How to make friends in the modern world. How to make friends in modern society: the secrets of success.

Old friends are like your favorite jeans. They are reliable and undemanding. They are always there, but unobtrusive. They are patched in places, but still perfect. We've known them for so long that it seems like they've always been around.

Strong friendship is a great value that must be preserved and cherished. Of the entire social circle, only old friends are ready to accept you as you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages, and do not require anything in return. Throughout our lives, we may have dozens or even hundreds of acquaintances, but there are always only a few really close friends. And these relationships are usually enough. Having a couple of proven friends is so convenient that many do not even have a desire to make new friendly acquaintances. Sometimes it even frightens, and it is quite justified, because it is difficult to let a new, outsider into your personal, intimate experiences. Very often, friendships begin in childhood and last throughout life.

Five reasons to make new friends

Old friends are great! But there are several reasons why you should expand your social circle and find new friends (of course, without parting with old ones):

  • Although no one can replace your old friends, new people in your life open up new opportunities, both physical and spiritual, personal. They push you to new ideas, hobbies and interests. For example, you can visit some unusual place where your friend lives or try yourself in an unusual craft that he does.
  • New friends are able to discover new talents in you and awaken those abilities that you did not even know existed. You, in turn, will get the opportunity to share your kindness and positive with them.
  • With new friends it is permissible to start a lot from scratch. For example, they will never call you a fat man just because you were given such a nickname as a child.
  • Each new friend is a new social circle, and, as a result, an opportunity to find even more new friends, and, therefore, new opportunities.
  • Communication with new people is usually more difficult than with old acquaintances. It makes you leave your comfort zone for a while, and although this may not seem like the best effect, it will bring big dividends later. After all, as you know, a person actively develops only when he goes through something new and unusual.

I hope you now agree that making new friends is a useful and profitable business? If so, here are ten ways to make friends. Note that they all require some effort, because friends do not just fall from the sky. But, as we found out, it's worth it!

Ten ways to make new friends without losing old ones

I have a proven method - I wrote about it in this article:.

Ten more ways-theses for reflection:

  • Before looking for friends, you should think a little and understand what you would most like to get from this friendship? Do you need a colleague with whom you can share your work joys and solve problems? Or a partner who shares your hobby or trains with you? Or do you just want to meet someone sociable that will expand your circle of acquaintances? There are many options, but it’s still worth deciding right away so as not to waste time trying to find friends not where they might be.
  • The most obvious way is to look for friends in their habitats :) Interest groups and clubs, organizations related to your hobby are at your disposal. Even for the most shy, a good way is to communicate on forums and in groups in in social networks. Look for people discussing an interesting topic and join.
  • Learn the art of conversation, and you will always easily join any company. For someone, chatting about everything in the world is as natural as breathing, and some in an unfamiliar company cannot even squeeze out a word. And at the same time, they lose not only the opportunity to attract attention to themselves (maybe they don’t need it), but also to find points of contact with others. There is nothing wrong with communication. Ask questions, be sincerely interested in the conversation with the interlocutor, without being distracted by anything else. If you are communicating with a stranger, then mention your name several times and, possibly, other important information that he will remember and later associate with you. And in any conversation, try to get the contacts of the interlocutor - phone, ICQ, e-mail, anything else, in order to be able to continue communication in the future.
  • Use every opportunity to expand your circle of acquaintances. If you came to a party, then do not limit yourself to communicating only with your company. Approach someone, introduce yourself, strike up a conversation, even if it’s “about the weather.” Be a sincere storyteller and an attentive listener, and this conversation can be the first step towards a further strong friendship.
  • Be the initiator. If you have met someone, then at the first opportunity invite him to meet and continue communication. It can be lunch in a cafe or a trip to the cinema or to the stadium. Recall what common interests you have and how you can use it. If a newcomer has come to your team, then invite him for tea. If you're on a train, get to know and interact with your fellow travelers instead of snoring calmly on the top bunk. Many people are simply embarrassed to be the first to start a conversation, so feel free to take the initiative - this will only make it better.
  • Make friends with your neighbors. Often the strongest friendship begins on the landing. Of course, figuratively speaking. And the surprising thing is that many people simply do not know anything about their neighbors. Always be friendly and responsive, invite for tea, offer help - and sooner or later this attitude will serve you well. Whatever one may say, neighbors are people very close to you, even if only geographically :)
  • If you have friends on the Internet, then try to make virtual communication a reality. Let your friend live in another city, you can invite him to visit or offer to meet, being in his area passing through. The strongest friendship is tied up in reality, face to face, and not through a faceless ICQ window. And remember that for the first time such meetings are best held in a public, crowded place, this will alleviate some embarrassment and be easier for both of you.
  • Maintain friendship. Once you start a relationship, maintain it, not forgetting about a new acquaintance. Call or write to find out how his work is progressing, if you mentioned it at the meeting. Not a job means a family, a car, something else ... I'm sure you will find a topic. If you need a reason to call, then he is always with you - this is good mood. "Today is a great day, and I just thought - let's call my good friend." Do not be afraid to seem intrusive, people are usually pleased with the interest in their person. And even better to help a person in something, if you have such an opportunity.
  • Remember to be polite and respectful. Of course, real friends can always drop by at half past five in the morning and brazenly demand coffee :) But still, don’t think that if a person calls you his friend, then this is a reason to forget about good manners and politeness. Be open and honest, don't gossip about your friends, don't tell their secrets, and don't lie to them. Be grateful to your friends, and their number will only grow.
  • If you and a friend have not shared something, then do not go on principle and take the first step towards reconciliation. Earning the trust and respect of another person is very difficult, but destroying a friendship is easier than it might seem. Therefore, never delay reconciliation with friends until they have led to a complete break in friendships. Take care of friendship, and if you are often angry with a friend and do not want to see him, then try to cool down and finally decide how important this friendship is to you.

