How to find out about the betrayal of your woman. Urgent help: what to do if a girl cheated

The first questions that a man asks himself boil down to why his woman did this and what did he do wrong?

Several reasons can push a woman to cheat. Here are the main ones:

1. Partner's indifference. A woman can start to change because she does not feel care, affection from her man. It often happens that, having passed the stage of the “bouquet-candy” period, relations become smooth, familiar. The woman lacks the former attention, so she tries to find him on the side with another man.

2. Rich boyfriend. A wealthy man who is interested in her can become a great temptation for a woman. A girl can be conquered by gifts, expensive restaurants, and the very process of courtship by a rich, accomplished person.

3. Desire for revenge. It often happens that a woman takes revenge on her partner in response to his betrayal or to his flirting with other girls. Perhaps the woman did not forgive the betrayal of her man, so she decided to get even in the same way. Sometimes women cheat out of jealousy.

4. Desire to provoke. Sometimes cheating becomes a way to draw attention to the problems that arise in a couple. If a guy does not want to start a dialogue with his girlfriend, does not see the seriousness of the disagreement, then cheating seems to the girl to be almost the only way that can draw attention to her.

5. Love is over. Often a woman understands that the relationship has exhausted itself. And she really has a deep feeling for another man.

6. Love for flirting and sex. A woman is not burdened by integrity and strict morality. If she sincerely believes that casual sex is not cheating, then she easily goes into a relationship with another man. Such a girl treats cheating simply: for her, this is a pleasant pastime that does not imply any obligations.

However, no matter what caused the betrayal, it is not so easy for a guy to cope with it. Women's infidelity deeply hurts men's pride. It seems to a man that his rival is more beautiful, smarter, more worthy. The guy begins to worry that maybe he was not good enough in bed, while the other is able to give his woman much more. All these thoughts make the guy deeply unhappy, they are destructive, they can cause not just a depressed state, but even depression. Important advice may be the following: it is worth the effort of will to stop the flow of negative thoughts, analyze the situation and decide whether it is possible to forgive betrayal.

There was another man in her life

After the guy found out that the girl slept with another, he has a choice of two options: forgive the cheater and continue the relationship with her, or inform her of the breakup.

Men forgive betrayal if they understand why a woman acted in this way. Most likely they began to pay less attention to her. Indeed, in this case, one can understand the girls who decided to seek warmth in the arms of another. Perhaps, after the fact of betrayal, both partners should contact a psychologist who will help resolve the misunderstanding between them.

A lot depends on how the man found out about the betrayal.

How to forgive the betrayal of a girl if she herself admitted to it?

If the girl confessed herself, then this indicates that she still respects her partner. If at the same time she says that she has feelings for another, then she does not leave a chance to save your relationship. And for such honesty, she should be forgiven, because we have no power over our feelings. It would be much worse if she left without explaining anything.

Another thing is if a girl reports her betrayal, but at the same time does not want to part with you. This situation suggests that your relationship needs some refinement. To forgive betrayal in this case? If a girl sincerely repents of her deed, if you love her and she is dear to you, then you should try to give your union another chance. But if you have forgiven the betrayal of your beloved, then you need to forget about this fact forever. In no case should you remind about what happened, playing on guilt, because the partner who has changed is very vulnerable in a relationship.

How to survive the betrayal of a girl if she does not admit it?

No matter how you experience resentment, no matter how emotions overwhelm you, it is worth understanding the current situation with a cold head. The main advice may be the following: talk to the girl, say that you already know everything. Perhaps in response you will hear that she deeply repents of her act, and was afraid to say because of the possibility of a break. Often women are very worried because of the mistakes made. But if a man really loves his woman, then he forgives her the sin of treason.

But what if the girl is cheating for a long time? Or changed more than once? She probably doesn't have deep feelings for you. Of all the advice, only one can be right: end the relationship.

Cheating plunges a person into a very difficult psychological state. If he cannot cope with the situation on his own, the advice of a psychologist will help him. Turning to a specialist, you take a step towards finding peace of mind.

