Preschool education in Russia: state, trends, prospects. the cultural image of preschool age will develop. In a preschool institution, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are laid, since the conditions necessary for physical, mental

Module content The program contains 5 modules, which reveal the main content of the course. Module. one.Modern system preschool education Russia Topic 1.The state system of preschool education in Russian Federation. Features of the value aspects of preschool education in present stage Features of the modern system of preschool education - an open system, capable of quantitative and qualitative enrichment, transformation. The modern system of preschool education includes: - state and municipal preschool educational institutions of various types (kindergarten; kindergarten for young children; kindergarten for care and rehabilitation; kindergarten of a compensating type; kindergarten of a combined type; child development center - kindergarten ) (in accordance with the new "Model regulation on a preschool educational institution", 2008); - departmental preschool educational institutions; - non-state educational organizations; - state educational institutions implementing programs of pre-school education (elementary school - kindergarten, gymnasium, education center, secondary school). The realization of the interests of the state directly depends on the state and possibilities of the progressive development of the educational sphere. The state educational policy of Russia: is aimed at maintaining state-public management mechanisms and is student-oriented. AT general view value aspects are to make the values ​​of domestic preschool education (which are based on a humanistic orientation) the subject of awareness and experience by students during their studies at a university, the development and implementation of these values ​​in their further pedagogical management activities (at the level of a group, a preschool institution, etc.). d.). Before identifying the guidelines for new values, it is necessary to identify a number of existing prerequisites for positive transformations in the preschool educational sphere in our country.

    Government document (Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2010) pointing to the new values ​​of education. The following three were defined and declared as the main principles of modernization of the Russian education system in the Modernization Concept, namely, the increase:
· quality (education), accessibility (education), · efficiency (educational system). Accordingly, the main directions of modernization of the education management system should be the following: · quality management; · accessibility management; · performance management.
    There has been a transition from knowledge pedagogy to activity pedagogy. The knowledge paradigm assumed the memorization of selective fragments of the social experience passed by mankind. Any information from previous time or experience should be offered not for memorization as the only true one, but for using it to search for causal relationships between the past, present and future. Education has become open to international cooperation. The Internet is being used as a key to modernizing education.

    "Transfer of knowledge" is increasingly being replaced by "creation of conditions" for the disclosure of abilities and skills of self-education.

    The perception of the quality of education is changing. Qualitative can be considered the education that helps a person to realize his abilities.

Unfortunately, the above prerequisites are local in nature and do not lead to predictable results. Allocate three principles on which the successful development of the institution depends A: 1.Success depends on high morality and self-realization of employees; 2.Cultural capital is a competitive advantage; 3. The transformation of the organization begins with the personal transformation of the leader and employees,
    Managers uses Maslow's hierarchy of human needs and the concept of self-realization in the business environment. Employees can "fulfill" themselves only if the culture of the organization supports their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Values ​​that promote education culturalcapital, may be: trust, openness, partnership, responsibility, balance between work and personal life, humor, etc.
The main value in management work is the equal value of each person. Equality and justice are two vital values ​​of managerial activity. The people's right to self-determination is another core value that should be taken into account as much as possible in practical work. It is not always possible to follow this principle, since the self-determination of individuals may violate the rights and well-being of others. So, for example, in accordance with their ethical standards the managing party has a professional responsibility for the protection and protection of the most vulnerable subjects incapable of protecting themselves (for example, children). These are the main features, the knowledge of which can affect the value ideas about the management of a preschool educational institution in the light of the requirements in the current legislation. In fact, we are talking about a new educational paradigm, about how to build your life together (and not at the expense) with the people around you, learn to invent, create your life, while contributing to the creation of the future. For the effective management of any, including preschool educational system, it is necessary to know everything well managed system characteristics. Any system has the following characteristics:


    Relationships between structure elements,

    Conditions for functioning and development,


    Connections with the external environment.

Operating mode is aimed at stabilizing the state, characterized by the reproduction of accumulated experience and the use of accumulated potential. Development Mode is a purposeful process of transition of an institution to a qualitatively new state, characterized by an ever-expanding growth potential. According to Table 1, it is possible to determine the nature of the activity of a particular institution, based on the main indicators of the modes of development and functioning. Table 1. Modes of life of an educational institution
Indicators Modes
functioning Development
1 2 3
Type, type of preschool educational institution Traditional, typical Innovative
Goals and objectives of management Maintaining stability, reproduction of experience; use of accumulated potential Updating the components of the educational process to ensure mobility, flexibility and variability
Subject of management Administration, when restricting the rights of other entities; unity of command prevails over collegiality Collective subject of management, development of horizontal connections, parity of unity of command and collegiality; encouraging initiative
Scientific management concepts Empirical, based on personal experience Motivational program-target management; reflexive control; creation of development programs
Motivational support Creating a favorable psychological climate for stable work Creation of an atmosphere of creativity, search on the basis of an appropriate system of material and moral incentives for the self-realization of subjects
Educational process Achieving sustainable results in stable conditions Obtaining qualitatively new results in changing conditions
Content of education Use of traditional curricula and programs Use of development plans for development innovations
Technology Traditional, provide knowledge Student-centered education that ensures self-development of subjects
Scientific and methodological support Traditional curricula, programs Innovative, proprietary methods focused on the zone of proximal development of subjects
Legal support Use of standard documents that ensure stable operation Model documents become the basis for creating your own
Staffing Traditional requirements for the level of professional competence necessary to obtain stable results of training and education competitive basis; competitiveness; innovative training methods; course variability
Logistics Organization of the basic process on the available materials Ever-expanding supply as a result of dynamic development
Communication with the external environment Reflects a stable state, static, development prospects are not taken into account Works for future backed by science and excellence
results Routine, providing state standard is at risk Optimal, above standard, new educational services introduced
Topic 2. Regulatory framework for the sphere of preschool education. Educational institutions that implement the implementation of federal state requirements in the training of staffing build their work in accordance with the regulatory documents governing the activities of preschool educational institutions. Regulatory collateral is a set of documents instructive-methodical, administrative, program-targeted character and also reference materials, establishing the norms, rules, requirements, characteristics, methods and other data used in solving the problems of the organization and approved in the prescribed manner by the competent authority or the management of the institution. The main tasks of the regulatory - legal support:
    legal regulation of labor relations between employers and other employees of the educational institution; protection of the rights and legitimate interests of employees arising from labor relations.
An approximate composition of such documents is given in Table 2. Approximate composition of documents that determine or affect labor relations in an educational institution Table 2.


Name of documents


Declaration of the Rights of the Child, UN materials, etc.


The Constitution, the Labor Code, Decrees and instructions of the President, documents reflecting changes in the current legislation (for example: in terms of federal state requirements in the field of preschool education), etc.


Organizational and administrative documents of the Ministry of Education


Orders, resolutions, regulations, etc. authorities of regional self-government


Orders, resolutions, regulations, etc. municipal authorities


Charter, collective agreement, labor schedule, staffing, orders, regulations, orders, etc.


Job description, labor agreement, etc.

Changes in the current legislation of the Russian Federation have necessitated the introduction of amendments to the existing legal and program and methodological documents, taking into account the range of institutions operating in the Russian Federation that implement preschool education programs. Legal support implementation of the Main General Education Program includes the main documents:
    Federal government structure requirements
the main general educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation (as amended by Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007);
    Federal state requirements for the creation of a subject-developing environment that ensure the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education; Decree of September 12, 2008 No. 666 on the approval of the model regulation on a preschool educational institution; Decree of March 26, 2003 N 24 On the entry into force of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN
Establishment in accordance with Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education determined the relevance
    development of a system for ensuring the basic general educational program of preschool education, compliance, implementation and application of the norms of the current legislation; development on their basis and approval of local normative and non-normative acts of an instructive-methodical, administrative, program-targeted nature; preparation of proposals for changing existing or canceling obsolete and actually invalidated regulations.
Types of regulatory legal acts:
    Regulations - agreements, general, special(regional), collective and others treaties and other legal acts applied directly in organizations; Non-regulatory acts are orders and instructions, which may be issued by HR managers.
The formation of the regulatory framework in the system of staffing the sphere of preschool education is carried out, first of all, on the basis of:
      the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Budget Code of the Russian Federation; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2001 No. 505 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services"; Federal Law No. 207-FZ of December 5, 2006 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Part state support citizens with children”; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 No. 849 “On the list of costs taken into account when establishing parental fees for the maintenance of a child in state and municipal educational institutions implementing the main general educational program of preschool education”;
Considerable attention is paid to the development of a staffing system for the main general educational program of preschool education, since the “basic” model of staffing, the structure of which includes the main contingent of employees of preschool education institutions, needs to be finalized at present. In addition, the “basic” model of staffing has been changed and supplemented in accordance with the characteristics of each variable organizational form, within which preschool educational services can be provided in the Russian Federation. it is necessary to pay attention to the following laws: Federal Law "On Education" - this law introduces general rules that allow the subjects of the Russian Federation to exercise their own legal regulation, i.e. issue laws of regional significance that would not contradict federal law. Thus, in particular, Art. 53 of the above law defines the circle of persons who have the right to engage in pedagogical activities; Art. 54 regulates the regulation on remuneration of employees of educational institutions; the rights of educators, their social guarantees are established by Art. 55. Normative-legal bases of variable approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. abstract

1. Interpretation of the results of the survey of a student in grade 1 based on profile 1 “Results of a survey of a student in grade 1 at the end of the school year” 4


1. History of development and principles of preschool education

1.1 History of the development of preschool education in Russia

2. Methodological, psychological and methodological foundations of preschool education



Annex A

Annex B


The relevance of the topic of the course work lies in the fact that in Russia, according to the recognition of the world pedagogical community in the past, the 20th century, a unique system of preschool education developed, which provided a comprehensive, full-fledged education and development of children from birth to 7 years.

The socio-economic transformations that have taken place in Russian society have led to serious changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level in particular.

These changes affected both organizational and content aspects of preschool education. The system of preschool education has become a multifunctional network of preschool educational institutions (PEE), focused on the needs of society and providing a diverse range of educational services, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child's development. Kindergartens of supervision and improvement have appeared; compensatory type; child development centers; educational institutions "Primary school-kindergarten", groups of short-term stay of children in kindergarten and other institutions.

