Nun Attack. What a beautiful sight - a nun with a gun! The meaning of the nun tattoo

The desire to decorate one's body has always been inherent in man. That is why now anyone in the tattoo parlor will be offered a huge selection of sketches. Tattoo artists are inspired by animals, plants and, of course, religion. It is believed that religious symbols serve as a talisman and help to avoid bad luck on life path. The most popular symbols are the image of Jesus, the image of the cross and the image of a nun.

The origin of the nun tattoo

The tattoo with the image of a nun appeared a long time ago. With the advent of the Christian religion, people began to depict symbols that personify faith. Our ancestors gave great importance not only attributes of religion. People have always been in awe of the ministers of the church. Monks and nuns were considered sacred people who forgive the sins of all living on our earth. Therefore, with the development of wearable drawings, church themes became popular. The image of a nun adorned the arms and backs of many men and women. But the church has never encouraged such an expression of faith.

Important! IN church charter it is not written that it is a sin to make a tattoo, but the priests still do not welcome such art. The church is generally against any excesses in terms of decorations. A person must be pure in soul and body, as it says in Holy Scripture. Despite this, many people still tattoo nuns on their bodies for several centuries in a row. For the first time such images became popular in the XIX century. in Europe.

The meaning of the nun tattoo

The nun tattoo is considered one of the most controversial. Its meaning is very vague and it is interpreted in different classes of the population in its own way. In the classic version, a nun tattoo represents the purity of a person, his commitment to spiritual life. People who get tattooed with church ministers want to show their respect for these personalities. They understand that the work of each person is important, regardless of his position in society and social status. After all, nuns, leaving the worldly fuss, seek the patronage of the church, and want to devote their whole lives to the good of humanity.

Increasingly, you can find on the Internet photos of tattoos of nuns combined with other church attributes, for example, with a cross or a rosary. Such a tattoo means that its owner wants to show his religious position.

Advice. In order not to get into a mess, you need to choose not only the theme of the tattoo itself, but also the style of its application. After all, very often tattoos with nuns are pricked by convicts. Thus, the prisoners want to show that they are above the church and its regulations. The nuns' tattoos, made to prison standards, make it easy for ex-prisoners to recognize each other. A sketch of a tattoo of a nun in prison usually depicts not a real woman, but a caricature of her. She can smile and look completely obscene.

Popular nun tattoo variations

  • The nun and is one of the most popular tattoo variations. Usually the skull is depicted blurry as a background. The nun has clear contours. The tattoo is done in a realistic manner. Such a compositional group carries a philosophical connotation. A certain stage of life has been lived, and now a person has found the way to faith. For such a tattoo, a black gradient is used. Only accents are placed in white.
  • The nun and the devil - such a tattoo is popular among ardent atheists. Most often, it is pricked by men aged 30 to 40. The double subtext of the tattoo can be deciphered as a complete departure from standard Christian beliefs. A person who chooses a nun and a devil as a body pattern wants to show that he understands the duality of this world, but he can only rely on himself.
  • A nun with an eyesore or no eyes at all. Strange as it may seem, girls prefer to do such a tattoo. The semantic load of such an image is not blind faith, but just a deliberate approach to this life. People who choose the image of a nun without eyes want to show that they do not want to see the evil of this life and perceive all life's troubles easily.
  • The cartoon nun is a symbol of the prison world. Zeks prefer to openly demonstrate their disdain for religion. By applying such an image to the body, they openly declare that they live outside the law, not only written, but also sacred.
  • A nun with church paraphernalia is one of the most adequate tattoos of this genre. Such a tattoo also carries a double meaning, but more positive than negative. This tattoo is done mainly by adults of both sexes.

Do you know? Almost all variations of the nun tattoo are low-colored. Even the most caricatured images of this maid of the church are made in a maximum of three colors. This fact suggests that even the most non-religious people do not dare to tempt fate and make tattoos with a nun elegant and colorful.

Where better to fill a nun tattoo

  • The forearm is the standard area for tattooing. Since almost all nun tattoos are of an impressive size, the forearm is ideal for depicting them. If the tattoo is not completely included on the forearm, then it may go beyond its borders, for example, on the chest or on the back. But since the visible zone of the tattoo is still located in the center of the forearm, it is better to avoid the image of a nun going far beyond the visible area.
  • Nuns are rarely tattooed on the back. Although this part human body most suitable for tattooing, not every theme will fit well on the back. Tattoos of nuns on the back are most often done by people in the zone. Therefore, you should avoid depicting religious drawings on the back.

