What colors of thread should be worn on the hand. Slavic nauzes - the magical power of knots and patterns of their weaving

Colors are so widespread in nature that primitive was influenced by their properties, tried to turn to them for help in promoting his happiness or in averting evil. Ancient peoples saw natural forces in colors - red symbolized fire, orange and yellow represented the sun, green - spring foliage, blue - sky and sea. Representing various elements, colors carried various properties, imparted these properties to various materials.

Thus, we can say that the color of the material from which the nauz is made largely determines its properties. When making a nauz, it is necessary to check with the interpretation of flowers, carefully consider what properties you want to lay in the future amulet. We are talking here not only about the color of the rag or rope, but also about the color of the paper? on which the spell will be written, the color of the stone that you put in the nauz, etc.

So, consider the most basic colors and their properties.

In the figure on the right - Scheme of tying a knot Leaf clover.

Red is a very strong color. Fire color. Gives people masculinity and courage, can give calmness and prudence. If people wearing red are irritated, then the color can also make them vindictive. Brings energy and strength. It feeds people with energy that they can use for both good and evil purposes. Red is mistakenly considered a symbol of brute force, when in fact it is the most controllable color. Red contains such qualities as passion, assertiveness, endurance, optimism. Excites, irritates, stimulates the brain, increases appetite. Creates a sense of body warmth. Stimulates blood circulation, maintains healthy skin color.

Maroon brings vitality and strength, purposefulness and restraint. In the face of adversity, it helps to gather all the strength for the fight. This color helps with cooperation in business, has partners. If there is too much brown in the color, it orients its owner to earthly affairs and selfish actions.

Spread of the book about Chinese knots - on the right. A similar phenomenon was common not only in Russian culture.

Raspberry gives optimistic and energetic emotions. Helps in rivalry and competition, achieving success. It symbolizes intellectual activity and aggressiveness, the very energy of crimson color moves a person to great things.

Scarlet is the most passionate shade of red. Helps in physical love, but violates the depth of spiritual feelings - they become too superficial. A lack of purposefulness is also a disadvantage that this color gives.

Knots can make beautiful decorations. Mostly now they are made from synthetic shiny threads, unfortunately, woolen, linen, or cotton threads would look much more interesting, in my opinion.

Pink is the color of pure and heartfelt love, in which there is no malice and jealousy. It releases people from these negative emotions, gives calmness, lightness.

Orange is the color of high aspiration. The influence of fiery, solar energy, which is transmitted to man. Carries pride, independent character, nobility of thoughts and actions, ambition, sociability and popularity. Stimulates the senses, creates a feeling of fun and well-being, promotes the treatment of anemia, gives sexual energy and strength, sexual potency.

Yellow is a strong, full color. The color of intelligence, the sun. Helps scientists, mystics, actors. The color of creativity. Stimulates nervous processes, nourishes the brain, eliminates apathy and anxiety.

Green is the great color of nature, renewal, purification. Sacred color for Muslims. Helps a person to adapt to circumstances, to be compassionate, sociable, friendly. The opposite of red, therefore, carries restraint, the constancy of nature itself. Green color supports mental and physical strength. Draws strength from the earth and natural greenery.

Emerald - most suitable for support in changing circumstances, such as when moving to a new job or on a business trip. It goes well with red for its magical (not aesthetic) properties.

Olive - takes a person out of controversial situations, helps to find compromises.

Light green - gives sentimentality and the ability to compassion.

The color of the sea wave - carries powerful energy, cunning, determination and perseverance.

Blue color - the range of properties of this color is extremely diverse. It can inspire energy or tune in a melancholy mood, give inspiration for creativity. Almost all shades of blue symbolize devotion and sociability. At the same time, the color ensures that the person wearing it remains independent. Draws strength from the element of water. Removes fear and anxiety.

Azure or sky blue is a heavenly shade, helps in noble deeds. A symbol of spiritual quest and spiritual achievement. Relieves pain, insomnia.

Dark- Blue colour- a strong shade that carries devotion, trust and constancy of purpose. At the same time, it gives independence and success in cooperation.

Violet is the color of splendor and importance, very strong. It carries the desire for high ideals. Purple color calms, gives harmony. Develops creativity and imagination. Often the color of determination and action. Helps in the work of the heart, lungs and blood vessels.

White is a symbol of purity, for many nations it is a symbol of life, for many it is a symbol of death. Gives accuracy in details and manners, understanding of others, sincerity, honesty. Symbol of truth, divinity. In all symbolic systems - positive side antitheses of black and white. The color of many rituals, such as baptism, marriage, confirmation, etc., rituals of transition to another state.

The attire of priests, both in Christianity and other religions, was often white, symbolizing spirituality and holiness.

