Prayer child won the competition. Conspiracy to win in sports competitions

George grew up in a religious Christian family during the reign of Diocletian. During his service, he established himself as a strong and brave warrior. Thanks to this, he was admitted to the emperor's inner circle as an employee. When Diocletian announced the persecution and destruction of Orthodox citizens, George came to their defense and declared his complicity in religion. For such actions he was executed, giving martyrdom. But George accepts the execution with dignity and does not renounce his own words and beliefs. For this, he was attached to the ranks of the Holy Great Martyrs, and endowed with the power to provide assistance to ordinary mortals in various needs.

Prayers to George the Victorious for sports victories

If you are interested in the victory of your children, relatives or friends in sports competitions, then you can contact George the Victorious and ask for intercession and help. After all, his belief in you will consolidate and lead to the goal. And you need to turn to the great martyr with a prayer for the competition for victory with these words:

“Wonderworker, Victorious George! I appeal to you, as to a saint strengthened in faith, do not refuse me, the servant of God (name), to help the next one. I believe in Christ, like you, and I ask for strength to win the competition. I will not refuse the weak, but I will bypass the strong. May it be so. Amen"

You can also apply with special prayers for your daughter and for your own son, so that protection will always be with them.

George the Victorious helps to win.

“Victory” is often associated with great historical actions. But we all win our own tiny victories every day. For some, this is a triumph over idleness, for others - over ailments, for others - over their own addictions. Daily, praying in the mornings and evenings, we cry out for triumph over the prince of darkness, the devilish temptations. In this, prayers for victory to St. Archangel Michael, the head of the angelic warriors, and George the Victorious, will especially help us in this. These saints are Christian faith are listed as crushers dark forces, support in the fight against them, and on the images they are depicted as striking an unclean spirit in the form of a snake.

Orthodox prayer for a sports victory

For a person, victory means a lot in our vain life. At present, it is no longer shameful to pray on your own for the triumph at competitions, contests, olympiads. Before such a lot important events it will not be superfluous to visit the church to order a prayer service for victory, the Lord's help in various endeavors. Numerous current teams of athletes before the most important sports competitions not only attend church with the whole staff and pray to the Almighty for help, but also use the services of their own confessor-clergyman, who helps to support the team spiritually, perform prayers and confessions. But the miraculous prayer for victory will not help if you do not physically prepare for the competition - the athlete must make every effort to achieve the desired results himself. Here are the words of the prayer to the Great Martyr George the Victorious, with which you can ask for help in victory:

“Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George! Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from your goodness of God, may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life needy petitions, and will grant our country a victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the circumstances of existence, powerfully reveal your intercession. Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Video on the topic: Prayer to the Great Martyr George the Victorious

But getting victory in competitions depends not only on fervent prayers. If you want to help your team achieve success, don't forget to put your heart and soul into training, but try not to overdo it. Don't forget to rest and eat right. After all, if you neglect such simple rules, then harm to your own health is possible, and there may be a high probability of injury. But still try not to forget to go to Orthodox Church. In the Temple, order a prayer for Health to yourself, light candles near the image of St. George the Victorious, and say these words in a barely audible voice:

"Saint George the Victorious. Bless me for the contest, approve the right calling. Amen."

Sincerely overshadow yourself with the meaning of the cross. To perform a prayer service at home, buy a prayer book and church candles. At the end of sports training, during rest, retire from everyone to a closed room, light a candle, and place an icon of St. George the Victorious next to it. Do not forget to believe in his help and protection of the Almighty. In your thoughts, repent of your own sins and with humility read the following prayer:

“Saint George the Victorious, don’t let me fall, slip, return with despair in my heart. Get to the finish line honestly, do not be afraid of the enemy. Let luck flow in sports, victory for the good is going on. Save my body from injury, let the difficult thing argue. May your will be done. Amen"

Cross yourself three times and put out the candle.

Good luck in your competitions!


The word "victory" often evokes in us associations with epochal historical events. But we all have to win small personal victories every day. For some, this is a victory over laziness, for others - over illness, for others - over their passions. Every day, reading morning and evening prayer rule, we pray for victory over the devil, demonic obsessions.

Orthodox prayers for victory to the holy Archangel Michael, the leader of the angelic host, and Great Martyr George the Victorious, especially help us in this. These saints in the Orthodox Church are considered the winners of evil forces, helpers in the fight against them, and even on icons they are depicted as striking the devil in the form of a serpent.

A strong prayer that helps defeat demonic attacks is also the prayer to the Cross of the Lord - May God rise again, coupled with the overshadowing of oneself with the sign of the cross.

Christian prayer for victory in sports

Highly great importance victory is also in worldly life. Today it is no longer considered shameful to independently read a prayer for victory in a competition, contest, or olympiad. Before these important events in life, you can go to the temple, order a prayer service for victory, God's help in this or that undertaking. Many modern sports teams before an important sports tournament not only go to the temple all together and pray strongly for victory, but even have their confessors - priests who spiritually feed the team, provide moral support, confess, and pray. However miraculous prayer to win does not mean that you can not prepare for a competition or an olympiad - a person must always make every effort to achieve a result on his own.

Orthodox prayer for victory in court

I think those who have had to face litigation will not want to go through this again. Spent time, nerves, strength, and the result is always unpredictable ... Orthodox people those who face this test, read a strong prayer to St. Spyridon of Trimyphus, and in case of especially difficult, protracted trials, an akathist to him. During his life, this saint helped people a lot, for which he was awarded the grace of God to help even after death in difficult everyday situations. Text church prayer to victory in court to St. Spyridon, as well as an akathist to him can be found in any Orthodox prayer book.

Listen to the video prayer to St. George the Victorious for a quick victory

Orthodox text of the prayer for victory in Russian to St. George the Victorious

Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George! Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from your goodness of God, may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life needy petitions, and will grant our country a victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the circumstances of existence, powerfully reveal your intercession. Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The text of the Orthodox prayer for victory in court to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Humanity God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by His mercy. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, may he grant us, but the death of the belly is shameful and peaceful and eternal bliss in the future, let us unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers for competition success

To win the competition, they turn with prayers to George the Victorious and Nikolai Ugodnik.

Prayer to George the Victorious for success in competitions

Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George!

Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon, worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from His goodness of God,

may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all our need for salvation and life in need of petition, and grant our country victory over the opposition;

and again, falling down, we pray to you, holy victorious:

strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed,

and may they lead them away, as if we have Divine help, and to all, in sorrow and circumstances, show your powerful intercession.

Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever.

I appeal to you, as to a saint strengthened in faith, do not refuse, the servant of God (name), to help the next one.

I believe in Christ, like you, and I ask for strength to win the competition.

I will not refuse the weak, but I will bypass the strong.

Prayer for victory in competitions to Nicholas the Wonderworker

O all-praised, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!

We pray to you, wake up the hope of all Christians, faithful protectors, hungry feeders, crying joy, sick doctors, stewards floating on the sea, poor and orphan feeders and all ambulance and patron,

let us live a peaceful life here and let us be able to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven, and with them to unceasingly sing the worship of God alone in the Trinity forever and ever.

