye. To increase its power, multiple images of this symbol could be applied.

To date, 18 runes are known: Peace, Chernobog, Rainbow, Alatyr, Krada, Need, Wind, Strength, Eat, Treba, Bereginya, Lelya, Ud, Rock, Opora, Dazhdbog, Perun and Istok.

Old Slavic runes and amulets with symbols applied to them carried a certain meaning and had power.

Runes - symbols of good

As is customary among almost all ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that good and evil forces ruled the world. Among their gods and goddesses there are both those who help people and take care of them, and those who inspire horror.

Old Slavic runes did not escape the same fate. Among them there are signs of goodness and protection, which include:

Old Slavonic amulets, runes and their meaning in the life of the ancient pagans is an extremely interesting topic. These characters played a very important role. Belief in the external control of the destinies of people by the gods gave these signs a magical power that helped our ancestors withstand the threat of evil and chaos.

Runes - symbols of death

Regardless of the level of development of civilization and the beliefs of people, they have always been afraid of death. The uncertainty that lies behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths about the afterlife, and some of the runes are associated with death or fate, from which even the gods cannot hide.

Old Slavic runes and their meaning associated with evil or death:

The ancient Slavs conventionally divided the runes into strong and weak ones, and, depending on the situation, they could enhance their effect by repeated repetition.

The most powerful runes-amulets

Modern connoisseurs of runes do not fully understand all the nuances of their meanings, as was typical of the Old Slavonic shamans and sorcerers. In those days, faith in their strength was very high among the people, so amulets with runic signs were especially popular.

They were made of stones, silver, wood or gold, runic symbols were embroidered on shirts, women wove ribbons with them into braids. The most popular were amulets, which depicted Old Slavic runes (photos of some of them are presented in the article), associated with wealth, prosperity, health and keeping the family hearth.

Among them, the strongest were:

To some extent, the modern descendants of the ancient Slavs adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runes to protect themselves from problems or to attract wealth, love or success into their lives. Some of them use amulets, and some make tattoos. Old Slavic runes are not a tribute to fashion, but a deep connection with the Family for those who were able to reveal it in themselves.

Home, family and property protection

Knowledge of one's kind, honoring the memory of ancestors and the family were very important in the life of the ancient Slavs. They knew well where and from whom their family descended, and passed on this knowledge to subsequent generations. The rituals associated with burial, the birth of a person, were largely associated with natural energies that people used to repose the dead or protect newborns.

The ancient Slavs in this matter are very similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance of the correct flow and distribution of qi energy. Old Slavic runes, properly charged, had a magical property to harmonize the external and internal space. Some of them were used to protect the hearth, to protect family well-being, the birth of beautiful and healthy children, the possibility of procreation. These include:

Here they are so interesting and multifaceted - Old Slavonic amulets, runes and their meaning. Tattoos with them are one of the most popular among modern people, since the well-being of the family is as important for them as it was for their ancient ancestors.

Runes from the evil eye and damage

Ancient Slavic magicians were able not only to use runes to create protective amulets, but also to make spells from them. Superstitious people at all times are afraid of someone else's envy, damage and the evil eye. A properly made amulet can have not only protective functions, but also neutralize the negative sent to a person.

For example, to protect the witches used:

The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that their dead ancestors could protect them and help them in difficult times. The combination of powerful symbols in one drawing greatly increased its charge. You can do the same in our time, having studied the Old Slavonic runes and their meaning. A tattoo of several symbols will not only create powerful protection, but will also attract good luck or wealth.

Rune divination

Today you will find few people who could interpret runes as well as the sorcerers and magicians of antiquity did. One of the ways to find out your fate or just get advice on how to act in a given situation was fortune telling on Old Slavic runes.

Depending on how they fell out, which side the sign lay on, its meaning changed, and a good rune could turn out to be bad. Knowledgeable sorcerers of those times helped people avoid problems or warned them of possible danger. Modern magicians know only the basic meanings of runes in divination, for example:

  • The rune Alatyr could mean the beginning of a new business or an upcoming road.
  • The Rainbow symbol meant a successful outcome of something.
  • If during fortune-telling a Need fell out, then a person was expected to have obstacles in business, ruin or even death.
  • The rune of Krada foreshadowed that a person had to bring something to life, but for this he needed to clear his mind.
  • When the Force fell out, it meant that a person would find the right solution for his situation.
  • Rune Wind personified the creative essence of man and indicated that time should be taken to reveal one's potential.

These are far from all interpretations of the Old Slavonic runes, since even the sequence of their fallout could give new options for the development of events in the fate of a person. Sometimes they used Old Slavonic (runes) to search for treasures. Since the ancient pagans believed that the hidden treasures were protected by spells, they made conspiracies and special combinations of runes, which were supposed to not only lead the treasure hunter to the right place, but also save his life.

Runes in tattoo

Today it is becoming fashionable to use Old Slavonic runes and their meaning in tattoos. Those who decide to use their protective power should be very careful, because without knowledge and faith in their power, this - at best - will be just a drawing on the skin, and at worst, the opposite effect may be obtained.

It was the faith of people that endowed the runes with power, because each of them was associated with a specific god, for example:

  • Rune Wind symbolized Veles, who transferred the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Marena.
  • The Beregini sign was associated with Makosha, the goddess of the earth and harvest.
  • The rune Ud is Yarilo.

It was faith in these gods and goddesses that endowed the runes with powerful energy. The ancient Slavs painted them on the body as protection from dark forces or to attract good luck. Similarly, today people should use the Old Slavonic runes. A tattoo, backed up by knowledge of their meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a real talisman for its wearer.

How to make a rune-amulet

It makes no sense to buy a ready-made amulet, but if it is not possible to make it yourself, then you should at least properly charge the purchase. To do this, it must be washed in running clean water, then hold the candles over the fire, put in salt for a day, and then fumigate with incense. So all 4 elements will give the amulet their strength.

The next stage is the transfer of one's energy to the amulet with a prayer to a god or goddess, which the rune symbolizes. Asking for help or protection endows him with mighty power.

