The origin of the Kolovrat amulet. Kolovrat - the protective symbol of the Ancient Slavs

In addition, the rotation of the Kolovrat symbol is of great importance. Everything revolves in our universe, from atoms to planets, the all-encompassing Kolovrat symbol reflects this. The image of the Slavic Kolovrat is also present in the starry sky - if you draw an imaginary line from the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor to the polar star during the winter and summer solstice - the points of the year that were necessarily noted by the ancient Slavs, you can see elements of the Kolovrat.

If, on the same map, these constellations are connected at four points of the year - the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes, then a clear image of the Kolovrat will be obtained.

The use of the Kolovrat sign in ancient Rus'.

Archaeologists have repeatedly found the image of the Kolovrat sign on ancient temples, painted on fragments of dishes, weapons, armor and other attributes. From this we can conclude that Kolovrat, whose sign was often found in the life of the ancient Slavs, was nothing more than strong amulet. Kolovrat was a sign, which was decorated with clothes, houses and utensils, was a conductor of divine sunlight, burning all infection, both physical and spiritual, was a symbol that drove away evil spirits.

It is difficult to overestimate the value of the Kolovrat amulet - it simultaneously reminded people of the Rule, the covenants of the Gods and the need to comply with them, served as a symbol of eternal rotation and renewal, a sign reflecting the structure of the world and a magical means of protection. In addition, the Kolovrat sign was a universal way to get the help and protection of the gods, both for a man and a woman. There are two meanings of the Kolovrat amulet, depending on the direction of rotation - salting and anti-salting.

Salting is the rotation of the sign in the direction of the rotation of the sun, and anti-salting, respectively, is against it. The first Kolovrat amulets denote the protection of the bright Gods, reliability and constancy, Reality and strength. All these qualities are characteristic of the masculine principle, therefore such a Slavic Kolovrat was often used by men of all ages.

As for the Anti-sunning amulet, it symbolized Nav, intuition and hidden magical powers, which is more characteristic of the feminine. Such an amulet, along with Lunnitsa, could be worn by Slavs.

The value of the Kolovrat amulet for modern people.

Currently, many sacred knowledge has been lost, but the Kolovrat as a talisman is still used by people who know about the greatness of their ancestors and appreciate the ancient sacred knowledge.

The Russian Kolovrat is a reflection of the course of the Sun, the rotation of planets and galaxies, confirmation that our ancestors knew much more than historical sources claim. Having bought Kolovrat, each person confirms his national self-determination, shows respect for the history and faith of his ancestors.

Increasingly, Russian people are returning to their culture, so Kolovrat pendants are presented in a wide variety of species. Now you can buy Kolovrat made of bone, stone or metal, with precious stones and other decorations. If you need a more serious and status thing, you can buy a gold kolovrat - this decoration looks stylish, and gold best reflects its meaning and enhances the "sunny" properties.

Kolovrat symbolizes the energy of the sun, abundance, fertility. Wearing it, he gives strength, brings good luck, promotes the development of intuition. It can be used by both girls and men. This talisman is universal. It protects its owner from any negative impact, taking all bad energy to myself.

Kolovrat is a circle, from the center of which rays emanate. Their ends are turned to the right or to the left. The sacred meaning of this magical symbol is the movement of the heavenly body. The first part of the name of the amulet "Kolo" stands for a vicious circle, the meaning of "Gate" is movement. Movement in a circle is the essence of all sources, natural natural cycles, a sign of infinity.

Salting and anti-salting - what's the difference

The rays of the Kolovrat are directed along or against the course of the sun. In the first case, when they are bent in the direction of the sun, the Slavic symbol is called salting. It gives patronage, protection from evil spirits, gives health and life energy. Rays directed counterclockwise mean that it is antisun. This talisman reveals magical abilities, a gift for clairvoyance, bestows intuition, endows with insight. Salting is usually worn by men, and anti-salting is usually worn by women.

The number of rays and their meaning

Amulet "Kolovrat"

Solar amulet Kolovrat can have 4, 6 and 8 descending rays. Depending on their number, the meaning of the symbol changes. The amulet with 4 guides symbolizes the power of fire, its ability to reincarnate. The six-armed amulet grants its owner the patronage of Perun himself - the god of thunder and justice. And the eight-digit talisman gives the owner all the power of solar fire.

What is Kolovrat made of?

The Kolovrat amulet is created from:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • bones.

On clothes, draw on paper, cut on household utensils, apply to the skin as a temporary or permanent tattoo. When choosing a base, it is important to remember that it must be natural.


Previously, due to the peculiarities of life, the ancient Slavs more often used wood to create a symbol of the sun. Subsequently, it began to be produced from metals such as:

  • gold;
  • brass;
  • silver;
  • copper.

The metal talisman is more durable and resistant to external influences. Its effectiveness does not depend on the type and purity of the metal. However, it is better for modest, shy people to prefer a gold amulet. He will help them cope with internal confusion, give strength on the way to achieving the goal. Kolovrat is suitable for young men and women. Silver alloy will increase the protective properties of the talisman, enhance intuition.


