How to restore hormones without pills. Hormonal background after childbirth.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of acute and chronic diseases the female reproductive system, pushing aside even the notorious sexual infections. The delicately balanced and therefore extremely vulnerable system of interaction between the hormones of the female body can be disrupted, in fact, by anything: severe stress associated with troubles at work or in the family, complications after an infectious disease, diseases of the endocrine system, and even proper nutrition.

How to restore hormonal balance? Let us dwell on the most common methods for correcting violations.

Identification of hormonal imbalance

Note that the most important female hormones are progesterone and estrogen: their interaction forms the menstrual cycle, promotes the development of secondary sexual characteristics and regulates complex processes in a woman's body throughout the entire reproductive period. After the onset of menopause, estrogen production stops with the simultaneous end of the production of mature eggs.

How to understand that the process of producing female sex hormones is disturbed?

Most often, women notice deviations quite late, already at the stage of development of chronic diseases, which include polycystic disease, endometriosis, the appearance of polyps, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia and other rather serious health problems.

Meanwhile, in order for the achievement of hormonal balance to be effective and relatively fast, it is better to “capture” it at a very early stage.

Pay attention to the menstrual cycle: it is usually its failures that are the first to signal that the balance of hormones in the body is disturbed. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, severe pain during menstruation, significant cycle shifts - all this suggests that it is time to see a doctor who will tell you how to restore the hormonal balance of the body, and if necessary, prescribe drugs to normalize the production of female hormones.

But before that, he will definitely conduct a full-fledged diagnosis: he will refer the patient for a blood test, ultrasound, laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. An indirect sign of a serious imbalance of hormones can be infertility, as well as miscarriage, but only a specialist can make a final diagnosis.

Remember the alarming symptoms in order to immediately contact a gynecologist when they appear:

  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • delayed menstruation (lengthening the cycle to 36 days or more);
  • too frequent periods (a cycle lasting less than 21 days);
  • too much or too little menstrual blood loss;
  • severe pain before or during menstruation;
  • non-pregnancy within six months of active sexual activity;
  • lack of menstruation in girls 14-16 years old;
  • the threat of miscarriage (spastic pain, spotting from the vagina) during pregnancy;
  • rapid and causeless weight gain;
  • mood swings and irritability;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • the appearance of fibrocystic seals in the chest;
  • intense hair loss.

How is hormonal balance restored in women?

Today, hormone therapy is considered the main method of treating hormonal imbalance and the diseases caused by it: it eliminates menstrual irregularities and other symptoms, but in some cases it is not possible to prevent complications. Then you have to resort to surgical treatment, the results of which are fixed, again, by taking hormonal drugs (sometimes very long).

With a deficiency of progesterone, utrogestan, duphaston or their analogues are used, with a lack of estrogen - ovestin, norkolut and other drugs of similar action. The exact selection of a specific drug is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the results of the tests, the patient's history and other factors that can affect the course of treatment.

It’s not worth experimenting with drugs on your own, even if you have laboratory data on hand: the same utrozhestan, for example, although it restores hormonal balance, has a different effect on the body of women depending on age, general condition presence or absence of comorbidities.

Such drugs always have contraindications, so you need to take them only as directed by a doctor!

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of simple cases of imbalance that do not require medical correction, folk remedies can be used to prevent failures, as well as as part of complex therapy (along with hormonal drugs). Today, many publications are available that tell how you can restore hormonal balance. folk remedies, but you certainly shouldn’t trust all the advice in a row, and here’s why.

Usually, folk ways correction of the hormonal background is reduced to the intake of phytohormones and phytoestrogens - low molecular weight organic substances with high biological activity. They are produced by certain types of plants and can cause an estrogenic or antiestrogenic effect. Incorrect selection of methods for self-treatment is fraught with a variety of troubles, including allergies, overdose (and it is possible even when taking “safe” herbal decoctions), changes in blood pressure and more.

Wormwood, sage, goose cinquefoil have the strongest effect in case of imbalance, accompanied by increased production of estrogen - these herbs, when dried, are brewed with hot water, insisted and taken on certain days of the cycle.

With a decrease in estrogen production (especially with menopause), it is recommended to drink decoctions of mint, lemon balm and St. John's wort. Diet also has a certain impact on reproductive health: the features of the daily diet can contribute to the production of female sex hormones, and a calorie deficit in the diet often suppresses ovarian function. Therefore, doctors often advise patients whose body produces little estrogen, along with hormone therapy, to correct their condition with the help of a proper diet.

