Young lover psychology. The best solution is to calmly explain yourself in order to make it clear to the man that there are no more feelings and it is better to disperse. Find something to your liking that will take up all your free time and distract you from bad thoughts

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In our time, women have ceased to depend on men and now they are guided by completely different desires when choosing a partner. If earlier the representatives of the weaker sex made a choice in favor of a partner older than themselves, now it is increasingly possible to meet the union of a mature woman and young man. Is harmony possible in such a couple and does it have a future?

Complete harmony

Despite the significant difference in age and seeming incompatibility, this union has many advantages. Moreover, many of the positive aspects arise precisely because of age differences.

sexual euphoria

In the field of sex, a couple, for example, with a twenty-year age difference has many advantages. Relationships are exciting, full of passion and realization of the most secret desires.

Judge for yourself: according to research, female sexuality reaches its peak around the age of 35-40 years, male - in 20-30 years. It turns out that a young man and a mature woman can ideally satisfy each other's sexual needs. Sex often becomes the foundation for relationships between couples with a large age difference.

Despite the fact that mature ladies are more experienced, more relaxed and often much sexier than young ones, men who have passed the forty-year milestone, on the contrary, tend to fall into the arms of very young girls, whose sexuality has not yet reached its peak. The fact is that at this age, men are not looking for sex, but for the freshness of feelings, or rather, the opportunity to catch up with the passing youth. For them, this is an opportunity to prove to themselves and others that they are still capable of much. And in this case, in terms of sex, there is a perfect coincidence: the man has already passed the peak of his sexual flowering, and the girl has not yet reached it. He, passing on his experience to her, feels capable and sexy again, and she is completely satisfied with his attention and care. Their needs for sex in most cases completely coincide. But the union with a partner of the same age is becoming more and more problematic, since it is already difficult for a man to satisfy her growing needs.


After years of working to achieve success, or working for the good of the family, a woman often forgets about romance, and that you can live just for yourself and your own pleasure. Her young lover, on the contrary, is thinking only about it. With him, she can relax, feel the lightness of being, remember all her buried dreams and fulfill them. In turn, a young guy can learn a lot from an experienced woman - how to build a career, make useful connections, be responsible and independent, etc.

You can learn from each other a different perception of life, give each other what everyone lacks, you can discover a lot of new things in Everyday life with the help of a partner. This union is able to mutually enrich each other and contribute to your further development.

Whether you've just gone through a divorce, or are simply tired of years of marriage full of obligations and routine, you may not want a serious relationship for a very long time. If that's the case, then a young lover is the best medicine to get the taste of a life of no obligation again. Indeed, in our time, many young people under the age of 30 are completely unprepared and do not strive to create a family and have children. Thanks to the lack of commitment, you will again feel young and frivolous, to fulfill the desires that you have denied yourself for a long time. No one owes anyone, you are together as long as you feel good.

Chance to start from scratch

On the other hand, if you've been putting off getting married for a long time, or were dissatisfied with a previous marriage, a relationship with a partner much younger than you can open the way to a new life. If you have common values ​​and outlooks on life, then you can easily create a new family and live, as it were, a second youth, reliving everything that once passed. For your partner, all this will be the first time, so you get the opportunity to experience life in a new way.

Restore youth and beauty

Next to a young lover, you want to look decent. After all, all his friends are much younger than you, and there are so many young and beautiful girls around! You strive to look good, devote more time to yourself, start taking care of your health, go in for sports. All this benefits not only appearance, but also gives peace of mind increases self-esteem. You are getting younger and prettier right before our eyes! Of course, not only through self-care, but also through exciting sex, new experiences and good mood.

Healthy offspring

In our time, modern ladies are increasingly postponing the issues of childbearing. If you have not yet had children by adulthood, then with a younger partner, these chances increase. Previously, there was an opinion that men can produce healthy offspring for at least their entire lives. But in recent times new data has emerged. Research institutes analyzed data from 8,500 couples who wanted to have a baby, and it turned out that after the age of 24, men's ability to conceive a healthy child drops by 3% every year after the age of 24. Moreover, according to statistics, children with disabilities are most often born to older fathers. So if your partner is much younger than you, the chances of having a healthy baby are greatly increased.