To create a protective amulet, oak or birch wood is well suited. Strong, mighty oak is the choice of men, tender and caring birch is the tree of women. However, it is allowed to use other types of wood for the manufacture of the symbol, there is no strict binding. The talisman will work even if it is made from a coniferous or fruit tree.


The animal bone endows the Slavic symbol with additional protection, contributes to the fusion of the energy of the amulet and its owner. For the manufacture of Kolovrat, the bone of only noble animals, for example, a bull, is used.

What to hang on

Regardless of what material it is made of, it can be on a metal chain or on a fabric cord made of linen or cotton. Of course, if the symbol is made of precious metal, then the same chain will complement it best. But you need to understand that the choice of one or another material will not affect the level of effectiveness and impact of the talisman itself.

There is only one material from which it is forbidden to make both the Kolovrat itself and the lace for wearing it - this is genuine leather. According to the ancient legend of the Slavs, it is allowed to use the skin of animals to create magical objects when the beast is killed in compliance with certain rituals.

Symbolism variability

Kolovrat gives victory to the male sex, gives them strength, helps in difficult life situations. Gives women love, family happiness, fertility. In the center of such a symbol, you can place an image that reinforces the desired beginning. It can be a bear, a raven, a wolf or a rune. The image requires a good understanding of their meaning, the nature of the impact. These are very powerful signs that can increase the energy potential of an object dozens of times.

Athletes, politicians or just fighters for some ideas can wear a talisman with rays in the form of battle axes. A talisman with this symbolism increases the owner's morale, makes him brave, promises good luck in battle and victory over even the most powerful and sophisticated enemies.

What gives Kolovrat to modern man

A charm made of a suitable material, charged and cleaned properly, can give its owner:

  • fortitude;
  • optimism;
  • magical patronage;
  • fertility;
  • health;
  • victory over evil, enemies;
  • protection from negativity
  • the power of the sun's flame.

The power of light and creation, which the sun carries, will help a person to achieve and overcome any difficulties, to emerge victorious from the fight against evil, to become stronger, healthier, and more successful. The power of such a talisman can literally work miracles. But it cannot be used for evil deeds, in order to cause harm.

How to clean and charge the amulet

It is best to make the amulet yourself, but you can also buy it by hand. In any case, before putting it on yourself, the sign must be cleaned of someone else's energy,. In the future, it is carried out as necessary, but at least once every six months. The more stress and negativity in the life of the bearer of the sign, the more often this procedure must be carried out. The amulet is cleaned and charged with the help of three elements:

  • water;
  • land;
  • fire.

For purification with water, it is better to use any natural source: a stream, river, lake, sea, etc. It will wash away all extraneous energy from the amulet and dissolve the negative in just a few hours after the amulet is completely immersed. If there is no such source nearby, you should use running water. The main thing is that it moves, flows. A basin or mug of water will not work.

After the amulet has been cleaned with water, it must be singed with fire. Ideally, it should be a fire kindled from the branches of a tree struck by lightning. But in the absence of such a rarity, it is permissible to use ordinary wood. When conditions do not allow a natural fire to be lit, any candle will do, but not a church one. Carry the amulet through the flame several times and the purification procedure can be considered complete.

A talisman made of wood, instead of being immersed in water, is buried for several days in damp earth, then sprinkled with water and carried through the fire three times.

How to charge?

You need to start only after it is completely cleansed. The owner of the Kolovrat must come into contact with him, saturating the symbol with his own energy. To do this, they squeeze it in their hands and mentally ask the talisman for intercession, health, fertility. It is best to voice the most pressing, important needs, and not just list everything in a row. Then it is put on a rope and carried with you for 3 days. While charging the Kolovrat, it should not be removed even at night. The more effort you put into the talisman at this stage, the more potential you will get at the exit. The strength and power of the symbol depends on this period.

It is necessary to clean and charge the Kolovrat on the days of the equinox or solstice. These significant dates for nature occur 4 times a year. At this time, solar energy is at its peak. The talismans charged on this day are very effective and have great power.

How to DIY

The easiest way is to make an amulet from wood or bone. These are soft materials and you can work with them without using professional tools. To draw a picture, you need a regular cutter.

Stages of creating a talisman:

  • preparation of the workpiece - it should be flat and round;
  • drawing a pencil drawing on the surface of the product;
  • cutter processing.

It is necessary to start making a talisman only in a good mood, in daytime days. It is desirable that sunlight falls on the table where the creation of the object takes place.

When it is not possible to devote enough time to creating a talisman, you can simply draw it on a blank sheet of paper and put the drawing in a secluded box or keep it with you all the time, for example, in a purse. If desired, Kolovrat can be embroidered on a shirt, decorative napkins, curtains, tablecloths.

Tattoo "Kolovrat"

It is preferable to apply the Kolovrat symbol in the form. The most optimal for this are such areas of the body as:

  • chest area;
  • shoulder blades;
  • forearm.

Where to store

Kolovrat should be stored in a specially designated place for this - in a box or chest made of wood. It is unacceptable to keep the amulet along with any other jewelry.

How long does the protective talisman work

A properly made Kolovrat, which is cleaned and charged in time, will serve its owner for a lifetime. He will work and protect him from negative influences and evil until he exhausts his resources. If the amulet is suddenly lost, broken, or a crack appears on it, this means that it has taken on too much negativity, taken it away from the owner and can no longer be used as a talisman. This Kolovrat should not be kept with you, bury it in the ground. A wooden product should simply be burned.