You looked after the girl, gave her flowers and gifts, were kind, caring and gentle with her. Perhaps he even forgave her actions that were unpleasant for you. But she still cheated on you.

And here you have a choice 2 response options. First: take offense at the entire female gender, considering them inhuman, deceitful (after all, they say that a guy needs to be kind and gentle, and then he has every chance) and hang all mortal sins on them. Second: understand why girls can change.

Moreover, the clearer you imagine, the faster you will learn to behave in such a way that you will never be cheated on.

You are no longer attracted to her.

You might be a good person. However, women make all their decisions based on feelings and emotions. If they are attracted to a man, then they are with him. If not, then betrayals, separations occur, lies appear, etc.

What exactly should be in a man for a woman to lose interest in him:

  • Cowardice
  • Decision Avoidance
  • Jealousy
  • Overestimation of the importance of this woman
  • Availability (if a man is ready to sacrifice all his free time and even neglect important matters, then he becomes uninteresting to her)

Therefore, even that “hooligan Vasya”, who by no means looks like a kind and caring guy, has more girls than a man who always tries to please the opposite sex in everything.

There is only one way out of the situation: to learn how to be attractive to each particular girl. To do this, it is enough to learn the basics, and only then observe which of your qualities a girl likes more. And focus on them.


You may have already heard that for a girl, cheating is when she makes a conscious decision. And that by chance a girl can change.

This is partly true.

However, occasional cheating does happen. For example, a girl could go to a cafe with her friends and start having fun. Perhaps she did not even think that someone would approach her to get acquainted.

But then a group of guys came up, started to stick, and her friends decided to let them continue. The company of guys has already begun to rub their hands and suggested that all the girls go to another place. Everyone agreed.

And our main character could not refuse, because it was inconvenient for her to leave her friends. Or she hoped nothing would happen. But as soon as she gets into someone's apartment, it will be difficult to resist someone's "life".

Physical excitement will make her go against all her principles.

The fact that the girl could drink a large amount of alcohol can also be attributed to chance. Comments are redundant.

"For company"

The amazing reason a girl can cheat. For example, she went with a friend to some place. Then two guys came up to them and began to "get glued." It doesn't matter how it all happens.

The very essence at the end of this event. As soon as her friend is alone with one of these guys, our main character immediately has a feeling of rivalry and "herding".

At this moment, her thoughts are something like this: "If a friend, then so am I."

From resentment

You quarreled, you somehow insulted her or offended her in some other way. Also, you could infringe on her rights. It often happens that a man strongly controls a woman, but at some point she explodes and deliberately does everything to his detriment. And since she wants to feel free and independent, then cheats. And yet he thinks he is doing the right thing.

Repay the same

The next reason why a girl could change was that she wanted to repay the same. If she found out that you cheated on her, or simply made such a conclusion (without possessing any facts), then for the sake of revenge she can cheat on you.

Forgive betrayal or not?

Everything here rests on your own principles. If you think that she should not have done this, that it was a very ugly act and you know that you will never forget about it, then do not even try to restore the relationship. It is much better to break your union and never return to it again. Of course you can try. But every time you remember what happened, you will experience severe pain. And this, in turn, will lead to conflicts.

If you are ready to forgive her and can restore normal relations, then why not?

The problem is that if you yourself do not change, then betrayal will be repeated.

And every time it is precisely because you do not attract her as a man.

Therefore, the only way out of the situation is the constant development of their seduction skills, as well as the creation of conditions under which the likelihood of betrayal is reduced to zero. Without this, you are unlikely to be able to avoid this problem (exception: men who are initially successful with the opposite sex).

My girlfriend has changed. How to proceed? Why do girls cheat on guys?

E If a girl cheated on a guy, what should I do? Need to:

H Our planet is very rich in "variety" of hobbies and passions:

  1. Football.
  2. Volleyball.
  3. Hockey.
  4. Music.
  5. Movie.
  6. Meetings with friends.
  7. Trips.
  8. Games.
  9. Photo.
  10. Interesting programs.
  11. Reading.
  12. Fishing.
  13. Tyr.
  14. Bath.
  15. Billiards.
  16. Cars.
  17. Swimming pool.

