The ambitious daughter-in-law of the Queen of France, Anna Yaroslavna: not a queen, a bigamous woman, but the mother of a king, grandmother and great-grandmother of the English royal Plantagenet dynasty and the kings of Jerusalem. The son of Elizabeth II is ready to take her place The son of the king, but not

The eldest son of the daughter of the Kyiv prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich, Anna Yaroslavna, King Philip I of France (1052-1108), was married twice.

On his first wife Bertha Dutch(c.1058-1093), grandson Yaroslav the Wise was forced to marry in 1072, at the age of 20 (during the life of his mother, who died no earlier than 1075). A few years earlier, the inexperienced French king had taken command of an army to intervene in internal affairs. Flanders, but, defeated in 1071 by his vassals at Kassel, sealed the world with them by this dynastic marriage.
Although the queen Berthou Philip I never loved, and even at times with difficulty endured, however, he lived with her in marriage for 18 years, during which their five children were born, including the future king France Louis VI the Fat(1081-1137). Of all the children of the royal spouses, only the eldest daughter survived to adulthood, Constance and only son Louis.

In 1090, apparently, a decisive turning point occurred in the marital relations of the royal couple, as a result of which the son of a Kiev woman exiled Bertha to the castle Montreuil-sur-Mer.
And two years later, in 1092 Philip fell in love, and beloved, Bertrada de Montfort(c.1070 - 1116/17), like himself, was married. Spouse Bertrada, Fulk IV Le Reschen, graph Angevin(1043-1109) one of the most powerful vassals of the king, was 27 years older than his wife, and had been married four times before this marriage (two of these marital unions ended in divorces).

Royal love came so suddenly that Bertrada barely had time to give birth to her first husband's son (in 1092), when she was kidnapped by a monarch in love with unconsciousness and became (as she thought) queen France (Philip“kidnapped” her by mutual agreement on the night of May 15, 1092). Somewhere between these events Philip I formalized her divorce and his own, which, however, were not recognized by the Church, as, of course, the marriage concluded by the king.

In 1094, the Church imposed on the king France and his chosen one (who has already given birth to his first child) interdict (excommunication). Incidentally, this is the reason Philip I failed to take part in the First Crusade (1095). In total son Yaroslavna lived with his wife under an interdict for about 10 years, which caused considerable harm to the state interests of France. In 1095, the king tried, if not to correct the situation, then at least to make an appearance - on May 1, 1095, the bishop of Paris died Geoffrey of Boulogne- an implacable opponent of his marriage with Bertrada. Wishing to end the conflict between the king and the clergy, the Parisian clergy chose the new bishop Guillaume de Montfort- the sibling of the illegitimate queen. However, dad Urbana II cheat like that in a simple way failed - he agreed to approve Guillaume bishop, provided that Philip I leave Bertrado. In 1096 the king of France complied. Bertrada de Montfort was removed, the excommunication removed. However, the king soon returned Bertrado and continued to live with her - and his illegitimate wife continued to appear in official documents as queen until the end of his reign.

Penitent Philip I and Bertrada. Medieval miniature.

In such cases of illegal cohabitation, which in those days were not so rare among the highest aristocracy of Europe (Second Husband Anna Yaroslavna, Raoul III (IV) de Crepy, was excommunicated from the Church for marriage with her, tk. abandoned his lawful wife for her, accusing her of treason), the interdict was usually “automatically” removed from adulterers immediately after the death of their previous, lawful, spouses. But here Philip I and Bertrade very unlucky. If the first wife Philip, Bertha of Holland, died a year after the conclusion of their illegal union in 1093 (according to some sources, she was poisoned), then the legal spouse Bertrada, Fulk IV Reshen though he was older PhilipI by as much as 9 years, but kept cheerful, and eventually outlived him (probably out of mischief) by one year. Leaving, thus, the royal couple no chance of a legal marriage, making Bertrado bigamous.

