Undeniable universal values. Abstract on the topic "Eternal universal values: Righteous behavior"

The basis of the culture of the individual is its attitude to universal values. The term "value" is used to indicate the human, social and cultural significance of certain phenomena of reality.

In essence, the whole variety of objects human activity, social relations and natural phenomena included in their range can act as subject values ​​as objects of value relations, that is, they can be evaluated in terms of good and evil, truth and lies, beauty and ugliness, permissible and forbidden, fair and unfair, etc. Methods and criteria, on the basis of which the procedures for evaluating the relevant phenomena are carried out, are fixed in the public consciousness and culture as subjective values, acting as guidelines for human activity. These are attitudes and assessments, imperatives and prohibitions, goals and projects expressed in the form of normative representations.

Objective and subjective values ​​are thus, as it were, two poles of a person's value attitude to the world. In the structure of human activity, value aspects are interconnected with cognitive and volitional ones.

Each historically specific social formation is characterized by a specific set and hierarchy of values, the system of which acts as the highest level of social regulation. It fixes those criteria that are recognized by a given society and social group. The assimilation of these criteria at the personal level is the necessary basis for the formation of personality and the maintenance of normative order in society. Value systems are formed and transformed in different periods of society. Values ​​differ in their direction. Some of them retain their significance in different historical periods. Thus, the aesthetic values ​​of antiquity remained significant even after the death of the civilization that gave birth to them. The humanistic and democratic ideals of the Enlightenment also retained their significance.

An important element of value relations in society is the system of value orientations of the individual.

Value orientations - reflection in the mind of a person of values ​​recognized by him as strategic life goals and general worldview guidelines.

The totality of established, well-established value orientations ensures the stability of the individual, the continuity of a certain type of behavior and activity, expressed in the direction of needs and interests. As a result, value orientations are the most important factor, regulating, determining the motivation of the individual. The main content of value orientations is the political, philosophical (ideological), moral convictions of a person, deep and permanent attachments, principles of behavior. Because of this, in any society, the value orientations of the individual are the object of education, purposeful influence. They determine the direction of volitional efforts, attention, intelligence.

Development value orientations- a sign of the maturity of the individual, an indicator of the measure of its socialization. A stable set of value orientations determines such personality traits as integrity, reliability, loyalty to certain principles and ideals, the ability to make strong-willed efforts in the name of these ideals and principles, an active life position, and perseverance in achieving a goal. Inconsistency in value orientations gives rise to inconsistency in behavior. The underdevelopment of value orientations is a sign of infantilism.

In today's world, there are different value systems. For example, the value systems characteristic of French society: religious (charity, self-sacrifice, chastity, etc.); personal, created by man - economic (the right to work, free choice of profession, protection from unemployment, fair remuneration, etc.), democratic (a sense of friendship, the right to be free from discrimination based on race, nationality, gender, language, religion, origin etc.), healthy careerism (in best sense of this word), social (the right to a standard of living), political (the desire for power, influencing others), aesthetic (sense of beauty, etc.).

The American researcher P. White singles out "civic virtues": hope and confidence, courage, self-respect and self-respect, friendship, trust, honesty, decency, education of citizenship.

English researchers define the following groups of values: the values ​​of freedom, equality and rationality; spiritual values ​​as an integrative quality (relation to the world); moral values ​​(good and evil); environmental values, citizenship; values ​​of health, art, healthy lifestyle life.

V.A. Karakovsky, director of one of the Moscow schools, substantiates the following set of values: land - as common Home humanity, the land of people and wildlife; the fatherland is the only unique Motherland for each person, given to him by fate and bequeathed by his ancestors; family - the natural environment for the development of the child, laying the foundations of personality; labor is the basis human being; knowledge is the result of various labor, primarily creative; culture is the wealth accumulated by mankind; peace - harmony between people, peoples, states, the main condition for the existence of the Earth and mankind; a person is an absolute value, goal, means and result of education.

Modern domestic teachers (B.S. Gershunsky, N.D. Nikandrov, V.A. Karakovsky and others) argue that the universal does not negate the national, but, on the contrary, reveals itself in it. It is in the form of the national that everything unique and inimitable is realized for the first time, which subsequently acquires a universal status.

Human values higher than national ones, because they are recognized by the majority of people in all countries of the world. Humanistic pedagogy also refers to universal human values: human rights, recognition of a person as the highest value, respect for the personality of the child, his dignity; human freedom; protecting the rights of the child to freedom and development; affirmation of democratic principles in upbringing and education. Human rights and freedom are universal values, because they express the common interests of mankind, bring together and make spiritual goals related different peoples, various religions, different eras. To learn to respect, appreciate and protect what has been created by all peoples means to realize and accept universal human values, understood as the unity of the national and international.

