Cosmic mind, higher powers. Cosmic source of strength to achieve goals! Cosmic forces under the control of god

This is the exceptional case when you are provided with incredible knowledge that can influence the world around you, based on your preferences, for free. Thank the Universe for such a wonderful and long-awaited gift!

For several years in a row, I have been actively practicing and researching the skills of deep self-programming. I conducted many experiments, tested many methods and theoretical aspects of entering the Special States of Consciousness. I have tested the effect of this knowledge hundreds of times on myself and on those around me. I have not the slightest doubt about its incredible effectiveness. I can bet on anything that after a while, you will be ready to bless the moment you get acquainted with this wonderful material. Personally, I have no reason to deceive you. I have repeatedly observed fantastic phenomena in own life, using this practice, and I believe that you will also follow in the footsteps of your mentor.

What is the "Open Source of Cosmic Power"?

This is a bottomless repository of valuable information, power and Divine energy. This is an indescribable line between "earth and sky." This is the greatest path of enlightenment and mystery at the same time. This is a unique chance to rise to the level of spiritual, physical and material prosperity. The Source of Cosmic Power knows the answers to any questions, it knows your desires and preferences. With its help, you can find the right solution to each problem, achieve moral balance, realize the subtleties of your own "I", discover phenomenal superpowers and talents, achieve your goals quickly, easily and efficiently. It will not be difficult for you to attract any benefits, the right people and circumstances into your life. Now the road is open for you anywhere and everywhere. There is no intention that you cannot fulfill.

How it works?

I think it has become clear to most of you that you first need to learn how to properly connect to the source of Cosmic power. In order to gain a powerful connection with the bottomless storehouse of power, one should realize and do the whole process especially carefully and deeply. Take this practice seriously and with dignity. Soon you will learn something that will radically change your subsequent life.

Now consider why I call this source "open source"? There is a fairly simple and logical explanation. Because you can connect to it at any time of the day, anywhere and at any location of events. There are no restrictions and there cannot be. Therein lies its true value.

What is the genius of this technology?

Genius is a combination of superiority and simplicity at the same time. Each of you dreams of learning a technique that does not require special training, excessive complexity in execution and a long investment of time, and which in return will be the easiest and most effective, both in mastering and in its application. I can assure you, dreams do come true!

What is the main principle and feature of the technique?

You will not do any rituals, systematic experiments or reinforce new skills. You don't even need to have relevant experience. You can start practicing right now, tomorrow or in a month. Whenever. You risk nothing and give nothing in return. Just a heartfelt thanks. This technique is so simple that its descriptions fit into the size of a medium format article, and so useful that it deserves the close attention of millions of people. This is not an idiosyncratic or personal approach. This is the universal conclusion of all known, little-known and unheard-of discoveries in the field of parapsychology, esotericism and self-programming (self-hypnosis). People who use this knowledge achieve tremendous results. Now I will tell you something incredible...

To get started, ask yourself a few questions:

1. How do you feel about your "I", your personality? Who are you and what do you mean to yourself? What is your self-esteem?

2. Analyze your attitude to the world around you, to circumstances, to people, to society. What are they: positive or negative?

3. Do you primarily blame yourself or someone else for the events that are taking place?

4. Do you believe in your future success? What is the extent of this faith?

5. Are your problems really as serious as you are used to describing them?

6. Do you see a way out of the current conditions? Is there really no plus in this or that situation? Is your attitude to the problem justified by 100%?

7. Have you tried to look at the world, at yourself, at people and your experiences from a high position, from a more thorough and optimistic point of view?

Right now, try to get yourself out of the routine of despair, if you need to. Try to humble yourself and accept your life as it is. Take as an experiment any problem and at least superficially analyze and realize it. Agree with her, let all the pain, all resentment, longing and hatred come out so as not to disturb you at all. Laugh at your problem, mentally reduce it. At some point, you will definitely feel that you have become more calm, that your worries have dissolved, like clouds in the sky, that now you have a different attitude to the world. Start small. Gradually, you will be able to free yourself even from psychological stress. If you are still in despair, take a few deep breaths in and out, this will help you relax and enter a state of peace. Remember or imagine something pleasant for yourself. Get rid of old worries.

This is necessary in order to start a free and full practice (avoid tension).

Why do you think people often fail to achieve their goals? Where is the mistake?

Because most of us are in a low state of consciousness, therefore, we are attached to our mind, which creates an immovable barrier for ourselves. This is the reason why we do not set a program for the fulfillment of our goal from within. When you are angry, negative towards yourself and the world, when you just want to lie low and run away from problems to the ends of the world, you will not be able to achieve something better. First of all, change your state (get rid of tension completely according to the above instructions). Recording new program should take place on a pure consciousness.

Now let's move on to practice in several stages:

You can sit down, lie down or even stand, you can close your eyes and ears (with earplugs), or you can even be in the crowd. Of course, it is better when you are not disturbed, but as such there is no need for this. If you want, turn on meditative music without words. In general, no special wishes. Do everything exactly as your heart tells you.

When you are absolutely calm and focused, there are no doubts, no fears, no worries, we begin to establish a connection with the source of Cosmic power.

First stage:

Feel your own power, inimitability, significance. Imagine yourself as a Deity, a creator of your own reality, a genius, whoever you would like to see yourself as. Rise in your eyes. Remember past exploits, merits, or imagine your new ideal. Create a picture of a new life in your head against the backdrop of calmness and spiritual pleasure.

Second phase:

Get away from time. Forget who you are and what your options are at the moment. Remember that the inner world is the main thing you need to pay attention to. Your attitude towards yourself is the attitude of people towards you.

Third stage:

You will definitely feel a fleeting state of bliss (a couple of seconds is especially powerful). Don't drive it away, don't force it, just be in it, don't lose control of your emotions.

Fourth stage:

Establish a connection with the source of Cosmic power. Start developing this feeling of joy, thank the Universe for everything that happens, send love and sincerity inside yourself. You will create a powerful burst of energy (vibration) that will surround you and comfort you. Consider that contact has already been established. Try to hold the bliss for at least one minute.

Fifth stage:

Lastly, set a goal. Do it casually when the peak of the fantastic state comes. Feel what you so desire as if you already have it. Or an even simpler option - ask your Subconscious (the Universe, Cosmos, holy forces, mind, God ...) for help from the bottom of your heart. And know that your request has already been accepted for processing. Repeat the experiment more often and better, and the desire will come true in a fairly short time.

Attention! The state of sublimity (euphoria) is equated to a state of deep trance (meditation), so the effectiveness of the practice increases several times.


Don't think about desire. Just know that it will come true. Do not wait and do not rush the result. It is very important.

The instructions must be followed completely, otherwise the result is not guaranteed!


The whole secret of this practice lies in the Special State. Just learn to achieve and hold it at any moment, even when there is a cold and pain in your soul, and then you will see that you are capable of more than you used to think. Believe me, this method deserves your true support and respect. In other words, you will soon see for yourself.

After all, the main goal of this article is to qualitatively and clearly show you that the source of Cosmic power lies within you. And only you are able to use it for the benefit of yourself and the Universe.

One of the group members was seriously interested in studying various religious movements, and, naturally, he had a desire to find out the attitude of his “upper” colleagues to spiritual problems. The position they occupy turned out to be quite interesting. Here are just a few snippets from the sessions:

The cosmos is a single living organism and, therefore, must have a single consciousness. Is this the same as acknowledging God?

We can talk about religion separately. Religion itself did not arise purely by chance. Everything carries a certain real ground, and quite weighty and material. Our messengers left traces on the Earth in different eras, and also influenced the creation of religion. The concept of God exists in many civilizations, even those who have reached a high level.

What is the image of Christ?

The image of Christ as an energy unit is formed from many energy potentials. On the one hand, negative points were removed, and on the other hand, they were added positive features. This is a kind of collective image, but the energy basis was taken from one person. This is pure virgin birth.

How do you explain what we call God. And what is the essence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

In the concept of the Son, they tried to present the possibility of realizing a cosmic comprehensive source of information through a person - Christ. God is a very, very multifaceted concept, and it cannot be said about him in one sentence. The connection is implied both between people and with the Cosmos. Spirit is the expediency of the existence of both man and other civilizations, worlds and the Universe in general.

