Libra dragon important events before the end of the year. Libra - Dragon: Characteristics

Years: 1916; 1928; 1940; 1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012; 2024.

The Dragon in combination with Libra becomes the most elegant, well-mannered and stylish. This man is very handsome and has refined manners. The Dragon has a strong energy. Under the influence of Libra, he becomes more peaceful and calm.

The pronounced features of Libra-Dragon include the following:

  • intelligence;
  • good nature;
  • compliance;
  • attraction.

The representative of this combination of signs does not like quarrels and conflicts. Only in the event of a strong threat will he enter into a confrontation. In cases where something violates the safety and peace of his loved ones, he can become completely uncontrollable and brutally crack down on offenders. In anger, this person is relentless and merciless.

Such a combination of signs often gives rise to creative people. These two signs are a great complement to each other. As a result, rationality, activity, idealism, perseverance, sociability, ambition and pliability are perfectly combined in a person. Such properties are harmoniously intertwined in it and contribute to the implementation of the plans.

As a rule, romantic relationships with Libra, who are born in the year of the Dragon, develop safely and balanced. Living together with this person is distinguished by ease and ease. He is loyal and understanding. Marriage for selfish reasons is contrary to his nature. From time to time, a representative of this combination of signs suffers from mood changes, but quickly copes with them. He is a loving, caring and sympathetic partner who appreciates the fervor and passion in relationships.

Libra-Dragon: general characteristics

Libra-Dragon cannot indifferently pass by someone who needs help

There are many mysterious and inexplicable things in Libra-Dragon. He attracts those around him. In any society, all attention is riveted to him, even though a person does not strive for this. He usually lives own life and will not interfere in other people's affairs without permission.

He is so kind-hearted and sympathetic that people constantly turn to him for help. Often a representative of such a combination of characters becomes a hostage to this situation. He likes a closed lifestyle, however, those around him deprive him of hope for solitude. Increased attention becomes a burden to him. For this reason, a person sometimes changes his social circle, because he badly needs solitude. He likes to indulge in his own thoughts in order to analyze what is happening and decide how to act in the future.

It combines closeness, balance and rationalism. Sometimes Libra-Dragon is characterized by excessive frankness and straightforwardness. But it is precisely this feature that becomes a distinctive feature of such a person. And this property distinguishes the opposite sex for itself.

The representative of such a combination of signs is quite egocentric, therefore he is not at all interested in politics, public opinion and the needs of people. At the same time, he is very liked by others and knows how to adapt to any circumstances. If he is in the mood, then he shows sensitivity, gentleness and kindness. The person is generous and able to bear responsibility.

It is always interesting in his company. However, not everyone will get close to him. Usually, Libra-Dragon is enough for those closest to him. The representative of this combination of signs should not show disdain, or make fun of him. He will certainly hold a grudge and, on occasion, take cruel revenge.

His life is filled with pleasures, freedom and active use of the benefits of the material world. This person will never be satisfied with what he already has. He selflessly strives for the best and brightest life. This attitude does not mean that he is fiercely fighting for the most convenient position for himself. The secret of the success of Libra-Dragon lies in the complete absence of obstacles and difficulties on the road he has chosen.

A representative of such a combination of signs is able to professionally realize himself in many areas. He has many qualities that help to become a high-class employee in any field. In addition, he is honest and principled. But it is worth considering that excessive straightforwardness sometimes makes career growth difficult.

This man has no shortage of admirers. The opposite sex feels his frantic sexual energy and seeks to build a relationship with him.

Libra Dragon Woman: Characteristics

Family values ​​occupy an important place in the life of a Libra-Dragon woman

Libra endows a woman with harmony, attractiveness and sophistication. She is beautiful and charming. The dragon endows her with inner power, self-confidence and perseverance. The Libra woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, has a balanced character. She positively looks at what is happening and believes in her strength. She knows her own potential, which she skillfully uses and reveals.

The fundamental characteristics of the Libra-Dragon woman include:

  • beauty;
  • grace;
  • resistance;
  • optimism.

She objectively evaluates life, knows how to correctly set guidelines and is able to achieve what she wants. She likes to enjoy every day. A woman will not build too long-term plans. She has good leadership qualities. Sometimes she seeks to defend her aspirations, desires and the boundaries of what is permitted, which are not recommended to be crossed.

