A symbol of unity and strength. Symbols of paganism

Paganism is the folk faith of our ancestors, the Slavic faith. Symbols played a special role. These are not just decorations, but the result of the thought and work of the ancient Slavic sages, the Magi. They decorated everything: dishes, clothes, houses, staves. The symbol in paganism was applicable to transform the world and interact with nature, it is a talisman. Now the culture and beliefs of the pre-Christian Slavic era in Russia are being revived and the symbols are again popular. We offer you a list of the most used ones.

AGNI (FIRE)- there is heavenly fire (the heavenly forge of Svarog), and there is earthly fire (sacrificial fire). It is used in revealing the meaning of many amulets and its image is often found in Slavic mythology.

- in Slavic folklore, a stone that is endowed healing properties. The origin of this symbol refers to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bas a talisman. Another association is an altar in the center of the world (the word “altar” itself came from it), in the ocean on the island of Buyan. A virgin sits on it, who heals everyone, and life-giving springs flow from under the stone. He was the mediator between man and God. He fell from heaven with the inscribed laws of Svarog. According to some researchers, it is claimed that this place really exists and is located in the Baltic Sea, on the island of Rügen. In fairy tales, it was a cobblestone at a crossroads that showed the way to a person.

(CROSS OF SVAROGA)- a straight and oblique cross is a masculine, as well as feminine nature. Their combination forms a star with eight rays. The amulet will help in difficult times, protect a person on the road.

- according to legend, it was inscribed by the gods at the roots. When Yarilo got down to business, he bequeathed to people in his speech not to know quarrels and always be a mountain for each other. The amulet indicates a connection between the worlds.

BELOBOG- the incarnation of God Belobog. Together with the antipode - Chernobog is the creator of everything that exists, everything that can be seen. In contrast to Chernobog, Belobog brings happiness, love, kindness to the world.

- consists of two types of repeating runes: "G" and "P". The first has denotes conscious movement, and the second - development and death. Together they acquire a new meaning - the road to perfection, both earthly and heavenly. The amulet brings spiritual perfection to its wearer.

- literal interpretation - "gift of the gods." The talisman symbolizes the guardianship of the gods over people as parents over a child. It is believed that it strengthens the strength of the spirit, helping to move forward to its owner.

- this symbol is considered to belong to the Goddess Tara, the patroness of the spiritual paths along which a person walks. Rays are the same roads twisted into a spiral of development. Vaiga means movement towards knowledge, wisdom, it has the power that gives people the perfection of the spirit, harmonizes the striving forward and backward. Only the owner of the amulet decides how to make his way.

- used to be worn by warriors, defenders of the faith. Valkyrie - a maiden who collects the bodies of dead warriors. were presented to people as warlike creatures and could even decide the outcome of the battle. This sign has a direct interpretation of "protecting honor." It is used as a protective amulet from oblivion and desecration of faith.

- the talisman of the priests. This amulet is intended for priests-keepers of wisdom and knowledge about their ancestors, family, gods and the transfer of knowledge to descendants. Now you can use the vedaman amulet for those who have knowledge and bring it to people.

- in the time of our ancestors, it was worn by priests who kept the wisdom of generations. Therefore, it means happiness and joy, faith. Temples were protected with such a talisman. You can not put it on the body, only on clothes. This amulet will tell the owner how to make the right decision.

- belongs to God Veles, the son of the Universal Cow Zemun. In this regard, a similar Slavic symbol was placed on bulls, showing their belonging to God. The inscription, resembling an inverted letter A, looks like a bull's head with horns. In addition, Veles patronizes poets, singers, musicians, giving them power over the world, fame and inspiration.

- heavenly amulet. It has protection against accidents and bad weather. An amulet with such an image was given to a loved one who travels far from home. A woman puts it on a man. This is an exclusively male amulet. Connect him with his homeland white man- Hyperborea, Paradise Earth. The amulet strengthens the relationship with nature.

- a talisman for the family. First of all, it protects against fire. The talisman will protect not only from natural fire, but also from spiritual. He can also protect from disagreements, quarrels, civil strife. If you hang an amulet over the door, you can protect the family from divorce, abuse and offensive words. Another all-glorious one leads everyone to their roots, returns to their kind.

- the spirit of reservoirs, the lord of mermaids. It goes back to an earlier period of Slavic culture. The veneration of water creatures is connected with the worship of water itself, as a cleansing element. It is customary to make sacrifices to water and the spirits living in it in particular.

- embroidered on men's clothing, as wearable amulet was also used. It marks the strength of the Russian people, the defense of the borders of the Motherland.

He is also the "Cross of Invincibility" and "" - protects the owner from any misfortunes, increases the strength of other amulets.

- an image that means a divine chariot. Travels on it chief god. Another designation is a bird that flies in outer space, bringing order to the world order and protecting. The amulet was applied to household utensils and to items belonging to the Supreme God. A talisman worn on the chest purifies the wearer.

- a Slavic symbol with the help of which a person controls nature, joins and approaches its essence. In magic, it is used to control natural manifestations, and in everyday life it protects houses from lightning and other elements. It was located above the entrance to the hut as an ornament and an amulet. Perun patronizes him. For this reason, the thunderstorm removes not only lightning, but also human envy and enmity.

- a symbol of heaven, guarding the Vedas. As a talisman, it was used on armor and weapons, above the entrance to the house, on spinning wheels, combs, and spoons. Anyone who came with evil intentions was struck by thunder. He supported a good man. Present on the armor as a talisman military glory and valor. Often embroidered on men's shirts.

- the forefather, who gives blessings in the form of a harvest, fertile summer rain, the sun. The name comes from the words "dazh" - to help or give and God.

- known not only in the beliefs of the Russians. This is the axis of the world, supporting all other worlds. Its symbol determines the structure of any mythology of the world. The world tree is the place where man meets the universe. The very structure of the tree ordered ideas about reality.

- the fusion of heavenly and earthly fire. The altar is built in this form, and the fire burning in it unites people and gods. Heavenly fire ignites the earthly one (lightning), but vice versa never happens, but meanwhile dunya helps them to unite on the altar. The purpose of such a talisman is the preservation of the Family, the unification of the ways of the members of the family.

- Treats the sick. Gets rid of bodily ailments and emotional wounds. It was customary for our ancestors to wear the patient's clothes, which provided support. The amulet was also applied to the armor, so that the warrior in battle felt the support of the gods. The symbol means the struggle for existence, survival. Its owner will be given strength to get out of any situation, including a fatal one.

- Slavic amulet that develops spirituality, protects against weakness of the spirit and mental disorders. Removes fears, cures depression. He helped the creators, making their thinking positive, endowed them with faith in their own strengths. The amulet will be appropriate for those who cannot achieve the goal.

- Slavic amulet, which marks the harmony of the spiritual and physical, at the same time it protects the negativity of the world.

- the god of the night (devil), the son of Rod and the goat Sedunya.

- the union of the opposites of the two sexes.

- Goddess, wife of Dazhdbog, daughter of Lada. Her name is interpreted as life. It means spring, along with flowering, awakening, fertility. It was Zhiva who gave life to the first man. This Slavic amulet is suitable for anyone: a man, a child, a woman, and gives everyone strength.

- a classic example of a solar Slavic amulet. The value is associated with the family, grants its multiplication. In this regard, patronizes pregnant women. But not just pregnant. The bunny amulet helps to give birth to a boy, and men to sow their seed in the name of the birth of a boy. As jewelry, it was worn by women in demolitions at the waist or on an apron. Believers can also use it now if they want a male child, but it does not work.

