Tags: types of psychopathy, classification of psychopathy, schizoid psychopathy, hysterical psychopathy, asthenic psychopathy. Treatment of psychopathy: new methods or folk remedies.

A psychopath is always a psychopath. Not only he himself suffers from his abnormal character traits, but also the people around him. Well, if a person with a personality disorder sits side by side with you at work, he can change jobs, and you can go for a promotion. And if you, in the heat of love, have connected your life with a psychopathic man, then you will either have to choke on grief, or you will learn to adapt, perceive your husband as he is, always anticipate “sharp corners” and skillfully bypass them.

Anyway it's better to take it off pink glasses and see future prospects, so that later you do not repent all your life. How does psychopathy manifest itself in men, what signs help to recognize them in time, and what awaits you in family life- that's what you will learn from the article.

It occurs not only in women, but also in men. The hysteroid man is trying his best to draw attention to his person. He likes to dress beautifully, carefully monitors his appearance, in his youth he participates in performances of school or student theater circles, KVN clubs, sings, if his voice data allows, dances. He is characterized by demonstrativeness, theatricality of gestures, he strives to please women (and not only his wife) so that they admire him.

If you decide to associate life with such a man, then you should be ready to sing praises to your husband all the time, admire his deeds and achievements. But your applause alone will not be enough for him, he will seek admiration in other people's eyes, and this will need to come to terms. It is unlikely that it will be possible to find a compromise on serious issues, the hysteroid will resort to blackmail, may threaten to commit suicide, or even begin defiantly preparing for suicidal attempts.

Schizoid husband

Men who suffer always have difficulties in communicating with other people. They are not interested in the opinions of others, they are distinguished by emotional coldness, quite often they do not even know what to talk about with women. Such men and friends, in most cases, do not have, at most, one. But we, women, are an amorous people, and some of these “eccentrics” manage to find the only one who agrees to share joys and hardships with them.

A schizoid husband is unlikely to cheat on his wife, carnal pleasures are not so significant for him, and it is not so easy to establish contact with women of this type of people. There will be no gatherings with friends, fishing, hunting, sauna or just beer. But there will be hobbies of a lifetime - collecting, reading books, sports or something else.

It seems that not everything is so bad at first glance, but if you are hoping for help with the housework, support for your husband, sympathy, empathy, or just general leisure, then here you will find a fiasco. The schizoid is used to living in his own world, he is not able to understand the emotions of other people, communication with others is painful for him. To live with a schizoid is to exist in two parallel worlds, but not to divide everything in half.

Paranoid Husband

A paranoid man is distinguished by increased conflict, extreme egoism, violent activity to defend his own interests. If something is of interest, then it is extremely important (in his opinion), and if someone does not agree with him, then this person becomes worst enemy.

Living with a paranoid man is very difficult. It is necessary to constantly “stroke his wool”, his whole life must be put on the altar of his super-valuable ideas. In your environment there will always be many "enemies" with whom your husband will forbid you to communicate. It can be your mother (for him - mother-in-law), your sister or someone else from relatives. You will have to raise a child only as your husband thinks (wake up at 5 in the morning, take you to the sports section, to music, forbid you to communicate with friends - whatever). Also, keep in mind that paranoid men are quite jealous, they will constantly look for your "lovers".

Many women do not withstand all the difficulties of living together with a paranoid and get divorced. But their hardships do not end there, because from now on ex-wife becomes the worst enemy. Such a man will direct all his energy, all his strength to revenge. He can deprive his wife of work, apartments, the opportunity to see children.

Asthenic husband

Asthenic psychopathy is otherwise called. Indecision, diligence, lack of initiative, self-sacrifice - these features distinguish the asthenic. Increased diligence is combined with low efficiency. Such people try their best to avoid both mental and physical stress. Asthenic men always fall into dependence on women (wives, mothers), and the latter have to take all the burden of making decisions for such a man on themselves.

To be honest, the asthenic does not need a wife so much as a mother who will take care of him, take care of him, make decisions for him. In turn, such a man can give a woman love, mutual understanding, he will practically idealize his wife, follow all her instructions.

Asthenics are exemplary family men; trips to the “left” are not characteristic of them. If you're looking for a man who "gets under the heel and doesn't stick out," then a man with addictive personality disorder is the perfect choice. True, such a husband will never become the real head of the family.