Time mines

If the age difference between partners exceeds 10 years, significant complications are almost inevitable, the cause of which is the difference in character and age. Over the years, the age difference loses its meaning. For example, the difference of 15 years between a 35-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman is much more dangerous than the same difference between a 50-year-old woman and a 65-year-old man. Unfortunately, the age difference can become a ticking time bomb that slowly destroys relationships.

If at first you do not pay attention to your differences, and perhaps they turn you on, in a more stable and long-term relationship, they are sure to come out. And it depends only on the two of you whether you can overcome the inevitable difficulties.

difference in values

Of course, peers can also have different views on life. But still, the more age difference you have, the more likely your couple is to be at different stages of life development.

Each age has its own goals and objectives, sometimes completely opposite. If your goals do not match, it is unlikely that you will be able to maintain a relationship for a long time. Same way great importance has your perception of the world. In older people, it is strikingly different from the perception of a younger person. If there is a whole generation between you, most likely the difference in your experience is so great that you hardly understand each other. In this case, someone will have to adjust and sacrifice their values ​​for the sake of a partner.

Misunderstandings and sticky situations

One of the enemies of "unequal" relations is public opinion. Firstly, they may simply not understand you, and this is even the lesser of the evils. Often such relationships are pursued by envy, condemnation, ridicule, and even aggression. It may seem to your friends and colleagues that you are being used, that you have lost your mind, and so on. His friends and colleagues may also disapprove of his choice. Your children may be the same age as your lover, and then you will have to face their misunderstanding, and even anger. And perhaps you will even become jealous of your own daughter for your young lover!

On the other hand, if your relationship has gone far and become serious, you will have to meet the parents of your loved one, who may well be your peers, or even younger than you. You can also be mistaken for mother and son, and this will give you some inconvenience. The pressure of public opinion can destroy even the most sincere relationship, it is not for nothing that there are so many films and books on this topic! On the other hand, if you both passed these tests, then your love has a great future. If you love each other and are happy, is there any point in paying attention to what other people think of you?

Leader Syndrome

Because you are older, wiser, and possibly more successful, you may want to bring a young partner up to your level. You begin to give him advice and guide him. You get annoyed with your partner because of his immaturity, lack of life experience. You are annoyed that it does not suit you.

You can take on parental responsibilities. You are drawn to him to give advice, correct and instruct, you think that you know everything better. You treat your partner like a child, he, in turn, is offended, and in some cases arranges a real rebellion.

In this case, think about whether you chose a younger partner to fulfill your need for power and control? Perhaps you want to increase your self-esteem at the expense of a more immature partner, because only in this way can you feel confident and needed?

If you are a woman and you are richer than you young lover, then it can annoy you especially. It turns out that you either pay for a man, or you are forced to be content with the level of his income and allow yourself only what he can afford. You may be annoyed by his work, you may be embarrassed by his position and social position. Your young lover may be just starting the path to financial independence, a path you have already taken.

In this case, you need to understand what you want to get from your union, find out for yourself its advantages and not demand what you cannot get. If a man is serious, then he will definitely succeed. But if you wake him up endlessly sawing and humiliating, then a completely different woman will reap the fruits of his labor.

Jealousy and fear

You may experience fear that your youth is fading away, that your partner may have someone younger. Especially if he is still very young, but already wealthy and successful. You are constantly jealous and comparing yourself to younger girls. You can torment your partner with your insecurity and jealousy, thereby provoking him to cheat. Think about the fact that the secret of a long relationship is not at all in youth and beauty. Men leave different women, even the most ideal and beautiful ones. If you are confident in yourself, do not focus on age, and your relationship is filled with depth of feelings, and not just sex, then nothing prevents them from lasting as long as fate has appointed. No one knows how much time of life is devoted not only to relationships, but also to people. Therefore, use this time for happiness, enjoy love, and do not poison the time allotted to you with jealousy and fears.