As experience shows, Russian education is constantly looking for ways to solve the problem of the continuity of preschool and primary general education.

At present, the task is not just to rationalize the process of educating older children preschool age, and through the formation of continuity of preschool and primary school education programs in the content and forms inherent in each of these age groups, the fullest possible coverage of children with various forms of preschool education, to increase the overall effectiveness of education, optimize the intellectual load on children of primary school age.

The education of a preschool child should be aimed at enrichment, and not artificial acceleration (acceleration) of development. Enrichment mental development The child assumes the maximum realization of its possibilities. Unlike artificial acceleration of development, it makes it possible to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child, ensures its normal harmonious development, and preserves the joy of childhood.

The object of this study is preschool education.

The subject of the study are the features and principles of preschool education.

The purpose of the course work is to study the principles, objectives and features of preschool education.

Accordingly, the following tasks were set:

Consider the history of the development of preschool education in Russia;

To reveal the principles of preschool education;

Research programs and methods of early childhood education;

To analyze the psychological foundations of preschool education.

Hypothesis - the humanization of the pedagogical process in preschool education is the fundamental principle of modern preschool education.

Modern methods were used as the methodological basis of the study. scientific knowledge: dialectical, comparative, synthetic, analytical, systemic and others.

The theoretical basis for the study was scientific works domestic and foreign scientists in the field of psychology, such as Ananyev B.G., Stolyarenko L.D., Zinchenko V.P. and etc.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the material collected in the work and the conclusions can be used in further research related to the study of this topic.

1. History of development and principles of preschool education

1.1 The history of the development of preschool education in Russia

Preschool education is carried out, as a rule, in institutions of preschool education, general education institutions (preschool), institutions of additional education for children (centers and associations for the early development of the child), but can also be carried out at home in the family. Taking into account the fact that in Russia now more than a third of young families with a child are not provided with preschool institutions, preparing parents for the basics of family preschool education is becoming one of the most important tasks of youth family policy.

In the last third of the 19th century, following the countries Western Europe New types of educational institutions are emerging in Russia. The first free, "people's kindergarten" in Russia for the children of citizens from the lower strata of the population was opened in 1866 at the charitable "Society of cheap apartments" in St. Petersburg. In the same year, A. S. Simonovich opened a paid private kindergarten for children of the intelligentsia.

By the beginning of the 20th century, quite a number of big number preschool institutions, both paid for the intelligentsia and the emerging bourgeoisie, as well as free kindergartens, playgrounds, shelters, centers for children of the lower strata of the population, as well as for orphans ..

In the same years, the methodology of preschool education arose, the first journal where systematic notes on the forms and methods of teaching preschool children were published was "Kindergarten" edited by A. Simonovich. the authority of the publication was quite high, evidence of this was the participation in its work and publication of K. D. Ushinsky.

In 1871, the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of the Primary Education of Preschool Children was established. The society contributed to the opening of courses for the training of women teachers in families and kindergartens, as well as the holding of lectures on preschool education. By 1914, there were several dozen kindergartens in the country. In 1913 - 1917, the well-known Russian teacher Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheeva, who studied the issues of didactics and methods of primary education, was the Vice-President of the St. Petersburg Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education. From 1913, she directed a kindergarten established under the Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education, which after 1917 she directed until 1928.

The beginning of the state system of preschool education in our country was laid after the adoption on November 20, 1917 of the "Declaration on Preschool Education". This document defined the principles of Soviet preschool education: free and accessible public education of preschool children.

In 1918, on the basis of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses, on the initiative of Professor K. N. Kornilov, the second Moscow State University, where the pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was organized. An important milestone in the creation of the state system for the training of teachers of preschool education was the first All-Russian Congress on Preschool Education, held in Moscow in 1919.

First "Program of Work kindergarten"was published in 1934, and in 1938 the Kindergarten Charter was published, which determined the tasks of work, the structure and features of the functioning of preschool institutions, and the Guide for Kindergarten Teachers, which contained methodological instructions on sections of work with children.

In 1937, departmental kindergartens were introduced by a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars; in 1939, model staffs were established for kindergartens of all types and departments.

Since 1928, the monthly scientific and methodological journal "Preschool Education" began to appear. By the 1940s, the network of preschool educational institutions had reached a fairly high level; more than two million pupils were covered by public education. After the war, the development of the system of public preschool education continued, which, according to the thoughts of communist ideologists, was supposed to replace family education. In 1959, a new type of preschool educational institution appeared - a nursery-kindergarten, where, at the request of parents, children could be brought up from two months to seven years. This was due to the need to improve the organization of the work of preschool institutions and, in particular, to establish continuity in the education of children of early and preschool age.

In the early 1960s, a comprehensive program education in kindergarten, which has become a single mandatory document in the work of preschool institutions in the country. Leading research institutes of preschool education of the Academy of Pedagogical Education of the USSR and leading departments of preschool pedagogy worked on the program. And in 1978, after making the next changes, the program was called Model. It lasted until 1984, when it was replaced by the Model Kindergarten Education and Training Program.

In connection with the reform of the education system on the threshold of the 80s-90s, the "Concept of Preschool Education" arose (authors Vasily Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky). It outlines the basic principles that are fundamental for expert assessments of preschool education in Russia:

Humanization - education of the humanistic orientation of the personality of a preschooler, the basics of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the family, Motherland, nature;

Developing nature of education;

Orientation to the personality of the child, preservation and strengthening of his health, installation on mastering the ways of thinking and activity, speech development, differentiation and individualization of education and training;

Development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities;

Deideologization of preschool education is a priority universal values, rejection of the ideological orientation of the content of the educational programs of the kindergarten.

1.2 Principles of early childhood education

Preschool education in Russia - ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of a child of preschool age from 2 to 7 years.

Preschool education is designed to ensure the mental, physical, personal development of a child aged 2 months to 7 years. An institution for raising children can be a municipal or private kindergarten, a preschool education center, an early development center, and so on. The task of preschool education is to convey to the child the basic foundations of culture and the rules of behavior in society, as well as intellectual and aesthetic education.

Kindergarten is the first social institution that teaches children to live in society. It is in the kindergarten that the first independent contacts of the child with other people take place, here he learns to communicate and interact. Communication with peers allows the child to quickly master new skills and acquire new knowledge, since the effect of imitation at an early age is very strong. Successful adaptation in a kindergarten or preschool education center is facilitated by educators, whose goal is to help the child in any difficult situation.

It has long been noted that "home" children who have not attended children's educational institutions often experience difficulties with adaptation in the school community. It is more difficult for them to start school than for kindergarten graduates, as they do not have sufficient communication skills.

In addition, pre-school education in kindergarten teaches the child volitional behavior, the ability to find compromises between their desires and the desires of others. The child learns to protect his interests without prejudice to the interests of others.

Also in kindergarten, children learn the basics of self-regulation. That is, the child learns to independently choose an occupation for himself and devote a certain amount of time to the chosen business. It is this skill that becomes the basis for the organization of the child at home and (in the future) at school.

It is also extremely important that in kindergarten these qualities are formed naturally during the game, which is an integral part of the educational process. It is during the games that the basic skills of independence, the ability to contact and negotiate are formed.

Pre-school education in kindergarten meets the needs of the child in development and communication.

Education at home, of course, is able to provide the child with the development of all self-care skills and the assimilation of the knowledge necessary to prepare for school, but it is not able to teach the child to live in a team. While it is the ability to find a common language with other people that is the key to a person's success in adulthood.

Modern preschool education is focused on the development of the child's personal qualities. Staying in a group of peers allows the child to learn how to communicate, defend their opinions and their interests, and also take into account the interests and opinions of others. Children form an idea of ​​the social structure, because it is in kindergarten that the first role-playing games take place, for example, "daughter-mothers".

Preschool education in kindergarten allows the child to form his own idea of ​​the world around him and his place in it. The child learns to evaluate his abilities and capabilities by comparing himself with his peers. That is, he develops an adequate self-perception.

In addition to the communicative development of the child, the goals of preschool education include mental, moral, aesthetic and physical development. All these components are inseparable conditions for the formation of a full-fledged personality. Drawing, creating crafts and applications, designing, music and physical education classes - this is the minimum set that any kindergarten is ready to offer.

As a rule, modern preschool education provides a fairly wide range of activities designed for the versatile development of children. A kindergarten or early childhood education center may offer children extra classes foreign language, choreographic training, rhythm classes, educational computer programs and much more. .

Today, the goals of preschool education are to develop five main personal potentials: cognitive, communicative, aesthetic (artistic), value (moral) and physical. Modern preschool education implies the development of a “model” of a graduate that reflects all the basic qualities, skills and abilities that should be instilled in a child in the process of preschool education.

The "model" of the graduate may include parameters such as:

Level of physical development;

Degree of hardening;

Acquisition of basic hygiene skills;

Mastering the main types of physical activity;

Formation of intellectual prerequisites for starting schooling;


Development of interest in the world, the desire for knowledge;

Interest in creative activity;

Imagination development;

Striving for independence;

Acquiring the foundations of a culture of communication;

Mastering the basic rules of discipline;

The degree of awareness of their capabilities;

Ability to act for collective purposes (see Appendix A)

In accordance with the system of preschool education in kindergarten, the “model” of a graduate may exclude any of the proposed components, or may supplement them with characteristics that correspond to the specifics of the educational institution.

It is no secret that modern preschool education has a number of serious problems. Perhaps the main problem today was the lack of places in the existing municipal kindergartens. Quite often the queue stretches for years. To some extent, the situation is improved by the presence of pre-school education centers and private kindergartens. But they cannot solve the problem globally. Another problem of preschool education is the lack of qualified personnel. Everyone knows what the level of wages of employees of municipal children's institutions is. This reason explains the reluctance of young promising specialists to go to work in kindergartens. Therefore, people with non-core or insufficient education are often hired, who, as a result, have low qualifications.

It is also not uncommon for a teacher to go to work in his profession due to circumstances (for example, to enroll his own child in a kindergarten), and then an insufficient level of wages can cause the teacher to neglect his duties. Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon today.

