Medieval symbols and their meanings. Greek alphabet symbolic meaning

Greek symbols and their meaning are an extensive layer of ancient emblematics, which largely determined the religious, ethical, esoteric and scientific symbolism of almost all European peoples. For example, Greek mathematical symbols are still successfully used in algebra, geometry, physics and other natural sciences (pi, delta, omega, and so on).

In turn, the symbols of Greek mythology are often tried on as phraseological units, stable allegories, or even religious references. For example, the Lernaean Hydra symbolizes an evil that is very difficult to defeat and is reborn over and over again. And the winged horse Pegasus is a symbol of purity and loftiness of thoughts, sometimes a symbol of poets, fantasy and creativity.

That is, even the names of Greek symbols themselves are firmly rooted in modern society, having survived millennia and not changing their meaning. For example, the letter "L" on the shield of the Spartans (denoting the region controlled by Sparta - Lacedaemon) and the shield itself - hoplon, have become symbols of courage, courage and perseverance. After all, it is difficult to find a person who does not know the expression "with a shield or on a shield." But this is the battle cry of the Spartan army.

It is also worth noting here that the drawings of Greek symbols are always accurate, although metaphorical. The trident is a symbol of Poseidon, later - a symbol of power as such. The stylized Greek hoplite helmet is a symbol of a warrior. The Sphinx (a creature with a human head, the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle) denotes wisdom and mystery. That is, the drawings of Greek symbols do not need a context, they are unambiguous, although they are figurative. On the one hand, it was their versatility and semantic simplicity that determined their popularity.

At the same time, ancient science and religion are the fundamental elements of one of the most developed cultures. ancient world. Many scientific and religious bases, which are embodied in dozens of beliefs and hundreds of scientific principles, were discovered by the ancient Greeks. Pythagoras, Archimedes, Democritus, Euclid - even a child knows these names, and knows how they deserved their place in the world (namely - in the world) history. This is why Greek symbols and their meanings are so important. It is important to know them, understand them and be able to use them, because in fact it is a universal language.

Actually, symbolism itself is a universal supra-world language that easily unites cultures and peoples. But Greek symbols and signs are known throughout the world to a much greater extent than, for example, the characteristic Scandinavian, Slavic, Indian or Mesoamerican emblems. Of course, it is stupid and unfair to belittle the influence of the latter on society (including the modern one), but the same Greek letters (delta is a symbol that denotes differences between variables and has a dozen more meanings in the exact sciences) became the basis for many languages, in particular - Indo-European. Therefore, it is easier to perceive them.

It is also worth noting that today more and more often you can find tattoos of Greek symbols. There is nothing surprising in this, and even more so - nothing negative, of course - if we meet the Greek symbols tattoo not on the shoulder of a sixteen-year-old child. If this is a conscious step, it means that a person understands perfectly well what and why he wants to convey to others, making this or that sign a part of his body, a part of himself. Of course, in 90% of tattoos, Greek symbols are used by people absolutely thoughtlessly or erroneously. But this should not discredit the idea itself! After all, the art of tattooing was well known in antiquity and was used everywhere. On the other hand, it is unlikely that any of the ancient Greeks “stuffed” Pegasus on the sacrum, and a Spartan helmet on his shoulder.

That is why Greek symbols and their meaning are so important to us. After all, we are talking about emblems and signs that have largely determined the modern world, not only with their semantics, but even with their elementary graphic design.

Have you ever wondered how many symbols you encounter every day? The purpose of any symbol is to convey meaning while saving space. But do we really know the true meanings of all those symbols that we use?


1. Symbol of infinity.

The mathematical meaning of infinity dates back to 1655, when the English mathematician John Wallis first used it in his work De Sectionibus Conicis. Wallis did not explain his choice of this symbol, but it is thought to be a variant form of the Roman number CIƆ, which was sometimes used to represent plurality.

2. OK.

In the US, the OK gesture is used to indicate that something or someone is okay. However, in some European countries it is an offensive gesture, which means that the person it is directed to is "null". In the countries of the Mediterranean and South America, the sign actually symbolizes the anus.

3. Pacific.

The combination of the circle, the vertical line and the descending lines stands for the Pacific or peace symbol, designed by peacemaker Gerald Herbert Holt on February 21, 1958 as the logo of the direct action committee against nuclear war. The symbol was quickly adopted by the hippie community in the 1960s, which made it popular all over the world.

4. Smiley.

Probably the most massive character in emails. The smiley was created in the early 1970s. The simplest, most childlike image of a happy face is inscribed in an ideal circle: two vertical, oval eyes and a large, upturned, semicircular mouth. The choice of yellow as the backdrop was set apart by the sun and represents a radiant, unclouded happiness.

5. Male symbol.

The male symbol is known as the symbol of Mars. The image of a circle with an arrow coming out of it, pointing to the angle in the upper right corner, the symbol of Mars is an image of the shield and spear of the Roman god of war - Mars. It is also the symbol of the planet Mars, sometimes referred to as the "fire planet" or the "planet of war".

6. Female symbol.

The female symbol is the astrological symbol of the planet Venus. It is also used to represent the female gender. The circle reminds us of the inclusive nature of our universe. It also represents the womb of a woman. The cross (added in the 16th century) under the circle indicates that all matter is born from the womb.

7. Recycling symbol.

This iconic symbol originated on the very first Earth Day in April 1970. At the time, Container Corporation of America was sponsoring a nationwide competition for environmental and design students to create a symbol that represented recycling. Student Gary Dean Anderson won the competition with his three arrows, representing the Earth's finite resources and the need to preserve and renew them for future generations. The arrows are green because it is the color of nature.

8. Skull and bones.

This notorious symbol, consisting of a human skull and two bones stacked underneath, originated in medieval era when it was used to signify death. It was later adopted by the pirates, who put this symbol on their flags. Today, it is used as a warning label on containers of poisonous or dangerous substances.

9. Heart symbol.

Today, the heart symbol symbolizes love, emotions, and romance, but in the past, it had a completely different meaning. For example, in Ancient Greece The heart shape was a symbol for silphium, a plant that the ancient Greeks used to flavor food, as a medicine, and also as a birth control.