It is necessary to monitor the total calorie content of the diet, in which the amount of energy received from food covers its consumption, and also eat more fish (especially fatty), eggs, and dairy products. But the consumption of whole grain baked goods and caffeinated drinks is better to reduce.

With a progesterone deficiency, it is useful to know how to increase the rate of restoration of hormonal balance through nutrition: dishes high in vitamins C and P should be added to the menu (drinks from rose hips and black currants, desserts from citrus fruits, etc.). It is impossible to completely restore the normal ratio of female hormones with the help of nutrition, but it can and should be used as an auxiliary means - then your body will cope with the consequences of a failure much faster.

Proper diet, stress management, attentive attitude to one's health help to avoid sharp fluctuations in hormonal levels that go beyond the norm. But if the problem has already appeared, do not postpone the visit to the doctor: the earlier the treatment is prescribed, the less the risk of complications.

The level of female hormones can fluctuate throughout life. Experts call the reasons for the physiological processes of the body, environmental influences and past diseases. You need to think about how to restore the hormonal background at a young age, because. this will lead to exacerbation of diseases.

Diagnosis of the amount of biologically active substances produced by the female body is carried out by the attending physician. He also prescribes medication. Normalization of hormone levels is necessary in order to avoid pathologies. If the functioning of the endocrine system is not established in time, then it is difficult for a woman to become pregnant and bear a child.

Causes or consequences?

  • stressful situation at work and in the family;
  • constant overwork;
  • improper diet;
  • excessive diets;
  • the use of birth control pills and other means without a doctor's prescription;
  • transferred venereal or infectious disease;
  • increased physical activity (in particular, during menstruation);
  • bad ecology;
  • genetics;
  • incomplete recovery of the body after an abortion or miscarriage.

Among the causes of hormonal imbalance are previous cancers or operations. Only after diagnosing can you know for sure whether you need to restore the hormonal background. Before the examination, the past illnesses are necessarily established and the patient's lifestyle is analyzed.

Medical restoration of endocrine functions

Biologically active substances are produced by the female body in small doses. Without them, his full-fledged work is impossible. Most of the experts recommending how to normalize the hormonal background prefer the achievements of pharmaceuticals. The fact is that the low level of active substances is associated with their insufficient synthesis. Modern drugs - synthetic hormones - the easiest way to improve the functioning of the endocrine glands.

When there are violations of the production of sex hormones, birth control pills may be prescribed. Dosage and composition are different. Some anti-pregnancy products contain small amounts of progesterone. Others add estrogen. Vitamin E, magnesium and zinc help to normalize the amount of sex hormones. They are prescribed additionally, in combination with the main drugs.

With hyperproduction of female sex hormones, an additional examination is carried out. Treatment consists in the use of tablets that suppress the production of active substances. Sometimes it requires surgery.

The recommendations of experts on how to restore the hormonal background provide for the elimination of the main cause of the disruption of the endocrine system. For this, women are prescribed a course of antiviral drugs, sedatives or antibiotics. In some cases, endocrinologists advise to review the diet or consult a psychotherapist.

Possibilities of traditional medicine

Restoring the hormonal background with folk remedies means not only improving the functioning of the pituitary gland, ovaries, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. Natural natural remedies also carry out the prevention of many diseases. Among the most effective folk recipes are the following:

  • Metabolic disorders can be restored with the help of Potentilla erectus root. Flavonoids in its composition regulate the hormonal background, have an anti-inflammatory effect. For use, use the tincture, which is prepared as follows. Approximately 100 grams of the plant must be ground in a coffee grinder, poured into a container (500 ml) and poured with vodka to the brim. The container is removed in a cool dark place for 24 days. The composition must be shaken daily. Then it is filtered through gauze, the precipitate is squeezed out. You need to take 1 teaspoon per 70 ml of water 30 minutes before breakfast, dinner or lunch.
  • Lack of iodine leads to endemic goiter. It is recommended to use feijoa fruits chopped with a blender or meat grinder. For 1 kg of fruit, you need 900 g of sugar or honey. Mix everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. Take ½ tablespoon daily, half an hour before meals. The second course of treatment must be completed 7-8 months after the first.
  • To stimulate the production of insulin, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. A composition of one onion, grated on a fine grater and filled with 0.5 liters of vodka, can help. The tincture is stored in a dark place for about 5 days. In the same way, a tincture of walnut leaves and cuff grass is made. Each must be filtered separately. The compositions are mixed in the proportion: 150 ml of onion tincture: 60 ml of walnut: 40 ml of cuff herb settings. It is taken twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime, 15 ml each.