Prayer to George the Victorious

Great Martyr George the Victorious

The Orthodox Church on May 6 or April 23, according to the old style, celebrates the day of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. This Saint was born into a wealthy family in the city of Beirut, which was formerly called Berit. His parents were pious people. The child was brought up in the Christian faith from childhood.

The Earthly Life of the Saint

Already in childhood, a terrible grief befell the family of George. His father, the commander of Cappadocia, was tortured by the pagans for confessing the faith of Christ. After that, the mother, along with her son, moved to her parents, who were owners of vast estates in the immediate vicinity of the city of Lydda in Palestine.

George was a capable child and received an excellent education, after which he decided to enter the military service. At the age of twenty, he was appointed commander of the illustrious cohort of invictiors. During the period of military battles with the Persians, the emperor himself noticed a brave young man, for which he was appointed committee - an confidant of Emperor Diocletian.

Diocletian's reign falls between 284 and 305. This ruler was a fanatical paganist. He is known for having organized terrible persecutions of Christians. Once George witnessed a terrible verdict at the trial, which was associated with the extermination of many Christians. His heart was filled with compassion. Realizing that he was also threatened with suffering for his faith, he himself came to Diocletian and confessed that he was a Christian. So that his property would not go to the pagans, he first distributed his property to the poor and gave freedom to his slaves. Appearing before the emperor, George accused him of injustice and cruelty. The speech of the fearless warrior was filled with objections to the order, which ordered the persecution of Christians, and they were very convincing.

Immediately George was imprisoned. The most terrible tortures were applied to him in order to force him to renounce Christ. But all the sophisticated efforts of the emperor were in vain. George prayed and glorified the Lord.

Did not renounce the faith on his deathbed

The legend says that once, after another torture by wheeling, all the witnesses recognized George as dead. But suddenly a thunder rang out from heaven and a voice of support sounded. Healed by the Angel of God, George opened his eyes and got off the wheel himself, continuing to glorify God. Thanks to this miracle, many pagans wanted to accept Christianity, including Empress Alexandra herself, and many close to the emperor.

George still had to endure great torment, but it was not possible to break him. After some time, the emperor ordered the execution of a Christian. At first, he wanted to sacrifice him in the temple of Apollo. But George turned to the statue of Apollo, how dare he and all the idols remain in this place when a true servant of God came here. After these words, the pagan temple began to collapse in front of many witnesses. Frightened, ardent pagans demanded that the emperor urgently execute George. He was brought to the chopping block. There he asked to be released from the shackles and began to pray. After that, George himself laid his head on the chopping block.

The soul of the Holy Great Martyr for the fact that he defeated his tormentors, the Angels took to Heaven, his body was buried in Lydda.

Orthodox prayers to St. George the Victorious

Orthodox prayers to St. George the Victorious are in great demand among believers. According to church traditions, this Saint always protects weak people. According to legend, it was George the Victorious who was sent by God to help people in order to save them from a terrible sacrifice. They had to give their children to be eaten by a terrible serpent. Saint George saved people from such a terrible fate by slaying the serpent with a spear.

Read a prayer for help at work

If there are difficulties in the work, then you should not despair. It is necessary to conduct a small ceremony and pray to the Holy Great Martyr George. To do this, you need to retire in a separate room.

  • Light three candles;
  • Set in front of you the icon of the Saint;
  • Place a carafe filled with holy water nearby.

It is necessary to sit in silence in front of the created installation for some time. You should imagine that you are at work, and you do not have any problems at all. Remember all the tasks assigned to you and imagine that you have already successfully solved them.

After that, you need to visualize the image of your boss in a good mood. It is important that at this moment the situation when he scolded you is not remembered. If possible, then dream about how he praises you for your results.

After the prayer, you should cross yourself and drink a few sips of holy water. This rite should be performed at least three times a week if problems arise at work.

Prayer for victory in sports

If sport is your professional occupation, then you need to periodically read a prayer to St. George the Victorious for support. Before you pray, you must definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health. Then you should go to the icon of the Saint and put a few candles there. At this moment, you need to silently turn to the Great Martyr in an arbitrary form. You should ask him to help you in your professional activities.

After that, you can go home. On the same day, you should retire to a separate room at home. It is necessary to install the icon of St. George the Victorious on the table and light a candle in front of it. After that, you need to imagine that you will be able to achieve success in sports.

Having visualized a successful picture, you should humbly say the following words:

After the prayer, you should cross yourself and put out the candle. It is advisable not to talk to anyone else on this day, but just go to bed.

Prayer to the Saint for good luck in competitions

In order to mentally tune in to win the competition, you need to read a prayer to George the Victorious.

It sounds like this:

Prayer for protection in the service

For protection in the service, you can use short prayers. One of these prayers goes like this:

Prayer to George the Victorious "Shield and Sword" from visible and invisible enemies

Strong prayer George the Victorious from visible and invisible enemies is as follows:

As a protective one, you can use any prayer to George the Victorious from a special collection. Also often prayer texts printed on reverse side Icons. It is important to use the prayer that evokes a response in the soul. If you listen to yourself, then the chosen prayer to St. George will become a reliable shield. It will protect from any external negative influence.

The classic prayer from enemies is as follows:

Listen to the prayer to George the Victorious:

Prayers of athletes, God's help and victory

During the days of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, when our athletes are trying their best, no matter what, winning medals for Russia, it's time to remember how the Lord helps people achieve great sporting achievements and how the Church treats competitions and sports.

Surely, many of the readers of our magazine saw on TV how some football players are baptized before the start of the match or how the Russian team attends prayers in the temple before the games. For most readers, the rich sports past or present of many priests is not a secret either.

What does prayer give them and does it give anything at all? Does the Lord really strengthen the spirit of athletes and help them achieve victories? Are miracles happening in their lives that can only be explained by God's help? Do Christians need sports? To answer these questions for ourselves, let's recall a few cases from the life of athletes and turn to the personal memories of some of them.

Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, award ceremony

1. Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, himself an athlete and winner of competitions at various levels in powerlifting, in one of his articles justified the need for sports in the Christian life:

“Sport increases strength, health, improves coordination of movements, develops confidence, teaches you to navigate in difficult circumstances. In extreme situations, it helps to maintain self-control and, ultimately, not to die, save other people from injury and death. They say that during the Great Patriotic War, our illustrious boxer Nikolai Korolev carried a wounded commander out of enemy fire on his shoulders through deep snow. Korolev himself later admitted that if it were not for sports, he would not have been able to save a person.

Sports training can be one of the components in the moral development of a person. It often is what it is - to be convinced of this, it is enough to talk with good trainers, especially those who work with children and young men. Many of them are real educators!”

2. The legendary hockey player Vladislav Tretyak, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion and coach of the Russian national hockey team once explained to journalists why he considers it important to pray before the competition:

“For the last three world championships, every time before the competition I came to the temple, prayed, asked God for help. And He helped us. But even with God's help In sports, only the strongest win. Apparently, this time we were simply not the strongest, no matter how sad it is to admit. And yet I am sure that the prayer helped us a lot.

The work of a high-class athlete is constantly associated with enormous psychological stress, and this is especially felt on the eve of important competitions. The parting words of the Patriarch, joint prayer in the temple - all this had a strong effect on the souls of our children, helped them to gather, calm down before the start of the Olympics. I think that without a prayer service, we might not have even those fifteen medals that we won.”

