Why dream that they are looking for you. What does it mean to look for a person in a dream

Idiomatic dream book

Dreaming of looking for what it symbolizes?

Search - “Look for the wind in the field”, “look for fistula”; “Looking for a needle in a haystack” - the futility, the failure of the search; "spiritual quest".

Dream interpretation of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why dream Search, analyze the vision:

Search - The image of a person looking for something means a desire to find a solution to a problem, or to find oneself. i.e. explore in sho and find your own life path which can lead to happiness and satisfaction.

Autumn dream book

Looking for what dreams in the fall?

Search - Search for something in a dream and not find it - to frustration.

Summer dream book

Looking for what dreams in the summer?

Search - Search in a dream for something for a very long time and finally find it - to the manifestation of your hidden talents until that time.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why dream of searching in dreams?

Search - To the bad, losses, delays; fleas - deception; bedbugs - a loss.

Small Velesov dream book

Why dream Search, interpretation of sleep:

Search - What - loss, not good; seek and find - the fulfillment of the desired; not to find - it's bad, what you think about - will not come true; looking for good is bad, you will get lost in the forest.

Spring dream book

Looking for what dreams in the spring?

Search to see in a dream - Search for something in a dream - to disorganization.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Search - Losses, difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream of Searching - the symbolism of sleep:

Search - Search for an item, money - If you did not find an item, then your hopes for the best in the near future will not come true. Change your goal Find a way out of the building - Changes in your life will happen gradually. You will not notice how you find yourself in a new situation. Don't take drastic steps. Only perseverance and perseverance will lead you to success.

Esoteric dream book

Look for what you dream about, interpretation:

Look for (something) - Uncertainty, there may be losses.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dreaming of looking for what?

Looking for something - Having an unfulfilled desire.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why dream Search - the dream interpretation is as follows:

Looking for something - Having an unfulfilled desire

Dreamed / dreamed Look for fleas - Deception; bedbugs - a loss, in general it is always bad to look. To be afraid is to avoid misfortune.

Seek - Take a responsible position

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

Why dream Search in a dream?

The meaning of sleep Search has several interpretations. If in a dream you were looking for shoes for a long time, then in reality there is a long road ahead. Look for shoes - to unjustified hopes, shoes - to problems with marriage, boots - to future changes. Why dream of losing and looking for shoes. Search in a dream for one of your things - to waking attempts to find a solution to the current problem. To lose a bag means to suffer property losses. It is in vain to look for a wedding dress - for late marriage, a simple dress - for problems in relationships with the stronger sex. Looking for a loved one in a dream is a negative sign. The lover deceives you for his own benefit. If there was a girlfriend in place of the second half, gossip and empty slander cannot be avoided. Looking for a child in night dreams - to futile attempts to find inspiration, mother - to a comfortable existence, father - to support from the family, daughter - to a love affair, son - to new achievements.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why dream and how to interpret Search?

Search in a dream. Looking for a stranger means trying to solve a rather difficult problem. If there was a husband in the person’s place, then you are probably in reality trying to establish marital relations. If you want to chat with a man, you dream of a passionate love affair. The search for a girl or boyfriend may be a dream if you are not ready for a serious relationship and are counting only on short emotional adventures.

dream interpretation search

It is a dream that you are looking for work - do not lose your vigilance, as there will be a chance to improve financial situation. Looking for a person in a dream means you want to solve some problem in real life. If you repeatedly have the same dream in which you are looking for someone, then on a subconscious level you are delving into yourself and trying to discover your true needs. If you turn your dream into reality, then it will not happen again.
When you dreamed that you were looking for a shelter for an overnight stay, it means that there are obstacles on the way to enrichment and prosperity.
Looking for a needle in a dream - to vain expectations.

why dream of looking for

Looking for a child in a dream is a bad sign, which means a lot of little things and obstacles will not make it possible to resolve the problem that has arisen.

dream interpretation search

I dreamed that you were looking for something - to losses, to damage, a bad omen. Look for lice - to lie, bedbugs - to loss.

