Cleaning the space of the apartment. Purification of the space of one's own life

Ways to clean space from energy debris

It will be primarily about cleaning the living space from energy "garbage" and the consequences of negative impacts- both external and own "splashes" not caught in time.

You must always remember that you need to start cleaning the room ... with yourself. Attempts to remove negativity from the apartment, if you yourself are splashing with anger or irritation, will not bring any result at all.

Therefore - inhale-exhale, calm down, relax, meditate, if this method is familiar, or go to the shower, remembering that water washes everything away.

In addition, cleaning should be carried out only in a well-cleaned and ventilated apartment; All doors except the front door are kept open.

I will break down the cleaning methods by elements.

We buy a couple of packages of heating candles in the nearest store and place them throughout the apartment on all available horizontal surfaces, including window sills and the floor, pay special attention to dark corners and nooks and crannies - they need to be well lit and put more candles there. Fire, like any element, will do everything by itself - the negative will “burn out” in the flame. Only when you light them, talk to the fire, explain what you want from it.

Small candles burn within six hours - if you are not afraid of a fire, you can generally go for a walk, if there is still a chance of losing all your property due to a whim to clean the house better, stay at home, meditate, look at the fire - just make sure that the phone didn’t ring, the TV and radio didn’t ring, and some unexpected guests didn’t wander in.

When all the candles burn out, and only aluminum "shells" remain, sweep them with a broom into a trash bag, trying not to touch them with your hands, and immediately take them out of the house to the nearest landfill - there is nothing to do in the house.

Broom in this case can not be thrown away, but simply washed under a strong stream of water.

In some cases, church candles work well, or large floor candles that will burn continuously for several days.
In my opinion, cleaning with fire is self-sufficient, but the effect can be enhanced by fumigation.

two similar ways.

1. Having got out into nature, you need to dial a pack of good soft earth , - and it will be right if you can collect at least part of the earth with your hands, and not dig it up with a spatula. At the same time, of course, we tell the earth, the field (forest) and other surrounding entities that you are not taking the earth with you out of pampering, but on business.

It is better to start cleaning in the morning. You take the earth from the bag with your hands, scatter it in the corners and, where possible, along the walls, and ask the earth to help you and take away everything bad - justify why it should do this, according to your own inner feelings.
The earth must be left for almost the whole day.

If there is a desire to combine the elements of earth and water, you should sprinkle the scattered earth from your hands with either clean drinking water or water brought from some river / stream.

In the evening, the earth must be swept away with a broom (the broom must be thrown away with this method of cleaning), rinse the corners well, then go to the nearest forest and either return the earth to the ground, scattering it somewhere a little and at the same time asking for forgiveness for bringing such muck into the forest, or pour the earth into the river - also with appropriate apologies.

2. Salt cleansing . We do about the same thing as with the ground. Buy several packs of salt (elri always advises using thursday salt, but to be honest, I don’t feel the difference, at least for cleaning the space).

Salt is good to use if you feel the pollution is high.

It is done in several stages. For the whole week, it is good to arrange bowls, bowls, cups filled with salt in all corners. At the end of the week, pour the salt from the salt shakers into flowing water (in this case, sewerage is great), open a new pack of salt and scatter it in the corners and along the walls. When cleaning with salt, water is not needed, but the effect can be enhanced by fumigation or candles.

Salt should lie down for some time (from one to six approximately), after which we collect it with a broom, pour it into running water, traditionally throw away the broom, and wash the corners well with a wet rag.

And do not try to use a vacuum cleaner, O children of technological progress.

Cleaning is done either with incense sticks, or with personally collected and twisted dried herbs, among which wormwood takes pride of place.

It's very simple: light herbs or incense sticks (and don't try to save on their quantity) and smoke the whole space well, paying attention to all the "dark nooks and crannies" and places that you consider the most polluted.

Throw away the charred remains, ventilate the house, and then repeat the procedure - until you have a feeling that the space has been cleaned up.

Cleansing through the element of air is well complemented by a variety of verbal formulas (conspiracies, prayers, etc.)
After cleaning, all cinders, ashes, etc. we throw it away somewhere outside the house and wash our hands furiously in running water.

Cleaning is used for minor pollution, and consists in the fact that qualitatively, with plenty of water, wash everything that can be washed in the house. You can supplement the technique by placing water containers in the house and changing the water in them every day.

This cleaning method can be combined with other space cleaning methods.

Four Element Cleansing.
Method 1 . In each room (do not forget about the hallway and bathroom), we arrange symmetrically and beautifully (you can on the floor in the center of the room, or on the table) a couple of candles, a couple of incense sticks, a couple of bowls with salt and a couple of water containers. Candles burn longer than sticks, so sticks will need to be replaced from time to time.

Method 2 . When you successively perform shortened four-element cleansing rituals: fumigate with herbs or sticks, go around the house with a candle, with a bowl of salt, from time to time throwing a pinch over your shoulder or under your feet, and also with a bowl of water.

In addition to all of the above: if you have large mirrors in your house - ALWAYS keep them clean. A dirty stained mirror creates such a bad background in the house that there is nowhere to go. The same applies to the cleanliness of window panes. And in general: cleanliness and order, fresh air in themselves prevent the accumulation of negativity in the house.

On top of everything else, another good way, not related to the classic four elements:
Gotta pick some nettles - not young, but the one that burns, make a pretty big broom to hold it with both hands, and with this broom walk around the whole house, “sweeping” the floor, walls, furniture, of course - beds and headboards. You need to finish on the threshold, leaving the house with your back and sweeping the floor behind you.

The broom is traditionally thrown away. Maybe even running water. Or, if there is a mood, we burn it.

pendulum cleaning.
The way is not so much to clean up the accumulated negativity, but to make the space itself “more feng shui”.

An ordinary pendulum is taken, and go around the house with it - where the pendulum rotates clockwise, everything is in order, where it is counterclockwise - you begin to “straighten” the flow so that the pendulum first stops, and then begins to rotate salting.

