Hiccup divination by day of the week. Superstitions about hiccups

What to expect if hiccups overcome on Sunday? How to interpret hiccups on the last day of the week hourly?

Relentless hiccups on Sunday predicts you a fun pastime in the coming days. Perhaps at that hour the phone will ring and you will be invited to a wide fun. In any case, you should not plan work on this day, since Sunday was not invented for this tedious business.

If your frequent hiccups are not associated with hypothermia or a plentiful amount of food in the stomach, then in this case you can trust the hiccups and use it to open the veil of the future. Trust our predictor and find out the future easily and simply.

They say that when hiccups fall on a person, it can only mean one thing - someone commemorates him with an unkind phrase. But that is by no means the case, in fact. Promises a sign of completely different things. It all depends on what day of the week the hiccups attacked you and in what time interval it happened.

Our hiccups will come to your rescue at any moment. The main thing is to keep it at hand at any place and at any hour. If this is not convenient for you, then just carry a notebook and a pen in your purse, and fix the time of your hiccups, and then, in a calm atmosphere, look into the hiccups and find out what it promises. Or you can record the time of the hiccup attack on your phone. It will be even more convenient and easier to do.

Hiccup Sunday time 00.00 - 01.00

Ik attacks can be deciphered as a harbinger of manna from heaven, that is, money from where you do not expect. But do not rush to spend them on household needs, especially for women who have children. Do not spend this money on children, husband or anyone else. They are intended for your personal aspirations, so spend it on yourself. See, you will be so exalted in your own eyes that it is incomprehensible to the mind.

Do not lose your head with all this chic, and do not turn into a princess who does not care about the problems and sorrows of others. Remain, in the end, a person, because you yourself know how seriously money can change a person for the worse.

Hiccup Sunday time 01.00 - 02.00

In the near future, a shock of work will fall upon you. You will give all of yourself to work, there will not even be a minute left to put yourself in order properly. But for this laborious dedication, you will receive a generous amount of money.

The only catch is that native hearts can seriously take offense at you for paying meager attention during this interval. Soon you will catch up, and loved ones will understand that it is stupid to be offended by a loved one for such a trifle.

Hiccup Sunday time 02.00 - 03.00

Soon, a stupid embarrassment due to your fault may happen. And it will happen with the second half. Darling will severely reprimand you for excessive squandering and will be absolutely right. It is not good to be so windy about money, especially since it was not you who earned it, but your man.

If everything stays in place and you don't learn the technique of elementary economy in family life, then the relationship with your loved one will give a big and seriously tangible crack. Do not bring your life together with your soulmate to such a state. Show care for his work and for the money that a man earns for the benefit of the family.

Hiccup Sunday time 03.00 - 04.00

If an attack of hiccups occurred during this interval of the night, then this is a hint that all your burning issues will soon be resolved. Drink some water to get rid of this debilitating hiccup, and lie down on your side. It is in this Sunday night dream that the answers to all your questions and doubts will come.

Try to remember your dream so that in the morning you can decipher it. If you have a colorful and cheerful dream, then everything will soon get better for you and there will be no problems and no wet traces left, but if the dreams were sad and even scary, then you need to prepare for the blows of fate.

Do not be afraid of the upcoming trials, because they are given to strengthen our faith in our own strength and for the fortitude of the spirit. After each severe storm comes heavenly calm, it will certainly come to you too.

Hiccup Sunday time 04.00 - 05.00

If hiccups made a sabotage attack on you during this interval of Sunday morning, then this is a sign that you have been sitting at home for too long. You should in the near future, not thinking about household snags, deeds, worries, go on a merry festivity.

Do not be afraid to show your gut and do not hold back the impulses of your soul. If you suddenly decide on the table, say, arrange dances or sing songs at the top of your lungs, then do it without thinking. Dare to take such a seemingly reckless step and do not be afraid to look like a clown.

You will see, it will become so much easier on your soul and heart after such a “breakaway”. You will feel lightness in your whole body, and all kinds of unkind thoughts that torment you from day to day will disappear from your head. You will get so much adrenaline after this party that it will be enough for the next year or two. Sometimes you have to allow yourself to buzz to the fullest in the positive sense of the expression.

Hiccup Sunday time 05.00 - 06.00

If unpleasant hiccups hit you at this time interval, prepare your pens to receive the desired present. You have long dreamed about this little thing, but spared money on it. Finally the laurel time has come and you will be rewarded with such a nice gift. And this gift will be given to you by a very dear person, perhaps your soulmate.

Do not forget to thank kindly your executor of desires. For this person, you are very dear and he does not want to share you with anyone. If you give your heart and hand forever to this man, then make happy not only him with this act, but also yourself. With such a man, you will truly feel like under a caring mother's wing.

Hiccup Sunday time 06.00 - 07.00

At this interval of Sunday morning attacks of hiccups can be deciphered as a warning about the collapse of plans and dreams. Everything will begin to develop in a contradictory way in relation to your aspirations and desires. What seemed so real and achievable turns into an impossible dream.

Do not be afraid of this circumstance of affairs, since everything that happens in life will only benefit you. You will receive the most valuable lesson of fate and understand the whole essence of your being. The most important thing is living relatives and healthy children, and not what you imagined in the recent past.