10. Symbol of radiation.

The symbol is used to identify radioactive sources, containers for radioactive materials, and areas where radioactive materials are stored. The symbol was created in 1946.

11. Victoria.

Gesture has various meanings, depending on the cultural context. It can represent both peace, victory, success or approval, but also contempt and defiance.

12. Swastika.

AT modern world The swastika is now synonymous with fascism because it was the symbol used by Nazi Germany. However, the swastika has actually been known for thousands of years and its original meaning was a symbol of good luck. For example, in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, the swastika means "well-being." The symbol has been used for thousands of years by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains and was considered a purely Indian sign. Can this ancient sign to get rid of modern associations is a big question.

13. Crescent.

Although the crescent is a very common symbol in Islamic iconography, it is not actually Islamic in origin. The symbol has been used in Christian art for many centuries.

14. Checkmark.

A check mark is used to indicate that something is correct, checked, or completed. Today, the check mark is widely used in many parts of the world, but its origins are believed to date back to the Roman era. Then "V" was used to shorten the word "veritas", which means "true" - the truth.

15. Bluetooth symbol.

The Bluetooth symbol is associated with the ancient Danish ruler Harald Blathand, who was nicknamed "the blue tooth" for his love of blueberries. The symbol representing Bluetooth technology is a combination of two Scandinavian runes: "Hagall" (analogue of the Latin "H") and "Bjarkan" (the equivalent of the Latin "B"), which form the initials of the king's name.

16. Power symbol.

The famous power on/off symbol is the result of a logical evolution in user interface design. Initially, most of the early power controls were switches between "On" and "Off". These abbreviations were then replaced with the numbers 1 and 0. To create the power button symbol, the symbols "1" and "0" were superimposed on top of each other.

17. Pink ribbon.

The pink ribbon has been the international symbol of breast cancer awareness since 1979. The pink ribbon represents the health, vitality and empowerment of women.

18. Symbol of availability.

With a blue square and a stylized image of a person using a wheelchair, the symbol of accessibility has become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. The symbol was designed by Danish design student Suzanne Kefoed in 1968.

19. Exit sign.

Another easily recognizable international symbol is the exit sign, which indicates the location of the nearest emergency exit in the event of a fire or other emergency. The symbol was designed in the late 1970s by a Japanese designer named Yukio Ota and adopted for international use in 1985. Green color represents safety, and like traffic lights, it says "go".

A trademark symbol indicates that the previous word or symbol is a registered trademark.

21. Hammer and sickle.

The hammer and sickle was one of the most recognizable symbols of Soviet power. The hammer and sickle signify the workers' and peasants' union: the hammer is the traditional symbol of the proletariat, and the sickle is the traditional symbol for the peasantry. However, in European religious symbolism, the hammer is also associated with aggressive male power, and the sickle with death.

22. Staff of Asclepius.

The Staff of Asclepius is a symbol associated with medicine and healthcare. The son of the god Apollo and the princess Koronis, Asclepius was the Greek demigod of medicine. According to mythology, he could heal the sick and bring the dead back to life. The staff of Asclepius is wrapped in a snake because the ancient Greeks viewed snakes as sacred animals and used them in healing rituals.

23. Maltese cross.

The Maltese Cross is the symbol most commonly associated with the Knights of Malta who ruled the Maltese Islands between 1530 and 1798. Its eight angles signify the eight obligations of knights, namely "to live in truth, to have faith, to repent of one's sins, to show humility, to love justice, to be merciful, to be sincere, to endure persecution."

There are many magical signs. Every nation and religion has signs that give energy, protect against dark forces and diseases. These magical symbols are used to this day as amulets and talismans.

This article contains the main ancient signs of various peoples and information about their meaning and application.

Star of Solomon

Jewish magic symbol, meaning harmony (this is indicated by the two equilateral triangles that make up the Star of Solomon). This symbol is considered the emblem of Judaism.

This sign is used as a protection against damage, the evil eye and diseases, and also helps to overcome life's difficulties. For several hundred years, Jews have invested the strength and energy of their people in this symbol.

Pyramid with an eye

This symbol is considered Masonic and means the all-seeing eye. This is a sign of the Supreme mind. He is able to develop intuition and magical abilities. Also, many believe that a pyramid with an eye at the top represents the hierarchical structure of society, which means that the owner of such a magical sign becomes powerful over everyone.


This is the most common sign in the occult. This symbol is most often associated with Satanism and devilry. But it is not so. Just this one magic sign is an exorcist. It is used to protect against dark forces.

Trinity Christian symbol

This magical symbol brings good luck in all matters. After all, good forces are always present with the owner of this amulet. Those who wear this sign go through life without barriers and disappointments.

Sign of Perun

This Slavic pagan symbol gives victory, success and courage, brings prosperity to the house and health. Recommended for men to wear.

Seal of Lao Tzu

This chinese sign brings wealth, happiness and good luck to those who have good thoughts and pure intentions. Wearing this talisman, you can also improve your health and gain authority.

Eye of Horus

An Egyptian symbol that helps develop intuition, open the third eye, gain peace of mind and wisdom. Also, this sign is designed to protect against people of higher rank, influential officials, envy and revenge.

All these symbols can be excellent good luck talismans and amulets against negative energy. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.12.2014 09:18

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, you can achieve happiness in life if you correctly use the symbols of wealth and...

Recently, people are increasingly using the teachings of Feng Shui in order to attract what they want. Thanks to the usual...

Slavic symbols- these are images of the Gods of the Relatives and an alphabet with a dictionary for people to talk with them. It is impossible to live and not know the Native Language, not to understand why this or that dash and dot is put in this or that sign. In order to have a connection with the Ancestors and feel the Power of the Family, you need to be aware of exactly how it looks and how it manifests itself ...

Therefore, we strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the detailed meanings and descriptions of Slavic symbols below, remember them and try to use them to communicate with the Higher World, protect and get good luck in business, improve health, increase wealth, preserve property and alleviate other everyday worries. With the Knowledge of these foundations, it is much easier to achieve a harmonious existence with Nature and continue spiritual development.

Symbols of Slavic gods: where and where they are used

Slavic symbols and signs are divided into many types. Solar - fiery, solar, are the personification of the direct Power of the Gods, heavenly - carry the power of the elements and the laws of the Firmament, swastikas - remind of the unity of the Clans and their power, steadfastness and the continuous cycle of time.