Sociopath Husband

Sociopaths are people who suffer. Such people are immoral, they are not used to limiting themselves in any way, to follow social norms. Stubbornness, deceit, restlessness, impulsiveness distinguish such men. Frequent conflicts, fights, thrill seeking, adventures, acts of violence - all this can be expected from a sociopath. And also gambling, drugs, alcohol abuse. Often such people end up in the dock.

But girls are always attracted to “bad” men, so a sociopath is unlikely to be left alone. Will it change over time? Will he become a law-abiding citizen, an exemplary family man, a loving father? Hardly. So if you don’t want to worry about your husband every day “what else will he do?”, wait for him from places not so remote for years, fight the influence of bad friends, alcohol or drug abuse, then run away from him as far as possible, because in There are still many good men in the world.

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Psychopathy is a personality disorder, translated as “suffering soul”, “suffering of the soul” or “disease of the soul”. The typical idea of ​​psychopaths as people without conscience, responsibility, not prone to empathy - refers to only one type of psychopathy.

A psychopathic personality is a person who has a personality disorder.. There are about a dozen of these disorders. What is psychopathy, and who can be called a psychopath?

History and manifestations

Behavior that deviates significantly from the norm was described by the ancient Greeks. Theofast identified 29 types of character. Everywhere there were descriptions of people who, in their warehouse, were very different from the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "norm".

Koch in 1891 speaks of psychopathic inferiority - a congenital disorder that causes a permanent change in behavior without any intellectual deviations. It was Koch who first introduced the term "psychopath".

At the beginning of the 20th century, in psychology, almost all people who deviate from the norm were classified as psychopaths. Weak-willed and insecure, depressed, aggressive, prone to manipulation, etc. got there. Later, the entire spectrum of psychopathic deviations was recorded as personality disorders.

Personality disorders are defined by behavior that deviates from the social norm. People with this diagnosis may experience difficulties in the cognitive, emotional sphere, establishing contacts, and controlling behavior. in 1933 he publishes the book Manifestations of Psychopathies, in which he gives a detailed typology of psychopathy or, in Western style, personality disorders.

For a specific diagnosis, it is necessary to establish characterological traits of behavior. A general personality disorder is diagnosed according to the following criteria:

  • Disharmony of reactions and behavior (excessive emotionality, excitability, etc.).
  • Abnormal behavior is observed not only during an exacerbation of mental illness or in stressful circumstances.
  • Abnormal patterns of behavior inherent in a person appear in all spheres of his life.
  • Deviations in behavior were observed already in childhood or adolescence.
  • Disorder of behavior leads to a drop in the quality of life.


The psychopathic syndrome can manifest itself both in aggressive behavior, impulsiveness, insensitivity, and in extreme passivity, irresponsibility, dependence. It is not known in connection with what exactly the reasons for the formation of a psychopathic type of personality.

Child abuse, child neglect, emotional withdrawal, denial of inner life, child experiences, physical/emotional or sexual abuse are all common in the past of people diagnosed with a personality disorder.

For example, in a study of 793 families, children who were yelled at, threatened to leave, or said they were not loved were three times more likely to have paranoid personality disorder in adulthood. The relationship between assault and the development of antisocial and impulsive behavior was revealed.

Three types of psychopathy can be distinguished for the following reasons:

  • Constitutional psychopathy (genetic factors).
  • Organic psychopathy (early cerebro-organic insufficiency).
  • Regional psychopathy (unfavorable conditions for development).

What are people like

Each of the psychopathies below corresponds to a personality disorder from the International Classification of Diseases. The types of psychopathy are described based on the materials of Voropaeva's book "Fundamentals of the General", they were based on the classification of Gannushkin's psychopathy.

1. Asthenic. In ICD-10 - F60.7 - Dependent Personality Disorder. This type of psychopathy is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Passive behavior, waiting for decisions on all life issues from other people.
  • Fear of loneliness.
  • The feeling of not being able to solve the problem on their own.
  • Passive behavior, complete submission to other people's desires.
  • Unwillingness to take responsibility for anything.

Asthenic psychopathy, as a rule, is associated with the inability to endure stress, both emotional and intellectual. Asthenics often feel tired and powerless, although there is no reason for this.

2. Anxious and suspicious type. According to ICD-10 - F60.6 - Anxiety disorder. Main features:

  • Discomfort from anticipation of troubles.
  • Pessimism.
  • Constant worry.
  • Feelings of inferiority.
  • The desire to be nice to other people.
  • Overreacting to rejection, criticism.