So, get acquainted - our beautiful ladies in black attire with deadly trunks in their hands. Beautiful to look at, but dangerous at the slightest touch, Eve will gladly introduce her enemies to a pair of her pistol pals. Rosie is a tall lady, with her appearance and behavior a bit like Ellie Driver from Kill Bill, but, fortunately, is on the side of the forces of good - her rifle will riddle anyone who dares to stand in the way. Olga is a masculine woman who “will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut” - opponents can get goosebumps not only from her shotgun, but also from appearance and unshaven legs. And last but not least is Mandy, a petite, wasp-waisted girl who serves as the squad's medic. The beautiful sex is in action, there are cartridges, morale is on top - so what else do you need? To battle!

These representatives of the fair sex will have to fight in a well-coordinated team against the forces of evil led by their former comrade-in-arms - the Fallen Nun. The opponents summoned by the villainess are almost straight out of hell - skeletons with chainsaws and trunks at the ready, tiny suicide demons and portals spewing creatures of darkness will still drink blood from our nuns. Yes, but the ladies are not bad at all - in missions they can unite in groups of two people according to your decision, strengthening each other's strengths and covering up weaknesses. The whole brawl happens very simply - by pulling our heroines in the right direction, we force them to either move around the field or transfer fire to the right opponent. Like the undead, the nuns also have a health scale, if you destroyed all the enemies - the mission is completed, but if they "made" you - alas, the level will have to start over.

Each of the girls has their own superpower, which requires a certain amount of time to replenish after use. It can be both invulnerability and healing of your allies - the main thing is to use them correctly and at the right time. For the right strategy, you also need to periodically check the strength of the protagonists - upon successful completion of the mission, their level increases, and, consequently, their characteristics too. As you level up, new types of weapons are unlocked, more powerful than the previous ones - try to develop all the nuns together at an equal level in order to be ready for any level with any goal and difficulty. For efficiency on opponents, you can use downright divine mirrors that carry a variety of and most deadly effects, which, however, can also be used by opponents. Be alert!

