How to write an informative letter. Brief description of the economic activity of the organization

  1. Download sample information letter

Information mail is drawn up for the purpose of informing, advertising products, offering cooperation and in other cases. An information letter may indicate a change in prices, details, etc. There are several types of information letters. Message, statement, confirmation, reminder and similar types of letters must be drawn up in accordance with the accepted rules of business communication.

How to write an information letter

The design of the information letter is carried out in accordance with the rules established for business correspondence, its structure corresponds to the general structure of a business letter.

Depending on the purpose of the information letter, there are the following types of it:

  • letter-message (notice, notice) - about changing prices, directors, company details, negotiations, shipment of products, etc.;
  • a letter of application - about some intentions of the addresser;
  • confirmation letter - on receipt of goods, funds, documents;
  • reminder letter - on the fulfillment of obligations;
  • advertising information mail- advertising of products, services; this also includes an information letter about the company.

Often, an information letter is accompanied by a cover letter, where information is provided in expanded form and in more detail, as well as certain provisions of legislative and other regulatory legal documents.

This letter is signed by the head of the company, sometimes his deputy or even the secretary. In the case of mass mailing (in large quantities), you can do without a signature or use a facsimile.

Sample information letter on change of director

About the change of director

By this letter we notify you of the change of the director of our organization on the basis of protocol No. xx of xxxxxxx. Since xxxxxxx, Petrov Petor Petrovich has been appointed director of LLC "Mishen"

A copy of the protocol No. 11/B dated November 20, 2012 is attached.

Sample information letter about the exhibition

Dear participants!

Please read the terms of participation in the exhibition "The City Through My Eyes" and confirm your consent to participate in within 5 days.

  1. The exhibition will take place on February 09, 2012 from 9.00 to 19.00 on Leningradsky Boulevard in the building of the "House of Culture" of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
  2. The minimum image size on the short side is 20cm (eg print 20x30), the maximum size on the long side is 45cm (eg print 30x45).
  3. Photos will be placed on stands, on whatman paper.
  4. Each exhibitor can place up to 10 works. Please report the number of photos in advance.
  5. Decide on the number and format of photos and send us an e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. to preview their mini-image (preview 800x600 pixels) with the title and surname of the author, you need to February 01.
  6. Finished and approved works can be brought February 07.

Sincerely, organizing committee

Application. Information about the photo exhibition (jury, partners).

" Information mail

Information mail

At its core, an information letter is an official document and is an official communication of certain information in writing.

Compilation example


Typically, such letters have a standard form and are sent by certain authorities or organizations. Yes, these are organs. state power various levels, sending letters to their subordinate organizations, including a certain type.

As for the content of the letter, its text is usually excerpts from legal acts, proposals regarding the activities of a subordinate organization or institution, recommendations.

Any informational letter may be accompanied by all the necessary attachments that disclose its content. One paragraph or even several pages of text - the length of the document may vary.

With some exceptions, such a document is signed by the head of the organization sending the letter. Its registration is carried out on a special form.


The letter contains certain details, which include:

  • Addressee with his details.
  • Name of the organization, its necessary reference data.
  • Header for the body of the email.
  • Artist note.
  • Organization code.
  • Code of the basis for registration with the tax authorities, TIN, PSRN data.
  • The date of the letter and the registration number in the correspondence book.
  • Signature.

A letter of recommendation from a commercial structure for a company is understood as one of the forms of feedback about this company, which evaluates its partner reliability, the quality level of services provided, the degree of professional training of its specialists, etc.

Having a letter of recommendation has long been considered one of the effective methods presenting a recommendation. An applicant who is to be interviewed is much more likely to get a positive result if he has such a letter.

Thus, to a large extent the work of personnel personnel is simplified and the specialist will be much more attractive.

When looking for a job, a recommendation is of no small importance.

Naturally, not all employers require recommendations when applying for a job, they are just an additional factor, but a very positive one.

In the United States of America, for example, this type of letter is prepared as a cover letter, that is, first of all, the addressee, day, month, year are indicated, then there is an appeal, something like this: “For interested parties”.

When writing such a letter, you do not need to use general phrases; it is best to give specific examples of the actions of the recommended company.

It is better if contact details are indicated so that it is possible to clarify any details in the future.