The situation is different in private kindergartens (which can be found, for example, through the website of preschool education).

Only qualified specialists are employed in private preschool institutions. A decent salary makes the position attractive to applicants, so management has the opportunity to choose the best candidate. This is one of the reasons explaining the high quality of pre-school education in private kindergartens. Describing the problems of preschool education, one cannot but dwell on the issue of the continuity of education.

This problem is quite relevant at all stages of the educational process, but at the stage of transition from preschool education to primary school it is especially acute. Many factors can be attributed to this phenomenon.

The main thing, of course, is the discrepancy between the requirements for the child of the senior group of the kindergarten and for the first grader. A priori, it is believed that a first-grader should be more disciplined, diligent, hardworking than a preschooler.

But a child cannot master all the required qualities in an instant. In addition, many primary educational institutions put forward extremely high requirements for the quality of preschool education. A first-grader is often required not only to know the alphabet, but also to be able to read and count.

However, teaching reading and arithmetic is simply not included in the kindergarten program. To avoid such problems, parents should familiarize themselves not only with the kindergarten program (for example, posted on the preschool education website), but also with the requirements of the school to which they plan to send their child. If a discrepancy is found, it is necessary to organize additional classes for the child in the children's center, or use the services of a tutor, or engage in the education of the child on your own.

Thus, the psychological unpreparedness of the child for schooling, stress when changing the team and environment can further complicate the situation. A softer transition for the child to a new system of education occurs if preschool education includes classes in preparation for school.

2. Methodological, psychological and methodological foundations of school education

2.1 The program and methods of preschool education

Preschool education programs are developed by each institution independently, which meets the requirements of Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Education". However, when developing programs, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the decree law, the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution and state standards for preschool education. The pre-school education program is one of the main normative documents institutions. On the basis of this program and the Charter, a license, accreditation, certification, as well as the organization of additional paid educational services are carried out.

In modern preschool education, this program is considered as a regulatory and managerial document, the purpose of which is to substantiate the selected methods and technologies of preschool education, as well as the form of organization of the educational process. The purpose of the preschool education program is a motivated justification for choosing a general education program and the content of the educational process. The program of preschool education in kindergarten should clearly and clearly describe the features of the educational system of the institution, as well as a set of educational services of interest to the legal representatives of children (parents).

As a rule, the educational program of the institution can be found on the website of preschool education. Each educational institution has the right to choose existing methods and technologies of preschool education or develop its own. If the program of preschool education formulates the goals and objectives of education, then the methods and technologies are aimed at achieving these goals. It should be noted that the concepts of methodology and technology of preschool education should not be confused. Traditionally, in pedagogy, there are certain components that are considered separately from each other. So there are various methods of physical development, methods of teaching mathematics, methods of stimulating speech development, and so on.

Technologies of preschool education are designed to combine all methods into a single whole, while providing a comprehensive educational process. In addition, the difference between technology and the methodology of preschool education is that technology guarantees the achievement of a certain result. The technology involves the description of a certain sequence of actions that will eventually lead to the expected result. The guarantee of the effectiveness of preschool education technologies is their practical origin. That is, if the methods are more theoretical in nature, then the technologies are developed by educators and teachers based on their own, repeatedly repeated, successful experience in raising children.

Technologies of preschool education can be based on well-known educational methods or use their individual elements. For example, the methods of Montessori, Nikitin, Doman are popular among Russian kindergartens. Information about the methods used and their features can be found on the preschool education website, which almost every kindergarten has today.

All existing methods of preschool education are focused on any one side of the child's development. Many different methods can also be found on sites of preschool education.

Methods of physical education of children are aimed at developing the personality of the child through sports events. The purpose of these techniques is to educate children in habits aimed at improving health and improving physical fitness. Such habits include, for example, daily morning exercises. In these methods of preschool education, sports exercises are considered not only as a way to maintain health, but also as a factor contributing to the formation of volitional qualities. In addition, physical exercises can become one of the manifestations of creative activity.

Modern preschool education is unthinkable without methods for the formation of mathematical representations. The purpose of these methods is to familiarize preschoolers with geometric shapes, teach them to examine the size and shape of objects, and form ideas about the account. According to these methods, children are taught to compare the shapes of surrounding objects with certain geometric shapes, to determine the number and size of objects. The main way to know the size, shape and quantity is comparison. Objects or collections of objects are compared in terms of geometric shape, size, number of elements, and so on. Preschool education for older children includes learning to measure the size of objects using a conventional measure.

Children's preschool education necessarily includes creative activities. The theoretical part of the methods of directing visual activity includes information about the characteristics of the creative thinking of children, the definition of the concept of abilities, techniques and teaching methods that allow developing the creative abilities of the child. The practical part of the technology of preschool education contains descriptions of possible forms of organization of creative activities.

Children should be shown generalized ways of obtaining an image: drawing, applications, modeling. Drawing in kindergarten involves teaching children how to create drawings with pencils, gouache, watercolors, as well as getting acquainted with the techniques of finger painting, splashing, monotype and others. In the course of classes, children should be given concepts about such types of fine arts as painting, sculpture, graphics, architecture. Also, as part of the methodology of preschool education, children get acquainted with works of art of various genres.

An integral part of preschool education in kindergarten is the acquaintance of children with nature. The purpose of the methods of familiarizing preschool children with nature is to form knowledge about natural objects and phenomena. The attitude of children to the environment directly depends on the results of environmental education, so these methods are extremely important. The tasks facing teachers are to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to develop children's skills in caring for plants, and to learn the rules of behavior in nature. Modern preschool education, in addition to theoretical knowledge, should provide practical experience in interacting with objects of nature. For this purpose, corners of wildlife, flower beds, and vegetable gardens are being created in kindergartens.

Music classes are a traditional part of the educational process in preschool institutions. Any method of musical preschool education includes several directions. The first direction is the acquaintance of preschoolers with folklore musical works, symphonic and instrumental music. The teacher should give the children the concept of a genre, introduce them to various musical genres and examples of works. Another direction of musical preschool education is games using various musical instruments. Musical and didactic games contribute to the development of musical ear in children, expand the circle of knowledge, arouse interest in music. The third direction, of course, is singing. In such classes, preschoolers are given the concept of chanting, the basic rules of singing are explained. In addition, learning songs contributes to the development of memory.

The last, and perhaps the most interesting direction, which includes musical preschool education, is the organization of children's holidays. Preparation for holding matinees includes learning children's songs, staging dances, rehearsing the main plot and game component. Participation in festive concerts allows children to reveal their creative potential, try their hand as a singer or actor, which, of course, increases self-esteem.

The methodology of preschool education, aimed at developing the speech of preschoolers, gives an idea of ​​the techniques and exercises designed to form coherent speech. In any methodology, there is necessarily a theoretical part that defines the basic concepts, such as connected speech, dialogic and monologue speech. In addition, the methodology should give an idea of ​​the features of children's contextual speech. younger age. Methods for the development of speech, as a rule, are based on the dialogue of adults with children. An obligatory element of such a method of preschool education is the requirements for the topics of conversations with children, their form and content.

The development of speech in preschool education plays an almost leading role, so it should be focused on. Many books and sites of preschool education are devoted to the development of speech. Speech development in preschool age occurs at a rapid pace and depends on the intensity and quality of communication with others. Preschool education provides many incentives for the development of coherent speech: communication with educators, joint games with children, and special developmental activities. If necessary, a speech therapist deals with the child.

Improving logical abilities also stimulates speech development. If a child at the age of two or three years speaks about what he sees or does at this particular moment, then preschoolers of five or six years old are able to reason about distant things. Preschool education in terms of speech development is fundamentally different from the principles of school education. Preschoolers do not learn the rules of grammar, they do not know the definitions of parts of speech, the features of constructing sentences. He must practically master literate speech by talking with adults, listening to their correct speech. With the correct organization of educational work, children in practice easily learn the basic rules of the language and use them in their speech.

However, the development of speech in preschool education consists not only in the ability to correctly build sentences, but also in a significant increase in vocabulary. So, if the average vocabulary of a child of 3 years old is 1000 words, then at the age of 6 the vocabulary exceeds 4000. At the same time, the child must learn not only the sound of new words, but also understand their meaning. The meanings of words, which are the names or characteristics of any objects, are easily understood by children, but with the definitions of abstract concepts, they have a much more difficult time. The complexity of preschool education in the development of speech is precisely the conveyance of meaning to children complex concepts. For example, how to explain the concept of conscience or responsibility to a three-year-old child? It is not uncommon for a child to remember a word he has heard, but interpret it based on his little life experience.

In addition to the development of dialogical speech, which is achieved through communication, the teacher is faced with the task of teaching children monologue speech. Therefore, children's preschool education should include activities whose purpose is to teach the story. The first stage of preschool education in the development of a monologue speech is teaching children a story from a picture. An important condition is that the pictures depict objects familiar to children. Then speech becomes more free. In the process of preparing the lesson, the educator should select such pictures, the plot of which contributes to the formation of moral experiences. Then, simultaneously with compiling a story, children learn to empathize, and this is an important skill in the process of becoming a person.

In preschool education, the development of a monologue speech is very important, also because an independent story stimulates the child's imagination. And, if younger children can only build a descriptive story, then older preschoolers learn to think out a plot, bring their own elements into it. A more perfect tool for the development of speech in preschool education is the retelling of literary works. The first classes are usually based on the retelling of fairy tales well known to children. The first stories should be simple, but over time, the tasks become more complicated. The teacher should offer preschoolers to come up with a continuation of the tale, or change the ending, stimulating the development of the imagination.

Modern preschool education of children includes work on improving sound pronunciation. Younger preschoolers, as a rule, do not pronounce certain sounds, or replace them with others. The most complex sounds in Russian are the sounds r, l, zh, sh. As the ability to master the vocal apparatus improves, the child's speech becomes more correct. In many ways, this is facilitated by the correct organization of the educational process, daily communication with adults, and developmental games and activities. If, upon reaching the age of five, children's speech does not become pure, then further preschool education of children includes classes with a speech therapist.