In the last 10-20 years, the runes have firmly entered the world esoteric tradition, before that they existed mainly for researchers of Scandinavian culture, but were not familiar to ordinary people. Such popularization occurred thanks to Western esoteric researchers: Ralph Blum, Eddred Torrson, Freya Asvinn and others. In Russia, their works became known already in the 90s, which contributed to the awakening of interest not only in the runes, but also in the Northern Tradition, as well as in other sacred alphabets. Despite their popularity, much of their history is still unknown, and existing information is sometimes contradictory.

What are runes

Runes are the oldest alphabet of the Germanic peoples, used from the 1st-2nd to the 13th centuries. n. e. on the territory of modern Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Greenland, Germany. The word "Rune" itself, according to various sources, means "mystery", "whisper, whisper." The etymology of the word is still controversial, as is the purpose of these signs. Many researchers argue about what they were intended for: they had only practical meaning, or were they endowed with sacred meaning. Now runic writing is not used in the daily life of the northern peoples; its domestic use was preserved for the longest time in the Swedish province called Dalarna - until the 19th century.

Runes were carved on a piece of wood or carved with an ax in stone - perhaps that is why they have a characteristic angular outline. Many monuments of runic writing are still found on the territory of the Scandinavian countries. These are runic stones, as well as weapons, armor and utensils.

Rune meaning

There are two points of view on the meaning of runes. Students of tradition and culture tend to think that this is simply an ancient alphabet for writing, although what they wrote was usually important. The historical monuments found eloquently testify that these signs were carved on a special occasion. The stones were installed in memory of worthy people, the names of these people and information about the feats they performed were carved on them. “The runes should not be cut by those who do not understand them,” says the ancient text of the “Speech of the High One”. The inhabitants of ancient Scandinavia treated these signs with great respect and endowed them with a sacred meaning.

Even historians-researchers of tradition cannot deny that these symbols were used in ancient times for witchcraft: this is said in the historical monuments of the North - the Elder and Younger Eddas, runic poems and sagas.

The second point of view on the meanings of the runes is the modern occult-esoteric one, which includes all ideas about them, from antiquity to the present day. This includes the heritage of the occult Reich, and "runic yoga", meditations and vibrations, and Jungian archetypal images of the Scandinavian gods, and runic cards, and bioenergetic practices like channeling and reiki. Each practitioner understands the runes and their sacred meaning from the point of view of their own experience. What point of view to adhere to, whether to follow the strict path of Tradition, or to try all new inventions, everyone decides for himself.

Rune types

At least four types of futhark are known: Senior, Junior, Armanic, Icelandic. It is also customary to call runes some alphabets of other, non-Germanic peoples, which are systems of glyphs - peculiar signs, each of which has a symbolic meaning and name. In addition, some fictional alphabets from gaming and fantasy universes are also called this term. Several types of writing are known, united by this common name.

  • Scandinavian: the progenitor of the Scandinavian and Germanic runes is the Elder Futhark, containing 24 characters. This is the oldest alphabet used by all the Germanic tribes. It had a sacred, mystical meaning. In addition to him, there is also the Younger Futhark with 16 runes, which was used for domestic purposes.
  • Slavic: historically, Slavic runic writing did not exist. However, they should have been invented, and this happened: for the first time they were described by the historian and writer Anton Platov. These runic symbols are a variant of the Scandinavian Futhark with names in the Old Slavic language, in the spirit of the revived Slavic paganism. Esotericists believe that "Russian runes" appeared in the days of the ancient Slavs, however, historical monuments and archeological finds do not confirm this. A local variety of this writing was known in the Baltic countries, however, similar to the classic Scandinavian Futhark.
  • Aryan(not to be confused with Slavic-Aryan): the so-called Armanic Futhark was created and popularized during the Third Reich by its occult ideologists, one of whom was Guido von List. His book is the most complete coverage of the issue of the Armani rune series. This futhark is also similar to the classic Scandinavian, but some meanings have been changed, in addition, the doctrine of the Aryan runes is permeated with the philosophy of the German Renaissance. Unfortunately, runic writing in Germany was lost after the Roman expansion. No historical monuments similar to the runic stones of Scandinavia have been found in Germany. Perhaps they existed, but were destroyed. Perhaps, these signs were created from longing for the northern heritage of their country. The ideas of the occult Reich subsequently entered the tradition of Western occultism and were popularized by the same Eddred Thorson.
  • Hungarian: in fact, they just look like runic symbols in appearance, they were called literally “carved letter” and are in no way connected in origin with the German ones, despite the similarity. Scientists call the ancient Turkic Orkhon writing and the steppe runes of the Avars, an ancient nomadic people, their prototype.
  • Icelandic: became known not so long ago, thanks to the researcher of the northern tradition, Leonid Korablev. Icelandic Futhark is divided into two parts - black and white rows. It was used exclusively in magic, the white row for good, and the black for bad operations. It is believed that they have pronounced magical properties, and black runes can be very dangerous for a person if they are cut out with the intent to harm.
  • Turkic: also not runic symbols in the literal sense, it is also pre-Islamic, or, as it is also called, kyok-Turkic writing. Outwardly they look like Germanic, but they belong to a completely different language - the ancient Turkic. Inscriptions consisting of them were found in Siberia, on the banks of the Yenisei, at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century. For more than 200 years they could not be deciphered. Steles found by archaeologists on the Orkhon River in Mongolia, where there were also inscriptions in Chinese, helped to read these mysterious writings. Only after that it was possible to decipher the Turkic script, which was called the Orkhon-Yenisei.
  • Elvish: this name combines several types of runes. The first type is artificially created for the Elvish languages ​​invented by Professor R.R. Tolkien: Quenya and Sindarin. This script was called Tengwar. However, few people know that there were also real runes of elves, or alves: they were known in Iceland, where many legends and evidence of contacts with the Hidden People have been preserved. Surprisingly, belief in elves persists in Iceland to this day.
  • angelic: this is an oracle, vaguely resembling a runic system, its history and author are unknown. It is intended for those wishing to receive information directly from the angels, and consists of 26 images. In part, the signs in the set of angelic runes came from medieval grimoires, where the seals and signatures of angels were indicated. Their interpretation is quite simple and allows you to successfully guess at everyday issues.