People of this type are closed until they know a person well, they are afraid of condemnation and criticism. Because of this, they have a rather narrow circle of attachments. They prefer to limit their lives to a sense of security.

3. Psychasthenic. According to ICD-10 - F60.5 - anancaste disorder. Psychasthenic psychopathy is associated with the following traits:

  • Lack of self-esteem.
  • Closeness.
  • Excessive attention to detail.
  • Waywardness.
  • Uncompromising.
  • Caution.
  • Persistent thoughts and actions.

Psychasthenics are distinguished by excessive indecision, fears, constant doubts, a desire for support in everything, it is difficult for them to start something, they are afraid of it. They anticipate failures for any reason, they want to foresee everything, to subordinate others to their own rules, they are very scrupulous. Impatient and peremptory when the decision is nevertheless made.

4. Schizoid. According to ICD-10 - F60.1 - schizoid disorder. It is characterized by the following features:

  • Weak attachments.
  • Rare contacts, emotional coldness.
  • A penchant for fantasy.
  • Limited expression of feelings.

Schizoid psychopathy, as a rule, is associated with difficulties in understanding the norms, rules of society and other people, in connection with this, schizoids often commit eccentric acts. They live in their own world, separated from others, even closed.

They have unusual interests, are passionate about them, so they often achieve success in areas related to their special interests. Outwardly cold, but inside they are raging passions.

5. Unstable. According to ICD-10 - F60.2 - dissocial or psychopathic disorder. Characteristic features are:

  • Absence .
  • Ignoring social rules.
  • Corrective action often has no effect.
  • Acute reaction to failure.
  • Easily irritated.

Unstable psychopathy manifests itself primarily in disregard for the desires and opinions of other people, breaking the rules is their strong point. It is difficult to endure the inability to satisfy their desire, they are easily irritated. The feeling of guilt is either blunted or absent altogether, blamed for the troubles of others. They do not like duties, they are looking for entertainment everywhere.

This is the type of classic psychopaths. Psychopaths make up about 1% of the population, but in prisons they make up 15 to 35%. Each of us can exhibit traits characteristic of a psychopath from time to time. On average, a criminal has 5 times more pronounced psychopathic traits than a person who has not committed crimes.

6. Hysterical. According to ICD-10 - F60.4 - hysterical disorder. Hysterical psychopathy is characterized by the following features:

  • Dramatization.
  • Demonstration of strong emotions.
  • Excitability.
  • Suggestibility.
  • Indulging your desires.
  • Greed for attention, desire for admiration.

Hysterical or hysterical psychopathy, as a rule, is associated with a high level of claims. Particular sensitivity is manifested when the hysterical type is infringed. In general, hysterical personalities rarely care about others, seek to be the center of attention, are very pretentious and prone to manipulative behavior.

7. Explosive and epileptoid psychopathy. Another name is excitable psychopathy. According to ICD-10 - F60.3 - an emotionally unstable disorder.

  • Impulsiveness.
  • Unpredictability and capriciousness.
  • Weak control.
  • Quarrelsomeness and conflict.

Explosive psychopaths are very easily irritated, provoke conflicts around people, while not paying attention to the circumstances. They keep relatives in fear, they can use physical force. Easy to concentrate, but not for long.

In epileptoids, self-harm is often observed, which brings pleasure. Pedantry, excessive accuracy and compulsion can lead to cruelty towards others if they deviate from the rules of the epileptoid. Epileptoids are distinguished by sweetness, flattery, dominance.

8. Paranoid. According to ICD-10 - F60.0 - paranoid disorder. Character traits:

  • Overly sensitive to failure.
  • Resentful.
  • Interpreting the actions of others in a negative, hostile way.
  • Heightened self-esteem.

Paranoid psychopathy leads a person to confidence in his significance, in his superiority. What he is doing or what he has done before seems to him especially important and should be so in the eyes of others. When they are not recognized, people of the paranoid type begin to see the surrounding enemies and try to take revenge.

9. Mosaic (or undifferentiated). Mosaic psychopathy is characterized by manifestations of various features from the disorders already described. The diagnosis is made when it becomes difficult to identify the leading features.


Psychopathies, as well as, in fact, are characterized by a greater severity of some personality traits compared to others. Although accentuations are very similar to the types of psychopathy, according to Gannushkin, psychopathy has mandatory features that are absent from accentuations:

  • Totality.
  • Stability.
  • Social maladjustment.