Normalization of hormonal balance is also necessary after an abortion or the use of contraceptives.

Rehabilitation after termination of pregnancy

To restore the level of female hormones after an abortion is what traditional medicine can do. Herbs are indicated for those who want to refrain from taking capsules or tablets. To the most effective means relate:

  • Kalina.
    A course of antibiotics prescribed after an abortion reduces immunity, which negatively affects the hormonal balance. You can take a decoction of crushed viburnum bark. It is boiled for about half an hour in a water bath and consumed in 2 tsp. before eating. They also recommend viburnum juice with honey, which improves the condition in case of blood loss.
  • Shepherd's bag.
    It is recommended to drink the juice or decoction of the plant, which stimulates uterine contraction after an abortion. It also helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. A healthy drink should be prepared in a water bath (2 tsp per 300 ml of liquid). The juice is prepared on a juicer and mixed with honey in equal proportions. The composition should be taken before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Sagebrush.
    Eliminates the risk of fibroids, as well as thrush and herpes resulting from abortion, thanks to bitter essential oils. You can use a decoction or powder of a dry plant, steamed in a thermos. Take a decoction in a tablespoon before meals, and grated powder - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Acacia.
    It helps to restore the body after the first abortion, regulate the menstrual cycle, normalize hormone levels, and also facilitates menopause. You can prepare acacia tincture by pouring 100 g of flowers into 500 ml of vodka. The mixture is infused for about two weeks. The course of admission is 1 tsp. calculated for a month.

To eliminate the consequences of an abortion or restore hormonal levels after childbirth, you need to follow certain rules. In combination with traditional medicine recipes, this normalizes the functioning of the female body.

Simple prescriptions

Doctors focus on women's concern for their health. They recommend getting enough sleep, walking in the fresh air, trying not to get depressed and not be stressed. To prevent hormonal disruptions, you need to exercise. Recommendations on how to normalize a woman's hormonal background provide for a special diet.

An insufficient amount of estradiol is compensated by foods containing protein - fish, eggs and white meat. Progesterone deficiency can be replenished with blackcurrants and citrus fruits. The production of estrogen is stimulated by soy, yogurt, legumes, coffee and. Serotonin, the decrease of which is one of the consequences of an abortion, will be increased by chocolate and honey.

A full hormonal background is the key to a normal pregnancy and childbirth. Restoring the balance of active substances improves the functioning of the whole organism, which guarantees good health and an attractive appearance.

Hormonal balance is very important for human health, because it is hormones that regulate many processes in the body. In women, as a rule, an imbalance occurs due to changes in the amount of estrogen. First during puberty (appearance of menstruation), then during pregnancy and menopause.

However, hormonal imbalances can be caused by a number of other factors, such as poor diet, stress, insufficient or excessive exercise, sleep problems, age-related changes, oral contraceptives, and poisoning with any toxins or chemicals.

Typical symptoms of imbalance- Anxiety, irritability, mood swings, insomnia, fatigue, weight problems, excessive hair growth or hair loss, migraines, decreased libido, oily or dry skin, acne, gluttony, premenstrual syndrome, infertility and others.

With the help of natural home remedies, you can successfully deal with symptoms and even restore hormonal balance. But be sure to see a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment.

Check with your doctor before taking herbal medicines or supplements, especially if you have uterine fibroids, endometriosis, breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, or another hormone-sensitive disorder.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for hormonal imbalances.

1. Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the production of hormones, so they are extremely useful for restoring balance.

They are especially beneficial for women as they reduce menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. Due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 fats also have a significant impact on overall health.

  • Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily fish, flaxseed, chia (Spanish sage) seeds, walnuts, soy, tofu, winter squash, and olive oil. Therefore, include these foods in your diet to naturally restore hormonal balance.
  • You can also take omega-3 supplements, but check with your doctor first. The standard dose is 500 mg per day.

2. Maca Peruvian.

Maca Peruvian is an endocrine adaptogen that stimulates the normal production of hormones. In addition, it contributes to the treatment of hypothyroidism, increases fertility and has a beneficial effect on libido.

Maca tubers contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, essential fatty acids, protein, fiber and sterols, so they are beneficial for health and general vitality.

  1. Add ¼ tsp. crushed maca in a glass of water, juice, herbal tea, smoothie or yogurt.
  2. Drink daily for several weeks, gradually increasing the amount of maca to 1-2 tsp.
  3. Continue like this for at least a few months.