Hiccup Sunday time 07.00 - 08.00

Overcoming hiccups at this moment on Sunday morning predicts bad things. She says that a small negative shock will happen in your life. Do not be afraid of such a prediction, but courageously prepare for it. A small grief that has happened in your family will not break you and make you despair, you will simply become much stronger and more resilient.

We advise you in the coming days not to enter into fights with anyone and not to go on a long journey. Be vigilant and do not make acquaintances with suspicious people. Unscrupulous individuals can easily deceive you, beware of them. Do not agree to conclude dubious contracts and agreements, they, too, may not be in your favor at all.

Hiccup Sunday time 08.00 - 09.00

Here it is worth being seriously alert, since terrible hiccups have attacked. Do not plan now to spend a lot of money on some bulky goods. In the near future you will have to go hand in hand with failure, tune in to it mentally and physically.

Any purchase or new undertaking can turn into a failure and negative consequences for you. You should not be active at work, now is not the right time for this. It is worth taking a break to spend more time at home with your family.

Hiccup Sunday time 09.00 - 10.00

Hiccups in such an anxious hour warns that it is time for you to go to physical rest. You have seriously earned, and the body needs rest. Surely you began to notice for yourself that to communicate in recent times I don’t want to work with anyone at all, and the desire to work with each of them is fading and fading away. After the holidays, you will again zealously begin to work and amaze everyone with your activity and vigor.

Remember that if you torture your body with hard work in order to earn big money, then this may not work in your favor. You can so easily say goodbye to a good mood, strong nerves and excellent condition of internal organs. Allow yourself to rest regularly and fully.

Hiccup Sunday time 10.00 – 11.00

At this interval of the day off, the hiccup portends a “setup” from a toady friend. Review the entire circle of your close associates and try to figure out the so-called rat on the ship of friendship. Try not to enter into negative dialogues with anyone now and not find out who is right and who is guilty. Keep suspicious comrades at a distance, and do not let them spoil you.

Hiccup Sunday time 11.00 - 12.00

Ikalka here predicts you going to visit or to a restaurant for some kind of fun party. Now, by the way, is the time for that. Your brain and body are just screaming for rest and yearning for such a holiday for yourself. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of having a good time in a friendly company.

Hiccup Sunday time 12.00 - 13.00

We advise you to spend less time in the kitchen at the stove at work, working above the norm. Do not overload the body, otherwise you will ruin your health. Now you need reckless fun, relaxation in the company nice people and more dancing, dancing and more dancing. Allow yourself to relax for all two hundred percent.

Hiccup Sunday time 13.00 - 14.00

Now is an excellent time for you to gain valuable life experience. Not the most pleasant event in your life will happen, but it will even be useful for you, you'll see. You probably know the saying about what is not done, everything is for the best. One of these days you will feel this statement on yourself with all your guts.

Hiccup Sunday time 14.00 – 15.00

You often throw stinging phrases at your friends, which actually touches the strings of people's souls. No need to do this with every counter cross. You know, after all, some people have no sense of humor at all, and they react extremely sharply to your impartial jokes and are very offended at the same time. It is especially unpleasant for people when you "run" over their appearance.

Imagine yourself in the place of that person, in the direction of which unpleasant barbs fly out of your mouth. Perhaps you will not deny that listening to this is unpleasant for you. If you do not know a person well, then it is better to keep your mouth shut and do not speak in his direction with jokes of dubious content.

Hiccup Sunday time 15.00 - 16.00

A hiccup attack on you at this interval of the day predicts an unexpected meeting with a past love. With this person in the old days, you made many mistakes in relationships and because of this, your paths diverged and got lost in the dense thicket of life.

If you want to charm your former soulmate again, then put on a marathon, pick up a stunning dress and go ahead - towards kindling a new fire of love. If you do everything right and behave at ease when meeting with your prince, then there is hope for a new union of two familiar hearts.

Hiccup Sunday time 16.00 - 17.00

Bad news rushes to you, and with it a series of tears, problematic decisions, troubles and worries. Set yourself up mentally for a hectic and suffering life in the near future. You should not be disappointed in justice, because in the end it will take its toll, and you will come out of this whole confusing situation as a real winner.

Hiccup Sunday time 17.00 - 18.00

You need to take a good look at your list of best friends. Hiccups warns that there is an ill-wisher in him who envy you with furious force, because he cannot rejoice at your successes and achievements. Do you think best friend enemy, remember that.

We advise you to closely observe the behavior of the person with whom you share all your secrets, sorrows and joyful moments. Tell him something amazing about yourself, even if it's not true, and watch his reaction. Surely a note of envy and indignation will run across the face of this person.

Hiccup Sunday time 18.00 - 19.00

Around you, you can only hear moralizing, whispers of people dissatisfied with your behavior and other unpleasant statements. Everyone is trying to teach you how to live the right way and how to build relationships with men. It makes an indelible impression on you, and you get very upset at every statement.

Ikalka advises you not to be nervous in this mess, but to stand your ground. Just do not pay attention to what people throw in your direction, do not delve into their statements and stupid chatter. Live the way your soul and your heart wants. If you feel happy in the place where you are and with this person, against whom relatives are going, then leave everything in its place and soon everyone will finally leave you behind.

