Aries man is a character born in the year of the snake. Full characteristics of the ram-snake

The Aries-Snake sign includes people born from March 21 to April 20 in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

Two signs, Aries-Snake, when combined, form a strong and very interesting combination that has given rise to many famous and brilliant people. Wisdom and charm are the two main features that the horoscope ascribes to them.

And without that strong Aries, even greater willpower and even militancy. Aries-Snake is really different huge force spirit and body, high intelligence and extraordinary deeds.

Aries born in the year of the Snake is talented, smart, more impulsive and less reserved than other Snakes. Aries-Snake is a spontaneous practitioner: the sober calculation of the Snake goes hand in hand with, and "Avn" idealism coexists with "snake" realism.

The practical Snake directs the indefatigable energy of Aries in the right direction, making the flow purposeful, which allows this Aries to achieve his goals faster. At the same time, the Aries-Snake is unhurried in its actions. Swiftness is not his motto, he prefers solidity, thoughtfulness and depth. This person has a calm disposition, thanks to which he carefully approaches his decisions.

IN love relationships Aries-Snake is trusting and demanding. He will give himself entirely to serving the family, but in return he wants to receive respect, care, attention, order in everything, and even, possibly, submission. At the same time, it practically applies to many life situations, does not build illusions and does not pursue mercantile goals in relationships.

A person born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Snake stands out among other people with his good manners, good manners and attractive appearance. He has an aesthetic taste and is well versed in fashion trends in clothing, interiors and accessories. As a rule, he has a calm and rational character.

Very often, the Aries-Snake looks older than his years, because he has an adult perception of the world and other people. Aries-Snake is less selfish than other Aries. Moreover, he is very sensitive, caring, full of respect and disinterested. Both men and women born with this combination can be both dreamy philosophers and quite practical people. This is especially evident in their home, which combines beauty with practicality.

Aries-Snake is very dependent on comfort and convenience, therefore, he chooses the appropriate rest for himself. If this is a hotel, then only with European service, if this is a beach, then only sandy and snow-white, if this is a resort, then only presentable and foreign.

Aries-Snake is hardworking and consistent. In professional activities, he does not show any special preferences, but he can succeed in any field: in science, in art, and in politics. So in political activity he is attracted by power, in science by the rhythms and vibrations of physics, and in literature and art by humor and emotionality. He also loves physical exercises, from which his body feels genuine joy. For people born in the year of the Snake, wisdom is characteristic. They always strive for perfection and comprehension of all the subtleties of the chosen business. This is a good master and specialist, able to see both the big picture and individual details.

Most often, Aries-Snake is a financially successful person, but will never spend money on dubious pleasures. This person is endowed with a lot of virtues that need to be developed and try to control their emotions and reactions to irritating factors. If its potential is directed in the wrong direction, it can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The main disadvantage of a person born with this combination is the tendency to lose track of time when he is deep in his thoughts or concentrates heavily, and periodically suffer from indecision, doubting the accuracy and reliability of information. It is worth noting that Aries-Snake is a very strong personality, but ambiguous: on the one hand, he is a calm and understandable person, and on the other hand, he is subject to unexpected mood swings, is able to act in a fit of momentary desire and emotions.

In a love relationship, Aries-Snake looks at and evaluates the object of his desire for a long time. He starts active actions only when he builds a clear plan of conquest and is sure of his victory. Family life with him is quiet, predictable and calm. From a life partner requires that he accepted him with all the advantages and disadvantages.

It is worth noting that building relationships with him is quite difficult, since he is not inclined to demonstrate his sincere feelings and sometimes seems indifferent. Do not expect big changes and colossal passions from him. The only thing is that with the advent of children, it becomes softer and more open.

Aries-Snake Woman

A woman born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Snake has incredible beauty and an explosive temperament. She is sociable, diligent and wise. This type of women is distinguished by increased looseness and self-confidence.

By nature, she is a strong, honest and slightly eccentric woman. She is not afraid to speak her mind, even if she feels it might harm her. Such stubbornness makes it impossible for her to get what she wants the easy way. Also, she does not care about the negative opinion of people, and she is able to introduce into her environment some of the norms of life that she considers correct.

Possessing bright character traits, a woman born with a combination of Aries-Snake always has to choose between two paths - good and evil. And depending on the path chosen, it may or may not achieve its goals. The snake gives her prudence and slowness. Having chosen a goal, she directs all her energy towards achieving it, without avoiding projects and tasks that are difficult to implement. She knows her worth, understands what her strength is, and uses it wisely.

A woman born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Snake is characterized by such qualities of character as resourcefulness and quick wit. It is almost impossible to convince her of something, rather, on the contrary, she will inspire her interlocutor with her point of view, will be able to pick up the necessary arguments, or, in extreme cases, will use her charm.

Born in the year of the Snake, and does it so naively and directly that people have an involuntary desire to help this fragile artistic nature. Often they do not even realize what a steely character is hidden behind this sweet, smiling face.