The main Slavic symbols and signs were used in the designation of Sanctuaries, Temples, Sacred Trees and their activation for performing ceremonies or bringing gifts and requirements. Veduns and Priests, as well as Elder Clans, could wear and withstand their power.

Slavic symbols were also placed on dwellings or outbuildings, as well as a sign of the patronage of the Gods. Few thief or enemy dared to incur their punishment and bypassed the house with the gate, on which were the Seals of the Family.

Slavic amulets in everyday life: meaning and application

Slavic symbols and signs with the corresponding meaning, the description of which you will find on this page below, were used daily by our ancestors throughout their existence - it was thanks to this that they produced many strong descendants of the Genus into the Light, and it was with their help that our Motherland remained ours and indivisible enemies, and the Power of the Family Tree is inextinguishable.

Previously Slavic signs or the symbols and their meaning were comprehended from the cradle, since everything around people spoke the language of God. Amulets were applied to kitchen and agricultural utensils, forged to create amulets-decorations, ornamental patterns were embroidered from them on towels, tablecloths, upper and lower women's clothing.

Symbols supported the Soul and Spirit, and strengthened the Faith, were a sign in danger and a wall during bloody battles for the Native Land. Then the meaning of these signs was perceived as Patronage and brought the Gift of hope for the continuation of the Family. From time immemorial to the present day…

From small to Great, step by step, and despite the difficulties and multiple attempts to tear out the Slavic roots and make us forget all Native signs and symbols. Together with the Gods, Ancestors and Ancestors, it was possible to preserve the Culture, Faith, Customs and Traditions. But the most important thing remains - not only to remember the forgotten old, but truly Native, but also to preserve the Memory of this, to streamline and pass on the Knowledge gained about Slavic symbols and signs and their Power to their Descendants.

By printing on this and other pages of our site the description and meaning of each Slavic symbol or sign that is used in the creation of products by the Masters, we are trying to help in the Great Continuation of the Slavic Family. And our Workshop will be very happy if this can be done and if at least someone can help to comprehend the Secrets of the Slavic Family and realize its real Power.