The document usually looks like this:

  • At the top, in the middle, in the form of a heading, it is written- Letter of recommendation.
  • Next comes the textual presentation, for which absolutely any form is used.

In particular, it talks about the positive aspects of cooperation with the recommended structure, assesses the professional level of its specialists, and makes suggestions about using the services provided by this company.

  • At the bottom of the document the head of the organization that makes the recommendation must sign. It also indicates the position of the head, his last name, first name and patronymic.
  • The number can be placed above or below sheet.

Technomontazhservis LLC has been a partner of our company in the construction and architectural field for a long time.

For more than four years, Technomontazhservice has been demonstrating the ability to solve the assigned tasks. All works are carried out by this structure in a timely manner and with very high quality. "Technomontazhservice" is distinguished by a high level of professionalism, organization of the company's specialists and a strong team spirit.

Executive Director of Construction Partner LLC - signature - Timoshchenko S.T.

Text of letter No. 2

Real Business LLC has been providing constant assistance to our company in the implementation of web design projects for more than five years. During a long period of mutual cooperation, Nastoyaschee Delo LLC has constantly confirmed its high level of competence and professionalism. Each project developed by our company was implemented by the specialists of Real Business LLC very quickly and efficiently.

We believe that it is possible to effectively and successfully cooperate with the company Real Deal LLC. LLC

Since 2012, Real Business Limited Liability Company has been developing new projects to promote our company in the Internet industry within the framework of cooperation with LLC. During the period of our joint activity, the Real Deal has won the well-deserved authority of a structure that boldly takes on and confidently solves the most complex problems.

Our company is fully satisfied with the result of joint activities with Real Deal LLC as a responsible and reliable partner and recommends it to everyone. LLC

Text of letter No. 4

Real Deal LLC has been a partner of LLC since the beginning of 2005. A long-term partnership proves that the specialists of the Real Deal are high professionals. On their part, there was never a failure to fulfill the order. The tasks were solved by them in the shortest possible time, efficiently and reliably. There were no complaints from customers about the work of the Real Case.

Director General signature Ospennikov V. LLC

This letter confirms that Nastoyaschee Delo LLC has been cooperating with LLC for more than four years, starting from 2011, in the field of design services. During this period, we were able to fully verify the reliability of this company, its professionalism and efficiency in solving work tasks. Employees of the "Nastoyaye delo" have an extraordinary, creative approach to the implementation of various projects.

As the General Director of LLC, I confirm that the activities of the specialists of Real Business LLC fully comply with the stated direction.

Konstantin Ospennikov - signature.

Real Business Limited Liability Company has been a business partner of my company since the beginning of 2001. Throughout this period, I have never been disappointed with the results of our joint activities in solving joint projects. Employees of the "Real Business" successfully solve all the variety of tasks set by the Customer. The result of their work meets high professional requirements. The high level of communication culture that is inherent in the management of Real Business LLC contributed to the close partnership relations that have developed between our companies.

Director General signature Ospennikov V.A. LLC

This letter was prepared by LLC to confirm the fact of cooperation with Real Deal LLC. The result of such cooperation was the active promotion of our company to the international market and a significant increase in the client base. The tasks set by the employees of the Real Deal company are carried out at a high professional level and always in a timely manner. We note a creative non-standard approach to fulfilling orders, taking into account all the wishes of the clientele.

Executive director signature Ospennikov V.A. LLC

Closed Joint Stock Company "Ural Timber Company" and Open Joint Stock Company "Trading House" Stroitelny "have been conducting joint activities since June 2011.

Throughout this period of cooperation, Stroitelny Trade House OJSC has established itself as a conscientious partner in carrying out repair and construction work. This company always uses the latest technological developments. The results of the execution of orders are delivered according to the previously planned deadlines. There were no complaints about the quality of work. Both executives of the company and ordinary performers conscientiously and responsibly treat the performance of their duties.

Director General of CJSC "Ural Timber Company" - signature - Tikhomirov F.A.

Limited Liability Company "Optimal Transport Delivery", cooperating with our company for more than ten years, has confidently proved its highly professional status. The employees of this company have a responsible and conscientious attitude to all road transportation. There were no facts of transportation disruptions, untimely delivery of the car or damage to the delivered goods.

