Alexey Maslov: there is no rigidity in the Bologna educational standard. The November whims of the Niva are compressed, the groves are bare

As a result of the education reform, we have lost a certain fundamentality, considers a member of the Academic Council of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, head of the School of Oriental Studies Alexey Maslov.

The two-level system of education is maximally geared towards the market. But there are things that cannot be sold immediately. Great Britain, Germany, France, within the framework of the Bologna process, managed to maintain a balance between fundamental and applied, we did not.

- Alexey Alexandrovich, Russia has joined the Bologna process in order to fit into the global educational space. To what extent have we succeeded?

We need to start with the fact that we did not fit into the international space in general, but specifically into the European one, because there is also a gigantic Asian space - very uneven, there is an American one. At that time, European things were very important for us.

What did we get? First, a transparent education system. Theoretically, our students could start their studies in Russia and finish their studies in any of the European countries.

- But in practice it already exists?

Of course. For example, many of our students, having received a bachelor's degree, go to a foreign master's program. If it were not for the two-tier system, it would not be entirely clear what to do with the strange five-year education, which does not really fit into this canvas.

Secondly, many universities have received the possibility of double degrees, and they are implementing it quite actively according to the principle: "2 + 2" (two years of study in Russia, two - in a foreign university - for a bachelor's degree) or "1 + 1" - for a master's degree.

The introduction of credit units contributes a lot to integration. They can be obtained at almost any university in the world, and they will be credited as part of a Russian diploma. And vice versa. Thus, we got the opportunity to attract foreign students. For example, I have students in my classes who came from Europe for one semester, or even for one course - personally for me. They receive the appropriate credits (my course costs four credits), receive the appropriate certificate, and this is credited to them as part of their diploma.

We had to tidy up our programs to meet world standards. By switching to the Bologna system, we began to comply with the main global trends. For example, China, which is not formally part of the Bologna system, teaches on the principle of "4 + 2" or "3 + 1", that is, three years - a bachelor's degree, one year - a master's degree. Exactly the same system operates in Hong Kong, where formally there is no Bologna system, but there is a two-level higher school. Today, thanks to loans, we can count not only European diplomas, but, for example, Chinese, Japanese, Hong Kong diplomas.

- Skeptics say that theoretically the possibility has appeared, but they haveundergraduate- three years, and we have four. And that a foreign bachelor comes to us, but we cannot take him to the magistracy. How critical are such roughnesses?

For some reason, Russia believed in rigidity Bologna standard, but there is no rigidity. In the same country, there may be a bachelor's degree for a period of three or four years, depending on the required level of preparation. Everything is tough with us: "4 + 2".

You need to understand that within the framework of one standard, this one Bologna agreement, there are many subsystems. For example, in Germany we have the classic "4 + 2" system, and in Malta, which is very close to Germany, we have "3 + 1". Because, due to historical conditions, it is associated with the once formed British standards. At the same time, in the same Malta, in a number of specialties, the "4 + 2" format still operates.

That is, you do not need to strictly comply. If the academic council or the methodological commission considers that it is necessary to increase the period of study or, on the contrary, reduce it, this should be done. There must be variability. For example, next year the HSE will train orientalists according to the five-year bachelor's standard.

I'll give you another example. In China, there was a "4 + 2" system for a long time, but it turned out that people do not want to study at the university for so long, they want to immediately go to work. Then another stage of higher education appeared - a specialist, 3 years. For some specialties, 4 years is really too long, so they introduced three, and they live normally with it. By the way, after three years, people can go to complete their studies in England or France - in the magistracy.

- And yet, how widespread is this practice in our country, not on the scale of a single HSE, but on a national scale? How often do our students go to study in Europe? Do they come to us?

If we take only inclusive education, when a person, say, studies in Russia for three years, and goes to England for the fourth year, then, unfortunately, it is not very developed in our country. There are objective reasons. Firstly, in Russia there are not yet so many managers of the educational process who can accurately and well negotiate with foreign universities. It lies on the shoulders of students, who sometimes agree, sometimes not. Second, we don't have enough learning process managers to coordinate grades. It is rare that programs completely coincide. For example, a course in macroeconomics and a course in institutional economics can replace each other or not? After all, formally these are different courses, and to correlate them is a special skill. We don't have many people who can do this.

Among other things, you need to understand that studying abroad is not a walk. As a rule, European universities have strict requirements. Many Russian students are not familiar with them. They expect to just go to rest, listen to something, and often return ahead of time.

Now such inclusive trips to China are quite widely practiced, where very little is required from students. At the same time, countries where everything is quite tough, for example, the UK, where, moreover, you have to pay for it, are not very popular.

It makes sense to go to another country, first of all, to those courses that, for some reason, are worse represented in Russia. And vice versa. For example, I teach the course "Russia in Asia". Obviously, in Russia it is read better than in any other country. That is, most often they go to the country for a specific teacher or course. But the fact is that somewhere in our subcortex it is laid down that education is an absolutely free thing. Many people are not ready to pay for a month or half a year of education in another country, not so much financially as psychologically.

In addition, people who have studied not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world, have almost no competitive advantages in the Russian market. Then the question arises: why spend money and time on a trip to Germany, if it is unlikely to add competitiveness. At the same time, in the UK or France, such things are highly valued, and they play a role both in finding a job and when applying from a bachelor's degree to a master's degree.

- Are there any figures: how many students today use the opportunities provided by the Bologna process?

It all depends on the specialty and the university. Orientalists travel the most: 40-50% of students go abroad for a year. Almost constantly, students travel for short periods: a month, six months. Quite widespread are such trips for international relations, and in general for the humanities. Slightly less mobile social sciences, for example, economics. And very few representatives of the scientific and technical sector leave.

- What is the reason for this?

Perhaps the closeness of technical sciences has come to us since the days of the Soviet Union. But there are exceptions. Some Russian universities encourage students to take international trips. This is the Higher School of Economics, from the technical ones - Baumanka and MISiS. But outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, only 10% of students, or even less, get the opportunity for inclusive education. The fact is that this process is mutual, but Russia itself very rarely invites foreign students, if we are not talking about metropolitan universities. We have brilliant universities with a high level of training and infrastructure, which, unfortunately, the world does not know about - Far Eastern Federal University, Siberian Federal University. They, in my opinion, are underestimated by world markets, so the student exchange system does not work there.

- To what extent has the openness of the educational space affected the brain drain?

Affected. In recent years, the number of students who went to study abroad and stayed there has grown by 10-15%. We must understand that a person who goes to study abroad expects to find a more promising job in the future. And the issue of brain drain is not about the openness of education, but rather about the attractiveness of the labor market.

- From our conversation with you, we can conclude that we have succeeded in something in terms of integration into the international education system. Now let's talk about at what cost?

In my opinion, as a result of the education reform, we have lost a certain fundamentality. In general, the two-tier education system is tuned to the maximum adjustment to the market, which is very correct. This makes it easier for a person to get Good work. But there are things that cannot be sold immediately - everything related to fundamental mathematics, physics, and in general, the exact sciences, the study of philology or history. It is difficult to maintain a balance between fundamental and applied sciences, but there are countries that successfully coped with this within the framework of the Bologna process: Great Britain, Germany, France. As for Russia, we have lighter demands, and we have lost fundamentality.

During the reform in some universities, the transition from the five-year plan to the "4 + 2" system was mechanical. In fact, at the beginning of the reform, it was the Soviet education system, which was simply cut into two parts. That is, they took and "cut off" the first four years from the program, which was impossible for a sustainable system of training in a number of sciences, especially technical ones. Now the Ministry of Education is correcting errors, new standards "3++" are being adopted. But we must understand that at the initial stage, hundreds of thousands of people were trained according to these standards, and someone, of course, remained uneducated.

- We are talking about the education reform as the Bologna process, but the USE is also a part of this reform. Often criticism falls on her. They say that everything worked out abroad, but not here. What did we do wrong?