Cleaning with sound.
There are several ways - you can clean the space with your own voice or some devices.

1. We need to find some kind of bell , preferably with a clear, loud and long sound and, going around the apartment clockwise, carefully “ring” all the walls, corners, closets, windows and mirrors; then you need to “ring out” each room, standing in the center, and turning around its axis. This method can be supplemented by lighting candles or burning incense, but still it seems to me that cleaning with sound works best in daylight.

2. Cleaning with your own voice . The method is individual for everyone, because, I am sure, everyone will have their own sound or cry, which you personally associate with the removal of energy dirt. But the method is similar to the previous one: having taken a "trump" position in the center or against the wall, you need to "shout" the whole room, so that the sound of your voice "breaks" and "sweeps" all energy pollution.

3. Cleaning other sound sources . In the end, if all the previous methods seem difficult for you, put a disk with mantras, Tibetan songs or "singing cauldrons" in the room. But be prepared for the fact that it may take more than one week to clean up the space in this way.

Sunlight cleaning.
This method is good for those with windows to the south or west, i.e. for houses that do not lack sunlight. In addition to the sun, you will need a bunch of mirrors and mirrors, which must be installed so that the rays of sunlight, reflected from the mirrors, eventually illuminate the entire apartment (yes, this is a method for lovers of the Optics section of physics) and there are no dark corners.

The method is good in that it provides not only cleaning the space, but immediately and energetically saturates it

You can clean the space of the house with stones.
« You take a larger and cleaner fluorite, preferably a light one - from white to pink, and put it somewhere where it is dirtier. And he slowly "absorbs" the negative like a sponge. As it becomes cloudy - wash and let rest. And so on until you get bored)

At one time, a similar technique flashed: it was proposed to stuff everything into rock crystal and throw it away along with the stone. I don't have a hand in throwing stones, so I thought, experimented and decided that fluorite is almost ideal for such "long" sweeps.»

Clean the pebbles from the "stuck"(in the event that the stones are of inorganic origin) well with water and salt.

If the origin of the stone is organic (amber, pearls, fossils), then it is possible to clean the space with them, but with great care, because. there is a very high risk of destroying the stone - pearls are especially bad for negativity.

Stones of organic origin are released from the collected "dirt" either in cold purified water (drinking or distilled), or in sunlight / moonlight, or in strong winds - but you will often have to walk them in windy weather.

Cleansing with aromatic oils: mix rosemary oil with lemon oil. All this is put into the water and the dust is wiped with this water and the floor is washed. The composition of the hellish mixture is individual. For some reason, lemon is close to me. Today I tried to clean one room with rose oil. IMHO it's hard. Pure is pure, but its sediment remains.

Well cleaned coniferous oils. Again, on my experience and for my degree of pollution of the home.

A very interesting effect comes from burning dried rosemary sprigs in the room. As if the smoke penetrates into every crack and collects everything from there.

There is an interesting way to clean with a musical instrument. =Niell= is a flute. Only here it comes out only under the mood. But if there is such a mood, then the melody comes out wonderful and very strong ... and at the same time, little of one's own strength is spent.

You can also do the same through dance. Sometimes a couple of simple moves are enough.

Space clearing possible a sword tentatively named "Cleansing Space". It is visually akin to a mixture of martial dance and aikido. A clear feeling of cleansing after and fatigue in the process.

Still can be cleaned knife, also specially consecrated for this purpose. Steel should be cleaned after preferably running (flowing) water.

Sometimes the space in which we live and work is overflowing with negative energy. Often we ourselves produce negativity outside, producing destructive emotions and thoughts. What to say about public places? Offices and offices, through which flows of people pass during the day, turn into such an energy soup of many incompatible energies. After all, each person comes with his own problems, brings his own stress. And everyone leaves some piece of himself in the location where he visited. A world filled with only harmonious personalities would be beautiful. Although even these do not have absolute immunity and also sometimes experience not the most pleasant emotions. So, how to clear the space of negativity? Here are some actionable ways.

1. Light a candle

Fire perfectly copes with the function of energy orderly. The flame has a cleansing effect, it will quickly burn out all the negative energy, returning it to the energy bank of the Creator. The practice of cleansing the space will be many times more effective if you speak a candle for harmonization in advance and make an appeal to the elements of fire with a request to eliminate all negativity in the room. You can also walk with this candle around the room counterclockwise, focusing on the corners: most often negative energy is concentrated here.

2. Read a prayer

The most effective for the purpose of cleansing the space is the prayer "Our Father". Although, you can use any other formula. The main thing here is to enter the right state and tune in with Higher Power giving freedom from negativity.

3. Use salt

Scatter around the perimeter of the space to be cleaned, ordinary table salt. Leave it for a day. Salt cleanses well, absorbing negativity. After it will need to be collected and buried in the ground.

4. Turn on the music

Ethnic instruments have a cleansing effect: rain or wind music, singing bowls, hang, bells. Also effective tool in the cleansing of space from the negative will be classical music, for example, Mozart.

5. Clap your hands

Claps were used at one time by ancient peoples to ward off evil spirits. Ringing biting sounds dispel negativity and heal the energy of the room.

6. Light the incense

Herbs are especially good for these purposes: St. John's wort, juniper, wormwood or sage. You can buy aroma sticks or oils in the store or use your own blanks, if available.

7. Do a wet cleaning

- perfectly absorbs information. And this quality of it is often used in the practices of cleansing from the negative. You can talk water for better results. Take a good walk in the corners, wiping all the dust from the floor and furniture, while visualizing how you collect the accumulated disharmonious energies.

After clearing the space, be sure to thank the forces from whom you asked for help, wash your hands well, preferably take a shower and rest a bit to replenish the resources expended. Good luck!

 17.05.2011 21:05

If you want to succeed in personal relationships and business, you need to create all conditions in your home and workplace for the good flow of chi energy, which has unlimited life-giving power.

Updating the interior space in places where you spend a lot of time magically changes the energy of the entire room and contributes to good luck in all matters. To cope with the stagnant negative energy in the room allows an active influx of young and fresh energy that fills the house and keeps the qi energy inside the premises healthy and strong.