The Libra woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is able to realize herself in many areas. True, she does not want to stand out from her colleagues. She copes with any tasks that others seem incredibly difficult.

The team is located to the representative of a similar combination of characters. But negative characteristic Libra-Dragon woman is an unbridled temper. She loves adventure and innovation, so she needs endless movement and exploration of the unknown.

The Libra woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, knows her own strength. However, she will not be arrogant. She is quite calm and modest. For this, people around her highly appreciate her.

In a romantic relationship, the Libra-Dragon woman tends to be overly honest, impulsive, emotional and picky. She wants to be looked after for a long time. She needs to open up and check the reliability of the chosen one. A woman takes a very responsible approach to marriage. She strives to perfectly fulfill her own duties and bestows attention and participation on loved ones.

She becomes an excellent hostess, a devoted wife and a caring mother, who is ready for a lot for the happiness of her household. The family for the Libra woman, born in the year of the Dragon, becomes a strong motivation for further achievements.

Libra Dragon Man: Characteristics

In everything that the Libra-Dragon man does, he puts a part of himself and does it with full dedication

The Libra man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is intellectually developed and serious. He is erudite and able to easily assimilate the information received. He manages to predict the outcome of events.

The fundamental characteristics of the Libra-Dragon man include:

  • extraordinary mind;
  • eloquence;
  • leadership inclinations;
  • activity.

He is very active and is not able to sit within four walls. He quickly gets carried away with the next idea and always finishes the project he has begun. The Libra man, born in the year of the Dragon, has good oratory skills. In addition, he can become an excellent leader. He easily convinces others and is able to motivate them.

For a representative of this combination of signs, someone else's opinion does not have a decisive value. He won't seek advice. In any occupation, he puts his soul and all his abilities, which enhances the business characteristics of the Libra-Dragon man. It is these properties that help him already in his youth to achieve unprecedented career heights and come to complete financial independence. Of course, he should always set aside time for work on himself and have less fun, succumbing to idleness and laziness.

The nature of the representative of such a combination of signs is somewhat specific and rather complex. Inside it, the energy that is characteristic of Libra is more manifested. And the activity and some rigidity of the Dragon is directed to external activity. A person often feels uncomfortable because Libra seeks solitude. Such people need to carefully analyze, think and balance everything. Only after that they start to act. But the Dragon brings endless chaos to life. A man needs to find a balance, learn to respond quickly and change. He should keep inner harmony, as well as outward friendliness.

The personal life of the Libra man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is diverse. It is not easy for him to start a serious relationship, because he cannot decide what is more significant: family or professional fulfillment. But in a life together, the Libra-Dragon man becomes a wonderful family man, loving spouse and attentive father. True, building an alliance with him is quite difficult. He won't take pressure. And if the representative of this combination of characters begins to be limited, he will immediately decide to break.

He does not like to sort things out and waste time on conversations and proceedings. Problems in the family arise due to the explosive temper and irreconcilable stubbornness of the Libra man, who was born in the year of the Dragon. But at the same time, he is fully responsible for the material well-being of loved ones, and also deals with the solution of emerging issues. Every woman in such a relationship will feel protected and happy.

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Libra-Dragon is inherently original. The representative of two combined signs of the western and Eastern horoscopes can simultaneously be flexible and not give up positions to satisfy their egoistic needs, be persistent and moderate, show vanity and remain good-natured, remain calm with stubbornness. Neither a man nor a woman born in the year of the Dragon under the constellation Libra will definitely get bored.

general characteristics

In culture, the Dragon is the embodiment of something very energetically saturated and at the same time having a mystical halo. Idealism and selfishness are intertwined in this being. His actions sometimes seem absurd. In combination with the sign of Libra, a person born in the year of the Dragon acquires a sense of inner balance. Dragons attach great importance to various symbols, ideas and fantasies. In some ways, they live in the world that they themselves have created in their minds. The same is true for Libra.

air sign"Cools" the Dragon's ardent desire for strong energy and makes it more understandable to people nearby. Nevertheless, among Libra-Dragon you can rarely meet technical people who are passionate about scientific research, rather than those who hover in the clouds of their own fantasies, splashing them out on one or another art - acting, writing, musical.