Let's calculate how long the USE has been introduced abroad! In many countries, the system has been operating for decades, they have long managed to fill their bumps. When this process began in Taiwan, there were, in fact, the same distortions. Although, Europe, of course, approached the exam very smoothly.

Another point for which the USE is criticized is coaching instead of training. In fact, this practice exists in many countries, only it is placed in a separate layer. For example, in China, if a child wants to go to university, he studies 11 classes, if not - 10. In England, there is also something similar - the so-called "A" level, in which students are prepared for such an exam. When we say that children are simply trained to answer questions, this is more likely a lack of teacher training, and not the USE.

Finally, look at how the exam questions have changed, how the system has improved. However, I am sure that all these shortcomings could have been avoided. It's just that at that time the system was left to the mercy of several groups that blinded something literally on their knees. Now it's being corrected. Due to the size of our country, I see no other way but to hone the exam to perfection.

- Obviously inMinobrealso come to this. The department is ready to returnspecialtyin a number of areas of training, as stated by Minister Olga Vasilyeva. The same metamorphoses are taking place with the Unified State Examination: leaving tests, returning essays, oral exams in a number of subjects. All this is an attempt to roll back?

Now, as I understand it, there is no talk of abolishing the existing system. We need to develop within the existing framework.

In Russia, the education system, unlike the Western one, has always been very "regulated". Since someone said "4 + 2", it cannot be otherwise. However, now there is a transition to more flexible positions. And that is what will ultimately bring results.

- This flexibility that you are talking about, where does it come from?

We have a group of universities - these are federal universities and research institutes that can independently determine the standards of education for their students. This applies, among other things, to Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. In addition, federal universities have greater flexibility, which can adopt their own internal standards. For everyone else there is a single educational standard. It is being developed by educational and methodological associations that work in close contact with the Ministry of Education. By tradition, all state standards in our country should be "combed" for a single amount of hours and loans. But the further, the less mandatory is prescribed in these standards. For example, before all courses were prescribed from and to, but now there are many variations - at the choice of the university. And, besides, it is no longer the names of the courses that are prescribed, but the areas of training within which these courses are taught.

From a formal point of view, everything has already been worked out. It is necessary to deal specifically with the content of education, gradually restore scientific schools, and it does not have to be mathematics or physics. It is not necessary to measure education only by the current needs of the market. It is important to understand that a person who comes to study with you will leave in five, six, or even eight years, and during this time a lot can change.

In addition, I believe that it is necessary to abandon the completely senseless race for international ratings, publications in Web of Science and Scopus. It only exhausts the universities, while it does not reflect the real situation in science at all. It would be more correct to stimulate the creation of joint Russian-foreign studies, joint journals, in which Russia would play an important role. This will be the very integration we are striving for.

Anna Semenets

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  • The personality of P.P. Blonsky

    Few people know the name of Pavel Petrovich Blonsky today. But he is one of the largest and brightest figures in the galaxy of domestic teachers of innovators of the 1920s. Among those who supported the Soviet government, he willingly agreed to cooperate with Nakompros and entered the narrow circle of teachers who created the first state curricula, it was distinguished by a number of special features. Among them, one can single out, first of all, a clear awareness of the importance of one's activity, genuine education, the broadest erudition, a deep knowledge of philosophy, psychology, physiology, and pedagogy. But also, undoubtedly, a sharp character, impatience and intolerance. What circumstances formed this bright and ambiguous nature? Blonsky himself was convinced that all character traits personality can be deduced from the characteristics of its development in childhood - this credo fully applies to him. He was born on May 14, 1884 in Kyiv into a poor noble family, complex in its national roots. One of his grandfather was a Spaniard, another Pole, one grandmother was Russian, the other was Ukrainian. By the way, Pavel Petrovich himself liked this mixture very much.

    Philosophical and psychological ideas of P.P. Blonsky

    The Department of Philosophy and Psychology was assigned to the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Kyiv University, where he began his scientific activity Blonsky. The lectures of professors of philosophy A.N. Gilyarov and G.I. Chelpanov. Under the influence of Gilyarov, he became interested ancient philosophy, especially the theory of Plotinus, who became his favorite thinker. Philosophical views He chose Plotinus as the topic of his master's thesis, seeing in them the basis of all modern idealistic philosophy.

    After the revolution, academic degrees were abolished, and Blonsky did not defend his dissertation. His book The Philosophy of Plotinus was published in 1918. The greatest Neoplatonist philosopher A. Losev wrote that this work opened the era of a new understanding of Platonism. Blonsky often quoted Plotinus in his lectures up to recent years life.

    No less important in his fate was his acquaintance with Chelpanov. Blonsky worked under his direction in a psychological seminar. It was Chelpanov who facilitated his move from Kyiv to Moscow, where Blonsky became his graduate student at Moscow University. For his kind attitude and participation, Blonsky was grateful to him all his life, although later they finally parted, primarily for political reasons. Blonsky, who insisted that psychology should be rebuilt on the basis of Marxism, considered it fair to dismiss Chelpanov from the Psychological Institute he had created.

    The first years of life in Moscow were very difficult for Blonsky, primarily in material terms. Therefore, he begins teaching activities. The transition from “pure science” to practical work as a teacher was rather forced, but this activity provided the necessary livelihood, and he had to teach not only psychology, but also pedagogy.

    This work brought Blonsky to new people, zemstvo teachers, selflessly devoted to their work. The desire to help them in difficult activities stimulated the search for original pedagogical ideas, ways to build a new school. It is these questions that will become the most important for Blonsky in a few years, for the first time in the post-revolutionary years. So gradually, from studies that began only for the sake of earning money, a new interest grew, which determined all the further activities of the scientist.

    Blonsky Shatsky personality pedagogical activity

    Pedagogical activity of P.P. Blonsky

    To build a new school, reorganize curricula, develop new methods of teaching children, not only pedagogical, but also psychological and philosophical knowledge, and this work itself was considered by Blonsky as a continuation of his previous propaganda and educational work. From his point of view, the formation of a new school was the basis for the development of a new society.

    During this period (1912-1916) Blonsky's first articles appeared in the press. Dissatisfaction with the activities of the Moscow Psychological Society and the content of the journal "Problems of Philosophy and Psychology", which he considered divorced from reality and focused mainly on idealistic and religious philosophy and psychology, led him to cooperate with both the pedagogical and journalistic press.

    In 1922, Blonsky was attracted by N.K. Krupskaya to compiling curricula for the school. Joint work with Krupskaya in the Scientific and Pedagogical Section of the State Academic Council (GUS) had a great influence on Blonsky, largely determined the evolution of his views in the direction of Marxism.

    In the harsh years of the civil war, Blonsky worked actively, wrote such major works as Labor School (1919), Reform of Science (1920), Essay scientific psychology"(1921). From 1918 to 1930, over a hundred works came out from under his pen. Among them are the first Soviet textbooks for secondary and higher education. His articles have been published in the USA and Germany. According to Professor N.A. Rybnikova, “P.P. Blonsky of this period was the most widely read author, with whom no other modern pedagogue can be compared in terms of success.

    The personality of S.T. Shatsky

    Stanislav Teofilovich Shatsky belonged to the teachers for whom theory and practice were inextricably linked and complemented each other. It is impossible to propagate an idea without first testing its value and vitality in practice, Shatsky argued. Therefore, all Shatsky's activities bear the seal of the deep unity of his ideas and their practical implementation. As later A.S. world, but in fact discredited pedagogy.

    Shatsky, man high culture, who spoke several foreign languages, was alien to national and class limitations. He was always aware of domestic and foreign pedagogy, often traveled abroad and willingly used its best examples in the practice of the First Experimental Station.

