Neil D Walsh Conversations with God. Neil Donald Walsh

Neil Donald Walsh

Conversations with God


First (and last, or rather always), I want to thank the Source of everything in this book; The source of all that life is made of, and of life itself.

Secondly, I would like to thank my spiritual teachers, including saints and sages of all religions.

Thirdly, it is obvious to me that each of us can make a list of people who have influenced our lives in such a significant and profound way that it cannot be explained or described; people who shared their wisdom with us, told us about their truth and with infinite patience experienced our mistakes and failures with us and saw in us the very best that was in us. In his acceptance, as well as in failure to accept what we ourselves would like to give up, these people encouraged us to grow, encouraged us to become something b about big.

Among those who have played such a role for me in addition to my parents are Samantha Gorsky, Tara-Jenelle Walsh, Wayne Davis, Brian Walsh, Martha Wright, the late Ben Wills, Jr., Roland Chambers, Dan Higgs, S. Berry Carter II, Ellen Moyer, Anne Blackwell, and Don Dancing Free, Ed Keller, Lyman W. (Bill) Griswold, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and especially Terry Cole-Whittaker.

I would also like to include in this list some of my old friends, whose names I do not name for reasons of confidentiality, although I recognize and appreciate their role in my life.

And, although my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude for everything that these wonderful people have done for me, the thought of my main assistant, wife and life partner, Nancy Fleming Walsh, is especially warming to me - a woman with extraordinary wisdom, the ability to love and compassion, who showed me that my highest thoughts about human relationships should not remain mere fantasies and that dreams do come true.

And finally, fourthly, I would like to mention people that I have never met. However, their very lives and what they did have had such a strong influence on me that I cannot help expressing gratitude to them from the very depths of my being - gratitude for the moments of refined enjoyment of their insights into human nature, as well as for pure , simple vitality(I made up the word myself) they gave me.

I think you know what it's like when someone gives you the opportunity to experience a wonderful moment when you suddenly realize what exactly is really true in life. For me, these people were mainly artists and artists, it is in art that I get inspiration and find refuge in moments of reflection; and it is in him, I believe, that what we call the word "God" is best expressed.

Therefore, I would like to thank: John Denver whose songs penetrated my soul, filling it with new hope and understanding of what life could be; Richard Bach, whose books entered my life as if I had written them, because to a large extent what he wrote about was also my experiences; Barbara Streisand, whose directing, acting and musical artistry captivates me again and again, forcing me not only to know what is true, but feel it is with all my heart; also, the deceased Robert Heinlein, whose visionary literary works posed questions and answered them in such an unusual way that hardly anyone can compare with him.


Ann M Walsh,

who not only taught me that God exists,

but also opened my mind to the amazing truth that

that God is my best friend;

who was more than just a mother to me,

but gave birth in me

desire and love for God

and to all that is good.

Mom is

my first meeting

with an angel.

As well as,

Alex M. Walsh,

who kept repeating to me:

"It's OK",

"Don't take the word 'no' as an answer"

"You make your own luck"

"Look at the root."

Father gave me

First experience



A little more, and you will get a very unusual experience. Soon you will start a conversation with God. Yes, yes, I know it's impossible. You probably think (or have been taught) that it's impossible. Yes, you certainly may address to God, but not talk with God. I mean, God isn't going to answer you, is he? At least not in the form of an ordinary, everyday dialogue!

I thought exactly the same. Then this book happened to me. In the literal sense of the word. This book was not written me- she is happened to me. And as you read this book, it will happen to you, because we are all led to the truth for which we are ready.

My life would probably be much easier if I kept silent about all this. But that's not what this book happened to me for. And no matter what difficulties it brings me (for example, they can call me a blasphemer, a deceiver, a hypocrite - for not living these truths before - or, even worse, a saint), now I can no longer stop this process. . Yes, and I don't want to. I had plenty of opportunities to avoid all this, and I did not take them. I decided to do with this material the way my intuition tells me, and not the way most of the world tells me to.