To look for something in dreams promises that you are dreaming about something impossible.

dream interpretation search

It is a dream that you are looking for - therefore, there will be an opportunity to get a responsible post.

search in a dream

To search in a dream for something unknown, for some object suggests an empty state of Yin and a useless action of Yang. Staying in a state of indecision, confusion, internal and external damage, hesitation. To look for unfulfilled objects (for example, a way out) - means rejection of the root of the problem, shows that you do not believe in your own strengths and cannot cope with the burden of problems that have piled on, you want to neglect obligations.
Looking for a tangible thing in a dream suggests that even if you manage to find what you are looking for, you will not be able to use it for its intended purpose. All of the above will lead to shaky health, worries can be displayed on the heart. Looking for something while walking through the forest, a deserted road, looking for a way out of the house, gorges - means that you really want to get rid of the complications that have arisen.

search by dream book

Why dream Search:
- not good, bad
- you are looking for and found - your plan will come true
- could not find what they were looking for - bad, dreams will not come true
- you are looking for "truth - untruth" - you will often get lost.

search by dream book

Looking for a thing, cash - you didn’t find what you were looking for in a dream, which means that your bright assumptions and dreams will not come true in the coming time. The task needs to be corrected. Looking for a way out of the structure in a dream - changes in your destiny will occur over time, gradually. You may not understand how you find yourself in a completely different position. This means that it is not advisable to make sudden movements, only consistency and constancy will push you towards your goal.

what does it mean if you look in a dream

Looking for in a dream - being in a "suspended" state, loss is possible.

Assyrian dream book

Why dream of searching for something?

Search - Search means an attempt to achieve a particular goal. The dreamer may have reached that stage in life when the status quo no longer satisfies and new adventures are calling for him. Dream searching often reflects a need to find something that is lost or needed in the dreamer's life. Successful searches may mean that the dreamer will receive something important back.

Big dream book

Why dream of searching for something in a dream book:

Search - A dream in which you knocked down in search of a missing child portends that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam that can lead you either to big money or to a long prison term.

Take part in the search for missing and distressed people - to the losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from their assistants.

search - If in a dream you turned the whole apartment upside down in search of the missing thing, and you couldn’t find it anyway, it means that in reality you will face real losses, not only material, but also moral.

A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal.

If you are looking for one of your relatives, it means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them.

A dream in which your searches were crowned with success means temporary dissatisfaction with the course of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Christian dream book

What does it mean to search for something in a dream:

Searching for something - Search and find - to achieve what you want, not to find - to difficulties. Imagine that you found everything you were looking for.

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

What does the dreamer dream about? Searching for something, psychological analysis:

Searches - Searching for an object that constantly changes its place can be annoying, but the find can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about finding something, it is important whether the plot ends with finding an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that is lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel inept and incompetent. Looking for him in company with others may be a clue to what to seek. wise advice to resolve the current situation.

A 48-year-old man recounts his dream: I'm looking for my car keys and I can't find them anywhere. I turn everything in the house upside down, yell at my wife and generally lose my temper. My daughter is not at home, and I begin to blame her for everything. Suddenly her friend enters and advises to look in the castle front door. I do. My keys are there. This search dream is interesting because in his detailed account, the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving. The feeling of losing control of his daughter's life consumed much of his emotional energy. After clarifying the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of most domestic conflicts was his own ANXIETY, and not real defiance on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by sleep led to the normalization of relations with her daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family. A dream about an unsuccessful search usually illustrates the need for emotional trauma to be healed. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person.

Common variants of a dream about finding a person include crying baby who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, such as the DEATH of a loved one. Another scenario of unsuccessful searches is unsuccessful searches for a place or object. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that leads nowhere, or you may not be able to find an item after leaving it on the table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are pursuing them. If you often have such dreams, you may need to check whether your goals and behaviors are consistent with each other, or if they are mutually exclusive.

In fact, any dream can carry both positive and negative energy, because every dream is, in fact, an identification of the inner world, but perception can be completely different. The attitude of a person to his dream is important.

What if I dream that I am looking for something?

In general, any search for something in a dream can be considered as a search for oneself or one's destiny. Especially if the search in a dream was successful, then we can safely conclude that life position defined correctly and the future path of life will only be happy and all needs will be fully satisfied. But if you look for something, but never find it, it will lead to frustration in real life. However, such a dream can also be characterized in different ways. When asked why I’m dreaming that I’m looking for something for a long time and, in the end, I find it, this dream will mean that in real life hidden talents will appear that were not previously revealed and the sleeper might not even be aware of their presence. If, nevertheless, the sleeping person in his dream did not find what he was looking for, then this fact will lead to loss and disappointment. If you dream of searching for fleas, then such a dream portends a deception in real life, and if you search for bedbugs, then this dream guarantees a loss. If in a dream you are looking for something just lost and not found, then this dream will portend losses and failure to fulfill the desired. If, nevertheless, the lost was found, then in real life the sleeping person will have all his wishes fulfilled.

If you dream that you are looking for something and constantly think about it, then the wish you made may not come true, because too often unnecessary thoughts in real life prevent you from achieving what you want. If you dream of a search for material wealth, that this dream does not portend a good outcome, and some dream books even characterize it as a delusion in the forest.

