What secrets does Tibet keep? Sacred Kailash: mysticism and reality Who conquered Mount Kailash.

After half a minute, breathing returns to normal, but still - there is not enough air.

Monks turn into frogs in the cold

Perhaps that is why the lifestyle in Tibet is viscous and unhurried, like a drop of honey sliding down the glass: rushing here is physically impossible and even harmful to health. The country is an alpine plateau at an altitude of almost four thousand meters above sea level: there is little oxygen, already at the capital's airport it happens that European visitors, leaving the plane into the hall, faint after about ten minutes. They say that supposedly the local residents have a peculiarity - they have a non-standardly expanded chest, which allows them to breathe normally with rarefied air. Like it or not - I did not check.

Tibet has always tried to stay on the edge of the world. Until the sixties of the XX century, only two roads led to the mountainous state - one from China, the other from India. The remote country was in no hurry to open itself to the world - its inhabitants were satisfied with living in complete self-isolation, devoting themselves to spiritual quests and endless prayers. Because of this, the birth rate here has always been very low - up to half (!) Of all men became Buddhist monks in childhood: and, as is well known, they are forbidden to marry.

To say that Tibet is completely immersed in mysticism is to say nothing, says University of Chicago professor Donald Rehew. - For example, for five years I have not been able to get an appointment with the lama of a remote monastery near the Nepalese border, I always get the standard explanation: “The lama is meditating.” When I ask when he will deign to come out of meditation, they never answer me, because no one knows. Traditions here have not changed for thousands of years. Even now, government officials in small towns will stick their tongue out when they greet you and expect the same from you. This is proof that your interlocutor is not a devil who has taken on human form - the hellish creatures have a tongue Green colour. The local clerks, going to work, spin small “prayer drums” with sacred texts in their hands along the way. One turn replaces a prayer - other specialists manage to “wind up” 10,000 prayers a day.

Meditating for five years is child's play by Tibetan standards. There are such fantastic legends about meditation here that it is better for a person with a fragile psyche not to listen to them at all. The Tibetans believe that it is the journey in the astral plane, when "the soul and body are connected thin thread”, helps a person to feel the unique abilities of the body, “disabled” when he is conscious. Back in 1995, Swiss scientists conducted a medical study of an unusual fact: the monks in the Gyangdze monasteries were able, wrapped only in a sheet, to sit for hours in the snow, in the most severe frost, without any damage to health - it turned out that during meditation they fall ... into hibernation in the manner of snakes or frogs. Moreover, some monks are able to almost completely stop breathing during meditation, while their pulse is practically not felt. In the remote regions of Tibet, I was shown ice caves located high in the mountains: according to local beliefs, hermits have been meditating there for twenty to thirty years (!) Without food and water. When I said with a grin that these elders were probably already dead, the Tibetans were offended. Like, nothing like that: their nails and hair still grow - every six months special people are sent to the caves in order to cut meditators' hair. In one of the small monasteries of another city - Shigatse - they showed me strands of long hair on a bed with a characteristically crumpled pillow and sheet - as if the outlines of a body. It is believed that the owner of this hairstyle meditated so cool that he became invisible. However, touching the bed and checking it is not allowed.

The gophers - do not want

This will surprise you greatly, but we believe that when a certain level of meditation is reached, people even gain the ability to fly, says Lama Tashi Ngawang from a monastery near the sacred Mount Kailash. - Although I personally have not seen a single such person, but the books in my monastery contain information about five monks who in the 12th century amazed the ruler of Tibet with the ability to rise above the mountains and walk on water. You Europeans are very cynical - you will say that they had inflatable galoshes. During meditation, I can move objects with my eyes, but this will not impress you either - they say, they saw numbers in the circus and more interesting. Is not it?

Mount Kailash is the most important sacred place in Tibet, its territory is considered the abode of the gods and the center of the whole world - no more, no less. On one of the slopes of Kailash there is a giant swastika of natural origin, because of which Adolf Hitler twice (in 1938 and 1943) sent expeditions of SS climbers to Tibet, believing that "here lies the mystery of the appearance of the Aryan nation." There are more than enough mysteries around, and it’s true, more than enough - old books in the libraries of monasteries tell in detail about mysterious races, mysterious kings and mystical states that were not mentioned in any other source and disappeared long before Alexander the Great.

Around the huge snow-covered mountain, endless strings of frozen people wander: if you go around Kailash on foot (only 53 kilometers), then this automatically destroys all lifetime sins, and 108 such circles mean reaching nirvana (practically falling into paradise). Particularly diligent pilgrims pass all these kilometers like this - they fall on their faces, folding their hands in front of them, get up, take two steps and again rush to the ground. The lazy can wait for the year of the Horse (it will be in 2014) - at this time, one circle around Kailash counts as nine. In addition, the mountain guarantees that in your next life you will be born as a human, and not as a gopher.