And my intuition tells me that this book is not nonsense, not the fruit of a tired, desperate spiritual imagination or an attempt to justify a person who has lost his way in life. I have considered all these possibilities to the last one. And I gave this material to several people to read when it was still in the manuscript. They were touched. And they cried. And they laughed at the joyful and funny that was in the text. And they said their lives were different. They have changed. They got stronger.

Many readers said that they just transformed.

It was then that I realized that this book is for everyone and that it should be published because it is a wonderful gift for all those who sincerely want answers and who really care about questions; for all those who more than once went in search of truth with all the sincerity of the heart, the thirst of the soul and an open mind. And this is, by and large, We all.

This book touches on most (if not all) questions we've ever asked about life and love, ends and means, people and relationships, good and evil, guilt and sin, forgiveness and redemption, the path to God and the road. to hell... it's about everything. It openly discusses sex, power, money, children, marriage, divorce, work, health, what will happen next, what happened before ... in a word, all! It talks about war and peace, about knowledge and ignorance, about what is to give and what is to take, about joy and sorrow. It deals with the concepts of concrete and abstract, visible and invisible, true and false.

It can be said that this book is "God's last word on what's going on", although some people may have some problems with this - especially those who think that God stopped speaking to us 2000 years ago or so. this, and if continued to talk, then only with saints, shamans, or with someone who has meditated for thirty years, or at least twenty, or, at the worst, at least ten years (unfortunately, I don’t fit into any of these categories relate).

The truth is that God speaks to everyone. With the good and the bad, with the saint and with the scoundrel. And of course, with each of us.

Take yourself, for example. God has come to you in many ways in your life, and this book is just one of them. How many times have you heard the old adage, "When the student is ready, the teacher comes"? This book is our teacher.

Walsh Neil Donald - Conversations with God. Unusual dialogue. Book 1 - read book online for free


Before the reader is an unusual document of our time: the message from God - a peculiar program of the spiritual revolution, exhausting all spheres of knowledge and human activity - from the purely personal to the planetary.

This book worries and disturbs, because in it, as in a mirror, we appear in a very unsightly light. It is a demand addressed to everyone to become better, to rise above the habitual image of oneself, woven from self-pity and self-justification: to become worthy of that birthright, which God gave to man as a guarantee of eternal life.

This book is encouraging and comforting, because it does not contain the traditional “fear of God” for mystical insights: without condemning a person, whatever his choice. God shows him the way to Himself.

This is at least the cognitive value of the "unusual dialogue", in which, regardless of tastes and predilections, the reader can be convinced of the agreement with what his conscience tells him about closeness to God or distance from Him.

Neil Donald Walsh
Conversations with God
Book 1


First (and last, or rather always), I want to thank the Source of everything in this book; The source of all that life is made of, and of life itself.

Secondly, I would like to thank my spiritual teachers, including saints and sages of all religions.

Thirdly, it is obvious to me that each of us can make a list of people who have influenced our lives in such a significant and profound way that it cannot be explained or described; people who shared their wisdom with us, told us about their truth and with infinite patience experienced our mistakes and failures with us and saw in us the very best that was in us. In his acceptance, as well as in failure to accept what we ourselves would like to give up, these people encouraged us to grow, encouraged us to become something b about big.

Among those who have played such a role for me in addition to my parents are Samantha Gorsky, Tara-Jenelle Walsh, Wayne Davis, Brian Walsh, Martha Wright, the late Ben Wills, Jr., Roland Chambers, Dan Higgs, S. Berry Carter II, Ellen Moyer, Anne Blackwell, and Don Dancing Free, Ed Keller, Lyman W. (Bill) Griswold, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and especially Terry Cole-Whittaker.

I would also like to include in this list some of my old friends, whose names I do not name for reasons of confidentiality, although I recognize and appreciate their role in my life.

