Metropolitan Arseniy, son of Patriarch Alexei. Metropolitan Arseny of Istra, biography

Vladyka Epifanov's puppet illness. The struggle for the patriarchal legacy is in full swing.

Sergey Bychkov

As soon as it became known that His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia was seriously ill, squabbles began in the church environment. The dream of a patriarchal puppet (colloquially - a puppet disease) seized many. The struggle for the patriarchal throne reached particular tension in Chisty Lane, where the residence of the patriarch is located. The patriarch's vicar, Archbishop of Istra Arseniy (Epifanov), who, during the days of the patriarch's illness, was lovingly called "patriarch" by his relatives, is also accommodated there. Chisty is also the residence of a permanent member of the Holy Synod, the manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Sergius.

On December 25, the next meeting of the Holy Synod will take place. Our sources claim that it will decide not only the issue of filling two vacant episcopal sees - Tambov and Nizhny Novgorod. They say that a serious struggle has already unfolded around the post of managing director of the Moscow Patriarchate. This seems to be true, since this place is a key one in the Russian Church. Therefore, 6 years ago, the Patriarch appointed Metropolitan Sergius (Fomin) of Solnechnogorsk there. Metropolitan Sergius is known as an experienced church leader who knows how to get along with his brothers and with representatives of the authorities. During the years of Russia's democratic existence, he has not stained himself with participation in any of the many scandals. But, from the point of view of many church leaders, he has a serious drawback - he is a serious and consistent opponent of the church "gay", whose influence in the Russian Church today is stronger than ever.

Among the permanent members of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan Sergius is opposed by the "tobacco" Metropolitan Kirill (Gundyaev), head of the Department for External Church Relations, and his older friend and mentor, Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Yuvenaly (Poyarkov). Vladyka Poyarkov, who passionately dreamed of a patriarchal puppet, after a crushing failure in the election of a patriarch in 1990, resigned himself to the fact that he would no longer become a patriarch. But he sees his younger friend, Vladyka Gundyaev, as the patriarch. Although the chances of Vladyka Gundyaev after the terrible scandal at the 7th World Russian Council became miserable. Neither representatives of the Presidential Administration nor the government came there. Moreover, the patriarch also avoided participation. Gundyaev pinned all his hopes on Zhirinovsky. And he did not disappoint - from a high podium in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, he accused the Orthodox clergy of collaborating with the KGB! The cathedral was so agitated that whistling and shouting: "Judas!" The chairman of the cathedral was confused and failed to master the situation.

Therefore, today "tobacco" is forced to reckon with the church scientific center "Orthodox Encyclopedia". It was created by Archbishop Arseniy, who until recently opposed both Metropolitan Sergius and the Gundyaev-Poyarkov tandem. Our informants in the DECR are convinced that relatively recently a compromise was reached between "tobacco" and Bishop Epifanov. They united against Metropolitan Sergius. Gundyaev promised support to Vladyka Arseniy in his struggle for the position of manager of affairs.