The connection between light and joy makes white a festive color.

Gray is the color of balance. Often has a negative symbolism of indecision, impotence. It becomes positive when it approaches silver. The Russian scientist V.I. Dal wrote that there is a belief among the Russian people that in order to relieve convulsions and protect them from them, something gray must be sewn into the nauz.

Black - almost universally expresses negative emotions and the forces of evil. Suffice it to recall the expressions “black cat”, “throw a black ball”, “black magic”, etc. In Islam, black is the color of revenge. On the other hand, it can be said that it is the color of high understanding and calmness. Carries dignity without false pride, inspires respect.

Brown - a color that helps in practical matters, contributes to concrete, rather mundane thinking. Dull reddish brown is a symbol of sensuality. Brown color promotes diligence, perseverance, achievement of gradual success.

Depending on the sign of the zodiac, certain colors correspond to you. Your color will help you with more willingness and strength.

Aries - orange, red.
Taurus is dark green.
Gemini - brown.
Cancer is silver.
Leo is gold.
Virgo - a lot of color.
Libra - light green.
Scorpio - scarlet.
Sagittarius - blue.
Capricorn is black.
Aquarius - grey.
Pisces - dark blue.

Color controls human emotions, helps in working on the body, its health. It is known that even the pharaohs and King Solomon fought diseases by using different colors.

In diseases accompanied by high fever, cold colors help: blue, purple and turquoise. In case of an illness caused by hypothermia, warm colors help - yellow, red, orange, scarlet. Their solar fiery energy "warms" a person. Black color suppresses inflammatory processes in the body.

Combining colors, symbols, materials, you can always give your nauz exactly the meaning you need. He will help you when you need help, give strength, protect you from diseases.

Krasnov I.P. Nauses - Slavic amulets. Source - . Photos and drawings are selected by me, and comments on them are also mine.

The ancient Slavs attached great importance to the colors of the threads that were tied on the wrist, counting them strong amulets. They tied seven knots and called them slander (nauz). They were considered strong amulets. Left hand closer to the heart, was considered stronger and more significant, so they tied it to an amulet on this hand.

The ancient Slavs attached great importance to the colors of the threads.

Superstrong amulets and amulets were considered to be woven from several colors, silk, cotton, woolen and linen threads and in direct contact with the human body.

Hit of recent years

Celebrities, stars, politicians, youth are ready to decorate their wrists with colored threads that support a specific, noble deed and protect themselves from the evil eye and damage. Those who follow fashion and also read the teachings of Kabbalah must know the meaning of colored threads in order to be able to adapt to trends and understand what secret meaning lies in them. Colored threads on the wrist have become a real hit in recent years. Often young people and public people wear them on their wrists, not understanding the full meaning contained in them.

Spiritual void and how to fill it

People with a lot of money, famous, well-known, who are asked for an autograph even in public urinals, feel a great emptiness in their lives due to the lack of material concerns. If you have everything, what is the meaning of your life? You don't have anything to fight for, to strive for... all that's left is to dream of the highest position in the star rating and new, more colorful and expensive outfits. It doesn't matter if this star is higher or lower in rank, it needs to fill the spiritual void that confronts a person who has everything on the material level.

But none of them devoted their lives to Christianity, their choice is limited to outrageous deeds and statements, starting to study Kabbalah, not being a Jew, on a national basis and advertising threads and talking about their magical power as a talisman against evil and corruption.

Many people pay great attention to the colored threads on the hand.

ancient teaching

Kabbalah claims that there is no good and evil, that all events in our lives depend on codes hidden in the universe, which can only be seen through the knowledge of colors and numerology. Any person who thinks they know everything wants to play a part in the grand scheme... no matter who came up with it. They comprehend the mystical teaching, which speaks of the non-randomness of everything that happens in the world, and they want to see the formula by which all events occur. The whole system of the universe depends on the actions of each person, as Kabbalah teaches, and before communicating with the Creator, you must learn to communicate with each other, nature and the world that surrounds you.

Talismans of the Promised Land

The mystery of some phenomena and the inability to explain them, as well as strengthening physical strength and health, establishing peace of mind, getting rid of imbalance, gaining spiritual strength - a guarantee of a long and happy life, that is the strength of the threads of Kabbalah.

But the Christian religion denies and does not believe in magic, everything must be explained scientifically and scientists agree that the threads cannot be a substitute for the symbols of religion. Christians, Muslims, Jews and Buddhists receive protection and help from prayers to the Almighty, threads are just a delusion.

As a rule, people who tied the red thread are fans of Kabbalah, the teachings of the Jews

Those who wear amulets made of colored threads should take this seriously and carefully weigh their every word, and before committing even the smallest deed, they should think carefully. Kabbalah teaches that every word, every action, a flash of thought resonates in the Universe and has an impact on the world. Make it the best, anyone can.