You sacrifice your interests, friends, connections, etc., for the sake of a partner, because you are afraid of losing him and trying to adapt to him, or vice versa, you try to adjust your partner for yourself, make you live by your interests, friends, etc. You either start looking younger and look ridiculous, or you try to get your partner to match your environment. It is best if you can be yourself, while at the same time mutually learning, opening your world to each other, and accepting the world of your loved one. If this is difficult for you to do, then you cannot fully accept your partner, and your union rests only on the physical component, which, alas, is not durable if deeper feelings do not feed it.

Each case is individual, and one cannot judge the prospects of relationships only by age differences. There are people who, at the age of 45, live the goals of twenty-year-olds and lead the lifestyle of young rake. You can also observe the reverse situation, when very young people take life with all seriousness and responsibility.

The main thing is not age, but the commonality of your goals, views and interests. Only then can your union be happy for many years. The more you have in common with your partner, the more actively you develop your relationship, the more chances your love has.

Why does a woman need a young lover?

To answer this question, the experts had to talk with a large number of the fair sex, who are not used to talking openly about their age. There are a number of reasons why women love young lovers:

  1. good sex. Scientists have proven that the fair sex reaches the peak of their sexuality by the age of 35, and men at 20-25 years old. As a result, a dissatisfied woman is looking for a good partner.

  2. Romance. Many young lovers are not devoid of romanticism, and they create unusual dates for their adult chosen ones, which older men are no longer capable of.

  3. Appearance. It is widely believed among people that a woman looks as old as her lover, who acts as a “rejuvenator”.

  4. Increase self-esteem. A young lover helps a woman to understand that she is still beautiful and can compete with younger girls.

  5. Power. Many older ladies start a relationship with a young guy in order to realize their maternal instinct. Some people have a desire to dominate.

How to get a young lover?

The competition among the fair sex is huge, so it's important to know how to stand out from the crowd. A woman at any age should look at 100%, take care of her figure, skin condition, and also understand modern trends and be an excellent lover. For guys, it is important that in a relationship it is easy and interesting. It is worth understanding where women are looking for young lovers:

  1. Internet. There are many dating sites and social networks where you can chat with different people. It is important to consider that there are many scammers on the network.

  2. public places. You can meet in entertainment venues, at exhibitions and so on.

  3. A holiday romance. According to statistics, more often than usual, a young lover in women appears during the holidays. In a place where no one knows you, the easiest way is to do whatever you want.

Young lover - pros and cons

In any situation, there are advantages and disadvantages, in the analysis of which one can understand their profitability. First you need to find out what a young lover is good for: romantic relationships, personal freedom, the feeling that a second youth has come, interesting communication, increased self-esteem and a chance to start life from a new page. In addition, women who are in love with a man younger than themselves look younger and more attractive. As for the shortcomings, they include condemnation from the public and relatives, different views on life and the failure of a partner.

How to keep a young lover?

So that the guy is not tempted to covet other girls, you need to consider some rules.

  1. For men at any age, freedom is important, so you should give up excessive control, jealousy and reproaches. Different quarrels can negatively affect relationships. Learn to calmly solve problems and seek compromise in different situations.

  2. Sex with a young lover should be passionate, varied and regular. Remember that you need to periodically add variety to your intimate life.

  3. Men are hunters, and you can make your chosen one jealous. It is important not to overdo it in this situation.

  4. A woman should always leave intrigue behind herself to make it interesting, otherwise the relationship will become boring.

How to behave with a young lover?

  1. A young lover of a married woman should appreciate the chosen one and be afraid to lose her. To do this, you need to keep him in a slight tension, for example, periodically refusing a date.

  2. Next to a young partner, predictability should be avoided, since this is the most common reason for separation in such couples.