The girl cheated on the guy. What to do if a girl cheated? How to proceed?

Each man will find the occupation that is closer to him. By the way, any of them can be so “fascinatingly” carried away that the time equal to a day will instantly fly by.

Instead, many men do quite the opposite. What good is that? All such “goodness” leads to the tragedy of the soul and body.

The man gets drunk. Then he drinks, drinks, drinks and drinks. And it seems that this addiction will never stop. Death and illness will be stopped if a person, in time, does not catch on.

Men cut their veins, fly out of windows, get drunk on all sorts of filth. AND? What's next? The man did not guess to think that he would not be alive, and the one who had changed would build her life and enjoy it.

No one knows what kind of world is there, beyond the clouds. He is probably beautiful, but no one has returned from this "transcendental world". Either because it is very good there, or because people want to return from there, but cannot.

If the woman you love has cheated, you can try to forgive her. They say that love forgives everything. So, it is possible to forgive betrayal. People, of course, are different. And, in this regard, their attitude to the problems is different.

In general, men forgive betrayal, but do not forget it. The mere thought that the one you want has spent “intimate time” with another one drives any man crazy. Having learned about the betrayal, they, for a very long time, cannot come to their senses. It's easier to get away from reality and from yourself.

A man can tear up all the photos of the "traitor", he can hate her. He can even raise his hand to her. And it can even kill! The fact that all this will happen in an affective state leaves no reason for skepticism. "What have I done?" he would think, no doubt. But the question that pierces his thought processes will not revive his beloved, but not faithful.

The one who was able to forgive his girlfriend will never be able to trust her. He will be with her, but he will hire a "sleuth" who will follow almost her every move. He can “attach” the camera somewhere, on her body. But this “case” is more complicated: it can be noticed more quickly.

He will check her e-mail and regular mail, will "rummage" in her purse and in other things, will sniff at every smell, "nitpick" at every little thing in bed.

A trifle in bed is something that is unusual and unexpected, not typical of the one next to him. And her references to " headache"And other female" excuses "he can regard as evidence of her" cooling "to him.

Sometimes it’s easier for a guy not to forgive and suffer than to forgive and suffer. It is very difficult to touch the "beloved" who betrayed him. And if he didn’t give a reason, it’s a hundred times harder. It's a shame: he loved, looked after, trusted, idolized, respected. And she went to the left. What doesn't suit her?

The girl you love cheated on the guy. Why do girls cheat on guys? What do guys think. . .?

T ut something, "a hurricane of fantasy", and it will play out. Assumptions that torment all men's thoughts:

  1. “He is more beautiful, stronger and better.
  2. “I am a freak. And everyone who says I'm cute is lying to me.
  3. “I stopped arranging her in intimacy.”
  4. “I offended her with something, and she decided to take revenge on me.”
  5. "A lover has a lot of money."

How to proceed? What do you do when a girl cheated on a guy? Psychology of girls. . .

And then - fantasy is like infinity. A man is "carried away" in the waves of his own imagination. He doesn’t sleep at night, doesn’t eat for days, doesn’t drink, skips work, ignores friends. In my thoughts: she and her act, which is not as easy to forgive as it is to say about it. Her excuse: "she confessed everything to me." On one side, it is. The girl could just hide what she changed. And she did a very "courageous" act: she told the whole truth. I hid the details, because it's embarrassing to talk about them.

And some girls have several lovers. They are so "interesting": every day - a new guy, a new face and a new body. Yes, and the relationship is new. There are girls who, with such a life, earn a living. Although they have a loved one, it is very difficult for them to refuse money. In this case, in fact, forgiving is meaningless: everything will be repeated and repeated.

Those guys who haven't forgiven their girlfriends won't trust another girl. Before their eyes, all the time, betrayal will “imagine”. People need to be trusted! No matter what the circumstances!

If you don’t forgive, let go, don’t take revenge and don’t torment. It is a pity that here, men, can act differently. Despite the betrayal, they can say this: “You are no longer mine. But you won't get it for anyone else." Why?! We would learn to let go, wishing for happiness. Few people can do that.

