In a dream, they said that I had cancer. Spouses and loved ones. Dream Interpretation - Recovery

Dream to see about Cancer (illness) - Seeing yourself or someone sick more often reflects the fear of this disease than its real appearance. Cancer (disease) - You dream that you have cancer; your suspiciousness can actually invite trouble, do not think about the bad.

This fear, like many others, is reflected in dreams. Interpretations of dream books will help to find out why such a disease as cancer appears in our dreams. She dreams that she has cancer - in reality, a sharp deterioration will occur in all areas of life.

Why dream that you have cancer? You will experience difficulties in the performance of the task assigned to you. Why dream of having cancer? A lot of effort and energy will have to be applied to fulfill their duties. Many dream books predict changes for the worse, but few call cancer a symbol of death. If you had such a dream, then you should listen to the advice of interpreters and think less about this disease.

Sometimes a dream about crayfish portends a journey or trip, which, however, will not be quick or short, since crayfish cannot move quickly. A dream about cancer can also portend slowness in some business or a stop in this business. But if in a dream you see that the cancer has moved forward, then your business will begin to move forward.

If you caught cancer, then this means that you will be able to find a way out of a predicament. If in a dream a cancer pinched you with a claw, then this is a sign of future troubles, perhaps the betrayal of one of your friends.

Illness of relatives

A dream in which you catch crayfish portends the support of friends and sponsors. It is worth noting that the disease does not necessarily dream of bad news or events. These dreams indicate a person's fear of being sick. To cure yourself of cancer - expect success in business or on the love front.

Get cancer - the health of you and yours loved one in safety. I dreamed that one of the relatives was told that he was sick - they need your attention and care. A dream can be general, and a person simply dreams that he has cancer. Or it can be specific, and the diagnosis is made to a specific organ.

Esoteric dream book

For him, to see cancer of the cervix or ovaries in a dream promises a fear of pregnancy and childbirth of his companion, an experience for healthy offspring. To dream that your mother is sick with cancer - you may have a tense relationship with her at the moment. For a healthy person, dreams with illnesses make a hint that not everything is in order with his body.

Foretellers in dream books talk about what serious illnesses dream of. The disease cancer appears in a dream so that a person looks at his life from a different point of view, frees himself from the bad and starts a new stage of existence from scratch. Having experienced the shock of the diagnosis of cancer in a dream and finding out what he is dreaming of, even the most hopeless workaholic will decide to give himself an unscheduled weekend, and, if necessary, turn to a psychologist.

He will have to wind down the business and that will right decision in the formed situation. Esoteric dream book claims: those who dream of being sick will never get sick in reality. To dream that you have been successfully cured of cancer is a sign of an unexpected rise from poverty and deprivation to enviable prosperity. If you dreamed that you or other people were suffering from this terrible disease, in reality expect sadness in its most terrible manifestation.

Write dreams that comply with the rules, and on the pages of the dream book to which they refer. The dream that I had. my young man was taken to the hospital and told that he had cancer. After that, he called me and said: “You just wait for me, do you hear, I promise you, I will soon get out of here.

Hello. I dreamed that they told me that I had thyroid cancer. I took this news calmly, but was surprised, because in the same dream I took tests a little earlier and everything was fine. In a dream, I was diagnosed with cancer (I don’t know what exactly). I cried a lot, but in a dream I told myself that cancer disease disappointment.

Hello! The dream was like this ... Allegedly, she went for a medical examination to a gynecologist with her peers. Then I decided to see a doctor, after certain measures to identify the causes, I was told that I had Cancer. They also told me that I had about 3 months to live.

At first there was an examination, after which the diagnosis was made: brain cancer. Then they took me to the hospital. Hello. My name is Dina. I'm 52 years old. A month ago, I had a dream that my cousin was talking to me about my incurable disease associated with memory loss. Hello! I don’t remember exactly, but the dream was bright and colorful. Hello. I dreamed that I came to the doctor complaining of a temperature that did not go away (I was tested and it turned out that I had lung cancer.

I start to fight with her and scream that I am mortally ill and this is the dress in which I want to be buried, and she let him go. I dreamed that I had lung cancer, while there was a hole in my chest with a metal plate in the hole for lung ventilation.

But that day before I had this dream, I talked with my boyfriend on this topic, maybe this somehow influenced it. Please tell me. Hello Tatyana, I had a dream in which I have acne on the left half of my forehead and the left half of my head is starting to go bald. I also go to school and cry sometimes about the fact that I will not have a life, but in general, I put up with an imminent death !!!