Recently, more and more different types of runes of unclear origin have appeared. Some practitioners use them and claim to find practical uses for them. Such, for example, are the “Arachne Runes” and the “Forbidden Runes of Alhainta”, some types of magical signs from the game universes.

New runes

New runes were created by the Russian scientist Vasily Pavlovich Goch in 1998. The author calls the process of creating these symbols "with creativity." This means that they were not created, but "discovered" in 1998, in the Crimea. There are 37 new runes, unlike the classic futhark, 32 of them form the new Elorcibo runic alphabet. V.P. Gotch believes that the "New Time" has already arrived, so the old symbols no longer work - they helped the person on the way to this great renewal. For a new time, a new runic system is also needed. Gotch calls the old time "Fall Time". Gotch's system is quite complex and includes, in addition to the familiar signs, original drawings, which he calls matrices (for example, the “Mushroom matrix”). The Creator believes that his system affects the human neural system and activates his higher spiritual self-consciousness. Thus, new runes have a positive effect on human life. V.P. himself Gotch and his followers consider their system to be very effective. Well, time will tell if it will become as old a tradition as the Scandinavian one.

The legend of the origin of the runes

Scandinavian mythology, recorded in the famous poetic texts - the Elder and Younger Eddas, keeps the history of the origin of the runes. She is associated with the supreme god Odin, also called the All-Father and many other names. Odin was considered the god of wisdom, war and magic. Legends about him keep the history of his search for knowledge, for which he was ready for many sacrifices. So, Odin gave his eye to the giant Mimir in order to receive Poetry Honey in return - a magical substance that gives the gift of creativity and magic of the word. No less heavy sacrifice Odin had to make to get the runes. Moreover, he brought it not to someone, but to himself, as to the supreme deity - Odin, piercing himself with a spear, was hung on the World Tree - Yggdrasil, and hung like that for nine days and nine nights. At the end of this period, he "raised" the runes, that is, he comprehended, received their meanings, through suffering and self-denial, in order to give this knowledge to all mankind. Where these signs came to Odin - nothing is said about this. Perhaps from the abyss of the world Ginnungagap, or other spheres beyond the control of a mortal.

When were runes used?

Runes were widely used by the ancient Scandinavians in everyday life and in magic. According to one of the famous Eddic poems - "Speech of Sigrdriva", special groups of characters were distinguished for different purposes. These included, for example:

  • runes of beer, saving from poisoning;
  • victories that were applied to weapons;
  • surf protecting the ship in the campaign;
  • midwives, helping with childbirth.

In the same poem, the use of runic magic is described in detail: what runes, how and where to apply (cut) in order to achieve the desired.

These signs have become widespread due to their simplicity: they can be applied by improvised means to most objects in order to impart magical powers to them. In some cases, the carved symbols were stained with the blood (of the one who carved them). Such witchcraft in emergency cases was available to everyone, but there were also special people involved in magic - erili, or northern sorcerers.

It is widely believed that the runes were used for divination. This is indicated by Tacitus in his description of the Germanic peoples. True, he does not mention the name of this alphabet, but only describes the process of divination on pieces of wood, which are thrown in front of him on the canvas, and then interpreted. The described process took root in the esoteric environment as a traditional way of divination. They are stored in a special bag, from which several runic dice are taken out for divination, thrown onto the canvas, and then the alignment is deciphered depending on the meanings and position of the fallen signs in relation to the fortuneteller.

How runes work

Runic becoming "Opening roads to prosperity."

Over the past centuries, the effect of the runes has not changed: today they are used in the same way as the ancient Scandinavians did. True, it is difficult for a modern person to understand how runes can help and how one or another of them is deciphered, because their meanings are closely related to the realities of that time.

The action of the runes lies in their image: they inform the object on which they are applied, some new qualities. For example, a mug with runes of beer becomes a magical artifact that will let the owner know if there is poison in the drink (for example, it will crack). The sword with applied formulas turns into a precisely smashing enemy, invincible, bringing victory.

Runes can be combined into special sacred formulas and drawings (galdrastavas). Documentary evidence of northern magic includes huge lists of formulas and drawings for all occasions. They were applied subject to certain conditions. For example, to depict them on the specified material, with which to then perform some actions: wear it under the arm, hide it under the bed, burn it, throw it into the sea - depending on the purpose. From these books you can learn a lot about the life of ancient peoples and the picture of the world of a medieval Scandinavian. Perhaps their logic will be difficult for a modern person to understand, but in those days it was natural and understandable. Recently, there have also appeared manipulations with runic energies, compiling one's own galdrastavs, and other practices close to other occult traditions.

inverted runes

The concept of inverted runes is used in divination. As a rule, the meaning of an inverted rune is reversed or negative. Inverted positions are rarely used in magic, but the goal will be the same: to deprive or cancel the effect of other signs. In addition, there are symbols that cannot be reversed: they look the same in any position.

Magi runes

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning a special kind of sacred signs that appeared in the 2000s: these are the signs and runes of the Magi described by Alexander Asov. Magi were called ancient Slavic sorcerers, keepers of wisdom and knowledge. He believed that the ancient Slavic tradition was unjustly interrupted, and it was necessary to revive it in order to survive the difficult times - the Fierce Epoch, as he called our time. Asov's concept of the Slavic tradition is peculiar: he connects it with the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, and calls the runes of the Magi the language of the gods.

This is far from all the interesting things about runes that can be told and put into practice. Information about the various types of sacred writing will be useful for beginners in the study of the northern tradition in order to distinguish concepts from each other.

Runes - meaning, application in practice + principles of using Slavic and Scandinavian runes + recommendations for their implementation with practical examples + video about runescripts - runes of love

First, let's remember what runes are. It is an ancient symbolic language that predates the emergence of writing. Almost every nation had its own system of runic symbols. Like words now, each rune had a meaning, application in certain situations. With the development of national languages, the need for a sign system for the exchange of information has disappeared. However, the magical significance of the runes is recognized to this day.