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No, this is not the title of a fantasy war story involving clerics, as the reader might think. These are fragments of quite real events that took place in central Russia in 1996, it seems. Unfortunately, at the moment I do not have either an electronic version of the description of what happened, or a paper one. I can cite the only link I know of to my source: ORT, July 5, 2006, 18.10. transfer from the cycle "Outlaw", the film "The Mystery of the Gray Ford". After watching this film, unfortunately, I did not remember exactly either the names of the city-regions, or the names of the participants in the events, or the exact ranks. Only facts. If anyone remembers something in more detail than I do, I will be grateful for corrections and clarifications.
So, the story began with the fact that a gang of thieves-robbers began to devastate churches in remote places at night from icons and valuable utensils. The watchmen were tied up, sawed off locks and bars with a hacksaw, and calmly carried out everything of value, loaded it into a car and left. Faces in masks, telephone lines damaged, and everything went well for the guys. Until these fools broke off twice in one place. And here the most interesting begins ....
In general, they tried to break into one church, which is five kilometers from the nearest village. But, to their misfortune, they ran into the nun Joanna, who was walking around the church courtyard (that's what her name seems to be, if I'm not confused). The voice-over told for a long time and in detail how cold it was that night, and therefore the nun put on a sheepskin coat, and in the pocket of the sheepskin coat there was a gas pistol - just in case ... took them "on the fly" and asked to get out. Fair demand!
But the spruce fools quickly pulled on their masks and ... started talking, tearfully and sternly at the same time asking the nun ... not to interfere with their "work"! And then they will have nothing to eat! Involuntarily, you begin to doubt the mental abilities of the lads or ... the reliability of the story. After a few more repetitions of the above request of the battle nun, the thieves still left.
The boundaries of the idiocy of the "jolly guys" did not end there. They came again, three days later. And again at night. This time they had to face a church watchman (a man), who was armed with a dog and ... an ax! And - again with the nun Joanna. Carrying with him, apparently, a gas pistol, which is unusual for all nuns.
But now the thieves of icons and utensils also had a pistol (and a gun). In general, the watchman managed to knock out the gun from the attacker with the butt of an ax, lower the dog, sister John ran up, a shootout ensued, and at the same time they called the priest, who was praying sedately in his house in the same church courtyard ...
While the father was loading his pump-action gun and running out into the street, the bandits won a small victory - they knocked down the watchman and the nun and started kicking them. There were six bandits in total, besides, in response to the demand of the holy father to stop the disgrace and his warning shot, they fired at him from their gun.
A shootout ensued, and in an unequal battle, St. father pushed a part of the attackers (three) over the fence with dense rifle fire. The TV camera showed holes in the fence from ammunition.
The rest, who did not retreat in time, were laid with their muzzles in the snow and tied up before the arrival of the police. During three days the forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs tied up the raiders who remained at large.
Results of the battle in the churchyard:
Sister John - broken nose.
Watchman - broken jaw.
One of the raiders had his ear torn off.
The second raider - a broken arm.
The third is wounded (lightly).
The Holy Father did not suffer.
A group of bandits was led by a recidivist thief, a specialist in icons and antiques, a certain Migul, it seems. Some high rank from the regional military commissariat was also directly involved in it. Deputy military commissar, it seems. Everyone is sitting now.
Such is the story. With a happy ending. True, the holy father was summoned to the diocese and given a thorough dispersal for the fact that he acted "not in a Christian way", recklessly shooting at these non-Christians from a pompo. What is St. Father humbly replied that in the monastery walls there was always such an element of architecture as loopholes. It must be understood that they were not made just like that ... and calmly returned to his service.
Everything seems to be fine, but that’s just… The thought does not let me go: what is it that is happening in Orthodoxy, if nuns wander around at night with a gas pistol, and the priest keeps a pump-action gun at hand? Naturally, if they had not been armed that night, the church would have been looted, and their decisive actions deserve the praise of any sane person. Robbing churches is barbaric. But!
Why was the watchman armed only with an ax and a dog, and Sister Joanna with a pistol? Why even keep such a watchman who they don’t want to trust with weapons? A pump-action shotgun is a very, very serious thing, not so much hunting as combat. Isn't the passion of the "humble cleric" for such a "toy" surprising? What will we hear in the next report? How did a nun with a Kalash and a father with a fly repulse an attack by a horde of Chechen fighters somewhere near Pskov?
paradoxical situation. I recall the words from the BG song “Old Russian longing”: “And the finger of the keepers of the shrine dances on the trigger, and I look at this matter in old Russian longing” ... Indeed, an armed priest in peacetime - what is it? It's unnatural, just unnatural! But if he had not been "armed and very dangerous" - the church would have been robbed. It’s also not good ... what is Orthodoxy turning into? Weapons are bad. Without weapons - it is impossible ... how to resolve such a contradiction?
And if you dig, think, what is the reason? Is it not that Orthodox churches- "bonanza" for criminal elements? There is a saying "poor as a church mouse". But this saying is most likely not of Russian origin. Compare the decoration of the church, church, mosque, datsan and Orthodox Church. In all churches, except for ours, lovers of easy money simply have nothing to steal - except for old books (but, as a rule, they are not used in services and are either in special storage facilities or in museums). An Orthodox church is the hole of a gold-loving hamster, there is so much sparkling there. What can be stolen from catholic church? Benches? statue? Wooden cross? Worn rug? Indeed, there is nothing ... And in our Russian church? Everything shines like that, everything shimmers ... Some gilded icons are worth something! What about the icons themselves? They are valued all over the world - wow! Moreover, it is Russian, ancient, prayed icons. And they are valued - my ears blush to say this - not in the number of prayers, but specifically in rubles, bucks, euros! And if you couldn’t get inside the church, climb onto the roof. On each gilded dome lies at least a few kilos of gold leaf…. Orthodox faith has its price - unlike the rest. Compare the attire of a Russian priest and the same Catholic. Yes, for one "holiday outfit" St. father of an average hand, embroidered with gold and God knows what, one could grab a lot ... if he was in demand on the black market. Is it any wonder then that our clergy go and sleep armed?
And in the end - a completely heretical thought. Imagine Christ dressed in the ceremonial robes (and what else is there on his head?) of our high priest. Do you recognize him? And would He want to dress like that?
“Domes in Russia are covered with pure gold, so that the Lord notices more often,” Vladimir Semyonovich sang. Well, He notices us, apparently, more than other peoples. It's not good to show off your wealth before God, I think. Especially when half of the children in the country are starving, and the priests are guarding church valuables with a gun. Having nuns with pistols as assistants.


All this is sad. Even Leo Tolstoy drew attention to the excessive luxury of our churches. Asceticism would be more in tune with the ideas of mercy and tolerance. However, our traditions take root... And they do not accept any innovations. Remember split.

Psychology of feelings and emotions