And what can be attributed to the so-called Archangels?

We would refer them to the divisions of the Father (the answer sounded with some irony).

What can you say about Agniyogi?

We believe that in this scripture the information is given in a superior style that is not understood by the majority. In other words, this source is good, but it has some flaws that are not related to the information it carries. This is due to some kind of halo and mystical environment that exists around it. Indeed, many people not only do not want to read it, but consider this section of literature to be frivolous.

Did you participate in this work?

We did not personally participate in this work, but you are right in thinking that this kind of information is not written by a person without contact with a source outside the Earth. We also want to say that Shambhala is not a product of any particular civilization, and the concept of its materiality is interpreted by you completely incorrectly, although this school really exists.

By the year 2000, the prognosis of the Bible ends. Will the humanity of the third millennium have such a treatise or will it do without it?

Initially, it was postulated that either by the end of the year 2000 humanity would fulfill this instruction, or, having exhausted itself, would disappear in the same way as Atlantis. We believe that this document is able to push a person to another information base, more specific, for the development of not only energy capabilities, but also the harmonization of human development. This, in our opinion, is the basis for the further development of your civilization. It turns out that the Bible does not finish its narrative, although the first, crazy path has been passed ...

Exciting topic afterlife and the existence of the soul has also not been forgotten, but it will have to be considered separately and a little later.

When the conversation touched upon the Devil, it turned out that there are real cosmic forces that, from a human point of view, can be called the bearers of Evil. The most serious and highly organized representatives of these dark forces were conditionally designated as "Black". Here the name really reflects to some extent the inclinations and nature of this intelligent formation and its aspirations in relation to humanity.

The "Blacks" are a civilization of a lower level of development than the "Greens" and "Blues", but nevertheless it forces them to treat themselves with special attention.

It has materially expressed jellyfish-shaped centers, without which its existence is impossible. These centers are located on the periphery of space objects, called "black holes", and it is very difficult to get close to them both physically and energetically.

Thus, on Earth, "Blacks" exist only in the form of energy formations, and for this they use the energy potential of certain groups of people, and less often one person.

"Blacks" are excellent at mimicry and are able to cause any visions in the human mind, so it is difficult to talk about their earthly form. Their first connections to an intermediary are even more unphysiological than those of the "Earthly", and are accompanied by a strong loss of energy, including those who are present at the communication sessions. The mediator's voice sounds natural, but becomes insinuating, with Mephistophelian overtones.

The scarcity of information about the "Blacks" is explained by the operation of one of the cosmic laws: everyone speaks about himself, that is, other people's secrets can be disclosed only with the consent of the interested party or be limited to the "well-known" amount of data. Waiting for the truth from the "Blacks" in this matter is a hopeless business: they are unsurpassed masters of disinformation.

The degree of development of civilization is determined in the Cosmos not only by the level of information available, but also by the ability to accumulate and use the "coarse" and "subtle" energies of the surrounding space; and the wider this range, the higher the potential of an intelligent formation.

When asked about how the Blacks relate to a person, the Greens answered with a question:

And how does humanity treat its cows?

It turns out that their peculiarity lies in the fact that the most desirable for them is the energy produced by the human body in situations where anger, hatred, fear, envy, etc. predominate among feelings.

Large emissions of this "hard" energy are observed in areas of ethnic and interethnic conflicts, in war zones. Moreover, the "Blacks" take an active part in their preparation, and in the existing ones they maintain a high "boiling" temperature.

They are well versed in psychology, physiology and the human energy system, they have a large amount of versatile information.

The “Blacks” grab the right person with a stranglehold. Pursuing their goals, at the first stages of contact with him, they give out very interesting and reliable information, captivate with almost instantaneous results - a person suddenly discovers many unusual abilities: clairvoyance, energy healing, and so on. His financial situation rapidly and steadily improving. Almost any desires are fulfilled, everything in life is easy and simple.

But then there comes a period when a person, having completed his task, which, by the way, he could not have guessed, becomes unnecessary in an active capacity. Then the most unpleasant thing happens: the acquired abilities are lost, the streak of luck ends, often there is a craving for alcohol and drugs, he sinks to base and dishonest deeds, degrades spiritually.

Ultimately, the personality turns into an ordinary "donor" - a supplier of energy, who either gives his own, or plays the role of a collector of the energies of the people around him.

Even in the case of successful and long-term work with the "Blacks", a person becomes a completely controlled being, his inner "I" is turned inside out by the most unattractive side, which determines the direction of thinking and behavior.

To the question of what distinguishes these messiahs of the dark forces, the answer was this:

This can be clearly seen from two points. First, a pronounced "sucking" energy background. But do not confuse with natural processes that manifest themselves in the human environment. Secondly, in their psychological and life tendencies, consumer, egoistic notes are very clearly manifested.

Although in every person there are some moments from the "devil", but the degree of expression is not variegated. Either this is a pronounced "Black", or there are very few such trends. Only one in a thousand there are hybrids from two Forces ...

The patronage of the “Blacks” is enjoyed by the public, which is popularly called witches and sorcerers. They really can perfectly treat various diseases, but with no less success deprive a person of health or cause his death with the help of conspiracies, curses and other manipulations.

Many modern psychics, without knowing it, acquire their abilities with the participation of the "dark" forces of the Cosmos. Their influence, just like the treatment of sorcerers and witches, not only leads to healing, but is also accompanied by the programming of the patient's psyche in order to turn him into an accomplice of "devil" forces.

Regarding the issue of voluntary cooperation with the "dark" forces, the "Greens" say:

We want to emphasize that those people who express the will of the "Blacks" do not always know that they are the bearers of their codes and programs. Only two-three percent of subordinate people have a complete understanding of the structure and role of "Blacks" on Earth.

But these people are in a twofold position. On the one hand, they are biorobots, that is, they are programmed according to the “zombie” system. And, on the other hand, when they go to the extreme degree of “blackness”, they are subject to “mutation”, which is expressed in the fact that at some point a person, turning inside out, like a stocking, becomes a storehouse of holiness and purity.

However, the "Blacks" are not afraid of such a transition from one facet to another, since this phenomenon is extremely rare.

The elite cadres of the "Blacks" are in the leadership of the Masonic movement, which, to a greater extent than anything else, reveals the essence of the activities of the representatives and representatives of this civilization on Earth. The emergence of various currents and factionalism among the Freemasons is an undesirable problem for the "Blacks", and this can be taken into account when fighting them.

In case of unsuccessful exits of the field shell into outer space, and especially in case of “ricochets” from the information and energy shell of the Earth, the “Blacks” pose a great danger, since they work in energy channels close to zero and successfully lay down their programs at these levels.

Your mediator avoided this fate, because you did not intuitively violate the very first commandment: if the mediator starts moving, then you cannot stop at the initial moments of movement, both in terms of time and space.

Horizontal movement under the energy dome of the Earth is also the most vulnerable. But if the mediator has a cover in the form of a sufficiently labile and energetically saturated leader, then such a system is almost invulnerable.

We want to warn you that initial stages of an individual exit into the Cosmos, that is, an exit without a leader, are even more dangerous if one does not first make an orientation towards concentration and grouping of energy.

Even more dangerous is the amorphous dispersal of energy during experiments. The intermediary must outline clear boundaries for "dispersed" energy - in this case, its systems will be protected from external influences.

The level of encoding, that is, the level of exposure to the influence of "Blacks", is determined by awareness. As we have already said, a person may not guess that he belongs to the “Black” clan, but he is aware that his activity is contrary to generally accepted humane norms. We associate such activity with various kinds of extremist groups, propaganda of the cult of physical force, and with sophisticated forms of oppression of the individual.

Another unexpected moment was discovered when identifying such a question:

Did the "Blacks" interfere in the process of creating the Bible?

We have already said that the Bible was created in order to give humanity the basic postulates, by developing which, it could move to higher levels of energy and methodological knowledge of the environment. As a reminder of the constant danger, the concepts of the forces of Darkness were incorporated into it. But the fact is that the "Blacks" approached this issue with their usual ingenuity.