    Philosophical and psychological ideas of S.T. Shatsky

    The scientific approach to pedagogy, according to Shatsky's views, begins where education is built on the basis of the learned facts of the impact of the environment, where the roots of conflict situations that have arisen at school are sought not only in the life of children's groups, but also in the surrounding social environment.

    Shatsky divided all the factors influencing the formation of a child into natural - primary and social - secondary. He attributed light, heat, air, raw food, soil, plant and animal environment, and others to natural factors. To socio-economic - tools, tools, materials, budget and organization of the economy and others. To social factors - housing, food, clothing, speech, billing, customs, typical judgments, social system.

    Shatsky himself wrote that his system of factors does not claim to be complete or accurate. He needed it as a working hypothesis for considering pedagogical phenomena.

    This is Shatsky's general idea of ​​the impact factors social environment on the personality of the child, which the teacher must take into account in his work. In the views and activities of Shatsky, his desire to rely on educational work on the factors of influence of the environment on the personality, the struggle for the creation of conditions conducive to the physical and spiritual development children.

    Shatsky notes: “The leaders of the school, not satisfied with the formulation of school affairs, in which children mainly passively perceive school science, working almost exclusively with memory, not satisfied with such training, which is not characteristic of the nature of the child, sought to give students, in addition to mental, physical and artistic work." He also notes that the child acquires knowledge more firmly and deeper if he himself depicts, as best he can, those phenomena or makes those objects about which he is told, in this way, both vision, and hearing, and muscles are systematically exercised in him, some skills to work and develop creative abilities.

    The authority of elders is valid, useful and high only when there is no coercive element in it. Children should feel confidence in themselves from adults, and adults need the authority not of strength, but of knowledge, experience and love for children.

    Pedagogical activity of S.T. Shatsky

    In 1906, Shatsky organized the Settlement society, whose main goal was to raise the cultural level of the population. But in 1908 it was closed by the police for propaganda of socialism among children. B next year Shatsky and his associates create the society "Children's Labor and Recreation". In 1911, the Society opened a children's summer labor colony "Cheerful Life". In this colony every summer lived 60-80 boys and girls who were engaged in the clubs of the society "Children's Labor and Recreation". The basis of life in the colony was physical labor: cooking, self-service, landscaping, work in the garden, in the garden, in the field, in the barnyard. Free time allotted to games, reading, conversations, staging performances, improvisations, music lessons, singing. Analyzing the experience of the colony, Shatsky concluded that physical labor has an organizing influence on the life of the children's team. The innovative nature of the first out-of-school institutions was due to the noble motives of their founders, as well as new pedagogical views on the problems of raising children.

    In May 1919, Shatsky organized, on the basis of the institutions of the "Children's Labor and Recreation" society, experimental institutions of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, which constituted the First Experimental Station for Public Education. She worked with children, organized joint work of the school and the population in raising children, and was engaged in research activities. Shatsky made a significant contribution to the development of issues of the content of education in the school and to increase the role of the lesson as the main form of educational work. Under the leadership of Shatsky, methods of pedagogical research were developed - a socio-pedagogical experiment, observation, and a survey.

    Comparison of the pedagogical systems of Blonsky and Shatsky

    The works of P. P. Blonsky and S. T. Shatsky were of great importance for the development of the theory of communist education. Considering education as an integral process, P. P. Blonsky saw its main function in stimulating the development of the individual. “... Education,” he wrote in the article “On the Most Typical Pedagogical Mistakes in the Organization of a Labor School,” “should not be processing, not polishing, but internal stimulation of the development of the child.” P. P. Blonsky saw the significance of socialist pedagogy in the fact that it educates the worker - creator - builder, it is a culture of vigorous activity, ingenuity and creativity.

    According to S. T. Shatsky, the main thing in the educational process is its unity. In the article "The Coming School" he wrote: "... it would be natural to consider that these three elements of pedagogical activity - method, program, organization - should be built in such a way that one follows from the other and thus an idea of ​​the unity of the educational process would be obtained" .

    Thus, in the works of P. P. Blonsky and S. T. Shatsky great importance was given to such an organization of the pedagogical process, which ensures the active interaction of educators and educatees.

    If we compare the pedagogical systems of S.T. Shatsky and P.P. Blonsky, they will reveal a lot in common: the priority for them was the personality of the child, a respectful attitude towards her and his interests. The fundamental basis of the pedagogical system that unites them is humanism, manifested primarily in the great faith in the enormous possibilities and creative powers of the child and determined in setting the goal of pedagogical activity as a comprehensive and harmonious development of his personality. The idea of ​​comprehensive and harmonious development of the child as the goal of upbringing and education is fundamental in the pedagogical systems of teachers - innovators of the 20s and 30s of the XX century.

    November is the last month of autumn. Perhaps it is the rainiest and most depressing for nature. In any case, in Russia it is. In Togliatti, for example, where I live.

    They say that all poets treat autumn in a special way, poets are sad, but at the same time they can write a lot about rain, about puddles, about what they see, and what resonates with their tender souls, who are able to give the world beauty in words.

    I myself write poetry, as many already know. I feel good about autumn: not as hot as it can be in summer, not as cold as it happens in our Samara region in January and February. I don’t feel particularly sad at this time of the year, I don’t get depressed, but I repeat the song about how “nature has no bad weather” all the time, so I try not to grow old and not drive the summer of life to its logical conclusion.

    I think this is a stable social stereotype - to mope in the fall, and hibernate in the winter in order to wake up in the spring, drive off all the fat and undress in the summer to the possible decency (depending on the area), and - to the beach. People also like to wander through the forests, through the fields, go to resorts. Finally, there is such a thing as summer residents, who are always positive, ready, as long as there is warmth, poking around in the beds, sitting under a tree in the shade and merging with nature.

    So, autumn. November. The next summer is still far away, but poems are still being written, people are worried about this and are unhappy with the rainfall and the gloomy, as it seems to them, sky. Walking on the Internet, I, a great lover of poetry, accidentally stumbled upon a Russian-speaking poet, or rather a poetess, who interested me. Read the following poem, November - it seemed to me very relevant.

    Svetlana Moiseeva

    November is crying...

    November is crying like a stray cat

    Since summer, living in a dark basement,

    A cold paw scratches at the window -

    Everything is hopeless: they will hardly open ...

    Deafly battened triple frames,

    Curtains like tightly closed eyelids

    And the alleys are empty like a bowl...

    How deceived November in man!

    Gold leaves lay on the paths,

    Wisely treated fatigue with the first snow -

    They're running now. He is a stray cat

    Freezes in the basement. Not long left...

    And here is my reader's opinion on the poem of the poetess Svetlana Moiseeva. I won't say that I didn't like it. I also do not want to write banal laudatory comments, it is better to be honest and to the point. I think the author will understand me.

    I read the above sad lines several times, even recited them aloud, because this is the only way to hear the music of poetry. A dirty, hungry cat appeared to me with a sign on the side: "November." She runs around the deserted city, but she is not allowed anywhere. In the summer she felt better: she lived in a dark basement and, apparently, enjoyed life.

    Now she is completely hopeless, or rather this cat named November. Cold, hungry, the person does not want to let into the house. And the cat is disappointed by people, he is cruelly deceived. And freezes in the basement. The last phrase is like a shot in the temple of the poor fellow cat: "Not long left ..."

    Like this oil painting, as Mark Gotsman said in the television series Liquidation. I don’t mind the author grieving over bad weather, I just don’t understand why this autumn despair should be expressed in verse and shared with readers? I was very taken with this idea. After all, for poets, even if there is sadness in poetry, it is always bright! Maybe I don’t understand something, but now I’m arguing not as a poet, but as a simple reader who came to the well to get drunk in the heat, but picked up rotten water in a bucket.

    The last quatrain especially “pleased” me. Some questions ... Well, firstly, the phrase "gold of leaves", it is so often found in poems by everyone who is not lazy (and after all, someone once composed it, I wonder who?), what is here, it seems to me , you could come up with something of your own, original.