Are Christians allowed to wear Kolovrat?

Wear to people who adhere Christian religion, it is forbidden. Slavs and Christians are mutually exclusive denominations. It was Christianity that once destroyed the Slavic gods.

This symbol is the most ancient Slavic amulet, which has the shape of a circle with rays bent at the edges. The main thing is to know how to apply, cleanse and charge with positive energy. In fact, the Kolovrat amulet is considered a solar sign, which means the endless path of the heavenly body.

In different interpretations, the amulet contains several rays. Each pair has an individual designation:

4 beams represent the element of fire.

6 guarantee the protection provided by the god Perun

· 8 rays symbolizes the flame or the Sun.

Slavic amulet Kolovrat contains sacred meaning. This is a union of 4 elements (earth, air, water and fire). Also, this sign represents eternity. The ancestors claimed that life is in constant motion. The word denotes two single words: "kolo" - a circle, and "vrat" means rotation.

Slavic amulet Kolovrat and its strength

The main task of the symbol is considered to be the protection of the owner, which consists in the destruction of envy, evil eye, slander, hereditary curses. The amulet can help overcome the feeling of anxiety, longing. With this protection, a person gains courage, the ability to take decisive steps to change life for the better.

The Slavs sought to have this symbol depicted on almost all household items, including headsets, robes and other household items. As for the use of animal symbolism, for example, the wolf in mythology also means an important role.

Often the appearance of a wolf is interpreted as fertility. For certain nations, the wolf is a sign of rain, since this source is considered an important component of the agricultural sector. The responses of Slavic motifs are still present today, for example, wearing a talisman with an animal is considered a fashionable attribute.

In addition, the wolf in ancient symbolism stands on the border of light and darkness, that is, it acts as a unifying component between the people and the dead ancestors.

The main purpose of such a talisman is protection. The fang is used to avoid magical influence. Amulet Rusich means protection from the difficulties of being. The amulet refers to the deities of the pagan faith. Rusich's talisman is not just a phrase, because such a talisman contains high strength impact.

Anyone can acquire such a talisman, however, not everyone is aware of the essence of worldview. It doesn’t matter who exactly becomes the owner of the talisman, be it a man, a woman or a child, any of the people who will respect the deity will gain protection.

On the presented photos on the Internet, you can see that the amulet is very interesting to look at and as a decoration.

Mysteries and secrets of origin

Slavic talismans that have come into fashion make few people think about the origin of the sign and its meaning in human life. And since such awareness did not occur, then it will not be possible to achieve the expected result from the amulet.

The very name of the amulet fully corresponds to its form. If you look closely, you can see that the sun is considered the base of the image. The luminary for the ancient Slavs personified well-being, the development of life. The components of the amulet, the elements correspond to 8 rays of the symbol.

Among the ancient Slavs, the god Svarog was the creator and keeper of the sacred fire.

Does the number of beams matter?

The influence, protection and main result depend on the number of rays:

4 - stands for the Sun.

6 - Perun protects the bearer of the amulet.

· 8 - the power of natural elements.

A tattoo that shows a symbol with different number rays, will show a different effect defensive forces. Experts in the field of magic recommend getting a tattoo on the outer part of the shoulder, back, chest.

The difference between the amulet for men and women differs depending on the direction of the beam. The rays of the male amulet are oriented clockwise, those of the female talismans are directed against the arrow.

A girl wearing an amulet acquires peace of mind in life and marital well-being. In addition, he saves a woman from the influence of the evil eye. The action of the amulet in relation to women in a position becomes more expressive, which maximally protects her and the child from evil forces.

Thus, the power of the amulet doubles. An amulet for men, in addition to intercession and protection of the supreme good forces, bestows power to resolve difficult everyday situations.

In the course of the sun or against wear the Kolovrat amulet

Kolovrat contains eight rays with two types of direction, which we will talk about later. This orientation speaks of the possession of sacred significance:

1. Salting— relationship with the Good Gods. Moving towards the right means reality, in this case there is the light of true concepts and the ability to control one's consciousness, not allowing vicious ones to be registered in it.

2. Anti-salt(talisman having rays against the course of the sun) means the relationship with afterlife. This special connection guaranteed the revelation of the sixth sense in a person, witchcraft talents, as well as the likelihood of clairvoyance. The sign helped to notice everything that is unattainable to see ordinary people.

The value of the second amulet attracted witches, who constantly carried it with them.

This sign today is as important as that of the ancient Slavs. When wearing this talisman, a person is able to expect the following results:

Overcoming enemies and obtaining absolute protection.

Strong protection from black thoughts.

Strengthening the spirit, moral assistance.

Help in the agricultural sector when the territory is not fertile.

Maintaining good health.

I believe in my own strength.

A person who constantly carries a clear symbol with him is always accompanied by luck and success. However, be careful: the talisman can only help in bright undertakings.

When the owner of the amulet has evil thoughts, there may be irreversible consequences, sudden problems arise.

From what material to make a charm with your own hands?