In modern society, among the value orientations, domestic researchers distinguish value relations to the Motherland, to their people, its traditions, language, culture, customs, to native nature; life (includes the right to life of every person, respectful and careful attitude to any manifestations of life, meaningful life position); to himself, to his personal moral qualities (honesty and truthfulness, modesty, moral purity, and others); parents, relatives, children; to nature as the basis of humanistic relations; labor as the most important moral value.

In an assembly lecture given on November 18, 1997 at St. Petersburg University, N.D. Nikandrov, President of the Russian Academy of Education, proposed the following classification of values: the value of life, the values ​​of the family (spiritual closeness, physical closeness, children, parents, etc.), the values ​​of education and culture, labor as a value, ideology and politics as values.

The affirmation of civic, humanistic values ​​in society, the formation of a free individual who is aware of the interdependence of his rights and duties, who has a civic position, largely depends on the system of upbringing and education. The development of value orientations, which reflect the characteristics of the time, makes it possible for every person to feel like a citizen of the planet, a person of the world.

Awareness of universal human values ​​is possible in the formation of ideas, feelings, ideas aimed at society; orientation towards a combination of national and universal values; the study of human rights, duties towards society and other people; understanding of the unity of the rights and duties of a citizen; education of civic feelings and behavior; development of independence of judgments, feelings of empathy.

Orientation to universal values ​​is organically included in the content of education.

The attitude to the concept varies from a complete denial of the existence of such a thing as "universal values" to the postulation of a specific list of them. One of the intermediate positions is, for example, the idea formulated by Francis Fukuyama that in the conditions of the modern world, where no community of people exists in isolation from others, a certain common system of values ​​is simply necessary for the peaceful coexistence of cultures.

Different sources refer to universal human values, for example, the following:

  • Basic laws that exist in most countries, as an expression of universal values ​​(prohibition of murder, theft, etc.).
  • Religious commandments as an expression of universal values.
  • "Golden rule of morality" - do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.


Doctor of Philosophical Sciences and Professor F. I. Girenok argues that there are no universal values, based on the argument of the famous sociologist N. Ya. Danilevsky, that there have always been many diverse civilizations.

see also



  • Leonid Stolovich. The "golden rule" of morality as a universal value.
  • Arab-Ogly E. A. European civilization and universal values ​​// Journal "Questions of Philosophy", 1990, No. 8.

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UDK 316.752 A. S. Komarov

BBK 87 Dissertation student


The article attempts a philosophical justification of universal values ​​through the search for moral meaning. The communicative, social and educational role of this system of principles, as well as the significance of universal human values ​​for modern man and society.

Key words: universal, national, values, humanity, rights, morality, dignity, humanism.

A. S. Komarov Dissertator


The article attempts philosophical justification of universal values ​​through a search for moral sense. Disclosed communicative, social and educational role of this system principles, as well as the importance of human values ​​for the modern person and society.

Key words: universal, national, values, humanity, law, morals, dignity, humanism.

Human values ​​are such moral and aesthetic norms and principles, the behavioral significance of which is recognized and shared by the majority of people, regardless of national, racial, cultural, religious, social, etc. affiliation. One example of such a value is the moral condemnation of the killing of one's own kind. Despite the breadth and relativity of this principle, the general rejection of the violent infliction of death on another person is recognized as moral. No matter how our private attitude varies, no matter what nuances there are in these concepts, violence, theft, lies, etc., are recognized as immoral by most people. Based on this, we can assume the existence of generally recognized norms and principles of behavior and attitudes of people that are acceptable, positively perceived by the majority of mankind. The semantics of the expression "universal values", despite the relativity of the concept of "value" recognized by most thinkers, allows us to orient the socialization of a person, his personal development in such a way that this process is socially significant and mutually beneficial both for society and for a person. Most of the norms and principles that fit this concept have existed among people for a long time, and are perceived by the majority as natural, inherent in man as such. Their cultivation does not require any special costly efforts, they are inculcated in society through long-established methods of family, social, school education and upbringing, through culture. They provide essential

the emotional need of all people, as an obligatory component of happiness, is the need for satisfaction. A person needs his creative work or moral qualities to receive approval, support, and be in demand. Dissatisfaction, disappointment, and other opposite feelings give rise to apathy, despair, disappointment, etc., states of oppression that suppress the creative will of man. In this aspect, the need for emotional satisfaction is the most important socio-psychological factor of human existence. Human values ​​are the most popular everyday means for this, allowing you to always experience it. M. A. Barkova writes about the enduring nature of universal values, which is especially in demand in a rapidly changing reality. In fact, universal human values ​​are the moral language of centuries of development of world civilization. These values ​​were formed not in defiance of a person, but in the process of development of his social needs and self-awareness. Universality, accessibility and constancy make these values ​​universal. Thus, as the principles of life arrangement, universal human values ​​are the most socially beneficial, easy-to-use foundations.