  3. One of the important rules of a strong relationship is respect and admiration, which is very important for the stronger sex at any age.

  4. When figuring out how to attract a young lover, it should be noted that for a strong relationship it is important to be a friend and support for a man.

How to communicate with a young lover?

The age difference often causes many problems that manifest themselves in communication and this is due to different interests. It is important to build a relationship with a young lover on an equal footing, since few are ready to obey women. It is necessary to understand in his interests in order to "be in the subject." In communication, there should not be any reproaches, let alone hints of age.

How to return a young lover - psychology

In a situation where the relationship collapsed and the chosen one left, one should not give up, because there is always a chance to return everything to its place. There are some tips on how to restore relationships in a couple, where an adult lady and a young lover.

  1. It is not recommended to flog a fever and it is better to wait a pause so that a man starts to get bored and realizes that he has lost something important in life.

  2. Do not waste time in vain and take care of yourself to become better and start improving yourself. You need to work not only on appearance, but also on inner qualities and mental abilities.

  3. In order for a young lover to return, you should not pester him with calls and messages, since such behavior only repels.

  4. Draw a conclusion from the reasons for the breakup and correct the situation in your favor.

How to survive a breakup with a young lover?

In a situation where there are feelings for a man, but the relationship is over, you need to know how to help yourself not to fall into depression and return to normal life.

  1. Find something to your liking that will take up all your free time and distract you from bad thoughts.

  2. You should try to find inner harmony and there are different ways, for example, rest alone helps one, and meditation helps others.

  3. For an older woman, a young lover can be an excellent proof of attractiveness and sexuality, so it’s worth mentally thanking him and starting a new life.

How to break up with a young lover?

Often in such relationships, women realize after a while that they have had enough of "young blood" and it's time to put an end to it. Many of the fair sex, comparing who is better than a husband and a young lover, opt for the first one, and in this case it is important to part properly.

  1. The best solution is to calmly explain yourself in order to make it clear to the man that there are no more feelings and it is better to disperse.

  2. In some cases, an escape plan will help, that is, you can simply disappear from the life of a lover. You can use this scenario if you are sure that the guy will not pursue.

  3. Remember your 17-19 years. At that time, you dreamed that an adult, experienced and caring man, 25 years old, would appear in your life. Today you are already counting the fifth decade, and your thoughts are occupied by the dream of a young, inexperienced boy who needs your care, oddly enough, all the same 25 years old.

    Young lover for a woman over 40– reward or punishment? You can talk endlessly on this topic, and everyone will certainly have their own personal opinion and individual view of this delicate situation. I'm not going to bore you philosophical thoughts and scientific data - you can read this in more competent sources.

    Today I'm more interested in something else: why do you need it? Moreover, this is not a reproach question at all, but rather information for reflection and action. What is the benefit for a woman over 40 from a connection with a young lover? Is it worth it to start a relationship with a man much younger than you?

    Sex. As much as I would not like it, I still have to refer to some scientific data. It is a well-known fact that the peak of sexual activity in the stronger sex begins at the age of 20-25 and lasts on average up to 35 years. While it is from the age of 35 that a woman reaches her sexual apogee.

    Why nature played such a trick on us is unknown. However, the fact remains. And there is nothing strange in the fact that an unsatisfied woman is looking for a way to fulfill her natural needs. And full-fledged sex in a woman's life, as you know, directly affects her health, which is a fairly weighty argument compared to the banal satisfaction of her lust.

    Diversity. Well, since we are talking about lust, let's touch on this side of sexual life. With age, men can overcome the syndrome of conservatism in intimate relationships, or simply because of his "Soviet" upbringing, he is inserted into the framework of missionary sex, although he is ready to give odds to any young man. The desire to have a vibrant and varied sex life is quite natural. Modern young people are more liberated in this matter and are more willing to experiment and embody erotic fantasies.