2.2 Psychological foundations preschool education

The education of a preschool child should be aimed at enrichment (amplification), and not artificial acceleration (acceleration) of development. Enrichment of the mental development of the child involves the maximum realization of its capabilities (A.V. Zaporozhets). Unlike artificial acceleration of development, it makes it possible to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child, ensures its normal harmonious development, and preserves the joy of childhood.

The educational influence on the child cannot be carried out without the real activity of the child himself. The content and methods of this activity determine the process of his mental development. The activity of the child builds his psyche. This applies, first of all, to the activity that leads at each psychological age (communication, tool-object, play).

The child's activity is carried out in a certain objective environment. The objective world of childhood is not only a play environment, but more broadly - an environment for the development of all specifically children's activities. None of them can fully develop on a purely verbal level, outside the objective environment. Activity is feasible only on condition that the child has the appropriate objects and means, the necessary methods of action are formed.

Children 5-6 years old, according to age periodization are for preschoolers. These are children of senior preschool age, who recent times is directly associated only with preparation for school, and most often in its narrow sense: either as training in reading (sometimes writing) and mathematics, or as an intensive development of individual mental functions (memory, attention, logical thinking) by means of "notebook exercises". Neither one nor the other has anything to do with the true development of the child, which, in fact, ensures his further success in school. The readiness of the child for schooling should be considered, first of all, as his general readiness, including physical, personal, intellectual.

Physical readiness is a state of health, a certain level of morpho-functional maturity of the child's body, the necessary level of development of motor skills and qualities, especially fine motor coordination, physical and mental performance.

Personal readiness is a certain level of arbitrariness of behavior, the formation of communication, self-esteem and motivation for learning (cognitive and social); activity, initiative, independence, responsibility, the ability to listen to another and coordinate their actions with him, be guided by established rules, the ability to work in a group.

Intellectual readiness is the development of figurative thinking, imagination and creativity, as well as the foundations of verbal and logical thinking, mastering the means of cognitive activity (comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, schematization, modeling); the emergence of decentration (taking into account the position of another person in the analysis of the situation); mastery of the native language and basic forms of speech (dialogue, monologue); mastering the elements of educational activity within other specifically children's activities (designing, drawing, modeling, various games) - highlighting the task from the general context of the activity, understanding and generalizing the methods of solving, planning and control; the presence in children of ideas about the world of people, things, nature.

All these characteristics of readiness for schooling in a child are formed over several years of life in kindergarten and family, in the process of upbringing and education based on the activity paradigm.

The most important condition for successful learning in primary school is the presence in the child of appropriate motives for learning. The prerequisites for the emergence of these motives are, on the one hand, the desire of children to go to school, which is formed by the end of preschool childhood, and, on the other hand, the development of curiosity and mental activity.

The formation of these qualities is directly related to the identification of cognitive tasks that initially do not act as independent tasks for the child, but are woven into practical activities. In the classroom in kindergarten, there is a gradual transition from performing tasks in the form of a game or one of the productive activities to performing tasks of a purely cognitive nature.

An equally important condition for the success of learning lies in sufficient arbitrariness, controllability of behavior, which ensures the implementation of the motives of learning. The arbitrariness of behavior develops, first of all, in the game, which contributes to the translation of the requirements of an adult into the needs of the child himself. The child in the game learns to obey certain rules. Along with this, he learns to build his relationships with partners, masters the norms of behavior accepted in the culture, which contributes to his socialization.

Primary school imposes a huge number of formal requirements on the child. And if the mechanisms of voluntary behavior are not formed in him, the fulfillment of these requirements turns out to be so difficult that it can completely block the educational process, cause the child to be disgusted with schooling.

The school offers the child a system of generalized knowledge, which can be assimilated only on the condition that the very thinking of children reaches an appropriate degree of generalization.

At the older preschool age, the thinking of a preschooler, acquiring some features of generalization, remains figurative and relies on real actions with objects and their substitutes. The higher forms of figurative thinking, which are formed at the senior preschool age, are the result of the mental development of the preschooler, which brings him to the threshold of logic.

All the changes that occur in the senior preschool age, psychological neoplasms are the result of the path of development that the child goes through in previous years. The most important of the achievements of this period - the emergence of new motives of behavior, the formation of a hierarchy of motives - are formed in the game, the leading form of activity of a child - a preschooler. In the bowels of the game, a learning motive is born. In the game, the child learns new areas of reality. Game and cognitive motives interact constantly replacing each other: new knowledge initiates the game, and the development of the game requires new knowledge. The need for knowledge is the most important component of learning motivation.

The game also forms the internal plan of action necessary for successful schooling, that is, the ability to act in the mind. The experience of practical transformation of situations, which the child acquires in the game, leads in the future to their theoretical transformation, which serves as the basis for the development of theoretical thinking. The goal of educational activity, as is known, is the assimilation of a system of theoretical concepts as a form of social experience.

The possibilities of children of senior preschool age allow for specialized training in the beginnings of literacy and mathematics within the framework of the general kindergarten regime. However, this training differs significantly from school education both in terms of the main goal and in the methods of its implementation. The goal here is not the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills in itself, but the development in children of the psychological prerequisites for the transition to school, and teaching methods are based on activities and forms of thinking characteristic of preschoolers.

Thus, all these fundamental methodological and psychological provisions form the basis for the development of software and methodological support for the educational process, aimed at equalizing the starting opportunities for children coming to school.

Moreover, the content should be presented, both reflecting various areas of reality and types of children's activities: playing, drawing, dramatizing, designing, etc. Special place should occupy the game of children, first of all, amateur.


In conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The main functions of a preschool institution are:

Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

Ensuring the intellectual and personal development of the child;

Concern for the emotional well-being of each child;

Interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

It should be emphasized that the tasks and functions of a preschool institution are based on the attitude towards preschool age as a unique period of personality development. Unlike all subsequent age stages, it is during this period that the child's ideas about the world around him are formed, his intensive physical and mental development takes place. It is important to support and comprehensively develop such personality traits that are specific to preschoolers, since in the future it is not only difficult, but sometimes impossible to catch up.

The principles on which preschool education is based are as follows (see Appendix B):

The humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, the free development of the individual. Education of citizenship, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;

Unity of the federal cultural and educational space. Protection and development by the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state;

General accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils;

The secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions;

Freedom and pluralism in education;

Democratic, state-public nature of education management;

Autonomy of educational institutions.

Improving the pedagogical process and increasing the developmental effect in educational work with children in preschool institutions can be carried out in the following areas:

Changing the forms of communication with children (transition from authoritarian forms of influence to communication focused on the personal identity of each child, on establishing trusting, partnership relations between the educator and children);

Refusal to present politically-ideologized specific information to children when getting acquainted with the environment;

Changing the form and content of training sessions, reducing their number (transition from frontal classes to classes with small subgroups of children, reducing the number of classes by selecting the most effective content for the development of children);

Saturation of the life of children with classical and modern music, works of fine art, the use of the best examples of children's literature, focusing on universal moral values, expanding the horizons of the child;

Changing the organization of the object environment and living space in the group room in order to ensure free independent activity and creativity of children in accordance with their desires and inclinations, children's choice of the type of activity and its form - joint with peers or individual.

The humanization of the pedagogical process involves the construction of a personality-oriented model of education, a change in the form of communication between the educator and children in the process of traditional types of children's activities and in everyday life. To a greater extent take into account the interests, desires, abilities of the child, strive for cooperation in cognitive, productive, labor, everyday interaction, for partnership in games.


No. p / p New definition Content
1 Age features qualitatively specific properties of the personality of the individual, his psyche, naturally changing in the process of changing the age stages of human development
2 Psyche subjective reflection of objective reality in ideal images, on the basis of which human interaction with the external environment is regulated



development of figurative thinking, imagination and creativity, as well as the foundations of verbal and logical thinking, mastering the means of cognitive activity
4 Psychic reflection active reflection of the world in connection with some need, with needs
5 Action the basic unit of performance analysis, a process aimed at achieving a goal
6 Sensorimotor processes These are the processes in which the connection between perception and movement is carried out.
7 Personal readiness a certain level of arbitrariness of behavior, the formation of communication, self-esteem and motivation for learning; the ability to listen to another and coordinate their actions with him, to be guided by established rules, the ability to work in a group.
8 Meaning the content of social consciousness assimilated by a person (these can be operational meanings, subject, verbal, everyday and scientific meanings - concepts)
9 Physical readiness state of health, a certain level of morpho-functional maturity of the child's body, the necessary level of development of motor skills and qualities, especially fine motor coordination, physical and mental performance
10 Behavior understand the external manifestations of human mental activity
11 Age a category that serves to designate relatively limited temporal characteristics of individual development

List of sources used

1. Ananiev, B.G. Man as an object of knowledge [Text] / B.G. Ananiev. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 370s. – ISBN – 4-512-6529-4.

2. Bakulina Yu.S. Pedagogical applications of modern psychology [Text] / Yu.S. Bakulin // Pedagogy. - 2007. - No. 8. - P.60-64.

3. Bordovskaya, N. Pedagogy [Text] / N. Bordovskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.- 450s.- ISBN - 5-42365-74-65.

4. Vygotsky, L.S. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / L.S. Vygotsky. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 570s. - ISBN - 7-65123-41-8.

5. Davydov, V.V. Theory of developmental learning [Text] / V.V. Davydov. - M.: BEK, 1996. - 358s. - ISBN - 7-6213-58-62.

6. Winter, I.A. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / I.A. Winter. – M.: Logos, 2001. – 420p. - ISBN - 2-4135-65-7.

7. Zinchenko, V.P. Psychological foundations of pedagogy [Text] / V.P. Zinchenko. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. - 400p. - ISBN - 1 - 3564-452-5.

8. Kodzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogy [Text] / G.M. Kodzhaspirova. - M.: Gardariki, 2004. - 420p. - ISBN

9. Krutetsky V.A. Fundamentals of pedagogical psychology [Text] / V.A. Krutetsky. - M.: Nauka, 1982. - 620s. - ISBN - 5 - 3256-748-1.

10. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / Ed. V.G. Kazanskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 260s. - ISBN - 2-6541-85-4.