When choosing a material for an amulet, it is necessary to carefully approach this issue, since the basis for the amulet can enhance the influence. Remember that for the manufacture of a Slavic symbol, you need to select suitable materials.

To make a symbol with your own hands, check out the list of effective materials:

Copper-zinc alloy;


This solar symbol is often represented on clothing items, cut out on various household items. The most popular variations are considered to be jewelry or a tattoo.

An important significance is contained exclusively in the way the talisman is depicted, and not what it is made of.

After making the amulet, you must observe important rule, namely, constantly keep the amulet with you and honor the power of your own ancestors.

Only in this case will you be able to achieve the greatest protection from the solar talisman. This sign mainly contains male energy, therefore it is recommended to use metal as a raw material.

For men, there is a swastika with the image of a wolf, this kind of view especially develops strong strength. When a woman thinks she's missing characteristic features men, perseverance, strength, in this case, you can develop them using this talisman.

However, for girls, this talisman is preferably made from wood. When it is important for you to make a talisman from an alloy, then choose a noble metal - gold.

This material contains an excellent relationship with the sun as a planet. If you do not have the opportunity to make an amulet with your own hands, now you can purchase it ready-made.

It is best to make a talisman yourself, because your energy will already be present in it. The purchased amulet must be cleared of extraneous energy.

If you are not afraid of them and dared to make this Slavic amulet with your own hands, connect your imagination. The amulet can be made by carving wood (ash, oak). Using woodcarving, get a new knife.

The Slav believed that the best time to create this talisman is the summer season, when the sun contains great power influence and protective qualities.

There are VIII holidays of the Sun: December 22, February 3, March 22, May 3, June 22, August 3, September 24, November 3.

Therefore, it is preferable to do a ritual to charge your energy on one of these days. On these days, the energy of the sun is most manifested and contains powerful abilities. As you know, Ivana Kupala Day (June 22) is one of the longest days of the year, so this day is considered special for this ritual or the creation of an amulet.

When you strive to make a talisman in order to protect your own family, child, housing, you must use natural material, and you need to make it yourself.

The symbol must be depicted or burned on a piece of genuine leather. In this version, the talisman was kept under the mattress of the spouse, wife or children, depending on who you want to protect. Such use does not lead to disharmony regarding the semantics of the amulet.

In rare cases slavic sign can be found on embroideries, since this belongs to the women's business, and the amulet is more masculine. This is what causes incompatibility.

It is best to complete the rite of activation of the amulet before August 3, since it was on this day that the ancestors showed gratitude to the sun for the harvest and the first gathering began. On any of these days, you can activate, saturate your amulet with light energy.

The above dates and months are designed to ensure that you make the most of the opportunity to absorb solar energy into the amulet. On other days, they will not have such an impact, so do not forget about important dates.

How to wear a charm

When the amulet is depicted in the embroidery version on the shirt, it is preferable to wear it on the chest and shoulders. People who are legally married must depict a female symbol on one shoulder, and a male symbol on the other. Thus, the circle of the family will close, its power will not let evil spirits through.

Embroidery is made from natural threads on linen. The reverse side should be clean, without the formation of knots. Also, the amulet can be made in the form of a ring or worn as a keychain or worn as a decoration as a pendant around the neck.

An amulet made of noble metal naturally looks elegant and fashionable, but the amulet is not just a beautiful decoration, but mainly protection. Dignity is given to natural material, namely, to acquire or make a leather amulet.

An amulet made of gold is best worn by secretive, fearful people. In addition, a gold amulet will significantly improve the activity of the heart, and eliminate disorders associated with blood circulation.

Silver amulet On the contrary, it suits absolutely everyone. In addition, such an amulet prevents the penetration of unclean forces. Birch protection is useful to the weaker sex.

Birch- a sign of purity, a conductor of positive energy, protecting the owner from diseases.

Oak amulet- the protector of the body and spirit, which contains powerful protection and is the sign of Perun.

Also bull bone absorbs the energy of the owner, makes up one whole and thereby strengthens the owner.

Sometimes the talisman changes after a while and becomes a sandy color. In addition, men can wear a special belt with a massive elegant buckle, and women can buy or make a leather bracelet that will look great on their hands.

The amulet must undergo a mandatory purification ritual, otherwise it will have no effect.

1. The amulet must be regularly recharged and cleaned.

2. Do not give personal amulet to friends and relatives.

3. Do not forget about the solar calendar. Designate for yourself the numbers of high exposure to the energy of the sun.

4. It is preferable to wear your amulet without taking it off, only during the ceremony over it.

5. It is forbidden to mix the amulet with other traditions, do not put extra symbols on it that do not belong to the Slavic tradition, with the exception of Runes.

Purification and conspiracy of the talisman

If you buy or make an amulet yourself, you should not put it on right away. In advance, it should be spoken and cleared of someone else's energy. Amulets need to be cleansed with water and fire.

Initially, place the finished product in water for several hours. It is preferable to dip the amulet in a stream. After a few hours, you can start cleaning with a flame. Take a large non-church candle, and hold the talisman over the fire for a short time.

Such an action refers to an elementary method for cleaning Kolovrat in domestic circumstances. Next, you need to transfer your own energy to the amulet, so squeeze it in your palms. Having chosen the number of rays from the amulet, head to the pagan god that personifies it.