In her professional activities, the Aries-Snake woman is hardworking and constantly strives for excellence, studies and masters new methods and techniques for working with this or that material. It can perfectly prove itself in the world of numbers and easily cope with tasks that not everyone can handle. The Aries-Snake woman is energetic and at the same time knows how to rationally distribute her forces, accumulate them and use them wisely. Therefore, she can be successful not only in her career, but also in the family.

In personal relationships, the Aries-Snake woman is passionate, active and can take the initiative in her own hands. But, her romantic relationships are not always built easily. The whole problem is that she cannot give a man stability, since her harshness and stubbornness often destroy even the strongest feelings.

Harmonious and happy marriage an Aries-Snake woman can create at a more mature age, when she learns to control her impulsiveness. Also, the less she puts pressure on a man, the happier life will be. And the stronger and more independent a man is, the more reliable and stronger the relationship will be.

In the family, the Aries-Snake woman takes care of her loved ones and relatives, but at the same time she is very demanding and will not tolerate any understatement or insincerity. She is a wonderful hostess faithful wife and a caring mother, however, with all this, she is quite strict with her household members.

Aries-Snake Man

A man born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Snake is active and assertive, purposeful and determined. But, little is left of Aries here, since the temperament and instinct of the pioneer will be controlled and evaluated by the rational Snake.

This is already a wise Aries, who calculates his strength, thinks about his own benefit and the correctness of his actions. With him, everything is subject to order and internal rules, as well as the rules dictated by the society where he lives. But, thanks to artistry and resourcefulness, he knows how to turn any situation in his favor. He tries to go to the goal by the shortest path, and realize his desires immediately.

The Aries-Snake man is distinguished by rare observation, accuracy, intelligence, and the ability to attract other people to his side. This is probably why he can enjoy great success both at work and among friends. In professional activity, a man born with this combination is extremely hardworking, diligent and scrupulous. He tries to know the full depth of the chosen activity and strives for constant growth and self-improvement.

Born in the year of the Snake, or medicine. Thanks to his perseverance and attention to small details, he can become a professional in any profession that requires perseverance, concentration and intelligence.

In relations with the opposite sex, the Aries-Snake man is leisurely and cautious. He looks closely and chooses for a long time, but, having decided, he begins an active and very thoughtful tactic of conquest. He will enter into official relations only after he has thoroughly studied all the advantages and disadvantages of his chosen one.

In marriage, this man is reliable and stable, prefers to lead, strives for a calm and quiet relationship, without a storm of emotions and passions. It needs peaceful cooperation built on mutual respect and understanding. He is pragmatic and down to earth, and his desire for harmony excludes quarrels and confrontations. True, if the relationship does not suit him, then he withdraws into himself and does not try to change anything.

An unprecedented phenomenon, namely a cold flame - this is what a woman of this personality is incredibly interesting, just like communication with her. Each of us, from a certain point of view, is just a puppet on the strings of star patrons. They determine the character and behavior, reaction to certain situations and environment, fate in general.

Let's see what the Characteristic of this lady will help her to come to terms with her personality, and relatives - to understand and accept her originality. They say that the sign of the zodiac determines the tactics of behavior, the patron of the year - the strategy. They give rise to bizarre combinations that make people unique individuals. This is perfectly demonstrated by the Aries-Snake (woman).

Sign characteristic (general)

The stars endowed this beauty with an explosive temperament. It is typical for Aries to lead people along, to show passion, impulsiveness and aggressiveness in behavior. If a person is passionate about something, then his perseverance can reach fanaticism. It is extremely difficult to argue with him, since it is almost impossible to convince him. Rather, the opposite will happen.

Which includes such qualities as resourcefulness and ingenuity, will inspire the interlocutor with his point of view. She will be able to pick up the necessary arguments, but she will not be able to use logic - she will “press” with charm.

This lady is incendiary and interesting. The patroness of the year endows her with prudence and slowness. Having chosen a goal, she directs all her energy to achieve it. Cold flame is passion and perseverance packaged in indifference. A woman controlled by such a combination of signs is always confident in herself, although she does not try to clearly demonstrate this. They know their worth, understand what strength is, and use it wisely. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the described qualities are innate. Do not even try to accuse her of putting pressure on others. She just can't imagine how it could be otherwise.

Business qualities

Personality is revealed in communication. Not the smallest place in our life is occupied by a career. In any case, it is important for someone who was born in the period ruled by Aries (in the Woman whose characteristics are being considered, she spends a lot of time and energy on the realization of talents. It is important for her to take a respected, prominent position in society. In fact, many Aries ladies are satisfied with the role of a housewife if they find a successful spouse.

Our beauty is not like that. She will not agree to a position next to the "star", as she considers herself capable of more. These women are actively pursuing a career. Moreover, they choose a field for themselves where it is possible to lead large groups of people or shine in public. Journalism and politics suit them by nature. Many in middle age enter into social activities if their parents could not help choose the right education from a young age.