We can say that now it is a symbolic system of information exchange with the forces of nature, patronizing one or another type of activity. A sign applied to a natural material - wood, stone, metal - can help you in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife in which this sign "specializes". Simply put, the meaning that was invested in the outline of the symbol in antiquity is still relevant today.

Runes: principles of application in modern life

Let's start with the most important thing: how to apply runes depending on their value? And then consider their meaning - so in this case it will be more logical. There are two contexts to consider here:

  • Runes as a material object.
  • Runes as a symbol depicted on something.

Runes in the form of a material object - a stone, a piece of wood or iron with a printed image of a symbol - are usually used as a talisman or for divination.

It is better to make such a rune yourself and activate it, holding it in your hands and thinking about something positive with your eyes closed. You can find descriptions of rituals with the use of blood, but this is superfluous. Runes will receive your energy and so when you make them.

Runes as a symbol depicted on something also have a protective effect. They can be depicted, for example, on the handle of a hunting knife, a cup for tea, a kitchen tile, on a piece of jewelry - for example, a medallion.

Here the relevance of this or that image on this or that material carrier is important. For example, on a hunting knife, a rune is more appropriate, which in ancient times patronized warriors, and on a decorative kitchen tile - a rune that patronizes the hearth.

The object on which the rune is applied must be made of natural material. For example, precious metal jewelry, natural stone tiles and so on. Then the runes, when applied, will be on your side in every sense and meaning.

Alternatively, you can apply the image of the runic symbol directly to the body - for example, make a temporary tattoo. The key word is temporary, because as a person grows older, priorities change.

Therefore, you should be able to replace the information that you transmitted to the forces of nature with more relevant information. And, accordingly, deactivate the message that was the most important for you 5-7 years ago.

What runes and their meanings are most used

As you remember, almost every nation had its own runic symbolic system. But for divination, amulets and protection, only two systems are used today, which are best preserved and deciphered in the most detail by researchers.

These are Scandinavian runes (the so-called "Futark" for 24 runes + 1 rune) and Slavic runes in their classic version (for 18 characters).

Let us clarify that "Futark" formed the basis of the Latin alphabet and, accordingly, those modern languages ​​whose alphabet is built on the Latin alphabet. Slavic runes have largely become the basis of Slavic languages ​​using the Cyrillic alphabet.

The meanings of many runes in the Scandinavian and Slavic traditions intersect, so for choosing a talisman, by and large, it doesn’t matter what language you speak. It is important what tasks you set for yourself, and what kind of help you want to request from higher powers.

In both symbolic systems there are runes that are "responsible" for material well-being, family life, patronizing warriors and people engaged in material production. So you can always find "your" rune - for example, by choosing the image from those with a similar meaning, which you personally just like more.

Scandinavian runes: meaning, application

Let's start with the Scandinavian runes and consider, in addition to the actual application, some restrictions on the action where they are. We will also indicate the letter correspondences of the runes to the modern Latin alphabet, the numbers and colors that they, according to individual researchers, correspond to.

Image of the Scandinavian runes "Futark":

Scandinavian runes: names and meanings, scope

1. Feu, Fehu (F, f, red, 6 and 16) = property, wealth, property, success

It helps to achieve all of the above for those who are ready to act actively, and also strengthens immunity, health and physical attraction, especially in long-term marital unions. Warning: do not use in diseases with fever, because. may worsen the condition.

2. Ur, urus, uruz (U, u, burgundy, 3 and 31) = bull, bison in the meaning of "strength"

It endows men with strength, and women with attractiveness and attractiveness, that is, in essence, female power. The use helps to cure the female reproductive organs, restore strength after illness.

3. Ters, tours, turizas(D, d, bronze, brown, 5 and 21) = tower, giant in the sense of "stability, solidity"

Protects the natural order of beliefs, removes obstacles that interfere with it, including in terms of health. For example, it helps with a sudden deterioration in well-being, helps to heal the male reproductive organs.

4. Ass, anzus, anzus(A, a, yellow, 4 and 12) = God in the sense of "higher spirit, higher mind"

Promotes intellectual activity, creative activity. Application treats headaches, ENT diseases, helps to overcome stuttering.

5. Raido, raid (R, r, magenta, 4 and 17) = road, journey, wheel in the meaning of "movement"

Application protects travelers and all who move forward in every sense, treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Ken, kano (K, k, orange, 3 and 28) = fire, flame meaning "light"

Promotes clarity of mind, enlightenment, helps with burns and inflammation.

7. Grifu, gebo (G, g, pink, 6 and 14) = gift in the meaning of "take and give"

A symbol of love and harmony, promotes peace of mind. May be used to treat nervous and sexual disorders.

8. Vigna, vunyo (V, v, amaranth, red-violet, 6 and 22) = victory, happiness

Releases energy for triumph and victory, may be used to help treat infection.

9. Hagal, halagaz, halagas(H, h, black, 8 and 11) = Goddess Hag

The use of the rune turns the negative into a positive, heals dentistry and fractures.

10. Niid, nautis (N, n, gray, 7 and 32) = need, need

Application gives strength to survive the inevitable, facilitates the course of hereditary diseases.

11. Iss, isaz, iss (I, I, silver, 9 and 23) = ice in the meaning of "cooling"

Promotes a cool mind, balanced decision-making, an increase in inner strength and the ability to solve problems. Also, the use reduces the temperature in diseases, treats skin diseases.

12. Jera, era (J, j, bright green, 4 and 20) = abundance, harvest

It patronizes development, other positive changes that come naturally. When applied, it heals the heart and spine.

13. Petra, Perto (P, p, beige, 3 and 24) = secret - meaning "that which is hidden"

Promotes movement towards a dream, gives confidence, strengthens the immune system.

14. Yo, aveis (Y, y, blue, 5 and 25) \u003d yew - a tree from which a bow is made for shooting

Promotes determination to achieve goals. May be used to treat the liver and gallbladder.