One of the most effective ways to increase the flow of positive energy is to cleanse the space.

Clearing the space is the first thing to do if you want to change your life for the better. When starting to practice Feng Shui, it should be noted that it may not give you the desired results if your home is not opened to the influx of new beneficial energy.

Many people start clearing space because they feel stagnant in solving a particular problem. Stagnation that has formed somewhere in the flow of your life always corresponds to some kind of blockage in a certain part of your house, so when the energy in the house is cleared and comes back into motion, the problem begins to be resolved.

It is believed that the walls and furniture in our house keep the history of previous events at the energy level. Negative or repetitive events settle in the energy of the room and can greatly affect the residents of the house.

When your home is filled with things you love or use often, they energize you. And blockages, on the contrary, have a strong negative impact.

From the point of view of energy, all the events that took place in the room diverge in waves through your home, like a stone thrown into a river. Any event, if it is accompanied by strong negative emotions, emotional experiences or physical trauma, leaves an imprint, the energy of these events disperses throughout the room, accumulating in corners and crevices, as well as in dark, unventilated rooms and hard-to-reach corners.

It is believed that children are more sensitive to subtle energies than adults. In a room with negative energy, they will act up, cry and act excited and nervous. Also remember that children are afraid of the space under the bed, they will not sleep in a room with open wardrobe doors, they do not like dark corners. And this is a completely natural reaction!

Each of us daily creates a certain amount of mental debris, which leaves its traces on the astral level. Just as in the physical world, we need to clean the room, throw out garbage and old damaged things, do laundry, wash dishes, vacuum and dust, so at the level of subtle perception, it is necessary to periodically clean the space.

Just like space, objects can be subjected to energetic purification. If you accept as a gift or buy an item that previously belonged to someone, be careful, as with it you also acquire the energy imprints of the previous owner. And the more the former owner loved this thing, was attached to it and used it, the stronger the energy vibrations of this item.

Possessing the skills of psychometry, an experienced person can, say, take a ring belonging to another person, and, having interpreted the vibration frequency of this ring, tell everything about this person, even without ever meeting him. That is why many people want to have something that belonged famous person or what he touched. That is why the personal belongings of movie stars, football heroes and the like are so highly valued.

Purification of the energy left by the predecessors

From personal experience, I can say that the energy that is “inherited” makes history repeat itself. Your life can be influenced not only by the stagnant energy that you personally left, but also by the “tail” left by people who lived in this place before you.

For example, if a couple who previously lived in the house you now live in divorced, then it is quite possible that this has already happened before them, and it is quite possible that your story can also repeat itself just because this energy is still there. When moving to a new home, try to find out who lived in this place before you, what kind of life they led and what events happened to them.

Purification of Space - effective method, which will completely “clear” this or that place for you, and also contributes to the improvement at the physical and emotional level of the residents of the house themselves.

If someone has died in the house, you just need to clean the energy. Usually the problem is not with dying as such, but with violent death. Dying is a completely natural process. It is a return from the physical world back to the world of energy. A dignified and proper death is a great art... So the problem usually lies in the traces left in the house after death by grief and despair of the loved ones of the deceased, and clearing the space is an excellent way to remove them so that life can continue.

Clearing the space also creates a niche for personal growth. Use space clearing techniques to develop creativity, improve material well-being and quality of life, and attract love and romance.

Clearing your space will help you achieve what you want out of your life, as clearing energy field the premises become cleaner and your personal energy field (aura). Thus, the messages you send to the world become clearer and more accessible. You are creating a space where something new can happen and the world can happily fill it with what you desire.

So, you need to clean your home in cases where:

If you want to improve your life, develop creative abilities, establish romantic relationships, improve material well-being and well-being

If you want to solve problems that up to this point it was not possible to solve.

If you moved into an apartment or house in which someone already lived for you.

If a resident has died in your home.

If frequent quarrels and emotional experiences occur in your house.

If you or members of your family are prone to depression, discouragement.

If you often feel uncomfortable at home.

If your family is often sick or feel weak.

If your home has many corners, crevices, small spaces and dark rooms.

If there are often guests in your house, not all of them are invited. For example, you work from home and receive clients at your home, or relatives came to visit you, whose sincerity you are not sure.

Part 2. Methods of cleansing space from stagnant energy.

Preparing for cleansing

Before you conduct an energy cleansing of the space, it is necessary to do a general cleaning at home. By general cleaning, I mean not only washing, ironing, mopping, dusting and arranging things in their places.

First, unpack everything and throw away or give away anything you haven't used in over a year. If a thing is not useful to you during the year, then it is unlikely to be useful ever again. Dismantle suitcases and antrisols, try not to store any boxes and drawers under the bed, especially with old things.

Remove all old newspapers and magazines from your home, they often contain negative and outdated information and contribute to the accumulation of negative energy. Refuse to store "disposable" detectives on the shelves - mass-produced products of modern writers.

Bring home not only external order. Remove all things from shelves and cabinets, wipe dust with a clean damp cloth even where it may not be, do not forget about the far corners and roofs of cabinets. Movement always contributes to the renewal of energy. Be sure to wash the windows, and properly ventilate the room. Clean all crystal and glass items in your home, including lighting fixtures. Crystal is a wonderful way to transform negative energy into positive. The rays of light passing through the crystal are healed and converted into life-giving qi energy.

The best time to clean up a space is immediately after cleaning. It is best to cleanse during the daytime in daylight. It is more effective to carry out cleansing in the interval between the full moon and the new moon. But best time the last two weeks before the new lunar year are considered for the ritual of cleansing space.

During the cleansing, make sure that no one interferes with you. Ask someone to babysit your kids, don't let strangers when performing this procedure.

Most animals, especially cats, love to be in the cleansing room as they are able to pick up the movement of the energy, so don't chase them away. Cats are not afraid of negative energies, on the contrary, they always choose places with an excess of negative energy for their pastime, which is why they try to climb into the most distant and hard-to-reach corners of the room, and also come to their owner to “treat” him by lying down on the damaged part of the body .