… Few people want to be a gopher, because Tibetans devoutly believe in the transmigration of souls. To such an extent that for many of them it significantly complicates life. Imagine - you can’t poison cockroaches, you won’t kill a mosquito, you won’t catch a fly on duct tape - what if not so long ago it was your friend or neighbor? It got to the point that when Chinese agricultural workers burned withered grass in autumn, villagers wrote a petition to Beijing not to do this - many insects that "could once be people" die. In Beijing, they got scared of this situation and stopped burning grass just in case.

And the Dalai Lama himself, the former ruler of Tibet (living in exile due to political problems with China), during the first interview told me that he had a lame-footed cat living in his house, which had already been “reborn” three times - each time with a damaged paw.

... Even in winter, with a frost of thirty degrees, in Tibet the face burns - this country is so close to the sun. People in mountain villages boil water in the following way - two liters of water are poured into a deep metal plate in the form of a boat, covered with the thinnest mirrors on top - everything boils in half an hour. In the same way, people manage to warm whole barrels of water - they don’t even need any firewood for this.

The world is frantically looking for something to replace oil and gas, laughs Norbu Tsetsen, headman of Poche village. - And we invented it three thousand years ago. And most importantly - no pollution, a very environmentally friendly system.

Lama Tashi Ngawang was right. When I watched the cup slide across the surface of the table under his gaze, I was not at all impressed. The reason is simple: being in Tibet, you simply get used to miracles.

    Dear friends!
    The Sathya Sai.RU team is pleased to present to you Mahaprasad for Shivaratri 2014 - Shirdi Sai Party Sai series based on the life story of Avatar.
    This amazing series shows different stories and lineage from Shirdi Baba to Sathya Sai Baba. TV series on English language but looks very easy.
    We will also be very happy if it becomes possible to create subtitles for this film. The full version of the series consists of 4 DVDs of 2 hours each, a shortened version is sold at the Wishing Tree in Puttaparthi. Sai Ram and enjoy watching!

    The history of the creation of the series
    Sai Avatar is a triad of successive manifestations of God in three different human forms. The first appearance was Shirdi Sai Baba. Shirdi Baba was born in the nineteenth century and lived until the 18th year of the twentieth century. Now we are witnessing the second Incarnation of Sai - Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, whom we call Swami with great affection. In the final incarnation the Lord will come as Prema Sai.
    Until our Swami gave some details, very few people knew about early years life of Shirdi Avatar. All that was known was what the devotees wrote down, most of whom came to Shirdi Baba relatively late. However, Swami very graciously provided the missing details and now we have a clearer picture of his first incarnation.
    Swami also said that while the Shirdi Avatar was the forerunner, the Sathya Sai Avatar is the apogee as God has now manifested in him as the Purna Avatar - the absolute embodiment of divine power, divine attributes and divine qualities.
    Swami's devotees made several attempts to record his life story. However, no attempt was made to reconcile the stories of Shirdi Baba and Sathya Sai Baba properly.
    The first such attempt was the television series Divine Story of Shirdi Sai and Parthi Sai, created by Anjali Devi, a flamboyant devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It presents the story of two Sai avatars in the form of a play.
    For many years, Anjali Devi wanted to make a film about Swami but did not get permission for it. After a long wait, she almost gave up on the idea. But one day unexpectedly Bhagavan gave Anjali Devi permission to make a film. In numerous private conversations, Swami also shared his story and provided the filming facilities at his ashram to Prashanti Nilayam.
    On Gurupurnima Day 1998, He personally inaugurated the film and blessed the efforts. Exactly one year later, He blessed the release of the series and materialized a gold chain for Anjali Devi as a token of His mercy.
    The series was originally released in Telugu. The story presented here is based on an English translation of the script.
    For more details on the last years of Shirdi Sai Avatar's life, see Sai Satcharita's popular book. Similarly, more details about Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba can be found in His very interesting biography, called "Sathyam Shivam Sundaram", written by N. Kasturi. This book consists of four volumes, and its narrative takes readers up to 1980.

