Born in April who according to the horoscope. How to find out what zodiac sign is in April? Famous women of the world who were born in the month of April

» The site tells about significant people who have created great value for humanity in science, art, sports and other areas of life, and also left a positive mark on world history. In this review, we recall celebrities born in April and outline their main achievements.

(1809 – 1852)

One of the pillars of Russian and world literature, Nikolai Vasilievich is a unique example of a writer who managed to see, feel and describe the finest facets human soul and social relations of the 19th century. The skill, elegance of command of the Russian language and the relevance of the questions posed delight Gogol's readers today.

The most famous works: Dead Souls”,“ Overcoat ”,“ Taras Bulba ”,“ Inspector General ”,“ Old World Landowners ”.

Abraham Harold Maslow (1908 – 1970)

Psychologist and founder humanistic psychology originally from the USA. He is best known as the creator of the hierarchy of human needs, known as Maslow's Pyramid, which had a significant impact on understanding the economic behavior of people.

Maslow focused his research on the positive aspects of human behavior, which made it possible to look at human nature from a humanistic point of view, in contrast to psychoanalysis, which was based on the analysis of deviations in the psyche.

(1934 - present)

A well-known TV journalist and TV presenter, he was born in France in a family of emigrants. Lived in America for a long time. Received an education in the specialty "human physiology" at the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of Moscow State University. Vladimir Vladimirovich's father was a supporter of the Soviet system and in every possible way instilled his views on his son. In his book Farewell to Illusions, Posner tells how his idea of ​​​​the USSR subsequently collapsed.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Pozner, birthday: April 1

The path in journalism began with the work of Samuil Marshak's secretary. Then he worked in various positions abroad and in the Soviet Union, being a propagandist of communist ideology. AT last years is the creator and host of various programs of the culinary, cultural and social format, including co-authorship with Ivan Urgant.

Programs of various years: “Time and Us”, “Times”, “One-Story America”, “Pozner”, “Tour de France”, “Bolero”, “Parfenov and Pozner”, etc.

(1940 - present)

A charismatic actor, talented director and screenwriter, born in New York to Italian American parents. Al Pacino made his debut in the obscure 1969 film I, Natalie, playing a minor role in it. And already in 1971, he starred in a film called Panic in Needle Park.

Al Pacino, birthday: April 25

It was then that film director Francis Ford Coppola noticed him and invited him to shoot in The Godfather in the role of Michael Corleone. This role has become a real calling card for the actor. In addition to cinema, Al Pacino is also known as a theater actor, who received the Tony Award in 1969 and 1977.

(1954 - present)

Film actor, martial artist, stuntman, film director, producer and singer - this is an incomplete list of Jackie Chan's activities. Born in Hong Kong in a poor family, he started his career in the film industry from the age of 8-10 with such films as Big and Little Wong Tin Bar, and acted as an extra.

Jackie Chan, birthday: April 7

Since the 1970s, Chan has been involved in more serious projects and tries himself as a director. Comedy films demonstrating various types of martial arts become his hallmark. Jackie Chan comes up with and performs the vast majority of his own stunts, often without insurance, and sometimes gets injured.

The most iconic paintings: "Rush Hour", "Police Story", "Shanghai Noon", "Who Am I?", "Drunken Master", etc.

(1933 - present)

Pediatrician, surgeon, doctor medical sciences, professor and public figure. Leonid Mikhailovich was born in the family of a military pilot. Graduated from the 2nd MOLGMI them. N. I. Pirogov, specialty "pediatrics". Since 2003, he has been the director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology (NII NDKhiT) of the Moscow City Health Department.

Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal, birthday: April 27

Leonid Mikhailovich was directly involved in the rescue of adults and children in many conflict situations abroad and in Russia. In 1988, he participated in the rescue of children after the earthquake in Armenia, negotiated with the terrorists at Dubrovka in 2002, as a result of which eight children were saved. In 2004, he negotiated with terrorists in Beslan. Roshal made a report in 2011 on the shortcomings of the healthcare organization in Russia, which had a great political and social resonance.

(1970 - present)

Agassi, the son of an immigrant from Iran, began his career in tennis at the age of 13 at the Nick Bollettieri Academy. At 16 he was already on the list of the hundred best tennis players in the world, at 19 he took third place in the Association's ranking. On account of Andre winning in 60 individual tournaments, including eight times in the Grand Slam tour.