If you have a new friend, then introduce him to the others. You have every opportunity to weave a beautiful pattern in which the connections between your friends will be binding threads. And the larger your social circle, the more beautiful and brighter this pattern will be, and with it your life!

Looking for friends? Write about yourself in the comments to the article, and someone will respond :)

Probably, each of us has come across a situation when the feeling of loneliness presses and overwhelms the soul, when you need advice or just want to speak out to a loved one who could support you in difficult times, but this is impossible, because there is no one around. best friend. And here we understand that it is not in vain that people say: a trouble shared with someone is already half the trouble. It turns out that the first step to solving any problem is to talk about it out loud with a faithful and sincere comrade who will not gloat behind your back, but will suggest a way out or simply grieve with you.

Our life is so fast-paced that sometimes we do not think about such a thing as true friendship. But in vain, because only a devoted friend will help in trouble and share the joy, correctly assess the situation, will not prevaricate and will always tell the truth, no matter how unattractive it may be. And the truth from the lips of a person who is trusted turns out to be more important than a sweet lie, it's just that the understanding of this comes later.

Loneliness in a crowded room - school, office, city, country, in the midst of the noise and voices of a raging life - is an unpleasant feeling experienced by many. Suddenly, an absolutely successful mature person can grab by the tail the elusive thought of inner emptiness. And when there is a house with a table, food on it, a third car and even a second wife, real human friendship may still be missing - a bright feeling, a special form of love, less subject to passions than love itself, and therefore more pure and bright . Or an understanding interlocutor, a kindred spirit, an adherent of your interests and desires, no matter what gender.

best age for friendship

Someone will easily dismiss the need to be friends, but without this one cannot feel the fullness of life. You can read multi-volume works, but still not solve the most important secret about how to make friends. It’s good for the kids in the sandbox - he let his neighbor play with a spatula, and instantly found a friend. Kids are very spontaneous, so they always have a lot of friends. But childhood ends, and the understanding comes that it's not just about sharing a toy or something else - everything is much more complicated.

Psychologists who love to dissect human soul, have been researched many times. They argue that long-term friendships are most often born in high school, and not in the sandbox or in old age on a bench, although there are exceptions. Of course, throughout our lives we are surrounded by a huge number of people with whom we often start friendships that last for years or break off as quickly as they appeared. But all this is not at all the friendship that each of us secretly dreams of. Sincere feelings are rooted in youth, because this is precisely the period when there is an awareness of the world and a great desire arises to say to oneself: “I am not alone!”.

In addition, at such a turbulent age, a lot happens very much. important events capable of linking comrades with shared memories. In youth, the ability to think soberly, be responsible for actions, and an irresistible desire to find a like-minded person who can be trusted with secrets without fear of being misinterpreted or misunderstood already appears. However, there is always an opportunity to make strong friendships. To paraphrase the poet, all ages are submissive to friendship. And wise people say that those who start with themselves will find success. Only one who knows how to be a good comrade himself can count on a reward in the form of sincere and strong friendship with other people.

Where to start running away from loneliness?

A person who sets out to make friends is strongly advised to look at himself in the mirror. Of course, this is not about staring at your reflection in it. Yes, and the mirror has nothing to do with it, because you need to look much deeper - into own soul. You will have to sincerely answer just one simple question: “Do I want a friend like myself?”. An honest answer will significantly save time, effort and nerves spent on climbing to the intended peak.

The unshakable rule - about the meeting on clothes - still works. A good disposition, talents and a multifaceted personality will surely open up to the world in all its radiance. But then. And for starters, you will have, if, of course, there is a need for this, to correct appearance, manners and speech - the key to a positive impression from the first meeting with a new person.

"How to make new friends?" is the next question you will ask your inner self. Perhaps the former circle of close friends thinned out over time: someone left, communication with someone was interrupted a long time ago. But the need for sincere and kind feelings remained, so it's time to expand your acquaintances in the hope of finding a soul mate.

Therefore, try to decide for what purpose you are trying to make new friendships. Looking for a friend to go shopping together? Or do you prefer other cultural events, the impressions of which you want to share with a like-minded person? Or maybe you are looking for a confidante for spiritual conversations? Take a closer look at your colleagues. Firstly, the existing service relations are always much easier to translate into a more personal sphere, and secondly, there is already something to discuss with colleagues, and in the course of the conversation there may be new points of contact.