And, although my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude for everything that these wonderful people have done for me, the thought of my main assistant, wife and life partner, Nancy Fleming Walsh, is especially warming to me - a woman with extraordinary wisdom, the ability to love and compassion, who showed me that my highest thoughts about human relationships should not remain mere fantasies and that dreams do come true.

Do the Conversations with God books stand up to a critical scrutiny of inspiration instead of a superficial and gullible one?

The more I read, the more Walsh's book puzzled me. After reading the entire first chapter, I was finally convinced that the devil spoke to Neil Walsh. Because God will not contradict the Bible and call right what is called sin in His Word - the Bible.

“You systematically destroy your own habitat and then believe that the so-called natural disasters are evidence of a gross deceit on the part of God or of the cruelty of Nature. It is you who deceive yourselves, it is you who can be called cruel.”

“I have never established what is right and what is wrong, what is possible and what is not. To say that something - a thought, a word, an ACTION - is wrong is like telling you not to do it. Telling you not to do something is the same as forbidding you to do it. To forbid you anything would be to restrict you. Limitation for you would mean denying Who You Really Are, as well as your ability to create and experience that truth.”

It turns out that according to this "god" the destruction of one's own habitat is not right or wrong from the point of view. "god". After all, he does not give any ACTION (including the destruction of his own habitat) the definition of right or wrong. But it leaves it completely to the personal assessment of a person, making it the criterion of ultimate truth. But he blames people for accusing "God" of lying because of natural disasters and deceiving themselves.
But if this "god" left people to determine what is right and what is not, then he contradicts himself, blaming people for what he himself allowed them to do. So people considered it right to pollute their own habitat and accuse "god" of deception due to disasters.

The true God, possessing the logic of a higher order, cannot allow any contradictions. This voice contradicts itself. Consequently, Walsh was dealing with the devil, whose goal is to deceive and seduce people in order to lead them into mass destruction, in order to thus harm a loving and just God by the death of His erring unrepentant children.

As you read the book, things start to come to light. According to this "god" Hitler went to heaven, and there is not a word that he repented. It turns out that the philosophy of this "god" destroys the motivation of any person for a moral lifestyle, allowing a person to do EVERYTHING he wants. After all, according to the false logic of this "god", any bastard is guaranteed to go to heaven. This is the main reason why many who have read these books are so willing to believe this voice.
But the fact is that just as the Earth did not cease to be round when people believed that it was flat, so the lie of the devil does not become the Truth from people's belief in it.

Upon further reading, the whole justification of Hitler and his residence in paradise comes down to this axiomatic masterpiece:

“Your statement that their deaths were untimely, and therefore wrong, suggests that something might have happened in the universe that shouldn't have happened. However, in the light of Who and What I Am, this is not possible. Everything that happens in the universe is absolute and perfect. God doesn't make mistakes."

An unfounded chain of statements that does not carry the target and logical load. This alleged god offers to BLINDLY believe in the CORRECT justification of an unrepentant Hitler simply because he said so. Simply because he is who he is, making no mistakes. But PERFECTION is a concentrated CORRECTNESS, which, according to him, does not exist "in its essence". Which, according to the personal assessment of Hitler's victims, was trampled. And they, according to the definition of this "god", established the wrongness of their suffering because of Hitler's ambitions. Disagreeing with their assessment, this alleged god is a classic example of double standards, canceling his own statement where it is convenient for him - "Correctness or incorrectness is not an internal quality, but a subjective assessment in a personal value system."
Having established the FAILURE-correctness of the death of the victims of Hitler's aggression, this alleged god again and again contradicts his own words - "I have never established what is right and what is wrong, what is possible and what is impossible"

Absolutely vague and contradictory excuse for Hitler, while the real God does not allow any flaws in logic.