Slavic symbols, their meaning and description

Swastika- a well-known Slavic symbol, meaning for many centuries the eternal cycle of our vast Universe and the Wise Higher Heavenly Law, to which all living things must obey. This is a protective Fire sign used by people to protect the Law and Order established by the Gods, which has preserved Life itself from time immemorial.
Suastiancient symbol, personifying the Eternal cycle of Midgard-Earth, Life. This is a sign of four, clearly dividing the sacred Daaria into four parts of the northern rivers, in which four Great Slavic-Aryan Peoples have existed since ancient times.
Agni(Fire) - the main Slavic symbol of the Unquenchable Home Hearth and the Great Sacred Fire - the Family Altar. This is a strong protective sign of the Light Higher Forces guarding the dwellings of the Gods. He also personifies the most powerful protection of the Ancient Divine Wisdom and Divine Knowledge - the ancient Slavic-Aryan Vedas.
Fash(Flame) is a Slavic symbol of the Protective Spiritual Fire, which purifies the human Spirit from base, impure thoughts and selfish actions. It personifies the Power and Unity of the Warrior Spirit and the victory over the Darkness and ignorance of the Light Force of the Mind.
altar boy- the all-clan Heavenly Slavic symbol of the Great Unity of the inhabitants of Svarga, the Abode in Reveal, Glory and Rule, the Halls of Light Clans. Usually, the sign is depicted on the Altar stone, which accepts sincere Gifts and Requirements for their Childbirth.
matchmaking- Slavic protective symbol, applied with the help of embroidery or paint on towels and Sacred Veils - tablecloths that cover the Treasure Tables for presenting generous Gifts to the Gods. Also, Towels with such a sign are tied with idols and sacred trees.
Bogodar- Slavic symbol of the Protection of the Heavenly Gods, giving all the inhabitants of Reveal Justice and True Wisdom. Bogodar is highly revered by the Guardian Priests who, on behalf of the Gods, guard the Highest Gift - the Ancient Heavenly Wisdom.
Swati- Slavic Celestial symbol, personifying the external structure and Image of the Star System of the Genus, Swati - Heavenly Iriy or Perun's Way. At the bottom of one sleeve of the Star System there is a red dot - the symbol of Yarila, the sun.
vaiga- a solar Slavic symbol, the natural personification of the wise Goddess Tara, who protects the four Higher Spiritual Paths - the roads along which a person walks. On them, people meet four Great Winds that can lead astray or make it harder.
Valkyrie- Slavic symbol of the protection of Justice, Nobility, Honor and Courage. The sign is revered by warriors defending the Motherland, their Family and Faith. Used by the Priests to preserve the Ancient Vedas.
Vedaman- Slavic symbol of the Priest-Keeper, protecting Ancient Wisdom Childbirth. It contains the Memory of Ancestors, Gods, Patrons, Culture of relationships and Traditions of Communities.
Vedar- the Slavic symbol of the Priest-Guardian of the Faith of the First Ancestors - Kapen-Yngling, protecting the Ancient Radiant Wisdom of our Gods. Apply Vedar, and this sign will help you understand and learn how to use the Ancient Knowledge for the prosperity of the Clans and the Faith of the First Ancestors.
Velesovik- a Slavic heavenly symbol that protects people close to you on the Path from bad weather and misfortunes, as well as away from home: hunting, fishing, bringing good luck and protection from Evil and trouble.
Radinets- Slavic heavenly symbol of protective purpose. It is applied to baby cradles and cradles for newborns. It is generally accepted that such a talisman not only protects from the evil eye and dark Forces, but also gives children Joy, Health and peace.
Vseslavets- Slavic Fiery symbol-amulet, protecting dwellings and granaries from fires, Families from disagreements and heated disputes, Kin from quarrels and internecine wars. It is generally accepted that this sign brings all the Clans to a common Harmony and Glory.
fireworks- Slavic Fiery symbol-amulet, providing Heavenly Mothers of God protection for married women from the Dark Forces and all kinds of help. The sign was often used when embroidering protective ornaments on women's shirts, sundresses, in combination with other Solar and Protective symbols.
Slavets- Slavic Solar, Heavenly symbol-amulet, giving the female sex health, and married women the opportunity to give birth to strong and healthy children. That is why it was so often embroidered on women's clothing.
Garuda- Slavic Divine symbol, personifying Vaitmara - the Heavenly Fiery chariot, on which the Vyshen travels through the pure Svarga. Garuda is also called the Bird flying between the stars, and its signs are applied to the objects of the Cult of the God of the High.
Grozovik- a Slavic Fire symbol that helps to control the Natural Elements, the weather and protects the temples of the Gods and the dwellings of our Clans from Bad Weather, diverts the punishing Thunder and calls for a Thunderstorm during a long Drought.
Thunderbolt- Slavic celestial symbol of Indra, protecting the Ancient Vedas - the Heavenly Wisdom of the Gods. The sign was applied to military weapons and armor for protection in battle, as well as over the entrances to the Vaults, so that one who thinks evil and evil immediately, at the entrance, was defeated by Thunder.
dunia- Slavic symbol of the unification of the Living Heavenly and Earthly Fire, protecting the Ways of maintaining the Constant Unity of the Family. All Fiery Altars for bringing Bloodless Demands to the glory of our Ancestors and Gods were built in the form of this sign.
Sky Boar- Slavic symbol of the God_Patron of the Hall (Ramhat) on the Svarog Circle. This sign is the union of Earthly and Heavenly Wisdom, Past and Future. The Heavenly Boar is used as a talisman by those who embark on a long path of Spiritual self-improvement.
Spiritual Swastika- a Slavic symbol, personifying the Unity and Harmony of Teles, Conscience, Soul and Spirit, its Strength. We are very revered by Wizards, Veduns and Magi for help in managing the Natural Elements.
Soul Swastika- Slavic symbol used to collect and concentrate Higher Forces Healing. This sign was allowed to be used to decorate their clothes as a talisman only by the Priests who had risen to a high level of Spiritual and Moral perfection.
Doukhobor- a Slavic symbol, personifying the inner Life Fire, burning all diseases of the Soul and Body, negative external influences. This sign was applied to a blanket, bedspread or just a cloth that was used to cover the sick person.
Bunny- Slavic solar symbol characterizing the renewal of the Family and Life. It is generally accepted that tying a belt with an embroidered or woven Bunny to her wife allows her to give birth only to boys, which means to continue the Family.
Spiritual strength- Slavic symbol of the Transfiguration Human Spirit used to increase the concentration of the Spiritual Inner Forces required to create something useful for the benefit of one's descendants Ancient Family and the People.
Dhata- Slavic fiery symbol, personifying the internal and external structure of Man in the form of four elements bestowed by the Creator Gods: Body, Conscience, Soul and Spirit.
Znich- Slavic fiery symbol of the Heavenly God, guarding the Sacred and Great Living Fire - the Eternal Source of Life, so revered by all the Ancient Clans of the Earth.
England- a symbol of the primary, the Life of the Generating Divine Fire of Creation, which gave birth to the Universes and the Sun-Yarilo. In the protective meaning, this sign personifies the Primordial Divine Purity, protecting our World from the Forces of Darkness.
Kolovrat- Slavic symbol of the Yarila-Sun, personifying the Eternal Victory of Light over Darkness, the Eternal Victory of Life over Death. The colors of the sign also have their own meanings: black - Changes, heavenly, blue - Renewal, Fiery. Red - Rebirth.
Charovrat- a Slavic symbol that protects a person or something else from inducing evil, Black Charms on him. The sign is depicted as a rotating Fiery Cross, Fire, destroying the Dark Forces and magical influences.
Salting- Slavic symbol of the retirement of Yarila, sunset. The sign represents the completion of Creation and Labor for the Benefit of the Family and the People, Spiritual Fortitude and Peace of Mother Nature.
Colard- Slavic fiery symbol of Transfiguration and Renewal. The sign was used in the manufacture of jewelry for the wedding, the bride was given amulets-gifts with Solard and Kolard. In the future, it was used by the spouses who joined the Union as a pledge and harbinger of healthy Offspring.
Solard- the Slavic symbol of Fertility and Greatness of the Mother-Raw-Earth, which absorbs its Light, Love and Warmth from the Yarila-Sun, personifies the Prosperity of the Native Land. This is a sign of Fire, giving wealth and prosperity to their Clans, symbolizing the Creation of the best for the Glory of the Light Gods, Ancestors and Descendants.
Source- Slavic symbol of the Ancestral Motherland of the Human Soul in the Heavenly Halls of the Goddess Jiva, in which Souls not incarnated in the Body are born. After their becoming on the Golden Path of development, the Souls descend to the Earth for their further Life there.
Kolokhort- a Slavic symbol of constant coexistence, the duality of the One: Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, Truth and Falsehood, Wisdom and Stupidity, Life and Death. The sign was used in requests to the Gods to judge the arising difficult disputes according to Conscience.
Molvinets- a Slavic symbol that protects people from generic curses, evil eye, slander, slander and slander, exhaustion, evil look and words. This sign is a great gift from the God of our Family and is used in the embroidery of ornamental protective motifs on the clothes of all family members.