In time, cleaning the space in a small apartment will take you 1-2 hours. In many ways, of course, the cleansing time depends on the past home, as well as on your pace. It is best to keep a brisk pace when clearing so that the energy does not freeze before you complete the process.

Highlights of Space Clearing

1. Do not attempt a Space Clearing if you are experiencing feelings of anxiety or fear.

These techniques are absolutely safe, but are intended for everyday personal use.

2. Cleanse when you are in good physical shape, emotionally balanced and able to focus.

3. Refrain from cleansing during pregnancy or menstruation, or if you have an open wound.

4. Think about what you want from your life. If you share space with others, be sure to ask them for advice.

5. For best results, physically clean the area first: sweep, wash, vacuum, and clear any rubble.

6. Take a bath or shower, or at least wash your face and hands.

7. Put food and drinks in cupboards or closed containers.

8. Remove jewelry and other metal objects from yourself. Work barefoot whenever possible.

9. Work alone if other people don't fully understand what you are doing.

10. Work in silence, without musical accompaniment. Turn off all fans and other noisy appliances.

11. Open a door or window.

12. Find appropriate place strength and place there tools that may be needed for cleaning.

13. Roll up your sleeves and increase the sensitivity of your hands.

Home setting

Before you start clearing the space, take some time to sit quietly in silence, walk around the house and tune in to its vibration. Mentally state your intention to the room.

In fact, during the cleansing, you revitalize the energy of the house. It's like cleaning rust: before you can remove it, you need to scrape it off the surface. During the cleansing great importance has the way you breathe. Proper breathing technique will help you get in touch with the energy at home. If there are other people in the house in the room, make sure they are also breathing properly. It is necessary to breathe slowly and deeply during cleansing. As you clear, you and your companions may forget about breathing and begin to breathe shallowly. Try to make sure this doesn't happen.

During the cleansing, you need to establish a connection with your home, realize that it also knows how to feel and perceive, so treat your home with respect and love.

Most people are familiar with this feeling when, upon entering a room, we think: "It's very nice here" or "I would not like to live here." In this way, we capture the energy of the place, we know its true character.

To get in touch with your home, stand next to the main entrance. This could be your front door, or your apartment door, or the entrance to your room. Concentrate by focusing all your energy. Visualize your chakras in a state of complete balance. And then focus your attention on the surface of your aura. The aura is your energy field, which is shaped like an egg. It can be enlarged and contracted at will (for example, the expression "sweet dream" means our natural ability to draw the aura closer to the body when we fall asleep). Imagine your aura expanding to the size of a house. Open your heart chakra (you can visualize a blossoming flower, perhaps a beautiful carnation) and evoke a feeling of love in yourself. Let your love fill all space. Mentally identify yourself and state your intent.

At first, you may have difficulty. It may seem to you that the house has not come into contact with you. But after a while you will succeed. Perhaps you will even become one of those strange people who, after returning from work in the evening, stroke the walls of their apartment and say to her: “Hello!”. Friendly relations with the house are quite real. You can also give it a name to further strengthen them.

Starting a cleansing

Now is the time to interact with the energy of your home on a more material level. Starting from the main entrance, go around the room counterclockwise, feeling its energies. At the same time, use your hands and use all the senses. Stand against the wall next to the front door, raise your arm to shoulder level and bend it at the elbow, while the hand should be ten centimeters from the door. Bend your wrist at a 90-degree angle to your wrist with your fingers pointing up and your open palm facing the door. Let your hand be completely relaxed. Now start slowly “stroking” the energy field. front door like you're petting a cat. This movement is made horizontally at shoulder level in the direction where you are facing, i.e. Push. Feel the feeling of tenderness. Constantly mentally remind the house of your desire to make contact with it in order to cleanse it. At some point, you will have a feeling that the energy is slightly parted. This means that the house has begun to open up to you. If you already have the habit of occasionally ironing the walls and furniture, then the house will give way to you immediately. Those who get along well with people and animals tend to be quite successful at making conversation with buildings as well. All this time you should be in a state of heightened receptivity, listening to the house on all levels. Interaction with the house

As you cleanse your home, listen to his messages. Perhaps your home is eager to tell you about its needs. After all, he was silent for years! However, if you belong to the type of people prone to flights of fancy, then moderate your ardor. You can, unwittingly, load your brains with all sorts of far-fetched information. There is a very thin line between reality and fiction. Try to see things as they are, and be open-minded about it. Having made several stroking movements and having learned all the information available at this stage, begin to slowly walk around the room along the inner perimeter. Use your hands and all your senses to do this.

Feeling the energy

Keep in mind that your ability to feel the energy at home may not appear immediately and may not fully manifest. Don't worry, because the techniques given here work even if you don't feel the energies you're working with.

On a physical level, energy can be felt by you in completely different ways. For example, you may feel that your hand is immersed in something sticky and viscous, similar to honey, or it is wrapped in a hundred thin cobwebs, you may feel hot and cold with your hands, you may feel aching pain in your bones or tingling in your palms.

However, even if the sensations are pleasant to you, keep in mind that you need to get rid of all the energies that have stuck to you. If you get the feeling that you accidentally picked up some kind of energy (and stagnant energy can be extremely sticky), then you need to wash it off as soon as possible! Take note that energy sticks only to the hands and sometimes to the forearms. If the sensations are very strong, then shake your hands several times to restore their sensitivity.

Light many candles in key areas of your home, burn incense, sprinkle holy water or water saturated with aromatic oils, arrange fresh flowers and plants around the house and say affirmations, mantras or prayers - whichever is preferable for you. You can also mentally communicate with the spirits of earth, fire, water and air, if this is close to you. Many people prefer to pour thin paths of salt across all doors before starting the ritual.

Flowers should be placed as follows: place the candle in the center of the saucer, place the flower heads around it so that they look outwards with their buds. Try to make this composition look as attractive as possible.