Among positive traits Libra born in the year of the Dragon, the following can be distinguished:

  • they are bold and determined;
  • are able to maintain balance;
  • know exactly what they want from life and move in a given direction;
  • know how to be diplomatic and conflict-free;
  • they are interested in new things, they are ready to introduce such things into their own lives;
  • achieve their goal persistently and judiciously;
  • intelligent.

There are also enough negative aspects of character in such people:

  • they are self-centered and stubborn;
  • are vindictive and vindictive;
  • vain and overly ambitious;
  • secretive;
  • attach too much importance to the material side of life.

The mysteriousness of Libra-Dragon often makes them the center of attention of others, although representatives of this sign do not seek to attract attention to themselves. They tend to lead a solitary lifestyle, but they do not always succeed. They themselves do not climb into someone else's life, but their kindness leads to the fact that they often come to them for help.

This sometimes puts such people in an uncomfortable position, but it is difficult for them to refuse a request.

Positive and negative character traits of men

The Libra Dragon man is a very interesting type. He is always new to those around him. At the same time, he is self-confident and does not assume undue importance when communicating. Capable of generosity and responsiveness. Does not accept hypocrisy. He himself will never lie. It is easier for him to remain silent than to tell a lie. He tends to trust people, but you can't call him naive. He feels people very well, understands the motives of their actions, but draws conclusions about them without words and does not show his awareness at someone else's expense.

Thanks to the great internal energy, such a person can work long and fruitfully. At the same time, fortune does not bypass him. He gets a lot in life thanks to luck. Libra brings to the character of such a guy the ability to maintain peace of mind.

At the same time, the dragon's temper sometimes makes itself felt, forcing such a person to be impulsive and get excited.

Libra-Dragon men stand out for their intelligent manners. They clearly have a sense of beauty. Such people pay attention to the little things and strive for perfection. Among astrologers, it is considered a conventional wisdom that the Dragon-Libra is a harmonious combination of a soft and passionate nature. Such men are able to achieve the creation of order and justice. They know how to "resolve" conflicts, achieving normal relations in the team. The dragon awakens leadership traits in them. Sometimes these men have to act tough.

Moreover, only the closest ones can guess what the next act of such a person will be, who many times before paid attention to the readiness for a decisive step, hidden by a mask of coldness. Among the negative character traits of such a man, one can note the gloom and tactlessness that he can show when he is in a bad mood.

What do you need to know about women?

By nature, the Libra-Dragon girl is confident in her actions, steadfastly endures the blows of fate and has an enviable strength of character. She will remain an optimist even in difficult times. life situation. Such a woman always soberly assesses what is happening, concentrates on the most important and knows how to achieve happiness. Libra-Dragon is an adventurer by nature. She always needs to go somewhere, go and swim, learning Big world which she has not yet discovered. She usually has opportunities for such travel.

Such a woman is aware of the extent of her power, but this does not make her arrogant. She is rather modest and balanced than deserves the favor of the people around her. The Libra-Dragon woman is distinguished by external attractiveness. She is graceful, she has a regal manner. Behind all this lies a fair amount of perseverance and energy given to her by the Dragon.

The industriousness, curiosity of this lady, as well as the ability to convince, can be envied.

She has her own opinion on everything. She won't let anyone invade her personal space. Thanks to analytical thinking, he reaches heights in any field, not allowing himself to retreat in front of any obstacles. A feature of the Libra-Dragon woman is the ability to sacrifice herself for the sake of other people, whether it be a spouse, children, parents, or just close people. Such ladies are responsive to praise and will break into a cake to make someone feel good. Such behavior is convenient for others, but for the sign itself, this is rather a disadvantage, since in caring for others, its representative forgets about herself.


In friendship, Libra-Dragon is quite selective, although their social circle is quite large. Their kind energy attracts people. In Libra-Dragon, others feel a reliable shoulder.

In difficult situations, when everyone backs down from solving the problem, the Dragon will continue to fight the circumstances for the sake of a friend and will come out of the situation with dignity.