I dreamed that I found my medical card, in which it was written that I had cancer and I had 2-3 months to live. I knew that the survey was done in May, and now the time was moving towards September, i.e. I was dying, and it was hidden from me. You have thyroid cancer. It was either dawn or the day had already come and they found out that the husband seemed to have cancer. He remained calm even smiling, saying that he would recover.

The doctor says that I have cancer and there is no point in suffering, I agreed to an injection that would kill me. They put it on me, I suffered a lot, I felt bad, I felt it. I dreamed that I came to the dentist for an examination, they examined me, and then they brought my children, a girl and a boy (they are in real life).

I dreamed that I got lung cancer, saw how I died in a dream. I was sorry that I died, but most of all I was sorry that I could no longer talk to my parents. I dreamed that some woman, a fortuneteller chtoli, predicted to me that I would die of heart and stomach cancer .... And I also dreamed of some girl in a green dress on a swing, like a bride.

The dream happened during the day. (In reality, my mother is being examined by doctors. I dreamed that we were in the hospital and my sister and her child had eye cancer, so my sister was given crutches and she had a bloody bandage on her eyes. Her friend was also there and she In general, lung cancer, I remember exactly one, but for some reason all the talk and doubts led to the fact that they didn’t cut me and I was slowly dying.

Today I had a dream that the doctors, having studied my tests, came to the conclusion that I have cancer. I was going through. Why dream that someone from close relatives is suffering from a terrible disease, cancer? In the interpretation of sleep, it is predicted that you will condemn his actions, worry about his fate. Get cancer in a dream - to be fulfilled cherished desires. In a dream, to see cancer crawling along the bottom is a harbinger of difficulties in business, obstacles to the fulfillment of the plan.

If you happened to get cancer in a dream, then probably in the real world you did a very bad deed and now in your heart you are beating yourself up for it. The unvarnished dream book will tell you what this painful plot is dreaming of yet.

Don't think!

Did you dream that you had a chance to get cancer? The dream interpretation believes that you are too suspicious, which can really lead to the fact that you feel bad and become seriously ill.

In fact, you are not threatened with a fatal illness, and the dream plot is only a consequence of fears or real mistakes.

Seeing other characters suffering from a malignant tumor, on a symbolic level, means that some kind of destruction is coming. Perhaps parting, changes in plans, the collapse of hopes and so on.

A warning from Mr. Miller

To get cancer in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, is a big scandal with a loved one. There is a chance that you will become depressed, which will only harm the relationship.

Appreciate what you have!

In a dream, dreaming that you are stricken with cancer - to a general malaise or malicious slander. If a young lady dreamed that she was mortally infected, then soon she would appreciate the lonely life.

If the disease progresses in a dream, and you understand that you will die soon, then the dream book is sure that your current position is much better than the one you are striving for.

Another interpretation of sleep hints at work that will require maximum concentration and deprive you of all strength.

Negative interpretation

Why dream that you were not lucky enough to get cancer? In real life, a wave of disappointment will cover you, which will turn into a serious emotional wound.

The same plot warns of real illnesses, but fortunately, not so severe. If you dreamed that you were completely naked, then in reality everything leads to tragic consequences.

Make up your mind!

Did you dream that you had cancer? The dream interpretation promises a loss of hope, but if the tumor was benign, then on the contrary great joy is coming.

Seeing the tumor grow right before your eyes is good. In a dream, this means that there will be significant profit and wealth.

Why dream that the disease gives you extreme discomfort? You will receive big money only in the course of considerable efforts, you may even have to make a deal with conscience or familiar principles.


Why dream that someone close had to get cancer? The dream interpretation believes that it is this person who will cause your future problems.

If a sick stranger dreamed, then you will have to take care of stupid chores. Seeing your child sick is the worst. In real life, a danger will appear that will seriously threaten his health.

Had a dream that a friend or relative was ill? They need from you urgent help. If a sister or brother is sick in a dream, then nothing threatens them in the near future.

Method value

For a more accurate interpretation, the dream book advises taking into account the method that you have chosen for treatment after you happen to get cancer.

  • Folk way - give up plans.
  • In the hospital, get support.
  • Chemotherapy - the need for radical measures.
  • Imported drugs - financial losses, expenses.
  • Tablets - a small, dosed success, profit.
  • Injections - small joys.
  • Surgical intervention - cardinal changes, the need to act.