It was decided to send Metropolitan Sergius either to Tambov or to Nizhny Novgorod. In this castling, Epifanov dreams of taking the place of the business manager. This will be the last step, in his opinion, before taking a decisive step towards to the patriarchal throne. What is Archbishop Arseniy and his entourage like? It must be admitted that in recent years he has done a lot and has assembled a powerful team.
This autumn, the St. Tikhon Theological Institute, created to strengthen and deepen theological education in Moscow at Moscow State University, celebrated its 10th anniversary. It is completely under the control of Vladyka Epifanov. The rector, priest Vladimir Vorobyov, is not even a candidate of theology, but he is immensely devoted to Bishop Arseny. St. Tikhon Institute, church science Center The Orthodox Encyclopedia, as well as the Center for the Study of Religions of the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (headed by Olga Vasilyeva), work closely with Bishop Epifanov. In the Central Scientific Center, the formal head is a certain Sergey Kravets. Once a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, who joined the circle of Alexei Losev in the late 80s. A sort of strange hybrid of Orthodoxy and Marxism. However, having discovered remarkable business acumen, in the early 90s he headed the publishing house of the Valaam Monastery. Until now, he is remembered in the devastated monastery with sadness. Then he managed to get as close as possible to Archbishop Arseny (Epifanov), under whom all 410 Moscow parishes languish.
They were united not only by the "Orthodox Encyclopedia", but also by several common hobbies. Vladyka Epifanov is famous in narrow circles as a passionate collector. The first passion is collecting banknotes. Knowledgeable people say that he, of course, is far from Vladyka Gundyaev, but in terms of the number and variety of banknotes, he is clearly in second place after "tobacco". Once a month, abbots of Moscow churches with plastic bags in their hands go to Chisty Lane. Knowing the lord's passion, they bring him banknotes... The lord's second passion is languid and vicious young men. They say that he has perhaps the richest collection in the Russian Church. And, finally, Bishop Epifanov's last passion is collecting compromising material on his brothers and writing denunciations. Here he, without a doubt, excels. Kravets actively helps by multiplying his collections. They say that sometimes he even corrects denunciations. "Orthodox Encyclopedia" thanks to his indefatigable energy has become a giant "laundry". They manage to sell the same editions of the encyclopedia 5 or even 6 times. In a word, Kravets and Bishop Epifanov are now "encyclopedists".

To understand the "encyclopedists" and their experts, it is worth thinking about the personalities of those who advise them, preparing new canonizations. For example, Grigory Rasputin. The St. Petersburg historian Sergei Firsov shows amazing flexibility, describing the phenomenon of the Tsar's Friend in a thick folio and preparing his canonization: "The problem of Rasputin is the problem of the personification of the ideal, the perception of the" living symbol ". It is known that Rasputin was the closest friend and spiritual mentor of the imperial family. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna called him in letters to her husband nothing more than a Friend. And with a capital letter. Both Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna are now saints. The experts of the Central Scientific Center believe that there is a third missing - Rasputin ...

Our sources in the DECR remind that Vladyka Epifanov, the acknowledged leader of the Orthodox “gay”, has already done a lot for the upcoming personnel revolution at the next meeting of the Synod. Bishop Nikon (Mironov) fired from the Ekaterinburg cathedra several years ago with a scandal and sent to repentance in the Pskov-Pechora Monastery, appeared in Moscow in August and became rector of the church in Veshnyaki. On December 25, he will again be appointed to the episcopal see. One of the most odious "gay" bishops, also retired, Savva Krasnogorsky, who headed the department for interaction with the security forces, will receive a new chair. Thanks to the intercession of Bishop Arseny, he also received a rich parish in Moscow.

It seems that all places are distributed. And yet, we are not inclined to literally believe in everything our friends from the DECR. His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, despite his illness, is still full of strength and confidently leads the church ship. An experienced church politician, he is known for his system of checks and balances. He relies on healthy forces in the Church, fully understanding the danger of a powerful "blue lobby". Metropolitan of Voronezh and Lipetsk Methodius for last years significantly pressed the position of "tobacco" in the capital. The Makarievsky Foundation headed by him relies on healthy forces in historical science and is unlikely to allow the canonization of Grigory Rasputin or Ivan the Terrible. In recent years, the patriarch has entrusted him with the solution of many important church problems. Its influence is completely ignored by the DECR analysts. The removal of Metropolitan Sergius from Moscow is unlikely to make things easier for Bishop Epifanov or his allies, Poyarkov-Gundyaev. Most likely, presiding at the next meeting of the Holy Synod, the patriarch will again separate the opposing sides to their corners. He is well aware of Vladyka Epifanov's puppet claims. It may turn out that, like a good host, the patriarch at the Synod will sweep out the spider webs of the "allies". And the "patriarch", although he does not get rid of the puppet disease, will remain the scandalous leader of the Orthodox "blue" lobby.

"Moscow's comsomolets" December 24,

Date of Birth: March 3, 1955 Country: Russia Biography:

In 1976-1979 studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, then - at, from which he graduated in 1983.