    And that's okay, it's not as scary as using the classic rhyme "cat - window." Phrase “Wisely treated fatigue with the first snow”- completely confused: what does the author mean? Cat-November wisely heals a person’s fatigue with the first snow, and he drives him out of the doorway. Oh, really sad...

    That is OK. The main thing is that the guys do not grow old with their hearts. It's just that these verses touched the living. It's November, winter is coming. Cats after reading it became even more sorry. We have an elderly woman in our yard, apparently very lonely, she feeds stray cats in the mornings and evenings, they run to her with joyful squeals and growls, seeing her heavy gait from afar.

    Alexander Tenenbaum

    One beautiful summer day, the young poet Ivan Podushkin arrived in the capital of his beloved homeland from the beautiful Ryazan village on a fast-footed cast-iron train in order to look at the life of city people, admire the beauty of many museums of great Moscow, and also meet with the then-famous poet Bologna, who in his poems he glorified the realm of love and beauty. Ivan wanted to read some of his poems to him and hear about them the opinion of a person who knows quite a lot in the field of poetry and art. His creative destiny depended on the opinion of Bologna. He decided that if Bologna spoke commendably about his work, then he would continue to write poetry, become a poet who loves his native land, will burn in the fire of fiery, poetic feelings, if not, then farewell to the enchanting world of poetry, the ocean of combination divine sounds and words. For a creative person hovering in a transcendental land of fantasy, there is nothing better than hearing the sound of an ocean of sounds and words that completely fill the soul, and you cannot sleep peacefully until you splash out everything that you feel on a white sheet of paper, which serves as a clear friend to the poet in the moment of his spiritual insights
    Ivan came to Moscow for only a few days. He camped for the night in an old railway station hotel, which fascinated him with antiquity. Seeing her, Ivan said to himself: “Our life is really short. It seems that a person lives on this earth for only a few minutes, and not for many years. That is how it is. Once in this hotel lived people who have not been in this world for a long time. They live only in the memory of their friends and relatives. They also dreamed about something, fell in love, suffered, laughed and thought. In a word, they lived. They were people just like us. Some of them, with their talent, love for the whole world, preaching the ideals of kindness, showed us that this world is beautiful, and they forever entered our lives as people whose altruism knew no bounds. I also want to live my whole life with love for people and for this bottomless endless sky, on which snow-white clouds float like ships on the surface of the sea. I love this world with green meadows, dense forests, cheerful streams, yellow fields and wide steppes. I love Rus'! I will serve her forever!”
    His room was located on the second floor of a dilapidated hotel. From the windows there was a view of the station and a joyful summer sky. The room was very clean and comfortable, despite the wretchedness of all the interior decoration. Ivan liked her. He left his suitcase in the room and immediately went on the metropolitan metro to visit Bologna, who lived not far from Red Square. He learned the address from the large telephone book of his old and kind grandfather Athanasius. On the way, he was very nervous, because his poetic fate was being decided. He was also afraid that he would not find him at home or that he had gone on a wandering trip. Ivan did not notice anyone, he was in a world of anxieties and worries. He hoped that the great poet of Russia would like his poems and that he would be able to continue to create. After all, he cannot live without poetry.
    Finally, he was already standing at the door of the poet's apartment and did not muster up the courage to ring the doorbell. But still, after a few minutes, he managed to overcome himself and pressed the doorbell. Now all he had to do was wait. And the wait was short. The door was opened to him by a man whose poetry he adored and admired. In the hallway stood a man, 32 years old, of average height, with sky blue eyes, rather thin and clearly not athletic. His name was Nicholas of Bologna. He was wearing a long dressing gown, right hand he kept a small volume of Pushkin's poems.
    Come in, please, young poet! I will be glad to consider you my guest - said Bolonsky
    How did you know that I want to be a poet? - Ivan asked with surprise.
    I see right through human soul- answered Bologna and once again invited him to come into the apartment.
    I humbly thank you - Ivan said and finally went into the apartment. He looked very confused.
    Bologna closed front door and invited young man go to the living room. Ivan followed him. His heart began to beat even faster, he was trembling all over, like a cowardly hare. It even seemed to him that he was about to lose consciousness. The unfortunate Ivan was very worried.
    Bolonsky sat down in his favorite armchair and placed the volume of poetry on a small table next to the armchair. Ivan sat down on a wooden chair across from him. There was silence in the large and bright room. They looked into each other's eyes and were silent. Two poetic souls met in a world ruled, unfortunately, by money and cruelty.
    Bologna spoke first. Ivan was still in a state of nervous fear and could not even say a word.
    I would like to hear your poems my dear friend. Please read something to me - Bologna said in an affectionate and gentle voice. He understood the state of his pen brother.
    After these words, Ivan caught fire in his chest. His fear is gone. He got up from his chair, took out a crumpled piece of paper from his jacket pocket, brought it to his eyes and before starting to read said: “The verse is called Stars. I wrote it on one moonlit, starry night. I admire the beauty of the stars shining in the sky. I adore the beauty of nature and do not understand how many people on earth admire luxury cars and expensive houses and do not pay attention to the pristine beauty of our mother nature at all. Philistine often captures the inhabitants of the earth in their networks, and they often cannot get out of the monotonous routine of life. In our time, industry and technology are developing at a rapid pace, but, unfortunately, few people care about the world of poetry, philosophy, and art. So in my verse, I wanted to show people the beauty of the stars, which for me are luminous rays of happiness and goodness. Excuse me, dear Nikolai Bolonsky, for my long speech. Now I will read you my verse”
    Ivan began to read his poem with great love for his creation. He read it with a soul that sincerely loves nature and man, as an inseparable and important part of nature. Here is his verse:
    Eternal wanderers of the night sky
    Bringing joy to many people around the world
    The brightness of the light of the native, holy
    In the circle of motions of live ether.

    Starlight at a cold night
    Wandering in space full of mysteries
    Knowing that in his excellent life
    They want nothing but happiness.

    Beloved stars, mute stars
    Breathe sweet, beautiful freedom.
    Beloved stars, mute stars
    Look at the earth with passionate love

    Bologna listened to him very attentively. I followed the intonation of his voice, listened to the rhythm of the verse, looked into Ivan's eyes, in which joy and happiness were visible. Bolonsky realized that Ivan could become a good poet if he worked incessantly. After all, in our world without the application of effort, labor, it is impossible to achieve your goal.
    After Ivan finished reading his verse, Bologna said:
    I liked your poem, but to become a real poet you have to work hard. I don't think you should stop writing poetry. My friend you have potential, and maybe one day you will become a great poet and become famous for a century. You kind person. Stay like this for the rest of your life.
    Thank you very much. Know that I have been and always will be a fan of your talent. Once again, I humbly thank you - Ivan said joyfully.
    At this moment of joy and happiness of the young poet, the phone rang in another room. Bologna reluctantly got up from his chair and went to answer the phone. Ivan did not hear what he was talking about with someone, so he was not at all interested in it. He saw in front of him new poems that he was going to write in the near future. Ivan was in a state that is familiar only to creative individuals with a very subtle, sensual soul. For a poet, the most important thing is his feelings. A man without feelings is just a callous cracker.
    Bolonsky again returned to Ivan and said that guests were coming to him and the young poet would have to leave him. At parting, a slender, brown-eyed, handsome village boy hugged him tightly. He thanked me again, shook hands in farewell, and went to his station hotel. It was already getting dark outside, a light robber breeze blew, the kings of the air birds were still flying across the sky, nature breathed freshness and silence. Ivan's soul was light. Bologna did not smash his hopes to smithereens, but rather helped him get closer to his most precious dream of becoming a real singer of nature, goodness and beauty. The poet always feels his connection with the world around him, he is a part of it and therefore cannot but reflect in his poems that interests the people of their native country and the entire globe.
    A few years later, Ivan Podushkin became a famous poet. His poems were bought up not only in Russia, but also abroad. All his poetry is imbued with humanism, love for nature and the mysterious, blue-eyed sky. He reflected in it what interests and worries every inhabitant of the earth.
    He became a real poet with a sensitive heart and a very kind soul. Ivan Podushkin will never be forgotten by mankind. He will forever shine to his people radiant light kindness. He became a star that will always burn in the sky of our lives. His dream came true. Now Ivan Podushkin can proudly call himself a poet.