Strong amulets

The threads are knitted on the ankles, on the wrists and most often in red. AT Old Testament it is said that any object that participates in the sacrament of communication with God has a meaning, shape and color. Next to the metals: gold, copper and silver, threads of different colors are highlighted as a separate part.

Jewish Scripture speaks of miraculous medicinal properties colored threads and rituals that the clergy must perform in order for the sick to recover. The Torah says a lot about the healing properties of the colored thread and the rites that the clergy must perform.

Multi-colored threads and their purpose

Each color of the threads of the ancient Slavs had its own purpose. Amulets were woven from them and their actions were enhanced by a combination of different colors.

AT modern world popular is the talisman - the red thread Rachel (red woolen lace). christian religion believes that this is a dark superstition that came to us from pagan times. To believe in it is just as stupid, deceitful and harmful to a person as in the rest of this philosophy.

How is the red thread of Kabbalah made?

Red wool amulet strong protection from the evil eye, gives the person who wears it confidence, endurance, optimism.

The scarlet thread on the wrist was put on by one of the first world stars Madonna. Not for pleasure and shocking, but for protection from ill-wishers. According to Kabbalistic belief (for the Jews), this is a sign of strong energy that protects from evil and helps to achieve success. This is a powerful obstacle to envy, bad thoughts. Madonna claims that the thread helped her to be more confident in herself, and the science of Kabbalah - to achieve tremendous success. Over time, other stars and ordinary people took over, although many do not know what a bracelet with a red thread really means, what is its meaning, they follow the fashion that they see from TV screens and tabloids. The red thread makes a person strong and self-confident. It excites, creates a feeling of comfort and warmth, supports appetite and health, irritates, stimulates the brain and means LIFE.

Red bracelets are worn by those who promote AIDS research and those who show their solidarity with AIDS patients.


It helps to organize and develop a business, improve it and make a profit.


This delicate thread promises beautiful, tender and pure love. Pink color gives lovers the harmony of relationships, mutual understanding, ease in relation, affection, kindness, protects against jealousy and envy, provides peace of mind.

The pink thread promises beautiful, tender and pure love.


Our pagan ancestors valued their well-being and treated it carefully. An ancient sign says that a person will be protected from evil and other negativity if there is a green thread on the wrist.

It is assumed that the green thread brings wealth, prevents fraud and deceit. This is the color of renewal, prosperity, Spring and awakening nature, giving strength. Green thread promotes inspiration and wealth.

Emerald - green nauz should be taken on trips, for business negotiations, when looking for work. It will help to give confidence in a difficult and crucial moment.

Blue and blue

The shade of the bottomless depth of the sky and the bewitching water surface. Threads mean spirituality and peace, good luck and success in solving personal problems, give the ability to have an interesting conversation, as well as listen and understand the interlocutor. Protects from anxieties and fears, increases your authority as a great storyteller. Color gives inspiration and new creative ideas. Promotes the development of communication skills and creativity. It helps with diseases associated with fever, soothes pain, increases intuitive perceptions and eliminates insomnia. Especially useful for people who are shy and withdrawn. Blue is also a symbol of devotion.

The blue thread protects from anxiety and fear


Concentrates strength and skills to achieve the chosen goal. Protects people from all sorts of catastrophes and accidents, accidents in transport. Helps to find a way out of dangerous and unforeseen situations. The purple thread gives confidence and stabilizes the internal organs and blood vessels. Diseases that are associated with high fever are alleviated if you have a purple thread on your hand.

yellow and orange

Colors work against evil magic, love spells, all kinds of sorcery and sorcery. The orange color is joyful, contains fiery energy and gives a person optimism and joy. The orange thread helps to cope with anemia, instills strength in a person, gives him energy, promotes the treatment of sexual potency, and restores male strength.

Sunny yellow. It eliminates anxiety, apathy, insecurity, stimulates the processes that occur in the body's nerve cells, and nourishes the brain. Those who wear the yellow thread want to be understood and accepted as they are. The yellow thread signifies mental activity and thought.

Like red, they are used against protection from the evil eye and damage. They allow you to neutralize the action energy vampires.

When Lance Armstrong began to suffer from cancer, the people at Live Strong wore yellow bracelets to show solidarity with him and his illness. Today, yellow bracelets are worn by people who support cancer research.

The yellow thread eliminates anxiety, apathy, insecurity

white thread

It is spirituality and protection, a sign of absolute purity and innocence. Useful for students and schoolchildren, everyone who decides to study. She is best protection from all unpredictable situations and for students. Develops memory. Helps in carrying out various religious rituals. White color - color holiness and spirituality, a sign of an ideal life path.