15. Olgiz, algiz (Q, q, dark brown, chocolate, 9 and 29) = elk, elk antlers

Protects from enemies and enemy intrigues, use to combat depression.

16. Zig, soul (Z, z, gold, 1 and 30) = Sun

Promotes inspiration, a surge of energy, meets expectations. May be used to treat the respiratory tract.

17. Tyr, teyvaz (T, t, purple, 3 and 27) = warrior, victory

Patronizes the brave and courageous, gives courage, leads to victory. Application normalizes blood pressure and removes toxins.

18. Bjarka, berk on (B, b, dark green, 2 and 18) = birch in the meaning of "tree of life"

The application promotes family life, preserves the energy of life, and also protects pregnant women, contributes to a safe birth.

19. Eikhvas, evas (E, e, emerald 4 and 12) = horse, horse in the meanings of "ride" and "balance"

The use promotes balance, good relations with others, successful trips and business trips, improves the condition of the kidneys, urinary tract.

20. Mandr, mannas, man(M, m, ash, 8 and 15) = husband, man

The use promotes vivacity, optimism, the use leads to the speedy healing of bruises and injuries.

21. Lagu, lagus (L, l, light green, the color of smooth water, 2 and 13) = lake, ocean, any water in the meaning of “reflection and improvement of visibility, clarity”

Application enhances internal perception, improves vision.

22. Ing, Ingus (C, s, purple, 6 and 11) = God Ing

Protects pregnant women.

23. Odal, otila (Oh, oh, dark blue, 7 and 26) = house, inheritance

The use helps in handling property and real estate transactions, reveals talents, improves the balance of fluid in the body, the state of the blood.

24. Dagaz, dagas (S, s, white, 1 and 19) = day, light

Application contributes to spiritual development and successful completion of the work begun, enhances the body's ability to restore functions.

25th rune = Rune of Fate, not used for divination, has no literal analogue, number zero.

Slavic runes: meaning, application

Now consider the Slavic runes. As you remember, there are only 18 of them in the classical tradition.

Image of classic Slavic runes:

Literal and semantic meanings of Slavic runes:

Slavic runes: names and meanings, scope

1. World = Belobog (M, m)

Helps and protects if you act from a position of Good and Good. Warning: does not work to restore justice if such justice will bring harm to someone.

2. Inverted Tree of the World\u003d Chernobog (H, h, C, c)

Calls on the forces of Chaos and Destruction to help, if they can help solve the problem for your benefit. For example, a medical operation, divorce, and so on.

3. Center of the World = Alatyr (A, a)

Contributes to a good start of business, path.

4. Rainbow \u003d Joy, Road, Success (P, p)

It will lead to success along the shortest or harmonious and organic path.

5. Need = Bonds, Prohibitions (N, n)

Causing trouble to those who deserve it.

6. Krada = Fire, Incarnation (K, k, G, g)

Burns obstacles on the way to the goal, reveals the potential of a person.

7. Treba = Hardness, Warrior, Sacrifice (T, t)

It is possible, with perseverance, to get everything you want, but only by sacrificing something.

8. Strength = Power, Power (S, s)

It symbolizes absolutely any strength - physical, the strength of the intellect, the strength of power. Gives strength to win.

9. Wind = Veles (V, V)

Symbolizes speed and movement, helps everyone involved in commerce, trade, business - wherever you need enterprise, willingness to change, willingness to destroy the old to create a new one.

10. Bereginya = Makosh (B, b)

The keeper of the hearth, patronizes family women.

11. Oud = Fire, Passion, Pleasure (U, u)

Helps to get all of the above.

12. Lelya \u003d Love (L, l)

It symbolizes Love as the basis for creating a family and having children. It also activates intuition.

13. Rock = Fate (X, x)

Symbolizes predestination, karma. Warning: a complex and unpredictable rune.

14. Support = Motherland, Gods, magic circle (Oh, oh)

Provides support and support in various life situations.

15. Dazhdbog = Prosperity, Abundance (D, d)

Patronizes farmers and everyone involved in the manufacturing sector.

16. Perun = Victory, Power, Justice (P, p)

Patronizes warriors and everyone who is ready to act decisively.

17. Yes = Movement, Life (E, e)

It patronizes the energy of renewal and movement towards life, development, wealth, recovery - in general, towards what you would like to move towards.

18. Source \u003d Base, Rod, Root (And, and)

It helps to calm the rethinking of events, streamlining for future movement in the right direction.

Runes: other principles and applications

There are also more complex options for using runes - the creation of runescripts and runestavs. They are based on the same principles as the use of single runes. A runescript is a sequential record of runes on something. Runestav is a material item, a combined rune with several symbols.

Their main difference from single runes is their limited duration when applied. If we draw analogies with project management, then here you need to pick up the runes that are needed to achieve your goal, and combine them in the image in the right way.

It will look something like if we wrote down the project plan in letters in some modern language. At the end of the "project" such a rune should be burned or buried, the record should be erased or destroyed.

In order to create runescripts and runestavs, you need to thoroughly know all the shades of the meaning of each rune and the principles of the interaction of runes with each other. Otherwise, you can send the forces of nature not the message that you need.

If you are still interested in this topic, we offer an informational video about runescripts - the runes of love.