    Romance. Being a hyperemotional being, a woman constantly needs emotions and experiences that excite the blood. The first step to salvation from spiritual devastation is melodramas and romance novels. But why worry about other people's emotions when you can plunge headlong into your own? At their prime, men are not yet devoid of romance, and the youthful maximalism still seething in their blood allows them to be Romeo, Othello, Don Quixote or James Bond and perform incredible and breathtaking deeds.

    Love. Surely Amur knows better who to launch his arrows into. And fall in love like a girl, you can absolutely at any age. And even more so in such a young and lovely creature with an athletic body, a lively mind and sparkling humor. No wonder you got your tower blown off. And what the hell is not joking - maybe he is your destiny. But even if this is not a real lifelong feeling, as it turns out later, but just falling in love and temporary uncontrollable passion - take everything today! What if this is your last gift from fate?

    Self-esteem. The very fact that a young and sexy representative of the strong half of humanity drew attention to you makes the wings spread behind your back. There are so many young and charming creatures around, and he is next to you. We are not considering now the moment when your financial situation attracts him. And even if so. Just think, what are his gallant courtship, endless compliments and comparisons of your superiority with his former young girlfriends?!

    After a certain period of frank indifference to your person on the part of an introvert husband and perception of you exclusively as a housewife, mother, employee or business partner, finally, someone saw that you are also a woman! Attractive and desirable woman!

    Appearance. It is said that a woman looks as old as her lover. And there is certainly truth in this. Being next to a young lover, you willy-nilly begin to devote more time to yourself, your appearance, health, wardrobe, you will apply the recipes of youth in order to match and please him as much as possible. . What could be an even stronger incentive in the pursuit of perfection?

    For the most part, women are much more willing and enthusiastic to do something for someone than for themselves. There is a picture of amazing beauty here: it seems to be for him and at the same time exclusively for himself. After all, even if it turns out to be a fleeting romance, he will not be able to take away from you all the wonderful changes in your appearance along with his gifts.

    Power or submission. Much depends on the lifestyle and temperament of the woman. Being under the power of a tyrant husband for many years, a woman, in order to recover from constant infringement and humiliation, may, along with all the above points, feel the need for a kind of revenge. Of course, it will be easier to show your dictatorial abilities with a younger representative. Plus, the necessary outburst of emotions can also be achieved through sexual behavior in the style of mistress and slave.

    Another option is a woman who, for whatever reason, has not realized her maternal instincts. A young lover is the best fit for the role of an object that can be wrapped in your care, patronize him, instruct, teach mind, etc.

    But there is also a completely opposite desire. Being an imperious, iron nature in life, a woman still remains a woman who at least sometimes wants to be weak, fragile, dependent. She is tired of commanding and pulling the strap of general well-being. The only desire is to take off the iron shell of steadfastness (steadfastness is also suitable), fall into caring arms and obey someone's desires. And it is much more pleasant to realize this desire with a young, active, and even promising macho.

    Free relationship. Oddly enough, but not all women sleep and see how to ring a man. You are an independent and self-sufficient woman who does not want to burden herself family relationships, or a divorcee, unprepared for a new serious relationship. Meanwhile, the desire for light flirting, non-committal sex, a fleeting romance is not alien to you. A young lover is the best solution. Indeed, at this age, young people themselves are not particularly eager to tie themselves up in marriage and are much easier to relate to free relationships.

    healthy offspring. A modern woman often gives the palm to her career and self-realization, postponing the creation of a family and / or the birth of a child for later. Here again, we turn a little to scientific data that indicate an inevitable decrease in the birth rate of healthy offspring with an increase in the age of parents. And if you have a choice, why doubly risk the joy of motherhood by choosing an older man as the father of a child?

    Tribute to fashion. In the world of modern business women, it has become quite fashionable to go out with a young gentleman. Young lovers have become literally an integral element of success and high status, and also, which is so characteristic of women, an object for boasting and causing envy. And if you and your toy (sorry, you can’t call it differently) are satisfied with this state of affairs, then why stand out from your environment?