Family and relationships

If we talk about the Libra man, born in the year of the Dragon, relationships with women find him on their own. He practically does not make any effort to this, but he himself attracts the attention of ladies. He may be interested in a woman who will show her intellect and discover the depth of her inner world. In the understanding of Libra, a contender for the role of a wife should be predictable in her actions, be an open person and a good judge of economic affairs.

Being an egoist by nature, such a man will expect emotionality from a woman, but he himself will be able to respond not with a fire of passion, but only with warmth. Only that representative of the fair sex who is ready to be satisfied with such a reaction will remain next to him. Although the alliance with the Libra-Dragon man turns out to be strong. There is nothing more reliable than the love of such a person. He will be able to support his wife for decades, remaining an excellent partner in bed. For constant passion, he needs an unceasing interest in the personality of a woman.

Marriage for him is an expected event. But he is not inclined to start a family too early. Having reached a certain maturity, such a man can combine both love and sober calculation in himself, which only strengthens strength. family relations. In the house of Libra-Dragon it will be calm and joyful. The wife won't have to worry about being tired of family life, the husband will go to seek adventure on the side. Such a person will be, although peculiar, a little distant, but a responsible and caring father.

The Libra-Dragon woman in relations with the opposite sex is straightforward. If she likes a guy, she will not beat around the bush, but will find out the name and address. The thought that she can be given a turn from the gate at this moment does not visit such a young lady. Yes, and it is difficult to refuse an attractive and assertive person. She herself is very meticulous in choosing candidates for boyfriends. She is not interested in fleeting relationships. If she really liked someone, she will be aimed at a long romance, preferably with a continuation in the registry office.

If the young man passed the first test and received approval, Libra-Dragon will move into the active phase of hostilities to win the right to happiness. In a relationship with a loved one, she is interested in official marriage. Living under the same roof without a stamp in the passport, stretching for years, does not suit her. It is no coincidence that such a lady quite reasonably takes the initiative to promote love events in her own hands.

In marriage, Libra-Dragon is very serious about household duties and creating exactly the kind of atmosphere that, in her opinion, should reign in the family circle. In order to provide for her children financially, a lady takes on any work, although she will also require family members to take on certain responsibilities and clearly fulfill them.

This woman will not disregard the cares of her husband in his work, giving practical advice from time to time.


Libra-Dragon men can find application in almost any field. Such a person can be found among the clergy, and among the owners of markets, and in a creative environment. They will not hang out in third roles, but will always push forward without noticing ill-wishers. Representatives of this sign approach any business with creativity, find non-standard, sometimes risky ways out of the situation.

These guys are good for the role of boss. Without arrogance and pathos, they rule the team, maintaining a healthy creative atmosphere in it. At the same time, it would never occur to anyone to resent the fact that they rule with an iron fist. Strict discipline is one of the principles of such a leader. In the leading field, Libra-Dragon is helped by his ability to speak convincingly, attracting allies to his side. Men clearly calculate their moves, they can evaluate the success of the enterprise in advance, therefore, even in their youth they are able to secure a stable income.

Absolutely peaceful, most likely, good-natured Dragon. He can be unrestrained and too frank, but this is the highlight that makes the Libra Dragon especially attractive to the opposite sex. The horoscope of Libra, born in the year of the Dragon, enhances the fighting qualities of a person. However, he will attack only in case of a direct threat to himself or people close to him.

The character of the Dragon-Libra

In ordinary life, the Dragon-Libra prefers to attend to its own affairs and not interfere in the affairs of others. He has a good heart, so people are drawn to him, and in a continuous stream! The Libra Dragon would prefer a more secluded lifestyle, but he is simply not left with such an opportunity!

It is for this reason that the Dragon-Libra tries to change its environment, and if this fails, then it manages to at least somehow “be in itself” in any circumstances. He can participate in a conversation, but at the same time think about something of his own - a forced adaptation in order to save himself! True, the Dragon-Libra does not tolerate a boring society for too long - sometimes it can afford statements in a harsh form! The sphere of application of the forces of the Dragon-Libra is any. He has all the qualities to become a pro at anything.

Dragon Libra Man

This character cannot be called simple or understandable. The energy of Libra is more felt by the person himself, while the energy of the active and sometimes aggressive Dragon is more manifested outside. The Dragon-Libra man himself can feel eternal discomfort from such a combination, since Libra wants to think, feel and balance everything while sitting at home on the couch, only then act, while the Dragon does not give this very rest, creating eternal restlessness around the person, if not to say fuss. This man can literally be disassembled into pieces by all those who crave his attention and participation in various events. How not to give in...