The girl cheated - she shouldn't have done the same as her, to spite her. This is a sign of weakness. Changing each other, the situation does not change. Although, many men feel better even from the thought that he was with another.

If she was able to change, a man should have enough strength at least to understand whether he can forgive her or not.

  • Reasons for cheating with an ex
  • Psychology of women's betrayals
  • To break up or not after infidelity

If a girl cheated on ex-boyfriend, then relations with the current cracked. Why does this happen? The answer to this question is often hidden somewhere deep in the subconscious of a girl who has decided to take such a step.

Reasons for cheating with an ex

The fact is that treason does not arise out of nothing. Usually such situations are preceded by a serious reason. If a girl committed this act, then in her heart there are still some feelings for the former young man. Perhaps she still loves him, but certain circumstances prevent them from being together. In this case, you should not torment yourself or the one with whom she is dating at the moment. Therefore, it is better to disperse and give yourself the opportunity to sort out your feelings, because the object in relation to which this betrayal was committed is also painful and this can shake him very much. He can stop trusting women, change his attitude towards them, and so on.

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Psychology of women's betrayals

Often, girls do such things because of the suddenly surging feelings that they once experienced, which they later regret and blame themselves for what happened. If the girl does not plan to end the relationship, then it is better not to tell the current guy about the incident, because this may end their union. It is better to leave everything as it is and never repeat such mistakes again.

There are different types of cheating, ranging from intentional to accidental. If a girl cheated on purpose, then, most likely, something does not suit her in her relationship with her current boyfriend. Typically, this is the result of an unfinished relationship with previous man. The girl may decide to take revenge on the guy for his betrayal with the same coin. Or betrayal is caused by still smoldering feelings in the heart of a woman.

This usually happens when a girl started looking for a new love too early.

After all, usually psychologists advise to rest for at least a year after the end of an unsuccessful relationship, to understand yourself and your feelings in order to avoid cheating with the former.

If the guy still found out about the betrayal, then it will not be easy to explain to him, and sometimes even simply impossible. Sometimes, even his girlfriend, he cannot forget the betrayal. He will suffer greatly from love and from resentment, but he will not be able to forgive. This is the worst thing when it was a mistake for a girl and she is very sorry about what happened. If the guy has a different character and he simply idolizes his beloved and knows that he cannot live without her, then he will forgive, but he will still remember this at the first opportunity.

A very difficult case when a girl cheated on her boyfriend with his friend. This is a double betrayal, as a result of which a man loses both his friend and his beloved. Only a few will be able to understand and forgive such a cynical act, so it is foolish to count on this for a girl who has taken such a rash step.

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To break up or not after infidelity

To interrupt or continue the relationship, it is up to the guy who was cheated, of course. But still, you need to understand well that if a girl whom a guy loves has changed, but whom he himself once took away from a friend, acquaintance or boss, then it is possible that she will rush between two fires for a long time, not knowing what to do and who to choose. Only the heart will help in this, which will tell you who is dearer and closer to her.

Women's psychology is much more complicated than men's. Some actions are simply inexplicable. Sometimes girls themselves cannot give a rationale for what they have done. Cheating is terrible for both men and women. But for some reason, it is female adultery that is regarded as something unacceptable and not subject to forgiveness. This is a wrong judgment. Everyone can make a mistake, stupid actions are characteristic of everyone, but only strong people can acknowledge them and find the strength not to repeat them, to repent and never again allow such a thing to happen. Not everyone knows how to forgive sincerely, but you can still try.

Once having forgiven an unfaithful girl, you can get a faithful and devoted wife, because those women who really repent of their deeds will never allow this again and will be grateful to their beloved for a second chance all their lives.

In addition, men cheat on women much more often and take it for granted. It's a shame that they don't notice what they reproach and blame the girls for. So that the girl does not change, you just need to pay more attention to her, be always there, protect her and make it clear that she is next to her beloved like behind a stone wall. Will it change happy woman, who is doing well in a relationship with a loved one? Of course not.

Changes can occur both at a young age and in adulthood. No woman is immune from them. It's all about her emotional state at that moment.

Psychology of betrayal