Rune meaning

All this knowledge will help you understand the runes, meaning, application for different areas of life. Success in knowing yourself and the world!


wealth, property, possession, property, certainty.


receiving material rewards, well-being, taking control of a business or person, concluding successful contracts.


stable, mutually beneficial relationship. Partners have something to give each other. They are good and interesting together. In some cases, it may indicate a sense of possessiveness, jealousy.


rich, firmly standing on his feet, independent, self-serving, down to earth.


look for your own benefit, do not forget about your interests.


poverty, loss, dependence, neglect of material goods.


failure of plans, financial losses, the need to ask someone for funds.


masochism, enjoyment of one's own suffering. Relations with a “psychological vampire”, who is used to only taking, but not giving anything in return. Wasted time, wasted talent. Regret, self-doubt.


not able to earn money, unadapted to real life, hovering in the clouds, "tumbleweed".


not to look for material or other benefits, to become more honest and open.


excellent health, seething energy, strength, power, aggressiveness.


abrupt, unplanned changes are usually positive. A surge of energy, the emergence of new plans and a passionate desire to bring them to life. Victory over competitors, rivals. Recovery.


passion, sensual attraction, earthly pleasures. Relationships based on erotic attraction to each other, from which you literally lose your head. The beginning of a stormy romance. Finding out relationships that end in bed.


hot, active, uncompromising, physically strong. First he does and then he thinks.


you are strong enough to stand your ground. Any means are good. Get your way no matter what.


breakdown, lack of confidence in one's rightness and ability to achieve the goal, the need to take a time out.


physical illness, nervous breakdown, exhaustion, defeat.


cooling of erotic attraction, loss of interest in each other.


passive, sick, shy, unable to defend their interests.


take a break and take care of your health urgently.


courage, militancy, protection, passion, struggle.


conflict with enemies and ill-wishers, from which you will emerge victorious. The need to protect your property, interests, loved ones.


relationships built on the struggle for power in a pair. Frequent quarrels that fuel passion. Strong, insatiable temperament. Jealousy.


aggressive, touchy, passionate, assertive, loving to patronize and protect the weak.


do not be shy about your own emotions, chop off your shoulder, more frankness. Be ready for the attacks of enemies.


false fears, suspicion, malevolence, inappropriate aggression. Failure to protect yourself.


go against the pricks, persist when you need to retreat. Unequal fight with opponents. Actions to your detriment. Complexes, guilt, which leads to blocking of energy.


distrust of people, inability to control their anger. Take out aggression on innocent people. Self-aggression, oppressive guilt. The ban on erotic feelings.


notorious, closed, gloomy, suffering from paranoia.


do not wave your fists after a fight, cool down, calm down.


communication, spirituality, information, signs, intellect.


obtaining important information, starting learning, acquiring new knowledge. Communication with like-minded people, reconciliation after a quarrel, finding a common language. Strengthening intuition, prophetic dreams.


relationships based on intellectual interest and spiritual kinship. The beginning of communication, flirting. Respect for each other, gratitude.


smart, educated, calm, religious, interested in spirituality.


show wisdom and restraint, ask for help from higher powers. Communicate more.


loss of understanding, wandering in illusions, anger of higher powers.


receiving false information or its incorrect interpretation, deceit, psychological manipulation. Actions against one's own conscience.


partners are too different, they have different ideas about relationships, so they cannot find a common language. Confusion, thinking for another. Inability to hear your inner voice.


with low intelligence, immoral, self-centered.


do not look for hidden meaning where there is none.


road, journey, movement forward.


the beginning of a new path in life, the discovery of new opportunities, a trip.


a feeling of something new, alluring with its mystery. The feeling of "your" person, with whom you are on the way. Interest, anticipation, readiness for change.


inquisitive, restless, fast, intolerant of stagnation.


do not be afraid of the new, go on a journey, decide on cardinal changes.


obstacles on the way, stop, stagnation.


closed road, it's not up to the task. The return of something or someone from the past.


there is no development in relationships, boredom and satiety, fatigue from each other. The inability to reach a new level. Fear of change, desire to hold on to the past at all costs.


afraid of the new, conservative, intimidated, passive, suspicious.


this is not the time to go in search of adventure, deal with old problems, analyze past mistakes.


fire, hearth, insight, inspiration, creativity, mind.


getting insight, developing creative abilities, working on a vocation. Clarification of the situation, getting an answer to your question.


warmth, joy, admiration. Relationships built on trust and common interests. Talk about starting a family.


ambitious, creative, with a clear mind, with a strong intuition.


be as sincere as possible, do what you like. Try to clarify the situation, talk directly.


wandering in the dark, loss of hope, fear, confusion.


unpleasant surprises, disruption of plans. Loss of interest, depression, disappointment. Problems with job search and recognition.


cooling of sensual attraction, stagnation, predictability. Withdrawal, refusal to communicate, loss of trust.


"whiner", a psychological vampire prone to depression. A person out of place, playing someone else's role.


it's not yours, you're not doing it. Look for what matches your true desires.


union, gift, mutually beneficial exchange, equality, sympathy.


someone will help you, but be prepared to repay the favor. Receiving a gift. The beginning of a new relationship, flirting.


strong mutual interest. The feeling that partners can give each other a lot. Relationships built on mutual benefit, harmonious distribution of roles in a couple.


sociable, generous, noble, loving to help.


ask for help, but do not forget to thank.


joy, happiness, a happy ending, an unexpected pleasant surprise, the ability to see the positive in everything.


receiving good news, change for the better, fulfillment of a sacred desire. Victory over opponents.


falling in love, euphoria, the world through rose-colored glasses, playfulness.


positive, light, lucky, childish, cheerful, restless.


look for positive moments, a reason for joy.


depression, sadness, pessimism, inability to fulfill the plan.


be prepared for the fact that something can overshadow your mood. Not the best time to plan something big. The need to fulfill an unpleasant debt.


sadness, disappointment, melancholy. The inability to get joy from life, the habit of seeing the negative in everything. Relationships based on mutual reproaches and insults, a partner as a "whipping pillow".


gloomy, tired of life, extinct, not finding himself.


do what needs to be done, despite “I don’t want to”. Wait out the black bar.


chaos, destruction, withering away of the past, unforeseen negative circumstances.


the collapse of plans and hopes, but only those that would harm a person. Dramatic renewal, profound changes in personality. Destruction for the sake of future creation.


revealing unexpected information that destroys relationships, rupture, conflicts, frequent scandals.


aggressive, appreciating his freedom, not attached to anything, uncompromising, harsh, self-centered, not in need of warmth and intimacy.


sharply free from what binds, do not regret the lost.


need, duty, deprivation, responsibility, coercion, fate, willpower, self-restraint.


a test of strength under difficult circumstances, the need to cut costs, to be content with little in everything. Debt, unpleasant, but necessary. Working off karmic debts.