Hiccup Sunday time 19.00 - 20.00

Prepare for the joy of being given a gift. It will be presented by the most desirable and beloved man in the world. Do not show the appearance that you are aware of the surprise, so as not to let the efforts of the darling go down the drain. Do not forget to make a very surprised face when receiving a gift.

Hiccup advises you to definitely make a return gesture and buy a man the same sudden gift. It may turn out to be surprising and funny, but the relationship of hearts in love is based on such sudden and funny surprises. These graces are good for strengthening the bonds of marriage and love.

Hiccup Sunday time 20.00 - 21.00

If you hiccupped many times during this Sunday evening interval, then expect a surge in relations with your sweetheart in the coming week. Maybe the favorable arrangement of the stars or magnetic storms will affect you, but you will be so passionate about each other that you will completely stop noticing the people around you.

Hiccup Sunday time 21.00 - 22.00

Hiccup predicts you a grueling path to your victory and dream. Remember that endless patience and honest work will grind everything in the world. Or you can still remember in your difficult situation the saying that the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Do not strain your nerves too much thinking that you have been damaged, that you have no abilities for anything and other nonsense. Firmly believe in your strength and tell yourself every day that everything will certainly work out for you, as it should.

Hiccup Sunday time 22.00 - 23.00

Your phone will soon receive a speech of gratitude from a dear man. You should answer your beloved with the same “makar”. You will feel so warm in your soul from such a message that your heart will beat harder and blood will flow to your face, causing a blush on your cheeks.

Hiccup Sunday time 23.00 - 00.00

Nerves will not go to hell soon, because someone will seriously piss you off one of these days. Try not to let yourself loose your hands and release zealous abuse against the offender. Hiccup advises being calm even in the most heated and ferocious environment. Do not stoop to the level of boors and tactless people, you are not such a woman in reality. Everything will end successfully only if you do not respond negatively to negative.

We advise you not to engage in skirmishes with colleagues at work and with immediate family members. Remember that you still have to live, work and communicate with these people. Try to get around all the sharp corners in the upcoming dispute and stand this test for the nervous system with dignity.

Now you have a true hiccup on the last day of the work week. Keep it always in a conspicuous place so that you do not have to torment yourself for a long time in ignorance of your future. To believe or not to believe the interpretation of hiccups by day and hour is up to you, but many people say that hiccup predictions actually often come true in life.

Hiccups are jerky and involuntary sounds made by the throat during convulsive contraction of the pectoral muscle. Scientists to this day cannot find an explanation for this phenomenon and give an exact explanation of why hiccups occur. But many people know what to do if hiccups suddenly overtook: immediately watch the hiccup. If a person begins to have continuous hiccups, then higher power they certainly want to communicate something, and it cannot be ignored.

Hiccup on Monday - to a pleasant acquaintance

Popular superstition says: if hiccups suddenly attacked, someone remembers. In order to find out who exactly, you need to list all the potential rememberers, and that person will be the one on which the hiccups will stop. There is another addition to this sign: if the hiccups are heavy and long, they remember with a kind word, if on the contrary, they scold and scold.

The people had these beliefs:

  • If he suddenly began to hiccup, it means that he stole something.
  • Hiccups portend good, sunny weather.

Among the people, when attacked by hiccups, people were baptized, there was a belief that at this moment the devil could get into a person’s soul.

The value of the hiccup by day of the week promises the following:

  • If hiccups caught up on Monday, you can expect a pleasant acquaintance.
  • A hiccup on Tuesday predicts a kiss with a pretty person.
  • Hiccup on Wednesday - go on a date.
  • The hiccups that struck on Thursday are a guarantor Have a good mood and pleasant conversation.
  • Hiccup on Friday predicts the receipt of a long-awaited letter. However, in our "advanced" age, it may well be an e-mail or a regular SMS message.
  • Hiccuping on Saturday means that the expected meeting is destined to come true.
  • And on Sunday, hiccups promise fun and noisy company. However, it is not surprising: the day off is the time to meet old friends.

A little about the conditions of divination

Of course, it is not worthwhile, having studied the interpreter, to try to cause hiccups in oneself intentionally, demanding from fate the fulfillment of what was promised in this way. But if hiccups arose on their own, you can safely believe it: fortune-telling will be effective!

There is a more extended version of this hiccup: "Hikalka by the clock", which talks about the upcoming, depending on the exact time of the hiccups.


  • 7–8: an unplanned meeting with a person you like is coming;
  • 8–9: someone is looking forward to meeting you;
  • 9–10: sad news;
  • 10–11: a difficult, very serious conversation is coming soon;
  • 12–13: someone wants to meet;
  • 14-15: envious people do not sleep;
  • 15-16: quarrel with a loved one;
  • 16–17: mutual sympathy;
  • 17–18: sorrow;
  • 18-19: successful shopping;
  • 19-20: a pleasant surprise, a gift;
  • 20-21: good sleep;
  • 21–22: minor incident;
  • 22–23: A phone call from a loved one.


  • 7–8: strong friendship;
  • 8–9: gossip around you;
  • 9–10: good news;
  • 10-11: good day;
  • 12-13: frivolous attitude towards you;
  • 13-14: interest from others;
  • 14-15: a pleasant acquaintance;
  • 16-17: fun company with friends;
  • 18–19: happiness can be expected;
  • 19-20: do not draw too much attention to yourself;
  • 20–21: kiss;
  • 21–22: waste;
  • 22–23: pending telephone conversation;
  • 23 ff: tears.