In any case, you have to learn how to communicate and become a cheerful person, if up to this time too much space has been devoted to despondency in your life. It's time to realize that the world not at all hostile and ready to accept anyone who comes into it with a positive attitude. Sociability and a cheerful disposition are sister virtues that occupy an honorable second step in the hit parade of values ​​that help in the conquest of human souls.

Agree that an optimistic Winnie the Pooh has much more chances to find a best friend than a depressed donkey. Mood is contagious. So it’s better to charge those around you with your own positive energy, and not look for those who want to complain with you about the unsightly realities of modern life. It may be necessary to rethink your beliefs about a half-empty glass and say to yourself: “Hey, stop moping! Life is too short to waste it whining!” A sense of humor is more valuable than banknotes, and a smile can melt an iceberg. Watch the expression on your face, because by this sign others judge you. Be cheerful, but without excesses, of course.

Much is said about the fact that the foundation of friendship is respect. And these are not empty words at all, if we are talking about real relationships, and not about their pale likeness. You have to pay attention to the interests of the one who is nearby. And learn self-respect, if so far this quality is unknown to you. You should not be friends with someone who stubbornly rejects an outstretched hand or, even worse, does not respect you or tramples on others. Firstly, there is nothing to be imposed, and secondly, close people should be chosen, and not accepted into their ranks by everyone, endlessly disappointed in the best feelings.

Friendship can be made in different ways, but in practice this phenomenon often begins with a shoulder substituted in time, because even a simple service can have the same effect as saving from the clutches of an angry leopard. Do not pass by the one who finds it difficult, and, perhaps, very soon you will find in his face loved one who will love you back.

It is likely that it will not be possible to do without expanding the circle of one's own interests. Are you planning on getting a girlfriend? Have you already decided where exactly you will go together, go, how will you surprise and delight your new friend? The uninitiated idle expectation that someone will take responsibility for your well-being is doomed from the start. Friendship is impossible without partnership.

Rules of conduct for beginners

Absence a large number making friends for many people is often the result of a fear of being in the company of strangers. We are embarrassed to look ridiculous, to stand alone among a cheerful, many-voiced crowd with only one thought: “I want to go home!”. And why not just try to become one among strangers? So, if you want to change something in your life in a positive way, then try to use some of the tips and psychological techniques that are given below. They are quite simple and therefore suitable for all people, without exception, who want to find friends at a fairly adult age in order to get rid of the approaching loneliness.

  1. Don't try to be better or worse than who you really are. Avoid pretense and lies. Do not be afraid to have your own view on a particular issue and always find the strength to voice it.
  2. Talk less and listen more. It is important to show genuine interest rather than politely nodding in response, especially when there is a diametrically opposed opinion.
  3. If you're too shy, start small. Just say hello to a stranger walking towards you and smile.
  4. You should not reproach yourself for awkward phrases in a conversation with strangers in a new company. Forgotten from excitement given name? Yes, and laugh at it first!
  5. Don't expect to be immediately noticed: in adult society, it's so rare to meet a newcomer, unless he immediately starts to show himself in some very original way, for example, by performing a striptease. Therefore, just be patient and demonstrate your willingness to communicate with a smile and interest in a general conversation.
  6. Do not take with you the burden of previous negative experiences. Wouldn't it be better to just say to yourself: "I am so wonderful, witty and generally irresistible that I can easily win everyone's sympathy!"?
  7. Learn to give the right compliments. If you are interested in a book that one of your colleagues is reading, accompany your request to borrow it not with ingenuous admiration: “This is such an interesting thing!”, But with a more sly eyeliner: “You (you) have great taste!”. Such a veiled compliment will please a person, and he will happily continue communication.

The main thing to remember is that making friends is much easier for those who are not ashamed of themselves. Confidence is generally a golden quality that can induce feats. No one will believe in someone who is not his own friend. If you have problems with this aspect of personal qualities, you can and even need to work on yourself. After all, the one who says many times: “I know what I want from life, I believe in my own strength and therefore I will definitely achieve what I want,” in the end, he will really convince himself of this and become interesting to others. We need friendship like air, and we should not listen to those who claim otherwise. Believe me, they are deceiving themselves!



Each person has his own goals in life, temperament and talents. However, all people, without exception, need support and friendship, no matter what. Everyone needs someone with whom you can talk heart to heart and at the same time be confident in the sincerity of the interlocutor. How to make friends? How to find those who will be there even in difficult times?

Many may say that this gives them a family. It’s hard to argue with this, but still friends occupy every person’s life. special place. And for some, they become more significant than relatives.

Some may argue that, and really believe in it. But, most likely, these are people who were simply unlucky with friends in the past, and they faced betrayal or insincerity from those who were highly trusted and loved very much. In this case, only one piece of advice can be given. You should not be disappointed and withdraw into yourself, you need to look for those who will be truly devoted to you and highly value friendship and close relationships, just like you.