In 1983-1989 was an assistant and personal secretary, later the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

On August 28, 1984 he was ordained to the rank of deacon, on August 28, 1986 - to the rank of priest, since 1988 he served in the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

On September 30, 1989, he was tonsured a monk; on October 5, at the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, he was consecrated Bishop of Ladoga.

Participated in the work of commissions for the examination of the returned to the Church and newly acquired holy relics: St. blgv. book. Alexander Nevsky (1988), Rev. Zosima, Savvaty and Herman of Solovetsky (1990), St. Seraphim of Sarov (1991), St. Joasaph of Belgorod (1991), St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1991), blzh. Matrons (1998).

In 1994-1997 He was the chairman of the Scientific and Editorial Council for the publication of the "History of the Russian Church" by Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov).

Since 1998, from the day of its foundation, he has been the head of the Scientific and Editorial Board for the publication.

order His Holiness Patriarch Kirill dated April 1, 2009 as the first vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia for the city of Moscow.

In December 2010, parish churches on the territory of the Central and Southern administrative districts of Moscow.

By order of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill dated December 31, 2011, the administrator of the Central Vicariate within the boundaries of the Central Administrative District of Moscow and the Southern Vicariate within the boundaries of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.

February 1, 2014 at the Divine Liturgy in Moscow by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill to the rank of Metropolitan.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 24, 2015 () is included in the Russian Orthodox Church.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 9, 2019 () he was appointed His Grace of Lipetsk and Zadonsk, head, with the release from his post.

Today, November 24, 2018, Metropolitan Arseniy of Istra, the first vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, performed all-night vigil in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The service was held in the aisle of the temple, consecrated in honor of St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria. Vladyka was assisted by the rector and the clergy of the Parish.

November 25 Orthodox Christians commemorate St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria

Apse street icon of St. John the Merciful, mounted on the wall of the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on Vagankovo


The future saint was born on the island of Cyprus, in the city of Amaphunte (today's Limassol) into the family of the nobleman Epiphanius. “From his youth he was brought up in piety and the fear of God, which was for him the beginning of wisdom” [from the life of the saint according to St. Demetrius of Rostov].

When John lost his children and wife, he became a strict ascetic and man of prayer. His spiritual exploits gained him fame, and when the patriarchal see in Alexandria was widowed, the emperor Heraclius, all the clergy and people begged John to take the patriarchal throne.

Patriarch John of Alexandria considered charity and good deeds to all those in need to be his main business. He “completely devoted himself to the zealous fulfillment of the commandments of God and the works of doing good. Not a single needy left him sad and empty-handed; John distributed alms to all those who asked, comforted everyone in sorrows, not only in word, but also in deed; he fed the hungry, clothed the naked, redeemed the captives, and took care of the pilgrims and the sick. His generosity was like a river, constantly and abundantly flowing and drinking all those who are thirsty” [from the life of the saint according to St. Demetrius of Rostov].

The saint never refused those who asked. One day, on the way to the hospital, he met a beggar and ordered him to give him 6 pieces of silver. The beggar, having changed his clothes, overtook the patriarch and again began to beg. John again gave him 6 pieces of silver. When the beggar begged for alms for the third time and the servants began to persecute the annoying petitioner, the patriarch ordered to give him 12 pieces of silver, saying: “Is it not Christ who tempts me?”

Twice the saint gave money to a shipwrecked merchant, and on the third time he gave him a ship filled with wheat, which belonged to the Patriarchate, on which the merchant made a safe journey and repaid his debt.

Saint John the Merciful was known for his meek attitude towards people. Once he was forced to excommunicate a clergyman from the Church for some fault. The offender became angry with the patriarch. The saint wanted to call him for a conversation and forgot about it. At the time of making Divine Liturgy the saint remembered the words of the Gospel: when you bring your gift to the altar and remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift and first make peace with your brother (Matthew 5:23-24). The saint came out of the altar, called the guilty cleric to him, and, falling on his knees before him, publicly asked for forgiveness. The shocked cleric repented of his deed and subsequently became a pious priest.