Prayer in the temple of the Russian Olympic team

3. He also shared his innermost memories from his personal sports life when he talked about his Christian path for the All-Russian project "FATUSHKA ONLINE":

“I remember a special occasion when we played in Canada. Then the doctor came to support me. And just before the match, he takes out an old icon and tells me: “Get on your knees, pray at this holy image of St. Nicholas, ask for help, and he will help you tomorrow.” Everyone remembers this game. It was hard to beat the Canadians, especially in their homeland. We lost 4:1 and won in overtime! Isn't it a miracle? Nobody could believe it.

He told me after the game: “You see, faith works wonders - a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker helped me win!” And it was such a difficult time for the country and a difficult period in my life. We really needed a win, it was extremely important. Since then, I have not gone to the game without praying, and I dedicate all my victories to God!

I look at the guys (now - ed.): most of them have icons, crosses on their chests. Malkin plays, he kisses the cross. You see, athletes, especially in heavy sports, playing for Russia, understand their great responsibility. And hockey is generally like in war: both heroism and patriotism. Therefore, everyone believes not only in himself, but is looking for additional strength. Having lived my life, I more and more agree with the phrase that there is nothing greater than a person with God, and there is nothing more miserable than a person without God ... "

4. God helps some athletes to recover after severe injuries or illnesses, states Mikhail Chesalin in the article “How God Intervenes in Sports”:

“What happened in 1994 with Oksana Grischuk can hardly be called anything other than a miracle. Shortly before the Games in Lillehammer, the athlete suffered pneumonia, and her performance at the main start of the four years was in jeopardy. Grischuk and Platov performed unsuccessfully at the European Championships, and, according to experts, the couple had no chance of successfully performing at the Games. But Grischuk turned to religion, read the Bible, prayed, and the audience saw champions from Russia at the rink. And since then, Oksana has been trying not to part with the main book of Christians.

Championship among priests in kettlebell lifting

5. New Martyr Optina Hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov) in his youth was a master of sports in water polo. Being secretly Orthodox Christian he strictly observed great post, says the book "Red Easter":

“They remember that at the championships, athletes were fed mainly abundant meat food, and Igor was content with bread and tea during fasting, rejoicing if there was buckwheat porridge on the menu. Here is an entry from his diary: “April 14-19, 1988 Tbilisi. Five games. Fast. I experienced the words of David: my knees were exhausted from fasting, and my body lost fat. God save us!"".

But that didn't stop him from winning the European Championship...

6. From which saints athletes ask for victories and how sports experience can be applied in spiritual life, said the confessor of the Russian Olympic team, Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov:

“Firstly, each athlete prays to his saint, after whom he is named. If Alexander, then Alexander Nevsky, for example, Daniel - Prince Daniel. Girls: Olga - Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, Natalia - to the martyrs Adrian and Natalia ... And they often pray to the Apostle Paul, because he mentions "the field" in his writings. That is Olympic Games. Then they were called so - "the lists". He wrote that he knew about these games, he knew that people compete, and he cited them as an example to follow in the spiritual struggle: as they try to win there, so one must try to win in the spiritual struggle. Therefore, the Apostle Paul is also remembered. They also serve prayers for every good deed, turning to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Russian football player prays before the match

7. Many athletes pray to God not only before the competition, but also after they do not forget to thank God for the victory, devoting all their work to Him.

So, the famous champion in fights without rules, Fedor Emelianenko, noted that he never experiences aggression towards his opponent, but simply does his job well: “It seems to me that a believer simply cannot do otherwise. And not only the one who is engaged in wrestling. You can even hit the shuttlecock with a racket with such anger, as if behind the net - your personal enemy.

"Sports anger" is some kind of artificial notion, I don't understand - what is it about? Sports patience, overcoming oneself, expanding one's capabilities - yes. When it seems to you that you can’t do it anymore and you don’t have enough strength, take it and step over yourself, bite your emotions, fatigue and still move forward. And anger - why is it necessary? She just gets in the way. It clouds the head, a person cannot soberly assess the situation, cannot adequately respond.

If the Lord put me in this business, then I must do it as well as possible. If I were a welder by profession, I would try to cook at the highest level. In sports, the sign of the maximum result is a victory. It is not important in itself, it is evidence that you have done everything to the end. After all, we, Orthodox Christians, will be judged by our actions. We must do everything for the glory of God. And we cannot afford to do something for the glory of God through our sleeves.”

"All the will of God", is the motto of an outstanding champion.

8. Olympic kayaking champion Yury Postrigai talked about the place of God in his life and sporting achievements in the following words:

“The whole meaning of my life is God. When it fell into my hands New Testament, I realized that I had lived wrong before, because I lived without God. The New Testament is a collection of instructions for life for people of all ages. There are instructions on how to win a gold medal, how to find the best wife, how to run a business, how to deal with failure, how to communicate with parents, how to love, how to forgive, how to succeed.

I was waiting for when I could say in front of a million people that there is a God! prayed recent times with such words: "God, if I win, I will talk about You everywhere." That is what is happening now. I won Olympic gold to tell everyone: there is a God!

According to the materials of Orthodox resources. Compiled by Andrey Segeda

Religious reading: a prayer for the success of an athlete to help our readers.

To win the competition, they turn with prayers to George the Victorious and Nikolai Ugodnik.

Prayer to George the Victorious for success in competitions

Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George!

Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon, worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from His goodness of God,

may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all our need for salvation and life in need of petition, and grant our country victory over the opposition;

and again, falling down, we pray to you, holy victorious:

strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed,

and may they lead them away, as if we have Divine help, and to all, in sorrow and circumstances, show your powerful intercession.

Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever.

I appeal to you, as to a saint strengthened in faith, do not refuse, the servant of God (name), to help the next one.

I believe in Christ, like you, and I ask for strength to win the competition.

I will not refuse the weak, but I will bypass the strong.

Prayer for victory in competitions to Nicholas the Wonderworker

O all-praised, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!

We pray to you, wake up the hope of all Christians, faithful protectors, hungry feeders, crying joy, sick doctors, stewards floating on the sea, poor and orphan feeders and all an ambulance and patron,

let us live a peaceful life here and let us be able to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven, and with them to unceasingly sing the worship of God alone in the Trinity forever and ever.

Prayer for winning the competition

George grew up in a religious Christian family during the reign of Diocletian. During his service, he established himself as a strong and brave warrior. Thanks to this, he was admitted to the emperor's inner circle as an employee. When Diocletian announced the persecution and destruction of Orthodox citizens, George came to their defense and declared his complicity in religion. For such actions, he was executed, giving martyrdom. But George accepts the execution with dignity and does not renounce his own words and beliefs. For this, he was attached to the ranks of the Holy Great Martyrs, and endowed with the power to provide assistance to ordinary mortals in various needs.

Prayers to George the Victorious for sports victories

If you are interested in the victory of your children, relatives or friends in sports competitions, then you can contact George the Victorious and ask for intercession and help. After all, his belief in you will consolidate and lead to the goal. And you need to turn to the great martyr with a prayer for the competition for victory with these words:

“Wonderworker, Victorious George! I appeal to you, as to a saint strengthened in faith, do not refuse me, the servant of God (name), to help the next one. I believe in Christ, like you, and I ask for strength to win the competition. I will not refuse the weak, but I will bypass the strong. May it be so. Amen"

You can also apply with special prayers for your daughter and for your own son, so that protection will always be with them.