  • 7–8: mutual sympathy;
  • 9–10: infatuation with a mysterious stranger;
  • 13–14: love at first sight;
  • 14–15: sad news;
  • 16–17: hugs;
  • 18-19: pleasant evening;
  • 19–20: gossip;
  • 20-21: telephone conversation with a stranger;
  • 21-22: walk;
  • 22–23: sickness;
  • 23 ff: false.


  • 7–8: chores;
  • 8–9: grief at a friend;
  • 9–10: longing for a loved one;
  • 13-14: you should be careful;
  • 15-16: unexpected gift;
  • 16-17: to bad weather;
  • 17–18: fatigue;
  • 18–19: uninvited guests;
  • 19–20: tears;
  • 22–23: letter;
  • 23 onwards: An interesting idea.


  • 7–8: love;
  • 8–9: invitation to visit;
  • 13–14: dislike for you;
  • 15-16: wait for a declaration of love;
  • 16-17: good mood;
  • 18-19: pleasant telephone conversation;
  • 19–20: empty experiences;
  • 20–21: mutual sympathy;
  • 21–22: new relationships;
  • 22–23: wish fulfillment;
  • 23 onwards: romantic relationships.


  • 7–8: excellent health;
  • 8–9: vain experiences;
  • 9–10: good event;
  • 10–11: quarrel with someone close;
  • 13–14: separation;
  • 15-16: failure time;
  • 16–17: hugs;
  • 17-18: good news;
  • 19–21: health problems;
  • 21–22: fun;
  • 22–23: prophetic dream;
  • 23 onwards: new friends.


  • 7–8: gossip;
  • 9–10: communication;
  • 10–11: surprise;
  • 11–13: falling in love;
  • 14–15: mutual sympathy;
  • 16-17: noisy company;
  • 17–18: declaration of love;
  • 18–19: doubts;
  • 19-20: destruction of plans;
  • 20–21: kiss;
  • 22-23: deceit;
  • 23 - friendship.

Do you believe hiccups?

Many divinations have been known since ancient times. Religion, the Bible and the Koran, in particular, treat any kind of divination very negatively. But, despite this, each person is interested in the upcoming future: what to expect, what to guard, what to do in this or that situation, so that everything turns into better side. The question remains: is it worth believing fortune-telling, in our case, a hiccup?

To believe in hikalka or not is, first of all, the choice of each person.

Some say that hiccup carries a kind of setting for the future. There are two opinions: fortune-telling programs our life, adjusting it to the prediction, and the second option, when fortune-telling really predicts the future.

Many factors can contribute to hiccups, for example: hypothermia, overeating, drinking a lot of water, eating too spicy also causes hiccups. In some people, hiccups can occur with panic fear or after anesthesia.

Advice from psychologists and psychics: if the hiccup gave you a good prediction that you liked, then you can confidently expect that this will happen soon. If the hiccup gave a sad prediction, you just need to try to forget it and treat this fortune-telling as a joke. The power of the mind will defeat the prediction and everything will go according to the scenario you need.

Deciphering hiccups on Friday.

Friday is the end of the working week, on which the results of working days are usually summed up. To plan a weekend, you need to listen to your inner voice and use hiccups. These are simple fortune-telling, which are based on fixing the time of hiccups.

On the eve of the weekend, everyone tries to finish all their affairs faster. So that the week does not become difficult, you should definitely do things as they come in and not put off until later. So, you can easily leave early on Friday and spend the weekend with a pure soul.


7.00 – 8.00. There is a risk that all your problems will remain unresolved. That is why do not give up, but with renewed vigor start solving problems. Make room for future happy love from problems.

8.00 – 9.00. Soon you will meet a very dear person to you. Don't be afraid of bad memories. In general, the meeting will be positive and very pleasant.

9.00 – 10.00. Now it's time for the family. Thank them for their help. You can pack dinner and spend the evening having pleasant conversations.

10.00 – 11.00. This day should be made positive and complete. positive emotions. Talk to your friends or invite a girl (boyfriend), girlfriend to a cafe. The evening promises to be pleasant and warm.

11.00 — 12.00. If you don't have yet young man Now is the time to find him. Meet men and do not be afraid to be the first to start communication. All undertakings will be successful.

12.00 — 13.00. Today is the time for confessions. If you have been "drying" for someone for a long time, today is the time to admit it. Don't be afraid, your partner won't reject you.

13.00 – 14.00. A young man pays attention to you. If you really like it, you can safely rush "into the pool with your head." This relationship may lead to marriage.

14.00 – 15.00. Now is not the best time for you, but this is not a reason to become limp and upset. You need to gain strength and patience. Soon everything will pass and a series of pleasant events will come.

15.00 – 16.00. Good news awaits you in love. Everything that happens will delight and surprise you. Get ready for positive emotions.

16.00 – 17.00. You shouldn't quarrel with anyone. All negative emotions will negatively affect your health and well-being. Keep your mouth shut. And you will be happy.