Andre Agassi, birthday: April 29

In addition, he won the Davis Cup three times as part of the game for the US team. For 101 days in total, he was the first racket of the world, from 1995 to 2003. In addition to sports, Agassi is involved in charity work and business. He created the Andre Agassi Educational Foundation, the Andre Agassi Sports Club for Girls and Boys, and the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy.

Montserrat Caballe(1933 - present)

World star of opera singing. Born in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Her track record includes 88 roles and about 800 chamber works. Caballe is most famous for his roles in the classics of Italian opera - Puccini, Bellini and Donizetti.

We did a little research on the characteristics of people born in April (under the sign of Aries or Taurus) and made a small selection of gifts for the most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
It's time to wish everyone born in April a Happy Birthday! A gift is always fun and nice, but even a card or a phone call can make someone feel special because they know you appreciate them.

APRIL birthdays - what are they?

People born in April are active life position, indefatigability, the desire to stand out and show oneself. They are characterized by impulsiveness of undertakings. These are warriors and fighters, unable to restrain their impulses and hide them. For such people, the main thing in life is dynamism, they must constantly move and overtake others. Their dynamism is periodically replaced by a passive period. A person must rest, gain strength, and then a new race. As a rule, April people have a hard time digesting other people's objections, but they infect everyone with their conviction. The ideas that they broadcast to our world are integral and easily formed in the form of a slogan. People of April will never intrigue: they have "what's on their minds, that's on their tongues." Once they achieve their goal, they lose interest in it and move on. People of April are united by reckless courage, concentrated blow, suppression of doubts, unshakable self-confidence and fearlessness.

APRIL Celebrities

In April they were born famous people like Tamerlane, Catherine de Medici, Maria Medici, Catherine 1, Elizabeth II, Alexander II, P.A. Stolypin, V.I. Lenin, S.M. Budyonny, N.S. Khrushchev, A.I. Leonardo da Vinci, Immanuel Kant, Jean Honore Fragonard, N.V. Gogol Hans Chr. Andersen, Emile Zola, Charlie Chaplin, N.V. Sklifosovsky, I.P. Kulibin, N.M. Przhevalsky, Robert Oppenheimer, S.V. Rachmaninov, S.S. Prokofiev, I.A. Efremov, V.I. Dikul, V.A. Tretyak, A.A. Tarkovsky, G.M. Vitsin, A.B. Pugacheva, F.B. Kirkorov.

They celebrate their name day in APRIL

Adrian, Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Anton, Arkady, Artem, Artemy, Vadim, Valentin, Vasily, Veniamin, Victor, Vladimir, George, German, Grigory, David, Daniel, Dmitry, Efim, Ephraim, Zakhar, Ivan, Ilya, Innocent, Joseph, Cyril, Leonid, Makar, Maxim, Miron, Mikhail, Nikita, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Plato, Prokhor, Sevastyan, Semyon, Sergei, Stepan, Terenty, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Yakov.

Akulina, Alexandra, Alla, Anastasia, Anna, Barbara, Vasilisa, Galina, Daria, Evdokia, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Lydia, Maria, Martha, Nika, Pelageya, Praskovya, Svetlana, Sophia, Taisiya, Ulyana

Suitable colors

Most suitable colors for April it is red, orange, green, brown.

The energy of the red color will fill with special power all intentions and determination to act.
Orange is the color of joy, sexuality and optimism. This color teaches to find non-standard solutions, think creatively and not be afraid of the new.
Green color will help eliminate impatience, extinguish anger, relieve irritability, nervousness and anxiety.
Brown color will fill you with calm energy, confidence, positive emotions. This color will help relieve fatigue, excessive tension.

Stones as a gift

April stones are obsidian, amethyst, hematite, garnet, red topaz.

Obsidian will help you acquire intuition, practicality and the ability to introspect.
Amethyst will extinguish aggression and short temper. With amethyst, it will help you become more outgoing and calmer in relation to the people around you.
Hematite will help to quickly curl all inflicted wounds.
Pomegranate will bring good luck in love and friendship.
Topaz is a symbol of prudence, spiritual purity, love and friendship. Protects from malice and ill will. Makes its owner honest and generous.

Amethyst Hematite

Flowers as a gift

For those born in April, large flowers are suitable, often on a prickly stem, mostly burgundy, red, orange and yellow tones, symbolizing career and personal success.
It can be violets, red and yellow lilies, roses, tulips.