    I present to you a selection poems about autumn for children. They will tell children about the beauty of nature and its changes at this time of the year. Poems for autumn very beautiful, they are able to convey the autumn mood to both children and adults. You will find poems about each autumn month - September, October and November. In this collection, the poems are quite long, for older children. And for kids, you can pick up a poem from. Also, to get to know autumn, children can be offered and.


    Someone with yellow paint

    Painted the forests

    For some reason they became

    Below the sky

    Blazed brighter

    Tassels of rowan.

    All flowers withered

    Only fresh wormwood.

    I asked my dad:

    - What happened all of a sudden?

    And dad answered:

    It's autumn, friend.

    (N. Antonova)


    autumn days,

    large puddles in the garden.

    The last leaves

    cold wind whirls.

    There are yellow leaves,

    the leaves are red.

    Let's put it in a bag

    we are different leaves!

    It will be beautiful in the room

    Mom will thank us.

    (O. Vysotskaya)

    To school

    Yellow leaves are flying
    The day is merry.
    Leading a kindergarten
    Kids to school.

    Our flowers have bloomed
    The birds are flying.
    - You are going for the first time
    Study in first grade.

    sad dolls sit
    On an empty terrace.
    Our fun kindergarten
    Remember in class.

    Remember the garden
    A river in the far field...
    We are also in a year
    We will be with you at school.

    The suburban train has departed,
    Rushing past the windows ...
    - They promised well
    The best way to learn!

    (Z. Alexandrova)

    autumn morning

    The yellow maple looks out into the lake,
    Waking up at dawn.
    During the night the ground froze
    All hazel in silver.

    The belated ginger is squirming,
    A broken branch is pressed.
    On his chilled skin
    Drops of light tremble.

    Silence frightening disturbing
    In a sensitively dormant forest,
    Moose roam cautious,
    They gnaw at the bitter bark.

    Various birds have flown
    Their sonorous rehashing is silent.
    And the mountain ash celebrates autumn,
    Wearing red beads.

    (O. Vysotskaya)

    In the woods

    Leaves swirl over the path.
    The forest is transparent and crimson ...
    It's good to roam with a basket
    Along the edges and glades!

    We go and under our feet
    A rustle of gold is heard.
    Smells like wet mushrooms
    Smells like forest freshness.

    And behind the foggy haze
    A river glitters in the distance.
    Spread on the glades
    Autumn yellow silks.

    Through the needles a cheerful beam
    I penetrated into the thicket of the spruce forest.
    Good for wet trees
    Remove the elastic boletus!

    On the mounds of handsome maples
    Scarlet burst into flames ...
    How many saffron milk caps
    We'll collect in a day in the grove!

    Autumn walks through the forests.
    There is no better time than this...
    And in baskets we carry away
    Forests are generous gifts.
    (A. Bologna)


    Covers a golden leaf
    Wet ground in the forest...
    I boldly trample with my foot
    Spring forest beauty.

    Cheeks burn with cold;
    I like to run in the forest,
    Hear the branches crack
    Rake the leaves with your feet!

    I have no former pleasures here!
    The forest has taken a secret from itself:
    The last nut is plucked
    Tied the last flower;

    Moss is not raised, not blown up
    A pile of curly mushrooms;
    Doesn't hang around the stump
    Purple lingonberry brushes;

    Long lies on the leaves
    The nights are frosty, and through the forest
    Looks cold somehow
    Clear skies...

    Leaves rustle under foot;
    Death spreads its harvest...
    Only I have a cheerful soul
    And like crazy, I sing!

    I know, not without reason among the mosses
    I tore an early snowdrop;
    Down to autumn colors
    Every flower I have met.

    What the soul told them
    What did they say to her?
    I remember, breathing happiness,
    In winter nights and days!
    Leaves rustle underfoot...
    Death spreads its harvest!
    Only I am cheerful in soul -
    And like crazy, I sing!

    (A. Maykov)


    little bunny
    On a damp valley
    Before the eyes were amused
    White flowers...

    burst into tears in autumn
    thin blades,
    Paws are advancing
    On yellow leaves.

    Gloomy, rainy
    Autumn has come,
    Removed all the cabbage
    Nothing to steal.

    The poor bunny is jumping
    Near the wet pines
    Scary in the paws of the wolf
    Gray to get ...

    Thinking about summer
    presses his ears,
    Squinting at the sky -
    Can't see the sky...

    Just to be warmer
    Just to dry...
    Very unpleasant
    Walk on water!

    (A. Blok)


    Rain, rain
    All day
    Drumming on glass.
    The whole earth
    All earth
    Wet from water.

    Howling, howling
    Outside the window
    Disgruntled wind.
    He wants to tear down the door
    From creaky hinges.

    Wind, wind, don't knock
    In the locked passage;
    Let them burn in our oven
    Hot logs.

    Hands reach for warmth
    The glasses are misted up.
    On the wall
    And on the floor
    Shadows danced.

    Gather at my place
    listen to a fairy tale
    At the fire!

    (Ya Akim)

    What will autumn bring us?

    What will autumn bring us?
    What will autumn bring us?
    — Ruddy apples, sweet honey,
    Ruddy apples, sweet honey!

    What will autumn bring us?
    What will autumn bring us?
    A vegetable garden full of different vegetables
    A vegetable garden full of vegetables!

    What will autumn bring us?
    What will autumn bring us?
    Golden bread for the whole year,
    Golden bread for the whole year!

    (L. Nekrasova)

    Joke about Shura

    leaf fall, leaf fall,
    All the link rushed to the garden,
    Shura came running.

    Leaves (hear?) rustle:
    Shurochka, Shurochka...

    A shower of leaves lacy
    Rustles about her alone:
    Shurochka, Shurochka...

    Three leaves swept,
    Approached the teacher
    - Things are going well!
    (I'm working, mind you, they say,
    Praise Shurochka,
    Shurochka, Shurochka ...)

    How the link works
    Shura doesn't care
    Just to point out
    Whether in the classroom, in the newspaper,
    Shurochka, Shurochka...

    leaf fall, leaf fall,
    The garden is buried in leaves,
    Leaves rustle sadly
    Shurochka, Shurochka...

    (Agniya Barto)

    Uncompressed strip

    Late fall. The rooks flew away
    The forest is bare, the fields are empty,

    Only one strip is not compressed ...
    She makes a sad thought.

    It seems that the ears whisper to each other:
    We are bored listening to the autumn blizzard,

    It's boring to bend down to the ground,
    Fat grains bathed in dust!

    We are being ruined by the villages every night
    Every flying gluttonous bird,

    The hare tramples us, and the storm beats us ...
    Where is our plowman? what else is waiting for?

    Or are we born worse than others?
    Or unfriendly blossomed-eared?

    Not! we are no worse than others - and for a long time
    Grain has been poured and ripened in us.

    Not for the same he plowed and sowed
    So that the autumn wind will dispel us? .. "

    The wind brings them a sad answer:
    “Your plowman has no urine.

    He knew why he plowed and sowed,
    Yes, he started the work beyond his strength.

    Poor poor fellow - does not eat or drink,
    The worm sucks his sick heart,

    The hands that brought these furrows,
    They dried up to a chip, hung like whips.

    Like on a plow, leaning on your hand,
    The plowman thoughtfully walked in a lane.