In its purest form, it carries negative energy. If the shade of gray is close to silver, it protects against the occurrence of seizures and relieves them. Gray is the color of balance.


A symbol of vengeance and hatred, evil, denial of everything, the end. Prevents high temperatures and inflammatory processes in the body. This is a symbol of dignity. It gives the owner significance to actions, faith in his abilities and strength, calmness, and makes others respect and honor him.

Threads tied together

  1. The black and red thread together can empower you to conduct and understand magical rituals and rites.
  2. They help in making profitable deals, contribute to business success in a tandem of blue and red threads.
  3. White and red threads woven together protect from physical violence.
  4. They attract love, help overcome jealousy, neutralize bad thoughts, treachery of enemies, envy of friends. Red and green threads tied together protect underage children.
  5. White and black color of threads is harmony, balance, wisdom. It is that "golden mean" that is necessary for success, joy, for a good life.
  6. Green and blue for people who spend their time at parties, meetings, concerts and those whose occupation is associated with public performances (politicians, artists, actors, etc.).

Colored threads on the wrist can be combined

The Importance of Colored Bracelets

For some people, pink-dyed threads are especially popular. This shows that most have no problem answering the question of what values ​​contribute to pink threads. Its meaning is solidarity with cancer patients and with breast cancer.

White (participation in the fight against poverty in the world), blue (water for regions and victims of drought), gray (fight against diabetes). Some have different meanings than pink, and in this extended context, gray also means fighting allergies and asthma.

The red color, as a sign of the followers of Kabbalah, takes on a slightly different meaning. One thread has a spiritual purpose and is a kind of protection from evil spells or, most often, a sign that a person professes Kabbalah, turning to the philosophy and mysticism of Judaism.

The meaning of the red woolen thread has long been familiar to everyone. However, in last years amulets made of threads of other colors began to enjoy great popularity.

A blue thread on the wrist will give courage and confidence, bring success in the implementation of the most daring plans, protect against betrayal

A blue thread on the wrist - what does it mean from the point of view of esotericism, for which a blue thread is tied to the hand. To answer these questions, you need to study the traditions of the ancient Slavs.

The ancient Slavs at first used only red threads for amulets. Gradually, the color palette expanded. Those who believed in the power of talismans began to pay special attention to the color of the thread amulet, which was tied around the wrist.

Such talismans with seven knots were called slanders in the old days. Often one could hear another name for the amulet - nauz. The charmed talisman was considered the most powerful if it was worn on the left hand. However of great importance this was not attached and the right hand was also decorated with a "magic" bracelet.

Fashion or tradition

Celebrities, politicians, pop stars and athletes - all of them often appear under the guns of cameras with colored thread on their wrists. Someone takes this talisman seriously, for others it's just a tribute to fashion.

Thread bracelets of different colors have become a real hit of our time. However, before wearing such a talisman, consider whether you really need it.

The custom of making colored amulets from threads is not only in Slavic culture. Buddhist monks made very colorful yarn strong amulets who "called" to a person prosperity, love, health. They also carried a huge protective function.

Buddhist monks made very strong amulets from multi-colored yarn, which “called” prosperity, love, health to a person.

While tying the knots, the monks recited special mantras. In Buddhist teaching, the thread means the path of life, and each knot on it is significant event which should happen. This may be a meeting of the second half, the birth of a child, or the achievement of higher spiritual wisdom.

We make a charm on our own

In order for you to have a blue or blue thread on your wrist, you do not have to buy it online. The ritual can be performed at home. You need to choose a specific day, tune in accordingly and invite a close friend or blood relative to help. You can make an amulet yourself.

Features of the ritual

If for you a blue or blue thread on your wrist means protection and help, take the ceremony seriously. If it's just a decoration, it's better to buy a "fashion item" online.

When performing a ritual, you put part of your soul into the amulet. Therefore, it cannot be treated with disrespect. The talisman can "take offense" at you and not only fail to fulfill its main function, but even take revenge on the negligent owner.

To prevent this from happening, pick up a thread prepared in advance. Warm her up, mentally address her and ask you to protect. Then hand it over to an assistant, who will make seven knots on it and tie it around your hand.

Choose the right day and time for the ritual׃

  • the ceremony is performed on the growing moon, if they want to get help from the talisman;
  • you can not do any magic in large church holidays and Sunday;
  • to make the talisman even more effective, tie it on your hand on a full moon night;
  • do not tie a blue or blue amulet if you feel unwell or are sick.

It is especially important that during the ritual you feel uplifted and in a good mood.

The combination of blue and blue thread in one bracelet

What do the intertwined blue and blue threads on the wrist mean: this combination is quite symbolic. The piercing blue sky and the bottomless blue of the ocean. Such a talisman means the spiritual depth of a person who decided to tie these two threads on his wrist.