Happy is the Dragon-Libra man who nevertheless finds a point of balance, learns to quickly adapt and rebuild in the current conditions, while maintaining peacefulness and inner peace. Great importance developed intuition plays here, as well as the ability or even talent to trust your feelings. Calculations are calculations, but feelings will help put everything in its place much more correctly and faster. The love life of the Dragon-Libra man is extremely diverse. Predicting his likely behavior in terms of family and marriage prospects is a very difficult task. It is difficult for him to decide on some kind of stable relationship, because it is difficult to make a choice.

Dragon-Libra Woman

For a woman, this combination of signs can be considered more harmonious. It is interesting and fun for her to just live without thinking too far ahead. She is able to show leadership skills and even strives to clearly define its priorities, its preferences and interests.

The Dragon-Libra woman is not too compliant compared to Libra of other years of birth, while she herself does not think so at all. Feeling kindness and openness in herself, the ability to empathize and understand the nature of people and things, the desire to help people, the Dragon-Libra woman may not notice the sprouts of her authoritarianism.

Behind her impatience and desire to do everything in her own way without listening to the opinions of others, a vulnerable soul is hidden, but those around her do not always see mercy and sensitivity behind external energy and independence, an internal need to find a friend, a partner she needs so much to merge with him together.

People born during this period are distinguished by good nature and openness. From the sign of Libra, they adopt calmness and flexibility, and from the Dragon - a fighting spirit, which they use when necessary. Libra-Dragon men are intelligent, they are famous for their good manners. They try to evaluate everything objectively and fairly.

Features of the personality of the Dragon under the sign of Libra

Such people treat others with understanding and rarely criticize anyone. Usually they choose professions that they consider useful to society. They are creative and have good taste. Libra-Dragon men can be indecisive in some matters, showing their weaknesses. They can be called peacemakers, they take an active position against cruelty. People born during this period are characterized by a craving for adventure.

The character of Libra in the year of the Dragon

Men of this type are alien to hypocrisy. They can harmoniously combine different qualities: self-confidence and responsiveness to others, power and generosity. Libra-Dragon men are gullible, but they cannot be called too naive. They are energetic, in life they are often lucky. Such people are hardworking. The influence of the Libra sign provides them with calmness, but from time to time they can behave impulsively, showing the qualities of the Dragon.

Personal life Men Dragon-Libra

Such men are ready for marriage from their youth, family is important to them. In adulthood, they can find real happiness in their personal lives. They are not prone to treason, they are distinguished by fidelity. For a Libra-Dragon man, it is important that his wife supports him. He can show a minimum of emotions, but at the same time appreciate his chosen one.

Compared with the views on life and the world of the above citizens, the social criticism of the satirist poet Sasha Cherny (“Different Motives”) is just cute rhymes from girlish albums. Following him, we will name the writer of the detective genre Graham Greene (“The Quiet American”, “Our Man in Havana”, “Comedians”). His political and detective novels deal with "human despair in modern world corruption and moral decay. The officer, a participant in the war of 1812, a Decembrist, the leader of the uprising of the Chernigov regiment, one of the founders of the Union of Salvation, Sergey Muravyov-Apostol, looks very “dragon”. He was wounded in battle and hanged.

Other Libra Dragons: Chancellor of Austria Engelbert Dollfuss; Prime Minister of Italy, victim of the terror of the "Red Brigades" Aldo Moro; Spanish king Ferdinand VII; military pilot, twice hero Soviet Union Pavel Taran.

Music: pianists Emil Gilels and Vladimir Horowitz; composer Yuri Saulsky, pop singer Cliff Richard; musicians Manfred Mann and Tom Petty; composer, author of music for films Ennio Morricone; singer, former Bravo member, eccentric, original, vegetarian, Hare Krishna and author of a song about a girl who cries in a machine gun, Evgeny Osin.

