7 swords tarot thot meaning. Tarot Thoth - the great legacy of the mad Aleister Crowley

MAIN VALUE: In the vast majority of cases, this card reflects a person's feelings of futility, strong pessimism, causing a sense of the senselessness of applying any effort and performing any action. Faith in one's abilities is completely absent, and successful implementation in any area of ​​our life or activity seems completely impossible.

THESIS: "All my attempts to do something and efforts to achieve something are completely useless. I can't do anything and I can't do anything."

RELATIONS: Disappointment of one partner in another; a sense of one's own unworthiness and the futility of trying to maintain or build a relationship with someone; complete cooling of feelings between partners; a feeling of complete meaninglessness of continuing the current relationship.

PERSONALITY: Feeling unworthy and incapable of achieving success in anything; extreme pessimism and disbelief in one's own strengths; depressed-depressive state; sluggish mental disorders(rarely).

WORK, BUSINESS: Complete disbelief in the success of any business or in one's abilities in any activity; extremely unsuccessful course of business; significant losses; collapse; bankruptcy; dismissal from work; a feeling of complete senselessness to continue working in the current position or in any area.

HEALTH: Serious deterioration in health; strongly negative dynamics of the course of the disease; death (rare).

RECOMMENDATIONS: Your current mood tells you that you are not worthy, that you are not capable of achieving something, and so on, by determining the direction and content of your thinking. etc. Of course, these feelings are not at all easy to overcome, but if you continue to just sit and whine, feeling sorry for yourself, it will lead nowhere and will never change anything. Try to collect your thoughts, weigh everything properly and decide whether you will continue to try to act in the chosen direction. Just make the final decision for yourself, "whether you get involved in this battle." If the decision is positive, then smile and do your best to achieve success, not retreating from any difficulties. If your decision is negative, then just leave it and look in some other direction.

In the life of each of us there is still an infinite number of things that we need to accomplish. As we move forward, we need to persistently "raise the bar higher" by doing our best and doing the best we can. Moving in this way, we are capable of almost limitless development and will surely discover in ourselves such resources and opportunities that we did not even suspect.

The Seven of Swords shows the reverse side of the Magician, with which it is related by the golden background of both cards. The power of knowledge, a clear, sharp mind turn here into cunning and intrigue, meanness and deceit. In a milder form, this could be evil tongue, intellectual arrogance or the position "my hut is on the edge" - unwillingness to notice some things, the habit of playing around, evading, shilling, etc. At the same time, it is not clear who is deceiving whom here, who we are - a swindler or a victim. But most often it turns out that we are harming ourselves here.


We may be deceived, or we ourselves may be deceived; perhaps we are trying to achieve something in a dishonest, fraudulent way. In the course are such dubious means as hypocrisy, "stand", passing out of turn and other tricks of little respect. If this card falls out in response to a question about work, of course, you need to be on the alert, but the main thing is to take a closer look at how we behave ourselves so as not to fall victim to our own intrigues. At the event-personal level, the card symbolizes a piper, either evading responsibility in every possible way, or frankly cheating.


At the level of consciousness, it shows that we stubbornly refuse to admit the obvious and avoid discussions on these topics. And this is dishonest, first of all, in relation to ourselves: in this way we close the path to knowing the truth, and in especially difficult cases we devote our lives to a cause that is obviously false. Therefore, here this card should be taken as a serious warning and advice not to elevate your views to the absolute, to question them more often.

Personal relationships and love

Here, the spectrum of this card is very wide: from petty nasty things, such as gloating and hypocrisy, to low lies, malice, meanness and betrayal. On the other hand, it may indicate a lack of openness in a relationship, when we avoid direct conversations with a partner or dodge an important decision.

inner meaning

This is a card of hope and renewed self-confidence. Looks like the worst is over. If your confidence and your plans are based on experience and knowledge of the situation, then you can still succeed. Beware of overconfidence and don't try to bluff. Your experience has taught you what you need to know, and your strength will carry you through the hardships. No need to rush forward. Don't talk too much about what you need or what you plan to do; your talkativeness will play into the hands of your enemies.

Combinations in other cards


2 of swords: flight from the truth

5 of swords: dishonor, separation from others

Hermit: loneliness, removal from society

9 of Pentacles: rely on yourself, act on your own


Priest: Teamwork

Justice: Taking Responsibility

10 of Wands: make any commitments

6 of Cups: inexperience, kindness, openness, dignity




Moon in Aquarius

20°—30° Aquarius

Original title: The Lord of Fickle Efforts Initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: two hands are stretched out from the clouds to the right and left, each of which holds three swords, similar to the daggers of Air - the tools of the Zealot Adept Minor. The third hand, extended from below, holds one central sword. All swords touch each other with their points; the central sword is unable to finally separate the others. A rose with five petals blooms on the blade of the central sword

Color of Netzach according to the Prince's scale: bright yellowish green
Colors of the Moon on four scales: crimson (ultraviolet); deep yellow flecked with silvery white; light translucent pinkish brown; stone color
Colors of Aquarius on four scales: violet; sky blue; bluish-lilac; white with a slight tinge of purple
Formula: Seven (Netzach) + Swords (Yetzira) + Moon in Aquarius = VAIT.