St. John, a strict ascetic and prayer book, always had the memory of death in his soul. He ordered a coffin for himself, but did not order the masters to finish it to the end, indicating every holiday to come to him and ask if it was time to complete the work.

Shortly before his death, Saint John was forced by illness to leave his chair and retire to the island of Cyprus. During the journey on the ship, the sick saint received a sign: in a dreamy vision, a radiant husband appeared to him and said: “The King of kings is calling you to Himself.” This vision foreshadowed the imminent death of the patriarch. Arriving in Cyprus, in his native city of Amafunt, the saint with the world departed to the Lord [according to different versions, between 616-620].

Bishop of Ladoga,
vicar of the Leningrad diocese
October 5, 1989 - July 20, 1990 Predecessor: Mark (Shavykin) Name at birth: Yuri Alexandrovich Epifanov Birth: March, 3rd(1955-03-03 ) (64 years old)
Vostryakovo village, Moscow region Taking holy orders: August 28, 1984 Acceptance of monasticism: September 30, 1989 Episcopal consecration: October 5, 1989 Awards:

Metropolitan Arseniy(in the world Yuri Alexandrovich Epifanov; March 3, Vostryakovo village, Domodedovsky district, Moscow region) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, since July 20, 1990, Bishop of Istra (in 1997 he was elevated to the rank of archbishop, 01.02.2014 was elevated to the rank of metropolitan), the first (from April 1, 2009 ) Vicar of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.


Born in 1955 in the village of Vostryakovo, Moscow Region.

After graduating from high school, he worked as an operator at the post office at the Kazansky railway station in Moscow, in 1973-1975. did military service in armed forces USSR.


By a resolution of the Holy Synod of September 13, 1989, he was appointed to be (by episcopal consecration) Bishop of Ladoga, Vicar of the Leningrad Diocese.

On September 30 of the same year, he took monastic tonsure with the name Arseny - in honor of the Monk Arseny of Konevsky and was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

On October 5, 1989, in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, he was consecrated as a bishop; the consecration was headed by Metropolitan Alexy (Ridiger), co-served by Archbishop Nikolai (Kutepov) of Gorky and Arzamas, Archbishop Nikon (Fomichev), Bishop Eusebius (Savvin) of Alma-Ata and Kazakhstan, Bishop Evgeny (Zhdan) of Tambov and Michurinsk, Bishop Proclus of Ulyanovsk and Melekessky ( Khazov), Bishop of Tashkent and Central Asia Leo (Tserpitsky).

On July 20, 1990, at the first meeting of the Holy Synod chaired by the newly elected Patriarch Alexy II, he was appointed Bishop of Istra, Vicar of the Moscow Diocese.

February 18, 1997 on the first day Bishops' Council Russian Orthodox Church On February 18-23, 1997 he was elected to the secretariat of the Council.

On February 25, 1997, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop.

On April 1, 2009, by order of Patriarch Kirill, he was approved as the first vicar of the Moscow diocese for the city of Moscow.

In pursuance of the decision of the Holy Synod of December 27, 2011, by order of the Patriarch of December 31, 2011, he was instructed to minister to parish churches on the territory of the Central (Central, Sretensky, Bogoyavlensky, Pokrovskoye, Moskvoretsky deanery) and Southern (Danilov deanery) administrative districts of Moscow; was included in the composition of the Diocesan Council ex officio.

On December 24, 2015, by decision of the Holy Synod, he was included in the Supreme Church Council.

Official duties and activities

Metropolitan Arseniy oversees the parishes, clergy and parish councils of Moscow. Participated in the work of commissions for the examination of the returned to the Church and newly acquired holy relics: the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky (1988); Rev. Zosima, Savvaty and Herman of Solovetsky (1990); Reverend Seraphim of Sarov (1991); St. Joasaph of Belgorod (1991); St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1992); Blessed Matrona Nikonova (1998).

In 1994-1997, he was the chairman of the Scientific and Editorial Council for the publication of Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov)'s History of the Russian Church.