3. Vitex sacred.

Vitex sacred (or Abraham tree) is an excellent hormonal tonic for women, with the same calming effect as progesterone. It stimulates the pituitary gland, balancing the balance of estrogen and progesterone.

Vitex is great for reducing premenstrual syndrome and other menstrual problems. It also regulates ovulation and promotes fertility.

In addition, this natural anti-carcinogen lowers testosterone levels and protects against prostate cancer.

Take 400 or 500 mg capsules daily for at least a few months or until you get the desired result. You can also take Vitex solution. Check the dosage with your doctor.

Note: Vitex can cause heavy periods in some women. Do not take Vitex during pregnancy and in parallel with dopamine drugs or hormone substitutes.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D acts on the pituitary gland, which produces various hormones. It relieves symptoms caused by low estrogen levels.

Vitamin D also affects weight and appetite. Lack of this vitamin can lead to abnormal production of parathyroid hormone.

  • Spend at least a few minutes in the sun every day to help your body produce vitamin D and maintain hormonal balance.
  • You can also eat foods high in vitamin D: butterfish, fish oil, milk and eggs.
  • An alternative option is to take vitamin supplements. Check the dosage with your doctor.

5. Charging.

Physical activity is a great way to restore hormonal balance, as it affects the production of hormones. In addition, exercise lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that blocks estrogen and harms the health of the entire body.

Regular exercise stimulates the release of mood-enhancing substances in the brain. This is useful, because hormonal imbalance often leads to mood swings.

Of course, exercise also helps maintain a healthy weight. But don't exercise for more than 40 minutes, as this can lead to an increase in cortisol levels.

  • Engage in swimming, walking, jogging, or other light exercise for 20-30 minutes daily or at least every other day.
  • Yoga and relaxation exercises are also suitable for stimulating hormonal functions and relieving stress.

6. Coconut oil.

Extra virgin coconut oil is another effective natural remedy for restoring hormonal balance. It is especially useful for patients with hypothyroidism, since the medium-chain fatty acids contained in it contribute to the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland.

In addition, coconut oil stabilizes blood sugar, strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss. Contrary to popular belief, it is not harmful to the heart. Moreover, it is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases!

Take 2-3 tbsp. l. virgin coconut oil daily for at least a few months. It is also great for cooking - thanks to its high smoke point, coconut oil does not emit harmful substances.

7. Fenugreek hay.

Fenugreek seeds contain the phytoestrogen diosgenin, which has an estrogenic effect. Herbalists often recommend this plant for increased lactation and natural breast enlargement.

It also promotes glucose metabolism, and therefore can be used in diabetes (to lower blood sugar) and glucose metabolism disorders caused by obesity.

  • Pour 1 tsp. fenugreek seeds with a glass of hot water for about 15 minutes. Strain and drink 2-3 times a day. You can also add honey and lemon juice for flavor.
  • An alternative option is to take fenugreek in supplements. Check the dosage with your doctor.

If fenugreek doesn't work for you, substitute fennel instead.

8. Basil.

Basil is another good hormonal balancer that acts as a natural adaptogen.

It lowers and stabilizes cortisol levels; Elevated cortisol levels harm the thyroid, ovaries, and pancreas.

  • Moreover, holy basil improves mental clarity and improves mood.
  • Just eat a few basil leaves daily for at least a few months.
  • You can also make basil tea: steep a few leaves in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Strain and drink up to 3 glasses daily.
  • An alternative option is to take basil in supplements of 250–500 mg daily. But first, check with your doctor.

9. Ginseng.

Ginseng acts on the adrenal gland, which produces stress hormones. In addition, it acts as an adaptogen, maintaining hormonal balance in the body.

According to studies, this plant can also eliminate some of the symptoms of menopause. Plus, ginseng stimulates the formation and motility of spermatozoa.

It should be taken in cycles. Take 200-400mg of panax ginseng extract (typically at least 4% ginsenosides) daily for 2-3 weeks, break for 3 weeks, then start again. Continue like this for up to 3 months.

Note: This herb may interact with certain medications, increase the effects of stimulants, and lower blood sugar. Before taking, consult your doctor.

10. Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha is a popular Ayurvedic remedy for improving tone and reducing stress and fatigue.

In addition, ashwagandha restores the hormonal balance of the body, as it acts as an adaptogen and lowers cortisol levels. It stimulates the production of DEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), testosterone and androgens, and also normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Take 300 mg of ashwagandha twice a day for several months. Check with your doctor first.

And further.