Ignite people with an idea, captivate with a conversation, interest in a topic - this is what the master of the Snake-Aries woman is. The characterization of this person is not always positive. She is a master of intrigue, which does not always benefit both others and herself. However, one cannot deny the fact that a woman is able to inspire confidence, to lead, as they say, by the will of fate, and not by position. Her speeches are listened to with pleasure by others, as they are very sincere, emotionally rich and informative. In other words, the lady knows and remembers a lot, perfectly operates with facts, feels the mood of the listener, which is no less important.

From an early age, girls who are patronized by Aries and the Snake are fond of history in the broadest and most specific sense. They carefully collect information about the family, for example, the past of friends and relatives, remember and analyze everything. This habit is in the blood, it cannot be overcome. By maturity, they accumulate a huge knowledge base that helps manage people. But, to the honor of this lady, it should be added that she will not intentionally harm anyone. As an experienced commander, she creates her own picture of reality, necessary to achieve the goal, and includes others in it.

Personal life

It is believed that if a person spends all his energy on one area of ​​life, then he loses in others. This may be true for someone else, but the Snake-Aries woman is not like that. The characterization of the signs, under whose guidance she lives, suggests her desire for a comprehensive harmony. And this means that it is important for her to have constant support on the one hand, and to give love on the other. That is, a woman needs to create a strong family. She spends a lot of time on this. As a rule, even in her youth, a woman makes a choice herself, without waiting for the opinion of the gentleman, the girl is interested in so far as. Her charm and unique personality already impress the opposite sex, so the chosen one will only need to be glad that he has become the object of her attention and start courting.

If at the first stages a girl can resort to innocent intrigues, then in married life she prefers honesty and openness. She already has someone to hone her talent as a manipulator. She expects mutual sincerity from her family.

Character features

Each of us has a bright side, unfortunately, the dark ones are also present. About what they are, any horoscope will tell. The Snake-Aries woman, her characterization leaves no doubt about this, is also able to prove herself not with better side. Brings her stubbornness, combined with confidence in her rightness. This rarely happens, by the way. Nevertheless, the snake qualities almost always win, and she demonstrates the balance and wisdom of behavior. However, if you hurt her to the quick, offend her greatly, then the insult will smolder in her soul for many years. She will wait for the moment when the blow will fall on the most unprotected place, and inflict it.

These women are vengeful, which should be taken into account by rivals and competitors both in personal life and in business. professional field. However, to become her enemy, you should try hard. This woman is actually not touchy, as she knows how to understand the true, subconscious motives of people and reckon with them.

How to get along with her?

Faced with such a complex personality, you can be confused and even a little scared. She gives the impression of a very self-confident person, unable to perceive and forgive weakness. However, this thought lingers in the head of her interlocutor only for a couple of first minutes. It is so comfortable with this woman that people tend to get into her company, to stay longer. And she is glad of this, everyone will find an affectionate word, understandable only to him alone.

Like all Aries, a woman does not tolerate lies. She will not scold or punish the deceiver, she will simply forget about him. If you want to be her friend, do not be cunning, say it like it is, even unpleasant things. Everything can be sorted out, a compromise can be found, as the Snake-Aries woman thinks. Stick to the same principle and never quarrel with her.

On the one hand, Aries, born in the year of the Snake Chinese horoscope, - a person is calm, reasonable and deep, on the other hand, he is very temperamental and is not averse to succumbing to passions raging in him! However, if desired, Aries-Snake knows how to cope with his vivid emotions, outwardly practically without betraying their presence. Well, almost nothing.

For the Aries-Snake in ordinary life, consistency and regularity are characteristic, but this does not mean that he is not able to light up with some goal or idea. On the contrary, it is the burning desire to achieve something that makes the Aries-Snake turn on rational thinking and move forward persistently, prudently and inexorably.

The thoroughness with which he makes certain decisions is really impressive and largely explains the success and luck of the Aries-Snake. Natural concentration in character helps the Aries-Snake to concentrate on one thing and perform it with amazing perseverance and accuracy. At the same time, he does not hold hard work, perseverance and willpower! True, this has back side- in situations where it is necessary to quickly decide and make a decision, the careful slowness of the Aries-Snake sometimes leads to loss of time and missed opportunities.

One of the most undoubted advantages of the character of Aries-Snake, according to the Eastern Zodiac horoscope, is observation. He is very attentive to trifles, knows how to thoroughly analyze the situation and draw the right conclusions. Well, since the basis for analysis is information, Aries-Snake is able to get it even from under the ground. Television, books, the Internet and, of course, live communication make up for the Aries-Snake the information environment necessary for him as air. For the same reason, in a conversation, Aries-Snake usually prefers not to speak, but to listen, to the delight of everyone who needs to speak out.

Aries-Snake Love

In love, Aries-Snake is usually monogamous - while he can pretty much torment his soul mate, although he cannot live without her. Quite restrained in manifestation positive emotions, he is unlikely to explain to you daily in his ardent feelings. But at times you, as a loved one, will "rake" for all the world's evil: Aries-Snake sometimes explodes with negativity, and at the same time he needs an attentive listener.