According to experts, the prevalence of personality disorders ranges from 6 to 10%. It makes no sense to talk about a personality disorder in general, since deviations from the “norm” are in the majority, another thing is the severity of the symptoms.

The most severe symptoms are typical for 1.3% of the population. Psychopathy in women and men is represented unevenly. The proportion of men among those suffering from one or another personality disorder is higher almost everywhere, except for hysterical, borderline and dependent disorders.

Psychopathy in children is not diagnosed due to the fact that many of the behaviors characteristic of personality disorders are normal for a certain age. On the other hand, problematic behavior often leads to the formation of a disorder in the future.

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More than once I heard such a statement from men that all women are psychopaths. Personally, I don't agree with this. Therefore, I want to dwell on exactly how psychopathy manifests itself in women from the point of view of psychiatry, what types are found.

Men and women are beings from different planets. That is why we feel so good together, we are attracted to each other, although we behave in completely different ways. Unfortunately, diseases, various anomalies are not alien to any of us. And one of these borderline mental disorders is psychopathy.

Psychopathy or personality disorder is a persistent anomaly of character due to which it is incredibly difficult for a person to live, he cannot adapt in society, does not allow himself or others to live.

Psychopathy is not a disease. This is a set of character traits, a view of oneself and the world. If the disease somehow develops over time, undergoes different phases, can subside, worsen, or even completely disappear, then a personality disorder accompanies a person throughout his life, without changing dramatically.

Personality disorder - pointed character traits that, like the thorns of a hedgehog, do not allow anyone to get close to such a person. Only they do not protect him, but on the contrary, prevent him from leading a normal life, from feeling like a full-fledged member of society.

Psychopathy is as common in women as it is in men. So not only women are psychopaths, but also men ...

Psychopathies (like girls) are different: black, white, red. This is, of course, a joke. In fact, the following types of psychopathy in women are distinguished: schizoid, hysterical, excitable, paranoid, unstable, asthenic, psychasthenic.

Manifestations of the main types of psychopathy in women

Let's take a closer look at how each individual psychopathy manifests itself in women.

paranoid woman

Women suffering from paranoid psychopathy are distinguished by pronounced egoism, emotionality and willfulness. They have a specific goal, and they go to it "over the corpses."

Paranoids are incredibly vindictive and quarrelsome in a team, and it’s not easy with them in a family. If such a woman considers some man her enemy, then one can only sympathize with him. Every means will be used to get revenge on him.

Paranoid people tend to form overvalued ideas. Some topic becomes the center of the whole life of such a woman, and she tries with all her might to defend it, to achieve something in the chosen direction. All people are divided into 2 categories: like-minded people and enemies. As you understand, it is better not to fall into the category of the latter.

It's good when such a person is a fighter for the "right" idea. She can move mountains, achieve reforms, but if you direct this energy in a destructive direction ... Oh-oh-oh, what happens.

A man living with a paranoid woman suffers from manifestations of her jealousy. destructive power the representatives of the fair sex, enlisted by such a woman in the category of "mistresses", even without being such, can also feel the character. In general, few men can endure all the "charms" of life with such a woman.


These women are born actresses. They, like paranoids, are guided only by emotions, but not by common sense. All their actions, statements are aimed at attracting the attention of others, arouse their approval, admiration.

Tantrums are similar to children: they are capricious, defenseless, but at the same time they try to manipulate others, for this purpose they can even make suicidal attempts.

If you love a vibrant life, performances every day, are ready to participate in them and admire your betrothed - then you have nothing to be afraid of living together with such a special person. You will only dream of peace. Otherwise, run away from her as far as possible or admire from a distance.

Schizoid psychopathy in women

A schizoid woman is distinguished by excessive immersion in her own world. She is cold, indifferent, withdrawn.

She is not interested in other people's problems, which is not typical for most of the fair sex, she prefers not to share her inner feelings even with the closest people.

Such women are very peculiar, because they have weakly expressed purely feminine features - curiosity, craving for communication, the ability to empathize. But it seems to me that this is still better than hysterical fits or attacks of jealousy.

Psychasthenic woman

Psychasthenics are indecisive, they constantly delve into themselves, and therefore their lot is a lot of complexes. Women who are peculiar are very sensitive to other people's criticism, because they themselves are already "taken apart" by the bones, finding thousands of flaws.