Navnik- Slavic symbol of the Spiritual difficult Path of a person after death on Earth. Four Spiritual Paths are created for each of the four Clans and lead people to his Native Heavenly World, from where his Soul came to Mother-Midgard-Earth.
Narayana- an ancient celestial symbol denoting light spiritual path human from Rodov. In Ynglism, this sign symbolizes not only the development of the Soul, but also a certain way of life and behavior of people.
Solar Cross- Slavic symbol of the prosperity of the Family and the Spiritual Power bestowed by Yaril-Sun. The sign is used as a wearable amulet of people, and is applied to religious accessories, clothes or weapons, to give great Strength to the Priests of the Forest, Kmetey and Gridny.
Heavenly Cross- Slavic heavenly symbol of the Power of Spiritual and Tribal Unity, used as a talisman, giving the wearer help and protection of the Ancestors of the Ancient Family and the Heavenly Family.
Newborn- Slavic symbol Heavenly Power helping to transform and multiply the Family. This protective sign has a great power of protection and giving of Fertility, it is used in many ornaments on women's clothing and belts.
Ginger- Slavic celestial symbol of the Light of the Light-Yarila, personifying earthly Fertility and giving good harvests. The sign was applied as a talisman to agricultural implements, at the entrance to barns, barns and granaries to preserve the received gifts of the Earth.
fireman- Slavic fiery symbol of the God of our Family. The sign was applied to his idol, to all entrances to the house and windows: platbands and "towels", shutters and even roof slopes or ceilings. What is remarkable - in the Moscow Christian church of St. Basil the Blessed, under one of the domes, you can also see the ancient Slavic amulet Ognevik.
Yarovik- a Slavic amulet symbol for preserving the harvest and livestock in the yard. The sign was applied over the entrance to barns, barns, cellars, rigs, sheepfolds, stables, cowsheds and other utility rooms.
Overcome Grass- a Slavic symbol-amulet that protects people from various diseases and the effects of evil Forces. This double fiery sign burns any illnesses, ailments, experiences, evil eye and damage in the Body and Soul, cleanses a person.
Fern flower- Slavic fiery symbol of the Purity of the Spirit with powerful force healing. Another name for this sign is Perunov Tsvet. Many believe that he is able to fulfill desires and helps to find treasures hidden in the earth, although in fact he gives much more - Spiritual powers and the ability to understand oneself.
Rubezhnik- the Slavic symbol of the Universal Frontier, which divides the World of Reveal and life in it and life after death in Higher world. The sign can be seen on all the entrance gates of Temples and Sanctuaries, as a signal that each person who enters passes his Frontier.
Rysich- an ancient Slavic tribal symbol-amulet. Initially, the sign was depicted on alatyr stones near the altars or on the walls of Temples and Sanctuaries, later it began to be applied to all buildings as a powerful and main amulet against Dark Forces.
rodovik- a Slavic symbol of the Light power of the ProParent, helping his Clans, providing assistance and support by the Ancient Many Wise Ancestors to those who work and create for the good of the Clans and their Descendants.
bogovnik- Slavic symbol of Eternal Power and the Protection of the Light Gods to those who have embarked on the Path spiritual development and perfect himself. Mandalas with this sign help people to realize the unity and interconnection of the four main elements of this Universe.
Rodimich- a Slavic symbol of the Universal Power and the Proparent, protecting the Law of Succession and Knowledge of Generic Wisdom, its transmission from Old Age to Youth, from Ancestors to Descendants. This sign stores and transmits the family memory from one generation to another.
Svarozhich- Slavic heavenly symbol of Svarog, protecting all forms of Life in our Universe, protecting the Mind from Mental and Spiritual Degradation and complete destruction.
sologne- a Slavic solar symbol that protects a person and his property from the Dark Force and bad words, thoughts, views. The sign can often be found on household items, mainly on kitchen utensils: pots, spoons and plates.
Yarovrat- Slavic fiery symbol of YaroGod, responsible for good weather, spring flowering and future harvest. The sign is applied as a talisman to agricultural implements to obtain the good fruits of their labor: plows, scythes, shovels, sickles.
Light- a Slavic symbol, personifying the union of two Fiery streams: Divine and Earthly, which together give rise to the Universal Whirlwind of Transformation, contributing to the knowledge of the essence of Being through the Ancient Fundamentals of Knowledge.
Svitovit- a Slavic symbol of the connection between Heavenly Fire and Earthly Water, from which Pure Souls are born for incarnation in the Explicit World. The sign was used by pregnant women as a talisman and help in the birth of healthy children, it was embroidered on dresses and sundresses.
Kolyadnik- Slavic symbol of Kolyada, the God of Renewal on Earth and change for the better. The sign represents the victory of Light over Darkness and Day over Night. He gives men strength for battles with fierce enemies and work for the good of the Family.
Cross of Lada-Virgin Mary- Slavic symbol family harmony, Happiness and love. This sign is also called Ladinets. Used by girls as a talisman evil eyes and words. To enhance the action, Ladinets is entered into a circle - the Great Kolo. Apply to jewelry or embroider on outerwear.
Svaor- Slavic symbol of the uninterrupted celestial movement - Svarga and the Eternal cycle of the Universe, Life Forces. The sign is used to bring prosperity and happiness to the house and is applied to kitchen utensils.
Svaor-Solntsevrat- Slavic symbol of the movement of the Sun, Yarila across the Sky. The sign demonstrates and gives the person who wears it the Light of Spiritual illumination, Goodness and Purity of Thoughts and Deeds.
Holy Gift- an ancient symbol of the Sacred Northern Ancestral Homeland of the white peoples, located in the Northern Ocean and perished during the first Flood - Daaria, or otherwise: Paradise Land, Severia, Hyperborea, Arctida.
sadhana- Slavic solar symbol cult destination, personifying the desire to achieve goals, excellence and success. This sign was used by the Old Believers as a designation of the system of Rites for communication with the Native Gods.
Ratiborets- Slavic fiery symbol of Courage, Courage and military Valor, blinds the enemy's eyes and makes them flee from the battlefield, headlong. The sign is applied to weapons and armor, as well as to Military Banners and Banners - Standards.
Marichka- an ancient symbol of the Divine Light descending to Earth, often called the falling Star. The people of the Sort receive this light from the Yarila-Sun during the day, and from the Stars at night.
Race symbol- an ancient symbol of the eternal Union of the four great peoples: the Slavs and the Aryans. The Aryans united the Clans and Tribes of the da’Aryans and the Kh’Aryans, and the Slavs united the Rassen and Svyatorus. This unity was designated by Inglia in Heaven, which is crossed by a silver Sword, symbolizing the Conscience and the race with a fiery handle - Pure Thoughts. The Blade of the Sword is directed downwards for the Preservation and Protection of the Dark Forces of Great Wisdom.
Rasic- an ancient symbol of power and unity. Inglia is inscribed in the Multidimensional and is depicted in four colors according to the color of the eyes of the Clans: sky-blue - Svyatorusov, Fiery - Rassenov, green - x'Aryans, silver - yes'Aryans.
Svyatoch- the Slavic symbol of Illumination and Spiritual Revival, combining the Revival - the Fiery Kolovrat, moving through Human Life - the Multidimensionality, and uniting the Divine Golden - Illumination and Heavenly - Spirituality Crosses.
Stribozhich- the Slavic symbol of Stribog, who controls all Hurricanes and Winds, is used as a talisman to protect homes and fields from bad weather, by sailors for calm water, while millers made windmills in the form of this sign to attract wind and grind grain faster.
Wedding attendant- a powerful Slavic symbol, a family amulet. It personifies the unification of two Clans into one, Two Elemental-swastika systems (Body, Conscience, Soul and Spirit into One Life, Male Fire Principle with Water Female.
Symbol of the Family- Slavic heavenly symbol. Amulets, amulets and amulets, as well as the Idols of the Family, were decorated with carved ligature from this sign. If you have the Symbol of the Family on your body, no Forces will break the human Spirit.
Swadha- Slavic fiery symbol, the Fiery key for opening the Heavenly Gates. It is depicted on the camps of stone altars as a sign of the opening of Heaven and the acceptance by the Gods of the gifts and requirements presented.
Svarga- Slavic symbol spiritual revival and the Heavenly Path through the Worlds of Spiritual Perfection, Reality and Terrain of the Golden Path. The final point of the wandering of the Soul is the World of Rule.
Oberezhnik- an ancient symbol that has the star of Inglia with a Solar sign in the center, called the Messenger and brings Happiness, Joy and Health. The guardian protects all this. Otherwise, the sign is called the Mother of the Goths or Mati-Gotka.
Austinets- Slavic symbol, heavenly amulet. The people often call him the Herald in Everyday life. Protects not only a person, but also a farmstead, agricultural tools.
Star of Rus'- Slavic symbol with swastika elements. Often this sign is called the Star of Lada or the Square of Svarog. The Great Mother of God symbolizes the source - the origin, other Gods originated from her and Svarog. Therefore, each descendant of the Slavic Family has the right and purpose to wear the star of Rus' on itself as the Seal of the Ancestors.

