Conspiracy to find out the name of the real father. How to get a person to tell the truth - psychological advice

In business, trust is very important. You can build a lot on trust, but before you start trusting a person, you need to take a closer look at him. There are many ways to recognize that a person is lying. But understanding the very fact of a lie is actually not very informative. It's much more important to get the person to tell the truth, especially if that truth is vital to your business. The stronger the offense, the more difficult it is to get a person to confess it and tell the details. But the choice of a set of measures to neutralize the consequences of actions so detrimental to business often depends on this.

There are several universal ways to help get a person to tell the truth. And they are quite different in approach. For example, such actions as threats, blackmail, or going to court may have some effect, but they are quite unpleasant, laborious, energetically uncomfortable and extremely time and money consuming (in the case of contacting lawyers). Today we will talk about three relatively pleasant and powerful methods that can help in solving an actual problem.

1. Pay attention to speech markers
Let's analyze this rule and the next two rules with a specific example. Suppose you suspect your employee of having shared confidential information with a competing firm. How to get him to confess? Ask the same question three times different ways, in different formulations. Your task is not to look for discrepancies, but to observe correspondences, for frequently repeated phrases and formulations that will make it clear that the person has rehearsed his answer in advance. Especially pay attention to comparisons, metaphors, proverbs, sayings, references to the same person, quotes and similar "calls" that can easily come to mind of a smart and eloquent person in a normal conversation, but which are just as easily replaced by other phrases. when answering the same question again, reformulated in a different way. If a person constantly repeats something atypical for him, he is probably lying. After determining the very fact of fraud, it's time to start finding out the details.

2. Play good cop
Instead of hanging over the employee and start yelling at him, demanding to lay it all out, choose the opposite method. Inspire the subordinate with the idea that you are on his side. You can say something like: “I know why you deny the fact of leaking information, if I were you I would do the same. I do not condone your action, but I understand its reasons. Now you really have a choice, there is a chance to do the right thing and decently. I would be pleased to know that I was not mistaken in you and that you are indeed the responsible person that I saw when applying for a job. Anyone can make a mistake, but not everyone is ready to admit and bear responsibility for their misconduct. Just a little bit of empathy is sometimes enough for a person to relax and confess their wrongdoing.

3. Offer your version of the development of events
If you get only a puzzled shrug in response to the previous two actions, you will have to resort to another way to get the person to tell the truth. Start talking yourself. Using the facts known to you, suggest your version of the development of events. Your task is to push the employee to the conversation. You can say something like, “I understand how this could have happened. You are friends with people from a competing firm. In itself, this fact is not a crime. I am familiar with your personal problems, or I understand you might be angry with me for... (if there is a reason, state it), and when you were offered a large sum money for what you think is insignificant information, you could not help but agree to solve your problems in a simple way". If your interlocutor begins to protest at these words that he was not given any money, this denial can be regarded as a partial recognition.

Keep saying the wrong things. Lies or slander usually irritate people. And if you continue to claim that the employee, together with a competitor, attended a closed event with other employees of a competing company, that he was seen in the company of top management of the opposition or something else in the same vein, then it is likely that your interrogated person will start to refute everything that you "hang" on him, play up and explain. In such a roundabout way, you can unexpectedly come to the truth, and not only achieve a confession to your deed, but also find out some details that the guilty person would certainly not want to spread.

There are effective methods of coercion to the truth.

Reception "Suddenness"

A question on a subject of interest to you should be asked unexpectedly, contrary to the previous logical chain of dialogue. For greater efficiency, a deliberate channel of conversation is created in a friendly mood, with a soft and kind smile, more than once emphasizing one's own trust in the interlocutor. Lulled suspicion increases your chances of surprise. And if you take care in advance that the opponent does not take the opportunity to remain silent or laugh it off, or in another way to avoid the answer (for example, ask a question so loudly that other people interested in the answer can hear it), then a high percentage of probability will provide you with a truthful answer .

Reception "Blackmail"

Yes, yes, this dirty, but effective technique. When seeking the truth from a child, promise him, in the worst case, a ban on access to a computer. From a lying husband, a sure remedy is fasting nights. From a crafty wife - a delay in buying a fur coat. And to a friend who Lately afraid to look into your eyes, you can threaten a quarrel. Etc. and so on. There are many resources, but one reception. The main thing is that the blackmail touches the really "sore spots" of the opponent. And one should always keep "promises" in case of refusal to tell the truth. Because next time this technique will not help you at all.

Reception "I know everything"

Works great if your confidence in your own suspicions is high. If you doubt something, the reception will not help, even if you are actually right. Let's say you're a bad actor, then confidence will work for you - verbal and non-verbal cues, tone of voice, gestures, look. “I know everything, but it would be better if you tell everything yourself!” - this phrase simultaneously saves both you and your opponent. Thanks to this solution to the conflict, family ties can still be preserved, friendships can be made stronger, and partner business can be intercepted in one hand without the services of a killer.

Reception "Good"

It is effective if the lie did not lead to a world catastrophe or revolution, if the north and south poles each remained in their place, and also when the planet Earth has not yet left its orbit. This technique does not recommend the torture of boring "so you say or not?". He also denies swearing, swearing, spitting, and gnashing of teeth. But you should take into your hands such human qualities as sincerity and kindness, the desire to understand the interlocutor. The opponent, seeing you as a friend, will lose the basic conditions for lying - why lie when you can simply explain the motives for deception?

