Metropolitan Longinus. Longin, Archbishop of Banchensky, vicar of the Chernivtsi diocese (Zhar Mikhail Vasilyevich)

A remarkably bold archpastoral word appeared on the Tatyana's Day website Bishop of Banchen Longin (Heat), vicar of the Chernivtsi diocese of the UOC-MP, published on the Romanian website , about the punitive action of the Kyiv junta in the south-east of Ukraine. In today's Ukraine, where the most severe informational and physical terror reigns against any dissent in relation to the so-called. "anti-terrorist operation" of the Kyiv regime against its people, such words of the lord are a real confession in our time!

Vladyka Longin (Zhar), Bishop of Banchensky, vicar of the Chernivtsi diocese (Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate), who is also called "the father of four hundred orphans", delivered an extremely harsh sermon against the war in Ukraine and the leaders of this country, whom he called "damned" and "servants of Satan." Moreover, Vladyka urged the Ukrainian believers not to send their children to death, because this is contrary to the Orthodox faith.

Bishop Longin on mobilization

I urge you to be united and not to send your children to death. Our Orthodox faith does not allow us to kill each other. They want the death of our people, who live in peace and with God, for the sake of their political interests, for the sake of those who protect their business and leadership positions.

Dear ones, you are not allowed to shoot and kill. God gives life and He takes it away. Ukrainian leaders have said that "the Orthodox faith is Ukraine's biggest enemy." So they were dictated by strangers who cannot bear the truth, for they are blind.

About the victims of the conflict in Ukraine

How can one raise a weapon and shoot at God's creation? He, like you, has a mother, a wife, a child. Why are we forced to kill? The secret will become clear: thousands and tens of thousands died, and they talk about hundreds. I do not bless you to go to war. We call you to peace.

About ten thousand soldiers are killed, and even their mothers do not know that they are no longer alive. I am not involved in politics, but I say with pain that this is not a war against the enemy, but a war between us. When the damned defend the United States, they want to see the Orthodox slaughter each other while they eat, drink, be merry and rejoice in the shedding of blood on holy ground.

On the involvement of the United States of America and the West in the conflict

They will pay in full for the blood that stained their hands and clothes. All this is the work of accursed Europe, about which the Holy Fathers said: "Do not worship the beasts," and the Americans, who, wherever they interfere, sow only enmity and bloodshed. Now they have stepped aside and are enjoying the shedding of the blood of our Christians.

Brothers, we all feel ourselves on the verge of a third world war. That's why I called out to you: repent! I thank all the villages of Bukovina, all its inhabitants for the fact that you have risen. Everyone is called to this: we do not give our children to death!

About the current leaders of Ukraine

I will never remember Divine Liturgy these damned leaders of our country, these unbelievers who have no fear of God, who sit in chairs and issue orders for murder. Only one prayer remained: "Lord, if You are still able, enlighten them, for darkness and the underworld have embraced them." They do not want anything but bloodshed, and in this they find pleasure. Satanists! Servants of the evil one. If they do not stop, then God will stop them, but then they will be in great sorrow.

Recorded by Mihai Ciomenescu for

The first bishop stood up in defense of the Orthodox Faith, the holy canons and dogmas of our Church, condemned the ecumenical heresy of the "Havana Declaration" and St. Cyril, who was no longer commemorated at liturgies as a heretic, and urged him to ask forgiveness for insulting the Orthodox Church, Orthodox Christians and all The Holy Fathers, who for 1000 years preserved the Truth: “We should not remain faithful to people, but to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the truth of our Orthodox Church!”

The Lord and the Mother of God nevertheless gave us the Russian Champion and Defender of the Orthodox Faith,- Bishop of Banchen Longina (Heat) - who was related to the Holy Apostles and the Holy Fathers: Rev.Maxim the Confessor, prep. Theodore Studit, St. Mark of Ephesus, St. Gregory Palamas, St. Gennady Novgorodsky, prep. Joseph Volotsky, St. Seraphim (Sobolev)


Dear brothers and sisters!

We are all gathered together today because end times Our Orthodox Christians ask us a lot of questions, and we are not all ready to answer each one separately. One part of the questions that we received, we have prepared answers for them. Even today we will try to answer the questions that will be asked in the same way as the holy fathers of our church have been answering for 2000 years.

And I think that we should control ourselves through the Holy Fathers, the holy canons of our Church and dogmas. And we will ask our brothers of the monastery to help us answer all your questions today. You know what's worrying today. Every soul in the Orthodox world is very worried, all people are very worried about what is happening today. Because we don't want to lose salvation. And we want that Faith, which is given to us once and for all, which does not change, to preserve and cherish it.

We didn't gather for any protests today. Or to be restless before what is happening, it should be. The Holy Fathers told us and prepared for this. But we kept thinking that it won't happen now, but it will happen later. I want to ask God that the Lord would not give us up to be reproached by the devils. But in order to be true Orthodox faithful, confessing their Orthodox Faith, the teachings and dogmas of the Holy Fathers.

God bless that we are here with you today. I beg you prayerfully to be attentive to everyone and apologize in advance that we may have such an emphasis, but we want it to be clear to everyone and in one word: we want to preserve the true Orthodox Faith until the end of our days. Amen.


Question (53 min. 35 sec.): Why is His Holiness Patriarch Kirill not commemorated at the liturgies at the Holy Ascension Panchevo Monastery?

Lord Longinus' answer: We pray for His Holiness the Patriarch Kirill. And our brothers pray, and you should pray. But I can’t commemorate at the liturgies, because I don’t know: who is Orthodox, who is a Catholic, who is a heretic. Taking this document you know - 30 points ( Havana Declaration- approx. ed . ). I will read to you later. They say that the document was adopted following the meeting of the Holy Pope…

This is our patriarch speaking. This is heresy, brothers and sisters. This is real heresy. How holy he is when all the fathers, all our holy fathers of the Orthodox Church call the Latins heretics. We then destroy, we do not let them rise, repent. Here he is now the “righteous” Pope, because the Patriarch of All Rus' said that he is the most holy. He is a heretic for us!