So in 1104, under pressure from the clergy, PhilipI I still had to divorce my beloved wife. Although this did not change anything in their relationship, and they continued to live together until their death. PhilipI in 1108. Such stubbornness in confrontation with the King of France on the part of the Church on the issue of the legality of his second marriage, by the way, cannot be explained by anything other than some personal motives that have not survived to this day. The fact is that the fifth marriage Fulk IV With Bertradoy de Montfort at one time, too, was not recognized by the Holy See. In 1091 the pope Urban II condemned this union due to the fact that the two previous wives Fulka(second, Irmerganda de Bourbon, and the fourth Manti de Brienne) were still alive. Most likely, it was this circumstance that forced FulkaAngevin after the kidnapping Bertrada the king to give up trying to arrange his personal life again (for the sixth time!) - although he was then only about 48-49 years old. And it was the recognition of his marriage to Bertrada illegal humbled Fulka with her escape - otherwise, he, of course, was simply obliged to start hostilities against his overlord, who “stole” his wife from him. But what prevented PhilipI and Bertrade de Montfort become legal spouses after the queen's death Bertha of Holland in light of the illegality of the first marriage Bertrada- the question is still open, to which there is no answer.

Fulk of Anjou, Bertrada's first husband. Medieval miniature. Because of the color of his hair, he was nicknamed "Red".

After the death of a grandson Yaroslav the Wise(1108) Bertrada acted like a fool trying to raise her own son, Philip, to the French throne, acting against Louis VI, the legal heir. Not to mention the fact that in the eyes of the state and the church, this young man (he was then 14 years old) was an illegitimate, bastard - even if Bertrada was the rightful queen, the rights of the eldest son Philip I to the throne were unconditional. From his first marriage, the king had four sons, but all of them, except for Louis, died in childhood - so, from a practical point of view, Bertrade it was necessary “only” to physically eliminate the only competitor for the crown of France for their two sons - Philip and Fleury. What she tried to do many times during the life of her son Yaroslavna.

Start with what Philip I the first of the French ruling dynasty Capetians did not crown his eldest son during his lifetime, thus violating the family tradition (his own father, Henry I, crowned at the age of 7, thus making his co-ruler and official successor) - in 1100 he only verbally announced Louis, who then was already 19 years old, his heir - moreover, in a narrow, “family” circle. Looking ahead - the real coronation of the eldest grandson Yaroslavna passed on August 3rd, 1108, just 4 days after death Philip, and because of the threat of usurpation of power by the son Bertrada it was held not in Reims, but in Orleans, in semi-underground conditions - none of the prominent nobles of the kingdom attended it personally and did not even send their representatives. Historians consider the beginning of the reign Louis VI the time of the lowest power of royal authority in the entire era Capetians.

In the same year 1100, during a visit Louis to England, to the king Henry I Beauclerk(youngest son William the Conqueror), Bertrada sent a letter to the English king, sealed with the seal of the French king (it is still unclear whether the son knew about this adventure Yaroslavna, or his wife acted independently - the letter was written on his behalf) asking the prince to “seize and imprison all the days of his life”. However Henry refused to become a jailer Louis.

Upon the return of the hated stepson to France Bertrada sent three clerics to him as assassins, and when they did not succeed, she tried to poison the prince. He was in a critical condition for three days and was saved only by the skillful treatment of a Jewish doctor. It was no secret to anyone in the king's court who was behind the assassination attempt on the heir. And yet Philip begged Louis forgive my stepmother.

Positions Bertrada, to whom the king was ready to forgive even the death of his eldest son, were so strong that her stepson, in order to somehow weaken the influence of his stepmother and secure his life from further assassination attempts, married in 1104 Lucien de Rochefort(c.1088-after 1137) - a representative of the strongest noble family in Ile-de-France Montlhéry-Rochefort who occupied during the reign Philip I a leading position with the ability to influence the politics of the French kingdom. With this marriage, the heir to the throne deprived Bertrado main allies (shortly before that, she married her 10-year-old eldest son Philip on cousin Luciennes, Elizabeth de Montlhéry, great-niece of the powerful seneschal Guy de Rochefort- of course, in order to strengthen his claims to the crown). However, in the future Louis reconciled with Bertrada, giving her son the county of Mantes and the seigneury of Meen as a wedding gift.

A rebellion led by an illegitimate son Philip I against his brother Louis VI shortly after the death of their father in 1108, was supported by the whole family Montlhéry-Rochefort(because in 1107 marriage Louis With Lucienne de Rochefort was canceled at the initiative of the son Yaroslavna who wished in this way to weaken the influence of the overly intensified Rochefort in France), as well as two powerful vassals of the young king - Amaury III de Montfort, uncle Philip, and Fulk of Anjou, his native uterine (by mother) older brother - the very one whom Bertrada abandoned immediately after birth. The rebellion ended a year later with the complete defeat of the rebels. The king's brother lost all his possessions and was forced to continue to live at court Monforov. However, later (after the death of his mother) Philip found a way to make peace with his older brother Louis VI.