Ask to provide you with protection, protect you from problems, improve health and luck. How powerful your amulet will be depends solely on how much you put into it. Do not forget to do the cleansing ritual every six months.

Since during this time a lot of negative information is collected on the protective amulet, and if cleaning is not carried out, then the protective functions will disappear.

How to understand that the amulet no longer works

Any magic symbol loses its effect over time, and after that it should no longer be used. As a rule, such talismans are not intended for a person for a lifetime. The amulet needs to be cleaned regularly.

As a rule, this is done once every 30 days, on a waning moon or on a full moon.

First you need to put this talisman in the ground. This step is not easy for everyone, but it should not be skipped. When choosing a place for this ritual, do not forget to mark the area. Check given place so that you can find it later. It is supposed to be kept in the soil for at least a day.

Exceptionally after that, cleaning with water and flame is carried out. Concentrate on the state of the talisman. If it cracks or bends, then this indicates that a strong attack was made on you, and the amulet took it. Cleaning it as presented earlier does not make sense - it will not help.

Features of destruction

In conclusion, it should be said how long it is allowed to wear this protective talisman. Sooner or later, any amulet loses its power and protective features, becoming completely unusable. For example, this is done after significant witchcraft influences, attacks by ill-wishers, and also as a result of an overabundance of negativity.

Darkening, deformation of the image, cracks, chips and other imperfections expressively indicate the presence of evil spirits that the talisman has absorbed. First, express gratitude to the amulet for the support shown, and then bury the amulet.

It is preferable to burn a charm made of wood.

When a person wore a metal amulet, it is necessary to bury it in the ground in a wasteland away from the human eye and deep enough. Only by completing this procedure, you can buy a new amulet with powerful protection and new power that will protect you from evil.

Use the magical power of the amulet with reason and pure thoughts. When the amulet is lost, it means that he has finished his service and has taken a lot of negativity, which was intended for you personally. In order not to give unfavorable energy to the owner and his relatives, the amulet disappears.

In no case do not look for a talisman, because it can be saturated with negativity. When the amulet feels that it is completely clean and will be able to benefit you, it will certainly show itself to your eyes.

Use the solar symbols of our ancestors and be happy.

The ancient Slavs left to the current generation numerous symbols that are still popular. One of the most powerful is Kolovrat. In ancient times, it had a mystical meaning and was a good protection against negativity. In the power of the amulet with this sign, many believe in our time.

What is Kolovrat: meaning, meaning, photo

Kolovrat is a legendary Slavic amulet, which was revered by the ancients as sacred symbol associated with the higher world.

The sign has nothing to do with the fascist swastika.

This symbol is a circle, inside which are the sun's rays, intersecting in the center. There can be 4, 6 or 8 of them. The edges of the rays are bent in a circle in one direction.

Kolovrat - an ancient Slavic amulet

What does the number of rays symbolize

The number of rays is of particular importance. Each number has its own effect and impact on a person:

  • 4 rays - a symbol of fire, the personification of Dazhdbog;
  • 6 rays - patronage and protection of Perun;
  • 8 rays - symbolize the power of the Sun, solar fire, thanks to which all life on Earth exists;
  • Kolovrat with 12 rays - the oldest Vedic Slavic symbol, corresponding to zodiac signs Slavic horoscope.

The most common symbol patronized by Svarog was the eight-beam Kolovrat.

The direction of the rays in the amulet: salting and anti-salting

The direction of the rays also has a certain meaning. The ancient Slavs had 2 concepts - salting and anti-salting, which in literal translation sounds: in the sun and against the sun. Right-sided Kolovrat with rays directed clockwise, that is, along the sun, means:

  • purity of thoughts;
  • connection with light deities and protection from evil spirits;
  • health and happiness;
  • fertility and prosperity.

The left-handed Kolovrat with rays directed against the course of the luminary is associated with other world. The reverse swastika helps the wearer to see what is hidden from the eye. common man. Such a charm reveals the following qualities in a person:

  • magical abilities;
  • clairvoyance and telepathy;
  • intuition.

The direction of the rays and their number matters

Deciphering the word

The word Kolovrat consists of two: Kolo and Gates. The first literally means circle, wheel and is a symbol of the Sun. The second is rotation, movement. Combining these two concepts, it is easy to guess that the sign symbolizes the movement of the luminary around the Earth and the change of seasons.

History of origin and features

Kolovrat is an ancient common Slavic symbol. Some researchers put forward a version that this sign was invented by priests who watched the stars and predicted future events from them.

If we draw the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor on a sheet of paper, and then impose on them the so-called annual bends of the bucket, which are the winter and summer solstices and the spring and autumn equinoxes, then we will get an image of Kolovrat with four bending rays, and the North Star will be his center.

A feature of the sign is its inextricable connection with the life of ordinary Slavs, displaying the important phenomena of their life and with the Sun - the source of life for all life on Earth.

The annual bends of the bucket of the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor resemble the outlines of Kolovrat

Variants of images of Kolovrat

There are many options for the image of this symbol. It is often drawn surrounded by animals, birds, runes, axes, etc. Each option gives the amulet its own characteristics.