From an esoteric point of view, such a combination helps to achieve great success in realizing one's own "I". Especially if it's related to social activities or help other people.

Blue and blue thread will help volunteers, teachers, doctors, social workers. Such a charm will temper the will, teach patience, develop in a person the ability to understand the interlocutor well.

The blue thread will serve as a good talisman for businessmen, financiers, politicians and heads of large enterprises.

The amulet will relieve self-doubt, raise your authority, develop a talent for eloquence. The blue color will clear thoughts of doubts, and blue will allow you to comprehend the most important values ​​\u200b\u200bof this world - love and compassion.

Amulet of blue color

A blue thread on your wrist will give you courage and confidence. It will serve as a good talisman for businessmen, financiers, politicians and heads of large enterprises.

The talisman is suitable for those who decide to start their own business. He will bring success in the implementation of the most daring plans, protect against betrayal.

If you have difficult negotiations or the signing of an important contract, the blue thread should be hidden under your shirt. It develops intuition and the gift of foresight. This will allow you to feel the lie and choose the path that will surely lead to success.

If you have not yet decided on the choice of the business of your life, wear a blue woolen thread. The talisman helps to find inner harmony and tranquility. In this state, you intuitively choose the best direction for your activities.

Blue amulet

The blue thread endows its owner with nobility, kindness and great inner strength. It helps a person in his spiritual quest. The talisman is suitable for those people who are engaged in self-improvement, spiritual practices and meditation.

The heavenly talisman is able to help a person gain higher knowledge, discover a completely new understanding of the structure of this world. However, he will serve only people with pure thoughts and a noble soul.

To make the talisman even more effective, tie it around your hand on a full moon night.

You should not wear a blue thread for those who treat others condescendingly, callous in soul and attached only to material values. In this case, the thread will perform only a decorative function and will not show its magical properties.

The most successful combinations for blue and blue thread

Like our distant ancestors, we can use several colors in a thread amulet at once. However, practicing magicians are advised not to use more than two. If you intertwine threads of three or four shades, a person who does not have great inner strength will rush about and not understand his desires. The bracelet will tear his soul apart, instilling chaos in it. Only people with special knowledge will be able to subordinate such an amulet to their power.

This applies only to thread bracelets, in which each thread is spoken separately. If you decide to speak a colored bracelet as a single talisman, this is quite easy to deal with.

Below are some combinations of blue and cyan with other shades׃

  1. A blue and red thread on the wrist means success in business, good luck and making the right decisions. The combination is suitable for businessmen, bank employees, small business owners.
  2. A blue and green thread amulet is more suitable for creative people and public figures - artists, politicians, speakers, teachers.
  3. The combination of blue and green will allow the owner to succeed if he chooses a profession related to spirituality, protecting the interests of people and animals, and fighting for human rights.

The meaning of other combinations can be found on the Internet or try to pick it up yourself. The main thing is that you feel healthy, happy and strong in such a bracelet.

Increasingly, there are black threads on the wrists of passers-by. Many are perplexed - amulets are made from. But today all colors are used to achieve different purposes.

In the article:

Threads on the wrist - what a charm

The first thread amulet was red colors and protected from the evil eye, envy, anger. It was made by the Slavs for children and the students of Kabbalah. And the world-famous Madonna wears such a charm. In the old days, the umbilical cord of a newborn was also bandaged with a red one. The amulet has a long history and existed among many peoples of the world. You can learn more about it on our website.

Later, people began to weave amulets from threads of a different color - black, green, pink. Each attracts a certain energy and is used in magic for different purposes. Modern fashion for baubles and bracelets, as well as a variety of assortment for creating jewelry, independently influenced appearance traditional amulet. Therefore, now they are in the form of braids and complex weaves, which are decorated with pendants and beads.

The improved appearance of the thread amulet did not affect the ability to grant other benefits. But Orthodox Church regards such things negatively. It is believed that this symbolizes distrust of God and how he protects from evil and helps in life.

How to make a charm bracelet

The bracelet is made strong. Do not wear one thin thread on your wrist. It breaks off or is lost when the energy has exhausted itself and is unable to help. And from thin threads, weak amulets are obtained.

In the classic version of the recommendations for creating such amulets, it is advised to make seven knots. In the old days, they did not make such talismans for themselves, they asked friends or relatives who they trusted about it. But today they do, but when there is a true friend, ask him about it.

Each knot says:

With the first node, the spell begins, with the second your wish comes true, with the third the magic is released, the fourth is your postulate, with the fifth the spell wakes up, with the sixth node I fasten the magic, and with the seventh I invoke strength.