George the Victorious helps to win.

“Victory” is often associated with great historical actions. But we all win our own tiny victories every day. For some, this is a triumph over idleness, for others - over ailments, for others - over their own addictions. Daily, praying in the mornings and evenings, we cry out for triumph over the prince of darkness, the devilish temptations. In this, prayers for victory to St. Archangel Michael, the head of the angelic warriors, and George the Victorious, will especially help us in this. These saints in the Christian faith are listed as crushers of dark forces, support in the fight against them, and they are depicted on the images as striking an unclean spirit in the form of a snake.

Orthodox prayer for a sports victory

For a person, victory means a lot in our vain life. At present, it is no longer shameful to pray on your own for the triumph at competitions, contests, olympiads. Before such important events, it will not be superfluous to visit the church to order a prayer service for victory, the Lord's help in various endeavors. Numerous current teams of athletes before the most important sports competitions not only attend church with the whole staff and pray to the Almighty for help, but also use the services of their own confessor-clergyman, who helps to support the team spiritually, perform prayers and confessions. But the miraculous prayer for victory will not help if you do not physically prepare for the competition - the athlete must make every effort to achieve the desired results himself. Here are the words of the prayer to the Great Martyr George the Victorious, with which you can ask for help in victory:

“Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George! Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from your goodness of God, may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life needy petitions, and will grant our country a victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the circumstances of existence, powerfully reveal your intercession. Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Video on the topic: Prayer to the Great Martyr George the Victorious

But getting victory in competitions depends not only on fervent prayers. If you want to help your team achieve success, don't forget to put your heart and soul into training, but try not to overdo it. Don't forget to rest and eat right. After all, if you neglect such simple rules, then harm to your own health is possible, and there may be a high probability of injury. But also try not to forget to go to the Orthodox Church. In the Temple, order a prayer for Health to yourself, light candles near the image of St. George the Victorious, and say these words in a barely audible voice:

"Saint George the Victorious. Bless me for the contest, approve the right calling. Amen."

Sincerely overshadow yourself with the meaning of the cross. To perform a prayer service at home, buy a prayer book and church candles. At the end of sports training, during rest, retire from everyone to a closed room, light a candle, and place an icon of St. George the Victorious next to it. Do not forget to believe in his help and protection of the Almighty. In your thoughts, repent of your own sins and with humility read the following prayer:

“Saint George the Victorious, don’t let me fall, slip, return with despair in my heart. Get to the finish line honestly, do not be afraid of the enemy. Let luck flow in sports, victory for the good is going on. Save my body from injury, let the difficult thing argue. May your will be done. Amen"

Cross yourself three times and put out the candle.

Good luck in your competitions!

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Prayers of athletes, God's help and victory

During the days of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, when our athletes are trying their best, no matter what, winning medals for Russia, it's time to remember how the Lord helps people achieve great sporting achievements and how the Church treats competitions and sports.

Surely, many of the readers of our magazine saw on TV how some football players are baptized before the start of the match or how the Russian team attends prayers in the temple before the games. For most readers, the rich sports past or present of many priests is not a secret either.

What does prayer give them and does it give anything at all? Does the Lord really strengthen the spirit of athletes and help them achieve victories? Are miracles happening in their lives that can only be explained by God's help? Do Christians need sports? To answer these questions for ourselves, let's recall a few cases from the life of athletes and turn to the personal memories of some of them.

Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, award ceremony

1. Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, himself an athlete and winner of competitions at various levels in powerlifting, in one of his articles justified the need for sports in the Christian life:

“Sport increases strength, health, improves coordination of movements, develops confidence, teaches you to navigate in difficult circumstances. In extreme situations, it helps to maintain self-control and, ultimately, not to die, save other people from injury and death. They say that during the Great Patriotic War, our illustrious boxer Nikolai Korolev carried a wounded commander out of enemy fire on his shoulders through deep snow. Korolev himself later admitted that if it were not for sports, he would not have been able to save a person.

Sports training can be one of the components in the moral development of a person. It often is what it is - to be convinced of this, it is enough to talk with good trainers, especially those who work with children and young men. Many of them are real educators!”

2. The legendary hockey player Vladislav Tretyak, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion and coach of the Russian national hockey team once explained to journalists why he considers it important to pray before the competition:

“For the last three world championships, every time before the competition I came to the temple, prayed, asked God for help. And He helped us. But even with God's help, only the strongest win in sports. Apparently, this time we were simply not the strongest, no matter how sad it is to admit. And yet I am sure that the prayer helped us a lot.

The work of a high-class athlete is constantly associated with enormous psychological stress, and this is especially felt on the eve of important competitions. The parting words of the Patriarch, joint prayer in the temple - all this had a strong effect on the souls of our children, helped them to gather, calm down before the start of the Olympics. I think that without a prayer service, we might not have even those fifteen medals that we won.”

Prayer in the temple of the Russian Olympic team

3. He also shared his innermost memories from his personal sports life when he talked about his Christian path for the All-Russian project "FATUSHKA ONLINE":

“I remember a special occasion when we played in Canada. Then the doctor came to support me. And just before the match, he takes out an old icon and tells me: “Get on your knees, pray at this holy image of St. Nicholas, ask for help, and he will help you tomorrow.” Everyone remembers this game. It was hard to beat the Canadians, especially in their homeland. We lost 4:1 and won in overtime! Isn't it a miracle? Nobody could believe it.

He told me after the game: “You see, faith works wonders - a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker helped me win!” And it was such a difficult time for the country and a difficult period in my life. We really needed a win, it was extremely important. Since then, I have not gone to the game without praying, and I dedicate all my victories to God!

I look at the guys (now - ed.): most of them have icons, crosses on their chests. Malkin plays, he kisses the cross. You see, athletes, especially in heavy sports, playing for Russia, understand their great responsibility. And hockey is generally like in war: both heroism and patriotism. Therefore, everyone believes not only in himself, but is looking for additional strength. Having lived my life, I more and more agree with the phrase that there is nothing greater than a person with God, and there is nothing more miserable than a person without God ... "

4. God helps some athletes to recover after severe injuries or illnesses, states Mikhail Chesalin in the article “How God Intervenes in Sports”:

“What happened in 1994 with Oksana Grischuk can hardly be called anything other than a miracle. Shortly before the Games in Lillehammer, the athlete suffered pneumonia, and her performance at the main start of the four years was in jeopardy. Grischuk and Platov performed unsuccessfully at the European Championships, and, according to experts, the couple had no chance of successfully performing at the Games. But Grischuk turned to religion, read the Bible, prayed, and the audience saw champions from Russia at the rink. And since then, Oksana has been trying not to part with the main book of Christians.

Championship among priests in kettlebell lifting

5. New Martyr Optina Hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov) in his youth was a master of sports in water polo. Being a secretly Orthodox Christian, he strictly observed Great Lent, according to the book Red Easter:

“They remember that at the championships, athletes were fed mainly with abundant meat food, and Igor was content with bread and tea during fasting, rejoicing if there was buckwheat porridge on the menu. Here is an entry from his diary: “April 14-19, 1988 Tbilisi. Five games. Fast. I experienced the words of David: my knees were exhausted from fasting, and my body lost fat. God save us!"".