Aries-Snake is in no hurry to develop relationships. Perhaps he has already decided for himself and your wedding is a decided matter for him. But you will be informed about this later. The Aries-Snake man knows how to be very helpful and caring, he will try to make your date or life as comfortable as possible. The Aries-Snake woman is attractive with her sincerity and mystery at the same time: she says what she thinks, while it is impossible to fully know her.

Sexuality of Aries-Snake

Aries-Snake may not be aware of their sexual needs for a long time, especially if they differ from the average. Often, the presence of a number of taboos prevents the disclosure of his sexuality. For example, an Aries-Snake man may deny his tenderness and desire to please his partner - this is "not boyish" for him. And a woman born under this sign of the Eastern Zodiac horoscope can generally portray a lack of interest in the intimate side of life for a long time, although it is certainly present, and even what!

Aries celebrities born in the year of the Snake:

Wilhelm Roentgen, German physicist.
Georgy Vitsin, Soviet and Russian actor.
Giacomo Casanova, Italian adventurer.
Max von Sydow, Swedish actor.
Nikolai Gogol, Russian and Ukrainian writer.
Pierre-Simon de Laplace, French mathematician, astronomer, mechanic.
Robert Downey Jr., American actor.
Sarah Jessica Parker, American actress.
Yasser Arafat, Palestinian politician.

The Aries-Snake man is endowed with different features that are inherent in both the zodiac sign and the year of birth. The Aries-Snake combination in astrology belongs to mysterious men. They have a special characteristic and compatibility in love with women.

Characteristics of a man Aries-Snake

The Aries-Snake man is a very cautious person. Such accuracy is manifested in all spheres of his life. With age, it turns into wisdom. Before deciding on some act, representatives of this sign think for a long time, weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate the difficulties that they will encounter on the way to their goal. It rarely happens that a representative of this sign acts spontaneously, guided by intuition.

The Aries-Snake man is very right person. He lives only according to the standards that are characteristic of a positive man. But at the same time they have their own opinion. However, sometimes they are silent about it. It is easier to agree with the environment than to develop a war on the basis of upholding one's innocence. These are very correct interlocutors. They never rude, do not insult, are not expressed in bad words.

Aries-Snake men are very fond of tranquility. They cannot stand changes that can disrupt a stable existence. And with it comes peace of mind.

Representatives of this sign are constantly in doubt. They can't say exactly what they want. Only after a long discussion do they come to a decision. Therefore, they rarely climb the career ladder. For too long they are considering whether they need it or not. After all, a high position is a big responsibility. And with it comes the end of stability and tranquility, to which the representatives of this zodiac sign are so accustomed.

The Aries-Snake man is interested in such sciences as philosophy, psychology and cultural studies. They appreciate chic. But the main thing is that everything is comfortable. Such men are unlikely to agree to go camping and sleep in a tent.

Representatives of this sign are very respected by others. They are often asked for advice in resolving a problem that has arisen. For them, strong family relationships. For the most part, they create just such a marital union. Their family is an example for relatives and friends. That is why they are so often asked for advice. The same applies to the work of the Aries-Snake man. Especially if he is in a leadership position. Working with him is always comfortable and interesting.

Representatives of this sign always choose one field of activity. They are completely immersed in it, giving it all their energy. Small things are not for them. In their opinion, there are people around who can fulfill them.

Compatibility in love men Aries-Snake

Aries-Snake men have a special look at creating a family. This is an important stage in their life. Therefore, they carefully prepare for it. Representatives of this sign watch their chosen one for a very long time. From the outside it seems that they analyze it from the point of view of psychology. And only after they have appreciated its qualities, they begin to act.

The Aries-Snake man will feel good and comfortable only with a calm, wise woman who can understand him too. Only such a representative of the beautiful half of humanity can create warmth and comfort in the house, where you always want to return faster. Such a woman will always provide support and care.

Among the signs of the zodiac for such men, the Dog, Ox and Snake are most suitable. But women born in the year of the Pig, Rabbit or Sheep do not suit them at all. Such relationships fall apart at the very beginning of their development. Very rarely, they go into marriage and the birth of children.

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Compatibility horoscope: year of the snake zodiac sign Aries - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Both the sign of the Zodiac and the eastern sign of the year of birth of a person have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relations in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The sign of the Zodiac forms tactical abilities in a person's character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth forms the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relations with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the sign of the Zodiac. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The Eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person, and in this field the Eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around to a person.

Aries is the seventh sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are by nature unstable, insightful and prone to fanatical hobbies.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Aries is " activist, agitator, provocateur, deputy". A person of this zodiac sign is able to allocate a lot of willpower to the tasks assigned to him. Aries lives by the principle: " Obey the Laws Coolly". He is prone to sudden measures and actions, trying to quickly realize his desires. Aries often oversteps his own and other people's rules and laws, because of this he repeats the same mistakes. Aries tends to manipulate people, sometimes inciting them to extreme actions. He is prone to various pleasures that can ruin his health.