Second. The word of the holy liturgy from the document: " Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit with you all» May their spirit be with them. The Spirit of God will be with us! We don't need the blessing of the Pope. And besides, what right did they have to change the word "God the Father, and the sacrament"? They changed the word "communion" to "communion". Because they want to communicate! And they begin to change the words of the holy liturgy. And the rest of these 30 points are all heresy!

But I do not commemorate Patriarch Kirill at the Holy Liturgy, the most important thing is because of the 5th point. And understand these words correctly: Despite the common Tradition of the first ten centuries, Catholics and Orthodox have been deprived of communion in the Eucharist for almost a thousand years.».

And what does he want? For us to take communion with the Pope or what? Without repentance, without correction?

Further: " We are divided by the wounds inflicted in the conflicts of the distant and recent past, divided and inherited from our predecessors.". So they call all the saints of the Orthodox Church! Predecessors, that they are to blame for everything, that these wounds are still open.

Further: " differences in the understanding and explanation of our faith in God, one in Three Persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We mourn the loss of unity resulting from human weakness and sinfulness».

So all the saints were weak, sinners. What right did they have to desecrate my shrine, my Church, my Holy Fathers, to accuse them of being sinners? Yes, they are sinners, I know, there is not a single person without sin. But their lives were holy! They died for the Faith, so that no one would ever scold the dogmas of our Church. And they left us the true Orthodox Faith, and not the heresy of the Latins.

Further: “which took place contrary to the High Priestly Prayer of Christ the Savior: “May they all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so that they also may be one in Us” (John 17:21). Are we supposed to be one? In the true Church of God, and not with the Pope must be one!

And immediately they go to the 6th point and say: “ Realizing the many obstacles to be overcome, we hope that our meeting will contribute to the achievement of that God-given unity».

Forgive me, but I will never be one with heretics. I am Orthodox! I have the dogmas and canons of the Orthodox Faith, and I will not become a traitor!

And we all, like brothers and sisters, came to the monastery, leaving this world, not because we had nothing to do in it. We love the Lord God. Nobody forced us to love Him. No one forced us to leave our mothers, our parents and come to the monastery. I was compelled by the love of God when I learned that He suffered on the Cross because of me.

I want to remain faithful to the Lord God! I call brothers and sisters, and all Orthodox Christians! We should not remain faithful to people, but to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the truth of our Orthodox Church!

And thank God that we understood today what happened. The Lord gave us the strength to live up to these times, so that we would better know the truth of the Orthodox Faith. After all, if this betrayal of Christ ed .) was 30-40 years ago, when we were in poor knowledge of our Faith, and therefore the Lord slowed down so that we would understand our Faith and Truth in order to follow in the footsteps of the Savior, and not in the footsteps of these people.

Let their conscience torment them, because the document says: "Catholics and Orthodox have been deprived of communion in the Eucharist for almost a thousand years." Come back please. Repent. There is a lack of humility because the pride is diabolical. Who can pacify them when they are God's deputies on earth, when they have purgatory, when they trampled on all the dogmas and canons of our Orthodox Church and left, renounced the true God?

Is this not enough for us? This fraternization? Kiss Jude.

I ask the Most Holy Forgiveness n. Cyril - approx. ed . ), but let him ask for forgiveness from our Orthodox Church, from Orthodox Christians and from all the Holy Fathers, who for 1000 years preserved the Truth, that offended them.


Question (1 hour 27 minutes 30 seconds): “We are told that ecumenism is not a heresy, but a movement towards the unity of all Christians. This is stated in the documents signed by our Patriarch in Chambesy in the autumn of 2015. The planting of all-resistance in the Orthodox Church through the adoption of draft documents took place without conciliar discussion at the Council of Bishops on February 2-3, 2016.”

Lord Longinus' answer:“Let no one be offended, dear brothers and sisters. No one saw us, no one heard, and no one looked at us absolutely. We sat on the benches for 2 days and they didn't care if we were there or not. They made up their minds anyway.

We pray for our father His Holiness Patriarch. But if he is our father, then please hear your children, who were always faithful not to a person, but to the Russian Orthodox Canonical Church. And we will continue to be faithful to her as well. But we sat there, and no one asked us.

And once, when there were dogmatic mistakes or, one might say, the greatest sins against the Holy Spirit, I raised my hand to be against the fact that I cannot vote for these issues, then I was told, “Who are you? Get in! We can do without you!” They can do without me, but we will never do without God, without Truth.

I have nothing against him as a person n. Kirill - approx. ed . ), but one person cannot decide the fate of our Church. There must be a cathedral. They say that the Council has given the go-ahead. Well, what will we be deceivers for the whole world? Nobody told us about any meetings.

When we raised the question that Your Holiness, that there are big dogmatic mistakes, how are we going to this Council ( Bishops' Cathedral February 2-3, 2016 - approx. ed . )? In reply: "All! Shut up, sit down! All is decided! Everyone voted, everything has already passed!” But wait, how is that possible? And they put us there, and we couldn't say anything there.

The Orthodox people now accuse: “Why did you betray us, lords? Why did you do all this? There were many lords who were not against everything: "Fear. We have fear. Because tomorrow I will punish you, tomorrow I will send you to the North!”

Worse than during the communists. And this is our Orthodox Faith, Mother of Love. We have freely come to God, will we not listen to these false teachings?”

EDITORIAL REMINDER Whatback in 2014 Vladyka Longin (Zhar), Bishop of Banchensky, vicar of the Chernivtsi diocese (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate), who is also called "father of four hundred orphans" , delivered an extremely harsh sermon against the war in Ukraine and the leaders of this country, whom he called "damned" and "servants of Satan." Moreover, Vladyka urged Ukrainian believers not to send their children to death, because this is contrary to the Orthodox faith:

About mobilization

I urge you to be united and not to send your children to death. Our Orthodox faith does not allow us to kill each other. They want the death of our people, who live in peace and with God, for the sake of their political interests, for the sake of those who protect their business and leadership positions.