Since 1998, since the day of its foundation, he has been the head of the Scientific and Editorial Council for the publication of the Orthodox Encyclopedia.




  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree

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An excerpt characterizing Arseny (Epifanov)

“I don’t understand one thing,” the old man continued, “who will plow the land, if they are given freedom? It is easy to write laws, but difficult to manage. It's all the same as it is now, I ask you, count, who will be the head of the chambers, when will everyone have their exams?
“Those who will pass the exams, I think,” answered Kochubey, crossing his legs and looking around.
- Here Pryanichnikov serves me, a nice man, a gold man, and he is 60 years old, will he go to exams? ...
“Yes, it’s difficult, because education is very little widespread, but ...” Count Kochubey did not finish, he got up and, taking Prince Andrei by the hand, went towards the incoming tall, bald, blond man, about forty, with a large open forehead and an extraordinary, strange whiteness of an oblong face. The newcomer was wearing a blue tailcoat, a cross around his neck and a star on the left side of his chest. It was Speransky. Prince Andrei immediately recognized him and something trembled in his soul, as happens at important moments in life. Whether it was respect, envy, expectation, he did not know. The whole figure of Speransky had a special type, by which one could now recognize him. In no one of the society in which Prince Andrei lived did he see this calmness and self-confidence of awkward and stupid movements, in no one did he see such a firm and at the same time soft look of half-closed and somewhat moist eyes, he did not see such a firmness of an insignificant smile , such a thin, even, quiet voice, and, most importantly, such a delicate whiteness of the face and especially the hands, somewhat wide, but unusually plump, tender and white. Prince Andrei saw such whiteness and tenderness of the face only among soldiers who had been in the hospital for a long time. It was Speransky, the state secretary, the speaker of the sovereign and his companion in Erfurt, where he met and spoke with Napoleon more than once.
Speransky did not shift his eyes from one face to another, as one involuntarily does when entering a large society, and was in no hurry to speak. He spoke quietly, with the assurance that they would listen to him, and looked only at the face with which he spoke.
Prince Andrey followed Speransky's every word and movement with particular attention. As happens with people, especially with those who strictly judge their neighbors, Prince Andrei, meeting a new person, especially one like Speransky, whom he knew by reputation, always expected to find in him the complete perfection of human virtues.
Speransky told Kochubey that he was sorry that he could not come earlier because he was detained at the palace. He did not say that the sovereign had detained him. And this affectation of modesty was noticed by Prince Andrei. When Kochubey called Prince Andrei to him, Speransky slowly turned his eyes to Bolkonsky with the same smile and silently began to look at him.
“I am very glad to meet you, I have heard about you, like everyone else,” he said.
Kochubey said a few words about the reception given to Bolkonsky by Arakcheev. Speransky smiled more.
“My good friend, Mr. Magnitsky, is the director of the commission of military regulations,” he said, finishing every syllable and every word, “and if you wish, I can put you in touch with him. (He paused at the point.) I hope you find in him sympathy and a desire to promote all that is reasonable.
A circle immediately formed around Speransky, and the old man who had been talking about his official, Pryanichnikov, also turned to Speransky with a question.
Prince Andrei, without entering into a conversation, observed all the movements of Speransky, this man, recently an insignificant seminarian and now in his hands, these white, plump hands, who had the fate of Russia, as Bolkonsky thought. Prince Andrei was struck by the extraordinary, contemptuous calmness with which Speransky answered the old man. He seemed to be addressing him with his condescending word from an immeasurable height. When the old man began to speak too loudly, Speransky smiled and said that he could not judge the advantage or disadvantage of whatever the sovereign wanted.
After talking for some time in a general circle, Speransky got up and, going up to Prince Andrei, took him with him to the other end of the room. It was evident that he considered it necessary to deal with Bolkonsky.
“I didn’t have time to talk to you, prince, in the midst of that animated conversation in which this venerable old man was involved,” he said, smiling meekly contemptuously and with this smile, as if acknowledging that he, together with Prince Andrei, understands the insignificance of those people with whom he just spoke. This appeal flattered Prince Andrei. - I have known you for a long time: firstly, in your case about your peasants, this is our first example, to which it would be so desirable to have more followers; and secondly, because you are one of those chamberlains who did not consider themselves offended by the new decree on court ranks, causing such rumors and gossip.
“Yes,” said Prince Andrei, “my father did not want me to use this right; I started my service from the lower ranks.
- Your father, a man of the old age, obviously stands above our contemporaries, who so condemn this measure, which restores only natural justice.
“I think, however, that there is a basis in these condemnations ...” said Prince Andrei, trying to fight the influence of Speransky, which he began to feel. It was unpleasant for him to agree with him in everything: he wanted to contradict. Prince Andrei, who usually spoke easily and well, now felt difficulty in expressing himself when speaking with Speransky. He was too busy observing the personality of a famous person.
“There may be grounds for personal ambition,” Speransky put in his word quietly.
“Partly for the state,” said Prince Andrei.
- How do you understand? ... - said Speransky, quietly lowering his eyes.
“I am an admirer of Montesquieu,” said Prince Andrei. - And his idea that le principe des monarchies est l "honneur, me parait incontestable. Certains droits et privileges de la noblesse me paraissent etre des moyens de soutenir ce sentiment. [the basis of monarchies is honor, it seems to me undoubted. Some rights and the privileges of the nobility seem to me to be the means of sustaining this feeling.]
The smile disappeared from Speransky's white face, and his countenance benefited greatly from this. Probably the thought of Prince Andrei seemed entertaining to him.
“Si vous envisagez la question sous ce point de vue, [If you look at the subject like that],” he began, speaking French with obvious difficulty and speaking even more slowly than Russian, but perfectly calm. He said that honor, l "honneur, cannot be supported by advantages harmful to the course of service, that honor, l" honneur, is either: a negative concept of not doing reprehensible acts, or a well-known source of competition for obtaining approval and awards expressing it.
His arguments were concise, simple and clear.
The institution that maintains this honor, the source of competition, is an institution similar to the Legion d "honneur [Order of the Legion of Honor] of the great emperor Napoleon, which does not harm, but contributes to the success of the service, and not class or court advantage.
“I do not argue, but it cannot be denied that the advantage of the court achieved the same goal,” said Prince Andrei: “every courtier considers himself obliged to adequately bear his position.
“But you didn’t want to take advantage of it, prince,” said Speransky, showing with a smile that he, an awkward argument for his interlocutor, wants to end with courtesy. “If you do me the honor of welcoming me on Wednesday,” he added, “then I, after talking with Magnitsky, will tell you what may interest you, and besides, I will have the pleasure of talking with you in more detail. - He, closing his eyes, bowed, and a la francaise, [in the French manner,] without saying goodbye, trying to be unnoticed, left the hall.