Eastern sign year of the Snake -1905, 1917, 1929, 1941,1953,1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049, 2061

The Year of the Snake forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the sixth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Snake are surrounded by relationships with people who absorb a lot of attention on the history of past events. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, a person born in the year of the Snake has to participate in work processes in which interacting people take the positions of specialists: “ artists, teachers and media". Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Snake, in order to extract something interesting or ripe, useful to them. Surrounding people, regardless of their zodiac signs and Eastern years in relations with a person born in the year of the Snake, in his presence they show increased intuition in the direction of past events, being overly carried away by the emotional mood to an aggressive state. Interacting people in a relationship with a person born in the year of the Snake conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Scorpio: “ Relax, take it, but in moderation ».

Aries horoscope, born in the year snakes.

Such a combination of signs is manifested by strong-willed, sometimes militant behavior in a person who develops relationships with people of educational and acting abilities. This person is strong willed. Aries influences the mood of the people around him with his sadistic suddenness. Aries is a wolf, which, if necessary, takes the form of a lamb. The Year of the Snake forms the conditions for scripts and acting, manifested in the behavior of the people around. The zodiac sign Aries, born in the year of the Snake, is under circumstances in which interacting people tend to play roles with different images that Aries may need. By such actions, interacting people mislead a person born under the sign of the Zodiac Aries in the year of the Snake. At the same time, Aries is able to involve others in solving their own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey this person by virtue of his connections in society and his lukewarm self-interest. Aries has the ability to use other people's results in circumstances. Interacting people for their own benefit can play the role of Aries' subordinates.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by the signs of the Zodiac and the year of birth in the programs " Individual Scanner" And " crown of education". In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, the Zodiac or the Eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called " psychonomy ».

year of the snake zodiac sign aries

In Aries, of all the signs of the zodiac, the most contradictions are among the representatives of the Snake. It seems that they are outwardly very calm and diligent people, simple and understandable, but suddenly, out of the blue, an explosion of emotions and a whirlwind of feelings can happen to them, this is a distinctive and characteristic character Aries-Snakes. The downside is that it is impossible to resist the powerful emotional wave of this person, to control and manage his impulses and reactions too. It remains only to adapt to this complex and unpredictable personality with an impulsive and temperamental character, as well as an unyielding disposition.

The strong energy of Aries, born in the year of the Snake, must be directed in a positive direction, otherwise it will bring great sacrifices or lead to unpredictable and difficult consequences. Having learned to control emotions, Snakes-Aries become invulnerable, they are wise, sociable, sociable and purposeful, assertive, demanding, diligent and hardworking. Are they not perfect and ideal partners, employees, lovers and athletes.

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Aries born in the year of the snake

In the profession, Aries born in the Snake year love to combine knowledge, practicality, experience and creativity, which makes them adequate and valuable craftsmen and employees, real experts in their field, which they skillfully use, receiving a high reward for their efforts, skills and abilities. and also for striving for everything new and better. These are wonderful engineers and doctors, talented technicians and researchers, unsurpassed scientists and architects, they can do everything.

In love, the combination of Aries and the Snake make them contemplatives, they are not inclined to immediately go into battle, they will look closely for a long time, and evaluate the object of their desire, only after building a victorious plan, they will go on the offensive, the result of which will not take long to wait. Marriage with them is calm and quiet, predictable, you should not expect great passions and colossal changes in it.

Being hostages of comfort and convenience, Snakes-Aries choose the appropriate rest for themselves. If this is a hotel, then only with European service, if this is a beach, then only sandy and snow-white, if this is a resort, then only presentable and foreign.

Woman Snake-Aries: characteristics of the sign

An unprecedented phenomenon, namely a cold flame - this is what the Snake-Aries woman is. The characteristic of this person is incredibly interesting, as well as communication with her. Each of us, from a certain point of view, is just a puppet on the strings of star patrons. They determine the character and behavior, reaction to certain situations and environment, fate in general.

Let's see what the Snake-Aries woman is like. The characteristic of this lady will help her to come to terms with her personality herself, and relatives to understand and accept her originality. They say that the sign of the zodiac determines the tactics of behavior, the patron of the year - the strategy. They give rise to bizarre combinations that make people unique individuals. This is perfectly demonstrated by the Aries-Snake (woman).

Sign characteristic (general)

The stars endowed this beauty with an explosive temperament. It is typical for Aries to lead people along, to show passion, impulsiveness and aggressiveness in behavior. If a person is passionate about something, then his perseverance can reach fanaticism. It is extremely difficult to argue with him, since it is almost impossible to convince him. Rather, the opposite will happen.

The Snake-Aries woman, whose characteristics include such qualities as resourcefulness and ingenuity, will inspire her interlocutor with her point of view. She will be able to pick up the necessary arguments, but she will not be able to use logic - she will “press” with charm.

This lady is incendiary and interesting. The patroness of the year endows her with prudence and slowness. Having chosen a goal, she directs all her energy to achieve it. Cold flame is passion and perseverance packaged in indifference. A woman controlled by such a combination of signs is always confident in herself, although she does not try to clearly demonstrate this. They know their worth, understand what strength is, and use it wisely. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the described qualities are innate. Do not even try to accuse her of putting pressure on others. She just can't imagine how it could be otherwise.