Bertrada, longing to see her eldest son from Philip I king France, after the collapse of all plans was forced to retire to the abbey Fontevraud where she died around 1116/1117.

Her two illegitimate sons by her grandson Yaroslav the Wise did not live long, and left no male heirs behind. Of her two daughters about the fate of the eldest, eustacia, nothing is known. But the younger Cecilia, twice married to rich and noble leaders of the Crusades, and her only son from her second marriage, Raymond II, Count of Tripoli, was married to one of the daughters of the King of Jerusalem Baldwin IIGaudernay de Rethel.

Ambitious daughter-in-law Anna Yaroslavna, nevertheless, she still became the mother of the king, but after her death. And the king was not at all her son, on whom she had placed her hopes, and the state that he headed was not France.

Son Bertrades de Montfort from her first marriage, forgotten by her immediately after birth, Fulk V the Young, graph Angevin(1092-1144), in addition to becoming one of the most prominent commanders of his time and one of the leaders of the crusaders, married in 1129 (second marriage, his first wife died three years earlier) to the heiress of the king of Jerusalem Baldwin II, Melisende of Jerusalem(c.1101-1161). In 1131, after the death Baldwin, son Bertrada ascended the throne of the Kingdom of Jerusalem along with his wife. His two sons from this marriage (grandchildren Bertrada), Baldwin III(1130-1162) and Amory I(1136-1174), also became kings of Jerusalem, and their offspring continued this royal family.

Coronation of Fulk V the Young, Count of Anjou, son of Bertrada, in Jerusalem. Medieval miniature.

But that's not all.
His son from his first marriage, Geoffroy (Gottfried) V of Anjou(1113-1151) nicknamed plantagenet- grandson BertradaFulk of Angevin married at the age of 15 to a 26-year-old Matilda of England(1102-1167), daughter and heiress (after the death of his only brother Wilhelm in 1120) King of England Henry I. Eldest son from this marriage, Heinrich Plantagenet(1133-1189), became king of England from 1154 and founder of the English royal house Plantagenets, who ruled England for two and a half centuries - until 1399. Historians consider the reign of the dynasty Plantagenets the most "bloody" in the history of Britain.

So the illegitimate daughter-in-law Anna Yaroslavna became the great-grandmother of the English kings.
Such is the irony of fate.
This vain adventurer bet on the wrong son.

P.S. By the way, the youngest son Yaroslavna, Hugo I (V) the Great Capet(1057-1102) Count Vermandois and Valois, one of the leaders of the First Crusade, was married only once, but how!
Around 1078 he married the granddaughter (on the maternal side) of the queen's second husband Anna, his mother - Count Raoul de Crepy, Adelaide de Vermandois(c.1062-1122). Thus, the spouse Hugo she was his niece (although not by blood) - which, however, from the point of view of the Church, was still incest. But somehow it worked out - historians do not know anything about any persecution of the married couple by the Holy See. father Adelaide was Herbert IV de Vermandois- the last male representative of the previous French royal family Carolingian, last direct descendant of the French Emperor Charlemagne. Her only brother Ed II, was mentally ill, and his father deprived him of the right to inherit. So the counties Vermandois and Valois(huge territories) inherited Adelaide(the rest of the children of her parents died in childhood), after which she married Hugo the Great they passed to the genus Capetians.

At Hugo and Adelaide eight children survived to adulthood - grandchildren Yaroslavna. Their third daughter Isabel(or Elizabeth) (c.1081-1131), widowed in 1118, married a second time to Wilhelm de Warenne, graph Surrey, son of a colleague William the Conqueror. She gave birth to five children to her second husband (from the first she had eight), including the youngest daughter - Adu de Warenne(c.1120/1122-1178). In 1139 (already after the death of her mother), the young Ada was married to Henry of Huntingdon, only son and heir David I, King of Scotland. great granddaughter Yaroslavna did not have a chance to become Queen of Scotland - her husband died a year earlier than his father, the king David, in 1052. However, after death David in 1053, the eldest of three sons became the new Scottish king hells, Malcolm IV(1142-1165), who was then only 11 years old. After his early death at 23 (and Malcolm as a teenager, he took a vow of celibacy, so he did not leave children behind) his younger brother, the second son of Ada, ascended the throne of Scotland, Wilhelm I the Lion(1143-1214). All the kings of Scotland became his descendants, from 1603 - united England, Scotland and Ireland - up to the current monarchs of Great Britain, who, therefore, are direct heirs, including those of Kyiv Rurikovich.

