Cadet School of the Airborne Forces. Educational work

The education of the personnel of the Omsk Cadet Military Corps of the Airborne Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of the provisions and requirements set forth in the Constitution and laws Russian Federation, decrees of the President and resolutions of the government of the Russian Federation, general military charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in orders and directives of the RF Ministry of Defense and the commander of the Airborne Forces, the charter of the FGKOU "Omsk Cadet Military Corps", local acts of the OKVK, the oath of the cadet.

Educational work in OKVK is planned and organized on the basis of an integrated approach to solving the problems of state-patriotic, legal, cultural, aesthetic and moral education of cadets. It includes the participation of all officials corps, teachers, heads of services, departments and educators of departments.

Educational work in OKVK is aimed at creating comfortable conditions for students and developing such qualities as independence, self-organization and self-discipline, revealing the abilities of each cadet. Education is aimed at developing in the future officer the ability to decide life problems make moral choices in life.

In the system of educational work of the Federal State Educational Institution "Omsk Cadet Military Corps", much attention is paid to traditional events, such as:

  • Day of Knowledge, solemn acceptance of the oath of a cadet;
  • Teacher's Day;
  • New Year's cadet balls, holidays and evenings;
  • Months of mass defense work dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day;
  • Participation in the Watch of Memory and the events "Reviews of the system and songs" as part of the garrison troops dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day;
  • Birthday of the cadet corps;
  • Last call;
  • Farewell to the banner on the day of release;
  • Conducting thematic matinees, class hours dedicated to the Days military glory.

The organization of extracurricular activities with pupils takes place within the framework of the educational system, which is based on patriotic education, sports and recreation, cognitive and leisure activities.

The goals of educational work are implemented in the classroom, in the extracurricular activities of class teams and in extracurricular activities of additional education groups.

Extracurricular educational work in platoons and in general units is carried out in traditional forms in the main areas of educational work:

  • "Patriot" - days of military glory, themed class hours, meetings with veterans, participants in local wars, lessons of Courage, Month of mass defense work dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, taking an oath, visiting city museums, etc.
  • "Teaching" - Knowledge Day, Last Call Holiday, Teacher's Day, classroom hours for organizing educational activities for cadets, subject Olympiads, subject weeks, Legal education (decade of legal knowledge, security weeks), meetings of platoons and companies.
  • "Healthy lifestyle" - visiting sports sections, participating in city and regional competitions, holding Spartakiads on a building scale, visiting, as spectators, sports competitions, meetings with medical specialists, sanitary and educational work of physicians at thematic class hours, landscaping and landscaping of the territory of the building, classrooms and self-study classes.
  • "Leisure" - visiting circles of the aesthetic cycle, holding library hours, meetings with employees and creative teams of the culture of the city and the region, visiting cultural institutions of the city.

The effectiveness of the educational process is achieved by maintaining an exemplary internal order and high organization of the educational process. Creation of the necessary conditions for successful study, life, life and leisure of students. Comprehensive information support, as well as a combination of high demands on students, with respect for their personal dignity.

The combined efforts of teachers, additional education teachers, organizing teachers, psychologists and educators create conditions for interaction, cooperation, humanization of relations between participants in the educational process. As well as self-realization and self-expression of students' personalities.

One of the main forms of educational work was the civil-patriotic education of the cadets. The cadet corps is one of the main centers of patriotic education in the city of Omsk and the Omsk region.

