Graphic apple in letters for tattoo girls. Apple tattoo meaning

In the art of tattoo special place occupied by drawings depicting all kinds of fruits. Tattoo apple rightfully occupies a leading position in popularity. Along with fruit exotics, the apple theme attracts residents of almost all countries of the world with very rare exceptions. What is the true meaning of this tattoo?

Known myths

The apple is the most popular fruit all over the world. Sweet and juicy in taste, beautiful in appearance, it adorns the richest tables and various national cuisines. Since ancient times, Eastern and Western peoples have exalted this fruit, identifying it with youth, beauty, fertility, joy, renewal, as well as the relationship between a man and a woman.

The apple is widely used in folklore. different countries. Fairy tales tell about rejuvenating apples and about an evil stepmother trying to poison her stepdaughter with this particular fruit.

However, the most famous and eloquent story is the biblical story about how Eve disobeyed God and succumbed to the spell of the tempting serpent. Having plucked the forbidden fruit, she bit into it herself and treated Adam, for which God expelled them from paradise and lowered them to the sinful earth. Since then, the attitude towards the apple has been ambiguous, since it has become a symbol of the fall and temptation.

AT recent times With the advent of the iPhone, the apple has become even more popular. Fans of Steve Jobs sometimes choose a famous logo for a tattoo.

Who will suit the tattoo

Tattoo apple in the modern art of body painting means love, passion, fall into sin, weakness in the face of temptations and temptations. The owners of such a tattoo often go on about their emotions and feelings, forgetting about moral standards and aspects. A similar drawing is equally suitable for both men and women, however, for a tattoo with an apple, the meaning depends on the general concept and the chosen sketch. Consider the most common options.

  • An apple with a plunged syringe indicates drug addiction.
  • The image of a bitten fetus, as mentioned above, is chosen by fans of Steve Jobs or Apple products, a popular manufacturer of modern computer equipment.
  • A wormy apple indicates that a person is trying with all his might to hide his negative qualities from others. The exception is funny cartoon sketches.
  • An apple in the form of a core resembling an hourglass in shape is interpreted as a regret for wasted time.
  • A tattoo with a ripe fruit is usually chosen by girls who want to emphasize their youth, sexuality and attractiveness. They dream of preserving youth, so they pay special attention to their appearance.
  • An apple in a target can characterize the owner of a tattoo as a well-aimed shooter who is fond of weapons.
  • A ripe fruit in the hands is a symbol of power.

Execution technique

Sketches in the styles of new school or old school look bright and positive. Usually the composition contains inscriptions, dates, names, other additional elements or characters. Unlike the classic old school style, new school tattoos look more prominent and voluminous due to the play of shadows and wide contours.

Fans of drawings that are as close to the original as possible will like realism. A juicy ripe fruit with dew drops really looks spectacular and will become a real decoration.

Sketches in the style of trash polka are particularly expressive, so they are more suitable for men. For the place of applying such a tattoo, the arm, forearm, shoulder blade, ribs are suitable.

Today we propose to find out the meaning of a tattoo with an image of an apple. These fruits are considered to be one of the most popular all over the world. And there is nothing surprising in this, since they are really insanely tasty and have many useful properties. Without these fruits, it is difficult to imagine the cuisine of Europeans. In addition, the apple is a symbol that is associated with the culture, as well as the folklore traditions of most peoples.

The apple is considered to be the most universal symbol. This fruit has many meanings in mythology, as well as the culture of different countries. For some nations, it personifies the spring rebirth and tender feelings, joy. For others, this juicy fruit symbolizes division and the forbidden fruit. In addition, the apple also means the relationship between a man and a woman.

This fruit has its own meaning in folklore. Here it represents the hope for a successful marriage, as well as strong family ties.

Everyone knows the saying that the forbidden fruit is sweet. The Bible tells how exactly the apple gave people knowledge and the ability to distinguish between good and evil. The first woman not only plucked and tasted the fruit, but also gave it to Adam. As a result of God's disobedience, they were expelled from the paradise earth. However, at the same time, the apple is the personification of heavenly pleasure.