Universal human values ​​are necessary for the peaceful coexistence of both peoples and individuals. They are based on the recognition of a system of general moral principles of mankind. Human values ​​are the most beneficial environment for the formation of the dignity of a human person (a positive quality of a person, expressed in the totality of high moral qualities and respect for these qualities in oneself). Recognition of one or another ethical belief as a high moral foundation is possible only under conditions of personal comparative comparison of moral norms and selection of this belief as corresponding to a certain standard of quality. This is not possible in isolated conditions. Modern society cannot exist without high moral standards as guidelines for the socialization of the individual.

The doctrine of universal human values ​​is repeatedly criticized by supporters of the so-called "national values", which they oppose to universal human values. In reality, no national moral or ideological principles can exist, and this opposition itself is not correct. The nature of the human worldview and

behavior is individual. Usually a person is guided by personal needs when choosing a type of behavior. This means that for the same reasons that universal human values ​​are criticized, national values ​​can also be criticized. And, moreover, the uniqueness of national values ​​requires a more complex axiological generalization than is necessary for universal human values. So let's assume that the universal (humanistic) principle is based only on generalization, while the national one is based on generalization (of one's own) and isolation (from others). Until now, attempts to find such features have been unsuccessful, which suggests that they cannot exist. It is especially difficult to do this for a large nation, geographically settled in different natural and climatic zones. Usually, the advocates of these searches appeal to the undisputed ancient tradition and "ancient values" or make an attempt to find foundations in modern nationalist mythologemes about all kinds of "Atlanteans", "Aryans", "Hyperboreans", "Russ", etc., which have almost no nothing to do with their real prototypes. At the same time, active speculation takes place on the often insufficient knowledge of these peoples. In relation to the ancient sources of such axiological emphasis, one should mention the Greek and Roman etymology of the concept of "barbarian" and its social significance. But even the historical practice of applying this concept did not insure the ancient states from internal decay and disappearance, did not make them historically exceptional and standard. In addition, Hellenism and the Roman imperial idea relied not on isolation, but on interaction with the “barbarian” world, including the cultural one. The Romans considered their cultural values ​​worthy of the status of universal, and sought to distribute them in the conquered territories.

Human values ​​are a subjective generalization of the objective principles of human coexistence and include many ethical and aesthetic foundations that are inherent and understandable to a Human, which He would like to call his own. This includes love, friendship, kindness, mercy, altruism, etc. Opponents of universal values ​​believe that they cannot always belong to all people. Indeed, human values ​​undergo evolution together with man, but the current level of human development provides for an appropriate set of values ​​that are adequate to this level of its social and biological development. The progress of society will determine and

progress in human values. Regardless of what these values ​​are called, it is absurd to bring them to a state where they turn into their opposite. The absence of the priority of human rights in many ancient societies does not make these societies attractive to modern man. The solution to the problem of human suffering has always been a concern for thinkers all over the world, but the best of them have never sought it through increasing the suffering of other people. It is impossible to defeat death, disease, hunger, deprivation by inflicting them on other people.

National values, if there are any, cannot be opposed to universal ones. There are almost no concepts that cannot be translated into other languages. At the same time, the vast majority of words belonging to this category are not humanitarian values, considered in the context of the proposed concept. Such, for example, are a bus, space, a square, etc. In addition, lexical borrowing is characteristic of all existing languages, so that very quickly new concepts “migrate” from one language to another. For example: computer, Internet, etc. Therefore, regardless of phonetics, syntax, morphology and other features of languages lexical meanings concepts are identical in different peoples. Conceptual thinking, which underlies all languages, is a natural environment for ensuring mutual understanding between people. Human values ​​also, due to their rational nature, can be understood by people of different peoples and cultures.