    Film "The Secret Name of God" (Por el nombre de Dios)
    Argentinian series 12 years ago...
    against the background of films of the subsequent period,
    it does not look beyond a masterpiece of cinematography,
    but once it looked very even nothing ...
    maybe now someone will like it
    good to watch all at once, -
    for example, a whole Sunday in a row -
    from start to finish (13 episodes)

    Watch online
    Title: The Secret Name of God
    original name: Por el nombre de Dios
    Genre: Mystery
    Year: 1999

    In 1515, the alchemist Hermes receives two identical vessels. One of them contains a sacred secret that has been kept for several centuries: the hundredth name of God, which could shake the faith of mankind if it was discovered by Inquisitor Julian De La Serna. Fortunately, Hermes, together with his friend Manuel and a devoted servant Lisandro, managed to break the faithful vessel, and in it they found a magical liquid, as well as two papyri, reporting that the hundredth name of God would be revealed in 1999, when a boy was born, the fruit of the love of a virgin and a man who did not stain himself with blood.
    Hermes and his friends opt for the girl Ariana, a pure soul and body, who is destined to bear a boy. They send her to new world by giving her a magical liquid to drink. She is joined by Manuel, who has drunk a special elixir, thanks to which he will be able to live to last year millennium.
    De La Serna, who is ordered to discover the name of God, follows them on a long journey through four centuries until they all end up in 1999.
    At the beginning of the last year of the millennium, Pablo is presented with two papyri, revealing a sacred secret. This secret will completely change his life. He cannot refuse the gift, as he has been chosen to save mankind. He will have to fulfill this mission in the name of God...

    "Mahabharata". Film Series. Epos. India. 2013: http://www.ahakimov.ru/vedic/438.html
    voiced translation into Russian, 30 episodes have been translated at the moment, and, as stated on the indicated site, the translation is ongoing
    All 30 episodes can be viewed at the link above
    This story is about the Great War,
    For the welfare of the whole world,
    Of righteousness and unrighteousness,
    About the beginning and the end
    Truth, untruth, confusion and shame,
    About egoism and the Supreme Truth.
    There is Power and there is Worship
    There is Liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
    It is full essence of life,
    It is the glory of Krishna,
    And also the virtues of the Gita.
    This greatest Book of all books -

    Translation - MayaOm (Moscow), Malini dasi, Andrey Zagarskikh (Abhinanda das, Moscow), Nati, Pushpanjali dasi
    Film scoring - Yashodarani Dasi (Donetsk)
    I add links to the series below, translated and voiced by the above-mentioned team, I can watch this film only in their voice acting, and on Akimov's website, to which I gave a link here above, now this film is with a different voice acting

    001 - 033 series
    034 - 064 series
    065 - 094 series
    095 - 123 series
    124 - 152 episodes
    153 - 181 episodes
    182 - 210 series
    211 - 243 series
    244 - 267 series

Mystics and magicians of Tibet


For many people in the Western Hemisphere, Tibet is shrouded in an air of mystery. The country of snows is considered to be the birthplace of the unknown, fantastic, incredible.

What superhuman abilities are not attributed to lamas, magicians, sorcerers, necromancers and occultists of all stripes, inhabiting high plateaus, so beautifully isolated from the rest of the world by nature and their inhabitants' own will! The strangest legends about Tibet are accepted as indisputable truths. It seems that in this country, plants, animals and people can arbitrarily disobey the laws of physics, chemistry, physiology, and even simple common sense.

It is quite natural, therefore, that scientists, accustomed to the rigorous precision of the experimental method, attach no importance to such information. more value than funny miracles from fairy tales. My attitude towards them was the same, until, by a lucky chance, I met Mrs. David-Niel.

The famous courageous traveler in Tibet has a successful combination of all the physical, moral and mental qualities that a prospector can wish for when conducting a certain kind of research. I consider it my duty to point this out, although at the risk of offending Madame David-Niel's modesty.

Mrs. David-Niel writes and reads, speaks fluently in all Tibetan dialects. She has lived in Tibet and adjacent countries for fourteen consecutive years and is a Buddhist, which helped her win the trust of the most prominent lamaists.

The adopted son of Mrs. David-Niel is a real Tibetan lama. She herself underwent spiritual training and underwent all the trials described in her book.

In a word, Mrs. David-Niel, by her own admission, has turned into a real Asian. She was mistaken for a Tibetan by all the natives. The latter circumstance turned out to be especially important for work in a field that had until then been inaccessible to European scientists.

This Asiatic, this perfect Tibetan, nevertheless remained a European woman, a student of Descartes and Claude Bernard. She shared the philosophical skepticism of the first, skepticism, which, according to the second, her teacher Claude Bernard, is the basis of all scientific research.

At one of the conferences she held at my request in my department (the former department of my and her teacher Claude Bernard), Mrs. David-Niel said: “Everything that is to some extent related to the phenomena of the psyche - to the spiritual activity of a person in general - should be studied in the same way as any other scientific discipline. There are no miracles here, nothing supernatural that could breed and nourish superstition. Observations confirm: systematic, scientifically posed training of the psyche usually leads to certain results, planned in advance. That is why all the information collected during such training is valuable materials worthy of attention, even when the exercises are carried out empirically and are based on theories with which we cannot always agree.

These words express true scientific determinism, equally far from sweeping denial and blind gullibility.

David-Niel's observations are of equal interest to orientalists, psychologists and physiologists.