Dear ones, you are not allowed to shoot and kill. God gives life and He takes it away. Ukrainian leaders have said that "the Orthodox faith is Ukraine's biggest enemy." So they were dictated by strangers who cannot bear the truth, for they are blind.

About the victims of the conflict in Ukraine

How can one raise a weapon and shoot at God's creation? He, like you, has a mother, a wife, a child. Why are we forced to kill? The secret will become clear: thousands and tens of thousands died, and they talk about hundreds. I do not bless you to go to war. We call you to peace.

About ten thousand soldiers are killed, and even their mothers do not know that they are no longer alive. I am not involved in politics, but I say with pain that this is not a war against the enemy, but a war between us. When the damned defend the United States, they want to see the Orthodox slaughter each other while they eat, drink, be merry and rejoice in the shedding of blood on holy ground.

On the involvement of the United States of America and the West in the conflict

They will pay in full for the blood that stained their hands and clothes. All this is the work of accursed Europe, about which the Holy Fathers said: “Do not worship the beasts,” and the Americans, who, wherever they interfere, sow only enmity and bloodshed. Now they have stepped aside and are enjoying the shedding of the blood of our Christians.

Brothers, we all feel ourselves on the verge of a third world war. That's why I called out to you: repent! I thank all the villages of Bukovina, all its inhabitants for the fact that you have risen. Everyone is called to this: we do not give our children to death!

About the current leaders of Ukraine

I will never commemorate at the Divine Liturgy these damned leaders of our country, these unbelievers who do not have the fear of God, who sit in armchairs and issue orders for murder. Only one prayer remained: Lord, if You are still able, enlighten them, for darkness and the underworld have embraced them. They do not want anything but bloodshed, and in this they find pleasure. Satanists! Servants of the evil one. If they do not stop, then God will stop them, but then they will be in great sorrow.

Regarding the latest statementLords of Longinus (Heat), risen to the defense of the Orthodox Faith, the Athos Fathers composed a prayer -


for Bishop Longinus and Confessors of Christ's Truth

Compiled by the Fathers Athos, hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov) and hieroschemamonk Onufry (Stebelev-Velasquez)

God Jesus Christ, prayers Holy Lady our Mother of God, Holy Archangel of God Michael and all Heavenly Forces Bodiless, Honest Forerunner and Your Baptist John, Holy Glorious and All-Praiseworthy Apostles, Holy Royal Great Martyrs, through the prayers of all the Martyrs and Confessors, the Reverend and God-bearing Fathers of ours and all Your Saints, save, preserve and strengthen the Confessor of Holy Rus', Bishop Longinus and his Christ-loving flock (here you can also commemorate all the faithful Archpastors and pastors), grant them fiery Faith, Your humility and the grace of the Holy Spirit, patience and unshakable courage, prayer of grace, the word invincible, Love sacrificial and all-conquering.

Protect them, Lord, from all enemies, visible and invisible, help them to remain faithful to You even to death and make a good confession to Your glory, for all glory, honor and worship is due to You with Your Beginningless Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit , now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!

Let us earnestly pray for our Confessor - Bishop Longinus with his Christ-loving flock, so that God strengthens them with His grace and helps them to make a good confession until the Victorious Triumph of Orthodoxy!

The Lord and the Mother of God gave us the Russian Defender and Defender of the Orthodox Faith, who was related to the Holy Apostles and the Holy Fathers: Rev. Maxim the Confessor, prep. Theodore Studit, St. Mark of Ephesus, St. Gregory Palamas, St. Gennady Novgorodsky, prep. Joseph Volotsky, St. Seraphim (Sobolev) and with all the Confessors, Martyrs and Saints of God.

We all remember Father Michael from the movie "Outpost"(see below) truly unforgettable is his great Christian love. And today, at the hour of mortal danger for our Russian Church, we see how the Love of Christ raises up the former O. Michael, today already Bishop Longinus, together with the monks and the people of God, for confession and fidelity to Christ until the martyr's Cross!

Vladyka Longin and his Christ-loving flock have shown in word and deed to the whole world what a great and irresistible power is given by God to us in the Orthodox Church - catholicity in the Holy Spirit!

We thank God and the Most Pure Mother of God with all my heart for dear Vladyka Longinus with his spiritual children, for this Great Fortification, which they are for the Orthodox in Rus' and throughout the world, setting us all an example of an all-conquering, sacrificial Christian love. We are with you, our dear Lord Longin! Many summers to you! We love you and pray for you!

Let us follow the good Shepherd, who lays down his life for the sheep of Christ! (cf. John 10:11)

May God grant that the example of good confession by Bishop Longinus and his flock will lead to the defense of the Orthodox Faith and other Archpastors, clergymen, monastics and laity of our Russian Church.


Dear brothers and sisters!

Share this great joy! Spread the Good News! Print this material and give it to bishops, priests and laity. Let them familiarize themselves with it, watch this video and test their conscience. With whom are they: with God or with the devil? Everyone will give an answer for their choice before the Lord! You, by this good deed of yours, rank yourself among the confessors and defenders of the Holy Orthodox Faith.

Thank God for everything! Amen.

Download article with prayer:


On the evening of December 1, 2017, we met with the hierarch-confessor, the scale of whose feat puts him on a par with the Great Athanasius or the Hieromartyr Patriarch Hermogenes: Archbishop Longin of Banchensky is the hierarch on whom alone the canonicity of the Russian Orthodox Church as such in its current apostasy state rests.

With time, memory will more and more vividly fill in the missing details and strokes of the events and impressions of this holy meeting, which literally, like a sharp ray of God's Truth, cut life into "before" and "after" it...