Business qualities

Personality is revealed in communication. Not the smallest place in our life is occupied by a career. In any case, it is important for someone who was born in the period ruled by Aries (in the year of the Snake). The woman whose characteristics are being considered spends a lot of time and energy on the realization of talents. It is important for her to take a respected, prominent position in society. In fact, many Aries ladies are satisfied with the role of a housewife if they find a successful spouse.

Our beauty is not like that. She will not agree to a position next to the "star", as she considers herself capable of more. These women are actively pursuing a career. Moreover, they choose a field for themselves where it is possible to lead large groups of people or shine in public. Journalism and politics suit them by nature. Many in middle age enter into social activities if their parents could not help choose the right education from a young age.

To ignite people with an idea, to captivate with a conversation, to interest a topic - this is what the master of the Snake-Aries woman is. The characterization of this person is not always positive. She is a master of intrigue, which does not always benefit both others and herself. However, one cannot deny the fact that a woman is able to inspire confidence, to lead, as they say, by the will of fate, and not by position. Her speeches are listened to with pleasure by others, as they are very sincere, emotionally rich and informative. In other words, the lady knows and remembers a lot, perfectly operates with facts, feels the mood of the listener, which is no less important.

From an early age, girls who are patronized by Aries and the Snake are fond of history in the broadest and most specific sense. They carefully collect information about the family, for example, the past of friends and relatives, remember and analyze everything. This habit is in the blood, it cannot be overcome. By maturity, they accumulate a huge knowledge base that helps manage people. But, to the honor of this lady, it should be added that she will not intentionally harm anyone. As an experienced commander, she creates her own picture of reality, necessary to achieve the goal, and includes others in it.

Personal life

It is believed that if a person spends all his energy on one area of ​​life, then he loses in others. This may be true for someone else, but the Snake-Aries woman is not like that. The characterization of the signs, under whose guidance she lives, suggests her desire for a comprehensive harmony. And this means that it is important for her to have constant support on the one hand, and to give love on the other. That is, a woman needs to create a strong family. She spends a lot of time on this. As a rule, even in her youth, a woman makes her own choice, without waiting for the prince on a white horse. The opinion of the gentleman interests the girl insofar as. Her charm and unique personality already impress the opposite sex, so the chosen one will only need to be glad that he has become the object of her attention and start courting.

If at the first stages a girl can resort to innocent intrigues, then in married life she prefers honesty and openness. She already has someone to hone her talent as a manipulator. She expects mutual sincerity from her family.

Character features

Each of us has a bright side, unfortunately, the dark ones are also present. About what they are, any horoscope will tell. The Snake-Aries woman, her characterization leaves no doubt about this, is also capable of showing herself not from the best side. Brings her stubbornness, combined with confidence in her rightness. This rarely happens, by the way. Nevertheless, the snake qualities almost always win, and she demonstrates the balance and wisdom of behavior. However, if you hurt her to the quick, offend her greatly, then the insult will smolder in her soul for many years. She will wait for the moment when the blow will fall on the most unprotected place, and inflict it.

These women are vengeful, which should be taken into account by rivals and competitors both in their personal lives and in the professional sphere. However, to become her enemy, you should try hard. This woman is actually not touchy, as she knows how to understand the true, subconscious motives of people and reckon with them.

How to get along with her?

Faced with such a complex personality, you can be confused and even a little scared. She gives the impression of a very self-confident person, unable to perceive and forgive weakness. However, this thought lingers in the head of her interlocutor only for a couple of first minutes. It is so comfortable with this woman that people tend to get into her company, to stay longer. And she is glad of this, everyone will find an affectionate word, understandable only to him alone.

Like all Aries, a woman does not tolerate lies. She will not scold or punish the deceiver, she will simply forget about him. If you want to be her friend, do not be cunning, say it like it is, even unpleasant things. Everything can be sorted out, a compromise can be found, as the Snake-Aries woman thinks. Stick to the same principle and never quarrel with her.

Horoscope of those born in the year of the Snake

Publication date: 11/13/2012

What does astrology say about people born in the year of the Snake? What qualities have the stars endowed them with? Our horoscope will not only answer all these questions, but also tell you about the areas of success, compatibility with other symbols of the eastern horoscope, and also give accurate description Serpents in terms of their zodiac sign.

Let me introduce: Snake

The snake is an impassive and cold creature. However, at a critical moment, a lightning-fast reaction is detected in it. With incredible speed, she makes a throw towards the disturber of her peace, and often this turns out to be fatal for him.

It is the snake - according to the eastern, and according to the western tradition too - that is the personification of wisdom and insight. Probably, such an opinion was established because initially it is not aggressive and does not do evil without a reason.

And in the snake there is something diabolical, but at the same time bewitching. One has only to remember who exactly was the seducer of Adam, or imagine the notorious pair of boa-rabbit.

Well, the “bouquet” comes out extraordinary and peculiar. So what are they, these astrological Serpents? Let's try to figure it out...