Sign with a bear

The bear is a sacred animal with a special role. Many peoples considered him their ancestor, he acted as an assistant to a shaman or a healing spirit. In addition, the bear has long been perceived as a symbol of Russia.

On male amulets, this animal symbolizes the following qualities:

  • strength and courage;
  • courage and confidence;
  • wisdom and patience;
  • endurance.

For women, the bear meant fertility and a developed sense of motherhood.

Ancient people considered the bear to be their ancestor and often depicted it on the amulet.

Symbol with wolf

The wolf is another mystical animal of the Slavs. This beast symbolized devotion and fidelity, strength and purposefulness, courage and prudence. With such qualities, he supplemented the solar sign.

The wolf on Kolovrat meant strength and determination


Since ancient times, this bird has evoked ambiguous associations and has been endowed with various abilities. Such an image may indicate wandering and loneliness, loss of something and anxiety.

Positive meanings of the raven on Kolovrat:

  • hope for change for the better;
  • wisdom and insight;
  • longevity.


Runes - popular mystical symbols Slavs. They have the most powerful energy. But in order to supplement the amulet with them, you need to study their meaning well.

The ax is a frightening and dangerous symbol. This sign was considered truly masculine, and warriors often used it.

Amulet with weapons was often used by warriors

Slavic sign in the sun

Kolovrat, surrounded by the sun, means the eternal movement of the luminary across the sky and the ongoing life cycle.

Who needs a guardian

The luminary was the patron of the family and the protection of orphans. People decorated the walls of their houses with Kolovrat, put the image on dishes, other household items and embroidered it on clothes. It was believed that this symbol has a double effect: it attracts happiness and good luck, protecting the owner from all evil.

Ancient people lived according to the laws of nature - all major holidays and events were directly related to the sun. When to start arable work, what the harvest will be - the Slavs solved these and other everyday problems by watching the sun.

Warriors depicted him on their shields, weapons and banners. In this way they erected a magical shield around themselves. People believed that the owner of such a talisman is under the protection of the gods.

Significance for men and women

The male Kolovrat was predominantly made of metal. Its main difference - sharp edges of rays.

Symbol action for men:

  • patronage of higher light forces;
  • defense on the battlefield;
  • help in difficult life situations.

Male Kolovrat was mainly made of metal

For the female Kolovrat, a tree was ideal. The amulet belonging to a woman is more rounded, its edges are as if smoothed.

The amulet helped women in family life giving love and family happiness.

Birch was ideal for the female Kolovrat

amulet material

Initially, the amulet was made from different types of wood, bones and embroidered on clothes. Then they began to use metal.

Now many people prefer a talisman made of precious metals. It looks much more solid than wood, for example. In addition, the material from which the amulet is made carries a certain energy potential:

  1. Gold is preferable for people who are shy and indecisive, it will give a person strength to achieve their cherished goal. Gold has a positive effect on health - it normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels. More suitable for adults.
  2. Silver is considered a versatile material. Kolovrat made from it has the ability to absorb the effects of negative forces and protect the wearer from evil. Silver has the ability to enhance intuition. This amulet is best for young people.
  3. Wood of various types of wood. Oak is more suitable for a male amulet, since the mighty tree is considered the king in the forest and the tree of the god Perun himself. Birch has been used since ancient times for the manufacture of magical items. The amulet from it is more suitable for women. The birch energy helps the girl to be faithful wife, a caring mother and an ideal hostess.
  4. Animal bones were also a popular material for making amulets. The energy of the bone amulet is able to become related to the energy of the wearer, doubling it. Over time, the color and structure of the bone change, but this does not affect the protective properties. For the manufacture of the amulet, the bones of only noble animals, for example, bulls, were used.

Kolovrat was made only from the bones of noble animals

How to wear Kolovrat

Kolovrat made of gold or silver is preferable to wear on a chain of the same metal. Cotton or linen cord will be a good pair for bone or wooden amulets.

But the leather cord will not work. The ancients believed that the animal must be killed in a certain way, otherwise the energy of death will harm the owner of the amulet.

Execution technique

The image can be simply drawn, but the most powerful are amulets carved from wood, made of metal, and also embroidered on any surface.


Tattoos are usually done in one color, but there may be variations. Before you acquire such a talisman, discuss with the master all the details of the sketch.

Men traditionally stuffed a symbol on such areas of the body:

  • breast;
  • forearm;
  • between the shoulder blades.

However, women often give preference to such tattoos.

Kolovrat was applied to the body not only in antiquity

The embroidery of the amulet was mainly done by girls. In order for the amulet to have the greatest power, it was made only for blood relatives, closest friends or sworn brothers.

Kolovrat was embroidered on clothes where the most vulnerable parts of the body are located:

  • collar;
  • breast;
  • the lower parts of the sleeves;
  • belt.

The symbol was embroidered on tablecloths and towels. Children's clothes were necessarily decorated with this sign. For work, it was necessary to stock up on new natural threads (cotton, linen or wool) and fabric.

Kolovrat was often embroidered on clothes

Drawn symbol

The image of Kolovrat was applied to household items. Often the amulet was painted on children's cradles, they decorated the walls of dwellings with it.