  • Consume healthy fats, such as those found in avocados and raw butter.
  • Try to always buy organic products.
  • Include in your diet foods high in fiber and phytochemicals, such as white cabbage, kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Phytochemical elements normalize the liver, which helps to remove toxins from the body.
  • For menopausal symptoms, consume fermented soy products. Note, however, that soy is not recommended for hypothyroidism.
  • Eliminate refined carbohydrates from the diet: do not buy processed and packaged foods.
  • Limit your caffeine intake as it raises cortisol levels, which slows down your thyroid.
  • Get rid of stress and try to get enough sleep.
  • Stay away from synthetic hormones like birth control pills.
  • Avoid contact with toxins by not using plastic.

Not only the health of the reproductive system of women and men depends on the hormonal background of a person, but also the safety of the cardiovascular system, the stability of the central nervous system, bone strength, joint mobility, the level of sexual activity and the ability to have a long and fulfilling life.

Hormonal background

This term is understood basal testosterone levels in men and cycling estrogen and progestogen levels in women .

In addition to the main sex hormones, the production of follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones and releasing factors that determine their release is taken into account. Sex hormones are influenced by the level of prolactin and thyroid hormones, and also depend on the activity of the adrenal glands.

What affects the hormonal background

  1. Genetics(heredity). For example, women whose mothers had an early menopause have every reason to fear an earlier extinction of the activity of the reproductive organs.
  2. dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, failures in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, including against the background of tumors, hemorrhages.
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs in women, inflammation of the genital tract in men, tumors and injuries of the genital organs.
  4. infectious diseases, affecting the ovaries and testicles.
  5. Operational interventions in the pelvis and endocrine glands.
  6. chronic stress.
  7. ionizing radiation, influence of the level of insolation, change of time and climatic zones.
  8. Harmful production: hot shops for men, chemical production, contact with hydrocarbons.
  9. Tobacco smoking and alcoholism.

The common causes of hormonal disorders for men and women have been described above. But, as you know, A woman and a man are two completely different organisms.. The weak and strong part of the population has its own causes of hormonal disorders.

Hormonal disorders in women

They lead to:

  • ovarian dysfunction (eg, polycystic ovaries);
  • thyroid pathology;
  • prolactinomas;
  • hypothalamic-pituitary syndrome;
  • tumors of the pelvic organs;
  • transferred abortions;
  • severely debilitating diets;
  • obesity;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy.

The result is disruptions in the menstrual cycle, infertility, miscarriage, vegetative-vascular disorders, emotional instability, increased risk of heart pathologies and osteoporosis, skin problems, libido disorders, tumors of the reproductive system.

Hormonal background in men

And in men, hormonal imbalance can occur for the following reasons:

  • damage to the testicles, prostate, and adrenal glands by infection, injury, or tumor;
  • excessive physical activity and overheating of the testicles;
  • taking medications that affect the hormonal background.

Against the background of low testosterone levels, weight increases, the risk of angina pectoris and heart attack increases, potency and reproductive capabilities decrease, and sexual desire decreases.

What to do

If you see a doctor, then there is a high probability of resolving hormonal imbalance problems with drug therapy. But at the same time there is a risk of acquiring problems with the kidneys or liver.

That's why the safest choice would be to turn to a thousand-year-old traditional medicine. This direction has been tested for centuries, and it is hundreds of times better than tablets.

As mentioned earlier, a man and a woman are like alien planets, and therefore the treatment should be carried out in different ways.

Restoration of hormonal balance in the fair sex

In women, hormonal failure most often occurs due to an imbalance between two hormones - estrogen and progesterone. And therefore, the treatment process is entirely devoted to equalizing the ratio of these hormones. In modern medicine, phytohormones are prescribed.

In folk medicine, there is a great way to restore this imbalance:

  • Starting from the first day of the menstrual cycle, you need to start taking sagebrush. It must be poured with hot water, insisted for fifteen minutes and after that, after straining, take a quarter cup twice a day.
  • On the sixth day goes tincture of sage. This herb needs to be brewed and also filtered. Take one third of a glass three times a day. Drink until the fifteenth day.
  • And the last decoction in the people's "course" will be goose cinquefoil. (Instead of this plant, you can also use meadow lumbago or cuff). It must be brewed with hot water and let it brew. It must be taken before the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

If the climax has already come, then it is necessary to take decoctions of herbs before meals for three months: St. John's wort, lemon balm, and mint. After three months of taking herbs, you need to take a break for 30 days. In one day, you need to take at least one glass of grass.