Dr. D'Arsonval, Member of the French Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medicine, Professor of the College de France, President of the Institute of General Psychology

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Title: Tibetan magic and mysticism. ancient wisdom from the top of the world
Author: James Herbie Brennan
Publisher: IG "Ves"
ISBN: 978-5-9573-2035-7
Release year: 2011
Pages: 192
Format: EPUB/PDF
Size: 3.6 Mb

For generations, Tibetan monks, living in isolation from the outside world, have been researching human mind and souls. The development of a great esoteric tradition took place here against the background of the fusion of Buddhism with Bon, the shamanistic religion of Tibet. After reading this book, you will be surprised how little people know about Tibet, you will discover the secrets that the history of this amazing and original country has kept for many centuries. The book "Tibetan Magic and Mysticism" provides a unique opportunity to look at the delightful, exciting world of Tibetan culture and spirituality, reveals the ancient magical techniques of Tibet.



  • . Gritsak E.

    The next book in the World Heritage Monuments series introduces readers to the history of Tibet, its rich spiritual and cultural heritage.

  • An Caidan
  • F. Pommare
  • G. Ts. Tsybikov
  • G. Ts. Tsybikov
  • . Lyalina M.A.


Description: The book tells about the years spent among Buddhist monks and magicians. This is not a travelogue or an autobiography, but a study of supernatural encounters, occult rituals, mystical theories, and traditional Tibetan teaching practices. Tibetan folklore and its heroes, reincarnation and memory of past incarnations, magical rituals, allowing to master supernatural abilities, terrifying necromantic rituals of the priests of the pre-Buddhist religion Bon, technique breathing exercises, visualization of disembodied thought forms (tulpas) and body temperature control, paranormal aspects of yoga, telepathic transmission of thoughts with the wind and much more received detailed coverage in this book.

Until now - an unsurpassed masterpiece of mystical literature - is read with unflagging interest by more than one generation of readers around the world ...

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Issued by: LLC Moskit-Media for Zvezda TV channel
Release year: 2009
Director: Alexey Gritsaenko
Quality: DVDRip
Video: DivX, 2488 Kbps, 720x576
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 160 kbps
Duration: 00:38:33
Size: 732 Mb

About movie: Modern Tibet, its way of life, millennial beliefs and Nazi attempts to master the great secrets of the ancient monks. The film is unique in that it tells about the present day of the high mountain monastery of one of the most mysterious religions on earth. The Bon religion originated almost 20 thousand years ago. This is the only religion in the world, the essence of which is shamanism. The Nazis from the Institute of Mystical Research Ananerbe in 1938 undertook an expedition whose task was to seize secret power over the world. But is it possible? The film is based on the story of a young modern girl Banmahu, its main plot is the path of comprehension of the Bon religion.

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Downloadfrom depositfiles.com(732 MB) Magicians and Wanderers
Título original: Travelers and Magicians
Release year: 2003
Country: Australia, Bhutan
Genre: artistic
Duration: 108 min
Translation: Russian subtitles
Directed by: Khyentse Norbu
Cast: Tshewang Dendup, Sonam Kinga, Lahkpa Dorji
Quality: DVDRip
Format: AVI
Size: 415 Mb

About movie: The hero of the picture is a young official assigned to serve in a distant village. He dreams of emigrating to the USA, he prefers rock to local tunes. Having received a call for an interview, he, under a fictitious pretext, asks for leave to travel to the capital, but is late for the only regular bus. In the company of other unlucky travelers, he moves along a mountain road on foot, unsuccessfully trying to stop a ride. The monk brightens up the hours of respite with an old legend about the futility of human desires. The smile of a beautiful peysanka captivates the young official. Under the influence of the lama's wise words and an unexpected outburst of romantic feelings, the hero decides to give up his dream of America and stay in his original country, in his remote village.

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Magicians and Wanderers (415 Mb)
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Título original: MYSTIC TIBET: An Outer, Inner and Secret Pilgrimage
Release year: 2007
Country: US (FPMT Inc)
Genre: documentary
Directed by: Christina Landberg
Duration: 01:32:53
Translation: Professional (one-voiced)
Format: AVI
Quality: DVDRip
Size: 735 Mb

About movie: It can happen once in a lifetime if you're lucky. Go to the high plateau of Tibet, full of mystery and power, together with a holy man. 50 disciples from all over the world have decided on this spiritual adventure, which can become the main event of their lives. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist teacher, will lead them into this universe of great yogis and saints, invisible to the naked eye.

Download from turbobit.net Mystical Tibet: outer, inner and secret pilgrimage (735 Mb)
Downloadfrom depositfiles.com Mystical Tibet: outer, inner and secret pilgrimage (735 Mb)
Psychology of divorce