Dates of birth

In the future 2013, the Snake will enter into its “rights” from February 10th. The Year of the Black Snake will end on January 31, 2014.

Those who were born in the year 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, as well as those who will be born in 2013, can classify themselves as Serpents -m.

Traits of those born in the year of the Snake

Snakes are primarily thinkers. They are attentive to themselves and sometimes do not notice the impressions and influences they have on others. They are taciturn and somewhat selfish. However, this characteristic does not at all indicate that they are evil. Moreover, if the Snake finally realizes that she has become the cause of someone's problems, she will definitely help, in any case, than she can.

Snakes are thoughtful and appreciate beauty. They willingly visit exhibition halls, galleries, theaters, wishing that the stream of high impressions from the outside to their hearts would not dry up even for a minute. Yes and in Everyday life they are aesthetes and love to surround themselves interesting people, good, expensive things, exquisite smells and the like. In addition, Snakes never fall “face down” in conversation, they are always role models in clothes, manners, and speech. But, at the same time, the innate serpentine deceit makes itself felt, forcing them, when they suspect another person of rusticity, lack of taste, or his other “sins”, immediately begin to treat him with contempt and arrogance.

Snakes are considered to be prudent creatures, in which everything is always planned, thought out and which cannot be taken by surprise. They perfectly feel critical or difficult moments and quickly navigate in such circumstances.

Obviously unfavorable for Snakes are situations when they are placed in some kind of strict framework of restrictions. Under such conditions, they get very tired, they are completely lost, because of this they fall into irritation or anger, and their activity loses most of its possible effectiveness.

Areas of success

After all that has been said about Snakes, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the optimal professional activity for them is the intellectual sphere. First of all, they are excellent organizers, and this more than satisfactorily explains why there are so many executives among the Snakes.

The snake will never stagnate, it will certainly take advantage of the opportunity to improve its professional level and expand the field of general knowledge. In addition, such a person is able to keep in mind a lot of useful and simply interesting information and successfully operate with it. As a result, wonderful financiers, practical scientists, teachers, thinkers from philosophy and theology, and lawyers are made from Serpents.

And the ability to subtly feel and analyze their impressions of many Snakes is forced to devote themselves to the world of art. Therefore, among artists, actors, singers, critics, there are also quite a few of them.

snake and love

In love, Snakes are romantic and know how to achieve a person who they "have their eyes on." Having achieved the desired, they sometimes show an extreme degree of jealousy and possessiveness.

The Snakes approach the choice of a partner carefully, they are very demanding, even picky, as a rule, they always have a clear set of requirements and rules, the observance of which they require from their lover or lover without fail. However, they usually do not burden themselves with such conventions, reserving the right to be free in actions and words. And, of course, it is precisely such a system of double standards that often becomes a real stumbling block in the relationship of the Snake with its “half”.

But if, nevertheless, the Snake managed to achieve a compromise in the family or a love affair with a partner, then such an alliance will be stable and interesting for both.

Compatibility for the Snake according to the Eastern horoscope

The best partners for the Snake are the Bull, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster. The Ox is hardy and efficient, he is able to provide the Snake with the lifestyle that she would like, and this is usually a key point for her. The Snake and the Dragon will always be proud and admire each other. The Monkey and the Snake will "find" each other first as intellectual partners, and only then the relationship will be strengthened, and so that this couple can go hand in hand through any difficulties and hardships. It is difficult to find a more elegant and memorable couple than the Snake and the Rooster, in which, moreover, any possibility of disagreement is minimized.

More or less suitable for the Snake are the Rat, the Snake, the Rabbit, the Horse, the Sheep and the Dog. The Rat and the Snake is one of the best examples of how people can adapt to each other; but whether they will want to and for how long they will be able to adapt is a question that sometimes has no answer. Two Snakes can also live side by side for years, however, if there is even a hint of rivalry between them, it will mean a complete collapse, and love and other tender feelings will be completely forgotten. The Snake and the Rabbit have a lot in common - patience, aesthetics, prudence; but the Rabbit often sins with indecision, and this quality is very annoying to the Snake. The Horse and the Snake will be quite pleased with each other, but only if one day the Horse does not feel that he is ringed by snake jealousy and total control. At first glance, the Snake and the Sheep will have an ideal union, which in fact can break up overnight for one banal reason - because of the low family income. The dog is ready to put up with a lot in the Snake, but she will not be able to forgive her cheating, and the Snake is far from being monogamous.

If a Tiger or a Pig meets on the way of the Snake, then it is better for her to bypass them. The Tiger is impulsive, the Snake is prone to contemplation, they live at different paces and will not be able to keep up with life. The Snake will not be able to get along with the Pig due to the fact that the simplicity and gullibility of such a partner will greatly annoy her.