17.00 – 18.00. Do not tell anyone your secrets and secrets. Everything will come out very soon. That is why you remain silent. Less spoken words will be more winning.

18.00 – 19.00. Leave old problems and memories in the past. You cannot change anything, but you can aggravate your emotional state. This will lead to health problems. High chance of tears.

19.00 – 20.00. Be sure to relax after work. Sounds like you've been very tired these days. That is why go to a beauty salon or a manicure. You can also watch an old movie wrapped in a blanket. Rest will benefit love.

20.00 – 21.00. Remember everything that you dream about tonight. This will help to resolve all the troubles that await you. Sleep will help you plan further actions in love.

21.00 – 22.00. Guests will come to you. They will be happy to spend their time with you. That's why prepare goodies or purchase products to prepare treats. Among friends there will be a new acquaintance with whom you may have a relationship.

22.00 – 23.00. Not the most pleasant news awaits you. But you should not take everything in black colors. Everything will be fine, and perhaps these bad changes will be the beginning of pleasant events. The black stripe is always replaced by a white one.

23.00 – 00.00. If you have a debt, pay it back as soon as possible. Delaying the return can lead to a quarrel with loved ones and friends and will have a bad effect on love.

At night, most people sleep, which is why few people remember that hiccups. Accordingly, if you do not sleep at night and hiccup, remember the time. This will help you set yourself up for the next week.


00.00– 01.00. Expect betrayal from friends or acquaintances. Do not tell anyone about secrets and secrets. Wait for the trick. You do not need vain experiences.

01.00– 02.00. The one you like will compliment you. Try not to "swim" from pleasant words and be restrained.

02.00 – 03.00. Pay attention to others, you have a secret admirer who is afraid to talk about his feelings. Wait for messages by mail or phone.

03.00 – 04.00. Expect recognition. You are always in someone's head. This person has all thoughts of you.

04.00 – 05.00. Look forward to a pleasant evening and leisure. Perhaps dinner with this man will grow into real sympathy. There is a high probability of mutual romantic feelings.

05.00 – 06.00. Do not spend leisure time at home. Make sure you have a busy weekend. Go shopping or exercise. There is a high probability of a great mood.

06.00 – 07.00. It is worth building a relationship with a friend. Be sure to talk to her and ask for forgiveness for all the trouble.

What to expect if hiccups attack on Thursday? The article will explain Thursday's hiccups by the hour.

Hiccups sometimes bring us to a state of nervous breakdown, especially when it happens at the wrong time. If an unbearable hiccup has attacked, then it helps in such a situation to drink a glass of water at room temperature quickly and quickly. If you ask someone to scare you, this will also drive away the hiccups. Not everyone knows that with the help of ordinary hiccups you can predict your own fate. In this article, we will talk about the interpretation of Thursday hiccups by the clock.

Hiccup Thursday, signs of hiccups

Hiccups, which from nowhere came to you on this day of the week, promises the fulfillment of all your plans. If you have thoughts in your head about creating some project of your own that would bring income, then feel free to realize your fantasies. Hiccups on Thursday portends you success in any field of activity. It is today that all negotiations are taking place in a positive way at working moments.

Hiccup Thursday at 00.00 - 01.00

An attack of hiccups at such an interval on Thursday portends something bad. Wait for a trick from a friend. She will set you up at the moment when you will really count on her support. This acquaintance, whom you considered almost a sister, will not do well towards you. Be vigilant and stay away from this person.

You will immediately guess that an unkind girlfriend is up to something against you. She will not hide that she wants to annoy you. This behavior of this evil nature is caused by the fact that she simply envies you and wants to live better than you. Don't worry, life itself will punish her for such tricks, you won't have to do anything.

Hiccup Thursday time 01.00 - 02.00

The hiccups at this Thursday hour say that you are not being very fair with your family. Sometimes you defend your point of view to the last, even though it is not entirely true. Remember that the opinion of others must also be respected and reckoned with. Don't be stubborn, but accept that other people can be right too.

Your perseverance does not paint you at all, but turns you into a market woman. You behave so defiantly, showing this assertiveness, that many simply cannot stand you. If you continue to communicate with people in this manner, you will soon lose all your friends and girlfriends. Think again before the fatal hour of retribution for your stubbornness has come.

Hiccup Thursday time 02.00 - 03.00

Ikalka gives you advice - help your mother. She really needs your support, but for some reason you are slacking off. Don't do that to the most dear person on earth, because apart from your mother you have no one dearer. Only she will never turn away from you if you suddenly act badly. Remember this, and take care of the person who gave you life.

Know that if you act coldly towards your mother, then your children will treat you the same way. You don't want that fate for yourself, do you? Then urgently reconsider your attitude towards your mother. If she asks to talk to her and come to visit, then do not refuse, but immediately fulfill the desire of yourself significant person in your life.

Hiccup Thursday time 03.00 - 04.00

If hiccups arose precisely at this Thursday hour, then an invitation to some kind of fun party is not excluded. Call an old friend, he probably has some interesting news for you about this event. Find out if a meeting of your entire class or graduation from some educational institution may be planned.

Expect your time to be put to good use soon. From the party that you happen to attend, you will get tremendous pleasure, and pleasant emotions will not leave you for a long time. Do not neglect the offer to meet with comrades all together after many years of separation. Life is so short, we see little of our relatives and friends. You should not devote all your time to pressing matters and problems.