As a rule, there are not many true comrades. Usually there are no more than five of them, the very ones with whom you can talk about everything and get support, who will rush at any time of the day or night, no matter what happens. Such friendship is not tested in days or even weeks, it takes a lot of time, months, years. It is built on experienced joys and troubles, actions and common interests. There are not many such friends, and they are already perceived as relatives, as family members. Often these are those with whom they have known since childhood or since their student days.

But how can one explain the fact that some have many friends and they easily converge with other people, quickly find a common language? The thing is that no matter what you do, wherever you work and whatever you do, there will always be others who have the same interests. In addition, friendship is usually formed naturally, it cannot be built artificially, as it does not tolerate coercion and insincerity.

What to do to have many friends

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: "How to make friends?". There is no established algorithm for this. We are all living people with our own characteristics of character, mindset and habits, often “on our minds”. There are only a few practical advice, which will help to establish relationships with others and find among them a "soul mate". Most of them are aimed at developing oneself as a person.

  • Think positively and trust people. If you are set to fail from the very beginning, then chances are that this is exactly what will happen. You can’t see a catch in every action of others or expect that you will be deceived or betrayed again, if this has already happened.
  • Learn to take the first step: contact people with a request, write messages, show all kinds of initiative, etc. If you wait until they want to meet or talk with you, then you can spend the whole time, not to mention making new ones.
  • Engaging in self-development is useful for yourself and can be useful in communicating with others: it will be easier to find a topic for conversation. Moreover, others are interested in learning something new, so it is likely that you will interest the interlocutor, and then he will want to continue to communicate with you.
  • Develop self-confidence. It is always nice to communicate with someone who knows what he is worth and what he wants, and can also defend himself and defend his opinion.
  • Be sincere. Even the closest and longest relationships destroy lies and pretense. In addition, it is unlikely that you will enjoy being someone else and living someone else's life.

And, of course, the most important thing is not to be afraid to communicate, look for new opportunities for acquaintances: enroll in foreign language courses, go to the gym, etc. At the same time, it is important to remember that you should not be intrusive, as this may scare some people away. Friendship is something that is built gradually and painstakingly, without haste and excessive effort, everything should go naturally.

But with all this, it is important to always remember that you can’t change yourself and do what you don’t like just to get to know someone or build relationships. Since it is impossible to understand how, if you start communication with deception.

Be who you are, develop, learn new things. There will always be those who have the same interests and outlook on life. Whatever your passion, in any industry and field, you will meet a lot of people with whom you will have something to talk about. This may develop into a .

Where to find friends

Meet to interesting people you can do it anywhere: at work, in a fitness club, at school, etc. Moreover, the most remarkable and surprising thing is that in most cases, when you first meet a person, you cannot even assume that you will find a common language and will communicate closely. Basically, a lot of new acquaintances and friends appear, but you won’t get it so easily and quickly. This is a matter of time and, oddly enough, patience and work.

Of course, you don’t need to break yourself and your personality, but you should try to be more tolerant, friendlier and start being interested in others. Then the question of how to make friends will cease to torment you. Even in a public place or transport, a person who speaks politely calls more positive emotions and a desire to get to know each other than someone who is rude or withdrawn.

Theoretically, you can talk to absolutely anyone, find common interests and make many new friends. In the company, at parties, on vacation and in the hospital, there is an opportunity to make friends, if there is a desire.

It often happens that having met somewhere fleetingly, you learned very little about a person, but you liked him, you would like to continue communicating with him. Now almost anyone can be found on the Internet, through social networks, and with a lack of information - through groups and special communities.

No need to be shy - try, communicate. It is necessary to look for opportunities to meet, keep in touch with friends, since now this can be done easily using the Internet and telephone. There are practically no barriers to find the one you need and talk to him, not just hear the voice, but see the face and emotions.

Friends in social networks

This is a separate category of friends, which is worth mentioning. In order to find them, you do not need to make any special efforts: just exchange a couple of phrases in messages and click the "add" button. But in most cases, this is done to surprise everyone with the number of their friends, but not the quality of the relationship with them.

The bulk of these new “friends” are those whom you have never seen in your life, former or current classmates, classmates, etc. And there are only a few truly close people among them. Often those who are shy or afraid to do it in social networks communicate in social networks. real life. It is easier for them to talk about anything, without looking at the person in the face and without seeing his reaction. Therefore, unfortunately, many are now online. This peculiar illusion of freedom does not give anything but a feeling of even greater loneliness, and the desire to communicate with real people disappears. The more often a person spends time on social networks, the worse he manages to contact others outside the Internet.

However, there are cases when starting to communicate with absolutely stranger, who lives thousands of kilometers away from you, you find exactly the one you have been dreaming of for so long - a true friend. But correspondence is not enough to fully know a friend and his interests. Therefore, it is important to meet in person and develop relationships through communication.

For this reason, even social networks can come in handy for those who decide to find. In this matter, you need to use any means of communication, look for interest groups, ask people about what interests you, and not be afraid that you will be misunderstood. Be self-confident and optimistic, then they will want to maintain acquaintance and conversation with you.