P.P.S. The title illustration for the essay shows the tombstone of Philip I in the abbey of Fleury in Saint-Benois-sur-Loire. Due to the fact that Philip was not buried in the tomb of the French kings in Saint-Denis (due to the very difficult political situation at the time of the death of Yaroslavna's son, and the real threat of seizing power in France by the illegitimate son of Bertrada, the legitimate heir was in a hurry with the coronation), his the grave was not desecrated during the revolution, and the remains were preserved intact. Nowadays, scientists have been able to conduct detailed studies of his grave and remains.

He stated that he was not going to be a "troublesome monarch" when Elizabeth II leaves her post. He spoke about this in an interview for the new BBC documentary "Prince, Son and Heir - Charles at 70", timed to coincide with his anniversary. Charles will celebrate his birthday on Wednesday, November 14th.

The future ruler has vowed to step down from his current duties as a prince, which includes campaigning for ecology, architecture and homeopathic medicine.

Charles explained this decision by saying that he was "not so stupid" to assume that the British monarch should lobby his interests in the government.

The eldest son of the Queen and Prince Philip said for the first, and most likely the last time: “I understand that being a sovereign (monarch - Gazeta.Ru) is a separate task. So, of course, I am fully aware of exactly how it should be done.”

The main limitation of all members of the royal family over the years has been the policy of non-interference in the political life of the country, which means that the Windsors cannot express their personal Political Views. Prince Charles is clearly aware of this: according to him, he tried to do everything possible so that all his actions were not indicators of adherence to the ideals of a particular party. After all, what a prince can afford is not available to a king.

However, the Prince of Wales was not always aware of his boundaries - in 2015, a series of small notes was made public, which he sent to British ministers from September 2004 to March 2005.

Due to Charles's small handwriting, black ink and the insistence of "recommendations" in the British press, this phenomenon was called "black spider" notes.

The list of his claims to politicians at that time included many aspects: homeopathic medicines as official cures for diseases, protest against arms reduction, the fight against gender equality, modern architecture and GMO products. The future King Charles III does not exactly regard his future role as decorative.

Then many regarded his position as a real "intervention". In an interview, Charles defended his actions, among which was the creation of the Prince's Trust in 1976 to help disadvantaged young people. He stated that he was proud of what others considered behavior not too correct for a royal person:

“But I always wonder what should be called intervention... I was constantly intrigued by whether the concern about inner cities and what is happening or not happening there, which I showed 40 years ago, is considered interference. If this is an intervention, then I am very proud of it, ”concluded the prince.

In the same year, he was at the center of another scandal. It became known that Charles received copies of confidential government documents for more than 20 years. However, this turned out to be part of a long-established procedure - along with the mother, her future successor had legal access to these papers, because, according to the traditional procedure, the monarch in the UK must be aware of all the decisions and agenda of his government.

AT documentary his wife Camilla spoke about Charles' work ethic: “He is rather impatient, he wants everything to be done yesterday. Anyone who works with him will tell you this, I think. But that's the way he does things, it moves him forward - an inner desire to really help. Speaking about the real intentions of the next ruler, the Duchess of Corwell concluded: "He would like to save the world."

Thanks to his amazing performance and good health, Prince Charles set a record - he became the longest-serving heir to the throne in history.

In October, a book dedicated to the anniversary of the elderly prince was published, in which the author suggested that the queen would retire at the age of 95, that is, in three years, and Charles would be regent until the end of her life. The coronation itself can take place only after the death of the previous ruler, so some critics of his actions suspect that he may no longer live to see it.

Once upon a time there was a prince who did not like living in his father's house, and since he was not afraid of anything in the world, he thought: "Let me go wander around the wide world, amuse my darling, see all sorts of curiosities."

He said goodbye to his parents, set off on the road and drove from morning to evening, and it was absolutely indifferent to him where the road would lead him.