11. Rean, A.A. Social pedagogical psychology [Text] / A.A. Rean. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. - 264 p. - ISBN

12. Stolyarenko, L.D. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / L.D. Stolyarenko. - M.: Nauka, 2004. - 440 p. - ISBN - 6-6128-456.

13. Feldstein, D.I. Problems of developmental and pedagogical psychology [Text] / D.I. Feldstein // Questions of psychology. - 2005. - No. 6. – P.78 – 84.

Annex A

"Model" of a preschool graduate

Annex B

Principles of preschool education

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Table number 4.

Stages of development of the content of preschool education

The analysis made it possible to establish that the main theoretical problems of preschool pedagogy in Russia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. include general patterns and age-related features of development, mental and moral education of children of early and preschool age. These problems remained relevant throughout the entire period, occupied one of the main places in the works of the most prominent teachers of the end XIX - early XX centuries.

Late XIX - early XX centuries. in the development of domestic preschool pedagogy were characterized by a new level of interest in the ideas of classical pedagogy of the 60s. XIX century, to the work of N.I. Pirogov and K.D. Ushinsky as the most prominent exponents of these ideas, the desire to put the personality of a child of preschool age at the center of the pedagogical process. The problems of raising a child of an early age were the subject of pedagogical reflections of N.I. Pirogov. "Man as a subject of education" - this is how K.D. defined the content of pedagogy. Ushinsky. At the same time, he considered the upbringing and education of a person as a whole - at all ages. Gradually, this point of view was supplemented by the formula: "The child as an object of education" (L.N. Tolstoy), which did not contradict K.D. Ushinsky, but only supplemented his definition, emphasizing the exceptional importance of education at an early age. This approach has become increasingly popular among educators. late XIX- the beginning of the XX century.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. two directions of development of "free education" are designated: "the theory of free education" and "reasonable free education", but in mass practice there is a variety in the understanding and implementation of the principles of free education, which is explained by the complexity and dialectic of the theory itself. Since the mid 80s. a new stage of reforming preschool education began in the country, which made it possible to open a number of new, both public and private, preschool institutions, gave the right to work according to individual and alternative programs, and, to a certain extent, freed from formalism in work.

The experience and theoretical studies of leading teachers in the field of preschool education allow us to conclude that the system of preschool education should be based on taking into account the inherent value of each period of development of preschool education in Russia.

The process of formation and development trends of the content of preschool education in the chronological framework under consideration showed that it was evolutionary in nature, and a complex of political, socio-economic, cultural, psychological and pedagogical factors had a significant impact on its initial methodological positions.

Knowledge of the history of this process, which contains the experience of forecasting, can help choose the best ways to transfer preschool educational institutions to the "development mode".

Socio-political transformations in Russian society in the 1980s and 1990s led to serious changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level in particular.

These changes affected both organizational and content aspects of preschool education. As a result, there was a replacement model program variable programs, innovative options for software and scientific and methodological support for the activities of the preschool educational institution were widely used, the development of "through", integrated programs was carried out, new classes ("Ecology", "Foreign Language", etc.) and health-saving educational technologies were included in the curriculum of the preschool educational institution, the intensification of the psychological support of the educational process was carried out. In the 90s of the XX century, the development of the theory of the content of preschool education was based on the following principles: the humanization of the direction of pedagogical work, which implies a focus on the personality of the child, the maximum disclosure of his inclinations and interests, abilities through the organization of various types of children's activities; recognizing personality-oriented education as a priority; the focus of the content of education on the socialization of the child; creation of a subject-spatial and social developing environment; unity of universal and national values ​​in the content, forms and methods of work; continuity of preschool and primary education.

Chapter 2. Directions for the development of the modern system of preschool education in Russia

2.1 The current state of the organization of preschool education in Russia

The situation of children in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century is of great concern. The number of children left virtually without parental care has increased. Kindergarten gives the family the opportunity to work and live normally. The mass closure of kindergartens is a real social explosion, a complication of the lives of millions of parents with children of preschool age.

For many parents, the main argument in favor of visiting a kindergarten for their child is the fact that today the kindergarten provides free continuous education, high-quality preparation for school, as it has the necessary specialists and professional teachers for this.

AT preschool foundations are being laid healthy lifestyle life, because the conditions necessary for the physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development of children are created here.

Among the factors affecting the efficiency and quality of education of children in a preschool educational institution, an important role belongs to the educational program. It is a guideline for the creative activity of educators: it determines the content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, reflects the ideological, scientific and methodological concept of preschool education, fixes its content in all major (comprehensive program) or one (several) areas (specialized, partial program) child development. In accordance with the direction and level of implementation of the program, the type and category of preschool educational institutions are established.

In the thirteen years that have passed since the publication of the methodological letter "Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation" (i.e., for the period from 1995 to 2008), a lot has changed in the Russian education system.

I. New forms of organizing preschool education have become widespread (not only full-time preschools, but also groups for short-term stay of children at preschools, child development support centers at educational institutions - preschools and schools, etc.).

II. Currently, there is a development of pedagogical innovation - and in the field of preschool education as well.

Serious research teams, advanced educational institutions and individual creative teachers are developing a huge number of new programs, pedagogical technologies of various directions, and methods for preschool children.

II. The level of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents has significantly increased. Their requirements for the education, upbringing and development of children in the preschool period of life have changed. Parents, grandparents wish to be active participants (subjects) of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution that their child attends; they are ready to participate in the implementation of the pre-school education program to the extent that this is provided for by it.

IV. Currently, parents are given the right to choose to independently determine the start time for their child's schooling - there is no hard limit of 6 or 7 years. As a result, some parents - supporters of the acceleration of child development - feel the need for intensive preparation of their child for schooling from the age of 6. The rest needs programs of education, upbringing and development of children up to 7 years of age.

V. Psychological testing when a child enters the 1st grade, which has been widespread for quite a long time, is currently prohibited by law.

In the first place, it is not teaching a preschooler to read, write, count, complex arithmetic operations, a foreign language, etc., but the formation of functional readiness for schooling, social maturity. AT last years a new term has come into use - "pre-school education".

This, in turn, requires the development and active introduction into pedagogical practice of education, development and upbringing programs designed specifically for children of preschool age (5-7 years old).

VI. The already difficult situation that has developed in the modern system of preschool education is further complicated by the fact that the State educational standard preschool education.

The standard should be based on a scientifically verified strategy for the modernization of preschool education, which links together its social, organizational, financial, economic, program and methodological and other priorities, defining a well-thought-out program of action in the system of preschool education.

The changes that have taken place in the field of preschool education over the past 15 years have become extensive. They require the solution of particular problems laid down in the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010. This program is being successfully implemented. It remains to be hoped that by the end of 2010 in Russia:

the innovative system of preschool education will work successfully and competently as the first stage of general education;

equal starting opportunities for preschoolers will be given, which will improve their quality of education at subsequent levels of education;

there will be a cultural image of preschool age;

there will be a consolidation of the parent and educational community.

April 10, 2010 V.V. Putin signed the Federal Law "On the Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education", which says about preschool education:

" Article 18. Pre-school education

1. Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood.

2. Has expired. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ.

3. For the upbringing of preschool children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.

4. Relations between a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives) are governed by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.

5. Local self-government bodies organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising children of preschool age at home."

The modern system of domestic preschool education is based on the principles of dynamism, variability of organizational forms, flexible response to the needs of society and the individual, is characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services.

The emergence of new documents that free up the creative energy of educators, at the same time poses a rather responsible task for a preschool institution - to choose a program of work with children that can not only be successfully implemented by the teaching staff, but will also contribute to the effective development and education of children.

2.2 Differentiation of the content of preschool education at the present stage

The terms "individualization of learning", "differentiation of learning" are widely used in scientific pedagogical literature. These concepts are very close, have a common scope. However, neither concept completely absorbs the other.

Differentiation of learning, according to researchers, is taking into account the individual typological characteristics of a person in the form of grouping students and different construction of the learning process in selected groups. Both individualization and differentiation take into account the individual characteristics of children. The difference between these concepts is as follows: when individualizing, the characteristics of each child are taken into account, and when differentiating, groups of children are taken into account. We can say that individualization is the highest degree of differentiation.

As for the field of preschool education, here the issue of individualization and differentiation of education is to some extent declarative: the idea itself has been promoted for a long time, but the conditions for implementing a differentiated approach have not been worked out enough (both in the field of theory and practice). There are few scientific work dedicated to this problem. This, for example, is the study by V. Shebeko, dedicated to the implementation of a differentiated approach in the process of physical education of preschoolers. Also, this issue is reflected in the works of M. Runova, M. Makhaneva, Y. Kovalchuk, T. Ivanova. It can be argued that the problem of individualization and differentiation of preschool education is one of the central psychological and pedagogical problems, which consists not in resolving the issue of the need for differentiation of preschool education as such, but in the absence of specific ways to implement it.

One of the factors affecting the success of the process of teaching preschool children is how clearly the teacher imagines the main characteristics of students - their ability to perceive material, remember, process and use it. In other words, in the process of teaching preschoolers, it is necessary to focus on the specifics of their cognitive processes. The development of ways and means of teaching should be inextricably linked with the study of those changes in the mental activity of students that are caused by pedagogical influence. This gives the teacher the opportunity to vary the presentation of educational material in accordance with the capabilities and needs of the child.

The learning process in a simplified, schematic form is the process of perception and assimilation of the information offered to the child. In this regard, it seems necessary to us to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the perception of information by children of preschool age. Even N. Krupskaya, speaking about the peculiarities of the perception of reality by preschoolers and the assimilation of information about it, argued that the child needs to "feel every thing, smell it, do something over it a dozen times, examine it dozens of times, repeat its name a dozen times and etc. etc." This fact has always been taken into account in preschool pedagogy. But the question of the individual characteristics of children - which of them first of all needs to be heard, to whom - to smell and see, etc. has been little developed so far.