The leadership of the corps, the department of educational work, the educational department organizes and conducts:

  • sports competitions between veterans of war and military service and cadets dedicated to the anniversaries of the birth of Marshal G.K. Zhukov;
  • patriotic song contests among platoons;
  • participation in All-Army photo contests;
  • events dedicated to the anniversaries of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan;
  • participation in regional and city events dedicated to the anniversaries of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War;
  • thematic matinees: "The Battle of Moscow - the dawn of the great Victory"; "900 blockade days", dedicated to the anniversaries of the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad; "Hero, scientist, soldier", dedicated to the anniversaries of the death of D.M. Karbysheva; "In Campaigns and Battles", about the contribution of graduates of an educational institution to the Victory over Nazi Germany; matinees dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War;
  • lessons of courage, a meeting of generations, a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers “It was a difficult path to Victory”;
  • participation of the personnel of the corps in the military-patriotic education of schoolchildren and children of kindergartens of the city and region;
  • patriotic actions "Veteran lives nearby", congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War at home;
  • participation in the traditional meeting of WWII veterans "In the forest near the front";
  • participation of students in laying garlands and flowers at the monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers: (the monument to D.M. Karbyshev, the monument to G.K. Zhukov, the monument to mother Larionova); participation in the celebration of military skill and combat training of units and divisions of the garrison;
  • participation of cadets in the procession of the Immortal Regiment column.

The corps has established good cooperation with units and formations of the Omsk garrison. The high prestige of the corps among the power structures of the Omsk region is expressed in the fact that the cadets regularly become winners and prize-winners of competitions held in the Omsk garrison: parades of formation and song. Cadets are regular participants in the garrison festive concerts dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, the International women's day, Victory Day, Airborne Forces Day, held in cultural institutions of the Omsk region.

Our pupils, during the hours of educational work, visit theaters and other cultural institutions of Omsk. Particularly warm relations have developed between the Cadet Corps and the Omsk State Musical Theatre. Our pupils not only constantly attend performances, but are participants in one of the performances of the theater. The Musical Theater hospitably provides its hall for our events such as the New Year's concert and the Last Bell.

Together with the Omsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church meetings are held with the clergy, where they talk about Orthodox culture, the history of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. The rites of baptism of cadets are held in the Holy Dormition Cathedral.

The work on the military-professional orientation of the cadets is of a systematic and permanent nature. A month of military-professional orientation is held in the corps. In carrying out this work, the capabilities of the military units and institutions of the Omsk garrison are actively used. Meetings are held for graduate cadets with representatives of higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, meetings with graduates of the Omsk Cadet Corps studying at military universities of the RF Ministry of Defense. Special place in the organization of military professional orientation, the subordination of the corps to the Airborne Forces played. Last academic year, for the first time in the history of the Omsk Cadet Military Corps, cadets made parachute jumps.

Systematically in our educational institution, work is carried out to prevent violations of discipline, the use of psychoactive substances, alcoholic and energy drinks, smoking, which also creates conditions for the full development of the personality of the cadet, forms the basis for the safety of his life.

During the training period, meetings are held with police officers, the Investigative Department of the Omsk Region, with employees of the juvenile affairs inspectorate, and with doctors at the narcological dispensary.

All of the above activities instill in students love for the Motherland and loyalty to their Fatherland. Form the desire to fulfill their civic duty and readiness to benefit society and the state; contribute to the involvement of pupils in the work on the revival and preservation of the cultural values ​​of their native land and personal spiritual and moral development. They maintain a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team of the Omsk Cadet Military Corps of the Airborne Forces.

Donation ceremony to the Church of the Annunciation took place in Moscow Holy Mother of God icons with relics of holy righteous warriors - the holy great martyr George the Victorious, the holy great martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, the holy righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov and St. Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours. Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Ministry of Defense, executive and legislative authorities, as well as servicemen of the Airborne Forces also took part in the ceremony.

A solemn liturgy was served in the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the Church of the Airborne Forces in Sokolniki. After the liturgy, four icons with relics of holy righteous warriors were handed over to the Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces for work with personnel, Major General Viktor Kupchishin.

The transfer of the shrines took place as part of the program "Spiritual Strengthening of the Russian Army", conducted by the World Russian People's Council with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. The executors of the program for the spiritual strengthening of the Russian army are the public organization "Moscow Suvorovites", the Foundation of the Holy Martyr Boniface and the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies.