He happened to arrive at the giant's house, and as he was very tired, he sat down near his door and began to rest. Looking around him, the prince saw the giant's toys in the yard: a pair of huge balls and skittles the size of a man.

After a little while, he took it into his head to set up those pins and knock them down with a ball, and he cried out with joy when those pins fell, and rejoiced from the bottom of his heart.

The giant heard a noise, looked out the window and saw a man who was no bigger than other people, and meanwhile was playing with his skittles.

"Worm!" exclaimed the giant. "How can you play with my skittles? Who gave you such strength?"

The prince looked at the giant and said: "Oh, you blockhead! Or do you think that you alone are strong in the world? Yes, here I am - I can do anything, if only there was a hunt!"

The giant went downstairs, stared in amazement at the game of skittles and said: "Man! If you are exactly like that, then go and get me an apple from the tree of life." - "And what is it for you?" asked the king. “I don’t need an apple for myself,” the giant replied. “I have a bride who really wants to get it; but no matter how much I wandered around the wide world, I couldn’t find that tree.” “Well, then I will find him!” said the prince. “And I don’t understand what could prevent me from picking that apple from the branch?” - "Do you think it's easy?" asked the giant. "The garden in which the tree grows is surrounded by an iron grate, and in front of that grating wild animals lie in a row and guard the garden, and no one is allowed inside it." - "They'll let me in!" - the king said confidently. “Even if you get into the garden and see an apple on a tree, it’s still tricky to get it: a ring is hung in front of that apple, and through this ring you need to stretch your hand to the apple if you want to get the apple and pick it, but no one has yet succeeded. " - "Well, I'll succeed," - said the prince.

He said goodbye to the giant, went through the mountains, through the dales, through the fields and dales, and finally reached the magical garden.

And sure enough: around him, near the grating, animals lay in a continuous row; but they bowed their heads and slept.

They did not even wake up when the prince came up to them, and he stepped over them, climbed over the bars and safely made his way into the garden.

In the middle of that garden stood the tree of life, and its red apples were glowing on the branches!

He climbed up the trunk and just wanted to reach out to one of the apples, he sees that a ring hangs in front of that apple ...

And he, without thinking, without any effort, put his hand through that ring and plucked an apple from a branch ...

The ring tightly clasped his hand, and he suddenly felt tremendous strength in his whole body.

When the prince got down from the tree with the apple, he no longer wanted to climb over the bars, but grabbed the large garden gate, shook it once - and the gate flew open with a crash.

He left the garden, and the lion, lying in front of the gate, woke up and ran after him, but no longer wild, not furious - he meekly followed him, as if he were his master.

The prince brought the promised apple to the giant and said: "You see, I got it without any difficulty."

The giant, overjoyed that his wish had been granted so quickly, hurried to his bride and gave her the apple she had so much desired.

But his bride was beautiful and a smart girl, and when she did not see the ring on his hand, she said; "I won't believe you got that apple yourself until I see the rings on your hand." The giant said: "I only have to go home and bring it," - and he thought to himself that it would not be surprising for weak man to take by force what he does not want to concede voluntarily.

And so he demanded a ring from the prince; but he did not give. “Well, no! Where there is an apple, there must be a ring!” said the giant. “And if you don’t give it to me voluntarily, then you must fight with me for that ring!”

They fought for a long time, but the giant could not cope with the prince, who was constantly given strength by his magic ring.

It was then that the giant embarked on an insidious trick, and he said to the prince: "I have warmed up very much from the fight, and you too! Let's go, take a dip in the river and cool ourselves before we begin to fight again."

The prince, who did not know deceit, went with the giant to the river, along with his clothes he took off the ring from his hand and rushed into the river.

The giant immediately grabbed the ring and ran away with it; however, the lion, who noticed the theft, immediately set off after the giant, snatched the ring from his hands and brought it to his master.

Then the giant slowly came back, hid behind an oak that grew on the shore, and at the time when the prince began to dress, he attacked him and gouged out both his eyes.

So the poor prince turned out to be blind and helpless; and the giant again approached him, took him by the hand, as if he wanted to help him, and he himself led him to the edge of a high rock.

Here the giant left him, thinking: "Here, he will cross two more steps and kill himself to death - then I will remove the ring from him."

But the faithful lion did not leave his master, firmly grabbed him by the clothes and gently pulled him back from the cliff.