- a symbol of fertility. It differs from an unsown field in points inside rhombuses, holes for seeds. A woman in anticipation of offspring, bread, sown soil were considered identical among the Russians and together formed the universe, the domestic cosmos. Also, the amulet increases vitality, carries the power of female fertility.

- often found in embroidery. A good Slavic amulet that brings happiness, as well as other benefits. They can decorate both towels and linen.

- it was believed in beliefs that this is an exclusively female sign. activates in a woman such qualities as: prudence, wisdom, balance, calmness, and also brings harmony to the family, creates comfort. In magical rites, it can be used as protection against black energy.

- Slavic amulet that connects opposites. Man and woman, life and death.

- manifestation of the goddess Mary-Morena. As soon as the goddess of death puts on her winter clothes, she begins to command the elements of winter. Also Marena in magic is the hostess. Often a Slavic amulet with Madder in winter decoration is used in witchcraft rituals associated with prediction.

ENGLAND- fire showing spiritual path. Under this talisman, paganism is reborn. Also, this sign can enhance the power of other Slavic amulets.

- was given to young people on the second day of the wedding. It is customary to embroider it with your own hands for a gift, so that a new family will have a child.

- the same as the swastika, but has at least six rays. "Kolo" means circle or wheel. Sun symbol. Also now it is acquiring a slightly different sound - the revival of paganism. It can be used as a Slavic decoration if you want to show belonging to the Rodnovery and protect yourself.

- carols, Christmas songs glorifying the gods are associated with his name. This symbolizes holiness and purity, craving for the sun.

- Slavs. Russians always wore it on their chest, whether it was a child or an old man. Gives masculine strength and good luck in all matters: war, love, work. Celebrates the victory of the sun over the night.

- also a swastika, but with straight rays. It is a mistake to assume that the sign came to the ancient Slavs with Christianity. It is known in many cultures and more ancient. It comes from the Latin "Twisted". It is a symbol of eternity, protection from all sides. Another explanation is the reunification of the male and female worlds (vertical and horizontal, respectively).

CROSS OF LADA-THE MOTHER OF GOD, aka- a pair of carolers. It was supposed to make them slotted, so that on the one hand it turned out to be a talisman for a man, and on the other for a woman. They were worn by girls from the age of three and worn until old age. He helped unmarried virgins to find a groom, and to family ones to put things in order in the house, to give birth to a child.

- can be found in ancient calendars, a symbol of the New Year. Its interpretation is an endless movement forward.

- was embroidered on the robes of pregnant women to give energy to the expectant mother to endure and give birth to a child. Means a continuous world relationship.

- revered by women who consider the goddess an assistant in childbirth. The patroness of the family, life. The described Slavic amulet gives harmony in all areas of life. In the huts it was supposed to be located in the most prominent place. With the advent of Christianity, this place was taken by the Mother of God.

- the goddess of spring. Slavic amulet Lel gave strength to be reborn. The amulet is primarily for girls who want to be attractive, confident.

- the pagans worshiped the trees, the groves were considered sacred. Religious ceremonies were held there, shrines were erected. Later, paganism was absorbed by Christianity, but the role of forests did not go away.

MARA- Goddess of winter and death, black, powerful, terrifying. Daughter of Svarog and the goddess of spring. In addition, she is also the goddess of war. Brave men who fell in battle were escorted to underworld by her personally. Its purpose, like Chernobog, is the global balance of good and evil.

MAKOSH- a goddess to whom there was a special relationship. It is clearly visible from the interpretation of the very name "" - "ma" (mother), "kosh" (purse, receptacle of wealth). This is a female goddess, since the earth is feminine. Associated with fertility, with fate. She has two sisters: Dolya and Nedolya. The first spins a thick thread happy fate, the second flimsy unfortunate.

- in the center is a rhombus with a dot, which in any Slavic amulet symbolizes the birth of life, fertility. Four elements are located at its corners: earth, air, water, fire. According to another interpretation, this is a combination of the mind, spirit, emotions and the world.

- Slavic amulet against the evil eye, corruption, black witchcraft, the curse of the family.

- God of deceit, misleading. The Slavic amulet with its face is designed to enchant, but at the same time it is the keeper of the truth, hiding the path to it.

- the same as the sown field, but not able to give birth, without dots symbolizing fertility. Used in rituals. This sign was drawn by the head of the house on the field, then stones were laid out in the center of each sector, making the ideogram fertile.

- belongs to, the symbol of God Ramhat, the patron. They denote the connection of the past and the future, earthly wisdom and heavenly. In the form of a talisman, this symbolism was used by those who embarked on the path of self-improvement.

- a charm that carries the meaning of tribal unity. The one who wears it on the body is protected by the family, including the heavenly one.

NEW LIFE- a rhombus with a dot in a square is part of many Slavic amulets, and everywhere it is interpreted unequivocally - fertility in the broad sense, the appearance of offspring in any creature and plant.

- Slavic amulet, denoting the Fiery heavenly power. It is used so that the family multiplies, transforms. This was not instituted on the body, but was depicted mainly on the shirts of girls.

- Slavic amulet, which is a combination of inglia and a solar symbol. It is believed to bring health and happiness.

- this amulet was originally customary to be applied to the facades of the huts: platbands, roof slopes, shutters. It .

- in ancient times, the so-called white water lily, which was used to treat many diseases. She was so revered that she even found embodiment in the amulet. It is supposed to wear a talisman overcoming-grass on the body for those who are in poor health or during epidemics.

- the amulet was used not only by people, they protected livestock, working tools, household utensils. The amulet granted the protection of the Gods.

- means guardian of the setting sun. In the literal sense - the retirement of Yarila. In a broad concept, which has not only a sign, but also the amulet itself - the completion of work, spiritual stamina, peace of nature. For this reason, he was depicted on barns and other outbuildings where crops are stored.

- personifies the Slavic god of justice of the same name - Pravda, a constant companion supreme god maker of laws. Opposes Krivda. Their eternal confrontation makes the world a better place. Such is the interpretation of the amulet - the improvement of the world. It is used in both white and black magic.

- magical creatures, ancient and mysterious in the understanding of the ancestors. Their meaning is the sky, the legacy of the white gods and themselves, since in mythology the gods were able to turn into birds.

- a guardian for a child. It is customary to apply it to the cradle, the child's toys. Protects the baby from the evil eye, witchcraft. It is customary to wear it until the age of 12.

- means the power of the race, its steadfastness. As a talisman, it was not used, but reminded everyone of its origin and purpose.

- Shows continuity. As the continuity of generations, so is the continuity in the universe. A charm created to protect the memory of generations.

- means the help of ancestors to their people, support and guidance.

- exclusively female amulet. Most often he was depicted on clothes. The owner of this amulet herself did not embroider it, this was done by relatives or friends. The purpose of the amulet is not only support in conception, but also the preparation of a woman for the appearance of a child at a psychological level: the awakening of the maternal instinct and the desire to take care.

- is not a talisman. Means the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Not used in everyday life.

- a charm that carries the designation of the pure light of the luminary, fertility, rich harvest. The amulet was depicted for various tools, as well as for barns.

- a charm depicted on sanctuaries and sacrificial stones. In later times, they began to depict him on the walls of huts in order to get rid of the influence of dark spells.

- a multi-valued Slavic symbol that marks the Slavic wedding. It means the two principles of the sun: creative and destructive, male and female. Connecting and interlacing them gives the couple a child. This amulet is usually depicted on rings, and in ancient times they were decorated with the robes of the newlyweds.