In order to understand how to learn how to make friends, you need to be a holistic person, feel others, support them, be able to listen and hear. In any relationship, especially in friendship, it is impossible only to accept or use people for your own purposes. Sooner or later it will end, and you won’t get real comrades that way either. To be worthy, you need to sincerely open yourself to other people and trust them.

There are not many friends. But far from everyone can boast of such human wealth. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to make friends.

The main secret

I would like to start from the most important. There is one secret that will help you figure out how to make friends. All you have to do is find yourself in the right situation. Often this is not just comrades, but dear and congenial people. Similar memories, common interests - these are the main factors that attract people to each other. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to each interlocutor, what if this is a future best friend?

About the place

  1. Place of study (work). Undoubtedly, there will be common interests that will bring people together.
  2. Gathering places for people of interest. It can be some circles, courses, trainings. All this perfectly unites people, helping to find true friends among the majority.
  3. Places for rest. The sea, resorts, boarding houses, camp sites - there will always be new comrades who can easily turn into friends.
  4. Cafes, bars, restaurants. Here you can get acquainted not only with lonely people at first glance, but also with noisy companies, in which a true true friend may turn out to be.
  5. "Cultural" places - a museum, an art gallery, a theater, etc.
  6. Internet. Forums, chats, social networks - these are the places where you can find true true friends today.
  7. Entertainment - karting, ice skating, bowling.

And this is not a complete list of those places where it is easy to get acquainted with a person who in the future can become a real faithful comrade. Again, I would like to recall the main rule: a suitable situation can happen in any, even the most unexpected place.

Where to begin?

How to make friends, what you need to know and what you need to be able to do in such a situation? First of all, it must be said that one should not be afraid of live communication. What is worth remembering if you want to start a conversation with a stranger?

  1. The main thing is a smile. When a person smiles, he evokes only positive emotions in the interlocutor. And, accordingly, the desire to communicate.
  2. Compliment. If you want to quickly establish contact with a person, you just need to compliment him. However, in such a situation, one cannot be fake, everything must be sincere.
  3. If the intention is just to start a conversation with a stranger, you need to pay attention to something that is relevant at the moment. If it happens at a bus stop - discuss the route of transport, talk about lectures at the university.
  4. If it's time to say goodbye to a person, you should not be shy about taking contacts from him.

Rules of behavior

  1. You need to tune in only for a successful outcome. If a person programs himself for failure, it will most likely be so.
  2. No need to be afraid of rejection or "cold" behavior. It is not surprising that this can happen from time to time: a person chosen from the crowd simply does not want to respond to attempts to get to know each other. It's okay, you need to forget about it and move on.
  3. It is necessary not only to ask, but also to answer. You can ask a person about everything, but you also need to remember that you will have to answer the questions yourself. Otherwise, the acquaintance simply will not work out.
  4. No need to be shy. When meeting a person, you need to be interested. It's good to talk about your talents and hobbies. However, you need to remember that you should not embellish reality too much, because the main thing in friendship is honesty.


A separate topic is how to make new friends on social networks. Today this is a very topical issue, since quite a lot of young people spend a huge part of their personal time there. Why not look for friends on the Internet? What is needed for this? First of all, it is important that the page on social networks is as informative as possible. You need to provide more information about yourself. It is also good to put your photo on the profile picture, create an album with your photos. After all, as they say, a person is greeted by clothes. And they just follow the mind. When the profile is maximally filled with information useful to others, you need to start “getting active”. How to make many friends online? It's good to join several interest groups, where you can only find like-minded people, and later friends, only thanks to relevant comments. What is important to remember when looking for comrades on social networks?

  1. The truth and nothing but the truth. No need to invent fairy tales about yourself, you need to be as truthful as possible. After all, it will be difficult to justify yourself to a new friend later.
  2. Moderation. There should not be too many people even on social networks. No need to fill up the wall and messages for a newfound friend with various information.
  3. It is necessary not only to look for interesting friends, but also to try to be interesting to others.

These are the main rules on which communication can be based on the Internet. Often, such acquaintances develop not only into close communication and true friendship, but also into romantic relationships.

How to Maintain a Relationship

Having figured out a little how to make real friends, it is also worth saying that you also need to be able to maintain new relationships. What should be remembered about this?

  1. You should not be afraid to offer your help in a given situation. However, everything should be in moderation, you need to know the line between friendly help and obsession.
  2. Activity. Periodically, you need to “pull out” a new friend for a walk: go to the movies or just take a walk in the park. This kind of behavior brings people together very well.
  3. Present. Who doesn't love cute souvenirs? By the way, this is a great way to "mark" a friend's territory with your presents, which will constantly remind him of a new comrade.
  4. Conversations. Huge place in friendly relations take up heart-to-heart conversations. You don't need to be afraid of it. Having opened up to a person, you can quietly cross the line between camaraderie and true friendship.

About children

Many parents may be interested in the question, how can a child make friends? What needs to be done for this? It is worth saying that everything is much easier for children. Kids make new acquaintances much easier and faster than adults. But situations often arise when, for some reason, a child is always alone and simply cannot find comrades. In this case, you need to work with the baby. What should be done?