A psychasthenic is a godsend in any team. You can hang a lot of work on her, she will not argue with management and colleagues, but will linger in the evenings, take work home. But the family will suffer from it.

Manifestations of asthenic psychopathy in women

Asthenic psychopathy is also called dependent personality disorder, because such people are very devoted to the family, the team.

Among the negative features of asthenic psychopathy, it is impossible not to note low performance. Such women are not suitable for any work, they quickly get tired, intolerant to physical exertion. In addition, they are very sensitive to criticism, do not have their own opinion.

It is extremely difficult for an asthenic woman to be alone, work, decide life problems. But having married, especially for a worthy man, she can socially adapt quite normally. A man who has such a wife will always feel like a leader, breadwinner, support in the family. The wife will look at him with admiration, unquestioningly follow his wishes. Maybe every man secretly dreams of such a woman?

Excitable psychopathy in women

Women suffering from excitable psychopathy are prone to frequent mood swings, outbursts of rage that occur with or without reason. They are unyielding, conflicts.

Fortunately, borderline variants of excitable psychopathy are quite common. Although such women are overly emotional, they adapt quite well in society, find work, and arrange their personal lives.

Unstable psychopathy

Unstable psychopathy is distinguished by the desire to receive pleasure. This psychopathy among women is 3 times less common than among men.

Such women are not born for family and children. They are impulsive, live for today, do not think about the consequences, are prone to scams.

Spending a couple of evenings in the company of such a representative of the weaker sex is an interesting entertainment for a man, but tying the knot is walking on a razor's edge for the rest of your life.

Well, now you know how different types of psychopathy manifest themselves in a woman. And then we will consider all the other representatives of the fair sex as normal, okay?

Psychopathy has differences that do not allow it to be confused with mental illness. Most likely, this is an antisocial personality disorder, which creates significant obstacles for a person's adaptation in society. Such anomalies of character, which are congenital in a person, are finally fixed in adolescence, in the future it seems impossible to make fundamental changes, although a certain adjustment is permissible. The peculiarity is that the signs of psychopathy in men are detected more often than in the opposite sex.

Also, most psychopaths are not the official criminals that some people think they are. On the contrary, sometimes they hold responsible leadership positions, are successful businessmen, or they are considered excellent specialists in a certain field of activity. Male psychopaths often have high intelligence, know how to make money, and besides, they are distinguished by good manners, which creates normality. The problem with psychopaths is that there are no higher moral feelings in the structure of their personality. Such as shame, compassion, conscience. They do not feel sympathy, affection, for psychopaths there is no concept of honesty, remorse.

Symptoms of psychopathy in men

How do male psychopaths behave, and what are the signs of psychopathy in men? All of the above, and many other feelings, they simply portray, but in reality they do not experience. That is, such individuals may well be called pretenders and hypocrites. They can very successfully study psychology, only to manipulate others for their own purposes. Given such immorality, emotional chaos is constantly present in the personal life of psychopaths. They cause suffering and anxiety to their close people, as well as to colleagues at work.

More often than others, women who have entered into personal relationships with psychopaths who have managed to socially adapt suffer. Usually relationships with such men entail severe psychological trauma. The basis of such injuries is the abuse of women's trust. Among them are the humiliation of a woman as a person, countless betrayals. In addition, among male psychopaths there are indeed quite a few individuals who have problems with the law. Having entered into a relationship with such a man, a woman risks being subjected to sexual and physical violence. Usually, victims do not realize that they are dealing with a psychopath.

Psychopathy treatment

Often the situation develops in such a way that the psychopath is sent for treatment by a court decision. Because, basically, male psychopaths do not consider their behavior immoral or illegal, and even more so, they are sure that they are absolutely mentally healthy people. With signs of psychopathy in men, adequate therapy is required, but the main problem is that there is no specific treatment aimed directly at ridding the patient of psychopathy. Only symptomatic treatment can be carried out here, when concomitant diseases that greatly complicate psychopathy are eliminated.

Basically, such men require psychotherapeutic sessions. Group psychotherapy has a good effect, which makes communication skills with others more perfect. Through the use of behavioral therapy, the patient's thinking problems are identified, and in the future it is possible to stimulate that line of behavior that is positive. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe drugs that reduce irritability and aggressiveness, usually small doses of antipsychotics.

Psychology of communication