Restoring hormonal balance in men

In men, it is important to restore testosterone production.

  • Take a decoction four times a day yarutki.
  • Drink ginseng, infused with alcohol, or lemongrass 30 drops in a quarter glass of water twice a day.
  • carrot juice you need to use three times a day, one-fourth cup for a month.
  • celery juice should be taken three times a day, two sips, preferably before meals. The course is thirty days.

How to adjust the hormonal background

The hormonal background of a person directly depends on his health and mental state. In turn, hormones keep these body parameters under their pressure. In order to balance these scales, it is reasonable to use health improvement system M.S. Norbekov. It contains the main methods that allow a comprehensive approach to the problem of hormonal levels.

  1. An artificially created mood teaches the body to perceive the world with joy, stimulating the production of enkephalins in the brain, responsible for contentment with oneself and life.
  2. On the background positive emotions the body is protected from stresses that prevent hormones from being released evenly and dosed. An emotionally stable person is protected from vegetative storms, neurosis and cardiovascular disasters.
  3. To further improve the blood flow of the endocrine glands, simple gymnastic exercises and stretches are used.
  4. Gynecological and urological massage are old and faithful assistants in adjusting the hormonal background.

By working with the subconscious and changing its pathological attitudes, it is possible to achieve healing of the body and restore the background of sex hormones.published

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

One often hears the popular saying: “Oh, the hormones are playing again ...” I wonder what it is expressed in and who are these very hormones that play so talentedly? Hormones are such biologically active substances that are synthesized by the body. Well, it's a scientific medical explanation. In other words, hormones control mood, health and reproductive function of a person. In general, if they “play”, then a person feels upbeat and can love, rejoice and move forward with optimism towards the future. How to restore the hormonal background, if he suddenly lost his way and "went" the wrong way?

What are hormones

In total, there are up to 60 different hormones in the human body. Estrogen, testosterone, oxystocin, insulin and many others. Between all these hormones, a balance and complete “understanding” is necessary. If at least one hormone increases or, conversely, decreases, then a serious malfunction occurs in the body. So, how to recognize that hormones in the human body are “boiling”, and their number has noticeably changed? To begin with, this state can be explained in a nutshell: “something is wrong with me.” And this “not so” is expressed in: weight loss with good appetite, low temperature from 37.1C, insomnia, bad mood turning into depression and physical weakness.

Hormonal imbalance in women is fraught with a variety of consequences. After all, it is hormones that protect the fair sex from a mass of diseases - heart attacks, strokes, diseases of the nervous, bone and cardiovascular systems. In a nulliparous woman, hormonal failure can lead to infertility or miscarriage. There is an opinion that women over 40 suffer from hormonal imbalance. Alas, this is not so. Nowadays, many young and even young girls are prone to hormonal disorders. And, especially, those who love to torment their body with all sorts of diets, smoking and alcoholic beverages.

What affects hormonal disruptions in the body

The hormonal balance of the human body is influenced by many factors, both external and internal. Hormonal imbalance can occur due to the most common nervous stress, climate change, moving to another country or city, and even on the basis of a cold. Outwardly, such failures in the body look at least depressing - hair falls out, facial skin deteriorates and becomes covered with acne, nails become brittle, the condition of the teeth worsens. Many women experience increased sweating, swelling, irritability, and pain in the joints and heart area.

Restoration of the hormonal background

Restoration of the hormonal background is a long process, but quite effective. The main thing is to follow all the instructions of the gynecologist and keep healthy lifestyle life. Most often, in such cases, the endocrinologist prescribes a course of hormonal pills, vitamins, an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland and ovaries, taking tests for the presence of hormones in the body. To normalize the hormonal background, you need to pay close attention to proper nutrition, adherence to the regime of work and rest, and, of course, to be less nervous and worried for any reason. In some cases, doctors prescribe hirudotherapy sessions to their patients, that is, treatment with leeches. The selenium-zinc diet helps with hormonal changes in the body, which significantly reduces nervousness and improves immunity.

Sometimes, hormonal changes occur in women during pregnancy. In this case, the cardinal intervention of doctors and treatment is not required, because such an imbalance will then, after the birth of the child, recover itself and return to normal.

The main thing that every person should understand is that the normalization of the hormonal background does not happen at a wave magic wand. You need to carefully monitor your condition so as not to miss a serious illness. It is best to seek help from specialist doctors who will tell you what to take for successful treatment and restoration of the hormonal background. Do not forget that our well-being depends on ourselves and our vigilance.

Encyclopedia of diseases