- a charm depicted on household items so that there is prosperity and happiness in the house. Its interpretation is perpetual motion.

- the designation of this amulet is the movement across the sky of Yarila. put on this amulet received purity of thought and insight.

- the blacksmith god, the patron of such professions that are interconnected with metal. He also protected the men of the warriors. The amulet is suitable for workers of working specialties, including for builders. The amulet helps to create. We honor the ancient Slavs for having bestowed a plow, an ax and laws.

- earthly fire: hearth, bonfire. Its benefits are great, because the fire warmed and fed. In addition, the Slavs wore it on their clothes to recognize fellow believers.

- this sign is the main one in the Slavic solar symbolism and is mistakenly perceived as exclusively fascist. In its original interpretation, the swastika is an image of the luminary. It comes from the Indo-European "associated with the good." Also has a name or solstice. Each swastika has a specific purpose.

- two are connected in one amulet: a thunderstorm and, which unites the earthly energy flow and the heavenly one. Helps to understand the wisdom of the ancestors.

- an amulet created from a carol and a thunderbolt. It unites heavenly fire and earthly waters. This gives rise to life. The amulet was used by pregnant women so that the offspring were healthy.

- the original purpose of the amulet was to help in military affairs and strengthen the clan. Over time, the interpretation changed, acquiring more and more qualities inherent in men: purposefulness, perseverance, masculinity. It should not be perceived solely as belonging to the strong half of humanity. Previously, women did not use it. At this time, women also need strength in order to deal with circumstances and defend themselves from evil forces. For this reason, it becomes a universal amulet for men and women.

- fire god. The origin and designation of the word and the deity itself is not clear. According to one version, he guarded the crops in the form of a winged dog.

- Associated with the image of God Rod. Since ancient times, it has been used in the form of carvings on amulets, amulets, images of gods, in the form of embroidery on robes. Especially on hats and belts. Blacksmiths forged this symbol on weapons and armor in order to gain invincibility.

- the amulet is undoubtedly female. We honor the ancient Slavs for what helps to endure strong offspring.

- a charm endowed with the energy of God Yarila and the Mother of the Raw Earth. It is a mirror image of Colard. Amulets with such an image bestow fertility and prosperity.

- a charm illuminated by the light of Yarila. Drawn by the Slavs on all household items. There are many interpretations. The amulet should heal its wearer, bestow prudence.

- a talisman from all the creations of dark forces: fears and doubts.

- belongs to the God of the Wind, appeared from the breath of the Family. A talisman of sailors, designed to protect from storms, storms, sending a fair wind.

- another sign of the God of the Wind, but unlike a stribog, such a talisman protects the home from bad weather. The sailors turned to him so that there would be no hurricanes and storms, and the millers asked for wind so that the windmills would spin.

- a charm with which the Slavs went on feats of arms, applying to weapons and armor. Suasti promised good luck.

- belongs to the god of the same name, brother of Kolyada. This is the patron saint of autumn. The time of the year when the soil gives its fruits, rewards for the labors. In addition, autumn is the road to winter, with changeable and unstable weather. Such is the symbolism of the amulet: remuneration for work, obtaining wealth.

- belongs to the son of Rod, brother of Veles. A charm that protects from damage, the evil eye and curses.

- the amulet was used by the Slavs in the treatment of ailments not only of the body, but also of the soul.

(FIREFLOW)- a belief is associated with him that whoever finds a fiery one on the night of Ivan Kupala, he will gain wealth, become very strong, wise and rich. Hence the symbolism, and amulets with the image of both the sign and the plant itself.

- a charm that looks like a fiery rotating cross. He does not allow evil forces to penetrate into the soul. Charovrat was used as an amulet, depicted on pendants, rings. Often it can be found on the door of the house of the Slavs, on linen.

- guards property, boundaries of possessions. In addition to protecting against thieves, it will help in finding the treasure. To protect the consciousness from the intervention of evil spirits, they say: "Chur me!".

- a charm for men, designed to endow the owner with prowess, strength. Yarila air assists in solving problems.

- belongs to Yarila, the god of the luminary, who brought warmth to all living things on earth. The amulet is designed to keep even in the most severe cold, so it was depicted on the courtyard buildings where livestock lived.

- a charm applied to tools to protect against the elements, since weather conditions, the timing of flowering and fruiting of crops depended on Yaro-God. The Slavs used the amulet for the harvest.

Good day to all. My readers are so interested in amulets that I will continue to collect new information about them. This time, let's touch defensive forces ancestors, learn a little about Slavic amulets and their meaning. This knowledge will help someone choose their amulet.

Amulets from antiquity

To protect the house, give themselves courage, fearlessness, the ancient Slavs used various magic symbols. They were placed on clothes, weapons, household items.

The Slavs used 16 signs of the zodiac, each zodiac had its own symbol. A nominal amulet was made. Before putting on an amulet to which it was intended, it was loaded on oneself or on a person.

A charged thing endowed a person with those qualities that could help him in life. Name amulets protected a person throughout his life, endowing him with those qualities that he lacked.

How to choose a charm

Today, your favorite hand-made thing can become a talisman, or you can look at a ready-made symbol.

When choosing ready-made jewelry, you should pay attention to important nuances:

  • Immediately decide who the amulet is chosen for - a woman, a man, young or old.
  • For daily wear, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the amulet.
  • What form should it be in?
  • Carefully study the interpretation of the sign you have chosen.

The most revered Slavic amulets and their meaning

There are many variants of symbols that are revered Slavic peoples but they are all protectors from all evil. It is possible to distinguish a special group of signs that were used in the manufacture of jewelry, embroideries, even for buildings, premises, and interior items.

The oldest woman in the family was usually engaged in the manufacture of amulets. When creating strong amulets, thoughts should be kind, clear, so complete silence was established in the house. Traditionally, a man was allowed to wear one amulet, and a woman several.

Among the large group of defenders, one can name Makosh. This is a female talisman. He keeps the warmest qualities necessary for good family relations. It was worn by mature women who maintained traditions, family ties, respected their family.

Makosh- a symbol of happiness, prosperity, abundance in the house. This sign is considered the protector of the family from dark forces, capable of endowing the health of all family members, bringing peace and abundance to the house.

Ladinets is an 8-pointed star with curved ends. It is believed that for a woman it is very useful, as it relieves pain, protects against female diseases, and helps to lose weight.

Our forefathers wore it as protection from damage, the evil eye, curses, evil thoughts.

The Slavs wore Molvinets to protect them from evil thoughts, words, and slander. They believed that he would protect the whole family. It is worth noting that Molvinets often showed off on clothes for children. Also, this sign was found on the bodies of the Magi in the form of tattoos.

And in our time, the Molvinets tattoo is becoming more and more popular. It is worth noting that any mistake in a tattoo can completely turn your life around, and it is not known in what direction.

Valkyrie is a male sign. He endowed a man with strength, wisdom, especially in resolving conflicts. Usually it was presented to warriors.

A universal amulet that has the power of the Sun itself. For those who honor their kind, this sign brought wisdom, understanding, warmth to the hearth. To charge this talisman, you need to put it under the rays of the sun and hold it for at least three hours.

The Lada Star or Lada Mother of God is a symbol of love. He is considered the protector of the house from dark otherworldly forces, and the family - from various kinds of adversity. The star was often applied to the wall of the dwelling so that the Goddess would take the whole family under her protection.