When the giant returned to rob the dead prince, he was convinced that the trick had failed him. "Yes, is it really impossible to ruin this weak little man with anything!" - he only said, grabbed the prince by the hand and led him along another road to the edge of the abyss; but the lion, noticing a malicious intent, and this time saved the prince from danger.

Approaching the very edge of the abyss, the giant released the hand of the blind man and wanted to leave him alone, but the lion pushed the giant so that he himself flew into the abyss and crashed to death.

After that, the faithful animal again managed to pull his master away from the abyss and led him to a tree, near which a clear, transparent stream flowed.

The prince sat down by the stream, and the lion lay down on the bank and began to splash his face with water from the stream with his paw.

As soon as two drops of that water irrigated the eye sockets of the prince, he again began to see a little and suddenly made out a bird that flew close to him and poked into the trunk of a tree; then she sank down to the water and plunged into it once or twice - and already soared easily and, without touching the trees, flew between them, as if the water had restored her sight.

In this, the prince saw the finger of God - he leaned over the water of the stream, began to wash his eyes in it and dip his face in the water. And when he got up from the water, his eyes again turned out to be as bright and clear as they had never been before.

The prince thanked God for the great mercy and went with his lion to roam the wide world. And then he happened to come to the enchanted castle. At the gate of the castle stood a girl, slender and beautiful in appearance, but completely black.

She spoke to him and said: "Oh, if you could free me from the evil spell that weighs on me!" - "And what should I do for this?" asked the king. The girl answered him: “You must spend three nights in the great hall of the enchanted castle, and fear must not have access to your heart. Know, moreover, that your life will not be taken from you." - "My heart knows no fear," answered the prince, "I will try, with God's help."

And he went cheerfully to the castle; and when it got dark, he sat down in the great hall and waited.

All was quiet until midnight; and at midnight a terrible noise arose in the castle, and from all corners appeared in multitudes of little devils. They pretended not to see him, sat down in the middle of the hall, lit a fire on the floor and began to play.

When one of them lost, he said: "It's not okay! One stranger has crept in here, he is to blame for the fact that I am losing." - "Wait, I'll come now, baking demon!" - said the other.

And the scream and the noise and the uproar kept growing, and no one could hear them without horror ...

But the prince sat quite calmly, and fear did not take him. But then all the devils jumped up from the ground at once and rushed at him, and there were so many of them that he could not cope with them. They tore at him, dragged him along the ground, pinched him, stabbed him, beat him and tortured him, but he did not utter a sound.

In the morning they disappeared, and he was so exhausted that he could hardly move.

When it was dawn, a black maiden came up to him in the hall. She brought him a bottle of living water, washed him with that water, and he immediately felt an influx of new strength in himself, and all his pains subsided at once ...

The maiden said to him: "You endured one night safely, but you have two more to come."

Having said this, she retired, and he had time to notice that her legs had already turned white during the night.

The next night, the devils appeared again and resumed their game; then they again attacked the prince and beat and tortured him even more cruelly than on the previous night, so that his whole body was covered with wounds.

But since he endured everything in silence, they finally had to leave him behind, and at dawn a black girl appeared to him and healed him with living water.

And when she left him, he saw with joy that she had time to turn white to the tips of her fingers.

He had only one more night to endure, but the worst!

The devils appeared again in a crowd ...

"You are still alive!" they shouted.

They began to stab and beat him, began to throw him here and there, dragging him by the arms and legs, as if they wanted to tear him to pieces; however, he endured everything and did not utter a sound.

Finally they disappeared; but he was already lying completely exhausted and did not move; he could not even raise his eyelids to look at the girl who came in to him and sprinkled him, and poured abundantly over him with living water.

And suddenly all the pains in his body disappeared as if by magic, and he felt fresh and healthy, as if waking up from a painful sleep; when he opened his eyes, he saw a girl in front of him - as white as snow and beautiful as a clear day.

"Get up," she said, "and wave your sword three times over the stairs and all the spells will disappear at once."

And when he did this, the whole castle was at once delivered from the spell, and the girl turned out to be a rich queen. The servants also came to them, and announced that in the large hall the table had already been laid and the food had been served.

Then they sat down at the table, began to drink and eat together, and in the evening of the same day they played and joyfully celebrated their wedding.