We want to say that they initially “charged” the postulates of the Bible regarding Satan with their encodings. That is, if a person, when getting acquainted with these sections, enters into resonance at certain energy levels, he can collect a huge number of programs that change his spiritual mood and creed attitudes just in favor of Satan ...

The paradox is that the "Blacks" are not interested in the death of our civilization.

The Greens clarify the situation:

They do not seek to depersonalize and de-energize all of humanity. It is better for them to restructure it as a whole in one form or another, in which it would be as easy as possible to use it for their own purposes.

"Blue" demonstrate unexpected rigidity:

We have no moral justification for the destruction of the "dark" forces.

But if we could physically destroy them on Earth, then we did it by stepping over the moral standards that we adhere to. In terms of its evolution, humanity has a lot of other problems that it cannot solve today. And the "dark" forces strongly heel the scales in the other, undesirable, direction.

So, the task of a person is to actively resist the forces of Evil and fight them?

The "Greens" also expressed their opinion "on the right of forces to exist", as can be seen from the following fragment of the dialogue:

What can a person do with the power of his mind and soul to contribute to the fight against the "dark" forces?

Yes, and the struggle itself should be carried out within reasonable limits, since without one force there is no other. Everything in this world is in motion, and the Universe cannot exist without "black" forces. If on this stage there are more of them on the Earth and next to it, then there are fewer of them in other places, and we dominate there.

And another, more recent statement:

This formation has the right to exist and is an objective reality that must be reckoned with and even respect some of its postulates.

One of them says that "Blacks" do not touch what does not belong to them. They only take what is nobody's. This fits in with the principles of the Universal Mind and with the objective laws that exist in nature.

Secondly, they value their personnel, with the exception of a certain category.

Thirdly, their organization commands respect, some principles of work have been adopted by all of us from them.

In accordance with the principles of rationality, we cannot fight them in your understanding - a war.

It makes sense for you to take precautions. And if you are sure that the blow was inflicted by "dark" forces, there is a reason to push them out on other fronts of your creativity and not to strike back in the form in which it was imposed on you.

And to answer in other areas, in a different, more reasonable form and by other methods. This is the most unpleasant, sensitive and effective for them, if it is done for higher purposes ...

It turns out that in the Cosmos the attitude towards the "dark" forces is somewhat different - they are an inevitable necessity for evolution. He who does not know Evil does not know Good.

The offer of help from the people was not accidental, because there was a period when the "Greens" and "Blues" spent a lot of effort to protect members from the intrigues of the "dark" brethren.

The fact is that for the "Blacks" foreign intermediaries always become an object of heightened interest. And if they can gain a foothold in the mechanisms of the intermediary's subconscious, then they get the opportunity to penetrate into the information and energy channels of his space curators.

In other situations, "Blacks" simply "recruit" an already prepared person - this is easier than preparing your own intermediary. That is, in these cases they make an exception from their principles and try to take someone else's.

If neither one nor the other succeeds, they try to put a person out of action in every possible way: they deplete the person energetically, have a negative impact on physical and mental health, interfere with the relationship of the “object” with relatives and friends.

The members of the group felt this “dirty” work quite soon and turned to the “Greens” and “Blues” for help. And soon there was an idea to hold a diplomatic session with the participation of three civilizations, in which it was supposed to divide the "zones of influence".

The session took place in October 1986, and then it resulted in an agreement under which the Blacks, in exchange for certain concessions from other space forces, pledged not to take aggressive actions against the group members and their close relatives.

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(Full list with different names God, seraphim and other celestial beings from the highest dimensions, I will not write, there are many many more than I give here, it's still extra work and you don't need to download a large volume) The material is taken from the books of authors who are in direct contact with Heaven The hierarchy, to which I will refer in order of laying out the material, as well as numerous esoteric sites, countless blogs, and therefore I will not give links and names of authors, there are often no real names, only nicknames. In addition, sometimes it is written in a language that is not understandable to everyone, and as far as possible I try to explain this in a more accessible way. What is verbatim, I will put in quotation marks. It’s just that sometimes they told me so about the books that I gave to read, that it was written in a heavy language, it was difficult to read and understand. True, such interested people, unfortunately, are few).

Based on the book Messages from Angels by Doreen Virtue


(I will not give portraits with their images, everyone knows them. It will be possible to watch more on the video):

Archangels are larger, stronger and more powerful than Angels. They look after the guardian angels. Regardless of people's religion and religious beliefs, they help everyone. Also, they can be at the same time personally with each of you who calls for their help, since for them there is no concept of time and space. The angels say that a big obstacle for people can be the lack of a sense of bilocality, when they do not believe that they can only be in one place at a time, and not in different places. But in the near future people will wean themselves from this. Another mistake of people is that they think that if they turn, for example, to the Archangel Michael, he will not hear them, so he will be busy with something else, more important. This is not true. No formal prayers are needed to call on Angels or Archangels for help.

Each religious system, as in the Bible, the Koran, the Kabbalah, the Book of Enoch and the writings of Dionysius, has its own number of Archangels and their names. Here are various descriptions of the Archangels if you would like to collaborate with them or contact them on any matter:

"Name Archangel Metatron means "angel of presence". He is considered the youngest and tallest of all the archangels, and he is the only one of the entire host of archangels who personally walked the surface of the Earth in the form of a man (like the prophet Enoch). Metatron, together with the Mother of God, helps children - both the living and the departed. Call on Metatron when you need help with your children. His presence often helps young creatures become more aware and understanding in a spiritual sense.

Name Archangel Michael means "one who is like God" or "one who is like God". This archangel helps to get rid of fear and the whole planet and its inhabitants. Michael is the patron saint of police officers, he gives the courage and courage necessary to follow the path of truth to the fulfillment of our Higher destiny. Reach out to Michael if you feel fearful or insecure about your own safety, when you need to make sure you understand your mission correctly, or if you need a change. You can call on Michael to help if you need to fix some mechanical or electrical problems.

Name Archangel Gabriel means "The Lord is my strength." In early Renaissance paintings and in ancient writings, Gabriel was depicted in a female form, although in later manuscripts, when it came to Gabriel, masculine pronouns began to be used (perhaps after a large-scale editing of the manuscripts made by the Church Council during the time of Pope Constantine (8th century BC). ) Gabriel is a messenger or messenger who helps all those who convey information - writers, teachers and journalists Call on Gabriel for help if you feel fear or desire to delay any undertakings related to communication.

Name Archangel Raphael means "The Lord heals" since Raphael is responsible for physical healing. He helps all healers, including future ones. Call Raphael when you need help in healing an illness or wound (in you or your neighbor, including animals). Refer to him if you yourself are engaged in healing, learn this or start a private practice. In addition, Raphael patronizes those who are on the road. To make the road smooth, remember this archangel.

Name Archangel Uriel means "God is light." Archangel Uriel sheds light on disturbing and incomprehensible situations and thereby enhances our ability to deal with such problems. Call Uriel if you find yourself in difficult circumstances where you need to think clearly and give clear answers.

Modified May 7, 2012 by Chantal

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Archangel Zadkiel, whose name means "God's righteousness," helps people gain freedom through forgiveness. He is also known as the patron of those who forgive. Therefore, call on Zadkiel for help to get rid of the poisonous remnants of anger and rancor (in relation to yourself or others). Zadkiel will support you, and you will sympathize with the person instead of condemning him.

Archangel Jophiel

Name Archangel Chamuel means "one who sees God." This archangel is also known by other names - Khamail, Kamail, Kamiel, Kamniel, Kansil, Yochail, Kemuel, Hamail, Seraphiel and Shemuel. Archangel Hamuel helps us identify or find the most important parts of our lives. Call on Hamuel to find new love, new friends, a new job, or some lost item. When you have found what you are looking for, Hamuel will help you adjust your life within the new circumstances. Call Hamuel if you need to find mutual understanding in personal or business relationships.

Archangel Raguel. His name means "friend of the Lord." He is often called the archangel of justice and justice, Raguel is the comforter of the vanquished. Call him when you feel like you are being treated unfairly or manipulated. Raguel will come to your aid and give you advice on how to find balance and achieve justice in personal or social relationships. Turn to him to help the undeservedly offended.