    (N. Nekrasov)


    Like a sad look, I love autumn.
    On a foggy, quiet day I walk
    I often go to the forest and sit there -
    I look at the white sky
    Yes, to the tops of dark pines.
    I love, biting a sour leaf,
    With a lazy smile,
    Dream to do whimsical
    Yes, listen to woodpeckers thin whistle.
    The grass withered all ... cold,
    A calm brilliance is poured over her ...
    And sadness is quiet and free
    I surrender with all my heart...
    What can't I remember? What kind
    My dreams won't visit me?
    And the pines bend as if alive,
    And so thoughtfully noisy ...
    And like a flock of huge birds,
    Suddenly the wind will blow
    And in the boughs tangled and dark
    He hums impatiently.

    (I. Turgenev)


    How good were sometimes spring bliss -
    And the soft freshness of green grasses,
    And leaves fragrant young shoots
    On the branches of the quivering awakened oak forests,
    And the day is a luxurious and warm radiance,
    And bright colors gentle fusion!
    But you are closer to the heart, autumn tides,
    When a tired forest on the soil of a compressed field
    With a whisper, it blows away the old sheets,
    And the sun later from the desert height,
    The despondency of the bright is fulfilled, looks ...
    So peaceful memory silently illuminates
    And past happiness and past dreams.

    (N. Ogarev)

    Late autumn

    Late autumn
    I love the Tsarskoye Selo garden
    When he is quiet half-dark,
    As if in a nap, embraced

    And white-winged visions
    On the dim lake glass
    In some bliss of numbness
    They stagnate in this semi-darkness ...

    And on the porphyry steps
    Catherine's palaces
    Dark shadows fall
    October early evenings -

    And the garden darkens like an oak tree,
    And under the stars from the darkness of the night,
    Like a reflection of a glorious past
    The golden dome comes out ...
    (F. Tyutchev)

    Glorious autumn

    Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
    The air invigorates tired forces;
    The ice is fragile on the icy river
    As if melting sugar lies;

    Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
    You can sleep - peace and space!
    The leaves have not faded yet,
    Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

    Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
    Clear, quiet days...
    There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
    And moss swamps, and stumps -

    All is well under the moonlight
    Everywhere I recognize my dear Rus' ...
    I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
    I think my mind...

    (N. Nekrasov)


    Autumn has come; bad weather
    Rushing in the clouds from the seas;
    The face of nature sullen,
    The view of bare fields is not cheerful;
    The forests are dressed in blue darkness,
    Fog walks over the earth
    And darkens the light of the eyes.
    Everything dies, cooled down;
    The space gave turned black;
    Wrinkled his eyebrows white day;
    The rains poured incessantly;
    To the people in the neighbors settled
    Longing and sleep, blues and laziness.
    So it’s like the old man’s illness is boring;
    That's right for me too
    Always watery and boring
    Foolish empty talk.

    (A. Koltsov)

    The sheets trembled, flying around

    The sheets trembled, flying around,
    The clouds of the sky covered the beauty
    From the field a storm bursting evil
    Vomits and mosques and howls in the forest.

    Only you, my dear bird,
    Barely visible in a warm nest,
    Svetlogruda, light, small,
    Not afraid of the storm alone.

    And the roll call thunders,
    And the noisy haze is so black...
    Only you, my dear bird,
    Barely visible in a warm nest.
    (A. Fet)

    The swallows are gone...

    The swallows are gone
    And yesterday dawn
    All the rooks flew
    Yes, like a network, flickered
    Over that mountain.

    In the evening everyone sleeps
    It's dark outside.
    The leaf falls dry
    At night the wind is angry
    Yes, knock on the window.

    It would be better if snow and blizzard
    Happy to meet you!
    As if in fear
    Shouting out to the south
    The cranes are flying.

    You will leave - willy-nilly
    It's hard - even cry!
    Look across the field
    Jumps like a ball.

    (A. Fet)

    Tired all around

    Tired all around: tired and the color of heaven,
    And the wind, and the river, and the month that was born,
    And the night, and in the greenery of the dull sleeping forest,
    And the yellow leaf that finally fell off.

    Only a fountain murmurs in the far darkness,
    Talking about life invisible, but familiar ...
    O autumn night, how omnipotent you are
    Refusal to fight and death languor!
    (A. Fet)

    leaf fall

    Forest, like a painted tower,
    Purple, gold, crimson,
    Cheerful, colorful wall
    It stands over a bright meadow.

    Birches with yellow carving
    Shine in blue azure,
    Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
    And between the maples they turn blue
    Here and there in the foliage through
    Clearances in the sky, that windows.
    The forest smells of oak and pine,
    During the summer it dried up from the sun,
    And Autumn is a quiet widow
    He enters his motley tower ...

    (I. Bunin)

    October dawn

    The night has turned pale and the moon is setting
    Over the river with a red sickle.
    Sleepy fog in the meadows is silvering,
    The black reed is damp and smoking,
    The wind rustles the reeds.

    Quiet in the village. Lamp in the chapel
    Fading, tired grief.
    In the quivering dusk of a chilled garden
    Coolness pours with the steppe waves ...
    Dawn breaks slowly.
    (I. Bunin)


    Cowberry ripens
    The days got colder
    And from the bird's cry
    My heart became sadder.

    Flocks of birds fly away
    Away, beyond the blue sea.
    All the trees are shining
    In multi-colored attire.

    The sun laughs less
    There is no incense in flowers.
    Autumn will wake up soon
    And cry awake.

    (K. Balmont)


    Autumn has come

    dried flowers,

    And look sad

    Bare bushes.

    Wither and turn yellow

    Grass in the meadows

    Only turns green

    Winter in the fields.

    A cloud covers the sky

    The sun does not shine;

    The wind howls in the field;

    The rain is drizzling.

    The waters rustled

    fast stream,

    The birds have flown away

    To warm climes.

    (A. Pleshcheev)

    boring picture

    Boring picture!
    Clouds without end
    The rain is pouring down
    Puddles on the porch…
    stunted rowan
    Wet under the window
    Looks village
    Gray spot.
    What are you visiting early
    Autumn, come to us?
    Still asks the heart
    Light and warmth!
    (A. Pleshcheev)

    The fields are compressed, the groves are bare

    The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
    Fog and damp from the water.
    Wheel behind the blue mountains
    The sun went down quietly.

    The blasted road is slumbering.
    She dreamed today
    What is very, very little
    It remains to wait for the gray winter.

    Oh, and I myself am often ringing
    I saw yesterday in the fog:
    Red month foal
    Harnessed to our sleigh.
    (S. Yesenin)

    Golden foliage swirled

    Golden foliage swirled
    In the pinkish water of the pond
    Like a light flock of butterflies
    With fading flies to the star.

    I'm in love with this evening
    The yellowing dol is close to the heart.
    Youth-wind up to the shoulders
    Headed on a birch hem.

    And in the soul and in the valley coolness,
    Blue dusk like a flock of sheep
    Behind the gate of the silent garden
    The bell will ring and freeze.

    I've never been thrifty
    So did not listen to rational flesh,
    It would be nice, like willow branches,
    To tip over into the pink waters.

    It would be nice, on a haystack smiling,
    Muzzle of the month to chew hay ...
    Where are you, where are you, my quiet joy,
    Loving everything, wanting nothing?
    (S. Yesenin)

    gold autumn

    Autumn. Fairy tale,
    All open for review.
    clearings of forest roads,
    Looking into the lakes

    Like in an art exhibition:
    Halls, halls, halls, halls
    Elm, ash, aspen
    Unprecedented in gilding.

    Linden hoop gold -
    Like a crown on a newlywed.
    Birch face - under the veil
    Wedding and transparent.

    buried earth
    Under foliage in ditches, pits.
    In the yellow maples of the wing,
    As if in gilded frames.

    Where are the trees in September
    At dawn they stand in pairs,
    And sunset on their bark
    Leaves an amber trail.