But that didn't stop him from winning the European Championship...

6. From which saints athletes ask for victories and how sports experience can be applied in spiritual life, said the confessor of the Russian Olympic team, Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov:

“Firstly, each athlete prays to his saint, after whom he is named. If Alexander, then Alexander Nevsky, for example, Daniel - Prince Daniel. Girls: Olga - Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, Natalia - to the martyrs Adrian and Natalia ... And they often pray to the Apostle Paul, because he mentions "the ground" in his writings. That is the Olympic Games. Then they were called so - "the lists". He wrote that he knew about these games, he knew that people compete, and he cited them as an example to follow in the spiritual struggle: as they try to win there, so one must try to win in the spiritual struggle. Therefore, the Apostle Paul is also remembered. They also serve prayers for every good deed, turning to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Russian football player prays before the match

7. Many athletes pray to God not only before the competition, but also after they do not forget to thank God for the victory, devoting all their work to Him.

So, the famous champion in fights without rules, Fedor Emelianenko, noted that he never experiences aggression towards his opponent, but simply does his job well: “It seems to me that a believer simply cannot do otherwise. And not only the one who is engaged in wrestling. You can even hit the shuttlecock with a racket with such anger, as if behind the net - your personal enemy.

"Sports anger" is some kind of artificial notion, I don't understand - what is it about? Sports patience, overcoming oneself, expanding one's capabilities - yes. When it seems to you that you can’t do it anymore and you don’t have enough strength, take it and step over yourself, bite your emotions, fatigue and still move forward. And anger - why is it necessary? She just gets in the way. It clouds the head, a person cannot soberly assess the situation, cannot adequately respond.

If the Lord put me in this business, then I must do it as well as possible. If I were a welder by profession, I would try to cook at the highest level. In sports, the sign of the maximum result is a victory. It is not important in itself, it is evidence that you have done everything to the end. After all, we, Orthodox Christians, will be judged by our actions. We must do everything for the glory of God. And we cannot afford to do something for the glory of God through our sleeves.”

"All the will of God", is the motto of an outstanding champion.

8. Olympic kayaking champion Yury Postrigai talked about the place of God in his life and sporting achievements in the following words:

“The whole meaning of my life is God. When the New Testament fell into my hands, I realized that I had lived wrong before, because I had lived without God. The New Testament is a collection of instructions for life for people of all ages. There are instructions on how to win a gold medal, how to find the best wife, how to run a business, how to deal with failure, how to communicate with parents, how to love, how to forgive, how to succeed.

I was waiting for when I could say in front of a million people that there is a God! Lately I have been praying with these words: “God, if I win, I will talk about You everywhere.” That is what is happening now. I won Olympic gold to tell everyone: there is a God!

According to the materials of Orthodox resources. Compiled by Andrey Segeda

All about religion and faith - "a prayer for the son's good luck in competitions" with detailed description and photographs.

To win the competition, they turn with prayers to George the Victorious and Nikolai Ugodnik.

Prayer to George the Victorious for success in competitions

Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George!

Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon, worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from His goodness of God,

may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all our need for salvation and life in need of petition, and grant our country victory over the opposition;

and again, falling down, we pray to you, holy victorious:

strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed,

and may they lead them away, as if we have Divine help, and to all, in sorrow and circumstances, show your powerful intercession.

Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever.

I appeal to you, as to a saint strengthened in faith, do not refuse, the servant of God (name), to help the next one.

I believe in Christ, like you, and I ask for strength to win the competition.

I will not refuse the weak, but I will bypass the strong.

Prayer for victory in competitions to Nicholas the Wonderworker

O all-praised, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!

We pray to you, wake up the hope of all Christians, faithful protectors, hungry feeders, crying joy, sick doctors, stewards floating on the sea, poor and orphan feeders and all an ambulance and patron,

let us live a peaceful life here and let us be able to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven, and with them to unceasingly sing the worship of God alone in the Trinity forever and ever.


The word "victory" often evokes in us associations with epoch-making historical events. But we all have to win small personal victories every day. For some, this is a victory over laziness, for others - over illness, for others - over their passions. Every day, reading the morning and evening prayer rule, we pray for victory over the devil, demonic obsessions.

Orthodox prayers for victory to the holy Archangel Michael, the leader of the angelic host, and Great Martyr George the Victorious, especially help us in this. These saints in the Orthodox Church are considered the winners of evil forces, helpers in the fight against them, and even on icons they are depicted as striking the devil in the form of a serpent.

A strong prayer that helps defeat demonic attacks is also the prayer to the Cross of the Lord - May God rise again, coupled with the overshadowing of oneself with the sign of the cross.

Christian prayer for victory in sports

Victory is also very important in worldly life. Today it is no longer considered shameful to independently read a prayer for victory in a competition, contest, or olympiad. Before these important events in life, you can go to the temple, order a prayer service for victory, God's help in this or that undertaking. Many modern sports teams before an important sports tournament not only go to the temple all together and pray strongly for victory, but even have their confessors - priests who spiritually feed the team, provide moral support, confess, and pray. However, the miraculous prayer for victory does not mean that you can not prepare for a competition or an olympiad - a person must always make every effort to achieve a result on his own.

Orthodox prayer for victory in court

I think those who have had to face litigation will not want to go through this again. The time spent, nerves, strength, and the result is always unpredictable ... Orthodox people who face this test read a strong prayer to St. Spyridon Trimifunsky, and in especially difficult, protracted trials - an akathist to him. During his life, this saint helped people a lot, for which he was awarded the grace of God to help even after death in difficult everyday situations. The text of the church prayer for victory in court to St. Spyridon, as well as an akathist to him, can be found in any Orthodox prayer book.

Listen to the video prayer to St. George the Victorious for a quick victory

Orthodox text of the prayer for victory in Russian to St. George the Victorious

Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George! Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from your goodness of God, may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life needy petitions, and will grant our country a victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the circumstances of existence, powerfully reveal your intercession. Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The text of the Orthodox prayer for victory in court to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Humanity God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by His mercy. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, may he grant us, but the death of the belly is shameful and peaceful and eternal bliss in the future, let us unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for son's good luck in competitions

Please Pray, Russia

Anna, Kostroma, Russia

Stanislav, Ukraine Belopolye

christian prayer center

About the victory of the son in the competition

City, country: Nizhny Tagil, Russia

Lord, I ask you to help my son Vladimir in the upcoming competitions. He strives for this victory, trains without laziness, tolerates pain, respects his rivals. He deserves this victory. Give him courage, courage. Strengthen his spirit and give him faith in victory! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Number of those who supported this prayer: 1084

The site administration publishes prayer requests practically “as is”, correcting only spelling errors if possible (when we have time) or reprinting requests from “transliteration” (Latin) into the Russian alphabet. In all other respects, we trust God that He hears all prayer requests from us sinners and does not put an obstacle to our prayer. If you, spiritual brothers and sisters, think that some kind of prayer request is unacceptable from a Christian point of view, do not condemn the author of the request, but PRAY for him or her, as God puts it on your heart. In all things may God be glorified and may all know His love and salvation. Amen.