While tying with an assistant, read the plot together or visualize that you are asking to bring the thread. The pieces that remain should be burned.

When the desire to wear an amulet disappears, it means that its time has passed. Remove and burn or bury. Thank you for helping.

The meaning of thread colors for the wrist

Like the red green is of particular importance. It is the color of nature that represents growth and life. It doesn't have bad meanings. Green has many shades, and each has a meaning.

Clean green color responsible for vital energy and health. Such a thread will attract additional energy, which will have a positive effect on well-being and mood. It gives good luck and wealth, protects from diseases. It will help you adapt to any situation, so take it on trips, business trips and use it when you change jobs or transfer to another educational institution.

Use the green rope on your hand to protect yourself from deceit and thieves. will improve.

light green thread bracelets are necessary for those who want to keep love, tenderness and harmony in relationships. This is a charm for a couple. Make one for your loved one and accept a similar gift from him.

Olive and all the dark tones of green thread on the wrist soften conflicts. They are needed by those who are often forced to engage in unpleasant conversations and meet people from whom they want to stay away. This is also a talisman for those whose job is communication with customers.

Aquamarine and bluish shades of green are suitable for wrist strings for those who lack confidence, perseverance and fortitude. Ideal for passing exams, maintaining a sense of purpose while overcoming obstacles, and suitable for those who speak in public.

pink thread- love talisman. It will protect relationships from negativity and jealousy, fill it with tenderness and harmony.

Orange- the color of the energy of the sun, which makes it an option for an amulet in the cold season. Saves from colds. Such amulets make closed and depressed people more sociable. Color symbolizes the completeness of perception of the surrounding world. Helps to make friends and develop healthy ambition.

Orange thread stimulates sexual energy and increases desire, making it suitable for those who have lost their temper. It is able to protect the owner,. From the threads of this color, protective amulets from energy vampirism are obtained.

Yellow- sunny color, like orange. When you move to a city with a cold climate, take a talisman from the “solar” thread with you. It is also the color of intelligence and creativity. It will help you find inspiration and desire to learn. A wonderful amulet for scientists, students, schoolchildren, actors and those who study magic.

Yellow threads protect well from witchcraft and negative energy like the evil eye, envy and bad thoughts enemies, as well as energy vampires. When you have to constantly communicate with the latter, it is better to get such a bracelet.

Blue- the color of the sky. Its focus is nobility, the maintenance of human individuality, assistance in finding oneself and spiritual quest. Protects from fear and helps to make important decisions, in communication, develops intuition.

Blue good for businessmen. Gives independence and success in any endeavors, helps in contacts with business partners and keeps from betrayal. With the help of such a talisman, get rid of uncertainty and anxiety. When you use it, be sure that success will not change you in a negative direction. The blue thread on the hand will develop intuition.

purple a thread on the wrist will give harmony and help in creativity. A talisman for those who want to develop their imagination. This tone is used by magicians as the color of the unknown. Eliminates negative thinking and fears. In ancient times, it was believed that purple clothes helped sorcerers not to lose their minds. Not bad protects this color from trouble and danger.

White the amulet symbolizes purity. It will help you start a new stage in life. Good for a period after a rethinking of the past or loss. As a symbol of holiness and spirituality, white is popular with students white magic. It has always been used for rituals for good.

Amulets for pupils and students are made of white threads. They develop memory and arouse interest in knowledge. This will help to avoid unforeseen situations and unpleasant surprises.

Grey not used to create amulets in its pure form. And silver will protect from mental illness and seizures.

Black a thread on the wrist causes negative associations. They came in handy for witches to induce damage. But color also has positive connotations. The black thread will give calm confidence, determination and poise. It is necessary for those who do not control emotions.

Brown for those who do physical labor. The color symbolizes earthiness and love for work. It is for those who are fond of gardening, those who work hard for a happy old age, build a career. Brings good luck, gives purposefulness and perseverance.

A thread is chosen for the amulet according to the horoscope. Each zodiac sign has lucky colors, choose one or add others. Pendants and other additional decorations for a thread amulet are selected for talismans, which are recommended by astrologers.

Combinations of thread colors for amulets

White-red nauzes are kept from getting physical injuries, dangers and injuries. Such a talisman is good for those who go in for extreme sports or have a dangerous profession - a firefighter or a miner.

In ancient times, the Slavs believed in the magic of wicker amulets. Tied in a certain way, they brought good luck, strengthened health, and attracted material well-being. Nodular magic has not lost its popularity to this day.

The church in the past centuries severely persecuted everyone who adhered to the pagan faith and made amulets. Therefore, the techniques for manufacturing nodes have not fully reached our days.