Roses are the queens of flowers, they will help express admiration for a person who will be very pleased.

Violet will help relieve tension, cool anger, give peace and meekness.

Lily is a symbol of perfection. The red lily is a symbol of majesty, shows lofty intentions, so it can be given to a loved one. Yellow lily means gratitude, brightness and fun. The tiger lily speaks of pride, wealth and prosperity.

Tulips are a symbol of pure love, great happiness, glory, pride and harmony. The red tulip is a confession and declaration of passionate love.
Namely, in the bud of a yellow tulip lies happiness and selfless joy.

April is a young spring month, no longer as cold as March, but still not as hot as May. Most children born in April will be capricious and selfish. But in more detail their character will be able to describe the sign of the Zodiac patronizing them. Each month gives humanity representatives of two inhabitants of the horoscope at once. About what sign of the Zodiac in April, this article will tell.

One of two

If a person was born in April, then he is either an active and quick-tempered Aries, or a stubborn and thorough Taurus. These zodiac signs have both similarities and major differences. So, if Aries is a pure choleric, eccentric, aggressive, not bringing things to the end, then Taurus is rather phlegmatic, pragmatic, slow and always achieves his goal. For a person born this month, it is always of interest which of the horoscope has a greater influence on him, which zodiac sign. In April, it is possible to conditionally distinguish three parts equal to ten days. The first two belong to Aries, the last third is under the auspices of Taurus. It is not difficult to determine the zodiac sign of a person born in April if his birthday does not fall on the junction of two representatives of the horoscope. So, for example, determining the patron of a person born on April 30 will not cause difficulties. What sign of the Zodiac of this person is obviously Taurus. It will be more difficult if the child is born on April 20, 21 or even 22. What sign of the Zodiac of such a person will have to be learned from a professional astrologer or independently, but with the help of a special compilation program. In such cases, not only the day of the month, but also the time of birth will be important.

What is the sign of the Zodiac in April, more precisely, at the beginning of this month and in its middle? Of course, Aries. The second sign is under the auspices of the moon. This feminine planet smoothes the qualities of Mars, the lord of all Aries, and endows people born at this time with dreaminess, artistry and variability. However, in family, marriage relations, the “average” Aries are distinguished by fidelity and constancy. They are good family men, economic wives, caring husbands. But purely "Avnov" qualities are still clearly manifested in them. The third one feels the additional influence of Venus. This planet endows people born at this time with a craving for luxury, charm and diplomacy.

The last third of Aries is characterized by ardor, a thirst for love and recognition, generosity and generosity.

April is only the first decade of this zodiac sign. She is influenced by messengers, messages and information. People born in the first can become brilliant scientists, art critics, musicians and writers. It is possible that they will feel a craving for mathematical, exact subjects.

Now you know which zodiac sign is leading in April, and which is secondary, which of them occupies more space this month. In addition, you have learned to determine whether a person is an Aries or a Taurus. Thank you for your attention!

April zodiac signs

The circle of zodiacal signs begins its beginning at the vernal equinox with the sign Aries. Passing from March to April, Aries occupies two decades of this month from the first to the twentieth day, giving way in the zodiac circle from April 21 to the next sign Taurus. If a person's birth month april what sign of the zodiac determines his life and fate, depends on the date of birth.

The main characteristics of people born under the sign of Aries:

leaders, ringleaders, instigators;

hardworking, energetic, active;

noisy, cheerful;

honest, straightforward, trusting;

explosive, explosive.

In relationships with women, they are often jealous, romantic, and occupy a dominant position. In case of disobedience or misunderstanding, they quickly cool off to the subject of their attention.

In work, the position of a leader often interferes with being a good and reasonable leader; uncompromising attitude to business creates difficulties in relations with subordinates. Often, work is carried out "for wear and tear" without commensurate labor costs and the ultimate goal, sometimes, alas, absurd.

The family is a breadwinner. They can indulge in light flirting on the side, without reaching serious betrayals. The attitude towards children is uneven: from excessive guardianship to complete neglect due to being busy at work.

April Aries women:

charismatic, attractive;

frank, straightforward, not hypocritical;

talkative and verbose, but not gossips;

attentive to others, value friendship;

organizers of entertainment and holidays.

In relations with men, in case of sympathy, they can take a personal initiative to get to know each other and get closer. They love to flirt, without crossing the line of decency. Having fallen in love, they suffer the shortcomings of a partner.

