Folk omens for October 19 of the year. From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

Egypt is notorious for its superstition. So, for example, scissors are endowed with special symbols, so they cannot be opened and closed unnecessarily. In addition, many put them under the pillow so that they do not have nightmares at night.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what's in store for you in the near future.

Folk omens on October 19

vernacular name:

Fomin's day, baker.


Since ancient times, it has been believed that it is on this date that it is necessary to sum up the results of the year and determine whether you managed to get the expected profit from your activities. If you have achieved the desired result, then you need to set a rich table and eat plenty, thereby celebrating your success.

Folk signs say that St. Thomas loves thrifty and thrifty people very much and has a negative attitude towards wasteful people, so you should be provided with all kinds of preparations and supplies for the winter.

If you were going to change the locks somewhere, then this day is ideal for doing this.


  • The snow that fell on Thomas portends the onset of winter in 40 days.
  • We noticed that at sunset the solar disk is paler than usual, which means that a strong westerly wind will soon blow.
  • If the evening dawn is bright red and lasts a very long time, then bad weather is expected.
  • We saw crows gathering in flocks - know that bad weather is coming.
  • The weather is clear and windless, which means that it will soon get colder.

Name days are celebrated on this day:

Dream Interpretation October 19

In a dream you got yourself a bible, which means that in the near future you will have to work hard; burned it - because of your rash actions, you will make unfortunate mistakes, which will force you to postpone your plans indefinitely. If in a dream it was in black binding, then you should be prepared for great difficulties.


If you were born on October 19, then an amethyst or ruby ​​jewelry or amulet can become your amulet. The first mineral is able to protect from bad habits, such as alcoholism and drug addiction, to give its owner good health, clarity of memory until old age. The second one

Traditions. On this day, barns and cellars were already filled with supplies for the winter, bread, fresh, salted and pickled vegetables, salted mushrooms, jams and marshmallows. Therefore, they said: “Foma is a big chrome”, “Foma is aching bins, take everything for nothing.” Thomas was called the big krom because he encouraged frugality and thriftiness. They said about a negligent, mismanaged and wasteful person: “Great is chrome, but is there a dog in it.” Kromoy villagers called a bag, a bag, a place in a barn for storing grain or other products, it was from him that the modern words"secluded place", "modesty", "bins".

By the day of the Apostle Thomas, the final results of the economic year were summed up. And if the barns, chests, closets, cellars turned out to be full, they noted with satisfaction: “Anika is glad that the chrome is great,” and gratefully placed a candle in the church in front of the image of the Apostle Thomas - a wise and benevolent mentor and patron of honest prosperity.

Conspiracies October 19

Good trade conspiracy

I advise you to prepare first. Take the earth from the ant heap, sprinkle it in the four corners of the trading tent (shop). Then walk clockwise around the shop three times, silently or whispering aloud:

Like in a bunch of antsa family of ants run tolike this pile every day pasthete, grows, tas if to me, to my shop shate all the people with their feet, paying with purses.And like a bunch of ant grows, tso let the people in my shopnever ends.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.Now and forever and forever and ever.

From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

Each word has only the meaning in which the listener can perceive it. You will not understand the meaning of honor to a dishonorable person or love to one who is a stranger to it. Trying to reduce the meaning of these words to their understanding, you will only come to the point that you will have no more words to express both honor and love. (John Ruskin)

Popular name: Thomas' day, Fomin's day, Thomas, baker.

Traditions for October 19

On this day, barns and cellars were already filled with supplies for the winter, bread, fresh, salted and pickled vegetables, salted mushrooms, jams and marshmallows. Therefore, they said: “Foma is a big chrome”, “Foma is aching bins, take everything for nothing.” Thomas was called the big krom because he encouraged frugality and thriftiness.

They said about a negligent, mismanaged and wasteful person: “Great is chrome, but is there a dog in it.” Kromoy villagers called a bag, a bag, a place in a barn for storing grain or other products, it was from him that the modern words “secluded place”, “modesty”, “bins”, etc. were formed.

By the day of the Apostle Thomas, the final results of the economic year were summed up. The amount of income obtained during the agricultural season was determined. And if the barns, chests, closets, cellars turned out to be full, they noted with satisfaction: “Anika is glad that the chrome is great,” and gratefully placed a candle in the church in front of the image of the Apostle Thomas - a wise and benevolent mentor and patron of honest wealth.

Signs for October 19

Denis pulled the day down.

The name of the day is Makar. Characteristics of a person named Makar

A man with this name is a closed person, he often considers himself a champion of progress. It’s better not to fall under the hot hand of Makar, however, he quickly leaves. People with this name are more willing to listen to others than speak themselves. They love children and strive for a large family, however, often their first marriage is unsuccessful.

Makar, born in October, is a good craftsman. He successfully works in the field of activity where it is necessary to work with his hands, they make excellent masons, plasterers, roofers, blacksmiths, but among them there are musicians, and teachers, and military leaders. Makar prefers to work independently, without assistants.