Vladyka Longin was not supposed to be present at the cynically staged performance called "The Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church." The decision to include him in the delegation from Ukraine came at the last moment. Metropolitan Onufry, obviously, understood that if the Banchen Archbishop did not go, then SOMEONE would generally raise his voice for the scolded by heretics God's Church. But this is how it happened: Vladyka Longin was alone at the cathedral - he alone directly and courageously denounced Kirill Gundyaev and his accomplices, who, along with heresy, lost both the patriarchate, and the dignity, and Christian dignity.

And this fact is either deliberately hushed up, or transmitted to the media with deliberate distortions. In fact, on November 30, at a closed meeting of the "sobor", Archbishop Longin personally from the podium aloud to the entire assembled episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church, read out his Address, which, I am sure, will go down in the history of the Russian Church along with the immortal Appeals to the Russian people of Patriarch Hermogenes, saturated with great tears and the martyr's blood of the confessor .

Vladyka Longin acted strictly within the framework of Church law, remaining to the end a faithful child and archpastor of the Russian Orthodox Church. The very form, the very style of his Conversion testifies to him, first of all, as a Christian. He, fully understanding his position as a “voice crying in the wilderness” (cf. John 1:23), is aware of the colossal responsibility before God for each of his hierarchal words. The Lord remains, according to the ancient church tradition, a “sorrower” for the whole Church, for the people entrusted to him by God: he strictly denounces the patriarch who has fallen into heresy, gives him the LAST CHANCE to correct what he has done - he tries to exhort him to the end, reach out to the perishing soul, appeal to the burning conscience ...

From the Appeal of Archbishop Longinus:

“... We have repeatedly turned to you with a request to hear us and understand our pain, since we sincerely wish to remain in the bosom of our Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. We firmly know that only in Orthodoxy is there truth and there is no other way to salvation except the Church...
There are no other "churches" and there is no other way of salvation!!!
… We want to observe the canons, dogmas and teachings commanded to us by the Holy Fathers, so as not to turn out to be apostates, traitors to Christ and the Orthodox faith.
We ask... to hear the cry of our souls about the difficult situation in which our Orthodox Church finds itself... Let us forever remain in our saving faith, but we will never recognize any heresy that is being preached today.
... The brothers of the Holy Ascension Banchen Monastery humbly ask to hear the unquenchable and disturbing pain of the soul - to defend the truth and purity of our Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church ... "

And the faithful Orthodox heart that loves the Lord and His Church cannot but shudder at these words of the archpastor of Christ, heavy and bitter, “like drops of blood falling to the ground” (Luke 22:44).

The Vladyka's Address itself, as we know, contains four key requirements - the most important, painful and acute for our Mother Church - he has repeatedly voiced them before:

First. Withdraw from the World Council of Churches and cease participation in the ecumenical movement.

Second. Cancel the Havana Declaration of 12/02/2016.

Third. Do not recognize the false Council of Crete as Orthodox as not containing the fullness of truth and having an ecumenical heresy as its basis.

Fourth. It is conciliar to refute the slanderous film "Matilda", recognizing it as another attempt to publicly dishonor the memory and Name of the Saints - the Tsar and His Family.

The verb of the saint sounded like thunder. Whole Hall church councils applauded him, and there were tears in the eyes of the bishops. During a break after the meeting, they approached Vladyka, bowing gratefully for his fiery speech, which literally lifted a heavy stone from the hearts of everyone present.

Archbishop Longin blocked the mouth of the presiding Cyril with his Address, forcing him to abruptly change his tone and begin to flatter and flirt with the "rebellious" archpastor, giving oath assurances (violated, however, the very next day).

It should be clarified here that immediately before this, Metropolitan Melety of Chernivtsi directly asked Gundyaev a question on what basis he, having violated the canons of the Church, without the advice and permission of the bishops, went to meet with the Jesuit Francis. But, apparently, the metropolitan felt fear and excitement at the same time, since his voice trembled. And the “patriarch”, like a predator who sensed the weakness of the victim, rushed to humiliate and trample the venerable lord into the mud with selective abuse, threatening to deprive him of his chair. After this "fatherly" patriarchal teaching, the Metropolitan was provided with medical assistance...

Vladyka Longin is a special archpastor. Having been crucified with the Lord on the cross of love and compassion, he shone with abundant fruits of active mercy. Therefore, he appeared before the cathedral as an experienced spiritual warrior, clothed in a strong armor of personal righteousness, having in his hand a double-edged sword of the Word of God - the Holy Tradition of the Church (see Eph. 6:14-17). And the Spirit of the lord - the Spirit of Christ - is inflexible and unbreakable. And the Lord provided for him, the only one who remained faithful to Him, a bishop - like once a child of David for victory over the giant Goliath - in order to shame both the "patriarch" with all the heretical clique, and all the cowardly rabble, called to be called the "consecrated cathedral", abolishing the power of outwardly huge and invincible majority.

Saint Longinus, who acquired the gospel life with his own, or rather, by constantly dying for Christ, the great conciliar virtue of Christian Courage, has every right to echo the apostle with the words inscribed on the monastic paraman: “For I bear the wounds of the Lord Jesus on my body” (Gal. 6, 17). And the Courage of the pure in heart is always clothed with Humility and Meekness. Moved precisely by these holy virtues, Vladyka Longin bowed before the self-calling Patriarch of Moscow, asking him, as common man forgiveness for personal sins. He made this bow in order to then stand up to his full height, straightening his heroic shoulders, and pronounce on behalf of the Lord God, like the once holy prophets, moved by the Holy Spirit, a formidable denunciation of all the heinous heretical deeds of the presumptuous high priest. Like “mene, mene, tekel, uparsin” (see the book of the prophet Daniel 5:25), the word of the confessor of Christ actually performed a specific act of God, from which the blasphemers can no longer escape.