In the work of the soul of the team, they are socially active, proactive, diligent, like to emphasize their importance among colleagues.

The family has good housewives. Unfortunately, they often get into family life adult children.

Aries are signs of fire. Aggressiveness, explosive character, emotional model of behavior is explained by the patronage of the planet Mars.

Which zodiac sign ends April? Of course, Taurus. Being under the influence of the outgoing Aries, the Taurus of April differ from the May Taurus calm and slightly slow. They inherit the emotionality and irascibility of the predecessor sign, however, they clearly show such character traits as reliability, patience and thoroughness.

calm, silent, reasonable, with a strong nervous system;

stubborn, confident in their own rightness, persistent in achieving the goal;

peaceful, not vindictive and not vengeful;

impulsive, subject to the influence of the moment;

straightforward, prone to rudeness when offended.

In everyday life, April Taurus men love family comfort and delicious food. Under the influence of the sign of the Earth, lovers of savage recreation, including fishing and hunting, are very drawn to nature. They love agriculture, rejoice and are proud of the fruits of gardening and horticulture.

Male Taurus, whose month of birth is April, no matter what zodiac sign the opposite sex wears, they never show perseverance at the beginning of a relationship. Lack of love relationships jealousy.

AT professional activity they build a career themselves, achieve success in work in the banking system, in show business.

Women are April Taurus

assertive, meticulous, practical;

careerists, negative attitude to criticism, touchy;

required to keep promises.

In everyday life, they are queens in home improvement, creating comfort and caring for children, first-class cooks.

Can be considered monogamous, but impulsiveness can play a bad joke when choosing a life partner. Love is not perceived without physical attraction, but only in marriage.
Taurus signs of the Earth. The influence of Venus makes them much softer and calmer than Aries, but they are much more practical. When choosing a job, they will give preference to the one with higher pay. Not hermits, but they will prefer home peace to noisy companies.

The planet Mars, symbolized by the month of April, is characterized by active energy, which, in turn, gives a person the maximum amount of energy. Therefore, April people are distinguished by an active life position, they are active and constantly on the move. This month's zodiac signs are Aries and Taurus.

Main character traits

People born in April are unusually temperamental and ambitious, they are born fighters and enthusiasts. The main pronounced character traits of the April people are:

  • authority;
  • energy;
  • stubbornness;
  • arrogance;
  • independence;
  • adherence to principles;
  • selfishness;
  • ambition;
  • wit;
  • sanity;
  • practicality;
  • cheerfulness;
  • intolerance;
  • naivety.

People born in April have a strong character and strong will, they always achieve their goals through assertiveness, determination and energy. These are permanent people who do not like to change something in their lives. For them, a stable position in society is very important and financial matters. An April person can quickly, easily and successfully move up the career ladder, achieving high results.

It is advisable to give gentle names to courageous and assertive people of April in order to smooth out their hardness. They are excellent leaders, and the ability to set the right goals and the ability to achieve them helps to be good leaders and build a successful business. April people work most productively in a state of independence, when they are left to their own devices and no one can control them.

Often a man of April falls into extremes, and with his arrogance and unscrupulousness he can make enemies for himself. Being a fighter from birth, he can experience many obstacles in life, which he easily overcomes. People born in April have a highly developed intuition and can foresee many events.

Health of those born in April

April people, due to their strong energy, are distinguished by good health and a strong physique. Due to the fact that April is under the influence of Mars, people of this month may experience the following health problems:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • problems with teeth;
  • diseases of the eyes and ears;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • problems with the liver and genitourinary system.

Most of these disorders can be avoided if you keep control of yourself and your emotions.

Relationships with friends and family

April people are very emotional, they lead an active lifestyle, are surrounded by attention and often become the soul of any company. They easily attract people, easily attract attention, but in relationships and family they are stable. The desire for stability is so strong that the man of April will live even in marriage without love, if only this stability is not violated.

Difficulties with a spouse in April people arise due to the fact that they are not able to endure and are very selfish, often throwing out their emotions on loved ones, causing pain. They put their personal interests above everything else. But at the same time, these are naive people who do not know how to learn from personal mistakes, stepping on the same rake.

The April man is always a reliable and devoted friend, a faithful and caring spouse who appreciates the family. He loves children very much, always trying to understand them and surround them with attention. And, despite the fact that life with such a person is not easy because of his inability to restrain emotions, it is always interesting, because these people always charge their loved ones with their energy.

Psychocorrection of deviations in children