    Where you can not step into the ravine,
    So that everyone does not know:
    So raging that not a step
    A tree leaf underfoot.

    Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
    Echoes at the steep slope
    And dawn cherry glue
    Freezes in the form of a clot.

    Autumn. ancient corner
    Old books, clothes, weapons,
    Where is the treasure catalog
    Flips through the cold.

    (B. Pasternak)

    Indian summer

    Indian summer has come -
    Days of farewell warmth.
    Warmed by the late sun
    The fly came to life in the crack.

    Sun! What in the world is more beautiful
    After a chilly day?
    Gossamer light yarn
    Wrapped around a knot.

    Tomorrow it will rain fast,
    A cloud covering the sun.
    Silver gossamer
    There are two or three days left.

    Have pity, autumn! Give us light!
    Protect from winter darkness!
    Have pity on us, Indian summer:
    These cobwebs are us.

    (D. Kedrin)


    There was a late wind
    Carry the ashes of rotten leaves
    And dregs, like from plates,
    Splashed out of the puddles.

    The mountain ash was reddening in a bunch.
    And the forest, dense recently,
    Foliage shining gloriously,
    Became visible to everyone.

    It was like a close home
    Where is the wallpaper torn off,
    There are no lamps overhead, -
    You know, it's hard.

    At different ends
    Having folded their curtains
    And taking off your pictures,
    The residents have moved out.

    It rained from the mist,
    The smell of preli lingered,
    And as if burned
    Wet trunks.

    Oh dear houses!
    In vain the heart is sad:
    Everything will be done skillfully,
    Everything will be whitened by winter.
    (K. Vanshenkin)


    Love sublime origins
    forests and pastures are preserved.
    Invisibly Pushkin's lines
    intertwined in the autumn leaf fall.

    And in the midst of a delicate silence
    in the font of the golden dream
    Soul full of charm
    And it is full of bright thoughts.

    Native poetry freedom
    embraced both the distance and the heights,
    that where is Pushkin, where is nature,
    go try it out...

    (N. Rachkov)


    under the birch
    Under the aspen
    barely moving,
    Like a duck brood
    Leaves float on the river.

    - Don't forget, don't forget
    Come back to us in the spring!
    - Ooty-ooty! .. Ooty-ooty ...
    The world of the forest subsides.

    And mother trees stand
    And they rustle anxiously
    And look at the very best
    leafing through...

    (M. Yasnov)


    On a bush-bush -
    yellow leaves,
    A cloud hangs in the blue, -
    So it's time for autumn!

    In the red leaves of the bank.
    Each leaf is like a flag.
    Our autumn park has become stricter.
    All covered in bronze!

    Autumn seems to me too
    Getting ready for October...
    In the red leaves of the bank.
    Each leaf is like a flag!

    (I. Demyanov)

    harvest festival

    Autumn decorates the squares
    Multicolored foliage.
    Autumn feeds the harvest
    Birds, animals and you and me.
    And in the gardens, and in the garden,
    Both in the forest and by the water.
    Prepared by nature
    All kinds of fruits.
    The fields are being cleaned
    People collect bread.
    The mouse drags the grain into the mink,
    To have lunch in winter.
    Root squirrels dry,
    bees store honey.
    Grandma cooks jam
    He puts apples in the cellar.
    Harvest is born -
    Collect the gifts of nature!
    In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather
    The harvest will come in handy!

    (T. Bokova)


    In the crane sky
    The wind carries clouds.
    The willow whispers to the willow:
    "Autumn. Autumn again!

    Leaves yellow downpour,
    The sun is below the pines.
    Willow whispers:
    "Autumn. Autumn soon!"

    Frost on the shrub
    He threw on a white cloak.
    The oak whispers to the mountain ash:
    "Autumn. Autumn soon!"

    Fir trees whisper
    In the middle of the forest:
    "Soon will notice
    And it will curl up soon!

    (A. Efimtsev)

    Autumn omens

    thin birch
    Dressed in gold.
    Here comes the sign of autumn.

    The birds are flying away
    To the land of warmth and light,
    Here is another one for you
    Autumn omen.

    Sowing rain drops
    All day since dawn.
    This rain too
    Autumn omen.

    Proud boy, happy:
    After all, he is wearing
    school shirt,
    Bought in the summer.

    Girl with a briefcase.
    Everyone knows that this is
    Autumn coming
    True omen.

    (L. Preobrazhenskaya)

    Look how beautiful the day is

    Look how beautiful the day is
    And how clear the sky
    As the ash tree burns under the sun,
    Maple burns without fire.

    And circles over the meadow,
    Like a firebird, a crimson leaf.

    And scarlet like rubies
    Rowan berries bloom
    Waiting for guests
    Red-breasted bullfinches…

    And on a hillock, in red leaves,
    As if in lush fox fur coats,
    majestic oaks
    With sadness look at the mushrooms -

    old and small
    Russula scarlet
    And purple fly agaric
    In the middle of wormholes...

    The day is drawing to a close,
    Goes to sleep in the red tower
    The sun is red from the sky...
    The leaves are fading.
    The forest fades.
    (I. Maznin)

    Autumn awards

    In the dark thicket
    Pines, firs!
    Encounter with the wind
    So happy:
    He gives them
    "Order of the Maple"
    On the uniform
    Pine green.
    red order,
    with golden
    And handily
    each spruce
    The winds have come!
    Yes, pink

    (A. Shevchenko)

    Gathered and flew

    Gathered and flew
    Ducks on a long journey.
    Under the roots of an old spruce
    The bear is making a lair.
    The hare dressed in white fur,
    The bunny got warm.
    Wears a squirrel for a whole month
    For reserve mushrooms in the hollow.
    The wolves roam the dark night
    For prey in the forests.
    Between the bushes to the sleepy grouse
    The fox is escaping.
    Hides the nutcracker for the winter
    In the old moss nuts cleverly.
    Capercaillie pinch needles.
    They came to us for the winter

    (E. Golovin)

    Autumn in the forest

    Autumn forest every year
    Pays gold to enter.
    Look at the aspen -
    All dressed in gold
    And she babbles:
    "Stenu ..." -
    And shivering from the cold.

    And the birch is happy
    Yellow outfit:
    “Well, the dress!
    What a delight!”
    Leaves quickly scattered
    The frost came suddenly.
    And the birch whispers:
    "I'll chill!..."

    Lost weight at the oak
    Gilded coat.
    The oak caught on, but it's too late
    And he roars:
    “I'm freezing! I'm freezing!"
    Deceived gold -
    Didn't save me from the cold.

    (From A. Gontar, translated by V. Berestov)

    Soon white blizzards

    Soon white blizzards
    Snow will rise from the ground.
    Fly away, fly away
    The cranes have flown.

    Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,
    And the birdhouse was empty.
    The stork flaps its wings -
    Fly away, fly away!

    Leaf sways patterned
    In a blue puddle on the water.
    A rook walks with a black rook
    In the garden along the ridge.

    Showered, turned yellow
    The sun's rays are rare.
    Fly away, fly away
    The rooks have also flown away.
    (E. Blaginina)


    Quiet, warm, gentle autumn
    wilted leaves spread everywhere,
    paints in lemon, orange color
    On sidewalks, lawns, alleys
    she pours them, not sparing at all, -
    hung over the window in the web
    Open the window. And a trusting bird
    on my palm, spinning, sits down,
    light and cold, gentle and pure
    Wind gust. The leaf flies from the palm
    here he is on the next balcony,
    moment - and, bypassing the wide cornice,
    way down!
    (A. Starikov)

    Autumn has come

    Autumn has come
    It started to rain.
    How sad is
    Gardens look.

    The birds were reaching out
    To warm climes.
    A farewell is heard
    The scream of a crane.

    The sun does not pamper
    Us with their warmth.
    Northern, frosty
    Blows cold.