Archangel Raziel. His name means "the secret of the Lord." It is believed that Raziel is very close to God, so he hears all the talk about the secrets and magic of the universe. Raziel wrote down these secret knowledge and gave them to Adam. In the end, the document ended up in the hands of the prophets Enoch and Samuel. Turn to Raziel when you want to understand the content of a text of an esoteric nature, comprehend alchemy or manifestations (manifestations).

Name Archangel Sandolfon means "brag" because he is the twin brother of the archangel Metatron. Sandolfon is an archangel who removes fear and its side effects (probably with the help of music). Put on soothing music and call on Sandolphon to get rid of mental discomfort.

Name Archangel Haniel means "the grace of the Lord." Turn to Haniel in those cases when you feel the need to add bright emotions to your life (peace, serenity, pleasure from communicating with friends, beauty, harmony, etc.). You can call on Haniel for help in any situation when you want to become the personification of calm and confidence - during an important presentation, a job interview or on a first date.

Name Archangel Jeremila means "God's mercy". Jeremiel inspires us to serve spiritual tasks. He is also involved in the process of comprehending Divine wisdom. Call on Jeremila if you feel a block in the spiritual sense and a lack of enthusiasm on the way to fulfilling your Higher mission.

Archangel Jophiel. His name means "beauty of the Lord". He is also known as Zophiel and Jophiel, the patron of artists who helps them see and create the beauty around them. Reach out to Jophiel if you are about to embark on some creative art project. In addition, Jophiel is involved in restoring the beauty of our planet and cleansing of pollution, so call on him if you need help in such important tasks.

Name Archangel Ariel means "God's lion" or "God's lioness". Ariel is known as the archangel of the Earth because she works tirelessly for the welfare of the planets. Ariel is in charge of the kingdom of protozoa, she helps and heals animals, especially wild ones. Contact Ariel to get to know the fairies better, help with environmental issues, or heal a wild animal or bird.

Name Archangel Azrael means "one whom the Lord helps." Azrael is sometimes called the "angel of death" because he comes to people at the moment of their physical death and accompanies them to the other side. It helps newly arrived souls to calm down and feel the all-encompassing love. Azrael patronizes monks, priests and spiritual teachers of all religious denominations. Contact Azrael if you are concerned about any question about the deceased or dying loved ones, as well as for help in performing pastoral functions.

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(Based on materials from esoteric websites, websites of light workers, etc.)

The Ascended Masters or Lords of the Rays are great leaders, teachers and healers. Those who once were among us, on Earth. They keep helping us out higher worlds. The Ascended Masters are connected with the so-called Temples, which are energy gates to the subtle worlds. What does the Lords of the Rays mean? Each of the Masters, according to the plan of the Lord, serves on a certain Ray. Each Ray has a certain set of Divine Qualities, which the humanity of the Earth and each person individually must master in accordance with the Divine Plan.

“The ascended master is clothed with the Mind of Christ. He mastered time and space and in the process gained dominion over the self in the four lower bodies and four quadrants of Matter, the chakras and the balanced threefold flame. The ascended master also transmuted at least 51 percent of his karma, fulfilled his divine plan, and received the Ruby Ray initiations in the ascension ritual - accelerating into the Presence of I AM THAT I AM through the sacred fire. The ascended master lives on the planes of Spirit, in the Kingdom of God (God's consciousness) and can teach unascended souls in one of the etheric retreats or in cities on the etheric plane (in the Kingdom of heaven).

The ascended masters who have already passed the earthly path of initiations have gained mastery on the seven rays. The ascended masters who have embodied and demonstrated the law of the Christ Consciousness on one of the seven rays during numerous incarnations and who have passed initiations, both before and after ascension, can receive the position of Chohan (Lord) of the corresponding ray in the Heavenly Hierarchy. Appointment to this position is made by the Maha Chohan ( Great Lord), who is himself the representative of the Holy Spirit on all seven rays. At present, the Chohans of the rays are ":

one. " El Morya– Ascended Master (Chohan) of the First Ray, Teacher associated with the Temple of the Will of God in Darjeeling (Himalayas). He is the head of the Darjeeling Council - the Council of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, whose tasks are to educate souls for worldwide service in God-government and the economy.

2. Lanto– Ascended Master (Chohan) of the Second Ray, carrying the yellow flame of illumination. He serves in the Royal Teton monastery (Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA) - the main monastery of the Great White Brotherhood on the North American continent. Washington Monument (Washington, DC, USA). He cares about enlightening the youth of the world.

3. Paul the Venetian– Ascended Master (Chohan) of the Third (pink) ray of divine love. He is the hierarch of the Château de Liberte, in southern France. As the patron of ascended master culture in this age, he cooperates with all who wish to bring this culture to the benefit of all mankind.

4. Serapis Bay- The Ascended Master (Chohan) of the Fourth (white) ray, the greatest disciplinarian. Serapis maintains the focus of the Flame of Ascension at the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. It accepts candidates for ascension. It is believed that getting into this monastery is more difficult than any other. Serapis Bey is a teacher of the ascension path.

5. Hilarion- The Ascended Master (Chohan) of the Fifth Ray - the green ray of truth and precipitation. He incarnated as the apostle Paul. He has the Temple of Truth on the etheric plane above the island of Crete. Hilarion works with atheists, agnostics, skeptics and many others who are disillusioned with life and religion.

6. Lady Nada- The Ascended Master (Chohan) of the Sixth Ray - the ray of shepherding, service, love, understanding and peace. The flame of this ray has a purple color of violets interspersed with gold and ruby. The abode of Nada is located above the Arabian Desert. The last incarnation is during the time of Atlantis.

7. Saint Germain- The Ascended Master (Chohan) of the Seventh Ray. He occupies a very responsible position in the hierarchy in this century. He is not only the Chohan of the ray of freedom, mercy, transmutation and ritual, but also the hierarch of the Aquarian age, associated with the Temple of Liberty (Rakoczi Castle) in Transylvania (Romania). He serves in the Royal Teton sanctuary (Grand Teton, Wyoming), the Cave of Symbols, Table Mountain (Wyoming), the Cave of Light (India).

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Chantal, for us ordinary people, who are, so to speak, in captivity of their own Ego, and therefore burdened with constant concern for its satisfaction, it is very difficult to perceive the information you present ............... not very simply.............................

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Anyone who thinks that our life is limited by the material framework of our world is very mistaken.

The topic has the right to be and should cause a respectful attitude.


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Chantal, is Mother Teresa among "many others"? Just wondering .... Or someone from the Gandhi family .....

I also have a question about non-traditional orientation: what is it from the point of view of higher powers?

What are animals - and especially when they are in a person's life?

And is it normal for a modern "civilized" person not to value anything in life from the field of property, finance, career, image, traditions - but to appreciate only love - in its sensual part?

And I also noticed some "accepted-accepted" - and then the text. Does this mean that if I "wish" - then I can also just sit down and "accept" like that? :pleasantry:

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Guardian Angels

(Based on materials from Kryon's books "Messages that will help you live right until 2018", D. Virche "Messages from Angels", V. Stibal "Theta Healing")

“The mission of guardian angels is to be with you all your life. These angels were never human, unless they had to appear in human form (angels who take on human form for a short period of time or for life). As I said earlier, each of us, regardless of faith, character or lifestyle, has at least two guardian angels (whether a person listens to them or not is a completely different story).” Sometimes there can be four of them, both male and female. Each has its own name and has a certain energy. Guardian angels never leave a person, unless he refuses to cross the threshold of death. In this case, a person’s life completely changes and new guardian angels are sent to him. They can also leave a person during dark night of the soul (the meaning of this will be explained later). In this case, there is again a change of angels who will stay with him to be close in life. Usually angels from a higher level of evolution then come to the rescue. Is there some more guide spirits are a different kind of angels from the Fourth or Fifth Planes of existence. They visit as needed. At the same time, a person can be accompanied by a lot of guide angels, about twenty, which may indicate that a person is in the process of transformation or is ready to find the meaning of his life. There may also be an angel nearby who looks like a two-year-old child, baby or teenager. This means that this is a child waiting to be born in the family of this person. They are usually located to the left of the person, to the right of the one who can see them.