a sense of duty to a partner, a relationship based on self-sacrifice. It's hard to quit and hard to keep going.


ascetic, limiting himself in everything, modest, submissive, fair.


accept what happened as a test, fulfill your obligations, learn from your mistakes.


complexes, psychological problems and traumas that interfere with life, repetition of past mistakes, guilt, masochism, self-aggression.


stepping on the same rake over and over again. Limit yourself to your own fears and complexes. The cause of the problems lies solely in yourself.


unequal relationships, where one partner manipulates the other, puts pressure on guilt. Fear of parting, although a break is necessary.


with low self-esteem, inclined to blame himself for everything, shifting responsibility for his life to fate and other people.


get rid of complexes, stop limiting yourself, learn to enjoy life and be more active, not complain about fate.


coldness, peace, passivity, rest from business, withdrawal into oneself, insensibility, loneliness.


you are waiting for a period of stagnation in business or relationships. Prepare to postpone plans indefinitely.


cooling, loss of interest in each other, extinction of erotic attraction. Lack of emotion, indifference.


cold, withdrawn, indecisive, living with the mind, not the heart.


cool the feelings and return to the problem with a cold head. Take a break, freeze things. Don't try to force things.


cyclicity, harvest, fruits of one's own efforts, the need to wait until they ripen, slow movement, gradual changes, the unity of opposites.


results from long-term work or relationships, global plans for the future, laying the foundation for change. This rune is reminiscent of the old saying "as you sow, so shall you reap." Upcoming events will show how good your "seeds" were. Getting on merit.


lapping period, checking each other for compatibility. In some cases, it speaks of future replenishment in the family. Stable, deep relationships, where partners are equal and give a lot to each other.


serious, responsible, generous, far-sighted, thrifty, economic, hardworking.


make enough effort for your own future, be patient and not expect instant results.


test, initiation, strength test, period of stagnation, deep internal changes.


delays, delays and difficulties are possible in your affairs. Treat them as a necessary test, during which you realize many important things.


crisis in relationships, confusion, difficulty with choice and decision making. Psychological bonding with each other.


indecisive, always doubting, passive, shy, insecure.


be patient, do not cut off the shoulder. Wait for the situation to level off by itself.


secrets, occultism, magic, pregnancy, something hidden, hidden power, rock, fate.


meeting with something mysterious and incomprehensible. Receiving signs through dreams and premonitions. The need to keep a secret.


mystical, spiritual relationships. Karmic life partner, destined by fate. Union at a distance, acquaintance on the Internet. Relationships that are kept secret. Next to the rune of Berkan is an indication of pregnancy.


possessing a mystical gift, secretive, mysterious, living a rich inner life, with a developed imagination.



loss of one's path, confusion, fear of the future and getting stuck, inability to understand what one really wants. Revealed secret, betrayed trust.


meeting with the past, its unfinished business or unfulfilled desires. The need to let it go and take a step towards the future. Getting important information that will come as a shock and completely change your outlook on life.


suddenly revealed the secret of a partner that will change the relationship. Suspicion, betrayal, deceit, fears. Meeting with a past lover.


stuck in the past, immoral, unable to keep secrets, soulless.


to get to the bottom of the matter, to get the truthful information. Do not wind yourself up with faith in signs and signs, ground yourself.


protection, peace, appeasement, trust, intuition.


receiving protection or patronage from a significant person. Opening up new prospects, getting the results you expected.


relationships where there is complete mutual understanding and trust. One partner protects, protects the other, takes on a parental role. Comfort, tenderness.


attentive, sensitive, kind, capable of noble deeds, possessing strong intuition.


take care of your own protection, pay attention to dreams and premonitions.


defenselessness, threat (justified or far-fetched), fear, wandering in illusions, paranoia.


a stab in the back, betrayal by a loved one. The catch is where they did not expect. The attack of the ill-wishers. Vulnerability, weakening, deterioration of affairs.


there is no sense of security, constant suspicions of each other, deceived expectations and hopes. The partner constantly needs control in order not to do stupid things.


shy, defenseless, fragile, in need of constant guardianship from others.


do not wind yourself up, stop worrying, beware of betrayal and manipulation.


success, joy, fulfillment of desires, self-realization, reason, consciousness, justice, confidence, creativity.


fulfillment of a cherished dream, work by vocation, starting one's own business. Raising self-esteem, gaining self-confidence, solving psychological problems.


warm and reliable relationships filled with positive emotions. Kindred souls, partners with perfect compatibility.


successful, realized, creative, intellectual, prudent, strong-willed.


insist on your own, listen to your true desires, protect your interests.


struggle, aggression, pressure, militancy, justice, competitors, male energy.


You will face a struggle from which you will emerge victorious. The situation will require a lot of your energy, rush forward and do not stop at nothing. Courage is the key to success now.


relationships based on the dominance of a man or a male role in a woman. Conflicts for power in a pair, competition. However, the spirit of rivalry does not worsen relations, but gives them a twist. Self-confidence, sensuality, aggressive conquest of a partner.


militant, resolute, active, aggressive.


fight for yourself by any means, show pressure.


breakdown, passivity, refusal to fight, surrender to enemies, problems with men's health, insecurity.


your forces and the forces of opponents will be unequal, you will have to retreat. Suppression of the will by someone stronger. The need for humility and humility.


female behavior in men, lack of healthy aggressiveness. Manipulations designed to create feelings of guilt, dependence on a partner. Emptiness, weakness, disbelief in yourself and your abilities.


feeble, weak, malleable, spineless.


surrender, temper aggression.


femininity, fertility, growth, softness, comfort, security.


meeting with a nice woman. Women's self-realization: meeting a potential husband, entering into a serious relationship, pregnancy. The emergence of new fans. Business growth, reaching a new level, getting the first fruits.


a relationship dominated by a woman, but in her original female role: inspirer and homemaker. The strong influence of a woman on a man. Trust, tenderness, peace, comfort. Closeness to nature.


feminine, reliable, attractive, generous, economic.


to show gentleness, to achieve one's detours, to become more feminine. Get help from a woman.


arrest in development, intrigues from an evil woman, road closures, problems with women's health, rejection of the female role.


meeting with an unpleasant, dangerous woman. Slowdown in business growth, failure in new projects. Intervention in life by an evil woman.


in some cases, it may indicate a love triangle or the negative influence of a relative (most often the mother) of one of the couple. Squabbles, conflicts from scratch. Unwillingness to adapt to each other, to compromise. Complexes about appearance, lack of confidence in their attractiveness, stinginess, coldness.