In general, some dream books regard the search for something in a dream as disorganization in real life. How often every person can put some thing somewhere and after some, even the most minimal time, cannot find it. Also in a dream, the search for something can be a signal for a more attentive attitude towards someone or something. Seeing a dream in which searches are being conducted can make you think about real life, because often it is inattention that can be so unsettling that there is a risk of increasing failure to perform the easiest and simplest work or your duties. If a sleeping person is looking for a way out of any building, then in real life it is worth waiting for changes. These changes will occur gradually and, most likely, there will not even be an opportunity to notice how the person who dreamed of all this will find himself in a completely new situation for him. It is necessary to emphasize that you should not immediately take any drastic steps, reasonable perseverance, determination and perseverance can lead to the desired success. If you dreamed that in a dream there was a search for a dream book, in this case there is a chance in real life to take a responsible and rather high position in society.

What portends?

Searching for something even in real life can be unsettling, and when you also dream that you are looking for something, then such a dream can cause anxiety and fear that in real life everything will not be as simple as it seems, especially if life is well established and formed. To dream about how someone is looking for something, perhaps, will mean a desire that will never come true. Of course, you should not stop dreaming in any situation, but by taking bold and decisive steps, you can achieve more than just sitting and dreaming. Such a dream can simply become an impetus for more decisive action. If, following the search, the sleeping person suddenly became frightened, then in real life such a dream can become an indicator of the fact that the sleeping person will avoid misfortune. The very fact of realizing that misfortune can be avoided can make a person more confident, and his thoughts will be reorganized in a different way. Something unexpectedly found in a dream can portend surprise and unexpected joy in real life. Don't hide your feelings positive emotions have not been bad for anyone yet. Despite everything, you need to rejoice in life, because often a person simply does not realize that for a simple human expression of positive feelings, just a smile is enough.

Bright and positive dreams will forever become a guarantee Have a good mood However, not only sleep should be positive. The main thing is the correct perception of life, and even the most bad moods forever disappear, and the world around will shine with new and brightest colors.

Positive dreams are a wonderful continuation of the night, memories of them often make you happy and make you think that in fact each of the people at any stage of life should believe that they are only at the beginning of their journey, and every day live in the present, and not put off their own dreams. life for later.

Perhaps in real life a person is looking for a way out of the situation, the desire for clarity. If the person could not be found, then the solution to the problem takes drastic measures that you don’t want to take. The person may be confused and looking for a new path in life.

What if you dream of looking for a person?

If in a dream they are looking for a person and still find him, then in life they are waiting for deterioration. And if you don’t find a person in a dream, then something important will be found, things will go uphill. It happens that a dream is repeated every day - this means that in life a person is looking for self-realization, trying to solve some important problems. As soon as everything gets better, and the dream will stop dreaming.

Most often, looking for a person is a dream, because people are afraid to make decisions. Somehow assert itself in life. There may be some troubles, chores. It's best not to find a person.

Although sometimes you dream of searching for a person, because something must happen to him in life. Especially if it close person. Maybe you are afraid of losing him or fear for him. A person may have problems that cannot be rushed to fix.

In general, dreams are a complex science. Everyone interprets them differently, and everyone relies on life experience. All life experiences, frustrations, surprises, happiness, all this is displayed in a dream. Even something that is not enough in life or, conversely, in abundance. But all changes in life are only for the better.

Looking for a person in a dream, of course, is better not to find him. So in real life you can resolve the situation, and be in a winning position.

It is strange why, if something bad is dreamed in a dream, then in real life it will definitely be good. And the most innocuous can turn the wheel of fortune into reverse side.

What portends?

It seems to find a person, this promises a bad reversal of fate in life. And not to find it, so happiness fell on you. As already mentioned, dreaming is not an understandable science.

Although philosophers believe that this is just superstition. People themselves invent and interpret dreams, thinking that this will make their lives easier. They just wind themselves up with unnecessary worries. If everything in life is stable, then dreams will not be impressionable. After all, they dream, because in people's lives every day events occur, some important points, surprises. Here they are reflected in a dream.

And then people think that it is supernatural and incomprehensible. Such a twist of fate. As they say, it is not explainable, but a fact. Yes, if you have already turned to those who interpret dreams perfectly, then you must believe everything and it doesn’t matter if it’s bad or good. Because it could be worse.

This is especially true for superstitious people. After all, then they begin to reproach themselves, and why they did not obey and did not listen to the words. And to these questions, except for them, no one can give a normal answer, because it is not explainable. After all, people make their own happiness.

P - to dream