And THEY have done this more than once: there have already been four (!) attempts to poison the holy confessor. The most famous one was last spring: a poison containing mercury and arsenic was mixed into the lord's meal. He, Archimandrite Lavrenty and Hieromonk Cleopas, against all odds, survived. Two other poisoned people reposed… The saint, having barely recovered from resuscitation, tried not to miss a single episcopal church service, despite the fact that because of arsenic, the kidneys failed, and mercury struck the central nervous system so that for some time it became difficult to navigate in space and the lord was helped, led by the arm.

Archbishop Longin was “congratulated” with the latest poisoning on his namesake day, October 29 of this year - a little over a month ago. Drinking water in bottles sent both to the monastery itself and to the orphanage was poisoned. Since the care of the bishop in the orphanage is constantly treating sick orphans, and the first symptoms of poisoning appeared in the kids almost immediately, fortunately, everyone managed to provide medical assistance in time.

During our conversation, the archpastor bitterly stated that the "patriarch" and his satraps allowed him to come, speak, and even "swallowed" the denunciations against them only because they knew about the grave state of health of Vladyka Longin - for them he is "not a tenant" , therefore, they suggest sooner or later to “silence” the “rebellious” archbishop ...

It should be noted that on that day - December 1 - we "hunted" for Vladyka for eight hours. Each time he appointed a new meeting place. He was stubbornly followed and escorted before and after our conversation by several cars with a characteristic specific contingent - Vladyka hoped not to "set us up." All the following time, we fervently prayed for the safe return of Vladyka Longin home, safe and sound.
The colossal pressure on the archpastor also has another side: the entire “consecrated assembly” clearly demonstrates how “like death” it is to go “against the current” - against the general line of the “Moscow Pope”. Fear, a general inexplicable mystical fear paralyzed the common sense of several hundred intelligent and impeccably educated men. Fear of a monster, an octopus, which uses the so-called figure as its “face”. patriarch - an exceptionally vindictive person who never forgives anyone. The behavior of the members of the "council" was only one more evidence that the departure from the Truth deprives a person of all spiritual strength and will, and not just reason. It is enough to be hypocritical once and remain silent in the face of untruth in order to lose all boldness before the Lord, and the conscience will fall asleep deathly - as a rule, there is no second time ...

According to Vladyka, by no means could this gathering be called a "Bishops' Council" - there was no catholicity there at all. The topics for consideration were given to the members of the “cathedral” in ready-made thick folders: there was no time to leaf through them, let alone read them. And no one was given a word. Voting proceeded automatically, as at party congresses.

After the Address of Archbishop Longin, at the end of the stormy applause of the entire hierarchical assembly and tears of gratitude, at the next closed meeting, the same bishops "automatically" voted for the adoption of a monstrous decision that actually destroys the institution of the Family - the Little Church - "On the canonical aspects of church marriage", in in particular, blessing free marriages with the heterodox.

It is very important that five Ukrainian bishops voted against this decision and abstained from voting. "Against" were: Archbishop Longin, Metropolitans Meletius and Fedor. According to the statute, this case the presiding officer was obliged to put the decision on the conciliar discussion and revision. However, this did not follow: one vote was specially “missed” - “aspects of the further collapse of the church marriage” were adopted “unanimously” by the bishops trembling with fear ...

... The so-called "Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church" of the end of 2017 is moving further and further in time. The official chronicles only contain the documents of this forum, and numerous analysts, observers and critics only talk about the consequences of the decisions made. After a week, no one remembers the conversion of Archbishop Longin, fateful for the entire Church of Christ, at the closed meeting of the council on November 30th. And this is done consciously - after all, it is the individual who creates history. The Divine Person of Jesus of Nazareth created new history humanity through the Church, created by the Blood of the Cross. And no matter how much money the Jewish high priests gave to the soldiers, so that they kept silent about the Resurrection of the Lord, His glory soon subdued the entire universe.

And the glory of the valiant warrior of Christ, Archbishop Longinus, is all still ahead, until the time it will be concealed. Some of his earthly deeds are already known to people, at least from the film “Outpost” (but they also require amendments: now more than 450 children, of which more than 150 are terminally ill, have been adopted by the shepherd of God), but most of them are kept by God until the time appointed by Him …

Only the Lord, for example, knows how much Vladyka had to endure endless torment, torture, bullying and humiliation in the dungeons of the SBU. And they threw him there because, by the power of God given to him, he did not let ANY MAN of the Chernivtsi diocese into the fratricidal slaughter in the ATO zone: “I ask you only one thing: to unite and not give children to death. Our Orthodox faith does not allow us to kill each other. For the sake of political interests, for the sake of those who defend their business, who defend their leadership positions, they want to kill our people who live in peace with faith in God,” the courageous bishop urged. And with the archpastoral blessing, the women - wives and mothers - blocked the roads, blocked the recruiting stations and, in the end, defended the truth of God without becoming accomplices in Cain's sin.

“Let the flattering ones be dumb, speaking iniquity against the righteous, with pride and humiliation” (Ps. 30:18)! Those who now blaspheme or try in every way to humiliate the feat of Vladyka Longinus do this either out of paid engagement or out of envy of the saint. For their proud "mouse" natures do not reach his Christ-imitating holiness, and therefore they are seduced to the path of Judas.

The evening of December 1, 2017 divided my life into two parts. We were present at the real Last Supper, and the face of Lord Longinus shone with the glory of the Heavenly Sovereign. He said simple words, and in his tear-stained eyes the Sky shone: “I am a simple priest, like everyone else, but I just can’t live without Christ! I love the Lord and His Church and fear nothing but sin.” And this is the whole saint ...

… Having blessed each of us, Vladyka quickly left. They said goodbye again near the exit, at the moment when he was getting into the car. Smiling broadly - like a child, the archpastor pointed with a glance at the "black shadows" relentlessly following him: "DO NOT FEAR ANYTHING!" - he said, once again crossing us: "NOTHING!"