In order for the amulet to help, the wearer must have pure thoughts, sincerity, an open soul to his family, relatives and friends.

Silver amulets

Slavic amulets for the strong half kept health, gave protection during the hunt, brought good luck in everything. Most often, male talismans were cast from silver, sometimes from copper. Men did not wear them as pendants, wives and mothers embroidered their image on their shirts.

The most popular male silver sign is the Hammer of Svarog. It can be presented to relatives and close men. He will become a real assistant in the development of a new profession, a defender from various hardships of life. It will help you gain peace of mind and self-confidence. For family people will help create a strong family, a warm family hearth.

The description of the next amulet suggests that the representative of the stronger sex, who will get the Znich symbol, will feel nourished from the Cosmos, have protection in dangerous or difficult situations.

The wearer of this amulet will strive for knowledge, will be able to find true love, also Znich will help to flare up old feelings. In a difficult situation, it will help to strengthen the strength of the spirit, to become an energy accumulator. The main thing is to ask him for help!

The ax of Perun will give the male half of physical and spiritual strength, help protect the main human values ​​\u200b\u200b- faith, family, love. God Perun is ready to punish enemies, and to support the bearer of this amulet in battle, to give him strength.

There is also the Shield of Perun, which will protect against the evil eye, cleanse the thoughts of a person, give strength to cope with difficult life problems.

The seal of Veles Bear's Paw is the patron and protector of a man, but on condition that he should not part with this sign all his life. God Veles will help to achieve great success in work, bestow wealth, diligence, but one must sincerely believe in this.

For the house, to protect it from fire, applied to the walls.

General charms for men and women

The main part of the amulets was cast, since the ancient Slavs believed that this metal was endowed with magic power. Often there were amulets made of gold, as you like. Among the talismans especially revered by the ancestors was Kolard.

Symbol Kolrad helps everyone who wears it. On modern jewelry, you can often see this particular symbol, which can be done after charging.

An ideal gift can be bracelets, pendants with this sign. So that the symbol does not negatively affect fate, girls and boys who have not married do not need to wear such jewelry.

The main amulet of the Slavs

Slavic amulet Cross does not apply to Christianity. This one of the main symbols of the Slavs denotes the four cardinal directions, that is, its owner is protected from adversity and misfortune from all four sides. It is believed that its owner has a powerful support of the ancestors.

The cross has several varieties that have their own power:

  • Perunov sign- a strong male amulet. He endows its owner with wealth, courage, courage, and his kind with power, a large number of children.

  • amulet star of the cross used by merchants. He gave good luck, movement in business.

  • Heavenly- personifies spiritual power.
  • Cross of Svarog gives a star with 8 rays - a symbol of infinity.

Crosses were made of gold, silver, copper, bone, leather, stone, wood. It was often embroidered on clothes.

Sun symbol

Kolovrat is a sign of the sun, on which everything in this life depends. He brought people

  • the power of solar fire, fertility;
  • victory over enemies, the forces of darkness;
  • fortitude, health;
  • faith in the future;
  • protection from the evil eye, damage.

Do not be surprised if a person who has this amulet suddenly starts to get lucky in everything! It is solar energy that gives the power of creation in good deeds. But in evil deeds, the opposite can happen.

Any amulet should be cleaned and charged. Kolovrat also needs it. Hold it in running water for two hours, you can in the water of the stream. After cleansing, pass the wax over the flame three times. After that, carry Kolovrat with you for 3 days so that it is recharged with your energy. Just remember to clean it every six months.

Alatyr - a charm with miraculous power

People firmly believed in the power Alatyr- heavenly stone. It was worn as a charm, embroidered on shirts, painted on household items. The powerful Alatyr gave protection to everyone. Even small children wore it.

The talisman drove away evil evil spirits from the threshold, sheltered from diseases.

Magic Talismans

amulet Fern flower our ancestors attributed magical properties, believing that he was endowed with unprecedented healing capabilities even from deadly diseases. In order for the amulet not to lose its magical qualities, it must be regularly carried over the flame of a candle.

About what brings happiness, protect from evil people, help on long journeys, we already wrote. Many of my readers have already learned how to make such amulets.

It is not bad to learn how to embroider ancient Slavic symbols. Embroidery is also a protector from various troubles. No wonder ancient women embroidered shirts for warriors when they sent them on a campaign.

It turns out that in order to protect themselves from the evil eye, the house from unkind people, evil spirits, they embroidered "Chur" - the god of protection. This is a very reliable protection for the home. Even in childhood, everyone said: “Chur, me!”, Protecting himself from an attack. Here is an effective zachuralochka from the negative.

Svarog circle

The ancient Slavs did not use a horoscope, but a circle called Svarozhy. It includes 16 halls, which are given their own name, have their patrons and talismans. Often, the characteristics of a person converge with the characteristics of the Zodiac.

Many people are interested is it possible to wear a charm with a cross. Christianity is against having another symbol next to an Orthodox cross.

Dear readers, the amulets of the Slavic peoples are not decoration, but a return to their origins, observance of traditions, knowledge of their culture. This must be remembered and understood!

Slavic-Aryan Vedic symbols were also used and continue to be used until now in the territory of the Caucasus. Archaeologists have found many swastika symbols on the territory of Dagestan, Ossetia, Georgia, Ingushetia and Chechnya.

The album contains more than 550 photos that destroy our false idea about it. ancient symbol and get rid of the narrow view of the swastika only in the context of the Second World War.

Vedic symbols in the Caucasus

Swastika symbols are carved in stone and wood, found in carpet ornaments and jewelry. They decorated weapons and were part of the state symbols. For example, the standard with the image of a wolf with a swastika was a symbol of the Avar khans.

In Dagestan, quite often there are swastikas carved on stones, which were embedded in the walls of various buildings. It is very difficult to determine the age of these stones, since the time of construction of the building usually does not coincide with the time of manufacture of stones with drawings. The reason is simple - the stones changed their place of residence many times, because they were taken from old, destroyed structures. The only thing that scientists can say for certain about this is that “the stones are most likely several hundred years old.”

The swastika was discovered in South Ossetia at the archaeological sites of the so-called "Koban culture" - the archaeological culture of the Bronze - Iron Age (XII-IV centuries BC). It is so named after the Ossetian village of Upper Koban, near which the first excavations were carried out in 1869. In particular, bronze battle axes, daggers and maces, belt buckles, as well as bronze diadems and gold clothing plaques with a swastika pattern were found.

Swastika symbols of various types, both with twisted and rectangular ends, are depicted on numerous tower buildings and crypts that are located on the territory of Chechnya. They are also attributed to the Koban culture of the beginning of the 1st millennium BC.

Towers in Chechnya.

There are hundreds of such towers in Chechnya. On the territory of the Argun Reserve there are more than 300 residential and several dozen combat, and at the beginning of the 19th century there were dozens of times more. A hundred years ago, the Argun gorge was called the gorge of towers. They were built so that from the parapet one could see the fire in the window of the nearest one. Even the chroniclers of Genghis Khan wrote about the war with people living in stone towers and about the destruction of these towers. Unfortunately, the constant wars that have swept through this territory, including the most recent ones, have gradually destroyed most of these amazing buildings.

In Ingushetia, similar battle towers also rise among the houses. Archaeologists have excavated several burial grounds, where ancient swastika images were also found. For example, in the Nesterovsky burial ground - an ancient cemetery near the Nesterovskaya station, which dates back to the 6th-4th centuries BC. In the 30s and 40s of the XX century, 53 graves were explored, where archaeologists found bronze and iron bracelets, hryvnias, buckles, rings, swords, spearheads, clay vessels, etc. These artifacts are again attributed to the Koban culture, although in many things typical of the Scythians were found in the graves, for example, the famous Scythian akinaki swords.