It is especially important not to ignore the master bedroom, as well as the place near the stove, where food is prepared for all the inhabitants of the house. In feng shui, the hearth is seen as a symbolic expression of the well-being of the family.

Ideally, such flower arrangements should be present in every room of the house. First, put a small leaf on the chosen place, and then put a flower offering on it. Place a burning incense stick nearby, then light the candles and sprinkle the prepared composition with fragrant or holy water, using the flower head as a “vessel”.

With such offerings, you establish contact with the guardian spirits of the house and the spirits of the elements. Flowers symbolize the Earth, incense is the element of Air, burning candles are Fire, and holy water is the element of Water. Candles breathe life into the ceremony and, like beacons, serve as a guide for beneficial energies. They help clear the space while you work.

After the ceremony is over, do not extinguish the candles, but let them burn out to the end. If you need to go somewhere, extinguish them for a while, and upon returning home, light them again.

Clearing space with handclaps

Loud and ringing handclaps are an excellent stimulant for dissolving stagnant energy. Clapping your hands, go around the perimeter of the house, feeling for the energies, as described earlier, with the help of an outstretched hand. Each time you come to a corner, do a few quick and vigorous claps to disperse the stagnant energy. However, after clapping, be sure to wash your hands under running water.

When making claps, it is best to “clap” the entire corner from bottom to top, starting to clap below waist level and ending above the head. During the procedure, imagine how this place becomes completely clean, and at the end of the clapping, stroke the energies of this place with your hands to calm the energy flows.

If you are doing a complete home cleansing, then open all the cabinets, wardrobes, doors and drawers in the house and pat. Methodically go through all the corners and cracks step by step. At some point, you will begin to feel the energies so strongly that you will be able to determine with accuracy where the stagnant energy still remains, and where it has already left its familiar place.

Watch out for electronic devices, especially monitors and televisions, and other places where static electricity builds up.

When you have already made three-quarters of the way around the house, there is often an auditory effect that resembles an echo. It means that this stage cleansing is almost complete. If there is no such resonance, then you need to repeat your path again. Perhaps you didn’t go deep enough into the process, or there was too much work. It happens that all claps sound the same, but don't let that discourage you. Better than not clapping at all! Usually one round is enough.

If you have very tight and narrow corners in your house, in which negative energy has probably stagnated, and there is so little space in this corner that it is not possible to make a sweeping clap, put your hands together with your palms and stick it into a narrow room. Then spread your arms like a crocodile opens its mouth and clap.

It is very, very important to remember to wash your hands under running water after you have finished clapping. At the same time, all the “mental garbage” that could cling to you is washed away. As a result, you will feel energized and ready to move on to the next stage immediately.

Cleansing the space with bells and singing bowls

Creating a Sacred Circle of Sounds

So, you start bypassing the building for the third time. Select the deepest sounding chime appropriate for the space you are cleaning (the larger the room, the deeper the sound should be). Standing at the entrance to the house, ring it once, and then listen. Having done this several times in different rooms, you will immediately understand whether you have established contact with the energy. this place the first time or you need to call again. If in doubt, repeat the procedure two or three times.

When walking around with the bell, make sure it sounds appropriate for the room. The larger the room, the deeper the sound should be. Start at the door, holding the bell as close to the wall as possible, but without hitting it. Position it above waist level - best at heart level. As you move forward, ring the bell so that the sound does not stop for a second. As you move, you create a sacred ring of sound. Visualization of this ring in the form of a circle of clear flickering light helps to enhance the effect. You carry pure energy with you, and when you find yourself in a place where the sound of a bell is distorted, stop and ring until you are satisfied with the result. If you listen carefully, you can quite determine where there is a stagnation of energy. This way, in the future, you will know which place should be given special attention.

Returning back to the starting point, draw the number eight in the air with a bell, located horizontally. This is the symbol of infinity, which encourages energy to continuously move around the circle you have created. This provides a longer lasting sonic cleaning effect.

If something distracts your attention while walking, your energy levels tend to drop. In this case, you must start over. With more experience, you will be able to determine if the energies can be reactivated. However, when in doubt, I recommend that you play it safe and do the round with the bell again.

A little about singing bowls and bells

Different buildings require different types of ringing, and the rooms in these buildings can also be very different from each other. In one room you may feel the need to ring the bell very vigorously, while in another you need to do it softly, in a slow rhythm. Listen to your feelings. One day, after you have worked with the bells enough, you will learn to understand exactly what happens to the energy of the place when the bell is sounded.

The so-called Tibetan singing bowl can supplement the bell or even completely replace it. It is a powerful meditation tool with healing properties, as well as powerful cleansing properties. This bowl is made of several types of metal, due to which its sound consists of an endless stream of overtones, which form sound spirals, revolving around the main audible sound. The sound of such a bowl is much deeper and thicker than the sound of a bell. Lilian Too claims that the possibilities of the bowl are so great that even just having it in the house brings happiness to the owners, since the singing bowl is a powerful activator of any sector of your home. However, when the bowl begins to sing, it does not just cleanse the old stagnant energy, but itself generates a new living and pure energy that flows from it. Walk with such a cup around your house and fill it with new energy. At the same time, imagine how, together with the sound, a stream of positive energy emanates from the bowl and fills the entire space with it. At the same time, do not forget to breathe correctly and think only about the good.

Before using the bowl, be sure to practice playing it, otherwise your bowl may not make a sound at a key moment. In order for the bowl to sing, put it on a special pillow, or with the bottom on the outstretched fingers of the hand or on the fist - it is important that the area of ​​​​contact of the bowl with the pillow or hand is the smallest, but it does not move. Then, with your other hand, take a stick (a wooden stick made of hard wood) and begin to drive it along the outer edge of the bowl with a fairly noticeable pressure. The easiest way to get the sound out of the bowl is by pouring some water into it and moving the stick along the very edge of the bowl so that the stick comes into contact with it with its middle part. When the walls of the bowl begin to vibrate, the bowl will begin to “sing” and the whole room will be filled with an amazing rumble, which, as it were, will come not from the bowl, but from everywhere.