Prayer to George the Victorious for victory in sports

You have to take part in the competition. Sport is your calling. To win, bringing success to your team, read the prayer to George the Victorious.

You train with soul, but please don't push yourself too hard.

Do not forget about rest, self-hypnosis and proper nutrition.

If you neglect this, you can harm your health.

Yes, and injuries are also not ruled out.

Please forgive me for digressing.

Find time to visit the Orthodox Church.

Submit a custom note about your own Health.

Put candles to the icon of George the Victorious.

Read this prayer silently.

Saint George the Victorious. Bless me for the contest, approve the right calling. Amen.

For prayer at home, buy more church candles.

After a sports workout, when it's time to rest, retire to a locked room.

Light the candles. Place next to Orthodox icon George the Victorious.

Believe in his bright protection and intercession of the Lord God.

Mentally repent of your sins.

Start humble prayer.

Saint George the Victorious, don't let me fall, slip, return with despair in my heart. Get to the finish line honestly, do not be afraid of the enemy. Let luck flow in sports, victory for the good is going on. Save my body from injury, let the difficult thing argue. May your will be done. Amen.

Place the sign of the cross on yourself. Put out the candles.

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Prayer for winning the competition

George grew up in a religious Christian family during the reign of Diocletian. During his service, he established himself as a strong and brave warrior. Thanks to this, he was admitted to the emperor's inner circle as an employee. When Diocletian announced the persecution and destruction of Orthodox citizens, George came to their defense and declared his complicity in religion. For such actions, he was executed, giving martyrdom. But George accepts the execution with dignity and does not renounce his own words and beliefs. For this, he was attached to the ranks of the Holy Great Martyrs, and endowed with the power to provide assistance to ordinary mortals in various needs.

Prayers to George the Victorious for sports victories

If you are interested in the victory of your children, relatives or friends in sports competitions, then you can contact George the Victorious and ask for intercession and help. After all, his belief in you will consolidate and lead to the goal. And you need to turn to the great martyr with a prayer for the competition for victory with these words:

“Wonderworker, Victorious George! I appeal to you, as to a saint strengthened in faith, do not refuse me, the servant of God (name), to help the next one. I believe in Christ, like you, and I ask for strength to win the competition. I will not refuse the weak, but I will bypass the strong. May it be so. Amen"

You can also apply with special prayers for your daughter and for your own son, so that protection will always be with them.

George the Victorious helps to win.

“Victory” is often associated with great historical actions. But we all win our own tiny victories every day. For some, this is a triumph over idleness, for others - over ailments, for others - over their own addictions. Daily, praying in the mornings and evenings, we cry out for triumph over the prince of darkness, the devilish temptations. In this, prayers for victory to St. Archangel Michael, the head of the angelic warriors, and George the Victorious, will especially help us in this. These saints in the Christian faith are listed as crushers of dark forces, support in the fight against them, and they are depicted on the images as striking an unclean spirit in the form of a snake.

Orthodox prayer for a sports victory

For a person, victory means a lot in our vain life. At present, it is no longer shameful to pray on your own for the triumph at competitions, contests, olympiads. Before such important events, it will not be superfluous to visit the church to order a prayer service for victory, the Lord's help in various endeavors. Numerous current teams of athletes before the most important sports competitions not only attend church with the whole staff and pray to the Almighty for help, but also use the services of their own confessor-clergyman, who helps to support the team spiritually, perform prayers and confessions. But the miraculous prayer for victory will not help if you do not physically prepare for the competition - the athlete must make every effort to achieve the desired results himself. Here are the words of the prayer to the Great Martyr George the Victorious, with which you can ask for help in victory:

“Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George! Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from your goodness of God, may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life needy petitions, and will grant our country a victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the circumstances of existence, powerfully reveal your intercession. Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Video on the topic: Prayer to the Great Martyr George the Victorious

But getting victory in competitions depends not only on fervent prayers. If you want to help your team achieve success, don't forget to put your heart and soul into training, but try not to overdo it. Don't forget to rest and eat right. After all, if you neglect such simple rules, then harm to your own health is possible, and there may be a high probability of injury. But also try not to forget to go to the Orthodox Church. In the Temple, order a prayer for Health to yourself, light candles near the image of St. George the Victorious, and say these words in a barely audible voice:

"Saint George the Victorious. Bless me for the contest, approve the right calling. Amen."

Sincerely overshadow yourself with the meaning of the cross. To perform a prayer service at home, buy a prayer book and church candles. At the end of sports training, during rest, retire from everyone to a closed room, light a candle, and place an icon of St. George the Victorious next to it. Do not forget to believe in his help and protection of the Almighty. In your thoughts, repent of your own sins and with humility read the following prayer:

“Saint George the Victorious, don’t let me fall, slip, return with despair in my heart. Get to the finish line honestly, do not be afraid of the enemy. Let luck flow in sports, victory for the good is going on. Save my body from injury, let the difficult thing argue. May your will be done. Amen"

Cross yourself three times and put out the candle.

Good luck in your competitions!

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Prayers of athletes, God's help and victory

During the days of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, when our athletes are trying their best, no matter what, winning medals for Russia, it's time to remember how the Lord helps people achieve great sporting achievements and how the Church treats competitions and sports.

Surely, many of the readers of our magazine saw on TV how some football players are baptized before the start of the match or how the Russian team attends prayers in the temple before the games. For most readers, the rich sports past or present of many priests is not a secret either.

What does prayer give them and does it give anything at all? Does the Lord really strengthen the spirit of athletes and help them achieve victories? Are miracles happening in their lives that can only be explained by God's help? Do Christians need sports? To answer these questions for ourselves, let's recall a few cases from the life of athletes and turn to the personal memories of some of them.

Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, award ceremony

1. Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, himself an athlete and winner of competitions at various levels in powerlifting, in one of his articles justified the need for sports in the Christian life:

“Sport increases strength, health, improves coordination of movements, develops confidence, teaches you to navigate in difficult circumstances. In extreme situations, it helps to maintain self-control and, ultimately, not to die, save other people from injury and death. They say that during the Great Patriotic War, our illustrious boxer Nikolai Korolev carried a wounded commander out of enemy fire on his shoulders through deep snow. Korolev himself later admitted that if it were not for sports, he would not have been able to save a person.

Sports training can be one of the components in the moral development of a person. It often is what it is - to be convinced of this, it is enough to talk with good trainers, especially those who work with children and young men. Many of them are real educators!”

2. The legendary hockey player Vladislav Tretyak, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion and coach of the Russian national hockey team once explained to journalists why he considers it important to pray before the competition:

“For the last three world championships, every time before the competition I came to the temple, prayed, asked God for help. And He helped us. But even with God's help, only the strongest win in sports. Apparently, this time we were simply not the strongest, no matter how sad it is to admit. And yet I am sure that the prayer helped us a lot.

The work of a high-class athlete is constantly associated with enormous psychological stress, and this is especially felt on the eve of important competitions. The parting words of the Patriarch, joint prayer in the temple - all this had a strong effect on the souls of our children, helped them to gather, calm down before the start of the Olympics. I think that without a prayer service, we might not have even those fifteen medals that we won.”