"... you created in your mythology a creature that you call the devil"

For some reason, a lot of believers believe that if there was a devil, then he would have to get into everyone's eyes and ears in his true form. But where does such faith come from and to whom is it so beneficial?
The Devil certainly lost that wisdom when he was the impeccable Lucifer, but he is not stupid enough to advertise himself. It is to his advantage to be considered a myth and fiction. After all, the most dangerous enemy is not the one behind the armor and with advanced weapons, but the one who is invisible. And therefore the devil camouflages himself under the image that is preferable for the perception of this or that audience. In the case of atheists, it camouflages itself under the pseudoscientific theory of evolution, which also destroys the motivation to follow moral laws, only by replacing storyline and composition of conceptual tools.
In the case of the theist Walsh - under God, in order to harm God as much as possible, seducing theists with the disinformation that there is no hell and punishment for ANY UNREPENTED sins.

Conclusion about the book

It was dictated by the devil, so that under the cover of spreading cranberries about free will and assurances of God's love one side. On the other hand, they constantly appeal to base instincts, blur the concepts of justice and destroy moral barriers on the way to all kinds of crimes.
Thus, motivating readers to commit all kinds of sins without motivation for repentance and correction, in order to expose them to God's inevitable condemnation in hell. So that in this way, having already been sentenced by God to eternal torment, the devil could drag with him into hellish torment as many people as possible who did not repent because of his misinformation, for the sake of whose redemption and repentance the Son of God, who loves them, sacrificed himself.

What happened to the author of the book 100% fits Christ's warning about the end times -
Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their WANTS they will choose for themselves teachers who will FELL their ears.

Neale Donald Walsch (September 10, 1943) is an American author of the best-selling books Conversations with God, Friendship with God, Union with God, and other works.

In February 1992, Neil Donald Walsh experienced an extraordinary mystical experience that subsequently took his life in an extraordinary new direction. At the age of 49, Walsh found that his career as a national radio talk show host was falling apart, as was his family relationships and the same could be said about his health.

In a fit of desperation, one day after a sleepless night, he got up and wrote an angry letter to God in the early morning, which contained such questions as “What, finally, is required in order for life to work?”, “And what did I do to deserve life like a never-ending struggle?

To his surprise, he began to receive answers. The insights contained in them were so profound that Walsh wrote them down in his notebook.

Walsh published his notes under the title Conversations with God. Unusual dialogue. Some time later, the second and third books with the same title came out. This edition was a great success in America: it stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for 130 weeks. After "Conversations with God", the books "Friendship with God" and "Union with God" were published, which enjoyed no less success with readers. He lives with his wife Nancy in southern Oregon.

Books (17)

This book worries and disturbs, because in it, as in a mirror, we appear in a very unsightly light. It is a demand addressed to everyone to become better, to rise above the habitual image of oneself, woven from self-pity and self-justification: to become worthy of that birthright, which God gave to man as a guarantee of eternal life.

When was the last time you read a dangerous book? Be careful. This book is dangerous. In its pages you will find the most important question that a person can ask - and a completely unexpected and desperately courageous answer to it.

The answer is so revolutionary and so inspiring that it could change the course of human history. If you accept it, it will surely change your life as well.

Here is the New Gospel: There is no master race. There is no greatest nation. There is no single true religion. There is no philosophy that is fundamentally perfect. There is no invariably infallible political party, superior economic system, or single correct path to Heaven. Erase all these ideas from your memory.

Most people believe in God, they just don't believe in a God who believes in them...

You have learned to talk to God, to have a conversation. When you receive strength, hope and love in your friendship with God, you return them, because faith is a two-way street. Now you will know a God who believes in you.

moments of grace

This book is a strong embrace with God, or at least a respectful bow to Him, a thank you love note.

I hope that by the time you finish this book, you will. That you have just been embraced by God. Do you know why? Because God always responds to hugs.

When we hug God, He hugs us. And even not so - God embraces before.

happier than god

Why and how does the Law of Attraction work? What role does God play in all of this? Do you want to know the formula by which you can become happier than God?