Hiccup Thursday time 04.00 - 05.00

Hiccups this Thursday portends you a pleasant evening in the company of a loved one. If you want to do a good deed for a love relationship, then cook dinner for two. Sit with your soulmate together at your home and talk about everything that has been worrying you for a long time and haunts you.

This evening will forever remain in your memory, and will warm those moments when sadness creeps into your heart. You have no idea how beneficial this evening will affect your relationship. Ikalka advises you to arrange such evenings as often as possible so that harmony and mutual understanding do not disappear from relationships.

Hiccup Thursday time 05.00 - 06.00

The hiccups that bothered you in this interval of Thursday speak of your chronic fatigue. You are in dire need of rest. Try to set aside moments for rest in your busy schedule as often as possible. You are sorely lacking right now. Your health will soon be undermined if you do not stop working without sparing yourself.

In your hard work of earning money, you can lose the most valuable thing in your life. Do not risk your well-being and adjust the schedule of work and rest. Don't make yourself sick. Be careful with hard work.

Hiccup Thursday time 06.00 - 07.00

If hiccups attacked by chance on this day and at this hour, then a fun event awaits you soon. Go on weekends to nature, and do not hesitate to invite friends with you. You will see, there you will be charged with such a powerful wave of positive that you will all remember this trip out of town for a long time.

We must find time for such companionable trips to nature. You will visit the fresh air, and mentally rest, and physically relax too. And also you will meet good comrades who will charge you with positive for a long time. Such meetings are extremely important for our nervous system. Remember this and do not refuse when you are called to relax in nature.

Hiccup Thursday time 07.00 - 08.00

If the relentless hiccup attacked you at this Thursday hour, then show courtesy towards the older generation. Often you are harsh in conversations with someone who is older than you. You don't always like being taught. But more experienced people know better what to do in some specific cases, because they have already encountered this in their lives.

Even if you do not like that a wise person, older than you, gives advice and tries to reason, do not show it. Just out of courtesy, pretend to agree with the adult's remarks. Even if in life you don’t do this, as the sage advises, but try to calmly respond to this advice.

Hiccup Thursday time 08.00 - 09.00

If hiccups arose precisely at this interval of Thursday, then the hiccup advises to be vigilant. You can be attacked by criminals in a dark alley. Do not walk alone at night, especially through various gateways. Maniacs and thieves can lie in wait for you there.

If you have a young man, then let him accompany you at a late hour after work or on the way from the guests. And the best way to get home is by taxi or by your own car. It is not worth risking either your health and life, or the health of a young person. There may be several attackers at once, and the guy in such a situation may be powerless.

Hiccup Thursday at 09.00 – 10.00

Attacks hiccup rampant at this point on Thursday can be regarded as a hint at your long tongue. Don't judge others, the hiccup tells you. You often say unpleasant things about friends and comrades behind their backs. Think about whether it will be pleasant for you if acquaintances behave in the same way as you do?

You probably don't want everything you do to be heatedly discussed as soon as you leave the room. Your loved ones can also gossip about you in unkind words. If you think that you live more correctly and smarter than everyone, then you are deeply mistaken in this. Reconsider your attitude to others and to life in general.

Hiccup Thursday at 10.00 – 11.00

If the hiccups happened to you right now, at this interval of Thursday, then the hiccup warns that you will have to ask for a loan in the near future. No matter how hard you try to save, you are very bad at it. There is no way you can accumulate the required amount. You can save money for a long time, but then spend it at one moment, and moreover, not for what you really need.

A good friend will lend you the required amount, to whom you have repeatedly turned for financial help. If you know exactly what you need money for now, and are sure that you really need this thing, then you can ask for a loan. But if, nevertheless, you can refuse it completely or wait until better times, then do not rush to borrow.

Hiccup Thursday at 11.00 – 12.00

If you hiccupped at such an interval on Thursday, then do not hesitate for a long time, but immediately help your neighbor as soon as he asks you about it. This friendly request will come to you soon, perhaps even towards the evening of the same day. A friend really needs your support and good advice.

Do everything in your power to loved one, and you yourself will feel that you feel so good from this, as if you helped a whole hundred homeless children. By helping others, you become stronger in a spiritual sense. You can always hope that those around you will come to your rescue, if necessary.

Hiccup Thursday time 12.00 - 13.00

In this gap Thursday hiccups to hint that you will need the advice of someone from the elders in the near future. You will find yourself in a difficult situation and you will not be able to cope with your problem on your own. Good advice will be given to you by a relative who has already lived enough in this world to give life lessons.

Do not worry, you will not have to deal with the trouble that happened alone, wise relatives will always come to the rescue. They have the skills to solve such problems, and they will teach you how to cope with all the troubles that fate has in store.

Hiccup Thursday at 13.00 - 14.00

Hiccuping on this Thursday interval suggests that a scandal in your family is possible soon. It will happen, as it usually happens, through your fault. You are not used to giving in to your partner in disputes, and this is why conflict situations happen in your house.

If you don't stop believing you're right in every situation, you run the risk of living your life all alone. A loved one will soon get tired of this alignment of affairs, and he will find himself a more accommodating and calm girl. Remember that in a joint life it is necessary to make concessions to each other.