    It's very sad
    Sad at heart
    Because it's summer
    Do not return already.
    (E. Arsenina)

    fall leaf lesson

    And in pairs, in pairs after her,
    For my dear teacher
    Solemnly we leave the village.
    And in the puddles from the lawns there was a lot of foliage!

    “Look! On dark Christmas trees in the undergrowth
    Maple stars burn like pendants.
    Bend over for the prettiest leaf
    Veins of crimson on gold.

    Remember everything, how the earth falls asleep,
    And the wind covers it with leaves.
    And in the maple grove lighter and lighter.
    All new leaves fly off the branches.

    We play and rush under the leaf fall
    With a sad, thoughtful woman nearby.

    (V. Berestov)

    Autumn worries of a hare

    What's on the rabbit's mind?
    Prepare for winter.

    Obtain not in the store
    Down jacket excellent winter.

    white-white whiteness,
    To run in it until spring.

    The former became cold,
    Yes, and - gray, and - too small.

    He is in the winter of the enemy pack,
    Like a target on a slope.

    It will be safer in the new
    Not noticeable to dogs and owls.

    White snow and white fur -
    And warmer and more beautiful than all!

    (T. Umanskaya)

    Autumn assignments

    Morning in the forest
    Above the silver thread
    Spiders are busy -
    Telephone operators.
    And now from the Christmas tree
    To the aspen
    Like wires, they sparkle
    Calls are ringing:
    - Attention! Attention!
    Listen to autumn
    Hello, bear!
    - I'm listening to! Yes Yes!
    - Not far off
    Until the winter came
    To the threshold
    Do you need urgently
    Find a den!
    The bells are ringing
    At squirrels and hedgehogs,
    From the top
    And to the lower floors:
    - Check it out soon
    Your pantries -
    Are there enough supplies
    For wintering.
    The bells are ringing
    At the old swamp:
    - Herons have everything ready
    For a flight?
    Everything is ready for departure!
    - Good luck!
    Don't forget again
    Look in!
    Linden bells are ringing
    And for maple:
    – Hello! Tell,
    Who is on the phone?
    – Hello! By the phone
    – close
    Your ants!
    Tell me, is this a river?
    River, river!
    - And why for crayfish
    No place?
    And the river says:
    - These are lies!
    I will show you,
    Where do crayfish hibernate?
    - Hello guys!
    Good afternoon guys!
    Already on the street
    It's cold!
    Time for the birds
    Hang out feeders
    On the windows, on the balconies,
    On the edge!
    After all, the birds
    Your faithful friends
    And about our friends
    You can't forget!

    (V. Orlov)

    From dawn to dusk

    Forests are turning
    In painted sails.
    Autumn again
    leaves again
    Without beginning, without end
    Over the river
    And at the porch.

    Here they are floating somewhere -
    That back
    And then go ahead.
    From dawn to dusk
    The wind is tearing them apart.

    all day long
    The rains are slanting
    Pulling threads through the woods
    As if mending painted
    Golden sails...

    (V. Stepanov)

    Until next summer

    Quietly the summer is leaving
    dressed in leaves.
    And stays somewhere
    in a dream or in reality:
    silver fly
    in spider webs
    undrunk mug
    steam milk.
    And a glass stream.
    And warm earth.
    And above the forest glade
    buzzing bumblebee.

    Autumn comes quietly
    dressed in mist.
    She brings rain
    from foreign countries.
    And a yellow heap of leaves,
    and the scent of the forest
    and dampness in dark burrows.

    And somewhere behind the wall
    alarm clock until dawn
    chirping on the table:
    “Until bu-du-sche-th-let,
    to bu-du-sche-go-le- ... "

    (Tim Sobakin)

    Autumn in the dance is crying softly

    Dissolved autumn braids
    Blazing fire.
    More often frost, less often dew,
    Rain - cold silver.

    Autumn bared her shoulders
    In the neckline all the trees -
    Soon the ball, farewell evening ...
    The leaves are waltzing.

    Chrysanthemums with marvelous fur
    Decorate autumn outfit.
    The wind is not a hindrance to the ball -
    Louder music a hundred times!

    Unleashed autumn braids,
    The wind ruffles silk hair.
    More often frost, less often dew,
    Sweeter is the smell of late roses.

    Autumn in the dance is crying softly
    Lips tremble in a whisper.
    In puddles, sad eyes hide.
    The birds are circling mournfully.

    Holding out a leaf like a hand
    Waving sad "Goodbye" ...
    Autumn, feeling parted,
    Whispers tearfully: "Remember ..."
    (N. Samoniy)

    Plums fall in the garden...

    Plums fall in the garden
    A noble treat for wasps…
    Yellow leaf bathed in the pond
    And welcomes early autumn.

    He pretended to be a ship
    The wind of wandering shook him.
    So we'll follow him
    To piers unknown in life.

    And we already know by heart:
    In a year there will be a new summer.
    Why the universal sadness
    In every line in the poetry of poets?

    Is it because the traces on the dew
    Will the showers wash away and the winters get cold?
    Is it because the moments are all
    Fleeting and unique?

    (L. Kuznetsova)


    Autumn. Silence in the dacha village,
    And desert-voiced on earth.
    Gossamer in transparent air
    Cold as a crack in glass.

    Through the sandy pink pines
    The roof is bluish with a cockerel;
    In a light, hazy velvet sun -
    Like a peach touched with fluff.

    At sunset, magnificent, but not sharp,
    The clouds are waiting for something, frozen;
    Holding hands, they shine
    The last two, the most golden ones;

    Both turn their faces to the sun
    Both fade from one end;
    The elder bears the feather of the firebird,
    The youngest is a fluff of a fire-chick.
    (N. Matveeva)

    Complains, cries

    Complains, cries
    Autumn outside the window
    And hides tears
    Under someone else's umbrella...

    Sticks to passers-by
    Bores them -
    different, different,
    Sleepy and sick...

    That makes you tedious
    windy longing,
    That breathes a cold
    The humidity of the city ...

    What do you need
    Weird madam?
    And in response - annoying
    Whip on wires…
    (A. Herbal)

    Autumn is coming

    Gradually getting colder
    And the days got shorter.
    Summer is running fast
    A flock of birds, flashing in the distance.

    Already the rowans have turned red,
    The grass has become withered
    Appeared on the trees
    Bright yellow foliage.

    In the morning the fog swirls
    Motionless and gray-haired,
    And by noon the sun warms
    Like a hot summer day.

    But the wind barely blows
    And autumn leaves
    Flickers in a bright dance
    Like sparks from a fire.
    (I. Butrimova)

    leaf fall

    Fallen leaves crunch underfoot
    The whole earth, covered with a multi-colored carpet,
    And maple autumn cold flame
    Sparkles in the sun like a farewell fire.

    And the wind plays with a rowan branch
    And the clusters flash in the autumn foliage.
    There has long been a sign among the people,
    With a lot of mountain ash - for a cold winter.

    The last daisies have golden eyes
    Reminded again of the departed warmth
    And drops of dew, like living tears,
    From their white cilia flow at dawn.

    And the wind drives the fallen leaves
    And the cranes fly like a sad wedge.
    I have a train that rushed from summer to autumn,
    A yellow ticket will wave in the distance.
    (I. Butrimova)

    September is beautiful...

    In red boots, in a yellow suit,
    September came out in a fashionable outfit.
    In a wheat curl, to the envy of the virgins,
    The viburnum ruby ​​is skillfully woven.

    Walking like a dandy on the grasses of the meadow,
    He brings gifts to his friends.
    Aspens in a grove, in a birch forest
    Waiting for the color of honey and gold in braids.

    Handed out all the colors September is generous,
    But there was not enough pine and cedar,
    And linden and oak are not enough of them ...
    Calls September to help his brother.

    In an amber tailcoat, to the sound of streams,
    October feasts in gardens and parks,
    And gold pours of various samples.
    November, all in white, is on the way.

    Psychocorrection of deviations in children