Part 3 Energy protection home after cleansing.

When the cleansing of the house is completed, and you are convinced that there is no energy dirt left in your apartment, it is necessary to protect this room and endow it with positive energy so that the old energy does not return and again settle into the newly cleaned corners.

To protect the space, you need to put an energy shield on it. You should always start with each room separately, and only then protect the entire apartment or house.

To install the shield, stand in one of the corners of the room with your back to the wall. Take a deep breath and lift right hand over your head. The palm should be fully open and parallel to the wall. Now exhale and lower your hand quickly enough, describing a wide arc with it (the palm is still parallel to the wall). As you do this, visualize a shield of vibrating light coming from your fingertips and spreading along the entire surface of the wall. Efficiency will increase if you make a whistling sound as you exhale, passing air through your teeth.

Move your hand down, visualizing a shield. Now go to the adjacent corner counterclockwise, turn 90 degrees and lower the shield along the next wall. Do the same for the remaining two corners. So, you are back in the same corner from which you started. Thus, you have protected all four walls of the room. To put the shield on the floor, stand near one of the walls, approximately in its center, and imagine a brilliant carpet of light spread out under your feet and extending to the other end of the room. And now protect the ceiling in the same way. Then stand in the middle of the room and clearly visualize all the shields you have created.

If you ever need to get rid of the shields, just imagine them dissolving into space.

Various types of shields

The best kind of general purpose shield is a clear vibrating light shield. At first, when I first started to put up barriers, a group of comrades and I experimented with the effects produced by shields of various colors. One of us remained to put up a shield, and the rest left the room for this time. Back in the room, we tried to guess which color our colleague had chosen. After a while, we got so good at it that we tried to catch each other by using combination colors, like yellow overlaid with blue, or white with pink polka dots! It was a lot of fun, but most importantly, our fun proved to me that the shields were not the product of my sick imagination. These shields we were building were very real. And other people who are sensitive to such things could feel or see them.

Blue color is suitable for creating an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. If you want to experience a surge of tender feelings, then put pale pink shields on the walls. Use green to recuperate. For healing, a combination of yellow and green is ideal. Purple and blue contribute to a better sense of the world of energies and provide a greater intimate connection with them. Avoid red and orange, as they can lead to overstimulation, and this in turn will cause disagreements and arguments.

Filling space with good intentions, light and love

After removing all unnecessary things from the house and installing barriers in order to keep the space in its newfound purity, you should fill it with something really good. Clearing Space allows you to open a new page in your life, so it is very important what your next steps will be. If you haven't made a conscious decision about what to put in your niche, you risk getting back all the junk you just got rid of.

There are many types and levels of consecration of space - depending on how much time and effort you want to spend on this process.

Harmonizing balls

The best way to achieve good results in the next step is to use harmonizing (bioenergetic) balls. They are made of metal and produce a soft chime when rotated. The Chinese use similar chrome-plated balls for medicinal purposes. A couple of these balls need to be rolled correctly in your hand to get the desired result.

Sit quietly, close your eyes and hold the "singing" ball in your palms. Breathe deeply and evenly, focusing all your attention on the heart center. Allow the love from your heart to spread throughout your body, through your hands, and finally reach the ball. May it be filled with your love. Now your attention is focused in the center of the "singing" ball. Everything you want to bring into your life is concentrated there. If you are the head of the family and can speak on behalf of others, then think that all the most secret wishes of your household are fulfilled. Let your intentions come from the very depths of your heart. Imagine pictures of the future as real and colorful as possible. Breathe life into them. Let them be filled with aromas, sounds, sensations. Be sure to include images of yourself and those you love. You are lucky in everything. You are happy and healthy. Know that all of your deepest desires are the beacons of your higher self. They show you the way to the goal for which you came into this world. If you have a vague idea of ​​what you want, imagine that clarity is being brought into your life. In conclusion, say: “Let it be so, or even better. May it be good for everyone involved in this."

Now, without releasing the harmonizing ball from your hands, go around your home for the last time along the inner perimeter, starting from the main entrance. What was concentrated in the ball is now evenly distributed throughout the space of the house. It is important to move at a brisk pace. The energy emanating from you should be as lively and saturated as possible. If you want, you can add a second ball to the first - to make the sound fuller. As you walk around each room, imagine how it is filled with delightful, flowing light emanating from the “singing” balls. Breathe deeply and evenly, filling your lungs with new life. By the time you return to the front entrance, your home will be ready to give you something that you could only dream of before. I have found that visualization becomes much more effective when combined with singing balloons. Thanks to them, you get a real experience of the energy that fills the space as you move from one room to another. If you have children, give them a balloon. Let them help you. They will love it! If you don’t have “singing” balls, use a small ringing bell instead, or simply squeeze your hands during visualization, forming a ball of energy between your palms, which you will then dissolve in the space of your home.

Space Clearing Tips:

Check your home regularly. At first, the cleaning process in your home will resemble spring cleaning. Do it as thoroughly and carefully as possible! Feed your home with life-giving, clean energy! Over time, it will decrease, and heavy, stagnant energy will accumulate in its place. Therefore, do not forget to regularly check the state of your home at the moment.

Some houses and people accumulate stagnant energy faster than others. It depends on the Feng Shui of your home (the movement of energy around it), the events in your life, your character, and so on. For most people, I would recommend that every month or two after the first cleansing, repeat the exercises to increase the sensitivity of the hands, and then walk around the building in order to check its energies.

You can do a full cleansing ceremony every week if you feel like it, but it's really not necessary. This is usually done once or twice a year, except when there is a specific energy to be shed or when there is a lot of change going on in your life. In order to maintain a wholesome atmosphere in the house in between the Big Cleansings, it is enough to carry out an on-duty Cleaning once a month, as well as slightly “cheer up” the space after a weekly physical cleaning.

So, here are the basic procedures for clearing space: 1. Tune into space. Mentally state your intention.

2. Starting from the main entrance, walk around the space along the inner perimeter, feeling the energies present there. To do this, use your hands and all the senses.