Hiccup Thursday at 14.00 – 15.00

Ikalka Thursday warns that it is time for you to act and move forward towards your old dream. If you still have not done anything to get closer to your intended goal, then now is the time to turn all fantasies into reality.

If you continue to stand still and not bring your dream closer, then you will only think about a worthy and prosperous life, and not enjoy it. Understand one thing, that if a person goes to his goal, then he will certainly achieve it. Let it not happen now, but still it will happen.

Hiccup Thursday at 15.00 – 16.00

If you hiccupped in this segment, then you will be required to make an important decision. Perhaps this will need to be done at work, or maybe such a decision will need to be made in a relationship with a loved one. If you have a fear of this, then it is time to overcome it.

As soon as you make this important, but very scary decision for you, you will feel so much stronger and spiritually mature that you will want to take such steps and decisions as often as possible. If it is possible to repeat such actions, then do it.

Hiccup Thursday time 16.00 - 17.00

Hiccups on this Thursday interval promise you an unpleasant situation in which emotions can get the better of you. Do not get angry under any circumstances and do not allow yourself to vent the accumulated evil feelings on loved ones. If it is very difficult for you and you have no strength to restrain yourself, then take some kind of sedative.

It also helps to cry into the pillow in this situation. Just lie face down on the pillow and give a good shout. If it doesn’t get better now, then you can go into the forest and shout there with all your strength. In this way, anger has been exorcised since ancient times, when there were no sedatives even in sight. Well, chamomile tea can have a mild sedative effect.

Hiccup Thursday at 17.00 - 18.00

If you hiccupped several times on this Thursday interval, then this is a sign that you do not have enough support from your loved one. He is seriously passionate about his work and personal problems, and does not notice your sadness and despondency. If you can continue to live with this person, then it is possible that there will be a place for nervous breakdowns.

Ikalka advises you to seriously think about living together with such a person, and decide firmly whether you need him or you can live happily and calmly without him. Sometimes it is very difficult to make such a decision right away. Many women contemplate leaving a loved one for years. In the end, the choice will be yours.

Hiccup Thursday at 18.00 – 19.00

Ikalka Thursday promises you disagreements with relatives because of your boyfriend. Many native people do not take your boyfriend seriously. They consider him careless and too young for a serious relationship. Maybe your loved ones are right to some extent. Maybe you yourself have thought more than once that you were in a hurry to create a joint life with this person.

If you really think that you are in a hurry, then before it's too late, tell the guy about your intentions to end the relationship. If he a real man, then he will make your decision and will not make scandals and tantrums. If the guy squeals with indignation and even raises his hand to you, then run away from him and do not regret what you have done.

Hiccup Thursday time 19.00 - 20.00

Thursday hiccup says that your plans will soon become a reality. You have been waiting for a good moment for so long to bring your wildest fantasies to life, and now, this moment will come one of these days. Get ready to act quickly, without a little hesitation and unnecessary thought.

You will achieve everything you want, you just need to firmly believe in your dream and go towards it, albeit in small steps, but still go. If you do not deviate from your intended plan, then everything you dream about will soon come true.

Hiccup Thursday at 20.00 - 21.00

Pleasant and very necessary purchases await you, as Thursday's hiccups say. If you experience hiccups at this hour in the evening, then get ready to go to the store. You will finally find what you have been looking for. Moreover, you can buy this thing at a very attractive price.

If you do everything right and spend money wisely, then the purchased item will serve you for many years, bringing joy from use. Do not be stingy and do not try to buy the product at the lowest price. Pay attention to the quality of the product so that it can please you indefinitely.

Hiccup Thursday time 21.00 - 22.00

Thursday's hiccups indicate that hiccups at this hour promise you unexpected earnings. A reliable friend will give you a job. You don't have to work hard to earn enough money. The work will be easy, but the pay will be generous.

Don't expect this income to be permanent. This is just a temporary part-time job that will allow you to buy something for yourself. You have long wanted to update your wardrobe, but spared the money for it. Now you will have the opportunity to replenish your collection of dresses with new items.

Hiccup Thursday at 22.00 - 23.00

Hiccups in this Thursday interval suggests that you will be lucky everywhere today. What you are not going to take on, everything will turn out well. If you want to open your own business, then do not be afraid of anything, and follow towards your destiny.

Know that success will keep pace with you on any path. If you are going to complete former relationship and start new, then for this now also good time. If there is already a candidate for your loved one in mind, then open your heart to him.

Hiccup Thursday at 23.00 - 00.00

Involuntary hiccups at this hour of Thursday advises you to be patient in dealing with the stronger sex. You do not like that suitors are not as persistent as we would like. You want to see bold and courageous male deeds on their part, but so far you see only timidity and shyness from your fans.

Hint to them that you are ready for a relationship and maybe the guys will start a fight for your heart. Maybe they're just afraid of you and think you don't need a man at all right now. Do not go too far and do not make the first offer to go somewhere, let the men do it.

From now on, you know what to expect from Thursday hiccups. We have painted the meaning of the hiccup attacks on this day by the clock. As soon as it hits you, immediately look into the fortune-teller-ikalku to know what to expect from the near future.

This familiar reflex contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm is rarely attributed to the natural state of a person.