In Georgia, you will also find towers and Vedic solar symbols. Previously, Georgians, or rather Svans, lived in these towers. The first floor was used as a corral for livestock, the next floors served as a kitchen, bedroom and just living quarters. The attic with loopholes served for observation and protection from enemies. People still live in the towers. Some are building modern houses to them.

In addition to the usual swastika symbols, another symbol of the sun is used in Georgia, the so-called "borjgali". The round rays of the symbol denoted the sun's rays, and their roundness denoted the eternity of movement.

It is clear that the peoples who currently inhabit the territory of the Caucasus attribute all these archaeological, architectural and cultural artifacts exclusively to themselves.

For example, the Chechens proudly declare that it was their skillful ancestors who built such a complex system of military signal towers, the Avars consider the swastika to be their primordial sign, and so on. However, even our cursory review of some archaeological and architectural monuments of the past shows that that once upon a time in the territory of the Caucasus there was some kind of single state with a single culture.


Historians, even if they have raised this question, cannot or do not want to say anything intelligible about this. The most they can do is shyly declare about some "disappeared people" or some "single ethnic community" that previously inhabited the area and actively used all these cult symbols and created all these structures and military systems that various tribes inherited, came to these territories much later. Representatives of the same "community" were the teachers of these tribes and for some time constituted their elite.

So what is this "single ethnic community"? The answer is Slavic-Aryans.

The basis for such a statement is the rare slips of the tongue of scientists who are engaged in archaeological research in the Caucasus. For example, they noticed that among the swastika signs found in Chechnya, there are many others, which they correlate with the signs of the Sumerian pictographic writing and with the letters of the archaic Etruscan alphabet. Or that the monochrome ceramics of Georgia, which are found in Meskheti and on the Trialeti plateau, are similar to the Crete-Mycenaean monuments. Scientists also noticed that if ordinary swastikas are quite common in the world, then swastika spirals are found, in addition to the Northeast Caucasus, only in Europe and pre-Columbian America.

Only one people had the opportunity to get to all these places, and they really were there, lived and left their sacred symbols. This is Slavic-Aryans. Confirmation that the Slavic-Aryan Vedic culture is the source is the fact that only the Slavic-Aryans used 144 varieties of the swastika.

Today, finally, it became known what is hidden behind the "scientific" definition - "Koban culture", and where bronze and iron axes with swastikas, maces and knives, as well as serious fortifications could appear in the Caucasus.

Actually, they came up with it well - to give names to some ancient culture by the name of modern locality. So it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to understand what's what, and who came from where.

So, about three thousand years ago, on the lands from the Danube and the Carpathians to the Crimea, North Caucasus and the Volga there was a state called Ruskolan. Scientists disagree on how long it existed. Someone claims that it is 1600 years old, someone - 2500. Someone says that it ceased to exist in the 4th century AD, others call it the 10th century. At the moment it is not so important. The most important thing is that it became known that the state of the Rus - Ruskolan, Russian land - existed in the Caucasus for at least one and a half thousand years, and information about this has been preserved in various historical documents.

"Avesta" tells about the main city of the Scythians in the Caucasus near one of the highest mountains in the world. As you know, Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus, but also in Europe in general. "Rig Veda" tells about the main city of the Rus all on the same Elbrus. The ancient Greek geographer Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. BC. - at the beginning of the 1st c. AD, writes about the temple of the Sun and the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece in the sacred city of the Ross, in the Elbrus region, on the top of Mount Tuzuluk. Kiyar is mentioned in the Book of Veles. Judging by the text, Kiyar, or the city of Kiy the Old, was founded in the 9th century BC. Sometimes it was also called Kiyar Antsky, after the name of the Slavic tribe Antes. From everything it turns out that Kyiv on the Drepre, the capital of Kievan Rus, is not at all the first Kyiv and not so ancient.

Archaeological expeditions were periodically sent to the site of the capital of the ancient Slavic city of Kiyara in the Elbrus region. Five expeditions were carried out: in 1851, 1881, 1914, 2001 and 2002. What did the archaeologists find?

“... Near Mount Karakaya, in the Rocky Range at an altitude of 3646 meters above sea level between the villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi on the eastern side of Elbrus, traces of the capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, were found, which existed long before the birth of Christ, which is mentioned in many legends and epics different peoples world, as well as the oldest astronomical observatory - the Temple of the Sun, described by the ancient historian Al Masudi in his books exactly as the Temple of the Sun. The location of the found city exactly matches the indications from ancient sources, and later the Turkish traveler of the 17th century, Evliya Celebi, confirmed the location of the city ...

There is evidence that at the turn of our era the temple was plundered by the Bosporus king Farnak. The temple was finally destroyed in IV AD. Goths and Huns. Even the dimensions of the temple are known; 60 cubits (about 20 meters) in length, 20 (6-8 meters) in width and 15 (up to 10 meters) in height, as well as the number of windows and doors - 12 according to the number of signs of the Zodiac ...

On Mount Karakaya, the remains of an ancient temple, caves and graves were found. An incredible number of settlements, ruins of temples have been discovered, and a lot of them have been preserved quite well. Menhirs were found in a valley near the foot of Mount Karakaya, on the Bechesyn plateau - high man-made stones similar to wooden pagan idols ...

In addition, in the central part of the Caucasus, at the northern foot of Elbrus, in the late 70s and early 80s of the XX century, an ancient center of metallurgical production was discovered, the remains of smelting furnaces, settlements, burial grounds ...

Summing up the results of the work of the expeditions of the 1880s and 2001, which discovered the concentration of traces of ancient metallurgy, deposits of coal, silver, iron, as well as astronomical, cult and other archaeological objects within a radius of several kilometers, we can confidently assume the discovery of one of the most ancient cultural and administrative centers of the Slavs in the Elbrus region ... "

It is rich in bright myths and divine creatures. Modern interest in the faith of the ancient Slavs is constantly and steadily growing. People are attracted not only by the amazing legends and myths from the world of the ancient Slavs, but also by the runes and the bewitching symbolism used by our distant ancestors.

Features of the Old Slavic faith

Quite abrupt and few information about the religion of the ancient Slavs has come down to our time. However, scientists were able to lift the veil of secrecy and find out the main features of their faith.

So, for example, now we know that the most revered deity among our ancestors was the formidable and powerful god Perun. He was subject to thunder and lightning. Perun was considered the patron of the prince and his fighting squad. In addition to Perun, the ancient Slavs revered others mythical creatures. The most formidable of them were: the werewolf Volkodlak; vampires called Ghouls; fire bird Rarog.

In the ancient Slavic pantheon, in addition to the formidable Perun, there were other deities. It:

  • Dazhbog- solar deity patronizing spring
  • God Horse- representing the sun
  • Stribog- being the wind
  • Goddess Makosh- she patronized women, keepers of the hearth and comfort
  • Semargl- he was a kind of Slavic Charon
  • Svarog- patron god of blacksmiths

Hoping for the benevolent will of their gods, the Slavs also used special symbols that were supposed to protect them and bring them.

Symbols could be worn on the body in the form of jewelry, embroidered on clothes, applied to the walls of dwellings or sanctuaries. Amulets with these signs were made according to the date of birth.

The Slavs in ancient times had several dozen unique symbols, each of which had its own purpose and interpretation. Here is an interpretation of the most famous of them.