The long path of development of psychic and magical practices has led to the accumulation of a huge symbolic baggage, elements of which surround us in modern life.

Many occult images remain incomprehensible to people, although they originate from the usual religious practices, and at the same time, each of us associates the words "symbols", "signs", "esotericism". The fish, for example, is a designation of Jesus and at the same time is often used as a phallic symbol - there are many such conflicting examples of the use of symbols.

general characteristics

To begin with, it should be noted that the subject of esoteric symbols is incredibly extensive and extends much further than novice psychics or magicians think. For the most part, mysterious signs also imply various religious and pagan attributes. It is conditionally possible to divide all the well-known and popular symbols of witchcraft into several categories:

Antique signs

Many of these symbols found on the artifacts of ancient civilizations originate from rock art. primitive man. Here, images of animate and inanimate objects are equally found.

Some signs of this type have references to the legends and myths of ancient peoples, so among them there are many pictures not only of deities, but also of monsters, fabulous animals.

Pagan images

This includes various attributes from the rites of worship of unofficial deities and natural phenomena. Symbols in shamanic rituals, fetishes, signs from Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism in a sense belong to this group. FROM

The most famous pagan drawings are Slavic signs, symbols of the ancient Celts and Vikings.

Occult symbols

In such signs, supporters of the supernatural sought to encrypt literal hidden knowledge about gaining the power of the Cosmos. First of all, esoteric symbols mean just such images associated with astrology, alchemy, numerology, experimental science, extrasensory perception.

Kabbalistic signs

Mystical symbols, which originate from Jewish traditions, make up a fairly large group and have already managed to migrate to satanic rituals.

A special place is given to the pentagram in this category, because about a dozen different signs were created on its basis.

TAO (Yin and Yang)

This metaphorical representation of the Chinese energies of Yin and Yang initially helped to denote differences in the magical picture of the world and holistic views. Today, the idea of ​​opposites is taking on a more spiritual meaning, as Tao is used to convey the polarity of the feminine and masculine essence, as well as the uniqueness of all natural phenomena.

The bifurcation of reality has long interested ancient esotericists and philosophers. Duality is encoded in every life being and action, because all the primary elements of the Cosmos and the elements simultaneously differ and complement each other in order to recreate the integrity of the world.

In the symbol, a black tint indicates Yin - passive feminine energy, and white Yang is the male dominant principle. It is important to understand that the arcuate separation of the poles is not accidental, because they flow into each other, circle without stopping, and this hints at the perpetual motion of life.

Cross Neuron

A circle with a branched line is sometimes called a chicken foot or pacific. It is believed that the origins of the symbol are in India, where the meaning of the sign is associated with the letter "Y" as an expression of the sacred sounds Om and Aum. Hindus and Buddhists perceive the image as a metaphor for the relationship of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. The symbol says that the crushing, protective and creative beginnings are born together, because even with the syllable Om you can start both a prayer and a spell.

The cross of Neuron is also found in the runic and Celtic practices of Europe. Then the sign was identified with the image of a man raising his hands to the sky, but if the symbol was turned over, it turned out to be a metaphor for the world of the dead.

In the Middle Ages, even Muslim banners were decorated with this version of the cross. Later, in the XX century. the sign of pacifism has already appeared, i.e. the cross of Neuron became identified with the fighters for peace.

A version has appeared that the symbol is an expression of the letters N and D, i.e. alludes to nuclear disarmament, and also resembles a fist breaking a weapon, or even a rose.

The modern symbol of all the hippies on the planet is an old sign that is far from a peaceful perception of life. If you look closely, the sign of pacifism is actually a cross where Christ was crucified, only it was turned over and broken. In this way, in ancient times, they denoted a negative attitude towards the Christian religion.

The name itself - the cross of Neuron - refers to the use of the sign during the persecution of believers. Today's Satanists use the cross for their sexual rituals and black mass, and they also decorate the devil's altar with it. There is also a rite of acceptance of new members, when this very symbol is hung around the neck - a sign of reconciliation with Satan.

Trident Symbol — Trident symbol

Secret signs of esotericism sometimes look like ordinary everyday objects that do not lead us to think about the high. This occult sign, for example, in various designs resembles an ordinary trident, originating from the mythology of Greece, Rome, and India. Refers the symbol to the great power over the water element.