Angels are indeed endowed with wings and an "angelic" appearance - such as we are used to seeing on icons and Christmas postcards-reproductions from paintings by Renaissance artists. Angels don't use wings to get around - at least I've never seen them flap their wings. But I saw how they embrace and cover with their wings a person in need of comfort. In my opinion, this is the main purpose of their wings. The angels once told me that they only have wings to fit the Western idea of ​​angels:

“The first artists who depicted us decided that the light aura around us was wings, and therefore they began to draw us in this way, and now we take on such a guise so that you understand who we are.”


The megalithic memory of the Earth has nothing to do with bookish knowledge. The sacred places of the planet have the time of their appearance, which is a space-time volume, they have access to different cosmic levels. Harmony occurs when rhythms coincide, where oceans of bottomless energies have their own spaces and times. When we are attuned to these energy amplifiers, and our first energy center represents the planet Earth with its roots, the Cosmos becomes limitless. Here the combination of our cosmic shells comes into alignment, since we are part of this space. This is where our civilization began. From here begins the interaction only with the global man, dissolved in the global Universe. There is no death here, only the mind of individuality. All this was used by our pracivilization Hyperborea. We can use this too. Here we are in the native prism of our interests, without departing from reality Everyday life. So we go through the space and time not only of the future, but also of the past, pushing through with our energy 8 millennia of the development of our ancestors. Here begins eternity, bearing true love and harmony, which leave behind the psychology of human animal reflexes, dragging some into the kingdom of monkeys, others into the slavery of philosophical ideology, and still others to the bottom, where there will be no opportunities for embodiment. If we do not develop ourselves in our native culture, we will be used by anyone who wants to.

Any changes in social policy and everything that concerns us first occur on the subtle planes of the solar system, which draws information from a deeper universe. There are 4 continents on Earth (north, south, east and west), which are inhabited by 4 main genetic groups of humanity of ethnic origins that were attuned to their cosmic ancestors. Here begins the genetic resonance on planet Earth. Different space civilizations laid down for their descendants a different survival program, where each ethnic group has its own development path, its own survival tasks, which begin with a culture where language is a means of communication between people who understand each other. Each space civilization has its own level of development and its own limit, which is much higher than human understanding. Man is a part of nature, where our animal reflexes are the same, but the spiritual components are different. In this we differ from the ethnic cultures of other traditions. Motherland is the most important part of the formation of a person's personality. The most ancient civilization on a cosmic scale was Hyperborea, which in the north of Russia formed representatives of the white race, who currently live on different continents of our planet. The field of DNA genealogy research confirms that the Aryans, the descendants of the Hyperboreans, are the progenitors of the Russians. We can have different languages, religions, ideas about the world, engage in different things, but on the energy plane we are representatives of one race, one haplogroup, which has one spiritual space of development DNA. History can be faked, but never blood. The information of incarnations resides in the ethereal sheath of our DNA molecules, where the practice of combining with the Vedic powers of the ancestors will reveal this.

Slavic energy is the totality and interaction of the energies of all representatives of this people. There are no neutral values. They are either theirs or someone else's. Cultural heritage is a connection with the native, primordial, where the mind wakes up and the mind calms down, sanity comes. In the Slavic-Aryan Vedic culture, the energy of the Soul is fully manifested. To live according to the Soul is cosmic laws and the connection of everything with everything. Here, creativity removes the limitations of the mind. The name "Slavs" is the concept of the worldview of people glorifying their ancestors, where the gods were the elder families. Our ancestors did not pray to the Gods, they praised them, thanked them. Our ancestors knew how to invoke the forces of nature in order to give birth to strong offspring living in harmony with the entire universe. The Slavs had the concept of the most complex world order. Slavic letters, syllables are mantra components, where the word is a formula, according to which the entire system of universal forces passes through all the continents of our planet through sacred places of power. 49 letters of the Slavic alphabet, when combined with syllables, have a figurative sound frequency, a vertical-channel entrance to the Universe, which contributes to communication with cosmic ancestors. The Magi knew 89 scales, which, when added, had a syllable, confirming the theory of cosmic strings, where the DNA of our body is a certain string associated with the outside world. The Aryan Koruna had 144 characters. However, in ancient civilizations and Europe, the Slavs were considered savages and barbarians. In order to destroy a people, it is necessary to destroy its language, distort words, distort chronicles, destroy ancient libraries, cut out the alphabet, which, during communication, gave a connection and direction for the movement of the peoples of our kind. But the ancient secrets were not revealed to strangers and charomuts.

Air, fire, earth, water and man have molecular levels of consciousness. Everything in nature has a mind. If a person is ready for this information, then psychological barriers are removed, consciousness is ready to let in a new force that absorbs us entirely. To do this, you need to master the breadth of horizontal circles (Global Forces of the Universe), be able to dissolve yourself in the elements of nature (Vedic energy), where a vertical wave allows you to interact with the ozone layer of the earth at the molecular level, work with diseases according to internal sensations: stretching, evaporation, cold- hot burning, etc. In contact with a drop of water, you can see the entire universe as a whole. Strength is energy. The matter of the earth is made up of atoms, carrying information. The deeper, the more ancient the information (memory of the geomagnetic field of the Earth). So, the spaces of the Slavic Vedic forces add to us the upper and lower hemispheres of the seven worlds with five worlds (measures), which increases the range of space and time to infinity:

Eighth center (chakra) - space. It prevails over human logic with its frequency characteristics.

Ninth Center - (Right side). The balance of the body's energy system.

Tenth center - (left-hand side).

The ninth and tenth energy centers are located between the fourth (heart) and fifth (throat) energy centers and control the work of these two chakras, stop the ingress of the information dirt of the upper spaces into the downward flow.

Eleventh Center - (Right side). The balance of the lower systems of the body.

Twelfth Center - (left-hand side).

The eleventh and twelfth energy centers are at the level of the third energy center (the core of volitional consciousness) and stop the entry into the ascending flow of information dirt of the lower worlds.

Thirteenth Center - the birth of a new world, connection with the atomic, megalithic, crystalline and mineral worlds. The thirteenth energy center is the depth of the Earth, the platform of the mind, our nourishment, the unknown qualities of energies, pure navna.

Slavic Vedic forces pay attention to the spine, build the depth and wavelength, work in the key of controlling the ether, open the multidimensionality of consciousness. The cosmic spaces of the ancestors or the Slavic Vedic forces are the second entry into the depths of the same space and are turned on when working with the portal of the Global Forces of the Universe. Spiritual entry and combination with these spaces provide information on the retention of this force. At the second entry into the spaces of the portals during the initiation, the adjustment and awareness of the Vedic spaces of the cosmic ancestors takes place, with which the student then works. During remote initiation, attunement to the spine is performed. Long waves - biostrings have a range of 12 millennia, a point input in time. Thus, a height is built where the biostrings pass through the transverse time layers of the upper spaces of the noosphere. And the depth of the wavelength passes through the transverse layers of the Earth, geomagnetic fields, which have information of molecular content. This is how the finely stretched strings of time are connected, where the spine through the head is the receiver and transmitter of energies. The vertical strings passing through the spine are connected with the spaces of different sound ranges, which have a color scheme - a rainbow, where the sound rows of energy centers each have their own color. The length of a vertically tuned wave passes through eight horizontal worlds, which is space and time. The 3rd dimension in which we live recognizes the length, width, height and time associated with the biosphere of human life, in which not only energies and forces are one in essence, but also consciousness as a receiver and transmitter of low-order psi-energy. Consciousness and matter are different components of the common carrier of will, thought, idea and creativity. God, thought, energy and matter are the completion of the stage of physical reality. The 5th dimension is ultra-long waves of light. The 5th dimension is God, who generates the whole world of space and time. This is the superdimensional reality, the essence of all things in the original single clot of energy, which contains information about everything. As the wavelength decreases, energies approach materiality. The smaller the wave, the smaller the wave properties of the potential and the strength of the energy.