The main ancient Slavic symbols

altar boy

The symbol means the indivisible unity of the ancient Slavic family. The ancient Slavs depicted this symbol on special and ritual altars, on which sacrifices were made in honor of the race, people and family clan.


This symbol personified the power of Svarog. The Slavs believed that this mystical symbol protected their lives from evil and death.


The symbol meant eternal, endless power and patronized only honest and decent people. He helped them to embark on the path of knowledge of the universe.


A sign of a pagan altar and comfort in the house. This sign protected ancient Slavic buildings and religious buildings from terrible natural disasters, robbery or, and also endowed the owner with the wisdom of the Slavs.

Alatyr stone

This sign symbolized the power of the entire Slavic Universe. He benefited only those who honored their ancestors and made regular sacrifices to the pagan Slavic gods.


The symbol endowed a person with patronage from the great Slavic gods. Through this symbol, the gods gave the ancient Slavs real truth, wisdom and the ability to do only fair deeds. This symbol was especially revered by the priests, who, as the Slavs believed, could communicate with the gods.


This symbol was used in Russia by the ancient sorcerers to save and protect precious holy scrolls. It was also popular among warriors who defended their land and their family lineage from enemy raids.


This symbol personified the supreme god Perun. The ancient Slavs believed that this sign granted longevity and an endless source of life-giving forces. Later, he was revered by the Old Believers.


A sign of fire and courage, courage and fearlessness. He was usually depicted on the armor of brave warriors, weapons or on the banners of military squads. Our ancestors believed that Ratiborets could blind enemy warriors and force them to cowardly run away from the battlefield.


This symbol was a family amulet for the ancient Slavs. It was applied to the walls of pagan Sanctuaries, as well as to the sacred altars of altars. Later, he began to be depicted on all Slavic buildings of antiquity. Ancestors believed that it was this mystical sign that was the most reliable protector from evil otherworldly forces and unfriendly creatures from the afterlife.

Wedding attendant

This symbol was considered the most reliable family amulet. It symbolized the close and kindred union of Slavic clans. The interweaving of two systems of the swastika into one large system, depicted on this symbol, symbolized the union of the male fiery essence with the female principle of water. This symbol protected the newlyweds from anger and separation.


This symbol meant the union of the worlds of Heaven and Earth. It served to protect the unity of the family family, the continuity of its different generations. All the altars that the ancient Slavs erected to honor their ancestors were made in the form of this particular symbol.


It really was the most popular symbol in Russia. Ancestors believed that he carried the protection and patronage of all the ancient Slavic gods: Perun, Svarog, Dazhdbog and Khors.

The ancients believed that Kolovrat protects them from unclean forces, strengthens the faith and physical strength of people. That is why Kolovrat was very common in the culture of the Slavs. This symbol is still the most recognizable symbol of Slavic pagan culture.

sky boar

This symbol marked a divine chamber. He concealed sacred and earthly wisdom. At the same time, the same sign meant the continuity and relationship of the past with. It was commonly used by people who wished to achieve complete insight into the truth.


Such a symbol meant a strong fusion of two mythical lines: the earthly and the divine lines. It symbolized a certain Universal Whirlwind, which, as the ancient Slavs believed, helped mortals to discover the essence of being for themselves.


This is a mystical sign of the eternal connection between the Fire of heaven and the existence of ordinary people on earth. From this connection, the ancestors believed, new and completely innocent souls are born, preparing for a material birth on earth. Pregnant women embroidered this amulet on their outfits and sundresses so that live and strong successors of the family family were born.


This is also a fairly popular ancient Slavic symbol. Among the Slavs who lived in antiquity, he was understood as a symbol of the eternal renewal of the world. People used this sign as an additional protection of legality and security around. After all, the ancient Slavs rightly believed that the well-being of the people themselves directly depends on law and order.


The symbol demonstrated the generosity and fertility of the Slavic Mother Earth. He brought prosperity, security, peace and prosperity to the Slavs and their families, as well as to their subsequent descendants.


Fiery and saving symbolic sign. He saved dwellings and other buildings from fire, family associations - from violent disputes and irreconcilable differences, family births - from bloody internecine wars. It was believed that the symbol of Vseslavets would lead all Slavs to harmony and eternal unity.


Slavic sign, giving the Slavs unprecedented heroic strength. The power of their mythical divine beings to do decent deeds and to protect the homeland of their ancestors. It was used as body amulets and ritual signs by the Magi.


This is an image of spiritual rebirth and enlightenment of the entire Slavic race. He combined the Kolovrat of a bright fiery color, moving along with the Multifaceted World, which combined the golden mythological Cross, symbolizing enlightenment, and the blue Heavenly Cross, meaning purity and virtue.


A well-known symbol of prosperity among the ancient Slavs. Perunitsa is the lightning of Perun. It symbolizes a spark of light in endless darkness. Perunica destroys dark forces and heralds victory. Usually the ancient Slavs wove Perunitsa into some other sign, believing that in doing so they increase its magical power.

Black Sun

This symbol was originally used exclusively by priests. But gradually it became more widespread not only among the Slavs, but also among the peoples of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

This sign symbolizes the spiritual connection of its bearer with his ancestors. And not only with the closest descendants, but with the entire Slavic family in general. The ancient Magi believed that the Black Sun not only endows a person with great inexhaustible power, but also imposes a great responsibility on him.

Star of Lada

It was a fairly common mythical sign among the Slavs. It was used both exclusively for everyday purposes and in the priestly cult. The star of Lada resembles a large flame, from which four long fiery tongues burst out rapidly and widely.

These flames symbolized faith, justice, independence and integrity. It was believed that this symbol can protect a person from harmful and malevolent energy. Usually it was used by women to replenish their wisdom and learn the wisdom of their ancestors.


It was an exclusively female ancient Slavic symbol. Married women hoped with the help of Ognevitsa to protect themselves from the bad influence of others, whether it be open hostility. Usually women wore this symbol in the form of an amulet made of silver jewelry or wood. It was believed that Ognevitsa possesses fertile and inexorable energy.


Source - a sign that is directly interconnected with internal energy human body. The ancient Slavs believed that in the bodies of all people there is a certain Center of Power, the care of which is directly related to health. The Source symbol cleansed human energy and healed even the most serious illnesses and ailments. Men wore this symbol on the ornament of their clothes or as an amulet around their neck.

Cross of Svarog

This symbol was rarely used by the ancient Slavs as a single symbol of the deity. Most often, the Cross of Svarog was used in embroidery to give it harmony or to enhance the effect of symbols adjacent to it. The cross of Svarog symbolizes the presence everywhere of the great god Svarog - the blacksmith of the Universe among the ancient Slavs.

The cross of Svarog among the ancestors was the visible embodiment of the omnipotence of Svarog and his total control over all living things. The ancients believed that Svarog is omnipresent and knows everything about the life of mortals. That is why the ancient Slavs expressed their respect to him through this amazing symbol.

A particular person, like the whole people, constantly lives in a system of symbols. The same language (or speech) is a system of symbols. If you say "A man is running (crawling)", then there is little symbolism here. And in the phrase "A person runs (crawls) to work" the emotional attitude of a person to his work is already symbolically expressed. And there are many such examples.