Among the factors affecting the efficiency and quality of education of children in a preschool educational institution, an important role belongs to the educational program. The modern differentiation of preschool education, the variety of types of preschool educational institutions suggest significant variability in the use of programs and pedagogical technologies. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", each educational institution is granted the right to independently develop or choose from a set of alternative programs those programs that most fully take into account the specific conditions of work of a preschool educational institution. In the context of the new educational policy of education variability, a number of domestic programs and pedagogical technologies of a new generation have been developed. All programs provide different approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

According to the model regulation on a preschool educational institution in paragraph 5, a closed list of possible types of preschool educational institutions has now been established, differentiating depending on the areas of activity being implemented, related to the need of pupils for certain services (health, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, correctional, etc.).

· Kindergarten;

Kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of pupils (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.):

· kindergarten of a compensating type with the priority implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils;

· Kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures;

· Kindergarten of a combined type (combined kindergarten may include general developmental, compensatory and health-improving groups in different combinations);

· child development center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all pupils.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" secured the right of preschool institutions to work according to various programs. Appeal to student-centered pedagogy, a departure from strictly regulated forms of upbringing and education of children characterize the general trends in the restructuring of preschool education. humanization modern education connected primarily with a change in attitude to education, in the center of which is the child, the formation of his subjectivity. The transition from the uniformity of types of preschool institutions to the creation of a flexible multifunctional system, including new types of state and non-state institutions, makes it possible to respond to the diverse educational needs of the population and satisfy them by providing broad educational services.

The restructuring of the education system is connected with overcoming difficulties. Renewal of pedagogical consciousness is a long, complicated and painful process. It is important that educators realize the significance of their social mission and direct their efforts towards the full-fledged upbringing and education of children, their psychological protection.

Teachers' awareness of the meaning of ongoing processes is to a large extent connected with their acceptance of the variability of education, the desire to update its content and technologies, and the understanding of those positions that impede a significant reform of the system.

The appearance of the "Concept of preschool education" marked the beginning of an intensive discussion of theoretical and applied issues related to updating the content of preschool education, approbation of new pedagogical technologies in wide practice, mastering new methods and forms of work by teachers. The development of innovative processes in domestic preschool education was reflected in the regulatory legal and program and methodological documents. Specialists of all levels of education management, methodological service, science and practice have participated and are participating in this work, creating a single educational space.

At present, Russia is developing a new system of preschool education, which is focused on entering the world educational space, on the social demand that has been formed in our society during the reform period.

In Russian preschool education, the principle of variability has been proclaimed today, which gives the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions the opportunity to choose and design the pedagogical process.

New educational technologies have been developed and put into practice, which are designed to make preschool education humane, protecting the interests and health of the child. It is this factor - health - that makes us today turn to personality-oriented technologies, which include the differentiation and individualization of the preschool educational process.

On the wave of democratization and humanization of education, there is an increase in the attention of theorists and practitioners of education to the idea of ​​differentiated and individualized education.

The basis of a differentiated approach is knowledge of the state of health of the child in the broadest sense of the word, including not only physical but also mental health, as well as social well-being and social adaptation of the child. In the learning process, it is necessary to keep in mind his temperament, intellect, memory, attention, perception, which manifest themselves in varying degrees and in various combinations, creating an integral property that determines the success of the entire pedagogical process. Teachers and psychologists call this "learning capacity", meaning by "learning capacity" an ensemble of human intellectual properties, on which, other things being equal, the success of learning depends.

The key positions of modern preschool education can be considered as follows.

1. Protection of mental and physical health children of preschool age, creating the most comfortable conditions for children to stay in preschool institutions and ensuring emotional well-being.

2. Humanization of ideas and principles of upbringing and educational work with children, expressed in a fundamentally different approach to the organization of learning activities in kindergarten, based on the leading activity of preschool children. Emancipation of the living conditions and activities of children and the work of educators, de-ideologization of the content of work with children.

3. Changing the conditions for the functioning and financing of preschool institutions. The introduction of innovative technologies for teaching and educating preschoolers, the creation of a psychological service in the system of public preschool education, expanding the range and improving the quality of educational services provided. Changing the nature of the training of teaching staff for work in preschool institutions of various types.

At the present stage, the ongoing changes in preschool educational institutions are due to their variability in a broad sense, the focus on meeting the different educational needs of various social strata, the state, society, and survival in a competitive environment. It can be stated that preschool education in Russia is going through a stage of intensive reform and development. At the present stage of development of the preschool branch of the public education system, the main goal of the work of preschool institutions is to improve the quality of the educational services provided and create the most optimal conditions for the development of each child, revealing his potential, laying the foundations of a full-fledged personality. The development of pre-school education, both in traditional and non-traditional forms, will become one of the main tasks of the state for 2011-2015, said Andrey Fursenko, head of the Ministry of Education and Science.

2.3 Prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia

The main documents that set the target guidelines for the state educational policy are the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education, Priority Directions for the Development of the Educational System of the Russian Federation until 2010.

A necessary prerequisite for the general accessibility of high-quality general education is the provision of equal starting opportunities for children to study in primary school. Achieving the optimal level of development of each child of preschool age, which will allow him to be successful at school, is one of the priority tasks for the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation. Its solution is impossible without a flexible, multifunctional system of preschool education that ensures the constitutional right of every citizen of Russia to public and free preschool education.

The importance and significance of preschool education is due to the fact that only in a peer society, through well-organized specific types of children's activities - play, design, visual activity, observation and experimentation - a child of preschool age develops the basic personality traits (thinking, memory, attention, imagination and speech). ) which, in elementary school and at subsequent stages of education, allow him to successfully study in any program, assimilate any information.

In addition, the system of preschool education is considered today as one of the factors in strengthening and maintaining the health of children, as well as improving the demographic situation in the Russian Federation. From this point of view, an increase in the birth rate is not possible without providing the citizens of Russia, especially women, with firm social guarantees of the possibility of placing a small child in a preschool educational institution, so that a woman mother can, after the parental leave, in accordance with her desires return to full-time work. To achieve the demographic objectives, the system of preschool education must become publicly available, and a place in a preschool educational institution must be provided to the child in real time.

According to the state program of the Russian Federation for the development of education, a whole range of problems has not yet been resolved, including: restoring the role of preschool education as the most important public level of the education system, whose activities are aimed at developing fundamental personality traits in children, spiritual and physical health, training to general and vocational education. The solution of this and other problems is supposed to be carried out within the framework of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2012-2020. Renovation of organizational and economic mechanisms at all levels of the education system will ensure its compliance with promising trends in economic development and social needs, increase the practical orientation of the industry, and its investment attractiveness. Increasing the flexibility and diversity of the forms of service provision of the preschool education system will provide support and better use of the educational potential of families.

The implementation of the State Program will be carried out in 2 stages:

Stage 1: 2012-2015

Stage 2: 2016-2020

One of the subprograms to be implemented under the Program:

Subprogram 1. Improving the availability and quality of preschool and general education.

Also, the federal law "On Education" is at the final stage of adoption. After several stages of professional and expert discussions, it reflects the main mechanisms for modernizing the education system.

The ongoing transformations in the system of preschool education are due to the objective need for an adequate community development and the development of the educational system, change, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for significant changes in the previous course of the functioning of the institution. The main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system is the search for and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of a preschool educational institution (DOE), which is expressed in the transition of institutions to the development mode.

Today, we can confidently state the fact of the formal or meaningful transition of most preschool educational institutions to the search mode. This mode is transitional on the way to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to the development mode. Another aspect is related to the qualitative features of this transition: to what extent the innovations implemented in the preschool educational institution correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities for its development, satisfy the interests and needs of children, parents, teachers, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable high development indicators. Therefore, the issue of determining actual problems in the development of preschool educational institutions becomes the most important.

The analysis of existing concepts, projects and programs in the field of preschool education allows us to identify a number of basic trends in the development of the system (Table No. 5):

humanization - determines the primacy of the personal development of subjects (parents, teachers, children), the centering of the educational process on the values ​​of human development, the orientation towards the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality, the transfer of the subject to the position of self-managed development in the process of revealing essential forces. The humanization of education is a process aimed at developing the individual as a subject of creative activity, which "is also the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and pupils, which involves the establishment of truly human (humane) relations between them in the pedagogical process" and is a key component of the new pedagogical thinking, focused around the idea of ​​personal development. The leading direction of the humanization of education is considered to be "self-determination personality in culture", its familiarization with national-cultural traditions enriched with the human content of humanization - increased attention to the personality of each child as the highest social value of society, setting on the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities;

· democratization is associated with the expansion of the rights and powers of the participants in the educational process, the focus on meeting the individual needs and requests of the subjects. This involves the creation of prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of pupils and teachers, their interested interaction, as well as broad public participation in the management of preschool education;

Diversification is defined as a necessary and sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, educational services and approaches to their implementation in order to meet the diverse and versatile needs of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Table number 5.

Modern tendencies in the development of preschool education

The projection of the identified foundations on the educational process in a preschool educational institution presents all its subsystems in a new way.

In this regard, a number of basic principles appear that ensure the implementation of these areas in the development process of the preschool educational institution and its participants:

- the principle of human conformity (the unity of culture and natural conformity);

- the principle of the integrity of the pedagogical process and the complexity of goals;

- the principle of activity and equal partnership in the pedagogical interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process.

The modernization of the management of a preschool educational institution is associated with a variety of types and management technologies that provide a comprehensive and comprehensive impact of the management system on the managed system of preschool educational institutions within the framework of motivational and program-targeted approaches, motivational program-targeted management, co-management, reflexive management and self-government. The indicators of the qualitative transformation of the management of preschool educational institutions are, first of all, the new principles:

- democratization and humanization;

- consistency and integrity of management;

- centralization/decentralization;

- interconnections and separation of strategic, tactical and operational levels of management and their respective types of management (traditional, reflexive, self-management);

- unity of command and collegiality;

- objectivity and completeness of information in making managerial decisions.

At the present stage, there are a number of problems in the development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions, in particular, such as:

Combination of innovative programs with existing ones in preschool educational institutions;

· the split of the pedagogical community and the coexistence of representatives of various pedagogical concepts;

non-compliance of new types of preschool educational institutions with the expectations and requirements of parents;

the need for new scientific and methodological support for the ongoing educational activities;

the need for new teaching staff;

adaptation of innovations to new conditions;

the problem of changing, optimizing, replacing innovations, the ability to get rid of outdated, pedagogically inappropriate in time;

· the problem of reproduction of innovation and the formation of conditions conducive to this.