Bishop Longin (Zhar) stopped commemorating the Patriarch (repost)

A few years ago I watched a film about the Holy Ascension monastery(in Ukraine, on the border with Romania) and its rector, Fr. Michael Zhara. And about kids. Here is the movie:

Outpost is a film-revelation. The film is a mental test. If you managed to watch it to the end, it means that your heart has not yet become overgrown with moss, and you have not yet completely separated yourself from the world with the armor of keratinized skin. Miracle film. Real and absolutely not fabulous. A film about the healing of completely sick children and the healing of adults. For a long time, especially in cinema, the concept of "hero" is a ruthless and determined bundle of muscles. It turns out that it is possible in another way. Do not whine, do not complain about your health, but do good with clenched teeth. Especially since there are so few now. We still don't know what life is. A temporary business trip before diving into eternity or a walk from point "A" to point "B". The film is dynamic, with good text and not boring at all. Take it and see.
Released: 2007
Genre: Author's cinema / Documentary
Director: Mikhail Shadrin
Issued by: Orthodox channel "Glas"
In 2009 documentary"Forpost" was shown at the Orthodox film festival "Meeting". The film was watched in one breath. For the high professional level of the director, the well-thought-out script, for the excellent camera work and the superbly chosen music, the film Outpost was unanimously recognized best movie film festival, both by ordinary spectators and members of the jury.
The film was shot during the year in the Holy Ascension Monastery on the border with Romania. The scriptwriter and director of the tape, Mikhail Shadrin, gave a different look at the values ​​in human life and showed an example of how it is embodied in real life one of the most important commandments: treat others as you would like to be treated.
The main characters of the film: the rector of the Holy Ascension Monastery, Father Michael (Archimandrite Longin (Zhar)), who became the father of twenty-nine adopted children (in addition, he also has three of his own: two sons and a daughter), the brethren of the monastery and children from the monastery shelter (150 orphans), many of whom are seriously ill and incurable by medicine.
The film Outpost can be called the "spiritual event" of 2009. This is a film about heavenly love, which can be seen here on earth. The synopsis for the film speaks volumes for the film itself:
Clenching your teeth to a creak, clasping your fingers to a crunch, rejoice, for you live.
Rejoice in the turquoise of the sky and the ruby ​​rays of dawn. Rejoice in the pearls of raindrops, because there is no other way. Rejoice in the desperate joy of a wounded warrior. Let the battle be lost, but the flag is not lowered, and the weapon is not thrown into the mud, and you do not run in disgrace, because there is nothing to run with. And it remains only to stand to death. And when there is nothing left, rejoice with supreme joy for your neighbors. Rejoice in someone else's love and the ringing laughter of not your children. Even when the lead clouds rejoice. Rejoice in rain and sleet. Rejoice and rejoice, despising pain, for your name is man!

And here is another video. Bishop Longin (Zhar) stopped commemorating Patriarch Kirill at the Liturgy:

The video is big. Who does not have time, you can only see what the bishop says. Longin.
Start: 0:05:40
About meeting with dad: from 0:32:20
About not remembering: from 0:53:40
About the Bishops' Council (February 2-3): from 1:27:45 and from 1:50:40.
End: 1:59:05.

There is much there (both in the words of Bishop Longin and in the words of others) that will allow both our intellectuals and apparatchiks to smile skeptically. But this is real pain. You can laugh at them. You can try to break their back. You can be accused of canonical violations, condemned. Well, these are not heretics who need such a reverent attitude that they should not be called heretics, but only brothers in Christ ...

The first bishop stood up in defense of the Orthodox Faith, the holy canons and dogmas of our Church, condemned the ecumenical heresy of the "Havana Declaration" and St. Cyril, who was no longer commemorated at liturgies as a heretic, and urged him to ask forgiveness for insulting the Orthodox Church, Orthodox Christians and all The Holy Fathers, who for 1000 years preserved the Truth: “We should not remain faithful to people, but to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the truth of our Orthodox Church!”

The Lord and the Mother of God nevertheless gave us the Russian Champion and Defender of the Orthodox Faith,- Bishop of Banchen Longina (Heat) - who was related to the Holy Apostles and the Holy Fathers: Rev.Maxim the Confessor, prep. Theodore Studit, St. Mark of Ephesus, St. Gregory Palamas, St. Gennady Novgorodsky, prep. Joseph Volotsky, St. Seraphim (Sobolev)


Dear brothers and sisters!

Today we have all gathered together, because in recent times our Orthodox Christians have been asking us a lot of questions, and we are not all ready to answer each one separately. One part of the questions that we received, we have prepared answers for them. Even today we will try to answer the questions that will be asked in the same way as the holy fathers of our church have been answering for 2000 years.

And I think that we should control ourselves through the Holy Fathers, the holy canons of our Church and dogmas. And we will ask our brothers of the monastery to help us answer all your questions today. You know what's worrying today. Every soul in the Orthodox world is very worried, all people are very worried about what is happening today. Because we don't want to lose salvation. And we want that Faith, which is given to us once and for all, which does not change, to preserve and cherish it.

We didn't gather for any protests today. Or to be restless before what is happening, it should be. The Holy Fathers told us and prepared for this. But we kept thinking that it won't happen now, but it will happen later. I want to ask God that the Lord would not give us up to be reproached by the devils. But in order to be true Orthodox faithful, confessing their Orthodox Faith, the teachings and dogmas of the Holy Fathers.

God bless that we are here with you today. I beg you prayerfully to be attentive to everyone and apologize in advance that we may have such an emphasis, but we want it to be clear to everyone and in one word: we want to preserve the true Orthodox Faith until the end of our days. Amen.


Question (53 min. 35 sec.): Why is His Holiness Patriarch Kirill not commemorated at the liturgies at the Holy Ascension Panchevo Monastery?