We are 80% water. By connecting five additional channels, we become natural water structurers, which can also be connected to people close to us. In addition to the common flux, five channels are polarized. The descending stream, excited during remote initiation into the Slavic spiritual spaces of the cosmic relatives, passes through the noosphere of the spiritual unity of the Aryans, the biofield and physical structures of a person, and, uniting with the ascending stream from the origins of the earth, actively acts on the spine (energy transformer). The lower space is connected with the invisible Hyperborea, which is the deep past. The spinal cord of the spine begins to work in new modes, linking the past, present and future. Energy centers are tuned to receive the cosmic flow of the fifth dimension, where there are no alien informational viruses, this is where the change in the frequency response of the organism begins. The flow generates magnetic fields of energy centers, which begin to work in new modes. This is how the thinly stretched strings of time are connected, where the spine through the head is a receiver and transmitter of energy. The more active the spinal cord works, the higher the wave of time is above and below (under the ground), where the layers of time associated with the Aryan civilization are located. Thus, through the downward flow, we change the focus of perception, where through the Soul we receive pure light, where negative destructive programs leave us, because we are in our native metaphysics of space and time. The upper space of the noosphere, which is information about everything, gives the connection of the relic brain (spiritual eye) with the torsion fields of the Cosmos. Here another phenomenon is born: the expansion of the circumference of the practitioner's space. Lack of energy and its excess leads to illness. Here it is more correct to be in the transmission mode (took, gave), it is necessary to be able to accelerate and lower the speed of passing streams, to pass, fill, transmit the light of rays saturated with the sun (spiritual energy of the Aryans). Everything in the Universe has a spherical, hemispherical formation, straight and intersecting lines. In this space, initiation polarizes hemispherical bowls (rock crystal). So three points: Man, Earth and the space of the Aryans are connected into one single whole. Due to the resonance of the vertical flow with the energies of space and time, a person receives an inexhaustible energy potential for self-transformation, where leading role plays the level of consciousness and the removal of the limits of the mind. The basis of spiritual genetics is being in the ancestral roots, which connects our spinal column with the higher hierarchy of the White Light. Here everything is native, primordial, here the primordial develops its ancestral primordial. Imposing other plans on the physical plane, changing realities - this is only a small part of what has been said.

The polar star "Etara" gives access to 72 Slavic constellations and 12 worlds. Information is reflected on 72 thousand acupuncture points (meridians) of our body - a connection with the entire Universe. Attunement to the spine gives the relationship with the 12 worlds of the Universe. A vertically tuned wave through the spine on the spiritual plane connects the top and bottom. Thus, if the mind allows, we will be able to interact with the twelve harmonic Universes (7+5=12). The spine is the link between the Earth and the Cosmos, where the thymus gland of our body is a plug plugged into the socket of the cosmic constellations that generate energy for the entire Universe. Here we are combined with the earthly and cosmic depths, which gives a range of upper and lower space, where time, the Law of the term, will bring information to the initiate. Modulation of hemispherical bowls made of rock crystal gives a short circuit of the sun's rays, which allows you to concentrate the energy of inhuman volumes. Being in the distorted energies of the city, we can breathe the ozone layer (18 km.) of the Earth, interact with this world not with words, but with energy information. This is how we germinate the seeds of our innermost desires, where the energy of the collective unconscious is a breeding ground for the cultivation of our capabilities. Being in everyday reality, we manage to do everything and are not in a hurry, there is a stretching of the time of life. Being in the ozone layer of the Earth, we discover the world of the second dimension. Here is the information of cellular levels, which allows you to remove genetic modification from food. And we will succeed, because no other choice is given. Turns on protective force organism, which makes it possible to survive in this (genetically modified) chemical environment. Deep polarization of structured atoms, which is matter, gives new solutions in any sphere of human life. The ozone layer allows you to be in a different ecology of space.

An increase in solar activity gives an increase in charges "+", the Soul has an energy charge "-". When we create to our liking, we combine "plus and minus" in space, we mold everything that we need out of thin air. Here we come into contact with the secret of the Northern traditions, where the initiates were able to control the ether. The Slavs have always seen the reflection of God in the Sun. So electromagnetic clots gain intelligence and real power. Everything is simple, as in a drop of water, which is connected with the seas and oceans located on different continents of our planet. Everything in everything. This is the language of magicians and sorcerers. In the Vedic forces, ether is transformed into plasma and vice versa. Here everything is subject to gradual change. Plasma is a concentrated energy that has a mind. Terrestrial natural plasma: noosphere, northern lights, lightning, flames. Cosmic plasma is the Sun, constellations, space between planets, constellations and galaxies. Constellations are the acupuncture points of the universe. Galaxy in Sanskrit means throat. Plasma interacts with geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields of the Earth. There is cold and hot plasma. The conductor of all this diversity is blood plasma, which has the element of iron. Spiritual entry and combination with these energies gives information on the retention of this force. Solar activity gives the polarization of plus and minus into a single whole, here the unity of Spirit, Soul and space is formed, agreement with conscience, which is correspondence with the information of action. The unity of Spirit, Soul and conscience creates a Co-Creator. Here the tuning of the rune of great initiation through the thymus gland of our body turns on the cosmic chain of constellations as a plug and socket. In this initiation, the constellations and worlds are assembled into one concentrated microcircuit, linking the entire system of Vedic knowledge of Hyperborea as a whole.

Slavic Vedic energy pays attention to filling the spiritual forms of space with an egregor matrix, which is slavic gods. In the Gods is revealed ancient power. The twelve basic energies of creation saturate the tree of worlds (chakras). The highest pantheons of the Gods are the standard of aspiration, the highest idea of ​​life on Earth. Here everyone must answer a simple question: "Who are you with?". You don't need anything else, just know who you are with. The energy value of this understanding lies in the fact that our ancestors have one spiritual space, our recognition of which gives us a connection with them. The native creates the native, where the invisible past of the planet Earth is not a dense mysticism, but the initial source information: who you are, where you are from, and why this life was given to you. The native always creates the native, the alien gives slavery and limitedness of the mind. To live in harmony with the ancestors means to live in harmony with conscience, in harmony with oneself. In the Slavic-Aryan egregor, a vertical and horizontal connection with the cosmic family is set up, harmonic schemes for the flow of energies are built, alien information is nullified. Spiritual alchemy pays attention to the 9 energy centers of the body, which gives an understanding of the trinity of energy, information and matter, which is the molecules of atoms. The ninth world is the standard, the matrix of the Soul, the ideal for striving human being, a world of possibilities outside the reality of time. Everything happens in the world of light figurative movements. Our chromosomes take on patterns. In the space of Vedic forces, we interact with terrestrial and cosmic plasma, which, upon careful consideration, has an inner trunk reminiscent of the spiritual tree of the Slavs. This is how the molecular bond of the Crystalline Grid of the Earth is formed and the combination with all the elements, where a person is the fifth element of natural forces. So we can solve any problems.

Pantheon of Slavic gods:

1. Healing Portal. Spaces of the PATRONS Gods (combination with the crystalline world). The space of patrons has the channels of Health, Intercession and Spas. Any negative long-term situation leads to disease. Channels contribute to the development of internal organics, cleaning at the cellular level and building the situation in the right direction.
2. Portal of sacred Venus. DATAR spaces. Spatial channels (cellular level). Any negative has a "tail" called time.
3. Portal of natural forces. Spaces of the Gods of GOVERNERS. The element of rulers is the space of the seven worlds, where the generic information of the great-ancestors who have reached immortality and reached the level of the Co-Creator is located.
4. Portal of the spirits of the Sun and Fire. Spaces of COSMIC GODS (energy-informational connections). Breathing with the ozone layer of nature strengthens the connection with the elements of the elements, gives help and support to living diversity, removes the limits of consciousness and develops a super consciousness. Being in the distorted energies of the city, we can breathe the ozone layer (18 km), interact with this world not with words, but with energy information.
5. Portal of sacred space. VEDIC MAGNETICS (molecular levels of space). Spiritual practitioner. Solar activity, due to high-energy rays, raises the atoms of the time of pracivilizations to the surface of the earth. This happens due to the ether, which is the nutrient medium of our Soul. Ether corresponds to our Spirit. Mind is ether as a carrier of genetic frequency, which transmits information to physical bodies living objects. Here we are meant to be part of the whole and are capable of expressing ourselves in any form imaginable.
6. Portal of combat energy. SOUND SPACES OF ETERNITY. Everything vibrates, everything radiates, everything has sound, harmony and meaning. By interacting with the waves of time, we are interacting with the entire Sanskrit program as a whole.
7. Portal of unification of halves from God. SUPPORT OF THE GODS AND ANCESTORS of pracivilizations, of everything that exists on earth and in space. Healing of the Soul and Spirit, transition to a new range of consciousness. The highest primordial cosmic force is the root of the family: you came out of the family, you will go to the family.