Horoscope: Snake and Zodiac


Aries is very serious and thoughtful, and this somewhat softens the egoism of the Snake. As a rule, the Snake, born under the constellation Aries, is even more contemplative and attentive to details. Thanks to Aries, a certain amount of practicality is added to the aestheticism of the Snake. This is reflected in everyday life, finds a response in the professional sphere. That is, the Snake-Aries, for example, will no longer acquire a thing that is simply beautiful, but certainly one that she could also use. Such a person is stable in taste preferences in terms of fashion, places of recreation, etc. The sign of Aries, among other things, makes the Snake less wasteful.

Taurus Snake

The Taurus Snake is even more elegance and even more developed intuition. In addition, Taurus adds conscientiousness to the Snake, and the Snake "gifts" Taurus with financial luck. These people are inquisitive, open to new ideas and knowledge, so the range of their interests is extremely wide. And since Taurus is subject to the elements of the Earth, the Snake-Taurus has a lot of chances to comprehend the beauty of a completely earthly beauty of the body. And from this, the Snakes, born under the sign of Taurus, often become unsurpassed lovers.

Gemini Snake

The sign of Gemini enhances the charm in the Snake. The Twin Snake becomes inimitably attractive, but already without a frightening mystery. These people, as a rule, have an excellent sense of humor, are able to speak convincingly and conquer the interlocutor with their charm. True, such Snakes become somewhat talkative, but many people with whom fate brings them are ready to endure this shortcoming in them.

Snake Cancer

Cancer is melancholic, scattered, sensitive through the measure. But the Snake manages to perfectly correct the personal qualities of the representatives of this sign. The Cancer Snake appears before us as a man in good sense original, with its own style, with a considerable amount of self-confidence. The snake gives Cancer even the ability to influence people, and the most pleasant thing is that, due to their own decency, Cancer will never use this ability to harm. In fact, the Cancer Snake is an excellent psychologist, reasonable and sincere.


Lions, having the Snake as their symbol of the year, as a rule, are self-sufficient, straightforward and deeply decent people. They feel comfortable in large companies, but they can do just fine without them, not at all burdened by loneliness. These are wonderful friends who have enough strength to support and help in difficult times, they have the courage to speak the truth in person, without hypocrisy and without false shame.

Virgo Snake

Virgo is a philosopher whose theory is based on mercy, diligence, and benevolence. The snake represents readiness for responsibility, speed of reaction. As a result, the world is a person who is capable of quick adaptation in any conditions, resourceful, deeply thinking. In a word, almost a universal personality, quickly “grasping” everything new and able to achieve success with guarantee. Such people have everything in moderation - the desire for material wealth, the desire to surround their lives with comfort, attempts to realize their ambitions. Now, if only there was less criticality to ourselves ...


The Libra Snake is a type of person who is optimistic about life and quite benevolent. The snake brings some stability to this character, Libra - unpretentiousness in the field of professional implementation. That is, such people no longer suffer from the increased variability of moods characteristic of “pure” Libra, and they know how to enjoy any activity and pastime. But in order to understand their true nature, you will first have to talk with them for a while. The Libra Snake is by no means an open book, moreover, for its “reading” you will have to stock up on both attention and observation.

Scorpion snake

Scorpio Snakes are distinguished by their pronounced charisma and the ability to keep themselves. They seem to have an answer ready for everything, and they will only say what they want to be heard from them. True, there, in the soul, everything is not so smooth, but an outsider will never guess about it. However, an outsider will not even be allowed on the threshold of this ambiguous and crafty soul, because the circle of people who could rightly be called friends is small and very clearly defined by the Scorpion Serpent.

Sagittarius Snake

The Sagittarius Snake is a very interesting person. Such a person is curious and inquisitive, he is always in search of new emotions and sensations. But thanks to the Snake, she shows a steady craving for material wealth. Therefore, the range of interests of such a Sagittarius often definitely shifts precisely into the sphere of earnings and profits. And it is being implemented quite successfully. In addition, Sagittarius Snakes believe in fate and, as a result, sometimes let the search for a life partner take its course. But if (in their opinion) such a meeting has taken place, then the partner of Sagittarius can be sure of his almost lifelong devotion.

Capricorn Snake

Snakes-Capricorns are intellectuals and pragmatists. They still value their personal space and professional (and, of course, material) success. However, now they have become much more charming and sociable. Among other things, Capricorn-Snake is a fairly self-confident person. So confident that to find a partner for family life he approaches very selectively and does not exchange for someone who is lower in intellectual level than his own level.

Aquarius Snake

The Aquarius Snake is very lucky. This is expressed, first of all, in the business sphere. It is believed that such people are simply doomed to success in business. Indeed, they have everything necessary for this - a convincing motivation for their actions, vigor, the ability to perceive and process information in any volume, and a willingness to bear responsibility. Among other things, Aquarius Snakes feel like masters of the situation in their personal lives. They are not afraid to be the first to express their feelings, to demonstrate an interest in developing relationships.


The snake, born under the constellation Pisces, becomes more soft and impressionable. But the Fish, whose symbol is the Snake, is already a rather insightful person, more self-confident, with high demands on life. Well, a good symbiosis, especially since it informs the character of such people of purposefulness, readiness for long-term relationships, high communication skills and, as a result, success.

The psychology of marriage