During the first time of his stay in St. Petersburg, Prince Andrei felt his entire frame of mind, developed in his solitary life, completely obscured by those petty worries that had seized him in St. Petersburg.
In the evening, returning home, he wrote down in his memory book 4 or 5 necessary visits or rendez vous [dates] at the appointed hours. The mechanism of life, the order of the day is such as to be in time everywhere, took away a large share of the very energy of life. He did nothing, did not even think about anything and did not have time to think, but only spoke and successfully said what he had managed to think over in the village before.
He sometimes noticed with displeasure that it happened to him on the same day, in different societies, to repeat the same thing. But he was so busy all day long that he did not have time to think that he did not think anything.
Speransky, both on the first meeting with him at Kochubey's, and then in the middle of the house, where Speransky, face to face, having received Bolkonsky, spoke with him for a long time and trustingly, made a strong impression on Prince Andrei.
Prince Andrei considered such a huge number of people to be contemptible and insignificant creatures, he so wanted to find in another a living ideal of that perfection to which he aspired, that he easily believed that in Speransky he found this ideal of a completely reasonable and virtuous person. If Speransky had been from the same society from which Prince Andrei was, of the same upbringing and moral habits, then Bolkonsky would soon have found his weak, human, non-heroic sides, but now this logical mindset, strange to him, inspired him all the more respect that he did not quite understand it. In addition, Speransky, whether because he appreciated the abilities of Prince Andrei, or because he found it necessary to acquire him for himself, Speransky flirted with Prince Andrei with his impartial, calm mind and flattered Prince Andrei with that subtle flattery, combined with arrogance, which consists in tacit recognition his interlocutor with him along with the only person capable of understanding all the stupidity of everyone else, and the rationality and depth of his thoughts.