Icons with particles of relics were delivered to Moscow by Natalya Mezentseva, President of the Foundation of the Holy Great Martyr Boniface. According to her, a particle of the relics of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious was brought from Jerusalem, the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica from Fr. Corfu, the holy righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov from the Sanaksar monastery in Mordovia, St. Martin of Tours from Germany. “St. Martin of Tours went from a warrior to a saint, and all the time he took care of the soldiers. He is the ancestor of the concept - military chaplain. It is quite symbolic that the shrine was handed over to the military chaplain who takes care of the soldiers serving in the ranks of the Airborne Forces, Archpriest Mikhail Vasiliev. This event is special, since for the first time in the history of the military priesthood, a particle of the relics of St. Martin of Tours of the 4th century was transferred to the temple of the Airborne Forces,” she stressed.

The Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in Sokolniki was built with money from the military department of the Russian Empire. It was consecrated on March 24, 1906. It could accommodate more than a thousand people, which corresponded to the approximate size of the regiment in peacetime. After the revolution, the temple was closed. At various times, a club, a courier communications center and a guardhouse were located here. In 2004 His Holiness Patriarch blessed to revive it with the Cathedral of the Airborne Forces. Five years later, on July 9, 2009, the rite of consecration and the erection of crosses took place.

If you want your child to grow up as a strong and comprehensively developed personality, with a good upbringing and tempered character, without bad habits, take a closer look at cadet schools. The goal of cadet education is to educate a patriotic, disciplined person.

Education in the cadet corps differs significantly from the usual general education. In addition to compulsory subjects, children study military history, the basics of military affairs, and undergo enhanced physical training. The school day here lasts longer, and the teachers do not make any concessions to the children. Another significant difference is the strictest discipline. Pupils wear a special uniform, often walk in formation, salute their seniors in rank. During the holidays, the guys participate in competitions, cultural and sightseeing events.

Varieties of cadet schools

Cadet corps can supervise the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In such institutions, military discipline: permanent residence, dismissals strictly on weekends and holidays. The daily routine is carefully planned, the pupils practically do not have free time. It's hard to get here, and it's not easy to study! Therefore, most often here you can meet children who plan to enter the internal affairs bodies or military service in the future.

There are also cadet schools established by the Moscow Department of Education. Only children with a Moscow residence permit can enter them. Many of these schools also operate as a boarding school, but it is much easier to get a dismissal here.

Admission conditions

The cadet corps accepts children who are fit for health reasons (the list of contraindications is set out in Appendix 3 to order N 473 of 16. 10. 2002 of the Moscow Health Committee) and who wish to study. For admission, you must submit an application to the Admissions Committee on time and attach a package of necessary documents (indicated on the website of the educational institution), undergo diagnostics at the MCCS in the following subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, and a medical commission. In addition, candidates for admission are tested for the level of physical fitness and an interview with a psychologist. Based on the results of the events, the Admissions Committee, taking into account the state of health, motivation, the presence of additional achievements (awards received for participation in creative and sports events), the level of physical fitness and academic performance, makes a decision. At the same time, candidates sent according to the target recruitment have the priority right to enrollment. Orphans and children of military personnel also enjoy benefits upon admission.

When enrolling in a cadet school, there are age restrictions. Kids are not taken here, with rare exceptions. It is too late to think about entering high school as well, since the training program is designed for a certain period, at least 3 years. The ideal time for admission is the end of elementary school.

Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps

Address: Moscow, m. Rokossovsky Boulevard, st. Losinoostrovskaya, 22a;


Education: Basic, secondary

Mode: boarding school for boys, five-day school week, on weekends children go home.

The Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps is a state-owned state educational institution, the purpose of which is to provide quality education, moral, physical and social development students.

Talented teachers work here. They face difficult tasks: to interest students, to create a favorable emotional and psychological atmosphere in the classroom, to teach children to work in a team, and, of course, to present the material in an accessible and understandable way. And they succeed. Upon graduation, the cadets enter the Academy of the FSB, FSO and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

KSI No. 5 implements educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as additional education programs in the following areas:

  • mathematics,
  • physics,
  • biology,
  • social science,
  • warfare,
  • bullet shooting,
  • lego construction and modeling,
  • museology,
  • body-building,
  • basketball,
  • handball,
  • Athletics,
  • football,
  • motorsport,
  • ensemble of wind instruments or orchestra to choose from,
  • choral singing,
  • theatrical and musical creativity.