Nevertheless, some knowledge is still preserved. Nauses deserve special attention - in Slavic magic, knots into which various objects were tied. Thus, special knots were woven for love, luck, wealth, protection from envious people. For example, in the old days, a young girl who wanted to find a groom, unnoticed by others, weaved Mokosh's nauz. The Slavic amulet is named after Mother Makosha, who, according to legend, spun the threads of fate. If it was time for the girl to get married, she would soon meet her fiancé, but if Makosh was against imminent marriage- the girl understood this, since the knot did not help her meet her betrothed.

The action of such a nauz is similar to other amulets of the goddess Mokosh - her eponymous and.

ATSlavic nauzesfigurines of ancient deities, small gifts of nature (pebbles and plants), metal elements were intertwined. Each material and object has eigenvalue. Interestingly, the plants could be replaced with vegetable oil, simply by lubricating the amulet from time to time.

According to the rules of the Slavic magic of knots, you should not wear more than 2-3 knots on one thread. It is better to make several different sets and change them periodically. The prepared talisman can be stored for a very long time, the main thing is that outsiders should not see it.

Knot magic in other cultures

For the first time nodular magic appeared in Slavic culture. Over time, it spread to the countries of Europe. But some importance was attached to knots in other nations:

  • Africans believed in the impact of knots on male power and love feelings;
  • the peoples of Asia to this day believe that the knot can destroy family happiness. Therefore, brides carefully monitor the absence of knots on the groom's clothes;
  • in European countries, there have long been special rituals for tying a magic knot that helped a woman in labor to endure childbirth. At the same time, signs have survived to this day - pregnant women should not wear knots before childbirth, this also applies to weaving braids.

Each of us at least once in our lives has seen the Chinese knot of happiness.

In the circles of magicians, there is a sign - during any rituals, you can not braid your hair or have ovaries on your clothes. All knots are untied, otherwise the meaning of the ritual and the attracted energy may be distorted and have a negative impact on the magician himself.

Sign. It is believed that untying a knot on someone else's bag or bag can attract someone else's negative energy.

Rules for the manufacture of nauzes

There are several rules in the Slavic magic of the Nauzes:

  1. Periodically, nauses must be substituted under the natural illumination of celestial bodies. For example, a talisman for money requires sunlight, and a love nauz or for women's health and beauty requires lunar energy.
  2. It is ideal to make nauzes in nature. In an apartment, they should be woven only if there are no other options. If there is an opportunity to go to a beautiful, quiet, peaceful place, it is better to choose a day and go to nature. In extreme cases, a suburban area is suitable.
  3. Nauz knots are woven only on the growing moon. According to Slavic beliefs, with a growing moon, a person acquires what he wants, and with a waning one, he loses.
  4. Before the manufacturing process, you need to try to exclude all possible sources of noise - nothing should distract the thoughts of the creator from the weaving process.
  5. During the entire time of weaving, you need to continuously pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

Nauz knots need to be woven on the growing moon. According to Slavic beliefs, with a growing moon, a person acquires what he wants, and with a waning one, he loses.

If it is not possible to weave complex knots, you can simply tie the threads. In this case, their number makes sense:

  • one is union with solar energy;
  • two - connecting together feelings and mind, attracting the energy of the moon;
  • three - development of creative potential, assistance in work, attraction of the energy of Mars;
  • four - inner harmony, connection with the magic of Mercury;
  • five - fertility and success in work, the use of the magic of Jupiter;
  • six - attracting love and harmony;
  • seven - the preservation of the family hearth, the strengthening of faith, the attraction of the magic of Saturn;
  • eight - harmony between emotions and reason;
  • nine - religiosity.


They should be only natural - so the power of Mother Nature will increase the effectiveness of the amulet. For you can use not only threads, but also ribbons, bunches of plants. In ancient times, the Slavs even made magic hair knots.

Thread colors

Carefully consider the choice of elements for the manufacture of nauzes, giving preference only to natural materials.

Each nauz is characterized by a specific color:

  • Black. You have to be careful with this color. Its use may be questionable. But with the right mindset during creation and accurate plotting, the black thread will help insecure people become more determined, and emotional and unrestrained people more balanced. If you use a combination of white and black thread, nauz will help you stay in the right direction in achieving your goal.
  • Red. There are many options for its use: and protection from negative energy(worn on the left hand), and for the fulfillment of desires (worn on right hand). Three red threads speak of love, linking them seven times.
  • Yellow. It is aimed at preserving the energy channel of its owner, attracts solar energy.
  • Green. It has long been used to attract money and protect property from envious people who want to take advantage of a person for their own benefit.
  • Blue. Helps to strengthen self-confidence and develop intuitive skills.
  • Violet. The purple knot protects against accidents.
  • White. It will be useful for students and professionals in professions where good memory and constant learning new information. Promotes easy learning and improves memory.