No national values ​​are also possible without universal ones. They can be singled out only from the universal, since this requires, at a minimum, the presence of a person who thinks about his own welfare and the welfare of others like him. Being in search of this good, a person cannot but compare some values ​​with others, analyze, highlight the common. Having found any moral qualities in one people, he cannot but notice their presence in those peoples whose culture and mentality also includes these qualities. Culture, language (communication) and moral sense are the main foundations of universal human values. There are many cultural objects that originated locally, but have received almost universal distribution and use. At the same time, these objects continued to develop outside the area of ​​their original existence. Some of them have been created over the centuries, and no nation can call them their own. Others arose relatively

recently and continue to develop and enrich the culture of many peoples. Invented in the USA, the Internet is currently the most accessible and sought-after creative field for representatives of various nations, as well as the most popular means of communication. But even with the knowledge of languages, this communication will not take place if there is no moral agreement. A nation of rapists or murderers cannot exist, and therefore there cannot be national values ​​contrary to universal ones. Moreover, the concept of "national values" should hardly be considered unique. After all, in this case, the claims of, for example, racial, sexual and other "values" are no less fair. Undoubtedly, there is the concept of "man" and as a general in relation to it can only be "humanity", or in this context "universal". There is no politics in this concept, it does not focus on disunity, but seeks grounds for integration, relying on common homo sapiens ideas about goodness, justice, beauty and truth. And it is not very important at the same time the presence of subjective differences, which in themselves are secondary, if there is no one to listen to them or there is nothing to compare with. In addition, one can compare the values ​​of peoples according to various philosophical, historical, literary, political and religious sources, and most of them will still coincide or be very close. Only, if we focus on, at the same time, we need more on the search for commonality, and not differences.

Human values ​​allow people to understand each other. Different nations would not have general concepts(even if they sound differently) without their existence. Much evidence in support of this can be found in world art. For example, its most massive types: literature and cinema affirm common moral feelings. So, why have Indian films and Latin American series found immense popularity with Russian women? Because the ups and downs of sensual love are equally close and understandable to both Russians and Latin Americans (or Indians). Classical works of art can become only if they become common property. There is no truly nationally isolated art. Such "art" was tried to be created, for example, in Germany of the III Reich, but it never became either popular for Germany or part of world art. Demonstration in art of nationalism or other aggressive form of expression of the "national spirit" cannot be perceived by representatives of other peoples as something native and valuable. Cultural understanding is necessarily based on the search for opportunities for dialogue and mutual understanding.

This is provided by general moral ideas. For example, J. Bunyan's allegorical story "The Pilgrim's Journey to Heavenly Country" tells about the spiritual journey of a reborn Christian soul, represented by the image of the Pilgrim. On the way, his companions are allegorical images of the virtues (Faithful, Well-Wisher, Prudence, etc.) and threaten dangers (Stupidity, the city of Vanity, Lord Opportunist, etc.). In other allegories of this author, the theme was continued. Written by an Englishman in the 17th century, did this book reflect common Christian values ​​that are understandable and close to many believers of different denominations and peoples so much that this book remains one of the most famous in world literature? It was she who inspired A. S. Pushkin to write in 1835 the poem "The Wanderer".

The presence of common moral ideas is the main basis and proof of universal human values. T. A. Andreeva rightly believes that “universal human values ​​should be considered those norms that contribute to the formation of a tolerant, equal attitude towards otherness, which does not contradict humanism” . In her opinion, they are the universal language of communication between people, the universals of culture. It can be said that universal human values ​​are universal embodiments of the moral dignity of a person, his ability to cultivate the highest moral values ​​in himself. J. G. Fichte wrote about humanity as a universal moral language of communication between people, allowing them to better understand each other and show more mutual attention. Humanity is a universal principle of relations between people, based on philanthropy as the highest goal. L. M. Stolovich calls this well-known universal moral maxim a universal human value and proves its universal cultural character. Indeed, this moral norm is fundamental for most of the world's ethical systems and can also be considered as a universal basis for universal human values. It also provides the dignity of a person with moral meaning. By themselves moral standards, alienated from human needs, from the circumstances and goals of his existence, remain unclaimed. But, the humanization of the coexistence of people makes moral norms vital. Their embodiment in moral dignity is ensured through universal human values ​​that are realized in human life as the highest moral qualities. The most important property of morality is that every

quality can be improved endlessly. But, in this process, two main provisions can be distinguished, the stages of the moral “interface” of a person. 1. Ego - a set of instinctive, uncultivated

principles of behavior aimed at the realization of natural needs; initial stage. 2. Homo - a set of higher

moral qualities cultivated and encouraged by their carrier in themselves and in demand by society. Moral dignity exists only at the level of Homo, here it defines the “moral portrait” of a person. Of course, this is an ideal scheme based on the fact that a person has a motivation to strive for excellence. But moral dignity, oriented towards universal human values, is the best stimulus to moral perfection. Dignity allows a person to take responsibility for himself and his life and act in accordance with his reasonable choice. "By choosing his own being, by choosing to be true to himself, man possesses himself." This encourages him to creatively transform reality, self-critically evaluate himself and rise above his "I". The direction of these motives can only create common values ​​that ensure the communication of a person with the world, and the more unlimited they are, the more opportunities a person acquires in them.