The cadet school has all the conditions for the healthy development of children: wet cleaning and ventilation of the premises are carried out daily, and an optimal thermal regime is maintained. All pupils of KSI No. 5 receive tasty and balanced six meals a day. The daily routine is carefully planned: lessons are replaced by walks, physical training and meal breaks. Therefore, despite the rich main and additional educational program children do not experience fatigue.

The school is located in a large building, on the territory of which there are:

  • classrooms and classrooms for self-study,
  • auditorium and dance halls,
  • library,
  • large and small gym,
  • Gym,
  • shooting range,
  • ski base.

In addition, the street has a rubber-coated obstacle course, a motorsport area, football, volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, a gym and a running track.

The educational institution has at its disposal all the equipment necessary for organizing the educational process: PCs, projectors and plasma panels, interactive whiteboards, MFPs, music centers.

First Moscow Cadet Corps

Address: Moscow, Timiryazevskaya, st. Vuchetich, 30, building 1


  1. Fourth Novomikhalkovskiy proezd, 14, building 3
  2. st. Zelenogradskaya, 9

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: primary, basic, secondary

Mode: boarding school, teaching in the morning, additional education in the afternoon; in branch No. 3 - daytime training. Saturday and Sunday, as well as holidays pupils go home.

The First Moscow Cadet Corps is a public institution. Unlike other cadet schools, not only middle and high school programs are implemented here, but also primary education(in two branches), there is preparation for school. For the youngest, there are speech therapy classes, a course "English for kids", a program of social and psychological adaptation "a fairy tale of communication". From 8 to 10 years old, children begin to study English in more depth: the courses "Fascinating English" and "English. phonetics".

KSI №1 can rightfully be proud of the number of sections and circles. Real fighters are brought up here, comprehensively developed. The discipline corresponds to a military institution.

Additional education programs:

  • in-depth study of mathematics;
  • story;
  • jurisprudence;
  • design and research activities: museums, parks, estates; secrets of the Russian language;
  • natural and physical and mathematical modeling: chess, the world around us, geographical research, chemistry puzzles, entertaining mathematics, programming;
  • museum business;
  • entertaining English;
  • social science;
  • aircraft modeling, computer modeling, rocket modeling;
  • robotics;
  • entertaining physics;
  • fire and pilot training;
  • warfare;
  • all-around TRP, gymnastics, swimming, basketball, football;
  • sports shooting;
  • sambo and hand-to-hand combat, judo;
  • fire and rescue business (preparation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • rhythmic gymnastics, ballroom and folk dances;

In the boarding school in question, all conditions for normal living have been created, five meals a day are provided. The building was designed and equipped in accordance with SanPin standards and the requirements of current legislation. The cadet corps includes educational and living quarters, a canteen, and a medical block. The residential complex has 60 bedrooms, designed to accommodate up to 240 students. Each room has a separate bathroom. There are three additional rooms per floor. Here, children play with their peers, relax, and engage in self-training.

Material and technical equipment

The school building contains everything necessary for theoretical and practical exercises, self-learning and leisure activities, premises:

  • Study rooms;
  • Assembly Hall;
  • Workshops;
  • Laboratories in chemistry and physics, biology;
  • Cabinets for radio-electronic technologies and informatics;
  • Library;
  • Large and small gym, gym, swimming pool;
  • An outdoor sports complex has been built on the adjacent territory, which includes a large and small obstacle course, a gymnastic complex, a hockey, volleyball and basketball field, and a running track.

All of the above premises have the necessary technical equipment.