All mystics knew it, some modern messengers of the spirit know it, but for many centuries this formula has remained "secret"...

This is the last of the Conversations with God. But the work is not over. God just gave Neil Donald Walsh a new assignment.

And this is the most amazing and amazing of his books, and the truths discovered in it about "death", about our choice, about the choice of our loved ones can really change the life of each of us, removing from it our strongest fear - the fear of death and loss. … For some reason, it is most difficult for people to believe in beautiful things, and truths about "death" are the most beautiful of truths.

Book of Changes. When everything changes, change everything

It may turn out that The Book of Changes is one of the most useful and powerful books you have ever read.

You're afraid to trade a familiar past for an unfamiliar future. Afraid of what might happen. Afraid of how things might turn out. You are afraid that you will never find yourself in such a position again (at such a job, with such a person, in such a house). You're afraid you won't have that experience again.

You are afraid of change.

This is more than a book about change. This is a book about how life itself functions. It's about the true nature of change, why it happens, how to deal with it, and how to make it happen for the better.

Neil Donald Walsh - all books in 1 file

Conversations with God (unusual dialogue). Book 1
Conversations with God (unusual dialogue). Book 2
Conversations with God (unusual dialogue). Book 3
What God wants. The answer to the most important question

Conversation with God. New revelations
About relationships
Conversations with God for the New Generation
About Whole Life
About abundance

Tomorrow God. The Greatest Spiritual Challenge
Friendship with God. Unusual dialogue
Unity with God. Unusual dialogue
Home with God. Last Conversation with God
Little Soul and the Sun
moments of grace
happier than god

Reader Comments

Guest/ 20.11.2012 Suspicious Researcher
Blah blah blah
many words about nothing.

Suspicious Explorer/ 11/19/2012 Aleksey and others who believe that Walsh must prove the possibility of his communion with God, the question is: what will be proof for you? There will be no generally accepted proof in such a matter. For some, the proof will be one thing, for others, another. But I wonder what, for people who are hungry for proof, is proof. As to whether Walsh wrote his books as an expression of his views, or was God really dictating them to him? One can say that both statements are correct. They may seem mutually exclusive to those who consider God in isolation from Creation, from the World, the Universe and all the creatures inhabiting it. If a person adheres to such a position, then his views are opposite to those of Walsh and it will not be easy for him to accept any arguments from Walsh regarding his communication with God. Walsh writes for himself and thereby expresses the God within himself, the God who is Walsh, the God who manifests himself through Walsh, manifests himself in his whole life, and not just in books. Another person can also write about his conversations with God, with the God that he is, and he will express this God from a different perspective, from the perspective of his experience and life.

Alexei/ 11/19/2012 I will now try to state my position/opinion as briefly as possible:

If Walsh describes in books HIS attitude and his view of life and death, then I have no complaints about him.

1. If he CANNOT prove that all these numerous books and brochures are dictated to him by God himself, then he is a charlatan, because nothing is impossible for God.

2. If Walsh does not WANT to prove that God dictates books to him, then he does not care whether anyone believes in his books or not, then why write so many of them?

Patriot/ 11/16/2012 2 Bodhisattva
Hatred of the "Americans" is a sign of an inferiority complex. Hatred, in general - from inferiority. If you can’t have a positive attitude towards some nation, it’s better to be silent. Get better at putting things in order in your homeland

Suspicious Explorer/ 11/15/2012 Bodhisattva, Jung actively used active imagination in his sessions with patients (did you happen to learn about active imagination in the wrong place?). Spiritualism, channeling and active imagination are two different things. Spiritualism and channeling involve contact with non-physical entities, and active imagination is the contact of the ego with the unconscious part of the personality. As for charlatans - they were and are, but this does not mean that all mediums and channelers are deceivers. Regarding demons, it smells of biblical-priestly prejudices. The fact that someone goes crazy, it was once said about Nietzsche that he was mad because he denounced Christianity (God got angry and punished), but now such statements sound naive. Why are Americans bad (I'm talking about people, not about the Government and the system of government)? Bodhisattva, are you by any chance a victim of Soviet propaganda, when people were programmed to have a negative attitude towards the West, especially towards the USA? There are many wonderful people among Americans. Why Pray for the USA? But all people should be respected.