Usually it occurs at the wrong time and often puts him in an awkward position in front of others, especially if this happened during important negotiations or on a romantic date.

From time to time, hiccups overcome everyone. But those who suffer from diseases of the stomach, vegetovascular dystonia, neurosis, as well as children are especially susceptible to it. But healthy adults often fall victim to it. In principle, it is very difficult to explain its occurrence and termination.

The essence of signs associated with hiccups

A person overwhelmed by such a manifestation of the body tries to somehow explain his condition, and those around him only laugh at him or treat him with hostility. It seems to people that he is quite capable of controlling himself and only the victim understands what a stupid position he is in. After all, it is usually impossible to restrain these convulsive contractions of the diaphragm.

Apparently, therefore, there were numerous signs associated with hiccups. A person somehow tries to explain his condition and a mystical interpretation comes to his aid.

Sometimes folk wisdom interprets such an attack in such a way that someone remembered the unfortunate, sometimes an attack is perceived as a sign of guilt, and in other cases it serves as a good indicator.

Not all people trust what the signs say. Many doubt and prefer to drink a glass of water or count to one hundred in case of hiccups.

But folk wisdom usually has a fairly solid ground.

In any case, it prepares a person for a certain development of events.

Therefore, nothing bad will happen if people recognize the long-awaited chance in time or restrain themselves at a critical moment.

And if, when hiccups occur, they tune in to good news or a future happy event, then they will psychologically try to turn life to their own good.

If the sign portends trouble, then you can insure yourself in time or even avoid it by taking the necessary measures.

Some fortune-telling suggests that a person who has undergone an attack of hiccups will meet with his lover, others promise a day full of worries, and still others promise strife with friends and relatives.

Signs of hiccups by time of day

Often, hiccups are explained by the time at which it attacked a person. Very often, such an interpretation is combined with the day of the week and gives the most complete interpretation of what is happening.

Connoisseurs of signs have the opportunity to adjust their lives so that it brings only pleasant changes if, for example, hiccups attacked a person on Tuesday or Thursday.

But it is also important to know at what hour the attack occurred. Different times of the day indicate different events.

If you follow the fact that most often these contractions of the diaphragm occur in the middle of the day, then there are the following signs:

Hiccups by day of the week - interpretation

Often an attack that has begun is explained by the days on which it began.


On Monday, the traditional interpretation follows - one of the acquaintances remembered the person. Who exactly is usually not specified. The duration of the state also does not indicate anything.

Therefore, one can only guess whether the husband missed his wife or just the boss decided to give her a new assignment. Even in those cases when a neighbor walks past the door and recalls an old acquaintance, hiccups can report such an event.

Offered folk way roughly figure out who exactly thinks about a person. But it is more suitable for women with long hair. It is required to wind a curl around your finger, pronouncing the letters of the alphabet. On which of them the strand ends, he remembers.

Hiccups on the first day of the week have other shades. She may portend a meeting with an old acquaintance, the upcoming introduction of a person to some profitable partner or future spouse.

If it arose from the very early morning, for example, at seven o'clock, then people expect an unexpected appearance on the horizon of an object of sympathy that has not made itself felt for a long time.

The next day of the week, the sign most often says the same thing. But touching the hair in this case is not necessary, because it is usually believed that a relative or friend remembers.

If we consider the signs by the time of the day, it may turn out that hiccups inform that the object of sigh is also not indifferent to the person or relatives desperately miss him and want to see him. If you know exactly a certain hour, then you can understand who we are talking about.

Therefore, it is very important to consider what to hiccup on a certain day and at a certain time.


On Tuesday, a sign can portend good luck, especially if an attack caught a person in morning time. Its other meaning is early hour- a warning that an acquaintance who was considered lost has repented and fondly remembers his friend.

But in the evening, an attack portends great expenses. Some interpretations speak of the approach of depression.


If the hiccups attacked on Wednesday, then such an event suggests that a message will soon await the person. These days, it can be both a letter and a text message over the phone. But, if the attack happened in the evening, then it means a love date with a pleasant outcome.

A sign dedicated to the early morning at about nine o'clock has a bad sign and portends an imminent conflict, and closer to dinner, when the stomach makes itself felt as a reminder of the upcoming meal, it is a traditional sign that a person is present in someone's memories.

If we consider hiccups on Wednesday by the clock, then a variety of interpretations arise:


On Thursday, when an attack occurs, some kind of meeting is expected. Whether it will be business or romantic, it is difficult to say in advance. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for any development of events.

If hiccups attacked in the morning, at seven o'clock, then it can promise a difficult day, full of empty and unpleasant chores. And when the alarm clock shows nine, then such a sign means that you need to urgently call a friend or business partner, because he needs help.


It's bad if it hiccups on Friday. Such an incident does not bode well. Usually it means a major discord. And, if it happened to a loved one, then even a break can follow him. You can prevent a catastrophe if you especially carefully listen to your words and monitor your behavior.

Hiccups at various hours on Friday matter. Signs about its occurrence at a certain time are very different from each other:


On Saturday, be careful. If a person has an attack, then he is able to warn that the husband is alarmed and is vigilantly watching his wife. On such a day, his jealousy can lead to a major scandal.

Psychological complexes