Ap. Thomas.

October 19 - Thomas. Foma - big chrome

Saint Thomas was a Galilean fisherman who followed the Lord Jesus Christ and became His disciple and one of the 12 apostles. According to the testimony Holy Scripture, the Apostle Thomas did not believe the stories of other disciples about the Resurrection of the Lord. On the eighth day after the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to him and showed His wounds; after that convinced of the truth Christ's Resurrection the apostle exclaimed: "My Lord and my God!" According to church tradition, Saint Thomas preached the Gospel in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parthia, Ethiopia, and East India. For the conversion to Christ of the son, wife and sister of the ruler of the Indian city of Malipur, the holy apostle was imprisoned, endured torture, and finally, pierced with five spears, he departed to the Lord.

Foma the bread-maker: aching bins - take everything for nothing!

Thomas is a big chrome.

Among the people, the Apostle Thomas, who doubted the Resurrection of Christ, became a prototype of an incredulous person prone to doubts. "Unbelieving Thomas" - they say about such people.

In Russian folklore, Foma turned out to be firmly connected with Yerema.

They talk about Yerema, and he talks about Foma.

Foma was beaten for Yeremin's guilt.

They searched for Yerema, found Foma.

Proverbs, fairy tales and humorous songs, folk stories and popular prints are dedicated to this inseparable pair of comic characters, sometimes bad brothers, sometimes "accomplices" who do stupid and ridiculous things. The vast majority of these works are built on a play on one technique: the syntactic parallelism of paired sentences and lexical synonymy, and their special charm is that words that really mean the same or almost the same thing act as synonyms, and those words which actually mean completely different things. For example, in the phrase "Foma crushes the radish, and Yerema crushes the garlic," radish and garlic become synonymous, since both vegetables mean meager food. The works about Foma and Yerema amaze with a great sense of humor, the boundless imagination of nameless authors who manage to subtly and “tasty” play on the similarity of different and the difference of similar.

Here is one version of the joke song:

Foma da Yerema,

Yerema da Foma

two brothers


They have beards like harrows

Mustaches are like whips.

Our beards were gathering

To trade.

Yerema took a half

And Foma and a half,

Yerema bought a horse,

And Thomas is a stallion.

Eremina is not going

Fomina is unlucky<...>.

- We will become better, Yerema,

Break the cage with you!

Here Yerema climbed into the cage,

And Foma in the barn,

Yerema grabbed a fur coat,

And Thomas is caftan.

Yerema was captured

And Foma was robbed.

Like Yerem in the neck,

And Foma is in jolts.

Yerema ran away

Thomas escaped.

Here Yerema is running -

Won't look back

And Thomas hurries after him -

Will not part.

- Failure to us, Yerema,

Breaking cages with you.

We will become better, Yerema,

Pray to God with you!

Here Yerema goes to church,

And Thomas to the altar,

Yerema grabbed the robes,

And Thomas is a surplice,

Yerema took the censer,

And Thomas a candle.

Yerema is censing,

Thomas bows.

How pulled on them

Yes, a dashing sexton.

Here is Yerema in the snout,

And Foma on the nostrils.

Yerema fled,

Thomas escaped.

- Failure to us, Yerema,

Pray to God with you

We will become better, Yerema,

Fish with you!

Yerema bought a net,

And Foma is a delusional.

Here is Yerema for a pike,

And Foma for a catfish.

Here Yerema drowned

And Foma pulled.

Here Yerema sat on the bottom,

And Thomas is with him at the same time.

Here Yerema was buried,

And Thomas was buried -

They won't come out of the ground.

Apostle of 12 Thomas (I).

Popular name:

Thomas' day, Fomin's day, Thomas, baker.

Signs and customs

October in Russian villages was one of the most satisfying months of the year. By this month, all the main work in the field was being completed, the harvest was being harvested, and the feed for the cattle had already been prepared. From here came the sayings: “Thomas is a big bag”, “Thomas is a big feed” and “The breadmaker is breaking the bins - take everything for nothing.” Therefore, on October 19, it was supposed to fill the barrels with already cleaned grain.

Susek in the villages was called a place in the barn specially fenced off for storing grain. The owner of the house himself took care of the grain with his eldest, not yet married, son. After that, the father allocated to him a part of the bin, from where the adult son could take grain on his own. But before work, it was necessary to pray to the Apostle Thomas. It was believed that it would help preserve the grain and properly distribute it throughout the long winter.

On October 19, the housewives for the first time taught their daughters, who were already seven years old, weaving skills.

On this day, the locks were changed, new icons and lamps were placed in the shops.

If snow falls and the trees have not shed their leaves yet, it will soon melt.

The first powder is not yet a toboggan run.

Name days on October 19 are celebrated:

Glyceria, Erotida, Claudia, Laura, Makar, Nikanor, Thomas.

R - to dream