Prayer in the temple of the Russian Olympic team

3. He also shared his innermost memories from his personal sports life when he talked about his Christian path for the All-Russian project "FATUSHKA ONLINE":

“I remember a special occasion when we played in Canada. Then the doctor came to support me. And just before the match, he takes out an old icon and tells me: “Get on your knees, pray at this holy image of St. Nicholas, ask for help, and he will help you tomorrow.” Everyone remembers this game. It was hard to beat the Canadians, especially in their homeland. We lost 4:1 and won in overtime! Isn't it a miracle? Nobody could believe it.

He told me after the game: “You see, faith works wonders - a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker helped me win!” And it was such a difficult time for the country and a difficult period in my life. We really needed a win, it was extremely important. Since then, I have not gone to the game without praying, and I dedicate all my victories to God!

I look at the guys (now - ed.): most of them have icons, crosses on their chests. Malkin plays, he kisses the cross. You see, athletes, especially in heavy sports, playing for Russia, understand their great responsibility. And hockey is generally like in war: both heroism and patriotism. Therefore, everyone believes not only in himself, but is looking for additional strength. Having lived my life, I more and more agree with the phrase that there is nothing greater than a person with God, and there is nothing more miserable than a person without God ... "

4. God helps some athletes to recover after severe injuries or illnesses, states Mikhail Chesalin in the article “How God Intervenes in Sports”:

“What happened in 1994 with Oksana Grischuk can hardly be called anything other than a miracle. Shortly before the Games in Lillehammer, the athlete suffered pneumonia, and her performance at the main start of the four years was in jeopardy. Grischuk and Platov performed unsuccessfully at the European Championships, and, according to experts, the couple had no chance of successfully performing at the Games. But Grischuk turned to religion, read the Bible, prayed, and the audience saw champions from Russia at the rink. And since then, Oksana has been trying not to part with the main book of Christians.

Championship among priests in kettlebell lifting

5. New Martyr Optina Hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov) in his youth was a master of sports in water polo. Being a secretly Orthodox Christian, he strictly observed Great Lent, according to the book Red Easter:

“They remember that at the championships, athletes were fed mainly with abundant meat food, and Igor was content with bread and tea during fasting, rejoicing if there was buckwheat porridge on the menu. Here is an entry from his diary: “April 14-19, 1988 Tbilisi. Five games. Fast. I experienced the words of David: my knees were exhausted from fasting, and my body lost fat. God save us!"".

But that didn't stop him from winning the European Championship...

6. From which saints athletes ask for victories and how sports experience can be applied in spiritual life, said the confessor of the Russian Olympic team, Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov:

“Firstly, each athlete prays to his saint, after whom he is named. If Alexander, then Alexander Nevsky, for example, Daniel - Prince Daniel. Girls: Olga - Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, Natalia - to the martyrs Adrian and Natalia ... And they often pray to the Apostle Paul, because he mentions "the ground" in his writings. That is the Olympic Games. Then they were called so - "the lists". He wrote that he knew about these games, he knew that people compete, and he cited them as an example to follow in the spiritual struggle: as they try to win there, so one must try to win in the spiritual struggle. Therefore, the Apostle Paul is also remembered. They also serve prayers for every good deed, turning to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Russian football player prays before the match

7. Many athletes pray to God not only before the competition, but also after they do not forget to thank God for the victory, devoting all their work to Him.

So, the famous champion in fights without rules, Fedor Emelianenko, noted that he never experiences aggression towards his opponent, but simply does his job well: “It seems to me that a believer simply cannot do otherwise. And not only the one who is engaged in wrestling. You can even hit the shuttlecock with a racket with such anger, as if behind the net - your personal enemy.

"Sports anger" is some kind of artificial notion, I don't understand - what is it about? Sports patience, overcoming oneself, expanding one's capabilities - yes. When it seems to you that you can’t do it anymore and you don’t have enough strength, take it and step over yourself, bite your emotions, fatigue and still move forward. And anger - why is it necessary? She just gets in the way. It clouds the head, a person cannot soberly assess the situation, cannot adequately respond.

If the Lord put me in this business, then I must do it as well as possible. If I were a welder by profession, I would try to cook at the highest level. In sports, the sign of the maximum result is a victory. It is not important in itself, it is evidence that you have done everything to the end. After all, we, Orthodox Christians, will be judged by our actions. We must do everything for the glory of God. And we cannot afford to do something for the glory of God through our sleeves.”

"All the will of God", is the motto of an outstanding champion.

8. Olympic kayaking champion Yury Postrigai talked about the place of God in his life and sporting achievements in the following words:

“The whole meaning of my life is God. When the New Testament fell into my hands, I realized that I had lived wrong before, because I had lived without God. The New Testament is a collection of instructions for life for people of all ages. There are instructions on how to win a gold medal, how to find the best wife, how to run a business, how to deal with failure, how to communicate with parents, how to love, how to forgive, how to succeed.

I was waiting for when I could say in front of a million people that there is a God! Lately I have been praying with these words: “God, if I win, I will talk about You everywhere.” That is what is happening now. I won Olympic gold to tell everyone: there is a God!

According to the materials of Orthodox resources. Compiled by Andrey Segeda

The Orthodox Church on May 6 or April 23, according to the old style, celebrates the day of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. This Saint was born into a wealthy family in the city of Beirut, which was formerly called Berit. His parents were pious people. The child was brought up in the Christian faith from childhood.

The Earthly Life of the Saint

Already in childhood, a terrible grief befell the family of George. His father, the commander of Cappadocia, was tortured by the pagans for confessing the faith of Christ. After that, the mother, along with her son, moved to her parents, who were owners of vast estates in the immediate vicinity of the city of Lydda in Palestine.

George was a capable child and received an excellent education, after which he decided to enter the military service. At the age of twenty, he was appointed commander of the illustrious cohort of invictiors. During the period of military battles with the Persians, the emperor himself noticed a brave young man, for which he was appointed a committee - close to the emperor Diocletian.

Diocletian's reign falls between 284 and 305. This ruler was a fanatical paganist. He is known for having organized terrible persecutions of Christians. Once George witnessed a terrible verdict at the trial, which was associated with the extermination of many Christians. His heart was filled with compassion. Realizing that he was also threatened with suffering for his faith, he himself came to Diocletian and confessed that he was a Christian. So that his property would not go to the pagans, he first distributed his property to the poor and gave freedom to his slaves. Appearing before the emperor, George accused him of injustice and cruelty. The speech of the fearless warrior was filled with objections to the order, which ordered the persecution of Christians, and they were very convincing.

Immediately George was imprisoned. The most terrible tortures were applied to him in order to force him to renounce Christ. But all the sophisticated efforts of the emperor were in vain. George prayed and glorified the Lord.

Did not renounce the faith on his deathbed

The legend says that once, after another torture by wheeling, all the witnesses recognized George as dead. But suddenly a thunder rang out from heaven and a voice of support sounded. Healed by the Angel of God, George opened his eyes and got off the wheel himself, continuing to glorify God. Thanks to this miracle, many pagans wanted to accept Christianity, including Empress Alexandra herself, and many close to the emperor.