Moscow Cossack Corps named after Sholokhov

Address: Moscow, st. March. Chuikova, 28, building 4

Founder: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Education: Basic, secondary in accordance with GEF

Mode: boarding school, 5-day academic week, classes from 8.30 to 15.00

Moscow Presidential Cadet School. Sholokhov is a state institution established in 2015 on the basis of KSHI No. 7. Here, children study from grades 5-11, preparing to enter the higher civil and military institutions of the Russian Federation. Children whose parents serve in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation enjoy the priority right to enter.

Additional education programs:

  • basketball,
  • hand-to-hand combat,
  • folk and ballroom dancing,
  • history of the Cossacks, internal troops, Orthodox culture,
  • young museologist,
  • guide,
  • military and combat training,
  • commander school,
  • operator-editor.

In the cadet school, great attention is paid to the safety of pupils. The territory of the building is guarded around the clock, is under the system of external and internal video surveillance. The institution operates in boarding school mode. Residential buildings are equipped with spacious rooms designed to accommodate 2-6 people, a complete set of furniture, inventory, separate bathrooms, utility rooms. Five meals a day.

Material and technical equipment

On the territory of the school are:

  • assembly and choreographic hall;
  • wrestling room;
  • 2 museums;
  • sports town: obstacle course, running track, playgrounds, laser shooting range.

Classrooms are equipped with workstations, didactic materials, ergonomic furniture, meet SanPin standards.

Moscow Georgievsky Cadet Corps

Address: Moscow, st. Mal. Botanicheskaya, d.24B

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: Basic, secondary

Mode: boarding school

The facility operates 5 days a week. The kids go home for the weekend. Also, unlike other cadet schools, the guys, if desired, can go on dismissal in the middle of the week. Education is conducted from the 7th grade and provides for the assimilation of the GEF program and additional education. Most of the pupils of the school are children of military personnel and orphans (preferential category).

During the holidays, the school attracts cadets to numerous events: excursions and cultural programs, competitions, cadet balls, etc.

Additional education programs:

  • military history,
  • fundamentals of military service,
  • young shooter,
  • Russian Patriots,
  • commander school,
  • volleyball,
  • academic choir,
  • vocal ensemble.

The residential complex includes 18 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 shower rooms. All children receive free six meals a day, medical care and, if necessary, psychological assistance.

Material and technical equipment

In the educational building and on the adjacent territory of the cadet school in question are located:

  • Assembly Hall;
  • museum;
  • library;
  • 16 classrooms;
  • conference hall,
  • workshop;
  • 2 classes for laboratory work;
  • gym;
  • sports town: volleyball, basketball, gymnastic grounds, running track, obstacle course and jump pit.

The classrooms are compliant educational standard and the requirements of SanPin and are equipped with modern appliances, furniture and didactic materials. Great attention is also paid to the organization of proper lighting.

School for girls "Moscow boarding school of state pupils"

Address: Moscow city, Volzhsky Boulevard, d. 52/29, building 1

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: Basic, secondary

Mode: boarding school

A feature of the educational process of the considered school for girls is the study, along with the compulsory subjects of the Federal State Educational Standard, the cadet component.

Additional education programs:

  • young guide school
  • jurisprudence,
  • fundamentals of military service,
  • painting, graphics,
  • percussion instruments (drums, xylophone, timpani),
  • ballroom and folk dances,
  • pop vocal,
  • artistic reading.

Great attention is paid here to the organization of a health-saving environment and the promotion of healthy lifestyle life. The management monitors the observance of the sanitary and hygienic regime: daily airing of the premises, wet cleaning, use of ergonomic furniture in the residential and educational complex. Pupils adhere to a strict daily routine, which includes mandatory recreational activities.

Material and technical equipment

Classes are equipped with ergonomic furniture with height adjustment, computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards and other teaching aids and methodological materials. In addition to classrooms, on the territory of the building are located:

  • Assembly Hall;
  • Sports and dance hall;
  • Music and literature class;
  • Labor office;
  • 2 computer science classrooms;
  • A big library;
  • Museum;
  • Gym.