The word itself is borrowed from the Latin alphabet, where it means "three teeth". We can say that in different senses there is a sign in each ancient culture. So, he was considered an attribute of Zeus (Jupiter), identifying three prongs with lightning strikes, and an element of power of Poseidon (Neptune).

Christians considered the symbol at first as the personification of the Trinity, but later the perception of the sign became more negative: believers perceive the Trident as a symbol of Satan. In India, the picture is a reflection of the three aspects of Shiva, and is also associated with fire.

Mystical tantric yoga also uses this sign. Finally, for Buddhists, the trident is a reflection of the Buddha and a victory over the three main poisons: laziness, passion and anger.

Zodiac - Zodiac

The most popular image of all zodiac signs on one symbol. Often used in magical practice, but more often exploited by astrologers. The zodiac circle is divided into 12 sectors, each of which is dedicated to a specific astrological symbol.

The very idea of ​​division into parts goes back to the idea of ​​segmentation of the celestial circle. It is customary to consider the circle from the point of the vernal equinox, and then all the signs are located along the trajectory of the Sun.

There is also a variant of the circle, in which there are 13 symbols, including Ophiuchus.

The signs of the zodiac themselves, enclosed in a circle, got their names from the constellations that the star crosses. But there is also an opinion that the names are associated with the exploits of Hercules.


The symbol is a cross with a loop, and it contains great faith in the possibilities of the human soul after the death of the body. The hieroglyph, on the basis of which the drawing is made, denotes reincarnation and fertility. Even in the Christian tradition, the sign reflects eternal life Jesus, but the drawing can also be interpreted as a metaphor for the rising sun and the union of opposites. The Ankh also hides the key to secret knowledge that grants the infinity of the spirit.

The loop itself expresses the appearance of the sun above the horizon, and the vertical line - its first rays. There is an opinion that the first part of the sign reflects the feminine, i.e. is a symbol of fertility, and the second personifies the phallus and the masculine principle. Together, these parts merge into a cross as an image of the constant renewal of life and the change of its stages.

The ancient expression of constant life energy used to be applied to dishes, sculptures and church walls. The second name of the sign is the Coptic cross. Initially, the Ankh appeared in the Egyptian tradition, where it was perceived as a symbol of the god Ra and a talisman for prolonging life.

It was imperative to draw a symbol next to the dead so that they continued to exist in afterlife. Often, the Ankh was considered a sign of sexual emancipation, since the god Ra was worshiped through orgies.

A new wave of popularity for the sign was brought by the description of Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy. She pointed out that the symbol affirms the trinity of life, covenant and oath. Previously, with the image of the Ankhs, rulers and divine entities were most often encountered, who could transmit the sign to the pharaoh. Such a gift meant an acquittal on Judgment Day, i.e. immortal life. Today, in addition to mummies and pyramids, Ankh can be found on divination cards.

BINDU - Point in a circle

First of all, the image is included in the main esoteric signs of the religious and spiritual movements of the East. Bindu denotes the center through which the energy exchange between man and the cosmos is carried out, it is also the place of expression of the power of the chakras.

Subsequently, a circle with a dot in the middle appeared in occult, witchcraft, Masonic practices to express the completeness and perfection of something. This is the personification of a closed cycle and the implementation of all planned plans for life.

By itself, the Bindu point is a symbol of the emergence of any force, the source of human individuality and the beginning of the first duality. On the one hand, this is a reflection of the universal emptiness, on the other - perfect fullness.


This symbol has perhaps the largest number of names. This is the star (seal) of Solomon, Isis, Pythagoras, and also just a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle. The sign represents the idea of ​​a spirit that looks through a separate end into the sky (in the case of an inverted symbol, into the underworld), as well as the idea of ​​human life in nature. The four corners of the pentagram also reflect all the elements.

Thus, each individual balances between the divine world and the realm of nature. Many people also see a silhouette in the picture, if we consider the 4 corners of the star as limbs, and the top as a head. As for the circle, it is a protective layer for a person, a reflection of mystical knowledge.

The origins of the pentagram lie in ancient Mesopotamia. Then it was the royal seal. Then the sign migrated to paganism, early Christian practices. For example, there was an identification with the goddess Kori. The Pythagoreans viewed the picture as the personification of perfect proportions. The Celts associated the pentagram with the underground goddess Morgan.

In Christianity, the sign first personified Star of Bethlehem, the wounds of Jesus after the crucifixion, as well as truth and mysticism in a general sense. Solomon, like Emperor Constantine, used the pentagram to protect himself from demons. And already medieval knights saw in the sign a reflection of their virtues: courage, bravery, generosity, etc.

Gradually, the attitude towards the pentagram began to change over the course of history. This was due to the activities of the Inquisition, who made the sign their own, as well as the participation of the Templars in demonic rites with this symbol. Today, the symbol is used by sorcerers and Satanists. So, lovers of Kabbalah consider the pentagram as a sign of the power and victory of Reason. In the occult tradition, the star itself without a circle symbolizes conflict and battle. Each vertex has its own value. This is a reflection of the basic feelings of a person, the surrounding worlds and elements.

The inverted pentagram in a circle has become associated in new pagan trends with secret knowledge and the entrance to astral world. Hence the frequent use of the symbol in the work of energy healers and psychics. It should be noted that the Masons also turned to the sign in order to reflect the process of human rebirth. Correct pentagram - good sign, but the inverted is the opposite in everything. The current Freemasons love the combination of the symbol with the monogram G. With all this, in the Christian tradition of our days there is no specific interpretation of the sign in a negative context.

Baphomet or goat's head

The basic symbol from the teachings of Satanists, which is in fact an inverted pentagram. The sign depicts a goat's head in a circle, so supporters of occult knowledge treat it with extreme respect. Sometimes the necessary words are entered into the pointed corners of the pentagram or into the circle during the rites or runes are drawn.

In general, Baphomet is considered an astral being and the wife of the devil. The Templars worshiped such an idol in the Middle Ages, but the Inquisition stopped such rites. A little later, the seal of Baphomet appeared on Tarot cards as a sign of the devil. Then the "Church of Satan" appeared and the popularization of the symbol began. Sometimes there is a study of the symbol as a mockery of the Passover Lamb.