The recognition of universal human values ​​as a socially significant asset will allow us to give one more new justification for the most important modern principles of community life. First of all, these are human rights and freedoms. Modern society is not possible without their recognition and functioning. Very often, human rights and freedoms are identified with universal human values. This is due to the objective nature of their application and the fact that their recognition was most often approved as a result of the struggle. What is acquired by effort usually becomes meaningful and valuable.

Thus, universal human values ​​are values ​​"in themselves" and at the same time social and moral necessary values ​​that determine moral dignity - the basis and content of personal moral processes. They are also cultural values ​​that provide moral

mutual understanding between people, inter- and intra-cultural communication. This makes them the most sought-after principles of modern civilizational ethics.


1. Andreeva T. A. Human values ​​and the universal language of communications.

http://www.iai.donetsk.ua/_u/iai/dtp/CONF/10/articles/sec3/s3a1.html (Accessed 05.12.2012).

2. Barkova M. A. Human values ​​of folk pedagogy in the works of V. M. Shukshin // Pedagogical education in Russia. 2011. No. 3, ss. 237-243.

3. Benyan J. The Pilgrim's Progress. - Korntal: "Light in the East", 1991. - 271 p.

4. Volkov V. N. Ontology of personality. - Ivanovo: IvGU, 2001. - 378 p.

5. Militarev A. "Common human values" and their biblical roots. -

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6. Pushkin A. S. “Wanderer” (poem). // Pushkin A. S. Works: in 3 vols., Vol. 1. M.: Khudozh. lit., 1985 - 735 p.

7. Sereda V. Development of universal values. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.sunhome.ru/philosophy/1640 (Accessed 11/20/2012).

8. Stolovich L. M. “Golden rule” of morality as a universal value.

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9. Fichte I. G. On the dignity of man.// Fichte I. G. Works. Works 1792 - 1801 M.: NITs "Ladomir", 1995. - 656 p.

1. Andreeva T. A. Human values ​​and universal language of communication. Available at: http://www.iai.donetsk.ua/_u/iai/dtp/C0NF/10/articles/sec3/s3a1.html (accessed at 5 December 2012).

2. Barkova M. A. Universal values ​​of traditional pedagogy in the works of A. M. Shukshina. Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii - Pedagogical education in Russia, 2011, no.3. pp.237-243

3. Ben "ian Dzh. PuteshestviePiligrima. Korntal, Svet na Vostoke, 1991. 271 p.

4. Volkov V. N. Ontologiialichnosti. Ivanovo, IvGU, 2001. 378 p.

5. Militarev A. "Obshchechelovecheskie tsennosti"iikh bibleiskie korni ["Universal human

values" and their biblical roots]. Available at:

6. Pushkin A. S. "Strannik" (stikhotvorenie) ["Stranger (a poem)"]. Moscow, Khudozh. lit., 1985. 735 p.

7. Sereda V. Razvitie obshchechelovecheskikh tsennostei. Available at: http://www.sunhome.ru/philosophy/1640 (accessed at 20 November 2012).

8. Stolovich L. M. "Zolotoe pravilo" nravstvennosti kak obshchechelovecheskaia tsennost" . Available at: http://magazines.russ.ru/zvezda/2008/2/st14.html (accessed at 20 November 2012).

9. Fikhte I. G. O dostoinstve cheloveka. Moscow, Ladomir, 1995. 656 p.

Komarov Anton Stanislavovich (Russia, village Novoklyazminskoe) - Dissertation candidate. Kostroma State University them. N. A. Nekrasova. Email: [email protected]

Information about the author

Komarov Anton Stanislavovich (Russia, s. Novokliaz "minskoe) - Dissertator. Nekrasov Kostroma State University. E-mail: [email protected]

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in the discipline "Sociology"

"Universal Human Values ​​in the Modern World"


1st year student

correspondence department

(specialty "230700.62")

group PI 18

Lavrentiev V.S.


1. Variety of values

3. Main characteristics of values





The topic of universal values ​​in the modern world is relevant, because these are fundamental, universal guidelines and norms, moral values, which are the absolute standard for people of all cultures and eras who have played a large role in the life of society.

Purpose: Analysis of universal values ​​in the modern world.

1. Determine the diversity of values.

2. Identify the types of universal values.

3. Consider the main characteristics of values.

4. Explore universal human values ​​in the modern world.

The philosophical doctrine of values ​​and their nature is called axiology (from the Greek axios - value and logos - teaching). But before taking shape in its modern form, this theory went through a historical path of development equal to the formation of philosophy itself, within the framework of which it was formed.