Based on the analysis of existing concepts for the development of preschool education, the leading areas of innovation in preschool education include the assertion of humane subject-subject relations, the development of creative abilities, the intellectual powers of children; individual creative development of the child's personality; development of communication between practitioners and researchers in the field of innovation.

The change in the paradigm settings of modern education makes it possible to consider the development of a child as a process of his self-development, where education is a form of mental development of a preschooler, and development standards are transformed into an understanding of development as a norm (V.T. Kudryavtsev, 1999).

In 1919, the first Waldorf school opened in Stuttgart. In Russia, Waldorf schools and kindergartens appeared only in the late 80s and early 90s. On the initiative of one mother of many children, in 1987 a home kindergarten was established. And in 1991, a seminar was opened in Moscow to train Waldorf kindergarten teachers. At the same time, the first schools began to open in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Samara and other cities. Currently, there are about 30 Waldorf schools and 60 kindergartens in our country. Kindergarten teachers have united in the Commonwealth. Only those who have been trained and successfully led the group for several years can become full members of this association.

Fundamental to preschool Waldorf pedagogy is the proposition that childhood is a unique period in a person's life, which faces its own special tasks. This age cannot be approached with the assessments and goals that are inherent in the later stages of the child's development. It is extremely important to allow the forms, ways of life and activities of children that are characteristic of this particular age to open up with the greatest fullness. Therefore, Waldorf pedagogy rejects those forms of work with kids and influence on them that seek to "accelerate" development. This concerns, first of all, various programs of intellectual training, early learning to write and read, designed to accelerate the development of children. Supporters of Waldorf pedagogy proceed from the premise that the development of the intellect should be included in the overall development of the personality - primarily psychosomatic, emotional, social and practical. Main principles work Waldorf children's garden:

Creation of an atmosphere conducive to development;

education through imitation and example;

Cultivation of diverse forms of gaming activity;

creating a space conducive to the development of free play;

organization of a healthy rhythm of group life;

Engagement in various types of labor activity ("pedagogy of the hand") and various arts (painting, music, modeling, eurythmy)

All of the above provisions are not separate parts of the "program" of the kindergarten or methodological "techniques", but represent a single organic whole. The life of the group is more like the life of a large, friendly family than the work of an "educational institution".

Beginning in 1992, it became possible in Russia to create a network of Orthodox-oriented preschool institutions with the aim of educating children on the values ​​of Orthodoxy, the foundations of which should be laid from the earliest preschool age. It has great importance when preparing a child for admission to Orthodox educational institutions: gymnasiums, progymnasiums and lyceums, to ensure continuity in matters of education and training.

In a relatively short period of time, Orthodox preschool education has come a long way, reflecting the search for different approaches to the organization, forms and content of preschool institutions and groups of this profile.

The main directions of the system of Orthodox education of children of early and preschool age are: spiritual and moral education in state and municipal preschool institutions; development of a network of Orthodox preschool groups and kindergartens; the formation of social rehabilitation institutions that use spiritual and moral education as a means of correcting the development and behavior of preschool children; the revival of the traditions of Orthodox family education and the way of the family.

In most dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church church kindergartens and Orthodox groups were opened: in each of the 130 dioceses today there are from 2 to 15 such institutions. On the basis of state and municipal institutions, groups with an Orthodox orientation are being created, and the network of institutions with an ethno-cultural component is expanding. In a number of children's institutions, circles and elective courses on questions of Christian culture appeared.

Accordingly, the main trends in the development of preschool education are associated with the installation of a full-fledged space for the development of the child and the organization of comprehensive support for the individual development of preschool children. A rich and safe life, eventfulness, connectedness of an adult and a child in the educational process, the priority of developing and educational tasks in preschool educational institutions contribute to the favorable socialization of children and lay the basic competencies of a preschooler in mastering the world and appropriating culture.

Conclusions to the second chapter

Forecasting the development of any centrally controlled area of ​​activity makes sense only in relation to certain managerial steps or initiatives. AT this case The project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On priority directions of development of the educational system of the Russian Federation" acts as such an initiative. One of the central points of these directions is the inclusion in the system of general education of another level, designed for children 5-7 years old.

The last decade has brought radical changes to the system of public preschool education. The standard program was replaced by variable ones, the unified "kindergarten" was replaced by different types and types of preschool institutions (DOE). Preschool educational institutions today officially work on 12 comprehensive basic, 25 partial, 2 special (for children with speech disorders) educational programs. In addition, in accordance with Appendix 3 to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996 No. 448, 3 categories and 6 types of preschool educational institutions are "registered" in the Russian educational space. The search and independent choice of specific forms of educational work has become the norm for teachers. The innovation movement in preschool education is not inferior in scale to school innovations. However, at the end of 2004, the enrollment rate in preschool institutions averaged already 59%. At the same time, only 55% of 5-year-old children attend kindergartens.

Recall that by the time of the reform of domestic education in the early 90s, three relatively independent systems had developed in all its links: the system of public education of preschool children, the system of general secondary education and the system of vocational education. All three systems fully corresponded to the signs of systemicity - they included: a set of typical educational and educational programs, clear regulatory requirements for each level and type of education, a network of educational institutions of various types, educational authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them. In their totality, they constituted the education system of the USSR. As for the innovation movement, at its initial stage it necessarily destroyed the established system, advancing education to new frontiers.

Let us consider the most general types of these innovative changes in relation to different levels of organization of the preschool educational system.

At the social level, this is, first of all, the transformation of the status of the once unified "public preschool education" into a very heterogeneous institution - "preschool education". This Institute was able to selectively meet the educational (and non-educational) needs of different segments of the population. The network of non-state preschool educational institutions was intensively developing, preschool education was turning into an open system, which could now quickly respond to the requests of parents and the general education school.

At the financial and economic level, this is the actual curtailment of support for the preschool educational system from the federal budget, the delegation of responsibility to regional and local budgets, the emergence of multi-channel financing, and an increase in the number of paid educational services.

At the organizational level, this is a change in the unified "kindergarten" different types and types of preschool institutions (DOE), these are attempts to ensure the continuity of preschool and general secondary education through the creation of educational complexes "School - Kindergarten", "Development Centers", opening preschool groups based on schools, etc.

At the program-methodical level, this is the replacement of the standard program with variable ones, the widespread use of innovative options for software, organizational management and scientific and methodological support for the activities of the preschool educational institution, the inclusion of new classes in the curriculum ("grid") of the preschool educational institution ("Ecology", "Foreign language", etc. .), development of "through", integrated programs and health-saving educational technologies, intensification of psychological support of the educational process.

Thus, the changes that have taken place in the field of preschool education over the past 15 years have become extensive and largely irreversible. However, we can safely state that all this has not yet led to the structuring of the system of preschool education, to its reasonable reorganization into a new system of preschool education.

In our opinion, this is the point of growth where a meaningful reformist step is possible. The only question remains - can the Project of the Main Directions for the Development of Russian Education proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which sets the task of turning preschool education into a full-fledged stage of an integral education system (which is partially determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"), be such a step? And does this Project imply the fundamental preservation of the socio-cultural and psychological specificity and identity of preschool childhood?

4. Changing the status of preschool education is a global trend. Russia has the advantage here that preschool institutions, with the exception of nurseries, have been under the jurisdiction of educational authorities for many decades, and not, say, social protection or health authorities.

From this point of view, the proposed Project of Priority Directions for the Development of Russian Education (in terms of the reform of the preschool educational system) may be a useful innovation. Here, for the first time and finally, an attempt is made to transform the once unified system of "public preschool education", which today has turned into a loose set of preschool educational institutions with many no less loose forms of educational activity, into a genuine system of preschool education, as the initial, full and integral stage of general education. And that means - guaranteed by the state (at the level of regional and municipal authorities (isn't it better - and federal?)) For the child population of the country aged 5 to 7 years. This means the actual recognition that a child of preschool age (and earlier ages) needs not only care and guardianship, but also education, training, and development.

However, this, as we believe - for the time being, political decision, if it is professionally illiterate and even just behind the scenes and hastily implemented, is fraught with negative consequences. Moreover, if we keep in mind the established tradition, according to which reforms are carried out not through gradual, cautious trials, but at the same time - with global coverage, and the mistakes made are not recognized and not corrected, then all these consequences will certainly turn out to be irreversible.

Thus, the first danger is that during the implementation of the Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, preschool education, being in the same team with such a strong organization as a school, will not be able to de facto defend its specifics and will simply turn into the first stage of school education. Then, instead of preschool education, we will get an ugly version of school education that has spread out of its legal limits.

Until now, the ongoing attempts to accelerate the preparation of children for school, which supposedly should have ensured the continuity of preschool and school (primarily primary) education, are a pseudo-solution to this large-scale problem. The lack of serious scientific and methodological support already gives rise to massive violations of the somatic and psychological health of children, a blockade of the child's personal growth and, as a result, the impossibility of his normal integration into school, and subsequently into social life. This is all the more likely that today even preschool institutions themselves, for the most part, often do not keep the specifics of preschool age in the way that is required. modern understanding childhood.

The second danger is entirely related to the first and consists in the fact that this ugly education may become compulsory for children, despite the fact that at present many parents are not able to create adequate conditions for their children's development themselves. This can actually deprive children of their childhood, making them "like students" and taking away the possibility of a free - playful, emotionally rich experience of an extremely important period of human development. Pre-school education cannot be automatically and universally included in the existing system of school education. It is necessary to provide targeted support for various models of combining preschool and primary levels of education. The main thing is to create conditions for the implementation of the most important human life the principle of the development of the child, and not just drawing him into the available forms of education, which is basically what the school does.

Another danger is that as a result of various reformist manipulations, preschool children will find themselves (of course, as an experiment, which, as it is already clear, will end in obvious failure) in the same buildings with schoolchildren, and the existing preschool infrastructure will swiftly and irrevocably transferred to other hands and privatized.