Today, it is the most commonly seen. It is mainly used as protection against the evil eye and a talisman of health.

In universities it is not forbidden to use threads of different colors. It is even considered useful, as different shades enhance the braided amulet.

Weave nauzes on our own

You can create a Slavic talisman with your own hands. This is a short process, but it requires attention and positive thoughts. Slavic amulets not used with malicious intent.

Science for wealth

The easiest way to attract money is to say a conspiracy every day when tying items of clothing: for example, a tie or a neckerchief. As speaking words, you can use something like the following: “Multiply money, but increase! Come to me, (name), and stay with me for a long time!

Nauses for attracting material well-being: a simple money knot, the Money Tree Nauz, the Wealth Nauz.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the scheme of weaving a simple money nauz in the figure below:

A more complex and permanent amulet will be a bracelet or neck harness with a figurine. A horseshoe can be used as a pendant - so that luck accompanies career development. In ancient times, three nauzes were woven, the combination was similar to the crown of a tree.

To enhance the monetary energy, you can lubricate the Slavic amulet with bergamot oil.

When creating money sciences, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When the moon begins to rise, buy a thick green candle and a ball of natural thread of the same color.
  2. Light a candle first. Then unwind a little ball and cut 9 threads of the same length. Roll them into one bundle, saying: “Nine paths, nine paths, will lead to what I want. Coppers, patches, chervonets, paper bills, signed and sealed.
  3. Then tie exactly 9 magic knots on the tourniquet in any convenient way, repeating each time: “I connect everything together in this knot: my will, passion, monetary power.”

If the finished amulet is small, you can put it in your wallet. Then it can be combined with other purse talismans, for example, or. Otherwise, it is necessary to put the money nauz in a place invisible to visitors in the house or workplace.

Nauses for love

Parting for a long time, lovers can exchange lovebirds.

There are many different patterns for love: for passion, fidelity, for newlyweds and attracting the attention of a person you like. You can make two amulets - for yourself and your lover. As a material, you can use a ribbon or a coarse cord that would look good as a bracelet.

Scheme for tying the "Lovebirds" nauz.

Love nauz is made on the growing moon. When tying a nauz, they say: "Knot, seal our union. There are no stronger bonds of love in the world!

To create a Slavic knot of happiness, you can use thin threads, and weave a horseshoe into the nauz itself - for good luck in finding love.

Science for good luck

Especially the four-leaf, is considered a symbol of good luck among many peoples. Nauz for good luck outwardly resembles a clover leaf. Any thread color can be used, depending on the need. You can add a horseshoe - the symbol increases magical properties nauza.

Nauz for good luck looks like a clover leaf.

Science for health

Nauses for health and healing should be worn around the neck or arm. If you are concerned about diseases of the legs - tie on sore joints. It is also recommended to wear such amulets to people engaged in work dangerous to life and health.

There are several ways to use such nauzes:

  1. To get rid of existing ailments, weave nauz on black threads. An odd number of nauzes are knitted on them, for each naming one existing disease. Then, far from home, you need to burn the resulting nauzes or simply bury them in an uninhabited place.
  2. Celtic nauz. Such a scheme is used to rid the body of a serious illness that destroys physically or spiritually.
  3. Nauz "Alive" and "Solyar". Used to fill the body with energy in chronic fatigue or exhaustion. Yellow lace is suitable for creating these amulets.

Why else weave nauzes

There are nouzes to protect the house. As a rule, it is woven from one thread, forming a flat shield from the nauzes. He will protect the house from misfortunes and ill-wishers, attract happiness and preserve family comfort. When tying such a nauz, you need to pronounce words in which the desired will sound - protection from envious people or strengthening family happiness.

There is also a nauz from the evil eye. True sign evil eye - a series of failures, diseases, constant malaise and rapid fatigue. To create a protective amulet, use a red thread. The talisman must be worn on the arm or neck. As a last resort, attach to clothing or accessory.

How and when to tie

Depending on which nauz is planned to be created, you need to choose the appropriate day:

  • Monday - love day;
  • Tuesday - protection from evil spirits and negative energy;
  • Wednesday - good luck and success;
  • Thursday - financial well-being;
  • Friday - love;
  • Saturday - protection from ill-wishers and envious people;
  • Sunday is health day.

During the tying of knots, you need to think only about your desire, the ultimate goal of your aspirations. Desires can be spoken out loud, while the words should sound confident. If you are a believer, read the prayer “Our Father” or “Our Lady of the Virgin”, charging the amulet with sacred power.

In creating and using the amulet, the main thing is to believe in its power - this is how you will attract the necessary energy from the universe, and the amulet will concentrate it on your needs.

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