In the literature there are different ways and principles of classification and hierarchy of values. So, they distinguish values-goals, or higher (absolute) values, and values-means (instrumental values). They talk about positive and negative values, meaning their social significance and the consequences of their implementation. It is possible to single out material and spiritual values, etc., but all of them are closely interconnected and united and form the integrity of the world of each person.

However, despite the various forms of differentiation of values ​​and their relative nature, there is the highest and absolute value - this is the person himself, his life. This value should be considered only as a value-end, and it should never be treated as a value-means, which Kant so confidently wrote about. Man is a value in itself, an absolute value. He is the subject of values ​​and value relations, and the very posing of the question of values ​​outside of a person loses its meaning, unless, of course, one does not fall into mystical speculations.

The same value is represented by social communities and society as a whole, which are also subjects of values. The basis of this lies in social entity man and the resulting dialectic of society and the individual.

1. Variety of values

Human values ​​are fundamental, universal guidelines and norms, moral values, which are the absolute standard for people of all cultures and eras.

The staggering variety of points of view on this issue contains ideas about universal human values ​​as a material, spiritual, and intellectual phenomenon. Sometimes universal values ​​are confused with the values ​​of humanity - water, air, food, flora and fauna, minerals, energy sources, etc. Or with values ​​that have a state (public) status - the security of the country, the economy, health care, education, life, etc. Therefore, some consider "values" to be stable, unchanged, while others - changing depending on the change in economic, political, military and other conditions, on the policy of the ruling elite or the party, on the change in the socio-political system, etc. We will consider the OT - as a timeless phenomenon, as initial fundamental axioms, which can be referred to as: "principles", "laws", "settings", "commandments", "covenants", "creeds", "creeds", "canons", "spiritual axioms" ”, etc. This is an absolute, enduring and highly significant need of both humanity as a whole and an individual, regardless of gender, race, citizenship, social status, etc.

In direct connection with the understanding of the OC is the idea of ​​two variants of social relations: “There are two understandings of society: either society is understood as nature, or society is understood as spirit. If society is nature, then the violence of the strong over the weak, the selection of the strong and the fit, the will to power, the domination of man over man, slavery and inequality, man is a wolf to man, is justified. If society is a spirit, then the highest value of a person, human rights, freedom, equality and fraternity are affirmed ... This is the difference between the Russian and German ideas, between Dostoevsky and Hegel, between L. Tolstoy and Nietzsche ”(N. Berdyaev).

One of the central and most important OTs is the life of an individual, acting as the ontological (existential) basis of all other values.

Creativity is another major human value. It is creativity that allows a person to feel, to realize himself as a creator, creator of the unprecedented, hitherto non-existent. It elevates a person, makes his “I” not only especially significant, but also unique. This is an active value. The results of creativity capture the unity of the outer and inner worlds of man. And primitive, both a child and a modern adult experience special, joyful emotions when they manage to discover, invent, invent, design, create something new that does not exist in nature, or improve something already created earlier.

Creativity is manifested not only in utilitarian, cognitive, research activities, but also in moral and especially brightly in the artistic and aesthetic sphere. Already in primitive society, people drew, sculpted, sculpted, carved, decorated their homes, household items, clothing, weapons, tools, religious objects, themselves; they sang, played music, danced, depicted scenes of a different nature. This suggests that the beautiful (beauty) can be considered as the highest aesthetic value.

People have always felt the need to seek the truth. In the pre-scientific era, people's understanding of truth was very ambiguous: it included experienced and sacred knowledge, legends, beliefs, signs, hopes, beliefs, etc. Its bearers enjoyed special respect: old men, sorcerers, sorcerers, soothsayers, priests, philosophers, scientists. Far-sighted rulers cared about the development of science and education... That is why the truth can be put on a par with other initial values. This is the highest intellectual value, the value of man as Homo sapiens.

In unity with the considered values, a sense of justice is formed and operates. Justice is ensuring the interests of people, respect for their dignity. The affirmation of justice generates satisfaction in people. While injustice causes resentment, indignation, anger, hatred, envy, vindictiveness, etc., it pushes one to fight for the restoration of justice. This suggests that justice is the most important moral and legal value.

A number of authors in this context interpret the material good as the highest utilitarian value for a person as a bodily being. (However, in the approach we have chosen, such an interpretation of the material good clearly “does not fit”).

Two "ranks" of opposites are lined up: "life - good (good) - creativity - truth - beauty - justice" and "death - idleness - evil - lie - ugly - injustice". In the first chain of concepts, values ​​are interconnected by some kind of their correspondence, kinship, they are in unity with each other, and in the second, all anti-values ​​are in their unity, correspondence, kinship.