  1. The child should be given to several sections or circles. That is, to place him in a new, unfamiliar environment for him, even if it’s hard for the crumbs. Sooner or later, the child will still find at least one person who will communicate with him. And for such actions, as an adult, the child will definitely say “thank you” to his parents.
  2. If necessary, the child can be sent to a psychologist. This will help to find out the cause of communication problems in the baby.
  3. It is also good to send children to various trainings that develop communication. Today there are enough such places. And such activities certainly bring results.
  4. Well, the easiest way: to get acquainted with the child. Walking in the park, you can just walk up to the same parent-child couple and start a conversation. Seeing the example of adults, children will also soon start talking and, perhaps, even make friends.

About school

We also need to say a few words about how to make friends at school. Everything is pretty simple here. The main thing is not to stand out and try not to exalt yourself. And even though now many will not agree with this, few people communicate with original personalities in adolescence. If, on their own, friends, as they say, do not “turn on”, you just need to know a few tricks.

  1. You can offer your help. If something interesting is being started in the class, one must take part in everything. Teamwork makes it easier to communicate and makes new friends quite easily.
  2. Need to ask for help. Why not ask for help from the person you want to be friends with? You can’t solve the problem or you need help with chemistry - you just need to contact the desired person. And if at the same time you say a couple of compliments to him, there will definitely not be a refusal.
  3. Activity. Well, and the most important rule that every student should remember: you always need to be active. Sitting in the back row is not the best advice. You must always be in sight, with such people children love not only to communicate, but also to be friends.

Friendship Rules

When figuring out how to make good friends, it is worth remembering that there are unwritten rules of friendship that are also important to follow.

  1. Sincerity. If you want to make a real friend, you need to be sincere.
  2. Confidence. It is also worth remembering that you need to trust your friend. Only in this case, the relationship will be "pure" and real.
  3. It should be remembered that true friends cannot be many. We must appreciate the person who is always there: both in joy and in sorrow.
  4. A friend is not only an element of entertainment, but also a person who will support in difficult times and help in a difficult situation. It must be remembered that friends are known in trouble, not in joy.
  5. Defense and criticism. You should never discuss your friend behind his back, criticize in front of everyone. This is done exclusively face to face and only with the subject of discussion.
  6. Success. And most importantly - real friends do not envy each other, they sincerely rejoice in success.

If all these rules are observed in the relationship of two people, we can say with confidence: this is true friendship.

Simple Conclusions

So, what can be said in conclusion to a person who wants to know how easy it is to make friends? It's simple, you don't have to wait for a gift from heaven, you have to try to change your life for the better yourself. Just don't be afraid to make new friends. And among all the acquaintances, there are definitely a few people who will become real true friends in the future.

If you know what to do and how to behave, you can easily make friends with anyone. Basically, people like cheerful, friendly, cheerful people, so it is important to show these traits so that others notice them. Knowing a few tricks, you can endlessly make new acquaintances.

How to make many friends

1. The manifestation of your individuality

1.1. Be yourself. Don't be afraid to express your opinion. If someone offends you, do not pay attention. Your envious and opponents will be driven out by the majority of those who love you for being you. Focus on your best sides.

If you are a shy or introverted person, play on your mystique. Be friendly and an open person but don't open yourself up to people completely. If they are interested in what is on your mind, they themselves will communicate with you closer to find out.

If you play sports, use your athletic skills to feel more confident. But don't be arrogant. Great athletes with modesty get a lot of attention. Be that person. But don't act like a bully bullying nerds.

If you are a smart and erudite person, focus on not isolating yourself from others. Do not make other people feel inferior, even if they are actually dumber than you. Try to establish contact with them, but do not forget that they may look for reasons not to trust you if they are jealous. Talk about abstruse things only with very erudite friends.

1.2 Start developing your communication skills. Not everyone is born with them, but they definitely can be developed. If you learn it right and demonstrate it well, you will be able to feel more confident and make a better impression in a short time.

Be patient. It is always difficult to communicate with a stranger. But the more often you do it, the easier it will be for you in the future. It takes time to start a conversation. You need to communicate and see people, and conversations will begin on their own.

Maintain eye contact. This is important because the eyes speak volumes. When you look away, your interlocutor may think that you are lying or that you are not interested.

Dare to forgive. Your friends and classmates tend to make mistakes. Don't hold a grudge against them. If a friend asks you for an apology, forgive them.

Be a true friend. People appreciate even the little things. If you have an appointment, please arrive on time. If you are in a group, arrive early and stay until the end (even if you don't know what to talk about at the moment).

Protect your friends. If one of them gets into a fight, try to stop it and calm the guys down. Don't let anyone say stupid and mean things about your friends.

Don't gossip. Gossip is like a boomerang: it will always come back to you and turn against you. Don't get yourself a reputation as a gossip. Say about people only what you could say to their face.