Reception "ES" (extreme oddity)

Usually a lie needs a rationale to back it up. The truth doesn't need the "truth" as much as the lie! And if at the moment of a conversation about a subject of interest, something unusual and absurd slips out from your side, then the entire logical chain of the opponent collapses. And the more extreme the oddity, the more honest the answer. Laughter instead of anger, an unreasonable outpouring of gratitude, an intimate question, concern about the health of relatives (especially if you don’t know them and have never been interested in their health before), etc. - full revelry for your imagination and creativity!

To paraphrase a well-known saying: “We are responsible for those who were exposed!” So, friends, be careful in the fight for the truth!

Alas, people often deceive each other. Lies can be manipulative and provocative, for the sake of words and for salvation, but the worst of all is the lie of concealment. As a rule, in order to lie, a person definitely needs a reason for this, so if you catch a person in a lie, think about why he is lying to you. It is likely that if you offer him ways to solve an existing problem, then the need for lies will disappear by itself, and you will not need to resort to methods of detecting lies.

Dream and truth

This method of revealing the truth is considered one of the most vague, since often in a dream a person can talk about what he is dreaming of, and not open the corners of his subconscious. So, how to find out the truth in a dream? The basis of this method is a conversation with a sleeping person who is prone to saying words, as well as whole phrases. It is believed that by asking leading questions, one can thus find out from a person all the ins and outs. Although this method is not scientifically sound, we will describe the main points that need to be done:

  • a conversation with a sleeper should be from a few seconds to several minutes;
  • it is necessary to ask monosyllabic questions that would have either “yes” or “no” in their answer;
  • questions should be short;
  • bodily contact with a person is necessary (hold him by the little finger);
  • the volume of the voice should be muffled and rhythmic with the breathing of the sleeper.

If you didn’t get the information you need from the person, don’t worry. Below we will describe real ways how to understand the truth in modern conditions of life.

Ways to Reveal the Truth

So, are there effective ways to determine the truth and find out if a person is lying to you or not? The following methods are currently known:

  1. Direct impact method. Usually, these means include various methods of psychological and physical influence, which may be accompanied by torture, the use of various pharmacological agents that will suppress a person’s will, as well as the impact on a person’s subconscious through hypnosis and suggestion.
    • Reception of physical influence was widespread in the Middle Ages both in Europe and in Rus' (torture with a red-hot iron, tearing out of the nostrils, beating with sticks and whips, hammering nails under the nails, rack). The physical impact has a significant drawback: a person subjected to torture is able to subscribe to any offense, if only he was given a break, and this is no longer a search for truth, but immersion in another lie.
    • Taking pharmacological preparations is widely used in our time during interrogations (the famous "truth serum"). This technique can also include an old and tried-and-tested remedy - alcohol, but with the proviso that many drunks very often confuse reality with fiction. As a rule, pharmacological preparations are used together with psychological methods of suggestion, otherwise it is very difficult to achieve the truth.
    • Reception psychological impact includes the use of a hypnotic session, as well as various methods of suggestion. The latter include, for example, the famous method with two investigators (bad and good), which works almost flawlessly in a circle of ignorant people.
  2. Method of bodily manifestation. These are the so-called non-verbal tricks of finding out how to find out the truth. The central place in this method is occupied by the well-known lie detector, which is used in their work by the internal affairs bodies. Using the method of bodily manifestation, you can only see that a person is either lying to you or not, but you will not know the truth itself. What should be paid attention to when talking with a person?
    • eyes (a person who composes on the go will raise his eyes up, narrow his eyes, strain his eyes);
    • facial expressions (a person who lies will never be able to portray sincerity - so he will get a smile only with the help of his mouth);
    • posture (deceiving people, as a rule, psychologically shrink, which is expressed in their posture - legs crossed, arms crossed, retraction of the head into the shoulders);
    • movements (if a person gesticulates strongly, and his hands involuntarily reach for the earlobe, nose, forehead, throat, neck, hair or eyes, then most likely he is lying);
    • blinking (if a person blinks more than six times a minute, then he is lying);
    • intonation (a person who shows strange intonations that are not characteristic of him, most likely composes on the go);
    • delay in speech (before answering a question, a lying person will involuntarily make a long pause).
  3. Method logical analysis. Using the deductive or inductive method, experts can determine whether the facts are true or the interlocutor is hiding the truth. Everyone is well aware of the deductive method of Sherlock Holmes, as well as other logical methods of famous detectives who use them in their work.
  4. provocation method. This method is considered classic, as it forces the interlocutor to reveal all his cards in the end. By manipulating a person's consciousness and putting him in certain conditions, you can find out not only that a person is deceiving, but also hear the long-awaited truth. Among the most common methods of this method are:
    • reception of lulling vigilance;
    • reception of application of effect of surprise;
    • bluff reception;
    • reception of feigned doubt in the veracity of a person;
    • receiving a false alarm.

    The main thing in this method is to make a person worry, because being in an emotionally unstable state, he is able to reveal the truth. Skillful interrogators either play along, or show mock distrust, or get angry, or convince a person that they sincerely believe him. All these actions can confuse a person and betray the truth.

  5. The method of using the personal qualities of a person. How to understand the truth in this case? This method uses the weaknesses of the interlocutor, his bright character traits, which will give out the truth as soon as the opponent splits.
Psychology of deception