This ray symbol can be drawn on a piece of paper and kept with you or in a special box.


As an individual amulet, Kolovrat was made of wood, bone, and metal.

An individual amulet was made from various materials.

How to make a charm yourself?

The Kolovrat amulet, made by hand, carries more positive energy and will last longer.

Step by step instructions

To make an amulet from solid material, you will need:

  • tool - cutter;
  • material: wood, bone;
  • positive attitude.

A wooden or bone blank must be prepared in advance. Usually it is made round and flat. The workpiece must be wide enough to cut out the character.

Further actions:

  1. Apply the image of the amulet to the workpiece. It is better to use a thin simple pencil for this. All lines must be drawn evenly.
  2. With a new chisel in the light of the sun, cut out a sign on the amulet.

Making Kolovrat from wood: video

How to clean and charge

A purchased or self-made amulet will be useful only after the rite of purification from extraneous energy and charging.

Our ancestors cleansed the amulet first with water - in a river or stream. After that, purification took place over the flame of a fire. It was made from the branches of a tree that was struck by lightning.

In modern conditions, the amulet can be left under running water for several hours (a wooden one can simply be wetted). After that, you need to hold it for several minutes over a thick wax candle, but not a church one.

After this procedure, Kolovrat should be charged by transferring his own energy to him:

  • firmly squeeze the amulet in the palms;
  • ask the deity that symbolizes your symbol for protection, health and good luck;
  • after that, constantly wear the amulet with you for 3 days so that it is nourished by your energy.

How powerful and effective your amulet will be depends only on your thoughts invested in it.

Rules for wearing and storing Kolovrat

Kolovrat cannot be combined with Christian symbols due to the opposite of beliefs. With others Slavic symbols this amulet can be worn. It is believed that they will complement each other well.

In order for a strong energy connection to be established between you and the amulet, you need to wear it as often as possible. Only in this case, the talisman will play the role of a protector.

You need to store the amulet in a specially prepared box. Keep Kolovrat together with other decorations is not worth it.

To store Kolovrat, you need to allocate a special box

Loss of protective functions

Sometimes it happens that a wooden or bone amulet is covered with cracks or bursts in half. In this case, it is generally accepted that a strong mental attack was made on you, someone tried to send damage. But the amulet protected you, taking all the power of negativity upon itself. If this happened, then you should thank the amulet. Then burn if the talisman is wooden. Bone - bury in the ground.

No matter how strong Kolovrat is, he will not be able to protect the carrier forever.

If your amulet is lost, this is a sign that the amulet has played its protective role and left to take all the negativity with it. In this case, it is advised to quietly call your amulet. If it is cleared, then it will definitely be found after some time. With a large amount of negativity, it is better not to disturb him, but to mentally thank him.

Nowadays, protective symbols are very popular. Kolovrat is no exception. This sign is not only worn in the form of amulets, but also applied to the body in the form of tattoos. Before acquiring such a powerful amulet, you need to think carefully about why you need it. Indeed, certain symbolism can sometimes change not only the worldview, but also fate.

Good day! My name is Irina. I live in a wonderful place - the Crimea. By education - an educator. I love nature and animals very much. I have been fond of floriculture for a long time, and garden wisdom has just begun to master. My motto is live and learn.

Kolovrat is an ancient Slavic symbol that has the colossal energy of the sun. Wearing a sign allows you to tune in to the same wave with your ancestors and get the power of the family.

It was used in the form of amulets, embroidery on clothes, applied to weapons and chain mail, decorated housing, used in rituals.

The value of the amulet

The Slavic amulet Kolovrat represents eternity and continuity of movement. In nature, everything has its cycles: seasons, days, life cycle.

If you look at the meaning of the word, “kolo” means a circle representing the sun, and “gate” means movement. Literal translation on the modern language means the movement of the sun, which symbolizes the continuity of being.

In appearance, the Kolovrat resembles the structure of the galaxy, which testifies to the high level of knowledge of the structure of the world among the ancient barbarians.

The value of the amulet depends on the different versions:

    the number of rays shown,

    in which direction the rays are twisted,


FROM acral meaning of the number of rays

The rotation is performed with 4, 6 or 8 rays. Each performance has a certain magical power:

The value of the location of the rays in the direction of the sun and against

Kolovrat with rays directed clockwise, which coincides with the movement of the sun, is called salting and has the following meaning:

    connection with light and protection from dark forces;




  • purity of thought and good intentions in all actions.

Kolovrat with rays located anti-sun - against the sun or clockwise creates a channel for communication with the other world. Wearing a left-handed Kolovrat reveals and enhances intuition, magical abilities, and influences the acquisition of new knowledge.

When choosing a brace, pay attention to the direction of the rays, the male sign is right-handed, all the rays are located in the direction of the sun. The female amulet is left-sided, the rays are located against the course of the sun (clockwise).

Variants of the image of the solar symbol

The environment in which the Kolovrat is depicted enhances the effect of the amulet and to some extent changes the sacred meaning. Most popular entourage:

  • oak leaves,

    with axes

    in the rays of the sun or the flame of fire,

    with rune.

Before choosing a talisman for yourself, check out the most common options.