Why dream that hair is coming out? Dream Interpretation believes that your plans will remain unfulfilled. If hair comes out in a dream, then this means that you are destined for a powerful emotional shock.

If you saw in a dream that you were sick, you really are in for a slight malaise or unpleasant conversations.

I saw a sick relative in a dream - get ready for an unforeseen event.

In general, any dream of illness means that you must be very attentive to your own person.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga advised not to perceive the appearance of the disease in a dream as something tragic. According to the biblical interpretation, the disease is sent to people as a punishment for committed sins and to purify thoughts and feelings. Therefore, such a dream can be taken as advice to reconsider your position and life values.

If in a dream you saw yourself suffering from a serious and incurable disease, then you should understand that in reality you have committed an ugly act. Perhaps it's time to repent, because in your heart you clearly condemn yourself.

Seeing in a dream that a person close to you is sick, in real life, support him or someone who needs your attention.

A dream in which many people die from a serious and incurable disease is a dream of an environmental disaster that you may become a witness to.

If in a dream you were recovering from a serious illness, then in reality you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation.

A dream about the death of a loved one from a serious illness means damaged relationships and personal problems.

D. Loff's dream book says that curable diseases in a dream indicate a benevolent attitude towards the outside world. We want to believe in our kindness and significance, and the disease and the cure for it just make it possible to feel power over the lives of other people.

A dream about illness indicates a wrong lifestyle, especially if you become crippled as a result of illness.

If in a dream you got infected from someone, then in reality you have a negative attitude towards the influence of this person on your life. An ailment associated with intimate life is dreamed of by those who are concerned about the moral side of their behavior. The disease can also reflect the fears lurking in you, both related directly to your life, and more global.

Before interpreting this dream, you need to answer a number of questions: is there anything unusual in the disease you dreamed about, how does it manifest itself - constantly or only in the presence of specific people? Are you trying to hide your disease and its consequences, or, on the contrary, are you boasting about them? When you answer these questions, it will be easier for you to understand your relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from

Modern combined dream book

To dream that you are successfully cured of cancer- a sign of an unexpected rise from poverty and deprivation to enviable prosperity.

If you dreamed that you or other people were suffering from this terrible disease- in reality, expect sadness in its most terrible manifestation. Your love will turn into an empty formality, and commercial affairs will cease to be profitable. In addition, expect a deterioration in the health and illness of people close to you.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Crayfish- to a long life.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you had cancer- your work will require you to exert multiple efforts.

In a dream, one of your relatives or friends fell ill with cancer- because of this person, you will soon experience difficulties in your work.

Meet a stranger with cancer- to vain efforts.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Get cancer in a dream- experience difficulties in performing the assigned work in reality.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Crayfish- devouring, terrible Mother.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Cancer is like a disease- difficult feasibility of the proposed work.

Esoteric dream book

You dream that you have cancer- your suspiciousness can actually invite trouble, do not think about the bad. someone has cancer “fear has big eyes”. This terrible disease will not be around you, and the one who is sick will recover.

Seeing yourself or someone sick- more often reflects the fear of this disease than its real occurrence.

On a symbolic level is the destruction of something. This disease in a dream portends the collapse of plans, the collapse of some business.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream and how to interpret Cancer (disease)?

Cancer (disease) - Seeing yourself or someone sick more often reflects the fear of this disease than its actual occurrence. On a symbolic level, it is the destruction of something. This disease in a dream portends the collapse of plans, the collapse of some business.

Explanatory dream book

Why dream of Cancer (disease) in dreams?

Seeing a dream Cancer (disease) - Difficult feasibility of the proposed labor; cancer (live) - safe departure.

Esoteric dream book

Cancer (disease) why dream, interpretation:

Cancer (disease) - You dream that you have cancer; your suspiciousness can actually invite trouble, do not think about the bad. Someone with cancer "fear has big eyes." This terrible disease will not be around you, and the one who is sick will recover.

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Cancer (disease) why dream?

If you dreamed that you had cancer, then this is a harbinger of great misfortunes, worries or obstacles in business.

If you are cured of cancer in a dream, then this is a sign of great success in business or in love.

Sometimes such a dream can predict the fulfillment of a desire.

See also: why dream of illness, why dream of AIDS, why dream of cancer (animal).

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dream of Cancer (disease), what is it for?

If you dreamed that someone had cancer, then this reflects the fear of this disease.

On a symbolic level, it is the destruction of something.

Cancer as a disease in a dream portends you the collapse of plans, the collapse of some business.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

R - to dream