The activity of Optimal Transport Delivery LLC deserves only a positive assessment.

Executive Director of JSC "Blagodat" - signature - Surname I.O.

With this letter, Podmoskovnye Evenings OJSC recommends the Cleaning and Order LLC cleaning company as a very conscientious and reliable structure in the field of industrial cleaning.

Cleanliness and Order LLC specialists constantly manage to effectively and efficiently clean rather complex objects, to show a flexible non-standard individual approach to solving emerging problems. Orders are executed with very high quality within the stipulated time.

General Director of OJSC "Podmoskovnye Evenings" - signature - Surname I. O.

An information letter is a kind of business documentation that serves to notify partners, customers, contractors, as well as team members about any news, changes, achievements, and other aspects of the organization's activities.

Writing information messages is a necessary part of the work for representatives of business structures and government agencies.

Mandatory or not

This type of documents is not mandatory, because. informing anyone about the current affairs of the organization is at the mercy of its leadership and administration. Nevertheless, many enterprises, especially large ones, do not neglect the formation of such letters, thus achieving several goals at once:

  • inform interested persons about all occurring events;
  • motivate them to further cooperation and fruitful work;
  • enhance the company's image.

Who writes the newsletter

Usually, the responsibility for compiling an information letter lies with the head of the structural unit, who resolves the issues raised in the letter. It could be, for example:

  • head of the marketing department (if we are talking about new marketing offers for partners);
  • deputy director (if the administration of the company informs its employees about something through a letter), etc.

In any case, the compiler of the letter must be a person whose official functions include writing such letters or authorized to compile them by a separate order of the director.

The text of the information letter must be agreed with the direct supervisor of the compiler or the head of the company.

To whom to address an information letter about the activities of the company

An information letter can be sent to a specific person or group of people: the director of a potential partner organization, the customer - an individual entrepreneur, team members, etc.

Letters can be:

  • confidential (intended for reading by a specific person);
  • open, public (to inform the widest possible range of people).

General rules for all letters

When forming an information letter, you need to carefully monitor the spelling and adhere to the written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc.

We must remember the fact that the recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly the information brought to them is described.

An illiterate letter can reduce the value of the information contained in it and even undermine the recipient's trust in the sender.

The letter should be written briefly, succinctly, to the point, remembering that "brevity is the sister of talent", and not spreading thought along the tree. It has been proven that the recipients of this kind of letters are not ready to spend more than one minute reading them, which is due to the high rate of modern life. The addressee will surely notice that the sender values ​​his time, and if he is interested in the information contained in the letter, he will find a way and time to contact the author of the message.

What is forbidden in the letter

There are some absolute taboos in the rules for writing newsletters. In particular, a cheeky, rude or overly familiar tone is categorically unacceptable. It is also desirable to avoid "stamps" or excessively cold, "dry" formulations, special terminology, an abundance of numbers, a large number of adverbial and participial phrases, etc.

Do not include false, unverified or false data in the letter. It should be remembered that an information letter, under certain circumstances, can acquire the status of a legally significant document.

Key points and sample letter writing

Information messages, regardless of their author and addressee, should only concern the activities of the sending organization or related circumstances. At the same time, they must meet certain requirements in terms of structure and content:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that the information letter should always contain:
    • the date of its compilation,
    • details of the sender and recipient,
    • correct address address (for example, “Dear Petr Semenovich”, “Dear Irina Viktorovna”, “Dear colleagues”, etc.). But if the addressee is not defined, which sometimes happens, then you can limit yourself to the greeting “Good afternoon!”.
  2. Next comes the main, informational, part of the letter. Here you need to indicate the reason and purpose for writing it, as well as everything else that is relevant to the case being described: news, suggestions, changes, requests, explanations, etc.
  3. Below in the letter it is necessary to write a conclusion, which should sum up all of the above.

If any additional papers, video and photo files and evidence are attached to the letter, this should also be noted in its content as a separate item.

How to write an information letter

There are no special requirements for the design of the letter, as well as for its content. It is permissible to write it both on the letterhead of the enterprise, and on a standard sheet of any convenient format. The first option is preferable, since there is no need to manually write the details of the organization. In addition, such a letter looks much more solid and once again emphasizes his attitude to official correspondence.