Some authors distinguish between biological man and social man. If the first one is concerned about satisfying his needs - in food, clothing, housing, reproduction of his kind ... Then the second, like a rosary, goes through the options: what is profitable and not profitable ... He has no internal restrictions, he is usually deprived conscience. The third kind of person is a spiritual person - in short, a person with a conscience. In other words, with the ability to distinguish between good and evil. OTs also include such values ​​as the meaning of life, happiness, kindness, duty, responsibility, honor, dignity, faith, freedom, equality...

In the modern era of global change, the absolute values ​​of goodness, beauty, truth and faith are of particular importance as the fundamental foundations of the corresponding forms of spiritual culture, suggesting harmony, measure, balance of the integral world of man and his constructive life-affirmation in culture. Goodness, beauty, truth and faith mean adherence to absolute values, their search and acquisition.

Biblical moral commandments are of lasting importance: the Old Testament Ten Commandments of Moses and the New Testament Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ.

In the history of every nation, every culture, there is changeable and permanent, temporary and timeless. One grows, flourishes, grows old and dies, while the other, in one form or another, passes from one form to another, without changing internally, but only externally. OC is something that remains eternal and unchanged throughout history, being in the depths of human culture. This is a moral axiomatics, something indisputable and universal, those spiritual pillars that "hold" the world, like the physical constants on which all scientific knowledge rests.

The very phrase "universal values" was introduced into use by M. S. Gorbachev during perestroika as a counterweight to the "class morality" that had prevailed in the USSR before.

There is an opinion that adherence to universal human values ​​contributes to the preservation of the human species. At the same time, a number of universal human values ​​can exist as archetypes.

Many basic laws that exist in almost all countries relate to universal human values ​​(for example, the prohibition of murder, theft, etc.).

Many liberal principles, such as freedom of speech, human rights, are universal values.

Some religions consider their laws to be universal values. For example, Christians refer to the Ten Commandments as such.

It is often argued that the so-called "golden rule of morality" - "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you" - can be an example of universal human value.

2. Types of universal values

The following classifications apply:

According to the form of being: subject; ideal; spiritual.

O.c. stand out among other values ​​in that they express the common interests of the human race, free from national, political, religious and other predilections, and in this capacity they act as an imperative for the development of human civilization. Any value indicates the positive significance of the phenomenon and comes from the priority of human interests. O.c. has a socio-historical character, independent of specific socio-cultural manifestations and based on the historically emerging unity of ideas about the presence of certain universal essential properties of human existence.

O.c., recognized by the world community, include life, freedom, happiness, as well as the highest manifestations of human nature, revealed in his communication with his own kind and with the outside world.

3. Basic human values

Labor training naturally orients the process of personality formation towards the upbringing of high moral qualities.

In Russian pedagogy, ethnopedagogy of the peoples of Russia - work, justice, beauty, goodness - being the components of morality, they form a single harmonious whole.

The highest human values: justice, labor, beauty, and the strongest and most of all, of course, kindness, kindness as the best, most convincing manifestation of love.

It is obvious that all this together constitutes a reliable basis for morality, and, accordingly, for moral education.

To this list of universal human values, I think it is necessary to add the truth.

So let's make a list of universal human moral values:

Work, beauty, kindness, justice, love, truth, life, purpose of life, meaning of life, truth, chastity, purity, upbringing, homeland, family, children, honesty, traditions, conscience, freedom, man.