As a rule, it is not easy for me to interpret the Seven of Swords in a layout. It would seem that the card of the suit of Swords, which landed in the sphere of Netzach, should be simply terrible. However, some of the factors that make up the formula of this card relieve it of some of the shortcomings that are characteristic of Sevens as a whole. For example, the very name of the seventh Sephira is Victory. It may seem that this is a very weak excuse, but the Swords really respond to the word "victory" with a joyful ringing. In addition, the Moon in Aquarius brings an element of volatility and opens up opportunities for compromise. This card, Crowley notes, “is like a rheumatic boxer who retired from the ring a long time ago, but is now trying to 'get back into the sport.'” But let's not forget that fortune sometimes smiles on oldies too.

Frieda Harris depicted on this map the battle of six planets against the Sun. Take a closer look at the swords. The hilts of the six swords, arranged in a crescent at the top of the card, are adorned with the symbols of the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, and Saturn (from left to right). The central sword is the Sun itself, which was in the minority and wounded by the blows of opponents. The composition as a whole, with all the orderly clarity and rigor, hints that the time has come to sit down at the negotiating table. But will the parties come to an agreement? I don't think so.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

Do you recognize this person? In each of us, except for the most innocent and sincere, there is a politician. lurking somewhere in our mind. In fact, the mind is the politician. It is in his very nature to plan, scheme, and try to manipulate situations and people to get what he desires. Here the mind is represented by a snake covered in clouds and "speaking with a forked tongue." But the most important thing to understand in this card is that both faces are false. The sweet, innocent "trust me" face is a mask, and the evil, venomous "I'll do what I want with you" is also a mask. Politicians don't have real faces. The whole game is a lie.

Direct position

Take a look at yourself and see if you're playing this game. What you see may hurt you, but it's not as painful as continuing to play. Ultimately, it doesn't serve anyone's interest but yours. Everything that you can achieve in this way will crumble to dust in your hands.

The meaning of the card

Anyone who can be a good pretender, a hypocrite, will become your leader in politics, will become your priest in religion. All he wants is hypocrisy, all he wants is cunning, all he wants is a facade to hide behind. Your politicians live double life, your priests live a double life - one from the front, the other from the back door. And life from the back door is theirs real life. Those front smiles are just fake, those faces that look so innocent are just masks. If you want to see the reality of a politician, you need to see through the back door. There he will appear before you in all his nakedness, such as he is. And the same thing happens with the priest. These two types of insidious people rule over humanity. They realize very quickly that if you want to dominate mankind, make him weak, make him feel guilty, make him feel unworthy, take away all his glory, humiliate him. And they invent such subtle ways of humiliation that you don't even notice them; They let you humiliate yourself, destroy yourself. They have taught you the slow suicide method. (Osho)


In the vast majority of cases, this card reflects a person's feelings of futility, strong pessimism, causing a sense of the senselessness of applying any effort and performing any action. Faith in one's abilities is completely absent, and successful implementation in any area of ​​our life or activity seems completely impossible.


"All my attempts to do something and efforts to achieve something are completely useless. I can't do anything and I can't do anything."


Disappointment of one partner in another; a sense of one's own unworthiness and the futility of trying to maintain or build a relationship with someone; complete cooling of feelings between partners; a feeling of complete meaninglessness of continuing the current relationship.


Feeling unworthy and incapable of achieving success in anything; extreme pessimism and disbelief in one's own strengths; depressed-depressive state; sluggish mental disorders (rarely).


Complete disbelief in the success of any business or in one's abilities in any activity; extremely unsuccessful course of business; significant losses; collapse; bankruptcy; dismissal from work; a feeling of complete senselessness to continue working in the current position or in any area.


Serious deterioration in health; strongly negative dynamics of the course of the disease; death (rare).

Your current mood tells you that you are not worthy, that you are not capable of achieving something, and so on, by determining the direction and content of your thinking. etc. Of course, these feelings are not at all easy to overcome, but if you continue to just sit and whine, feeling sorry for yourself, it will lead nowhere and will never change anything. Try to collect your thoughts, weigh everything properly and decide whether you will continue to try to act in the chosen direction. Just make the final decision for yourself, "whether you get involved in this battle." If the decision is positive, then smile and do your best to achieve success, not retreating from any difficulties. If your decision is negative, then just leave it and look in some other direction.

In the life of each of us there is still an infinite number of things that we need to accomplish. As we move forward, we need to persistently "raise the bar higher" by doing our best and doing the best we can. Moving in this way, we are capable of almost limitless development and will surely discover in ourselves such resources and opportunities that we did not even suspect.