An informational letter can be typed on a computer (good if you need several copies at once) or handwritten - letters written in calligraphic handwriting with a pen look especially advantageous.

The message must be certified by the signature of its compiler. If this is a printed letter, you can use a facsimile signature, if it is “live”, then only the original one.

There is no strict need to stamp a message with a seal, because. since 2016, legal entities have the right to use stamp products in their work only when this rule is enshrined in the internal regulatory legal acts of the company.

If necessary, before sending the message, it should be registered in the journal of internal documents or the journal of outgoing documentation.

How to send a letter

An information letter can be sent in several ways:

  1. The first and now the most common: through electronic means of communication. It makes it possible to send information of almost unlimited volume in a short period of time.
  2. The second way: send it by Russian Post by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (relevant if the informational message refers to official documentation and is certified by “live” signatures and seals).
  3. It is also possible to send a letter via fax or modern instant messengers, but only when the relationship between the sender and the recipient is somewhat informal and allows such correspondence.

Hello bun lovers.

Recently, I have often been asked questions about what to do if the bank calls for “explanations”. As a rule, questions arise when a certain limit of transactions is exceeded (there is an opinion that this is 600 thousand per month, I personally did not find confirmation of this figure anywhere), which have signs of “unusual” or “doubtful”. First of all, this is the replenishment / withdrawal of large amounts of cash, transit operations, when money comes in and immediately leaves, large volumes of replenishment of electronic wallets or payment for communication services, the receipt of large amounts from legal entities, transfers abroad. If many such “dubious” operations from the point of view of Rosfinmonitoring pass through a bank, its license is revoked. This is done in order to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism and all kinds of crime.

If you do not want to draw attention to yourself, follow a few rules:

  • if possible let's lay down the money two or three days on accounts;
  • try to get money" spent the night" banks, and not in electronic wallets or in your pockets;
  • if possible it is better to send money by interbank transfer or moneysend than to withdraw cash and put in another bank;
  • if you want to increase the volume of transactions, do not turn everything on one account, it is better to take another card, attract "relatives";
  • make “fair” purchases in stores using the most valuable cards for you, thereby diluting “doubtful” transactions;
  • alternate the ways of depositing and withdrawing funds if there are several possible options, even if some of them are less convenient or more costly.

But sometimes there is no way to follow these rules, because many topics live only a few days, and you need to use them as quickly as possible. Therefore, you have to forget about caution and work, work, work :).

So, they called you, wrote or blocked your cards, what should you do? First of all, don't be afraid. We are honest bun lovers. We do not sell drugs, we do not engage in prostitution, we do not sponsor terrorists. We don't do anything illegal. The maximum sanctions that can threaten us are the refusal of the bank to work with us.

This year I was lucky enough to talk with five banks, I will say right away that I continue to work with all of them, although only partially with one. So, in order.


The first bank that bothered me in June of this year was the Intesa bank. I earned IGlobe miles on their card on the "Rostov theme". I got a call from a nice girl from our branch, a little excited, apparently I was her first "doubtful" client 🙂 They sent a request with the following content:

Good afternoon
In order to analyze transactions with signs of doubtful and make a decision on further steps regarding the client, please complete the minutes of the meeting and send to us. (During 1 month, the client carried out only replenishment operations through the cash desk in cash, followed by mobile phone payment in several payments at various ATMs of third-party banks in Rostov-on-Don and Moscow for a total amount of 988,000 rubles.)
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

Attached to the letter was a protocol form that I was asked to fill out. After talking with fellow hobbyists, armed with a letter from the esteemed Mike as a template (thanks to my friend Boris from Volgograd for the link), I wrote a letter with the following content:

"___" ___________ 20__
With CJSC Bank Intesa client Ivan Plyushkin

From the Bank: __________________________________________________________________________
From Client: Plyushkin Ivan


Consideration of the issue of settlement of relations between the Bank and the Client upon the fact that the client performs operations that may bear the risk of loss of business reputation for the Bank.