The fourth danger is that in the reformist aspiration to create anew a fundamentally new type of preschool education, a fundamentally important thing will be missed - that domestic science is not at all so backward in understanding and solving the problems of normal development and normal education of preschool children. Existing theories, as well as various kinds of educational programs, have long embarked on the path of self-reformation and today need more support for testing than a radical change.

The fifth danger, very serious in its consequences, is that, amid the noise of the birth of a new educational system, the state will deprive federal support for preschool education for children from 3 to 5 years old. In this tragic case, most preschool educational institutions, even with a combination of municipal and private funding, will find themselves in difficult economic conditions due to the cost of the very sphere of preschool education and the relatively low solvency of the population for most regions of the Russian Federation. This can lead to severe negative social consequences.

Difficulties also arise in the field of protecting and strengthening the mental and somatic health of children. In preschool institutions, in accordance with the current legislation and programs recommended by the former Ministry of Education, the regime and duration of various types of activity and rest for children are clearly regulated, and preventive general strengthening measures are prescribed. These developments are made taking into account the anatomical, physiological and epidemiological requirements, there is a system for monitoring the development of children. Particular attention is paid to the quality of nutrition and medical care for children. There is a program of vaccination of preschool children against infectious diseases. A change in the status of preschool institutions may lead to a situation where all the above factors for the protection and promotion of children's health will simply be shifted onto the shoulders of their parents.

The complete withdrawal of federal management structures from this sphere is fraught with a decline in the quality of life of most preschool children, which will inevitably lead to social and cultural stratification of the representatives of the younger generations already at the level of preschool childhood. Let us especially note that the majority of parents have neither the educational base, nor the time, nor the necessary inclination to ensure the conditions for the normal development of a preschool child. Private kindergartens, where these conditions can be created, are also inaccessible to the vast majority of families.

Thus, with an abstractly positive attitude towards the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, one should unequivocally state the need for a broad professional and public discussion of its possible pluses and minuses. And if it is generally approved, it is fundamentally important that federal institutions participate in providing scientific expertise and scientific and methodological support for both projects for building the very stage of preschool education and its coordination with the stage of primary education. No less obvious is the need to include the already existing scientific potential of the Russian Academy of Education in the solution of this state-important task.

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Relevance. In modern scientific research, a trend towards an increase in the duration of the childhood period is increasingly noted. This phenomenon is explained by the need for childhood to prepare a person to enter a complex social life - the accumulation of experience, the mastery of social emotions, ideas, and various activities.

The child is socialized in the process of various activities, mastering an extensive fund cultural information, skills and abilities, developing integrative qualities; in the process of communicating with people of different ages; within various social groups, expanding the system of social ties and relations, assimilating social symbols, attitudes, values; in the course of various social tasks learning patterns of behavior. That is why, as N.F. Golovanov, to master social experience means not just to acquire the sum of information, knowledge, skills, but to master the way of activity and communication, the result of which it is.

The main integrative component of the mechanism for the formation of social experience is activity. Moreover, the accumulation of social experience is possible only in those activities that meet certain pedagogical conditions:

1) play life situations, rely on children's impressions of everyday life;

2) arouse the personal interest of the child and his understanding of the social significance of the results of his activities;

3) offer the child an active action related to planning and discussion various options participation, with responsibility, self-control and evaluation;

4) assume mutual assistance, cause the need for cooperation.

It is this aspect that is decisive in identifying the degree of relevance of the topic under study - the topic is "live" and is actively developing.

The activity corresponding to these conditions should become a system-forming factor in the integration of the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

Objective: the role of integrative qualities in the development of a preschooler and how didactic games influence their formation.

Work tasks are:

Consider the system of preschool education as a whole;

· to study the problems of preschool education at the present stage;

Consider new requirements for the process of preschool education;

· to reveal the role of didactic game in the process of development of integrative qualities of preschool children.

Work structure corresponds to the tasks set and consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.


> Problems of preschool education at the present stage

The changes that have taken place in the field of preschool education over the past 15-20 years have become extensive and largely irreversible. It can be stated that all this has not yet led to the structuring of the system of preschool education, to its reasonable reorganization into a new system of preschool education.

Changing the status of preschool education is a global trend. Russia has the advantage here that preschool institutions, with the exception of institutions for children from 2 months to 3 years old, have been run by educational authorities for several decades, and not by social protection or health authorities.

Today, an attempt is being made to transform the once unified system of "public preschool education", which has turned into a loose set of preschool educational institutions with many no less loose forms of educational activity, into a genuine system of preschool education as a full and integral stage of general education. This means the actual recognition that a child of preschool age needs not only care and guardianship, but also education, training, and development.

To ensure the quality of preschool education provided in state and municipal educational institutions that implement the main general educational program of preschool education, it is important to develop uniform requirements for the conditions for the maintenance of children, as well as uniform requirements for the organization and content of the educational process.

The main task and, accordingly, the main subject of discussion at the present stage of development of Russian preschool education is experience in the field of managing preschool educational institutions from the standpoint of quality and accessibility.

The problem of general accessibility of preschool education is being solved today through the use of internal reserves of the education system, the development of various forms of preschool education, as well as a more flexible system of regimes for children in preschool.

There are many problems in the modern preschool educational institution.

The huge educational resource that early and preschool childhood brings is only a small part used today, but any attempts to take this redoubt "on the spurt" bring nothing but harm and disappointment.

A frivolous attitude to preschool ages turns for children, at best, into irretrievably lost opportunities, and at worst, a deformation of the logic of everything that follows. life path. The latter variant, in particular, inevitably takes place in cases where school methods of teaching are transferred to preschool institutions. Unfortunately, in our reality, developmental deformations are so frequent that ordinary consciousness is already perceived as individual variations of the norm.

Preschool age is a period for the formation in the process of game forms of activity of such abilities as imagination, communication, self-organization, which are so necessary for further education at school.

It is well known in psychology and pedagogy that preschool childhood is not a preparatory stage for school life, but a valuable age period in itself. In this period, the foundations of the human in a person are laid - such universal abilities and properties as creative imagination, imaginative thinking, orientation to the position of another person, the ability to control one's behavior, "social" emotions, and many others. The development of abilities takes place within the framework of specifically "preschool" activities - games, active perception of fairy tales, various forms of artistic creativity, design, etc. The replacement of "preschool" activities with "school" activities can result in the underdevelopment of these abilities and properties, which will be replaced by reading skills, letters and bills.

A preschooler can acquire quite complex knowledge, skills and abilities. But often this happens outside and in addition to educational activity and therefore does not characterize its features in any way. School life is not limited to the assimilation of educational content. It involves the entry of the child into a new system of relationships with other people - teachers and peers, which are built on special laws. School readiness should be understood not only as the achievement by the child of a certain level of intellectual development, but also as the acquisition of a broad and meaningful orientation in the new social situation of development that is taking shape within the educational activity. For this, the necessary prerequisites must be created, which arise in "preschool" activities.

In reforming domestic education, it is important to have an adequate understanding of its background and current state. Otherwise, it is easy to repeat, as it happens with us, old mistakes, mistaking them for new revelations. Let's try to outline its outline.

After the October Revolution, preschool education became part of the state system of public education. In the 20s of the last century in the USSR there were three types of preschool institutions - orphanages for orphans, children's centers serving the children of factory workers, and kindergartens. Children from 3 to 8 years old were admitted to preschool institutions. The purpose of preschool institutions was proclaimed to prepare the child for the development of a materialistic worldview, as well as the development of collectivist skills. Much attention was paid to free children's play with the guiding role of the educator.

In 1927-28 For the first time, the question of establishing unity in the work of all preschool institutions was raised. The tasks of preschool education are the formation of emotions and behavior in accordance with the requirements of communist morality, the inculcation of labor skills, the strengthening of the health of children, and the assimilation of some elementary knowledge by them. These requirements were reflected in the first program of 1932.

In 1936 after sharp criticism from the party of the work of preschool institutions, accused of overestimating the role of the environment in the upbringing of children, the task was set to make the teacher a central figure in the preschool institution. It was this line, which turned into a limitation of the initiative and independence of the child, fixed in the "kindergarten education program" (1962), that received the main development in the "Kindergarten education and training program", in which the activities of not only child, but also a teacher. The curriculum became the core of the process, and the kindergarten approached the school in its fundamental orientation in its work, which fundamentally contradicted the nature and tasks of preschool age. The situation was partly mitigated by psychologists, under whose influence the ideology of the development and protection of mental health gradually took possession of the minds of educators.

In the 1990s the coverage of children by institutions of public preschool education in the Russian Federation amounted to approximately 70%. At the same time, about 1 million parents' applications for admission of children to preschool institutions were not satisfied. In addition, a powerful infrastructure was created in the form of an industry that produced children's clothing, books, toys and other necessary equipment. And, what is very important, a serious scientific (medical, pedagogical and psychological) support for preschool education was established. All these factors played their decisive role at the beginning of perestroika, when domestic education, in principle, turned out to be quite ready for the meaningful implementation of a long overdue reform.

In 1989 The "Concept of preschool education" was created, which determined the key positions for updating the kindergarten. The implementation of this concept required the creation of a legal framework. In 1996 A "temporary regulation on preschool institutions" was adopted, which determined the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their intellectual and personal development, and caring for the emotional well-being of each child as the main functions of a preschool institution. accepted in 1992 the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" determined the legal status of preschool educational institutions, their functions and responsibilities .

To date, the main shift that developed countries are making in the field of early, preschool and school education is associated with the idea of ​​its humanization. A similar process, launched in the 1990s in our country, today threatens to bog down. And this despite the fact that in the foreign scientific and methodological literature on this issue it is difficult to find a serious publication in which, among the main premises, the works of the founder of the domestic psychological and pedagogical school, L.S. Vygotsky, published in the 20-30s of the last century.

Today, preschool psychology and developmental pedagogy have come close to a milestone beyond which significant opportunities for further advancement open up. For domestic science, they are associated, first of all, with studies of personality, communication and objective action, which are carried out in the context of a deeper understanding of the age-related rhythm of development. The results of ongoing research already today allow us to count on a tangible increase in the effectiveness of the preschool educational process while reducing those negative trends in the field of physical and mental health of children that have been observed recently.

Psychocorrection of deviations in children