Human: Advice:

beware of women ill-wishers. Next to you are not the people you can trust.


vehicles, transport, road, animals, speed, union, cooperation, relationship, marriage. Adaptation to changing circumstances.


the beginning of profitable cooperation, finding friends, like-minded people, associates and help from them. Rapid development of the situation. Change of social circle, new friends, sometimes moving, job change.


passionate, fast-paced relationship with marriage prospects. Partners complement each other, each plays its own role. The feeling that you are in your place, the pleasure of what is happening. Inspiration.


restless, impetuous, quickly adapting to new people and situations, sociable, he constantly needs to move forward.


ask for help from true friends, cooperate with someone to achieve your goal.


the occurrence of unexpected obstacles on the way, downtime, stop, breakup of the union, problems with transport or pets.


slowdown of important matters, disruption of plans and agreements. Deterioration of relationships with family and friends. Inability to adapt to the situation. Rejection from society. Mind your own business.


psychological or emotional incompatibility. The partners are too different: one is more active and assertive, the second needs a more relaxed life. Alienation, loneliness, fear of change.


intractable, incapable of cooperation, stubborn, conservative, afraid of losing stability.


take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, someone may deceive you.


man, ancestors, society, cooperation for the common good, like-minded people. Culture, intelligence, service sector.


meeting with an important person, help from him. Making new friends, joining a social organization. Improving relationships in a group of people. Success in society, strengthening authority.


relationships based on equality and deep friendship. The presence of common goals, ideals. Acquaintance through friends or companies. A sense of community, solidarity, brotherly love.


kind, open, always ready to help, with a strong intellect, cultured, restrained.


look for like-minded people, turn to wise books, philosophy, psychology.


cruelty, inhumanity, loneliness, magical effect.


often this rune suggests that the root of your problems lies in the spiritual, suprahuman sphere. The influence of karma, magic, ancestral spirits. Discord in the team, loss of loved ones.


both or one partner can use the other for personal gain. Cruel attitude, violence. Feeling of isolation, abandonment, lack of like-minded people.


detached, mysterious, not like everyone else, loving solitude, distrustful.


look for a source of negative magical influence, beware of ill-wishers. Solve problems on your own, without the help of others.


youth, girlhood, intuition, creativity, water, subconscious, variability, fluidity, magic, emotions, psychology.


falling in love, the beginning of a new, tender and romantic relationship. A new period in the couple's life. Meeting with a young, mysterious girl. Sometimes indicates a magical influence from the outside, a love spell. A surge of inspiration, the beginning of creative work. Prophetic dreams.


charm, admiration, love. Strengthening intuition, feeling at a distance, reading thoughts. Tenderness, trembling, fragility.


emotional, possessing magical abilities, creative, quiet, able to influence people.


become softer, use your charm and intuition to achieve your goals. Resort to magic.


deception, illusions, psychological manipulation, escape into the world of dreams, mental illness.


falling under someone's negative influence, magical or psychological. False or misinterpreted information. Empty fears, false premonitions.


mistrust, jealousy, envy, suspicion in a pair. Using a partner for your own purposes. Goodwill on the outside, malice on the inside.


insincere, entangled in his own fantasies, passive, dependent, withdrawn.


beware of negative magical influences. Be prudent.


fertility, transformation, profound changes, elemental energy, completion of a life stage.


this rune heralds a radical renewal. Almost in the blink of an eye, everything can change in a way that you did not expect. The intervention of otherworldly forces, karma, fate. Extracting lessons. Illumination, understanding the meaning of what is happening.


strong erotic attraction in a couple, sensuality, emancipation. An old karmic connection with each other. Knowing the secret side of a partner. He behaves differently with you than he does with others. The transition to a new level of relationship: marriage or separation. Pay attention to the neighboring runes.


sensual, bold, loving extreme, leader by nature, risky.


complete all unfinished business. Bring to life what was previously lacking confidence.


house, clan, family, real estate, completion, power of authorities.


strengthening family relations, acquiring their own housing, the beginning of a sedentary lifestyle, the need to obey the elders, retirement, successful completion of the project, a long-awaited vacation. The rune says that an important stage in your life is coming to an end and a new one looms on the horizon.


a sense of belonging to a large family (genus, clan, team). Patriotism, interest in the study of one's origins. Conservatism, support for old traditions, appeal to the experience of ancestors.


mature, calm, adhering to traditional values, authoritarian, tough, closed.


listen to your conscience, ask for help from your elders, keep what you have.


destruction of family foundations, a sharp transformation of the outlook on life, violation of the rules.


losses and losses associated with real estate, land. Quarrels with family members up to a complete break in ties. Liberation from the shackles of the past. Going beyond your own moral standards and principles. Moving to another country, leaving the parental home.


easy relationships without plans for the future, unwillingness to start a family. Bad relationship with parents and the need to live differently from them. Striving for freedom from conventions and stereotypes.

Human: Advice:

to decide on something new, to look at the situation differently, to free oneself from the influence of imposed authorities, to act differently from what society and family say.


dawn, change, opposites, renewal, hope for the future.


the situation will turn out the opposite way, in a way that you do not plan. The beginning of a new life stage. Promising projects, new contacts and relationships. Change in social status. You will open new doors for yourself.


profound changes in relationships. What has been piling up for a long time will finally come to the surface. Dawn after a long dark night. Renewal, a radical change in personality, liberation from barriers. Lightness and freedom.


original, combining opposites, not fitting into the framework, goes its own way. Experimenter, innovator, open to everything new and unusual. Unbreakable, hardened.


boldly step into the unknown, allow yourself to behave differently, become a different person - a real you.