Actors: Viktor Pavlov ("The meeting place cannot be changed"), Valery Nosik ("The Big Break"), Christopher Reeve ("Superman"), Jeff Goldblum ("The Fly"), John Lone ("The Last Emperor", "Year of the Dragon" ), Trevor Havard (“Misbehavior”), Peter Finch, Oscar winner (“Red Tent”), Evgeny Sidikhin (“Breaking Through, “Russian Transit”), Yuri Sarantsev (“Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid”),

Let's finish the description of the astrological group: gymnast Nikolai Andrianov; Interior Minister Viktor Barannikov; "oligarch" Vladimir Gusinsky; the anatomist who discovered the human lymphatic system, John Boyd-Orr; Pavel Obukhov, founder of the Obukhov plant, inventor of cannons; the poet and philosopher Samuel Coleridge ("The Tale of the Old Sailor"); journalist Andrei Babitsky; historian Ivan Zabelin ("History of Moscow").

And of course, "a steel palm in a silk glove" - ​​Vladimir Putin.

Horoscope of Libra-Dragon woman

Bright, outstanding, unusual, with a special destiny of a person. They are not of this world, even if in the world, glory and prosperity. Family life is more of a burden for them. In the life of such women, abrupt changes and unexpected turns are not uncommon.

Veronica Castro (Marianna from the series "The Rich Also Cry", "Wild Rose") is an idol of housewives. As a child, Veronica was teased about being fat and short. Hard work on yourself - and this is daily jogging, grooming, aerobics, dieting - did not make her taller, but retained her beauty, and then brought fame and fortune.

Veronica started her career as a fashion model and a month later, at the age of 17, she won the Face of the Year contest. And now she has participated in 25 series. Work in the "soap opera" is hard and tedious, but the little beauty leads an active lifestyle, works 12-16 hours a day, sleeps 4 hours - this is her norm, she participates in the show. She is also engaged in business, she has several beauty salons. When the 44-year-old actress decided to take part in the sex scenes, she had to undergo two plastic surgeries. But personal happiness does not add up in such a life. She has never been married. Three famous lovers, two children.

The elusive and ephemeral "mortal foam of the sea", "Tsar Maiden", or rather, the Dragon Maiden, Marina Tsvetaeva wrote beautiful but harsh poems. She was a thin, sublime woman, not for family life and everyday life, and when there were a lot of everyday life and material trials in her life, she hanged herself. Tsvetaeva said about herself that she was “seeing inside”, she loved love for herself or her love for another: “I didn’t want to be happy and by this I doomed myself to dislike”, “I like that I’m not sick with you.” She turned to Mayakovsky: "You are my dear enemy." Tsvetaeva lived in a detached world in which she was not fully aware of herself: “in clothes, in everyday life, she was a stranger to herself.”

Marina often compared herself to Psyche, an incorporeal soul. She fascinated, but repelled with spiritual coldness. She never looked into her eyes, she called her favorite form of communication otherworldly - letters and dreams. “I can only live in my dreams. I have wonderful and terrible dreams, with love, with death - this is my real life, without accidents, all fatal, where everything comes true. She lived in exile, returned to Russia, her husband and daughter were arrested. During the war, Tsvetaeva was evacuated along with the writers to Yelabuga, but there she committed suicide 10 days later.

Marina Tsvetaeva wrote in her diary: “Since I love a person’s soul, I also love lips. But if those lips were cut off, I would still love him.” Such statements do not end well. Here is such an unexpectedly beautiful and terrible world created by such a reverent person.

The great actress Sarah Bernard - quarrelsome and headstrong - became legendary because of her unusual beauty, graceful movement and luxurious voice. She was called "divine Sarah" by both viewers and critics. She was called the "queen of the stage" and feared. Bernard had a resounding success in America, where she made her debut in The Lady of the Camellias and founded her own theater. The actress raised an illegitimate son, suffered a knee injury, after which she was paralyzed and spent her life in a wheelchair. “The theater needs long arms; it is better to have them too long than too short. An artist with short arms will never be able to make a beautiful gesture.”

No less famous actress Sylvia Kristel is also a kind of symbol of our era. She played the role of Emmanuelle in the eponymous, once shocking, but now simply erotic film.

Other women: gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva; cyclist Michelle Ferris; ballerinas Olga Lepeshinskaya and Natalya Makarova; actress Alicia Silverstone.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

M - to dream