1.3 Be optimistic. Even in very difficult situations remember that there are always things to look at with a smile. If you have a positive outlook on life, people will be drawn to you more. But don't overdo it. Sometimes avid optimists can be annoying. Don't be "too" positive.

Focus on the good more than the bad. There is always something good and something bad in everything. Look as if the glass is half full. Breaking up a relationship is an opportunity to get to know someone else; poor grade for the control - an incentive to study well; A mistake in relationships is an opportunity to learn how to get along better with people.

Believe that everything will work itself out. Some believe in karma, others believe that good things happen to good people. Whatever you think, you should believe that you will be rewarded for your behavior.

Focus on what you can change and don't try to influence the rest. You cannot force a person to like you or treat you well, but you can change the way you communicate with these people. Don't try to move mountains - change what you can.

1.4 Love yourself. It's hard to love others if you don't value yourself. Do special exercises to increase self-esteem. Start the journey to know yourself.

Make a list of everything you intend to do for the week and then cross off what you have done. At the end of the week, you will be happy that you were able to do so much.

Laugh as often as possible. Revisit your favorite comedy, hang out with funny friends - whatever you do, laugh as often as you can: it will make you happier. Every time you make a mistake in front of others, turn it into a joke: this way you will not only criticize yourself less, but also become more popular.

Be open to everyone. If you ignore some people, it will be harder for you to communicate with others, and after a while you may start to ignore everyone.

Treat yourself to something enjoyable. AT modern world we can often forget about ourselves. Sometimes you need to stop and understand that any little things are pleasant. Don't be afraid to pamper yourself.

Don't blame yourself too much when you make mistakes. To err is natural for a person. Do not go crazy and do not get angry when you make mistakes. Take them as an opportunity to improve.

2. How to win the interest of others

2.1 Pay attention to your appearance. Good looks won't endear you to others, but they can help you. Make sure you have good body language and posture. Be unique, be yourself.

Shower regularly (once a day) and brush your teeth, make sure you smell good. Wash your hair every other day. Use an antiperspirant and a small amount of perfume. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day.

Smile as often as possible! Thanks to signs of support, people will understand that you are interested in what they are talking about. Smiling is a way to show other people that you are happy too, and everyone wants to be surrounded by such people.

Pay attention to your body language. Arms crossed, feet stomping, eye rolling, sighing are signs of boredom, annoyance, and frustration. Make sure your body is showing the right signs to others.

2.2 If you are a reserved person, start small. For example, every time you go to school, say hello to others and talk to them in person. Focus on easier communication tasks before moving on to more complex ones. So your successes will only motivate you more.

Say hello to those who don't talk much. Tell something about yourself, such as where you are going or why you are here. Just be friendly. Don't talk about the weather. As the American singer and songwriter Tom Waits says, "Strangers talk about the weather." Ask people questions and learn more about them if you're not sure what to talk about.

Listen more than you talk. Instead of nodding, smiling, and occasionally rubbing your nose, try to listen to what the person is saying and participate in the conversation. Share your opinions about what was said, but do not interrupt or take over the conversation. Interlocutors must speak fully.

Don't expect anything perfect from anyone, especially yourself. For example, if you forgot your name when you introduced yourself (which is unlikely), make a joke about the situation. Everyone stumbles from time to time. Your reaction determines whether you look witty or clumsy.

Share interesting or stupid ideas. Your thoughts can open many doors for friendship. You never know if your ideas will make people think deeper, laugh or look at you in a different light.

2.3 Make friends from different environments. On people who are considered popular, the world may not have come together like a wedge, but they know how to establish contact with others and thereby please them. It's never too late to realize that popularity plays a big role.

Communicate with elders, including your relatives. If you treat them with respect, they will in turn respect you. Older people will not make fun of you and look down on you. By interacting with them, you gain support that will help you feel more comfortable talking to your peers.

Organize an event with your friends. Depending on your age, plan something fun and let your friends invite new people. For example, host a football game, a pool party, or an after work break. Try to get new people.

2.4 Be polite. Always give compliments, but don't overdo it. If you're shy, take a deep breath and take a chance - you never know what might happen. If you are shy on the outside but a little crazy on the inside, let your inner self out from time to time. Styling, jumping, dancing... Others will laugh and think you are fun and funny.

Do not defend what is relevant only to you. For example, don't yell, "Why are you so biased?" or "Why don't you like women?" because you can be extremely sensitive in view of previous events. Always try to have the best opinion of others. It is possible to doubt what has been said in the mind.

If you are arguing with someone about something stupid and insignificant, like shoes, stop. Try to avoid stupid arguments. If you stand up for your friend because someone is making fun of him, then that's a different matter.

Do not say unpleasant and hurtful things to people. Avoid sensitive topics such as politics, religion, and sex because you can easily offend a person. If someone is interested in your opinion, provide it, but you should understand that others may have a different point of view.

Respect everyone, regardless of their opinions or what they say. We are all individuals and everyone deserves respect. If you treat people well, they will love you back. Don't try to be rude just to look cool or indifferent. You run the risk of alienating people from you, and they may think that you have no idea what you are talking about.