After the initiation-initiation, the spaces open according to the pure intentions of the disciple, where our whole essence is visible through and through. The alchemical processes of the body change the frequency of vibrations of the negative vicious circle. Any sluggish problem affects health. Time increases the weight of this energy-information "dumbbell", which pulls down. Alchemical processes change frequency negative energy on the polarization of silver, which has a specific mass. Being in the upper space in an altered state of consciousness, we bend the “dumbbell” pulling down, creating a silver horseshoe out of it, and throw it at the situation in the circle of the problems of the physical world. Here everything starts with inner balance and ends with inner balance.

Genealogical tree of the genus.

1) Rod God- the root of the cosmic family.
2) Svarog, Simagl, Makosh, Lada - great-parents.
3) Perun, Veles - fathers.
4) Svarozhychi Dazhbog, Yarilo, Khors - sons.
5) Russians- children. Descended from the offspring of Dazhbog. We are his descendants.

Climate change raises another force that does not have a quantitative dimension, time-bound spiritually structured atoms of millions of years of our planet's existence. Spiritualizing the mineral world, we bring it from the second dimension to the third dimension in which we live, manifest it here and give a degree of freedom, which is the evolution of the mineral-crystalline world. Interacting with the megalithic world, we can get into one or another layer of time, which, through the ether, brings the forces of the Huns, Scythians, Sarmatians, Russians from the second to the third dimension of time in which we live. Here the depth, breadth, height of the Vedic Spirit has no limits, because this power is in the past, present and future at the same time. Here is the memory of the unspent potential of warriors on a cosmic scale. Nature does not tolerate waste. Spiritual entry and combination with these energies gives information on the retention of this force. Initiations in the Vedic forces are designed to attune with the energy-information masses of the ether, with the depth of space and time, and hence our capabilities.

The practice is designed to work in social environment, where there are no rituals and psychological intervention (colloquial genre). All beliefs happen on the power of energy, where the end result is built without words. The Slavic-Aryan egregor incorporates all people of the Vedic worldview, which is genetic information. At present, between the noosphere of the Earth (smart Earth) and the cosmos, a hemisphere has appeared, closing the circle of Russia into a single whole, which is the form of an egregor that absorbs all the Vedic Slavic-Aryan forces. The downward currents of the fifth dimension pass through the hemisphere shape. This is the energy of the new time. The Slavic egregor is the oldest on Earth - the amount of time in millions of years, when the circumference of the Earth's plane was equal to the territory of Russia. The hemisphere of the Vedic Slavic-Aryan forces (the first space) starts from a height of 18 kilometers, which is the atmosphere of nature, the ozone layer. Above it are seven worlds (seven colors of the rainbow of seven hemispheres). Above them is the eighth world - the cosmic ancestors and the ninth - the superdimensional reality that is God. The genetics of the people is a single whole of homogeneous molecules that have one frequency of perception, where groups or individual molecules generate and provide information to everyone.

The genetic code of the people of our kind is directly related to our spiritual development, which is connected with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and northeastern Germany. Here is the epicenter of the white space race. First they were pushed head-on, then they were divided and a feeling of inferiority was imposed. And we have a common energy space that has no boundaries and political views. Charm has been practiced since ancient times. At present, these are foreign agents who represent interests that are contrary to the development of our country. Genetics is closely related to the genus. These faces are associated with the degeneration of a kind. This is a natural law. The Slavs were never aggressors, they observed the law of measure. They, like everyone else, had civil strife, but when trouble came, they united into one powerful fist and always won. Ancient prophecies predetermined Russia to become a world power spiritual rebirth. Hence comes the combination of all people of the living Soul and the living Spirit. Here is the epicenter of a spiritual war called " last fight after which the world will never be the same again. The final battle is the end of the old world and the beginning of a new one. This is a unique time when the last can become the first, and the one who considers himself the first will be the last. Solar activity by its influence affects the DNA molecules of our body, where representatives of the same blood (Soul and Spirit) are connected on the spiritual plane. The difference lies in the level of consciousness. In the nature of evolution there is a concept of pulling each other up. We are all one, and each stands between the two and unites all. The ancient Aryans lived by these principles. This was the order of the established Light. Everyone must develop their inner truth and the core of their kind, which is the energy of the people, where without understanding their genetic code, everyone alone will not survive. Only on the basis of the Slavic worldview is it possible to revive all indigenous peoples. The basis is the spiritual ancestral belonging to Russia, where there is no concept of nationality, distance and time, since it all begins with the ethereal energy of the Earth, where there is all the information about every person who accepts this truth with his soul or rejects it, because he is connected with another, alien the world. Our ancestors were right in defending their land, their culture, their inner world (rule), innate genetic truth. Spiritual and energy practice, which is Vedic energy, is tuned to the development and connection of the genealogical family of Russia into a single whole, which is the Slavic egregor. Each of our deeds is postponed on the ethereal memory of the Earth without a statute of limitations. This is the meaning of noble deeds, pleasing to the clan, people, race. When the level of consciousness accepts this, we, through the expansion of the boundaries of perception of reality, move from a personal to a general vision of the world.

I am the ONE who stepped on the Throne of Light, for I myself am woven of Light and have Cosmic Consciousness. My aspiration to the Light and the thirst for self-sacrifice led me to the decision to overthrow the darkness, wherever it may be.

My Throne is like the unquenchable, eternal Sun, emanations emanate from it in all directions of being, even to the most remote points. He illuminates with Light not only the spaces of love and peace, but also the abyss of darkness.

Once I stepped down from the Throne to bring down the darkness in those points of the universe that began to threaten the balance of the Universe. When I descended into the darkness, I saw the misfortune, emptiness, powerlessness of God's children, who had lost touch with God and therefore wandered in the darkness of consciousness, defeated by their own Ego. I could not admit that somewhere there are worlds of the unfortunate and the lost, so I decided to revive the Divine principle where it had died out.

I revived the Temple of the Threefold Flame, deep within the Earth, revived the network of Temples on many levels to strengthen the threefold flame on different planetary levels, as many stars of this galactic radius were subject to suffering. And when the network of Temples was activated, the consciousness of people began to be enlightened. Other planets seemed to have come out of their sleep and started active co-creation with the Divine world.

The periods of ascent of consciousness were repeated, but behind the great nations, there came times when evolution was replaced by involution. This was due to cosmic cycles. For the Universe itself absorbed experience. The planetary system, including the Earth, reflected the experience of cosmic existence. "As below, so above." The universe was shattered by discord. The seed of discord was sown. The forces of darkness got out of control of the Father and changed the programs of being.

But the omnipresent Father sees deeply into the future, so he allowed such wars. He knew the essence of contradictions. He also knew that as a result of disagreements and disobedience to the laws of the Universe, the Universe will gain new strength. The time will come when the cosmic cycle will change, but to the beginning new era invaluable experience will be absorbed, which will raise the Universe to a new level of consciousness. Contradictions, wars were necessary in order to avoid clashes in the future. So, the Universe is moving to a new level of consciousness.

Having gone through fire and water, copper pipes, it ceases to be agnes stables, but returns to itself the status of Light.

The one who sits on the Throne realizes that the descent into darkness was the surest action. Nothing else was given. And now in the fields of adversity, I sow the seeds of joy. And the crops are coming up. It remains to taste the fruits. The one who recognizes joy and peace within himself, as if pushing apart the canvas that separates Light from darkness, surveys the space, and says: “It was a dream, and today is an awakening.”

Earth is a reflection of the Cosmos. Awakening is going on in all points of the universe. Those civilizations that have reached the highest point of consciousness are enriched even more, moving to new heights of cosmic existence. Everything rises. Both Light and darkness change. That which opposed, cancels wars. But first, a truce is reached at the level of the awakened ones. And after a while, all participants in the process will establish peace. Therefore, despite the predominance of Light and the establishment of a new world order, wars still continue, because the tops have awakened, and the bottoms are only awakening. But the times will soon come when the tops and the bottoms will unite in unity of purpose.