Bodhisattva/ 11/14/2012 Guys, do you know what active imagination is???Daria Dontsova also writes books with it! how it was and what it led to. In addition, for the most part it was either charlatanism, or people really met with spirits and demons in different guises, after which people went crazy! Good luck, pray further to the USA !!! Americans! !!)))

Suspicious Explorer/ 11/14/2012 Guest, where is your cane? That is, God comes only to drug addicts, alcoholics, madmen and deceivers (Walsh's case) - if, of course, He exists (based on the third point of your reasoning, there is a possibility for you that He does not exist). Interesting logic. In general, from your three reasons it is clear that you do not know God, and even more so you do not believe in him. Perhaps this question is still open for you and you are in the research stage. That's why you're so persistently partial to Walsh and his work. You are constantly ironic - I like it when a person has enthusiasm and passion. Guest, is channeling also a hoax for profit for you? Or do you attribute all this to alcoholism, drug addiction and insanity? Do you specifically believe in Walsh, or in general in the possibility of such communication?

Guest/ 11/13/2012 He does not dictate books to me for three reasons:
1. I do not use psychotropic substances and do not abuse alcohol, nor am I registered in a mental hospital.
2. I do not deceive people for the purpose of material enrichment.
3. Perhaps there is no god.

Suspicious Explorer/ 11/12/2012 Guest, why doesn't God dictate books to you? Apparently he doesn't trust me. He gave you his attention. This is where you get mad. You keep chasing and chasing Walsh - there is no end in sight.

Guest/ 11/12/2012 God Himself dictates to Walsh a book a day and a small pamphlet (and what about wives without them)... :)))))

A-EL/ 10.11.2012 Dear Guest! What is truth? What's cheating? The information distributed by N. D. Walsh is not consistent with your beliefs, therefore it is a hoax. So? Is your worldview the criterion of truth? What you consider a hoax is a hoax for you, but this does not mean that this information, these ideas, proclaimed by N. D. Walsh, are in themselves a lie. All this is a lie in your perception and nothing more. The works of N. D. Walsh have a beneficial effect on many people, enlighten them, give them pleasure. People pay for what brings them joy. For some the glass is half full, for others it is half empty. Look at us. You say that N. D. Walsh is a liar who profits from gullible people by telling them all sorts of tall tales. What I'm saying is that N. D. Walsh is doing a wonderful job of spreading information that enlightens, inspires, and delights. Everyone takes what the focus of his attention is aimed at.

Guest/ 9.11.2012 I would never have thought that deceiving people for the purpose of profit would be called an excellent job)))

In general, I will say this, I have no complaints about Nile himself, in some way he even causes admiration (he is something like Ostap Bender, only American), in the end he leads fools by the nose and earns money, well, okay, that’s what fools and I exist so that those who are smarter profit from them.
I'm just amazed at the amount of idiots...

A-EL/ 7.11.2012 It is not a crime to make money on what N. D. Walsh earns from, there is no fraud here. He distributes very interesting and useful information. All the fuss over the fact that N. D. Walsh called his most important work - Conversations with God. But it is worth understanding that the work of N. D. Walsh is not channeling. In a conversation with E. Tolle, he said that he writes his books, being in a state of inspiration, and nothing more. In his Conversations with God, N. D. Walsh says that this book should not be considered as the ultimate truth. "Conversations with God" can be called an artistic and philosophical work. The problem is that people literally perceive all the phrases spoken by God in N. D. Walsh's book as the words of God himself, that is, as words of immutable truth. But these are just the words of N. D. Walsh, who is part of God just as much as we are. N. D. Walsh is not a charlatan. He writes interesting books and they inspire many people. People pay for it and what's wrong with that? People love the work of N. D. Walsh. It enlightens them, entertains them, consoles them. Is it bad? Or someone is worried that N. D. Walsh, being a distributor of spiritual information, is profiting from spirituality, from God. But these are prejudices. He does an excellent job and deserves a good reward. If you don't like it, don't pay attention, it doesn't threaten you in any way.