Moon in Aquarius; disappointment, despondency, inconstancy, fears about existence, negative expectations.

The great sword of clarity is attacked and damaged by six smaller swords, and loses its energy and stamina. Lesser swords, each bearing a planetary symbol on the hilt, represent pessimistic thoughts that hinder apparent success. Conscious and unconscious (Sun and Moon at the ends of the central sword) exchanged positions. Gloomy subconscious expectations cloud your vision in depth. Severe anxiety prevails, although in reality everything is going quite normally.

The disappointing aspects of the six small swords can be explained as follows:

Neptune: Everything seems to be clouded with a film or a veil: I just don't know what I really want.

Venus: But it's too good to be true.

Mars: I have no energy, no time, I'm too old.

Jupiter: Too many good things at once. L will never handle such a great success.

Mercury: But I just can't convey it properly.

Saturn: There's just too much fiddling around here, and it's taking too long. These literally destructive thoughts should not be taken seriously. The reality is somewhat different from your perception of it at the moment. Soon you will be able to laugh at your own doubts.


Your fears have nothing to do with reality! Wake up and see what's really happening!


In what areas of your life do you humble yourself with your own limited ideas? What are the belief systems that are squeezing you?


Draw another card, asking: What will my life look like when I put my doubts aside?


I master all the skills and means necessary to achieve what I aspire to in the depths of my soul.


7 Swords of the Tarot of Thoth - the Arcana to which our today's article is devoted - is called Futility. Unlike the classical interpretation, where this card is seen as deceit, insincerity, meanness, Crowley shows a deeper understanding of the semantic field of this Arcana. The card is not loaded with complex symbolism, so it will be quite simple to figure out how it manifests itself.

General description of the map, plot

On a blue background with light "turntables", which are found on all cards of this suit, we see one central large sword, around which six small ones are located. Their points are belligerently directed towards the center of the map, but the very large dagger separates them with a powerful blow. If you pay attention to the handles of these small swords, you will see that they form a crescent. Thus Crowley showed the symbolic struggle of one strong man against many weak opponents.

Symbolism of the card

So, what symbols will help us understand the interpretation of the 7 Swords of Tarot Thoth? Let's see.

The main meaning of the card

What does Crowley's 7 Swords mean? Everything is quite simple here: it is the futility of efforts due to any unforeseen circumstances, the actions of opponents, self-deception. As the author of the deck himself says, the collapse of the intellect in this card is not accompanied by such violent upheavals as in the Five of Swords of the same suit. The astrological correspondence - the Moon in Aquarius - somewhat softens the manifestation of the Arcanum, and is expressed as a desire for compromise and some kind of tolerance, but this can still lead to disastrous consequences (depending on what exactly is being discussed). In fact, the card shows a visual situation when one sufficiently strong and intelligent person is faced with many weak opponents, because of which his efforts do not bring results, turn out to be in vain.

Shadow Map Reveal

The shadow meaning of the 7 Swords of the Tarot of Thoth is excessive self-confidence in victory, when a person does not take into account possible opposing forces and circumstances, or vice versa, underestimation of the actions of the enemy. At the same time, as you understand, anything or anyone can act as an adversary, depending on the context of the question asked.

The meaning of the 7 of Swords on the psychological plane

On a psychological plane, the card shows a person who follows the path of least resistance. Such people often try to carry out their plans, despite the fact that it does not come into their hands. This is a kind of protective mechanism of thinking, when a person simply cannot adequately assess the situation and his real capabilities. In fact, this is an attempt to mislead oneself or others, self-deception.

The meaning of the card for matters of love and relationships

What will be the meaning of the 7 Swords of the Tarot of Thoth in a relationship? There may be different interpretations here. In some cases, Arkan will show a lack of openness, honesty towards his partner: one can say about such a person that he constantly goes around and around. In other situations, fruitless attempts to change a loved one or actions that, despite all efforts, do not lead to the desired may well take place on the map. I also associate futile attempts to change my partner with this Arcana, when a person for some reason forgets that he has entered into a relationship with an already formed personality. If, for example, the question was asked “Will the wedding take place?”, The card will answer: no, despite all efforts, and this will happen due to unforeseen circumstances or own errors in the calculations.

The meaning of the Arcana in work and finance

In questions professional activity The 7 Swords Tarot of Thoth will show opposition to your ideas, the inability to get the result you are counting on, self-deception. Sometimes it happens the other way around: Arkan indicates that they are trying to deceive you, or someone in your environment is acting dishonestly. In finance - not receiving the money that a person counted on.

The meaning of the card on health issues

Personally, I interpret this card depending on the situation. If we're talking about general condition health, then there are many small factors on the face that prevent a person from feeling good, and what kind of factors these are should be judged by additional cards. If we ask about the prognosis of recovery, then it will be disappointing. Also, the 7 Swords of the Tarot of Thoth can show an operation or therapy that did not lead to the desired result, a protracted illness.

Psychologist's advice