3. Light candles, burn incense, sprinkle holy water. Offer flowers to the guardian spirits of the home, as well as the spirits of earth, air, fire and water. Reach out to them in prayer. Call on the angels and your personal guides and helpers (if any).

4. Slam corners to disperse stagnant energy there. After that, do not forget to wash your hands under running water.

5. Clear the space with a singing bowl or wind chimes.

6. Protect the space with shields.

7. Fill the space with good intentions, light and love.

Based on books by Karen Kingston, Lillian Too, Natalia Pravdina.

Orange is also great for clearing space..

After an ingenious cleaning, it’s great to clean yourself and the most. during cleaning, negative energy could settle on you, so after that you just need to take a shower or a special bath. An orange bath is most suitable for this: draw water at 37-38 degrees, add the juice of one orange and 4 circles of orange (you can simply add a few drops of orange essential oil to the bath). Such a bath will not only cleanse you of bad energy, but also invigorate you. After this procedure, wrap yourself in a towel, light an aromatic lamp with orange or lemon essential oil, relax in your favorite chair, close your eyes and sit for a while. You deserve this vacation.

Orange cleanse!

For the Purification procedure you will need:

- a few oranges

- Big bowl. The material doesn't matter.

- 100 gr. alcohol, wine, vodka or gin from a bottle, at the same time, you can get drunk ... (If you wish, you can do without alcohol)

— A fresh bouquet of flowers. In total, three bouquets will be required to consistently replace the faded one.


If you strictly follow the tradition, then before starting the procedure, you need to fold your hands in mudra (palms folded in front of your chest as for prayer) and read the universal protective mantra:


You can use any prayer that suits your beliefs. Purity of intention and sincerity are important.

Pour water into a bowl so that there is room for the peel of oranges, add alcohol to the water. Peel all oranges and toss the skins into a bowl of water.

Setting and Visualization

Now let's get down to the procedure itself.

First of all, put fresh flowers in a vase and place the vase in that part of the apartment or house that you intuitively consider the center.

Take a bowl filled with water with alcohol and orange peels and go to the door to the apartment. Ask the blessings of the Higher powers for a good deed. Focus on what you want to get

the result of their actions. The main thing is that you have good mood during the procedure.

Walk around the premises

So, we focused on the good, and we begin to walk around the premises. If you feel that too much negative energy has accumulated in the room, then move counterclockwise. If you are looking to improve what you already have, moving clockwise will symbolize a new beginning.

While driving, vigorously spray water with orange peels throughout the house. In this process, the main thing is your sincere desire to improve your life. Constantly visualize like the old ones negative energies disappear, dissolve, melt. At this very time, with every gesture you fill the room with light, freshness and joy.

It will greatly enhance the process if you sing any mantra, for example: OM MANI PAD ME HUM or a prayer.

Carefully and carefully go through your entire house without missing any items. Sprinkle orange water in all corners, cabinets, walls, stove, window sills, work table and so on.

After walking around the perimeter of the entire apartment, you again returned to the front door. It is very helpful to end the procedure with your hand describing the symbol for infinity, or the horizontal figure eight, saying something like God bless you! or May there be Abundance. It will be great if you stand at the front door, facing the apartment and imagine that your entire body is filled with light that grows and spreads throughout your apartment. Then the light of your aura will protect the house during your absence.

After that, you can pour the rest of the orange water from the bowl. With gratitude, of course! Orange peels remaining on the floor should be removed only after a day.

We open windows

After the procedure, open the windows and imagine that you are letting a fresh wind of change into your life.

Changing flowers

The bouquet that you put at the very beginning should definitely be replaced at the first sign of wilting. You will have to buy two more fresh bouquets and replace the existing one every time it wilts. Thus, it turns out that you used only three bouquets for the entire procedure.

Congratulations! You have done a very important job of removing old negativity and attracting fresh, sparkling energies into your life! The results will please you!

It happens that after the Cleansing procedure, light bulbs burn out, or even electrical appliances deteriorate. Don't let that scare you. This is a signal that an energy shift has occurred, and therefore you have reached your goal. Feel free to change the light bulbs and thank the Universe for listening to you.

After the Cleanse, you must be tired, so it's time to take a bath with sea salt and oranges to cleanse your physical body. When you lie in the water, imagine how all the problems and hardships leave your body and dissolve in the water. The next day you will be fresh and alert. Also, you will not leave the feeling that you have done something significant!

Feng Shui. Home decoration, garbage collection, workplace arrangement Ilya Melnikov

Space cleansing

Space cleansing

There is another important issue that anyone can solve without resorting to the expensive services of Feng Shui specialists. This is a matter of cleaning the premises, which must be carried out periodically in every home, but not only for reasons of hygiene and aesthetics. The ancient Chinese believed that the house should be treated as a living being and looked after in order to maintain its "health" very diligently. Dust, garbage, piles of unnecessary and forgotten things are sources of accumulation of negative energy that carry the informational charge of the lived, close us from the world and prevent new things and ideas from coming to replace them. At least once a month, it is necessary to audit the accumulated rubbish. Throw away unnecessary papers desks, throw away without regret items that are in reserve and it is not known whether they will be useful to you in the near future.

Particular attention should be paid to torn and broken things. Either they need to be repaired immediately, or immediately thrown away. And in no case should they be allowed to lie for a long time until the hands reach them. According to Feng Shui, this is unacceptable, because their negative energy of cumulative destruction involuntarily breaks inner harmony at home.

It has been known since ancient times how you treat your home - so it treats you. If you love him, then in return he gives love, warmth, protects and protects his master. The house perceives the vibrations of a person and, reflecting them, sends its own in response. But if you want to run away from your home at breakneck speed, wherever your eyes look, it’s really bad. The house feels how you feel about it, and responds in the same way - irritation, hostility and aggression. The house can even survive the owner, remember the famous Houses with ghosts and poltergeists. Only you can break this circle and no one else. Establishing ties with the house is a responsible and serious step. Your home should be treated like a living being with love, warmth and kindness. The house will respond in kind.