Bernard/ 7.11.2012 To each his own. Someone oranges, someone boxes from them.

Guest/ 11/7/2012 Until all his writings contain at least a couple of lines proving that all this is not nonsense or fiction in order to make money, his books are nothing more than cheap mysticism (which is lined with store shelves from all kinds of super- gurus, etc.) and their prices are worthless.

Neil Donald Walsh

Conversations with God


First (and last, or rather always), I want to thank the Source of everything in this book; The source of all that life is made of, and of life itself.

Secondly, I would like to thank my spiritual teachers, including saints and sages of all religions.

Thirdly, it is obvious to me that each of us can make a list of people who have influenced our lives in such a significant and profound way that it cannot be explained or described; people who shared their wisdom with us, told us about their truth and with infinite patience experienced our mistakes and failures with us and saw in us the very best that was in us. In his acceptance, as well as in failure to accept what we ourselves would like to give up, these people encouraged us to grow, encouraged us to become something b about big.

Among those who have played such a role for me in addition to my parents are Samantha Gorsky, Tara-Jenelle Walsh, Wayne Davis, Brian Walsh, Martha Wright, the late Ben Wills, Jr., Roland Chambers, Dan Higgs, S. Berry Carter II, Ellen Moyer, Anne Blackwell, and Don Dancing Free, Ed Keller, Lyman W. (Bill) Griswold, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and especially Terry Cole-Whittaker.

I would also like to include in this list some of my old friends, whose names I do not name for reasons of confidentiality, although I recognize and appreciate their role in my life.

And, although my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude for everything that these wonderful people have done for me, the thought of my main assistant, wife and life partner, Nancy Fleming Walsh, is especially warming to me - a woman with extraordinary wisdom, the ability to love and compassion, who showed me that my highest thoughts about human relationships should not remain mere fantasies and that dreams do come true.

And finally, fourthly, I would like to mention people that I have never met. However, their very lives and what they did have had such a strong influence on me that I cannot help expressing gratitude to them from the very depths of my being - gratitude for the moments of refined enjoyment of their insights into human nature, as well as for pure , simple vitality(I made up the word myself) they gave me.

I think you know what it's like when someone gives you the opportunity to experience a wonderful moment when you suddenly realize what exactly is really true in life. For me, these people were mainly artists and artists, it is in art that I get inspiration and find refuge in moments of reflection; and it is in him, I believe, that what we call the word "God" is best expressed.

Therefore, I would like to thank: John Denver whose songs penetrated my soul, filling it with new hope and understanding of what life could be; Richard Bach, whose books entered my life as if I had written them, because to a large extent what he wrote about was also my experiences; Barbara Streisand, whose directing, acting and musical artistry captivates me again and again, forcing me not only to know what is true, but feel it is with all my heart; also, the deceased Robert Heinlein, whose visionary literary works posed questions and answered them in such an unusual way that hardly anyone can compare with him.


Ann M Walsh,

who not only taught me that God exists,

but also opened my mind to the amazing truth that

that God is my best friend;

who was more than just a mother to me,

but gave birth in me

desire and love for God

and to all that is good.

Mom is

my first meeting

with an angel.

As well as,

Alex M. Walsh,

who kept repeating to me:

"It's OK",

"Don't take the word 'no' as an answer"

"You make your own luck"

"Look at the root."

Father gave me

Psychology of divorce