The first vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the administrator of the Central and Southern Vicariates of Moscow, the Chairman of the Commission on Church Property and Land Ownership under the Diocesan Council of Moscow headed the Board of Trustees of the Reverend Andrei Rublev Foundation.

Metropolitan of Istra Arseniy(in the world Epifanov Yuri Alexandrovich)

Place of Birth:
Vostryakovo village, Domodedovo district, Moscow region

1976-1979 - Moscow Theological Seminary;
1979-1983 Moscow Theological Academy.

Brief information main activity:

After graduating from high school, he served in the Soviet Army, then carried the obedience of an altar boy in the St. Nicholas Church in Biryulyovo (already from the beginning of the 70s he was a parishioner of this church);

In 1983-1989 he was an assistant and personal secretary to the Metropolitan of Tallinn and Estonia and then Leningrad and Novgorod Alexy;

On August 28, 1984 he was ordained a deacon, on August 28, 1986 - a priest, since 1988 he served in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra;

On September 30 of the same year, he was tonsured a monk with a name in honor of the Monk Arseny Konevsky. On October 1, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite;

On October 5, 1989, he was consecrated bishop of Ladoga, vicar of the Leningrad diocese. Ordination in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra was performed by: Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod Alexy (Ridiger); Archbishops of Gorky and Arzamas Nikolay (Kutepov), Nikon (Fomichev); Bishops of Alma-Ata and Kazakhstan Eusebius (Savvin), Tambov and Michurinsky Evgeny (Zhdan), Ulyanovsk and Melekessky Prokl (Khazov), Tashkent and Central Asian Lev (Tserpitsky);

On July 20, 1990, at the first meeting of the Holy Synod, chaired by the newly elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, he was appointed Bishop of Istra, Vicar of the Moscow Diocese;

Archbishop Arseny (Epifanov)

He supervised the parishes, clergy and parish councils of Moscow. Participated in the work of commissions for the examination of the returned to the Church and newly acquired holy relics: St. blgv. book. Alexander Nevsky (1988), Rev. Zosima, Savvaty and Herman of Solovetsky (1990), St. Seraphim of Sarov (1991), St. Joasaph of Belgorod (1991), St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1991), blzh. Matrona Nikonova (1998);

In 1994-1997 he was the Chairman of the Scientific and Editorial Council for the publication of the "History of the Russian Church" by Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov);

Since 1998, since the day of its foundation, he has been the head of the Scientific and Editorial Council for the publication of the "Orthodox Encyclopedia";

In December 2010, he was entrusted with the care of parish churches on the territory of the Central (Central, Sretenskoye, Bogoyavlenskoye, Pokrovskoye, Moskvoretskoye deanery) and Southern (Danilovskoye deanery) administrative districts of the city of Moscow;

On December 31, 2011, he was appointed manager of the Central and Southern Vicariates of the city of Moscow and was included in the Diocesan Council of the city of Moscow ex officio;

On February 1, 2014, he was elevated to the rank of metropolitan in the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.


  • Rev. medal Sergius of Radonezh II degree (1979)
  • order of St. equal to ap. book. Vladimir III degree (1989)
  • order of St. blgv. book. Daniel of Moscow II degree (1995)
  • orders and medals of the Local Orthodox Churches
  • commemorative panagia (2014)
  • order Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky II degree (2015)


  • Order of Friendship
  • medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree
  • medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Psychology of feelings and emotions