Symbolic genus code

There are no words and even sounds in any speech that would not reflect the symbolism of both the clan and the people. Moreover, all languages ​​of the world are derivatives of the symbolic reflection of the world in the human mind. The Slavs are a powerful and great people, and it is quite natural that such a people had their own symbols, and their history is much older and richer than it is now commonly believed. Slavic symbols from the languages ​​of the Slavic peoples cannot disappear as long as the Slavs are existing in this world. Saying the word "okay", we remember the god Lado, "maybe" - Mokosh, "ardent", "old" - Yarila. The core of speech and language is 450-500 word-symbols, which are the primary code of the very body of the people, which is woven into the realities of life, and which came to the present from such a distant past that no physical memory can hold. And speech in symbolic form has all this in itself to the smallest detail.

Modern historians need to look for things in the ground by excavating. More effort needs to be put into decoding speech in order to know the real story. It is enough to realize with what derogatory symbolic meaning for example, the word “collective farmer” entered our speech in order to understand what kind of phenomenon the collective farm was in the life of people.

Your place in the world

What does it mean for us to understand Slavic symbols and their meaning? This is to find your place on planet Earth, this is to remember that the Slavic period in our history is just a not very long segment in a much larger history, this is to remember our beginnings, origins. And then our choice of ways of development of a kind in the future will not be erroneous.

Kolovrat, the Slavic symbol, having entered the consciousness of the people, is able to sweep away everything false from our lives in a single moment, leaving only the right and right. The meaning of this symbol is that everything in the Universe has a repetitive, cyclic nature of development. What contradicts Kolovrat disappears, what follows him will be repeated forever, that is, it will become immortal.

About the life of peoples and clans

Today, big-browed scientists with great aplomb about a new understanding of the essence human being they say that all living beings, including man, are, figuratively speaking, the children of the Sun. And it is presented as something new and profound. But it is enough to remember that Yarilo is shining over our heads, and we are God's grandchildren, and the rains irrigate the earth, and at one moment everything falls into place. We are the descendants of those who gave birth to the very civilization of people on Earth precisely by creating a symbolic reflection of the world in the minds of people. And we must inherit the place in the universal civilization of our ancestors and continue their noble activity.

Slavic gods and their symbols

An ancient hymn says: “Svarog is nothing, from which everything is born, and everything returns to nothing. At first, he gave birth to a wondrous garden, and in its lands he put the grain from which it grew And he left it to his children, whom he brought out of the garden, so that they keep it and grow it. Yar gave power, Dazhd - approval, and Mara - the rule of how to bring things out of non-existence into existence, how to return things from existence to non-existence. But Svarog himself is always existing and always not existing. He does not come and He does not leave. He is being and not being. He is, and he is not. He is infinitely powerful and therefore does not show power, so Yav itself is his word to us. "

In the Sea of ​​Azov there are Stone graves, in one of the caves of which there is an inscription on the wall: "Ar, your hands are on the ral, next to your hands are the hands of your gods." And below are Slavic symbols, a whole row. A record that has been read by the Slavs for more than 15 thousand years without translation. To understand world history, this antiquity is more important than all the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. Therefore, it is simply necessary for a historian and theologian to study Slavic symbols and their meaning. And they are being studied, only the results of these studies do not fall into the eyes of the public. And those who do it on their own initiative are persecuted up to and including murder. The reason for this state of affairs is the false conception of the development of mankind. But the canon of Kolovrat is inevitable, and the era of the melting of informational ice will replace the fierce era.

Worldview concepts

Their humanity has few, only five:

  1. Vedic. The core, seed and word of this concept - man is a potential god, he is led to divinity by the creative efforts of the soul.
  2. The concept of Torah is God's chosen people for the priesthood over all mankind. Why, no explanation.
  3. The concept of fading - good was once poured into the pre-existing evil and now, dissolving, it fades. Fatalism.
  4. The God-fighting concept - a person fights with his creator in order to get the right to create and not to be a subject worker and slave to him.
  5. The concept of unconsciousness - believing, you will find.

Representatives of the Vedic concept constantly cognized the world, and their knowledge was fixed in symbolism, both in verbal form and in pictorial form. Therefore, in Vedism there is such a rich symbolism. Other concepts took this symbolism and transformed it, nothing more. Slavic symbols were introduced into our peoples by representatives of the Vedic concept of worldview.

According to the concepts, religions were created in order to bring these concepts into the brains of the general population. The Vedic concept of knowing the world has never been hidden, and therefore its religion is also called Vedic, because secret knowledge, and even more knowledge, is evil. Slavic gods and their symbols are the most complete variety of the Vedic religion, which is why such close attention to it is given by other religions, which are based on other worldview concepts. They simply take its symbolism and rethink it, often completely distancing themselves from the fact that the Universe is known through symbols. The same cross never before Christianity symbolized the instrument of torture and the death of the Savior. On the contrary, the cross is a symbol of the Savior, and the phrase “to put up a cross” meant to affirm something, to make it unshakable.

Slavic religions

They are very varied. And none of them claimed primacy over all the others, because this contradicts the very Vedic concept of knowing the world. Medieval Pomors knew something else in principle, absolutely different from what the inhabitants of the Black Sea region and Taurida knew. They didn’t even have an analogue of Perun, because thunder and lightning are a rare and not formidable phenomenon for them. Among the Dnieper Slavs, Stribog is even hard to call a god, because here people rarely saw such winds that the oaks turned upside down. But Dana, the goddess of water and the Dnieper itself, is so generous, beneficent and loving people that even many songs began with her glorification: "Dana, Dana, Dannaya, happiness will come because of the Danube" (that is, the river). Although the song itself was sung by a girl about a guy who loves her and in the evening will just come on a date.

And all the rivers were called: Don, Dniester, Danube, Donets and the like. And the saying: "All rains are silver, and on the Great Day (March 22) Dan is golden." Slavic symbols and their meaning tell us, living in the 21st century, so simply and clearly about the life and life of our ancestors that there is no need to read multi-volume and boring works on this topic.

Why the Slavic peoples have spread so much around the world and why they are so quarrelsome with each other has a clear, mythological and figurative explanation. Here is this myth (mit, mark, meta, since there was no “f” sound in Slavic speech until the 18th century):

"The time has come that the Slavs became so powerful that they no longer needed Svyatogor (the personification of the bright, holy power). And their families converged on And they began to find out in endless martial arts which of them was more powerful. Only one Rus refused to pour his native blood And he left the fertile land to the north, to the temple of his totem sign (attacking falcon - rerik, rurik), which was on the island of Ryuyan. And the rest of the clans continued their martial arts. And, finally, the Polovtsian clan turned out to be the most powerful. And the Magi said : "Not for good, you became the first among equals. Everyone is angry and will scatter in different directions, taking a grudge against you. And this resentment will survive you, they will look for you in each other even when the memory of you will come down from the Earth. And Rerik will return and return Svyatogor. And you, Polovtsian clan, will lose your militancy and be insulted by many, until Svyatogor turns his gaze on you. Then you will become the first among equals, but not by your strength, but by love.

So the calling of the Rurikovichs to reign (not to reign) in the Slavic lands is a religious act, not a cultural one. And it is interesting that this myth, created on the basis of real events in the 3rd century AD, drew the main line in the development of the history of all of Europe. All the main events of 2000 years (including two world wars) took place on the lands of the Polovtsian clan, which lost its name, but acquired high moral principles that no one else in the world could ever reach. And he suffers for the whole world, bearing all his sins.

Religious symbols for the masses

The whole depth of the Vedic concept of knowledge of the world and Slavic religion ordinary people could never understand. And not because it's complicated. The townsfolk are simply deepened into reality so much that they simply do not need anything that goes beyond these limits. Slavic symbols were created for them, and their meaning was explained through the segmentation of large images. In this way, the Magi introduced the knowledge that was necessary for their life and the struggle for this life.