Lord Longinus' answer: We pray for His Holiness the Patriarch Kirill. And our brothers pray, and you should pray. But I can’t commemorate at the liturgies, because I don’t know: who is Orthodox, who is a Catholic, who is a heretic. Taking this document you know - 30 points ( Havana Declaration- approx. ed . ). I will read to you later. They say that the document was adopted following the meeting of the Holy Pope…

This is our patriarch speaking. This is heresy, brothers and sisters. This is real heresy. How holy he is when all the fathers, all our holy fathers of the Orthodox Church call the Latins heretics. We then destroy, we do not let them rise, repent. Here he is now the “righteous” Pope, because the Patriarch of All Rus' said that he is the most holy. He is a heretic for us!

Second. The word of the holy liturgy from the document: " Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit with you all» May their spirit be with them. The Spirit of God will be with us! We don't need the blessing of the Pope. And besides, what right did they have to change the word "God the Father, and the sacrament"? They changed the word "communion" to "communion". Because they want to communicate! And they begin to change the words of the holy liturgy. And the rest of these 30 points are all heresy!

But I do not commemorate Patriarch Kirill at the Holy Liturgy, the most important thing is because of the 5th point. And understand these words correctly: Despite the common Tradition of the first ten centuries, Catholics and Orthodox have been deprived of communion in the Eucharist for almost a thousand years.».

And what does he want? For us to take communion with the Pope or what? Without repentance, without correction?

Further: " We are divided by the wounds inflicted in the conflicts of the distant and recent past, divided and inherited from our predecessors.". So they call all the saints of the Orthodox Church! Predecessors, that they are to blame for everything, that these wounds are still open.

Further: " differences in the understanding and explanation of our faith in God, one in Three Persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We mourn the loss of unity resulting from human weakness and sinfulness».

So all the saints were weak, sinners. What right did they have to desecrate my shrine, my Church, my Holy Fathers, to accuse them of being sinners? Yes, they are sinners, I know, there is not a single person without sin. But their lives were holy! They died for the Faith, so that no one would ever scold the dogmas of our Church. And they left us the true Orthodox Faith, and not the heresy of the Latins.

Further: “which took place contrary to the High Priestly Prayer of Christ the Savior: “May they all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so that they also may be one in Us” (John 17:21). Are we supposed to be one? In the true Church of God, and not with the Pope must be one!

And immediately they go to the 6th point and say: “ Realizing the many obstacles to be overcome, we hope that our meeting will contribute to the achievement of that God-given unity».

Forgive me, but I will never be one with heretics. I am Orthodox! I have the dogmas and canons of the Orthodox Faith, and I will not become a traitor!

And we all, like brothers and sisters, came to the monastery, leaving this world, not because we had nothing to do in it. We love the Lord God. Nobody forced us to love Him. No one forced us to leave our mothers, our parents and come to the monastery. I was compelled by the love of God when I learned that He suffered on the Cross because of me.

I want to remain faithful to the Lord God! I call brothers and sisters, and all Orthodox Christians! We should not remain faithful to people, but to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the truth of our Orthodox Church!

And thank God that we understood today what happened. The Lord gave us the strength to live up to these times, so that we would better know the truth of the Orthodox Faith. After all, if this betrayal of Christ ed .) was 30-40 years ago, when we were in poor knowledge of our Faith, and therefore the Lord slowed down so that we would understand our Faith and Truth in order to follow in the footsteps of the Savior, and not in the footsteps of these people.

Let their conscience torment them, because the document says: "Catholics and Orthodox have been deprived of communion in the Eucharist for almost a thousand years." Come back please. Repent. There is a lack of humility because the pride is diabolical. Who can pacify them when they are God's deputies on earth, when they have purgatory, when they trampled on all the dogmas and canons of our Orthodox Church and left, renounced the true God?

Is this not enough for us? This fraternization? Kiss Jude.

I ask the Most Holy Forgiveness n. Cyril - approx. ed . ), but let him ask for forgiveness from our Orthodox Church, from Orthodox Christians and from all the Holy Fathers, who for 1000 years preserved the Truth, that offended them.


Question (1 hour 27 minutes 30 seconds): “We are told that ecumenism is not a heresy, but a movement towards the unity of all Christians. This is stated in the documents signed by our Patriarch in Chambesy in the autumn of 2015. The planting of all-resistance in the Orthodox Church through the adoption of draft documents took place without conciliar discussion at the Council of Bishops on February 2-3, 2016.”

Lord Longinus' answer:“Let no one be offended, dear brothers and sisters. No one saw us, no one heard, and no one looked at us absolutely. We sat on the benches for 2 days and they didn't care if we were there or not. They made up their minds anyway.

We pray for our father, His Holiness the Patriarch. But if he is our father, then please hear your children, who were always faithful not to a person, but to the Russian Orthodox Canonical Church. And we will continue to be faithful to her as well. But we sat there, and no one asked us.

And once, when there were dogmatic mistakes or, one might say, the greatest sins against the Holy Spirit, I raised my hand to be against the fact that I cannot vote for these issues, then I was told, “Who are you? Get in! We can do without you!” They can do without me, but we will never do without God, without Truth.

I have nothing against him as a person n. Kirill - approx. ed . ), but one person cannot decide the fate of our Church. There must be a cathedral. They say that the Council has given the go-ahead. Well, what will we be deceivers for the whole world? Nobody told us about any meetings.

When we raised the question that Your Holiness, that there are big dogmatic mistakes, how are we going to this Council ( Bishops' Council February 2-3, 2016 - approx. ed . )? In reply: "All! Shut up, sit down! All is decided! Everyone voted, everything has already passed!” But wait, how is that possible? And they put us there, and we couldn't say anything there.

The Orthodox people now accuse: “Why did you betray us, lords? Why did you do all this? There were many lords who were not against everything: "Fear. We have fear. Because tomorrow I will punish you, tomorrow I will send you to the North!”