If you don’t want to be in your apartment at all, try to answer honestly to yourself the question: “Why?” What actually annoys you? Darkness in the lobby? Mountain of waste paper at the entrance? Narrow crowded corridor? Or maybe the color of the wallpaper in the kitchen is unpleasant? By creating a cozy living space in the apartment that suits you and your family, you will thus resolve the conflict between human qi and the qi of your home. And, most likely, it is a long and protracted conflict that can explain the unwillingness to be in their native walls. Two qi, your own and your home, may be in imbalance and their flow, or you can also say the sound, must be brought into unison. If you feel that something is wrong, but you can’t understand what it is, it’s time to start clearing the space.

Purification of space should be carried out if something in life is wrong, if something does not stick. Ask yourself what would you like to change in your life? And only after that get to work. Having formulated the problems, you name them, declassify them, challenge them to fight, thus showing that you are ready to fight them on all planes and levels.

After cleaning the apartment, activators are used for certain areas of the apartment, each of which is responsible for some part of our life. If everything is in order, then purification can also be carried out, thus improving what is. Is it possible to harm yourself with general cleaning?

Before cleansing the house using the principles and laws of Feng Shui, it is necessary to conduct a very thorough cleansing on the physical level.

If you have finished cleaning, which can definitely be called general, you can start cleaning the apartment using Feng Shui. Complete cleaning of the apartment can only be done by a Feng Shui consultant, as he was specially trained in this. But you can try to clean your apartment yourself. Do not forget that the cleansing of space is the harmonization of living space, establishing links with the house, establishing contact with it.

In no case should you clean the apartment if you are afraid right now, not confident in yourself, if you feel unwell, if there is even a slight bleeding. The blood attracts lower spirits that will interfere with you. It's better to postpone the cleaning until everything goes.

During the cleaning of the apartment, you should remove all jewelry, both metal and leather. Any thing carries a charge of energy, both the owner and the creator. And during the cleansing of space, you need to leave on yourself as little as possible other people's influences. There must be not only pure thoughts, but also a pure body. Before and after cleansing, be sure to wash yourself, washing off negative energies and charges that may settle on your skin with water. Water is an energetically capacious substance that carries great power and life. People can add to it both something bad and good (no wonder the water is illuminated in the church).

Cleansing is best done barefoot in a well-ventilated area. It is necessary to leave open a window, a window leaf or a door. You will be more comfortable this way - all negative energy will leave the house, and will not settle behind cabinets and in dark corners, waiting in the wings to activate. In the room where the cleansing is carried out, it is better to be only for the one who, in fact, carries out the cleansing. But if you need helpers and just people who support your mood, it is certainly acceptable to have someone with you. The main thing is that they understand what you are doing, and negative vibrations in the form of thoughts and laughter do not rush around the house. You will need music after cleansing, but not during. In silence, you can concentrate better, especially if you are cleaning an apartment for the first time.

There are a few other things that you will need during the cleaning of the apartment. These are the so-called Feng Shui remedies. Incense sticks with your favorite scent, matches to light them, candles, according to the number of corners of the apartment, sea salt, plastic cups to put it in, a bell that is pleasant to your ear. It can be a Balinese or Valdai bell, the main thing is that its sound should not irritate, but please. There is another nuance regarding the actual cleansing procedure. You must understand what you are doing and why. Formulate and pronounce your actions. If any part of this ceremony seems to you not congenial or simply unpleasant, then you should not do it. What you do in your apartment should please you, not oppress you.

After preparation, you can proceed, in fact, to cleaning the apartment. Purification consists of several stages. Light incense sticks and candles, placing them in the corners of the apartment - this will create a limited space in which you have to work.

Then walk through the cleaned and sparkling apartment to get a feel for what still does not suit you. Touch the walls. After all, this is your home. When you touch something, you indicate that this item belongs to you. So you just make connections. If some object at home or at work annoys you, and you can’t cope with it in any way, touch it, because it is yours. Touch the blanket on the sofa, iron the curtains. Close your eyes and try to hear what the house has to say. This could very well happen. And this is not a wild imagination, by no means. If you are a finely organized person, you will hear and feel the vibrations of your home. And you'll be surprised how you didn't understand it before.

Walking around the house - take the bell and ring all the corners from top to bottom. This act expels darkness and evil from the corners of the apartment. Sound cures, this is a well-known fact. In the old days in Russia there were miraculous bells that dispersed the plague and cholera. To put it simply, without resorting to complex technical terminology, it's all about sound vibrations - sound waves destroy not only negative energies and cheer up. In addition, the sound of bells has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

When ringing the corners, do not forget to work the bell in the pantries, under the beds, in the bathroom and toilet, on the balcony, on the mezzanines and in the closets. You yourself will hear that at first the sound of the bell will be dull and deaf, then it will become brighter and louder. The corners must be ringed until the sound at the bell becomes clear. The chakras also ring like a bell, and at first the ringing goes dull, gradually, when the chakras open, the sound also changes.

During the cleansing, you should burn candles. Do not blow them out, let them burn out and go out on their own.

After sonication, fill plastic cups one-third full with sea salt and arrange them in all corners of the apartment. Salt will absorb the remains and "tails" of the bad. A day later, throw them out on the street in a trash can or burn them, but also on the street. Do not leave salt that has done its job in the apartment. Having absorbed the bad, she will begin to give it back with a vengeance. Don't forget to throw out the salt!

After all this, arrange bags of lavender in cupboards and pantries. In addition to preventing moths from surviving, lavender also purifies the air at an energy level. Having finished cleansing the space, wash off the remnants of negativity with water and, turning on your favorite music, relax in a brighter and healthier home.

There are a huge number of ways to cleanse the space, the above is one of them. The methods may differ in actions, but the essence is the same for everyone - to bring the house and the person living in it closer together, to cleanse the space of evil and dirt.

Your home will certainly be grateful to you for putting it in order, and will protect and protect you, as it should be.

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