According to the format of education, the closest to the cadet schools are. You can get acquainted with the range of services and choose the boarding house that suits you on the pages of our catalog.

Airborne Troops

The Airborne Forces are a unique branch of the Russian troops. These fighters belong to the class of weapons of mass destruction, because nothing can break their iron will, steel nerves and desire for victory. Rumors of the harshness of Russian paratroopers circulate all over the continent and echo from three others. The Airborne Forces are our trump card in the sleeve, the guarantee of our peace of mind and confidence in the invincibility of the army of the Russian Federation.

Paratroopers are different ...

Of course, among the representatives armed forces This type of troops, like any other, there are people of different nationalities, religions, different upbringing and disposition. Therefore, it would be extremely unfair to cut everyone with the same brush.

Of course, many factors influenced the formation of the individuality of the fighter. But the school of the Airborne Forces is of decisive importance on the path of becoming a soldier's personality. It is here that the main, basic principles are formed, guidelines for further development are set.

Schools specialize in training soldiers of different ranks (the school of ensigns, sergeants of the Airborne Forces, the cadet school), but they are united by a single goal - the education of a paratrooper who is worthy to wear his shoulder straps and belong to the structure of the Russian army. It is here that the fighters fully understand the meaning of the expression "pay back to the Motherland." And the better they learn this lesson, the more groundless the cliche from the first paragraph will be.

332 school of ensigns of the Airborne Forces in Moscow

The School of Ensigns of the Airborne Forces at number 332 is the only institution of its kind. This embodiment of military thought is located in the Moscow region of Mitino and is a military unit of unimpressive size. It is here that first-class specialists in the field of automotive and armored vehicles, as well as company foremen and instructors in the field of landing training, are trained.

332 Airborne School begins its history in the distant 72nd year of the last century. Initially based in the Baltic States, but moved to the capital a little after the collapse Soviet Union. Has gone through many reforms and transformations. Only the high level of training of soldiers, the professionalism of the teaching staff and the demand for the institution remained stable.

The airborne ensign school in Mitino is waiting for those who wish to carry out first-class training for service in the Russian army.

Military personnel are accepted here exclusively on contract. At the end of the 332 school of ensigns, a person fully enters the ranks of the airborne troops of the Russian Federation.

School of Airborne Sergeants in Ryazan

The full name sounds like "Training Center for Sergeants of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School." In this educational institution, at the faculty of secondary vocational education, sergeants are trained for further service in the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation.

The emphasis here is on practice. The airborne sergeant school program includes numerous jumps from aircraft of various types (monoplanes and biplanes, light multi-purpose and heavy military transport aircraft), both without additional equipment and with its various variations, with landing on land and on water. The more experience a fighter has, the more effective his military service will be.

The term of study at the Ryazan school of the Airborne Forces is almost 3 years. This is the optimal period for the cadet to fully assimilate the material presented to him and to consolidate the theoretical part in practice.

cadet schools Airborne

Airborne cadet corps today are quite popular and widespread throughout the country. They are closed secondary educational and military institutions.

Among the most worthy, I would like to single out the Ufa Airborne Cadet Corps, which is rightfully considered one of the best in Russia. The training lasts for 4 years. At the Airborne Forces School, children undergo constant practice on sports training aircraft, receive a theoretical base in such areas as navigation, aerodynamics and parachute training. Thus, the Russian army receives highly qualified Air Force fighters.

Nizhny Novgorod Airborne Cadet Corps (Cadet School of the Airborne Forces No. 4) is one of the oldest educational institution of this type. The building itself was opened in 1834. And in June 1995, an experimental class for the orientation of the Airborne Forces was opened. For the training course, cadets receive a complete secondary education with in-depth study of individual subjects, such as mathematics, physics, and the Russian language.

SCOU Cossack Cadet Corps trains cadets in general education programs (primary, basic and secondary) and additional programs that prepare students for military service.

The airborne troops are the stronghold of Russia. And in our country, all conditions have been created to fully prepare those who wish to serve in these troops.

Psychology of communication