Interestingly, each tail of the symbol (or each part of the goat) has its own meaning. A pair of corners in the upper part are horns, i.e. a hint at the duality of the Cosmos and the connection of evil with good. The single end in the lower half points to the underworld and represents rejection Christian faith. Circles near the goat's head are necessary to enhance the power of Satan and protect against other demons. In most rites, all participants in the ritual are required to stand inside the circle. By the way, Baphomet is a sign of the Masonic order.

Kabbalistic tetragram

In fact, this is the same star of Solomon, enclosed in a circle or supplemented by the number of the devil, usually upside down. Sometimes it is called a hexagram.

The sign was used by Freemasons, Theosophists, Spiritualists. Satan is depicted on the symbol, but the image is encrypted through a triangle with equal sides and a top at the bottom. The tetragram speaks of the devil's opposition to God and helps to summon spirits.

A symbol from the Kabbalistic teachings was chosen by the Masonic Society to mark dedicated students who have moved to a different level of the pyramid. Hence, the sign got a more general and very symbolic semantic load - a blessing on the difficult path of mastering secret knowledge. The symbol can also be found on tarot cards.

Eye of Horus

Indirect Expression all-seeing eye Universe through the drawing of the eye with a line in the form of a spiral. On the symbol, in addition to the pupil, a falling tear is sometimes depicted, which reflects suffering for those people who are beyond the influence of magical or divine power.

Also in Egypt, there has been a talisman since ancient times, where the eye of Horus has upper limbs. At the same time, there is a papyrus wand or a bow of life in the palms. In general, this symbol can be used to protect against troubles and attract good luck.

Historically, the Eye of Horus was the emblem for egyptian god heaven, which in this way expressed its power and the unity of the universe. If the right pupil is depicted, then the sun and the active principle are personified, and if the left one is the moon and passivity.

It is the left Eye of Horus that is an excellent amulet from evil spirits and diseases. The reason for this is the legend of how Set tore out the eye of the god, but he grew up in battle again after the victory of Horus. In general, this symbol reflects the gain of wisdom in the face of darkness and the escape from suffering with pain.

There is an opinion that the Eye of Horus allows dead souls to contact the world, i.e. it is a window to other light and provides for reincarnation. In current occult practices, there is also the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection of the symbol with Lucifer, who is closely watching each of us.

All-seeing eye

One of the most popular magic pictures, which gained fame thanks to American paper bills. Since ancient times, sorcerers have used the sign in their divination, and then the symbol was chosen as the main Illuminati. The all-seeing eye is, in a sense, the pupil of Lucifer. But today, the understanding of the sign as the personification of world domination and order in relation to financial flows is more common.

For the first time, the image of an eye in a triangle (and then in a pyramid) could be encountered in the 17th century, when the so-called radiant delta began to be used as a designation of the Creator-architect. In each Masonic rite, this symbol was placed on the east side, identifying the sign with the enlightenment of the student.

In the future, the All-Seeing Eye also became associated with the Christian Trinity and fire. Sometimes in the pictures you can find a version with a halo of light around the eye and rays down.

An open eye in a general sense reflects the victory of good over evil, draws a person's attention to truth, wisdom, and conscience. In the Masonic symbol, the rational principle of the structure of the Universe is encrypted, and in a magical context, also the ability to inner vision. In general, the All-Seeing Eye is very closely connected with religious God's Eye- a sign of spiritual vision in Buddhism, Hinduism and even Islam. The talisman, made in the form of such an eye, removes evil.


If you are interested in esoteric signs and symbols and their meaning, then you can’t ignore the most controversial visual attribute in history. Similar ancient occult symbol sends its essence to the deity of the sun and flame - Agni.

Hindu and Celtic priests of yore saluted the rising sun with a wave of right hand. In China, the sign is called the Heart of the Buddha or Wang Tzu. The image is an equal cross with vertices intertwined at an angle. Curved ends refer to different parts of the world, four winds and seasons. The very word "Swastika" used to have a positive meaning and was used as a synonym for "amulet".

If the symbol is directed to the right with its ends, then it directly refers to paganism and bestows fertility, happiness. But if the sign is twisted to the left, then there is a connection with black magic and the destructive Indian goddess Kali. The swastika is also called the footprint of the Buddha and can be found in various scriptures. A similar symbol can be found among the American tribes, the Jewish people, the ancient Slavs.

As for the Nazi swastika, it was borrowed from the Masonic societies of Germany from the 1910s and 20s. Since then, the symbol has become the leading emblem of the National Socialist movement of Hitler's party. The sign was depicted in a snow-white circle on a red canvas, conveying the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstruggle and social action. Initially, it was supposed to use a swastika turned to the left, but Hitler changed the direction of the symbol, thereby expressing a real spiritual protest.

Pentacle of Solomon

This magical symbol is a powerful talisman for attracting financial well-being and protection from disasters and mistakes.

The central rhombus, around which there is a circle, refers to the possibilities of power on Earth, and the circle inside the rhombus refers to the ideal of God.

Also inside are 7 points - a reference to the help of the main celestial bodies. The pentacle is most often made in the form of a metal or clay pendant used at home and at work.

The Infinity symbol

Contrary to conventional thinking, this is not just a mathematical figure, but also a magical symbol. In such a sign, the ideas of the constancy of being and the impossibility of comprehending the Universe are encrypted. The symbol shows that a person always strives for ideals and perfection.

For the first time, this sign can be found in the Tibetan tradition, only infinity was expressed by a snake holding its tail. This is a reference to the legend of Ouroboros, identified with the cycle of life and death.

Very often, the symbol can be found on love amulets as a sign of fidelity and unity of partners. At the heart of the semantic load of the sign is the desire to abandon boundaries and restrictions.

Surprisingly, in the Kabbalistic, Masonic, magical and Christian traditions symbols, signs, esotericism are closely intertwined. A fish, a cross, a star, a powerful eye in everyday life do not seem to us occult omens today, but over the long history of the development of secret knowledge, society has had to regularly change its mind about various attributes of religious or witchcraft practices.

That is why it is quite difficult these days to make an unambiguous description of a particular symbol. In most cases, the true meaning of any image is determined by the specific use case.