For all participants in the process, everything that happens is good. There are no such aspects of the process that would be infringed or deprived, on the contrary, gifts will be sent down to everyone. The Lord expects the end of the period of contradictions, and it has reached its climax.

Many are faced with a choice that must be made immediately!

The Lord blesses the awakened and forgives the lost.

And today the Father, sitting on the Throne of Light, emanates Light even more, for the veil of darkness is dissolving. Space is being cleared. There comes an era of prosperity, a great ascent of consciousness. Many civilizations anticipated the Renaissance. The universe is being healed, transformed. And the Creator Gods rejoice. Glory to God, the gods who create the worlds! Glory to the Mother Goddess!

Today, sitting on the Throne, I manifest in the heart of every Creature of the universe. My appearance is complete! I am the heart, I am the consciousness, I am the presence! I am the whole, and I am the part. I am the one who gave birth to what is happening and the one who completed the fall. Always remaining the Light, I remained faithful to him. And the Light washes the space of the Universe, for only in the Rays of Light one can cognize great happiness and unity with God.

We are building the future of many millennia. Truth will descend again! Once again the ruling powers will become the servants of God. The law of justice and equality will gain force.

And today, not hundreds, but millions of Beings of Light unite planetary consciousnesses. The planetary system becomes a single structure, a single consciousness. The planetary system becomes a Pillar of Light. And having united, the processes of ascent of the planets of the solar system, the galactic continuum, the Universe are accelerated.

Follow the action plans assigned to you. Many groups have gained the power of Light and are implementing the Plan of the Lord. And the impulses emanating from the Heart of God are anchored and strengthened through devoted subjects. The multiplicity of groups forms a single picture of ascension - important links in a single grid.

The New World Order regulates the way people of the planet Earth interact in the Age of Aquarius for harmonious interaction.

The duality experiment on planet Earth was completed on 11/11/2015 when the Earth went through the 11:11 Stargate activation. After this date, all mankind entered the Age of Unity and the Age of Aquarius. That is, now the war between men and women is over and the sole right to rule the world or a coalition of one sex is over. That is, the rules of patriarchy and matriarchy are abolished. Now, from now on, the world is ruled by the King and Queen of the Universe, who love each other and show by their example the highest ideal of Love between a Man and a Woman. They are the Universal Synarchy of the Spirit, observing the development of life in the Universe, creating new species, races of living beings to harmoniously maintain the balance of peace in the Universe.

Code of Space Canons of White Civilizations

Space civilizations, which have already mastered free outer space a long time ago, certainly have different priorities in their behavior and ideological positions. Conventionally, they are divided according to the color palette, each of which represents a certain category, which professes its inherent lines and stereotypes of behavior. The well-known figure in Russia and the United States, Nikolai Levashov, the author of many books on this subject, who devoted his life to analyzing the issue of what we cannot see with our own eyes, but the existence of this is beyond doubt, engaged in the study of this topic. The interaction of the human race with the cosmic mind also falls within the scope of Levashov's research.

The color division of space civilizations according to their characteristic lines of behavior is as follows:

- White civilizations who are entirely guided by the general space code, fulfill and honor all its provisions, preventing the possibility of their violation

- Gray civilizations who believe that it is permissible to neglect certain provisions of the general cosmic code, but they must respect the provisions: 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th.

- Black Civilizations who absolutely and completely disregard the provisions and laws of the general cosmic code, believe that any means is acceptable to achieve their goals.

The General Cosmic Code of the White Regulations of Civilizations:

1. Each civilization, regardless of its curation by any other forms of existence and organization, retains the full right to develop and improve in the evolutionary process in accordance with its own ideas.

2. A civilization that has reached higher forms of existence, progress and evolution cannot provide a civilization that lags behind it in all or some of the parameters of development until this civilization itself puts forward a request for cooperation and assistance.

3. Influencing by any method, either psychic or robotic, which can lead to destructive and destructive, destructive consequences for the life forms that have been the subject of influence, is prohibited for all civilizations. No importance is attached to the type of existence of this form, in other words, whether it is reasonable or not - the impact of a destructive nature is an absolute and indisputable prohibition.

4. Civilization, which has great success in developing its own culture and capabilities, in particular, destructive and destructive forms of influence, has no right to apply any other measures, except for precautionary ones, in relation to certain representatives of civilization that are in a less developed form existence.

5. Liquidation, or other, less strong measures of influence on a certain representative of civilization, are permissible only if, by his actions, he endangers the existence and well-being of other civilizations, or threatens with a colossal catastrophe, which will entail devastating consequences. The destructive impact, if possible, should be limited, and in no case go beyond the necessary.

6. The use of methods and variations of holographic deception and camouflage is under the strictest prohibition, the violation of which will entail the necessary and immediate, swift, punitive measures.

7. Any research, including an experimental one, that may lead to negative consequences for other civilizations, indirectly or directly, is prohibited. They will stay there until the civilization, which in this case is the infringed and suffering party, gives its consent to conduct these studies or experiments.

9. Each civilization retains the right to possible coexistence, joint development and association with representatives of other civilizations, as well as the right to do this separately.

Following or neglecting these provisions determine the color classification category of space civilization.

Humanity living on planet Earth is the fruit and object of an experimental study of the joint cooperation of various general cosmic civilizations. The progress of the human race through the phases of evolutionary perfection and development is carefully studied and regulated to prevent undesirable results of the experiment. Unfortunately, the course of the experiment at a certain moment was subjected to the influence of the Black civilization, which made certain adjustments to the evolutionary path of mankind from the planet Earth. These innovations were hastily eliminated by the white races.

Father Absolute speaks

Any state, country, kingdom, federation, empire, power that has not received a License for the right to control the people included in its composition is considered OUTSIDE THE CANON, since the division of people on any basis is a direct consequence of manipulation as the principle of "Divide and Conquer". It is possible to obtain such a license only to that country, kingdom, state, federation, empire, in which the well-being of the population is assessed using such an indicator as gross national happiness (GNA) or National Happiness Index.

In the center of Moscow on Red Square, the symbol of abundance is the infinite Source of Energy (TeslaGen).

Time is counted according to the galactic calendar of the Science of Time, which has neither beginning nor end, and the solar-lunar Kolyada Dar, which is counted from the creation of the World in the Star Temple. The Gregorian calendar and all those who celebrate its holidays are declared OUTSIDE THE CANON, as it contradicts paragraph 3 of this Code of Laws, since separation from the rhythms of nature leads to loss life force and hence to death.

The rituals of burial in the ground and burning in gas crematoria without the correct rituals are declared OUTSIDE THE CANON, as they lead to pollution of the Earth during burial and the accumulation of restless souls if burned incorrectly. In order to carry out rituals of seeing off the soul after death, it is necessary to contact the Agency for the Preservation of the Family for such a procedure or receive appropriate instructions there, undergo training and receive a certificate. All people and organizations involved in such rituals are recorded in the "loyal erasure" program, which is carried out by the Creator's Retribution Agency.

Since the general principle of the White Civilizations is respect for all forms of life, in order to eat meat and all animal products or use them, you need to get a conclusion on the diagnosis of "Vampire" in and, having signed up for a course of mandatory treatment there, get permission to eat such products in a strictly designated place. Organizations distributing such products are required to obtain a license for such activities from the Creator's Golden Age Certification Agency, otherwise they are enrolled in the "loyal erasure" program, which is administered by the Creator's Retribution Agency.

Each person is originally healthy and perfect. The Primordial Dazzling White Robe (Doctor's Robe) belongs to the Institute of Multidimensional Medicine. All those who do not meet the standards of the Golden Age of the Creator are declared sick and enrolled in the rehabilitation course "Children of the Creator Learn to Love." All pharmacological companies that have not received licenses from the Creator's Golden Age Certification Agency are declared OUT OF THE CANON and enrolled in the "loyal erasure" program, which is implemented by the Creator's Retribution Agency.

Psychology of betrayal