    Churakova Olga (Ljuljak) especially for the magazine

    The notion that women prefer more mature men is outdated. When we are in our teens, there are good reasons to choose a more experienced partner. The fact is that boys reach puberty later than girls, and their emotional development is just as behind. And even when we are 20 years old, our choice still falls on older young people: they are better off, they probably already have a car, an apartment, and besides, you can talk with them about something other than computer games and sports. But after a while the situation changes dramatically.

    Now, more and more often, under the influence of the modern lifestyle, women, if possible, delay the time of creating a family and having a child. And this very often leads to a shift in the age limit towards an adult woman, and not a man. If in 1963 only in 15% of married couples a woman, for the first time going out married, was older than the man, in 1998 their number increased to 28%. During the same period, the number of marriages where the woman was six or more years older than the man doubled. At the conclusion of the second marriage, the bride most often turns out to be older than the groom. And these are official statistics. Although, if a man left his wife for the sake of a young beauty, it would be more understandable and familiar to us.

    Much of the current situation is due to the improvement financial situation and women's independence. We no longer need men, as before. Plus, young lovers can give us much more pleasure in bed. Men reach the peak of sexual activity at 19 years old, that is, ten years earlier than women. Now, thanks to a change in views on traditional marriage (when the man is older than the woman), married couples have the opportunity to achieve complete sexual harmony in marriage.

    The choice of a mature husband in favor of a young beauty should not hurt adult women who dream of having a baby so much, because, according to recent studies, not only women have a biological clock (whose activity begins to subside after 35), but also men. Everyone used to think that men could be providers of healthy sperm for the rest of their lives. Research institutes analyzed data from 8,500 couples who wanted to have a baby, and it turned out that after the age of 24, men's ability to conceive a healthy child drops by 3% every year after the age of 24. So the male biological clock begins to slow down after 30 years. In addition, scientists have found amazing facts, which indicate a significant impact men's health on the unborn child, and no less than the mother.

    The male reproductive system is designed in such a way that unhealthy spermatozoa that suddenly appear are destroyed even inside the male body. Studies have shown that after 35 years this function in male body begins to fade, thereby allowing mutated, low-quality spermatozoa to penetrate the egg and fertilize it. Unfortunately, it is for this reason that cases of the birth of sick children are becoming more frequent.

    Moreover, researchers have shown that it is to elderly fathers that children owe schizophrenia. After analyzing 700 thousand people, scientists found that 15% of cases of schizophrenia occur in people whose fathers had already celebrated their 30th birthday at the time of conception. New York studies have shown that, compared with 25-year-old fathers, 50-year-old fathers are 3 times more likely to have a child with this disease.

    So scientists have found a way to calm women who are postponing the birth of their first child until better times. Get an education, travel, make a career, and when you realize that you are ready to become a mother, find a young father for your child. If, in addition to a healthy father, you want to get a good lover for your child, give preference to a man who is at least six years younger than you. In addition, then the number of widows will decrease (after all, men die before women, no matter how sad it may be). That's all theses in favor of the young!

    Check if your sexual needs and desires match your partner's abilities.

    Sexologist's comment

    Alexei Mikhailovich Zudin
    Candidate of Medical Sciences,
    leading employee of the Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiosexology of the Moscow Medical Academy named after M.V. THEM. Sechenov

    Today, more and more often there are couples in which the woman is noticeably older than her partner. If we consider this situation from the point of view of the physiological and sexual maturity of partners, then we can say that it has serious scientifically based facts.