Rituals, hymns, songs, graphic and sculptural representations of religious symbols brought common interests, culture and ideas into the minds of people. Without this, two blood brothers are more likely to become enemies than two strangers, because brothers communicate constantly, and strangers occasionally. Without religiosity, not only large, but also small human communities cannot exist. That is why the native magicians are so important, who serve their native religion for the existence of the people in the world.

Slavic symbols and charms that form the system

  1. Kolovrat - the main, original symbol Symbolizes the flow of heavenly (Sva - sky) forces to Earth.
  2. The symbol of Svarog himself. This swastika has the name "fern color", which, as you know, blooms once a year - on the night of June 22. But this is already a popular understanding of the religious Vedic symbol. In fact, it symbolizes the unknowable beginning, it is a fiery symbol of the purity of the spirit. He helps people seek true wealth in their souls.
  3. A tree whose grain was thrown by Svarog himself. Slavic symbol of the genus. It grows from the past into the future. Connects the times and parts of the family: departed, living, future parts. The veneration of ancestors began precisely with a glorifying hymn to this tree. “Palm Week” is not a Christian term, but a Vedic one, where the Foremother is the UPPER Baba. It was to such foremothers that the Getian Faust descended and brought out images of Paris and Helen before the emperor.

The amulet is a kind of action that puts a limit to something evil and aggressive, which is contrary to the canons of being. Symbolically, it can be denoted by a graphic image or a word. The system formed by graphic symbols is suitable for all people, because the flow heavenly power sets such limits (shores) that nothing can overcome. With other signs, you need to behave with an understanding of what you are doing. Slavic symbols and amulets required a meaningful approach.

The society that was created by the Magi of the Vedic religion

The whole society was divided into two parts: twice-born and once-born. The first birth is understandable, and it is inherent in all people. Slavic protective symbols were different for all twice-born. To be born a second time meant to be assigned to one of the strata of society:

  1. magicians, sorcerers, sorcerers and healers - there is no hierarchy in this layer of society, everyone performs the role to which he feels called;
  2. princes and warriors - there is a strict hierarchy, but the prince is accepted by the warriors and is not appointed by anyone;
  3. arias, they are also ratai, that is, in a modern way, plowmen - the phrase "Nordic Aryan" means only a farmer from the northern regions, in whom the harsh nature of the north brought up special perseverance and stamina, nothing more; Aryan culture is an agricultural culture; there is no hierarchy among them, but depending on financial situation each of them played a certain role in the affairs of society, it was they who called on the princes to protect their work;
  4. smerds are all kinds of artisans, craftsmen, buffoons, merchants, boyans and other people who were fed by special labor under the farmers; the word "smerd" is not humiliating, many of them were rich, but they did not take part in the affairs of society, they did not have the right to own land; they could come and go from the community at their own will, and the Aryan who became a smerd lost the rights of a community member;
  5. once born - all those who are not capable of any of the named kinds of activity.

In this society, the prince did not have the right to order the Aryans, and they had the right to call princes for themselves. And when the descendant of Rus (Rurik) was called to reign, it was said “there is no dress in us” as opposed to other lands where there was already a “dress”, that is, there was no self-government, and kings and tsars ruled. When Askold and Dir were killed in Kyiv by representatives of Rurik, then there was some kind of business between the princes, it did not affect the Aryans in any way.

Slavic symbols of wealth

Neither the Magi nor the warriors wore such symbols. These are not their symbols. Once born, they could wear anything. There were no canons for them. The Aryans protected themselves and the results of their labors with a symbolic image of a plowed field with the symbol of the goddess Dana (these are two parallel lines crossed perpendicularly with the other two parallel lines, and there were two oblique lines above and below them). Smerds had a wide variety of amulets to attract wealth. And a kalita, and an arrow, and a half-clenched palm ... But such amulets have nothing to do with the Vedic religion. This is the work of the people themselves. It was not banned by anyone. There are very few prohibitions in Vedism. symbols have always been freely interpreted by people. That's why there are so many of them. This is what distinguishes the canon from the law, in that the canon must be followed because it says that it is impossible for a person to change, and the law is carried out only out of fear of punishment.

court of the sorcerer

I wonder how the Magi judged. If there was a dispute between people, they turned to the sorcerer. He listened and delivered a verdict. If both did not agree with that verdict, then both of them were on the path to the right stake. This is a circle, in the middle of which the sword of Prava was stuck. Two tents were set up on two sides. Disputants entered each of the tents at sunset. The one who considered himself right did not take any weapons with him, but only drew on his right hand Slavic symbol of good luck - the sword of Prava.

In the morning, when the sun rose, the one who considered himself right, went out in one underwear clean shirt with his soul wide open. The one who came out armed must wait until his opponent takes the sword of Prava. This was followed by a fight. If an armed person died, then everyone believed that Rights were with them. If a person died with the sword of Right in his hands, then the sorcerer executed this sword and replaced it with another. Nobody made any claims to the winner.

Slavic symbols, the photo will tell the truth

  1. An ax on two sides is a symbol of strength. The warriors loved him very much. And the fiery sign - Slavic - they considered a talisman of warriors from shame.
  2. Magus, Kolovrat on his head symbolizes his knowledge of the canons of Svarog.
  3. Virgin Lada with a wreath of virginity on her head, the goddess of love. Guardian of the young and unmarried girls. Only the one to whom she wishes to surrender has the right to remove this wreath from her, the Slavic symbol of love, and bring it as a gift to the goddess Lada.
  4. The Slavic symbol of the wolf depicts a warrior whose task is to protect the sorcerer. There were such warriors who devoted themselves to this occupation. Usually these are old, wise warriors. The decision was made by them alone.
  5. Magus, who goes to become the Savior of his kind. There were circumstances in the life of the family when it was necessary for the sorcerer to go personally to the gods in order to ask their family for intercession. Then he personally arranged a fire and before sunrise he gave a signal into a special pipe. She is depicted in his hand. He hung himself with silver items that his relatives gave him during his life, and went to this fire. He stood on it and set himself on fire. It was believed that by the rays of the sun he went directly to Iriy to the gods, where he could ask for his family. And the droplets of silver that melted and then cooled were the strongest amulet for the people of the family, for which their sorcerer went to the gods to ask for the rays of Yaril.

The meaning of Slavic amulets

In our symbols, the whole essence of human existence is displayed with incredible fullness. There is no sphere of life that would not be figuratively and symbolically comprehended. Some symbols disappeared, they were replaced by others. But the constant, inexhaustible creativity of the people revived them and enlivened them. They helped people individually and collectively as a community. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this process of folk art for the formation of the world Slavs. In our time, with an understanding of the native ancient protective symbolism, one can draw such spiritual wealth that will immediately endow us with other, material wealth. It is the mass impoverishment of souls that leads to poverty.

And this is already happening. Such a modern deep philosophical trend as “Russian cosmism” (this is a term) arose precisely from the bowels of the Vedic concept. In this philosophical trend, all the wealth of the Vedic Slavic religion is comprehended. Free folk creativity could not but give rise to a great variety of understandings of the world. That is why it has become the basis of the philosophy that will not allow humanity to disappear from the universe.

It is very unfortunate that in the modern chaotic flow of current life it is quite difficult to attach the future generation to the connection with the ancestors, to plunge headlong into the postulates of the Vedic concept, morality and morality.

Psychology of self-development