4. Human values ​​in the modern world

value universal norm

In the modern world, there are two diametrically opposed points of view on the question of the existence of universal human values. The first of them: there are no absolute universal values. Values ​​and a system of ethics are developed by an ethnos in relation to their own society, based on the experience and nature of the interaction of people within this community. Since the conditions for the existence of different communities are different, it is incorrect to extend the ethical system of one community to the whole world. Each culture has its own scale of values ​​- the result of the conditions of its life and history, and therefore there are no certain universal values ​​that are common to all cultures. An example of ethical behavior among cannibals was the eating of the corpses of a defeated enemy after a battle, which effect mystical meaning. Supporters of the above point of view believe that it is impossible to blame a cannibal for such behavior. Advocates of another point of view appeal more to real situations of interaction and coexistence of different cultures. Since in the conditions of the modern world no community of people (except, perhaps, a specially created reservation) exists in isolation from others, but, on the contrary, actively interacts with them, for the peaceful coexistence of cultures, it is necessary to develop some common system values, even if it a priori did not exist. For the peaceful coexistence of the culture of cannibals with the culture of vegetarians, they need to develop some system of common values, otherwise coexistence will be impossible. There is also a third point of view that follows from the first. Its adherents claim that this phrase is actively used in the manipulation of public opinion. Opponents of US foreign policy argue that in the foreign policy of America and its satellites, talk about the protection of "universal values" (freedom, democracy, protection of human rights, etc.) often develops into open military and economic aggression against those countries and peoples that want to develop in their traditional way, different from the opinion of the world community. In other words, according to this point of view, the term "common human values" is a euphemism covering the desire of the West to impose a new world order and ensure the globalization of the economy and multiculturalism. There are certain grounds for such a view. European standards are approved all over the planet. These are not only technical innovations, but also clothing, pop music, the English language, building technologies, art trends, etc. Including narrow practicality, drugs, the growth of consumer sentiment, the dominance of the principle - "do not interfere with money making money" and etc. In fact, what today is customarily called "universal values" are, first of all, the values ​​that have become established by the Euro-American civilization. Having endured crises of varying intensity and consequences, these ideologies have become excellent soil on which a unified consumer society has grown in the West, and in Russia it is being actively formed. In such a society, of course, there is a place for such concepts as kindness, love, justice, but other "virtues" are among the main values ​​in it, which are important primarily for achieving material well-being and comfort. Spiritual values ​​become secondary Another terrible feature of modern civilization is terror. Terrorist evil cannot be justified. But you can try to understand its causes. Each of the tragedies is another episode of an intercivilizational war, in which on one side of the invisible front line is the Western, that is, the American-European civilization, and on the other, that world, or rather, its most radical and extremist part, to which the values ​​of this civilization are alien.

Intercivilizational confrontations are not at all a distinctive feature of the present time. They have always existed. But the main difference between the modern "war of the worlds", which is unfolding in the era of globalism, is that this confrontation develops into a global one, that is, a much larger and more dangerous one. And the battlefield is the Earth. Will this completely cancel the universality of human values?.. Can we at least hope for a better outcome?.. It is impossible to make predictions.


I believe that some universal human values ​​still exist, if only because all of humanity belongs to the same biological species. Each new stage in the development of mankind creates its own system of values ​​that most adequately corresponds to the conditions of its existence. However, it inherits the values ​​of previous eras, including them in the new system of social relations. The universal human values ​​and ideals enshrined in cultural universals ensure the survival and improvement of mankind. Human norms can be violated and in fact they are very often violated. There are plenty of examples that honest people turn out to be fools, that a career is made on lies, hypocrisy and impudence, that nobility leads to ruin, and meanness ensures wealth and honor. But the fact remains that, although it is easier for a thief and a scoundrel to live, and it is difficult and unprofitable to be decent, but, despite this, decency and nobility, kindness remain generally recognized spiritual values.





"Universal values" - http://ru.wikipedia.org

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Human values ​​are instilled in a person in the course of his upbringing. They represent the accumulated spiritual, moral and moral principles maintaining the level of morality in society. Fundamental is human life with the acute problem of its preservation in the current cultural society and under existing natural conditions.

In another sense, universal human values ​​are an absolute standard that contains the foundations of moral values; they help humanity to maintain its kind.

However, critics argue that some are capable of misusing the concept. So, it can be used to manipulate public opinion. And this is despite the difference in national life, religion, etc. As a result, the same values ​​for everyone and everyone may contradict some culture.

But for every argument there is a counterargument. Opponents of this side argue that without such values, society would already be morally decomposed, and individual subjects could not coexist peacefully.

Important - they first of all form and only then the culture of the country and society as a whole. And, nevertheless, there are no specifics in this kind of values ​​- this is not a certain set of rules that must be unquestioningly followed. Also, they are not associated with a certain period of time in the development of a particular culture, a specific ethical tradition. This is what distinguishes a civilized person from a barbarian.

Human values ​​include several components. The spiritual component is religion, philosophy, art, ethics, aesthetics, various cultural monuments, masterpieces of music and cinema, literary works, etc. That is, the entire spiritual experience of peoples is a universal value. This conceals deep philosophical reflections on the meaning of being, morality, cultural heritage and mores of the people.

The spiritual component is divided into moral, aesthetic, scientific, religious, political and legal foundations. modern society- this is honor, dignity, kindness, truth, harmlessness and others; aesthetic - the search for the beautiful and the sublime; scientific - truth; religious - faith. The political component reveals in a person the desire for peace, democracy, justice, and the legal component determines the importance of law and order in society.

The cultural component includes communication, freedom, creative activity. Natural is organic and inorganic nature.

Human values ​​are a form of application of moral standards, which is associated with the ideals of humanism, human dignity and justice. They direct a person to ensure that his life rests on three important components: awareness, responsibility and honesty. Therefore, we are the people that are able to come to this. The prosperity of society, the atmosphere in it depends on us. Mutual understanding and mutual respect should reign in the world. Observance of universal human values ​​can realize such a longed-for world peace!

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