2.5 Find people who share your interests. Get up, go and join a group of classmates with the same interests as you during break or at a party. In such a relaxed atmosphere, it will be easier for you to meet and make friends. And if you're having fun and comfortable together, the difference in interests doesn't matter.

If your friends judge or disapprove of you, they are not your friends. True friends should protect you and look after your well-being (they won't force you to smoke), and besides, they should support you.

Join clubs or electives that interest you. If you want to draw, sign up for a drawing class. If you like English, sign up for a foreign language course or an elective. Don't worry about what people will think or say about you. If you are confident in what you are doing, it is foolish of them to mock you.

Don't think about what you can do best. You don't have to look at yourself the way others see you. If you want to join a skateboarding group, start skateboarding, and don't listen to others if they say it's not for you.

3. How to be fun

3.1 Awaken your inner sense of humor. For many, jokes are unexpected and unusual statements. How to compose them? First, you need to make sure you know what's funny and what's not. Remember some of your jokes and understand that you can joke the same way further.

Find out what makes you laugh: it might make others laugh too. Record other people's jokes and funny stories that are happening to you. Thus, you will get used to being in the center of funny events.

Find out why you're laughing. To know how to joke, you need to understand why a certain joke is funny. When someone says something funny, ask yourself, "Why is this funny?" Start exploring humor.

Surround yourself with fun people. Perhaps these are your friends or even actors from movies and TV shows. Whoever it is, pay attention to their jokes and you will be infected with their sense of humor.

3.2 Don't be afraid to fool around. To have a sense of humor means to be able to laugh at yourself. Look at famous comedians: practically everything they do is laugh at what they did or what happened to them. If you can laugh at yourself, people will know that you have good self-esteem.

Joke at yourself self-critically. It means to laugh at yourself at ease. Because you're not afraid to make mistakes, others probably won't be too afraid if you criticize them. Below are some examples of self-critical jokes. Keep in mind that these are more formal jokes. In your circle of friends, try to use more casual jokes that draw attention to some of your gaffes.

“I feel sorry for those who don’t drink or take drugs, because one day they will be in the hospital and die, not knowing what.”

3.3 You should be aware that different situations funny in a way. There are many types of humor. In order to know a wide range of jokes, it is necessary to understand what lies behind the joke itself. Jokes are based on different schemes, and here are some of them.

waiting vs. Reality. When we expect one thing and get something completely different, we wonder, “I have a drinking problem. It's over."

Wordplay. The language tools are built differently, so that something sounds a little different from what we expect: “Stirlitz was walking to Dresden, having difficulty sorting out the road. The next morning, the railway from Berlin to Dresden was completely dismantled ... "

Short remarks or answers. You must respond to someone's remark with one word or sentence so that it turns out to be a joke. For example, one of your friends asks: “How do you feel about people who constantly want to sleep?” You answer: "I am one of them."

3.4 Practice, practice and practice again. Being cheerful is an art, not a science. There is no one book that you can read to learn how to joke witty. Therefore, it is important to constantly practice this skill by trial and error.

Read funny books and watch comedies. On the Internet, you can find many humorous books and films. Or ask your friends for advice.

Practice your own jokes. If you've never made jokes yourself, don't take it too seriously: you don't have to constantly spout jokes like a machine gun. Try to make jokes from time to time and write down what worked and what didn't. If the joke doesn't work, ask yourself what needs to be fixed.

If you make a mistake, turn it to your advantage. Every person with a sense of humor from time to time jokes are not funny. You can often turn such a joke into another mockery of yourself. This does not mean that you are bad jokes, so do not be afraid of failure. It's good that no one will remember your jokes, except for those that are really funny.

People often underestimate the fact that it is easy to confuse others. During communication, remember that others can often be uncomfortable due to feelings of awkwardness. The best thing is to make sure your jokes don't offend anyone. Confidence gives you the huge advantage of knowing who you can and cannot joke about such things with.

Surround yourself with other people and more will be drawn to you. People put labels on each other, and when they can't spend time with you in person, they pay attention to your surroundings, and if a lot of people like you, they will conclude that they might like you too.

Avoid prejudice, even about age. A 20 year old can be friends with a 70 year old. Don't limit your options.

Everyone loves "at least some" attention (even shy people). Pay a little attention to others and they will often do the same for you. It costs practically nothing.

Strive to win the respect of others, not approval. People are attracted to those who value themselves. If you are looking for another person's approval, what you mean is, "I appreciate what this person thinks of me, and their appreciation is an indication of my worth." You should appreciate yourself and not seek to get someone else's assessment.

Remember to listen to others and be open to understanding everyone.

Don't be intrusive in conversation. Start with questions that need to be answered, such as "How are you?" and let the other person lead the conversation. From their response, determine whether they want to continue the conversation or not.

Surround yourself with people you want to be like.

Be honest. If you lie, they will no longer want to be friends with you, because they will not be able to trust you.

Be positive with your friends so no one thinks you're contradicting yourself.


Don't act like a crazy person and don't say nonsensical things that are irrelevant to the conversation. Speak calmly and at a normal pace.

Psychology of love and love