If there is no description of your type of pendant or embroidery, read the meaning of the element used in the manufacture of the Kolovrat.


Bear takes special place among animals in Slavic culture. He is prescribed Magic power connection with the underworld. The bear is considered to be the personification, with its image the magi and shamans were closely intertwined. To this day, there are small nations worshiping the bear.

The bear is also a symbol of Russia.

Bear on women's talismans personifies wisdom, fertility and connection with ancestors.

When executed with a male character:








The wolf is the personification of devotion, prudence, courage, strength and honor. It is these qualities that are enhanced when the Kolovrats are depicted against the background of a wolf or surrounded by a pack of wolves.


In legends and myths, the raven always accompanies powerful magicians. It personifies wisdom (also craving for knowledge), longevity and magical abilities.

Kolovrat with an ax (axes and)

The ax is a symbol of war. Kolovrat with an ax is suitable for warriors and affects the qualities necessary to win in battle.

The lights of a sun

Always depicted are closed in a circle, the main meaning is the continuity and cyclical development, as well as eternity (infinity). Everything has its beginning and end, while death is the beginning of a new life.

Depending on the number of rays, the amulet will be in the sphere of influence of Perun, Svarog or denote the power of fire.

Fire is a symbol of enhancing masculine qualities. Fire is regarded as a source of life and violent energy.

The Slavic symbol Kolovrat itself personifies the sun, for its frame it is better to choose a flame of fire or a totem animal.


The strength of the amulet depends on the rune used. Each has a certain power and meaning. A protective rune can be used on the Kolovrat.

Who is suitable for Kolovrat

Kolovrat is a symbol of a strong man who is ready to overcome difficulties without evil in his heart.

The Kolovrat amulet is universal. The difference between male and female is in the direction of the rays.

Wearing the symbol is available to children over 3 years old. The amulet has protective properties from dark forces, slander. Negative energy of words spoken in anger.

In the female version () helps to develop humility, wisdom, sensuality, femininity.

In the male version, it helps to achieve the goal, forms resistance to stressful situations, helps to solve complex problems, adds wisdom, courage, strength.

Materials for making amulets

The choice of material for the manufacture of a personal amulet is a very important stage. Each type of source has a certain set of characteristics, which ultimately affects the strength of the amulet.

solar symbols reflect the structure of the galaxy

It is possible to make a Kolovrat Slavic symbol from metals (silver and gold), wood, animal bones, leather. Also, the amulet is embroidered or painted with paints, if desired, can be knitted.

Properties of base materials:

    Silver is the most common protective metal. Silver absorbs the negative directed at the owner from the people around him, his own thoughts. This metal absorbs negative energy on itself, so it is important to monitor the condition of the amulet and clean the amulet from time to time (as it becomes black or according to your mood). Has healing properties.

    Gold - this metal is more suitable for women's amulets. The power of gold is that it gives positive energy to the wearer. A person receives a charge of vivacity and optimism. Gold brace, in addition to the main value, adds self-confidence and calmness.

    Wood is the most affordable material, easy to process. For women, birch should be preferred, and for men, oak.

    Birch affects the formation of female (maternal) qualities. Oak enhances masculine traits (strength, endurance, stamina). At the same time, both trees have protective properties against external negativity.

    Animal bone. Bone amulets are easily tuned to the energy of the wearer.

Kolovrat - solar symbol. During life, it accumulates energy and has great strength. Can be inherited by genus.

If the Kolovrat amulet was bought in a store, it is advisable to clean it from someone else's energy and charge it with the forces of nature before using it.

How to clean and charge

Slavic amulets are intended for people with the appropriate roots.

After acquiring or creating, the Slavic Kolovrat should be cleaned. Water and fire are well suited to remove negative energy. Salt also has cleansing properties.

The best time for the rite of purification and activation are the days of the solstice and equinox. If the amulet is made of metal, immerse it in spring or running water, let the water cleanse all the negativity.

After water, hold a fire or candles over the fire.

If the amulet is made of combustible materials, it is enough to sprinkle it with water and hold it in the sun, under direct rays.

At the moment of purification, turn to God, whose symbol you have with a request for protection from the enemy and all evil, visible and invisible. Ask for prosperity and fertility.

At the end of the ceremony, put on the Slavic Kolovrat sign on yourself and do not take it off for 3 days. During this time, the adjustment of the waves of the amulet with your energy will take place. This completes the activation.

How to use Kolovrat

You can wear a bell every day, use it only with other Slavic symbols or separately. But in no case not with a Christian cross.

If at a certain point you are not wearing the badge. Store in a dedicated box. It is impossible to put an amulet with other decorations.

Amulets of the ancient Slavs should not be worn by Christians. These are 2 opposite worldviews.

Loss of protective functions

The service life of the solar symbol is not defined. A product made of silver absorbs negativity well and turns black. If the silver amulet has darkened, clean it and perform a purification ceremony with water and fire. Then feel free to wear it.

A wooden or embroidered amulet may lose its appearance, in this case thank the agogo for its service and burn it.

If the amulet is lost. So he fulfilled his function and took away a large stream of negativity. You don't need to look for it.

After a breakage or loss of the amulet, a new one should be made or purchased.

Psychology of bed relations