    The apogee of female sexuality reaches about the age of 35-40 years, male - in 20-30 years. According to their sexual needs and capabilities, an adult woman and a young man are on an equal footing. Therefore, a young lover gives her more pleasure than a peer or older man. And this is the most important thing in such a relationship. Comfort in sexual life brings a woman and psychological peace. Although in reality the situation looks quite different. Most often, a young lover cheats on his adult passion right and left, often infecting her with some kind of venereal disease, but, one way or another, scenes of jealousy in this situation for a woman are a continuation of her "youth". And this means that all emotions pass for her under the plus sign. A plus can be considered the fact that usually young lovers are most often very active in bed. For them, nothing is inaccessible or forbidden. An adult partner is usually on a proposal to replace the traditional sex, for example, to anal or make love in the car can not only be refused, but also assume that someone taught you this. Men's thinking is arranged in such a way that we perceive women's activity as something indecent and unnatural. Although in our fantasies, women are usually proactive. But in reality, we still believe that this kind of "perversion" is not permissible for the mother of the family. Therefore, a young lover is a guarantee of the absence of boredom and monotony in bed.

    But for every plus there is a minus. Adult women who have a young lover should remember that their sexual activity will not last forever, this time period, unfortunately, is short (about 5-10 years). Over time, your libido will begin to fade, gradually fading away. Of course, you can extend it - sports loads, proper nutrition and medications will help maintain sexual desire at the level. Therefore, when starting a young lover, think positively, and you will learn to enjoy what you have!

    Curious facts
    Where without the second half?

    Women who have made their own way to fame and fortune can afford to choose! Naturally, they choose younger!

    Actress Demi Moore is 15 years older than Ashton Kutcher, Madonna is 10 years older than her husband and producer Guy Ritchie. Husband of J.K. Rolling, Neil Murray, is 6 years younger than her, and the famous singer Justin Timberlake is 9 years younger than his beautiful girlfriend Cameron Diaz. Sex and the City co-star Kim Catrall said after breaking up with her husband: "Women over 40 are most suited to 20-year-old men. They are energetic and not constrained, they like to be with an independent and powerful woman. So now I'm looking at the young." Even such a respected and influential actress as Susan Sarandon married a man 12 years younger than herself. And Franziska Anis (18 years older than Rife Fiennes) does not understand at all why the age difference is still being noticed.

    Such vivid examples should help us to believe in ourselves, our sexuality and the ability to attract men of any age. So if earlier the ultimate goal of a serious relationship was the birth of a child, now a woman who has gained control over her financial and professional position may demand one more thing - to be very happy with her lover.


    But it’s hard for me with mine ... I wrote here and asked for advice on how to be, but some difficulties really popped up that I would like to avoid. Sex is good, the boy is attentive and in fact no one has ever treated me like that in my life. BUT - jealousy on his part for any vzgyadu in my direction, he has long been burdened by the fact that the relationship can not be advertised. Well, there is no firework of emotions and crazy love on my part, but he wants the same thing. And I'm comfortable with him pleasantly gently reliable. And that's enough for me, but not enough for him. And he will not be a father to my children, although he is very eager for this. In general, as I understand it, all this will end very soon. And I am very sorry that he is so young and I regret that I got into all this. The difference, though, is 20 years :)) I should have thought earlier :))

    Wow, we are 10 years apart and everything is fine! Emi is 23 and I am 32 years old. We live together and want children. I feel comfortable with him in every way!

    natural desire. The desire of the young to have a mature smart sexy woman is also natural

    I met a woman older than me, purely for the sake of interest) but it turned out that I fell in love with her and for 3 months we have both been in a fairy tale, but at first we just talked via SMS and classmates for a year, I didn’t want to meet (maybe I was afraid, I don’t know ). We didn’t even think about the end of the relationship and are not going to. They are very similar in mood, in hobbies, I don’t look at the difference in age, it’s not even noticeable, I’m honestly very surprised)) we are very good together. but it seems to me that society will be against it, only her friend knows about our relationship and no one else, I don’t know what will be longer, but so far it’s just a fairy tale. don’t think I’m not a pervert and not a gigolo, gigolo or whoever else is there. Honestly, I didn’t expect this myself)) I started purely for the sake of interest, but I can’t stop .....

    PS: I'm 20 she's 46...