George still had to endure great torment, but it was not possible to break him. After some time, the emperor ordered the execution of a Christian. At first, he wanted to sacrifice him in the temple of Apollo. But George turned to the statue of Apollo, how dare he and all the idols remain in this place when a true servant of God came here. After these words, the pagan temple began to collapse in front of many witnesses. Frightened, ardent pagans demanded that the emperor urgently execute George. He was brought to the chopping block. There he asked to be released from the shackles and began to pray. After that, George himself laid his head on the chopping block.

The soul of the Holy Great Martyr for the fact that he defeated his tormentors, the Angels took to Heaven, his body was buried in Lydda.

Orthodox prayers to St. George the Victorious are in great demand among believers. According to church traditions, this Saint always protects weak people. According to legend, it was George the Victorious who was sent by God to help people in order to save them from a terrible sacrifice. They had to give their children to be eaten by a terrible serpent. Saint George saved people from such a terrible fate by slaying the serpent with a spear.

Read a prayer for help at work

If there are difficulties in the work, then you should not despair. It is necessary to conduct a small ceremony and pray to the Holy Great Martyr George. To do this, you need to retire in a separate room.

  • Light three candles;
  • Set in front of you the icon of the Saint;
  • Place a carafe filled with holy water nearby.

It is necessary to sit in silence in front of the created installation for some time. You should imagine that you are at work, and you do not have any problems at all. Remember all the tasks assigned to you and imagine that you have already successfully solved them.

After that, you need to visualize the image of your boss in a good mood. It is important that at this moment the situation when he scolded you is not remembered. If possible, then dream about how he praises you for your results.

“I turn to You, Saint George the Victorious and Savior, I, the Servant (s) of God (s) ( given name). Hear my prayer and come down to me from heaven. Help me, give me strength in my work, make me strong in spirit. Help me overcome all the difficulties in my work, overpower the litigation that happened at work. Make sure that the authorities are located. And if I am destined to be fired, then may Christ forgive me for all my rash acts. Amen".

After the prayer, you should cross yourself and drink a few sips of holy water. This rite should be performed at least three times a week if problems arise at work.

If sport is your professional occupation, then you need to periodically read a prayer to St. George the Victorious for support. Before you pray, you must definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health. Then you should go to the icon of the Saint and put a few candles there. At this moment, you need to silently turn to the Great Martyr in an arbitrary form. You should ask him to help you in your professional activities.

After that, you can go home. On the same day, you should retire to a separate room at home. It is necessary to install the icon of St. George the Victorious on the table and light a candle in front of it. After that, you need to imagine that you will be able to achieve success in sports.

Having visualized a successful picture, you should humbly say the following words:

Saint George the Victorious, Great Martyr and Savior. I ask you to help me achieve success in sports. Don't let me fall and slip at the crucial moment. Don't let the despair of failure fill my heart. Help to reach the finish line successfully and win. Give me strength not to be afraid of my adversary. May luck always accompany me in sports, may enchanting victories happen only for good. I ask you to save me from injury, save my body. Give me the strength to fight successfully. Amen".

After the prayer, you should cross yourself and put out the candle. It is advisable not to talk to anyone else on this day, but just go to bed.

Prayer to the Saint for good luck in competitions

In order to mentally tune in to win the competition, you need to read a prayer to George the Victorious.

It sounds like this:

“Holy, All-Glorious and All-Praiseworthy Great Martyr George the Victorious! Believers gather in the temple and worship before your holy icon. We all beg You to intercede before God for us. Pray for us the Most High Merciful. May he hear us asking for good luck. The path, the Lord, will not leave us with its goodness and will lead us to salvation, but in life it will give us victories that we really need. Strengthen us and give strength to the necessary resistance. Destroy all the machinations of the enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame. We hope for your Divine help and intercession. Amen".

Prayer for protection in the service

For protection in the service, you can use short prayers. One of these prayers goes like this:

"Saint George the Victorious. You are a brave warrior and Savior. So I ask you to help me carry out my service with dignity. Hear my plea for help and descend from heaven. Empower me, and give me the opportunity to fight relentlessly. Help me to overcome all the troubles that can happen. Let the relationship develop successfully in the service with the authorities, and no one and nothing can prevent me from fulfilling my duty. Amen".

“Holy Great Martyr, Victorious George, you are a strong warrior who did not abandon the faith of Christ and your convictions in a difficult hour. Under terrible torture, you defended your intentions, and withstood with Christian faith in your soul and prayer. And I thank God Almighty for everything I have in this life. I pray to You, Holy Victorious, that you grant me the strength of the spirit, so that I can successfully embody myself in the service for the benefit of everyone, and not to harm. I ask You to soften the hearts of my enemies and enemies who spread rumors and gossip about me and seek to harm me. Turn away from me forever all sorrows, troubles and misfortunes. Let only people endowed with worldly wisdom, experience and knowledge meet in my service. Give me the opportunity to have patience and help me through my life path with dignity, without harming anyone and resisting sinful temptations. I believe and hope in Your help in solving all my problems. Amen.

A strong prayer to George the Victorious from visible and invisible enemies is as follows:

“Lord, bless Your Servant (s) (s) (proper name)! I appeal for help to St. George the Victorious. You were a strong and courageous warrior during your lifetime, remember your glorious path. So again take your sword and protect me from enemies visible and invisible. Save me from the evil black force that is trying to harm me. Do not let the sorcerer and sorcerer cast evil spells on me. Protect me from the crooked and wrong path, from damage and the evil eye from evil enemies, from the blasphemy of ill-wishers, from losses, from diseases, from sinful temptations and from other infections. Make sure that the guardian angel is always next to me. Help me avoid someone else's guilt. Make sure that the Holy Spirit does not turn away from me. Be with me the Holy Great Martyr in all trials nearby, endow with faith, protect my soul. Make all my hardships and worries go away like a snowstorm subsides after a storm. Let the gaze of the enemy turn away from me and do no harm to me. May troubles and sorrows go far from me. May my suffering be forever forgotten. I am Saint George the Great Martyr, I trust in you! I believe, I pray to the Lord and I glorify you. Amen".

As a protective one, you can use any prayer to George the Victorious from a special collection. Also often prayer texts are printed on the reverse side of the Icon. It is important to use the prayer that evokes a response in the soul. If you listen to yourself, then the chosen prayer to St. George will become a reliable shield. It will protect from any external negative influence.

The classic prayer from enemies is as follows:

“Oh, glorified by all the holy great martyr and miracle worker St. George the Victorious! Pay attention to my requests, reassure me with your help and implore the merciful Lord God the Most High and Almighty. So that he would not condemn me a sinner for all the sins committed, I did not know what I was doing. Let the Lord not punish me according to my iniquities, but let him judge according to his mercy of God. Do not disregard the Great Martyr Holy my sincere prayers. Ask for me before the Almighty. May they grant me a quiet and calm charitable life without sinful temptations. Ask the Holy Great Martyr for my spiritual health and bodily strengthening. Grant us all the earth fertility and abundance. I thank you Saint George and glorify your name. I believe in your intercession. May I have strength to overcome the obstacles of life and confront enemies. Strengthen me with peace and your blessings. Assign the Angels of heaven to me so that they always walk through life nearby, show me the right path, save me from adversity and save me from the wiles of the evil one. Amen".

Listen to the prayer to George the Victorious:

P - to dream