Worse than during the communists. And this is our Orthodox Faith, Mother of Love. We have freely come to God, will we not listen to these false teachings?”

EDITORIAL REMINDER Whatback in 2014 Vladyka Longin (Zhar), Bishop of Banchensky, vicar of the Chernivtsi diocese (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate), who is also called "father of four hundred orphans" , delivered an extremely harsh sermon against the war in Ukraine and the leaders of this country, whom he called "damned" and "servants of Satan." Moreover, Vladyka urged Ukrainian believers not to send their children to death, because this is contrary to the Orthodox faith:

About mobilization

I urge you to be united and not to send your children to death. Our Orthodox faith does not allow us to kill each other. They want the death of our people, who live in peace and with God, for the sake of their political interests, for the sake of those who protect their business and leadership positions.

Dear ones, you are not allowed to shoot and kill. God gives life and He takes it away. Ukrainian leaders have said that "the Orthodox faith is Ukraine's biggest enemy." So they were dictated by strangers who cannot bear the truth, for they are blind.

About the victims of the conflict in Ukraine

How can one raise a weapon and shoot at God's creation? He, like you, has a mother, a wife, a child. Why are we forced to kill? The secret will become clear: thousands and tens of thousands died, and they talk about hundreds. I do not bless you to go to war. We call you to peace.

About ten thousand soldiers are killed, and even their mothers do not know that they are no longer alive. I am not involved in politics, but I say with pain that this is not a war against the enemy, but a war between us. When the damned defend the United States, they want to see the Orthodox slaughter each other while they eat, drink, be merry and rejoice in the shedding of blood on holy ground.

On the involvement of the United States of America and the West in the conflict

They will pay in full for the blood that stained their hands and clothes. All this is the work of accursed Europe, about which the Holy Fathers said: “Do not worship the beasts,” and the Americans, who, wherever they interfere, sow only enmity and bloodshed. Now they have stepped aside and are enjoying the shedding of the blood of our Christians.

Brothers, we all feel ourselves on the verge of a third world war. That's why I called out to you: repent! I thank all the villages of Bukovina, all its inhabitants for the fact that you have risen. Everyone is called to this: we do not give our children to death!

About the current leaders of Ukraine

I will never commemorate at the Divine Liturgy these damned leaders of our country, these unbelievers who do not have the fear of God, who sit in armchairs and issue orders for murder. Only one prayer remained: Lord, if You are still able, enlighten them, for darkness and the underworld have embraced them. They do not want anything but bloodshed, and in this they find pleasure. Satanists! Servants of the evil one. If they do not stop, then God will stop them, but then they will be in great sorrow.

Regarding the latest statementLords of Longinus (Heat), risen to the defense of the Orthodox Faith, the Athos Fathers composed a prayer -


for Bishop Longinus and Confessors of Christ's Truth

Compiled by the Fathers Athos, hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov) and hieroschemamonk Onufry (Stebelev-Velasquez)

God Jesus Christ, with the prayers of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God, Holy Archangel of God Michael and all the Heavenly Powers of the Incorporeal, the Honest Forerunner and Your Baptist John, Holy Glorious and All-Praiseworthy Apostles, Holy Royal Great Martyrs, through the prayers of all the Martyrs and Confessors, the Reverend and God-bearing Fathers of ours and all Your Saints, save, preserve and strengthen the Confessor of Holy Rus', Bishop Longinus and his Christ-loving flock (here you can also commemorate all the faithful Archpastors and pastors), grant them fiery Faith, Your humility and the grace of the Holy Spirit, patience and unshakable courage, prayer of grace, the word invincible, Love sacrificial and all-conquering.

Protect them, Lord, from all enemies, visible and invisible, help them to remain faithful to You even to death and make a good confession to Your glory, for all glory, honor and worship is due to You with Your Beginningless Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit , now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!

Let us earnestly pray for our Confessor - Bishop Longinus with his Christ-loving flock, so that God strengthens them with His grace and helps them to make a good confession until the Victorious Triumph of Orthodoxy!

The Lord and the Mother of God gave us the Russian Defender and Defender of the Orthodox Faith, who was related to the Holy Apostles and the Holy Fathers: Rev. Maxim the Confessor, prep. Theodore Studit, St. Mark of Ephesus, St. Gregory Palamas, St. Gennady Novgorodsky, prep. Joseph Volotsky, St. Seraphim (Sobolev) and with all the Confessors, Martyrs and Saints of God.

We all remember Father Michael from the movie "Outpost"(see below) truly unforgettable is his great Christian love. And today, at the hour of mortal danger for our Russian Church, we see how the Love of Christ raises up the former O. Michael, today already Bishop Longinus, together with the monks and the people of God, for confession and fidelity to Christ until the martyr's Cross!

Vladyka Longin and his Christ-loving flock have shown in word and deed to the whole world what a great and irresistible power is given by God to us in the Orthodox Church - catholicity in the Holy Spirit!

We thank God and the Most Pure Mother of God from the bottom of our hearts for dear Vladyka Longinus with his spiritual children, for this Great Strength that they are for the Orthodox in Rus' and throughout the world, setting us all an example of all-conquering, sacrificial Christian love. We are with you, our dear Lord Longin! Many summers to you! We love you and pray for you!

Let us follow the good Shepherd, who lays down his life for the sheep of Christ! (cf. John 10:11)

May God grant that the example of good confession by Bishop Longinus and his flock will lead to the defense of the Orthodox Faith and other Archpastors, clergymen, monastics and laity of our Russian Church.


Dear brothers and sisters!

Share this great joy! Spread the Good News! Print this material and give it to bishops, priests and laity. Let them familiarize themselves with it, watch this video and test their conscience. With whom are they: with God or with the devil? Everyone will give an answer for their choice before the Lord! You, by this good deed of yours, rank yourself among the confessors and defenders of the Holy Orthodox Faith.

Thank God for everything! Amen.

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