It is often mentioned in various legends and myths as a symbol of unfading youth and beauty. Many fairy tales tell about the fruit's ability to give youth. One of the ancient Greek heroes was able to get this fruit, because he was sure that apples would give him eternal youth.

What does the tattoo mean?

A tattoo in the form of an apple can be seen both on a gentle female and on a strong one. male body. The tattoo looks especially beautiful. Such an image is natural and colorful.

If there is a worm in such a picture, then the owner thereby wants to openly say that the core is rotten. A bitten apple often becomes the personification of the fall, as well as weaknesses in the face of temptations.

When iPhones appeared, similar drawings with apples began to mean love for this brand. The apples on the tree represent fertility and love. A blossoming apple tree symbolizes pure and sublime love.

A beautiful fruit tattoo will mean: passion, love, temptation, fertility and, of course, the fall.

Significance for men

A tattoo depicting a ripe apple can be seen on a strong male body. This drawing could mean:

  • love
  • passion
  • fall into sin
  • weakness in the face of temptation
  • fertility
  • temptation

The original drawing on the male body will tell about the passionate feelings of its owner.

A man with a similar body pattern is not sinless and has weaknesses in the face of all sorts of temptations. In addition, such a drawing can mean the temptation and fall of its owner.

Men do not always choose such a tattoo for a reason. symbolic meaning. Sometimes the reason for this choice is solely the beauty of the image.

What does it mean for women?

A beautiful tattoo with an apple is often asked by the master to make women and young girls. For them, such a wearable image will mean:

  • passionate feelings
  • sublime love
  • temptation
  • fertility
  • fall into sin
  • weakness in the face of temptation

The original wearable drawing with an apple will tell about the passionate feelings of its mistress. A woman with such an original apple tattoo can experience sublime love.

In addition, such an image often means the fall and fertility, as well as weakness in the face of various temptations.

Beautiful ladies often choose a beautiful wearable image with an apple, not because of the special symbolic meaning, but because of the beauty of the pattern.

What drawing for a tattoo to choose?

Often, an apple tattoo is done in color. It can be a green apple and a red fruit. Also, the apple can be whole or bitten.

Apple tattoo meanings - cool tattoos in the photo - drawings

Interesting facts about the meaning of an apple tattoo

Tattoos with the image of any fruit are quite rare. If we take the most common one that people want to fill on the body, then it will be an apple. An apple is a complex symbol, its interpretation depends on what elements it is combined with in a tattoo.

Apple tattoo meanings

Most often, an apple on the body speaks of feelings. FROM ancient era sweet fruit considered a symbol of passion and love. A blossoming apple tree is a symbol of pure feelings. And if fruits hanging on it are added to the tree, then such a tattoo expresses love. Another interpretation of this symbol is fertility and femininity. This meaning of an apple comes from ancient Rome.

Often, the image of an apple refers to original sin, and the expulsion from paradise of the first people, a bitten apple is depicted as a symbol of the fall and decline. On the other hand, the apple is a symbol of faith and hope for the best. If a tattoo with an apple depicts Jesus or the Virgin Mary, then this is a sign of the salvation of the soul and rebirth. New life and grace - means an apple of red-green color. If a person fills two apples intertwined together, then this means complete trust and unity with his soul mate.

Photo options:

The image of an apple with a worm may indicate that the owner of the tattoo has a difficult character. Also with this symbol, some people want to say that they are vulgar, and love love games and joy. If a person fills a golden apple, then by doing this he wants to show his stinginess and stinginess.