    A year ago I had an affair with a boy. Relations began like a whirlwind - swiftly, passionately. We couldn't talk enough. And at night, we couldn't part. The question of age did not even arise until I saw his contact information in ICQ. We were born on the same day. With a difference of 9 years))
    It was easy with him. We even made some plans for the future. It all ended like in the movie My Best Lover with Uma Thurman. We realized that there is no future. There are no common interests and we feel uncomfortable in each other's companies. And apart from great sex and warm relationships, there is nothing. He returned to ex girlfriend, I got a lover older than myself. We called back, friendly relations A year passed. He drove me home from work - my car broke down. I drove, looked at his chiseled profile, huge eyes, manly chin. Asked for a visit. He has matured a lot in a year. He says he missed him very much, he wanted to, but did not want to disturb. Sex was, as always, at the highest level. Now I have a lover of the same age. The boy has no one yet. I don't want to stop our meetings. They give warmth to the soul.
    As for sex, it does not depend on age. I am quite experienced in these matters and the partners were different. I realized that everything depends not on experience and views, but on talent. A talented partner knows how to feel and hear you well. My boy is sensitive and skillful and will outdo many of my peers and older lovers. Now I am 33, he is 24. Let everything be as it is for now ...

    08/05/2009 13:54:30, SVETKA-KONFETKA

    Exactly the same situation as Victoria, I'm 40, he's 26, but we've been together for a year. I, too, have never stuck with young people, but this time it happened like that. I also have a lot of work and also two children, I also try to live a little for myself. I think such relationships are doomed in advance. I try not to think about it. But it's still nice that everything is as it is. I always thought that commercialism was the basis of such relations, but I didn’t notice this in my relations. Nobody owes anything to anyone. But it's hard when you become attached to a person.

    24.12.2008 08:42:12, Disa

    I am 37, he is 29. We have been living for the 4th year.
    I have from former marriage son 18 years old. normal relationship. The father of the son left us in a difficult position (loans). And he took it all into his own hands. You can say a man with a capital letter. And everything would be fine. And interpersonal relationships we are respectful, warm .. Yes, his friends are even younger than him. And my girlfriends are even older than my years. There are practically no common interests except for the family. And what will happen in another 4 years? I thought about giving birth. But, it's scary to be alone. It's certainly good that the husband is younger. But Is there a future? I think it's rare... That's why I live one day at a time.

    Hello! Ladies who want to meet a guy 32,180,79 for rare intimate encounters? NOT ALPHONS!!! DID NOT LIVE!!! NOT A SCAM!!! Preference for ladies aged 35-55, fat women, living in the Novo-Peredelkino area (my E-mail [email protected]

    03.12.2008 13:34:29, Front

    And I thought I was the only pervert. I'm 33, fell in love like a fool in a 24-year-old martyr. The mind is against, the heart is torn.

    29.11.2008 21:09:26, Leah

    I am 46, I look 36, and he is 25 years old, not a gigolo, and he is my standard of male beauty. It started out as a joke and I couldn't resist. Roses, his eyes shone with happiness and delight, kisses from the tips of his toes to the top of his head .... and affectionate words. Our peers cannot do this, they hide their feelings, and are too lazy to care. I considered this connection vicious, but my daughter convinced me of the opposite (she is 25 years old), she said relax and enjoy ... we have been dating for a year already.

    10/19/2008 10:04:48 PM, Lana

    I am 28 years old and he is 17, we love each other very much. Offers to marry him or live together. I have two children. I am very afraid of judgment from everyone. Listen to your heart or mind, tell me.

    09/14/2008 05:23:21 PM, Love

    It seems that Sholokhov in "The Quiet Don" had ... folk wisdom- if a woman starts to like young guys, then her youth is over.

    and my beloved man is 17 years older than me, for a year we couldn’t just talk to each other .. I have a huge number of fans of my age and older, but only my beloved can cope with my rebellious character, the rest are all ... weaklings. As if trained dogs fulfill my every whim, you just have to blink an eye. that everything depends not on the age of the man, but on his inner self, which makes the boy a real Man.

    05/26/2008 03:37:53 PM, Kira
    Dating Psychology