  1. Reported by the Client:

I have issued a card of your bank “Travel Card” (card number such and such) in order to use it for making payments, and also to accumulate “Travel miles”. I deposited funds in cash at the bank's cash desks with the presentation of a passport, as evidenced by receipt cash orders of the approved form. The bulk of the funds deposited by me into my current account are the accumulations of past years, if necessary, I am ready to provide certificates in the form of 2NDFL confirming my income. You can also make a request to the credit bureaus if you have questions about my financial solvency.

The bank card of your bank was used by me directly for its purpose - making payments. Payments were made at various ATMs and payment terminals in Rostov-on-Don (and not in Moscow, as indicated in your letter), the purpose of payments must be present in the descriptions of transactions. To briefly describe the essence of operations, these are payments to payment systems that were made exclusively to my personal accounts. If necessary, I am ready to provide information about accounts and phone numbers associated with them. In the future, I used the funds transferred to payment systems to pay off my credit debts in other banks and pay for the services I needed. Thus, my operations do not carry any "risk of loss of business reputation" for your bank, were carried out, and are in no way connected with the financing of terrorism, drug addiction, prostitution and other illegal activities. Classifying them as "suspicious" will only worsen the indicators of your bank's involvement in dubious cash and non-cash transactions, and will lead to the risk of loss of business reputation mentioned above.

If, after my message, the authorized employees of your bank have doubts about any of my transactions, I ask you to immediately notify me of this by phone such and such and e-mail such and such, and also provide in writing a list of transactions classified as “ dubious."

I took the letter to the bank, attached copies of several checks. The letter was accepted, there were no more calls and further sanctions, the card was not blocked and is still working.

Tractor drivers

MTS Bank was next. An employee of the Rostov branch called me and asked me to come to the branch, where he handed me a request on a beautiful letterhead, where I was asked to explain the economic meaning of replenishing bank cards with money and through qiwi and the origin of funds in the amount of about 750,000 rubles. Filmed mostly in cash. We chatted with an employee, he said that the bank begins to get excited with a turnover of more than 300 thousand on all cards. Again, based on Mike's letter, a response was compiled:

To the branch of PJSC "MTS-Bank" in Rostov-on-Don from ______________________

In response to your appeal No. ________ dated ______.2015, I inform you the following:

The bulk of the funds deposited by me into my current account make up their own savings of past years, if necessary, I am ready to provide certificates in the form of 2NDFL confirming my income. You can also make a request to the credit bureaus if you have questions about my financial solvency.

The economic meaning of transactions indicated in the Internet bank statement as “MS VPP DEPOSIT FOR MTSBANK>

This is nothing more than replenishing your bank card through your own “Transfer from card to card” service. I use multiple bank cards in order to accumulate Iglobe bonus miles. These banks accrue miles for replenishment operations of some electronic wallets, from which I withdraw funds to the Obrazovanie bank card. Due to the fact that this bank does not have its own ATMs in Rostov-on-Don, I transferred funds from the Obrazovanie bank card to your bank card and withdrawn them from ATMs of banks included in the ORS system. In the future, I used these funds again to replenish my accounts.

  1. I pay by card for replenishment of the Eleksnet payment system, for this I receive bonus miles
  2. From the payment system I withdraw to the card of the bank "Obrazovanie"
  3. From the card "Education" I transfer funds to the card of your bank

The economic meaning of transactions indicated in an extract from the Internet bank as "DEPOZIT QIWI-RTK> MOSCOW RU\643\, Moscow, Moscow,"

  1. I replenish my Iglobe mile card with my money
  2. I pay by card for replenishment of the Qiwi payment system, for this I receive bonus miles
  3. Withdraw from the payment system to your bank card
  4. I cash out my money and proceed to step 1

Thus, for operations in the amount of ________ rubles indicated in your application, I received 25,040 Iglobe miles, which at a price of 0.4 rubles per mile (taken from the site is 10,016 rubles. This is the economic meaning of operations.

All payments were made at the expense of my own savings, payments were made to my personal accounts and accounts in payment systems. If necessary, I am ready to provide information about accounts and phone numbers associated with them. Operations with cards of your bank were carried out within the limits set by your bank.

Thus, my operations were carried out exclusively for lawful purposes, and are in no way connected with the financing of terrorism, drug addiction, prostitution and other illegal activities specified in Law No. 115-FZ. Classifying them as "suspicious" will only worsen the indicators of your bank's involvement in dubious cash and non-cash transactions and lead to the risk of loss of business reputation.