The meanings of the apple among different peoples

  • From Scandinavian mythology it follows that the apple is a symbol of sensuality, love, passion and temptation. According to local beliefs, this is the food of deities, which means it is also a symbol of strength and eternity. An apple divided in half means weakness and sinful thoughts.
  • The ancient Romans associated this fruit with the goddess Ceres. According to this tradition, the apple symbolizes youth, good health and longevity. Just like love charms, and deceit in love.
  • The Chinese associate the apple with the symbol - harmony with nature, harmony and beauty of nature. According to Chinese tradition, the apple tree is a symbol of femininity and beauty.
  • The ancient Slavs believed that an apple is a symbol of hope and change for the better. It is also a traditional wedding symbol of the ancient Slavs. Many brides nowadays make small tattoos with the image of an apple and the name of their chosen one - believing that this will bring good luck in marriage.
  • Modern life makes its own adjustments, and in our time, you can meet many young people with the symbol of Apple Corporation. Which, as everyone knows, is made in the form of a bitten apple. Thus, fans of this brand express their love for the company's products. It is also possible that it is a symbol of recognition of the technological progress of the XXI century. But at the same time, the crossed-out Apple logo means a fight with the system.


Whatever apple a person chooses in a tattoo, it will look beautiful on the body. The choice of topics and plots associated with this symbol is extensive. The drawing of an apple on the body is performed in bright colors, and immediately attracts attention. Suitable for both men and women, and ideal places for a tattoo: neck, chest, shoulder, wrist.

Text prepared: sboy888 (Dickmann Vladislav)

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The apple tattoo, the meaning of which is described below, is quite popular. You will learn about the possible meanings of such a tattoo, as well as the styles of its execution from this article.

Tattoo Meaning

The apple is a pretty meaningful symbol. Everyone knows that the serpent seduced Eve with an apple in the Garden of Eden. Apple - a symbol of eternal youth and beauty. Finally, a person who tries to appear better than he is can be compared to a wormy apple.

The apple tattoo, the sketches of which are presented in the article, may mean the following:

  • the desire to forever preserve beauty and youth. In this case, the fruit usually looks juicy and fresh;
  • longing for wasted years can be personified by an apple core, the shape of which hints at the silhouette of an hourglass;
  • the hidden negative personality traits are indicated by a tattoo with a wormy apple. True, such a tattoo can be filled with humor, for example, if it is done in a funny "cartoon" style;
  • funny, but a tattoo with a bitten apple is done by fans of Apple products or people who consider the brilliant Steve Jobs their idol;
  • an apple can be a symbol of the temptations that a person faces in Everyday life. Naturally, such a tattoo refers to the biblical myth of the expulsion from Eden;
  • sometimes a tattoo with an apple in which a syringe is stuck is done by people suffering from drug addiction.

Advice! The apple tattoo, the photo of which you can study in this article, may not act as a symbol. AT last years tattoos are increasingly being made just because they serve as a spectacular decoration of the body!

Style decision

An apple tattoo can be done in almost any style. The choice depends on your taste and the idea that is invested in the tattoo.

Such an explanation of this fruit as a symbol goes back to Greek mythology, in which the famous Diana was personified ripe apple. Apple tattoo designs may contain other symbols, performed in bright colors, they look just gorgeous!

If a playful worm peeps out of the fetus on a tattoo, then the owner of the tattoo admits to himself that he has a rotten core. Or he has already paid for his love affairs. A bitten apple can serve as a symbol of the fall, weakness in the face of temptations and the sexual attractiveness of the opposite half of humanity. This interpretation was formed because of the biblical legend about Eve and the apple of knowledge and sin.

With the advent of iPhone fans, the meaning of an apple tattoo has changed. The bitten fruit, like the emblem of Apple, has become the personification of love for this brand and your adored iPhone. Therefore, some applephiles fill themselves with such tattoos on their shoulder or wrist. It can be assumed that loving a smartphone is almost a fall from grace.

If the apples on the tattoo hang on a tree, then this can be a symbol of fertility and love. A flowering apple tree is considered a sign of pure and sublime love. Therefore, you can fill this tree with the name of your chosen one / chosen one on the bark or on a bright ribbon that will encircle the apple tree.

In any case, with this fruit you can come up with a whole composition. The drawing will look good on any part of the body: shoulder, lower leg, thigh, chest or shoulder blade. And remember: whatever the sketch of the apple tattoo is, the main thing is that it be unique!

apple tattoo video

And below are photos of apple tattoos from different masters for your inspiration.

C - to dream