If, after my message, the authorized employees of your bank have doubts about any of my operations, I ask you to immediately notify me of this by phone +7_____________ and email _______________ , as well as provide in writing a list of transactions classified as "doubtful".

I look forward to further cooperation with your bank.

Took it to the bank, called back, asked to bring a certificate of 2-personal income tax, brought it. The cards were not blocked, we are working on.


The next bank was UBRD. No one called or wrote to me, just at one fine moment they blocked my cards and access to IB. On the hotline, they couldn’t really explain anything, so I had to stomp to the department. The girl said that I was blocked by their security service, and I needed to bring documents. When asked which ones, she answered unexpectedly: “ You better know which ones, it is clear that you are experienced". Nice, of course, but they pissed me off decently. Communicating on the sidelines, we managed to find out that it is almost impossible to remove the block from this bank, they advised me not to suffer, withdraw the rest of the money and try to make peace with them, and then after a while they will forgive me and allow me to take new cards. Quote from the correspondence with the person blocked three times:

well, I talked both on the hotline and with the advanced marinka - they said there were no cases of unlocking programmatically, only closing an account
earlier it was possible in the department - but apparently abused and now it is banned
that is, if the SB put a ban - then that's it
and this is understandable because they are sitting under financial monitoring, and they need to deal with the size of sleepy operations
and so closing the account - they just pretend that they are fighting
and then a new account is like a new client
this is the game they play at our expense
even when you close your account as a client, you remain in the ban, and in order for this ban to be removed from you, you need to be loyal
otherwise you will never open a new account, the program will not
in short, they selectively choose those who agree to this game
and thus allow, at least crookedly, to gain access to their services

Those who still managed to find out exactly what documents were needed had to collect statements from all banks that participated in one or another scrolling scheme. In general, I did not put up with them, I took Mike's letter to them almost word for word, as well as income statements for a couple of years. In one day a girl from our department called and said that within an hour my cards and access to IB will be unblocked! Suddenly. We work further.


City was next. Here I honestly really went too far, and wound up the selects to hell, and through the debit card it was scrolled very decently, and mostly without depositing and withdrawing cash. There was no time to wait for interbank markets, while the Rostov theme with ale played with might and main. One fine day, I came to the ATM for another portion of cash, and he ate my debit card and wrote that he could not give it back and that I applied to Ch. On the phone, the marinka sent me to the department, in the department they sent me to another department. As a result, when I finally arrived with another explanatory letter, it turned out that I had been asked for information a month ago by email, and since I did not answer, they blocked the cards. I never found the request in the mail, apparently it got into spam or did not reach. Couldn't you have called?

To date, there has been no response to the letter and probably never will be. The cards are blocked, some of the honestly earned selects are also blocked, but at the same time, ib, accounts and the interbank market work, and I continue to withdraw ale on the city by account number. After some time I will try to compete with them again.


Two weeks ago, Mezhtopenergobank got worried about my account. I used their card to withdraw ale, I did not use it often, very moderately, since I had already heard about frequent blocking. A girl from the financial monitoring of the bank called, asked about withdrawal operations from ale. We agreed that she would send me a request for soap, I will unsubscribe. The mail has arrived:

I sent another variation in response, the answer came almost immediately:

Thank you for quick answer.
The information provided in your letter is sufficient.
We look forward to further cooperation with you.

Very prompt, courteous and to the point. We work further.


As it turned out, there is nothing wrong with financial monitoring requests about your activities, in principle. When compiling an answer, you should not use versions like “borrowed 500,000 from a friend” or “sold 3 apartments”, this will most likely lead to parting with the bank. My advice, write the truth: honestly earned goodies, funds, cards, accounts and accounts belong to me, nothing illegal. Do not be afraid to “burn” some topics to the banks, employees of the security service and financial monitoring your bonuses and miles to the light bulb, the main thing for them is to cut off the “dirty” money so as not to mess up the bank. The most important issue is the origin of funds, arm yourself immediately with 2NDFL certificates, of course, if you have them.

Good luck to everyone, fewer such troubles and of course a mountain of buns! Write in the comments your stories of showdowns with banks.

Career psychology