How do zodiac signs study at school. How does the zodiac sign affect school

The Aries student has one big drawback: he is very restless, it is difficult for him to sit through a lesson without being distracted by his desk mate and not spinning around like a spinning top. If not for this restlessness, there would be no price for such students, since they are usually very smart and grasp all the educational material on the fly. True, they forget most of the information just as quickly (by answering in class or passing an exam). For the rest of their lives, Aries remember only the information that evoked an emotional response in them, turned out to be really interesting for them.

How do Taurus learn?

One of the most assiduous students is Taurus. And regardless of gender. Taurus assimilate information more slowly than other signs, for assimilation they need a calm and harmonious atmosphere. But what was once learned, Taurus will remember for a very long time. Again, unlike representatives of other signs of the Zodiac, Taurus are able not only to absorb information, but also immediately put it into practice. So, for example, having learned the rule in the Russian language, a typical Taurus student will immediately prescribe a few examples in order to better remember the material.

How do Geminis learn?

The Gemini student is the favorite of the teachers. In terms of its ability to easily assimilate information, Gemini cannot be compared with any other sign. It seems that he was born in order to keep in his head a huge amount of various knowledge. At any moment, he is able to quote something from what he heard or read, like a walking reference book. Geminis have no more perseverance than Aries students: they are just as easily distracted in the lesson by everything in a row. However, thanks to their excellent memory and ingenuity, they are able to orient themselves in time and, simply by skimming through the lines from the textbook, immediately tell the whole lesson.

How do Cancers learn?

A Cancer student is not too loved by mentors for instability and change of mood. Today he learns the lesson with readiness and thoroughness, and tomorrow he sits with tinny eyes and his whole appearance makes it clear that he is absent from the class. Today, Cancer easily solves tasks and gets “excellent”, and the next day he will be completely unprepared for work, because on the eve of the mood to memorize the material was not. And stability is hard to come by. The moon, the planet that rules Cancers, is known to change very quickly, and it brings the same quality to the character of its wards. They learn information easily when there is emotional involvement in the subject. And in the absence of an emotional component, they are not interested in learning anything.

How do Leos learn?

The Leo student is the second favorite in the ranking of all teachers after Gemini. Leo tries very hard to impress teachers, and even if he is praised, he will easily give out everything that is written in the textbook, and maybe even what is given additionally in the reference material. Lions are always happy to show off their knowledge and impress a mentor who loves his subject (and any mentor is not indifferent to the subject he teaches). For the sake of praise, Leo is capable of many feats, for example, to learn the entire lesson almost by heart, so that the next day, with the whole class, the teacher will appreciate his knowledge at its true worth. Therefore, among Lviv students, the percentage of excellent students and medalists is much higher than among other signs. In general, Leos are really good at absorbing information and love to learn in order to look the smartest and most knowledgeable.

How do Virgos learn?

The typical Virgo student is very thorough and punctual. He tries to memorize information in detail and not lose sight of anything. Sometimes this detail from the outside looks superfluous, and sometimes frankly boring, but for Virgo this is very important. Of course, such diligence and perseverance cannot but cause respect among teachers, therefore Virgo students are very much appreciated by them. You can always count on them, they will not forget or lose sight of even the smallest details of the subject.

How do Libras learn?

The Libra student tries to win the teacher's sympathy with beautifully presented information, yes, yes, that's right! For typical Libras, even an ordinary lesson should be told beautifully and smoothly. However, Libras have a hard time with information overload, they have a hard time absorbing too much information at once. They need to put everything new on the shelves, and it is difficult to do this at a fast pace, so when there are too many lessons or subjects, Libra easily gets tired and can even get sick. They need to dose the mental load.

How do Scorpios learn?

Scorpio students are usually very thorough, and those subjects that interest them, study carefully and comprehensively, with a lot of additional information, which gives the impression that they know the subject fundamentally. But Scorpio students have a big drawback: they will ignore those subjects that they are not interested in at all, which can become a big problem in a general education institution. And to force a Scorpio to learn something that he is absolutely not interested in is actually difficult. If at all possible. Therefore, there are not so many excellent students among Scorpios. They are too selective and do not want to adapt to common standards learning simply because it's the way it is.

How do Sagittarians learn?

Typical Sagittarius students are quite inquisitive and love to learn. They get real pleasure from the learning process itself. Teachers appreciate them for their desire to learn and interest in knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Sagittarians are prone to scientific research and careful study of any issue of interest to them. Therefore, among Sagittarius there are quite a few scientists, doctors of sciences and professors - people involved in fundamental sciences. In addition, many Sagittarius subsequently become teachers and mentors who know how to arouse interest in knowledge in their students.

How do Capricorns learn?

Capricorn students are like Virgo students. They are also quite assiduous and try to carefully assimilate information. The peculiarity of Capricorns is their determination. They always need to know why they receive knowledge. Once the goal is found, study will become a daily necessity for them, and the word “must” is the most important word in the dictionary. Despite the fact that Capricorn students do not absorb information as quickly as other signs, they usually remember what they have learned for a very long time due to their thoroughness.

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How do Aquarians learn?

Aquarius students are usually the most negligent students among all the zodiac signs. They are quite quick-witted, and among the boys there are a lot of people who are passionate about technology and computers, but eternal lack of concentration prevents them from being good students. Therefore, they learn in an unstable and unstable way. Uninteresting subjects can be completely ignored - just like Scorpio students. But Aquarians study interesting subjects with ease. Such students require a special approach, and often only an experienced teacher can arouse their interest in knowledge and achieve good results in their studies.

How do Pisces learn?

Pisces students are often dependent on their mood and learn in an unstable way. In addition, the emotional atmosphere in the classroom is very important for Pisces. They also need understanding from the teacher. When it is not possible to establish emotional contact with a teacher, they can withdraw into themselves and, even if they have good abilities in the subject being studied, begin to shirk their studies. Therefore, they cannot be called easy students. If there is sympathy for the teacher who managed to interest them in his subject, Pisces will be a very assiduous and diligent student.

Hello, friends!

Today the ShkolaLa blog presents to your attention a school horoscope. What are the main school qualities of the twelve signs of the zodiac? What subjects do you prefer? How do you build relationships with classmates and teachers? Now we'll find out.

Lesson plan:


A brave and resourceful Aries does not have to be the head of the class in order to receive the title of leader of the children's team. Restless by nature, he behaves accordingly at school. If there was some kind of brawl in the school corridor, then, most likely, in the thick of things you will find at least one Aries, who, in fact, made all this mess himself.

A huge amount of violent energy contained in a small child needs to be released. And therefore it would be better for parents to immediately enroll him in some section. To find this energy a peaceful use.

Aries will be able to surprise parents with a variety of grades in the diary. Basically, studying is easy, since “grasping on the fly” is just about a little ram. But only if the subject is of interest to the student. Interests change at the speed of light. Today he is interested in how a butterfly works, and tomorrow he will suddenly like to solve puzzles.

In the end, Aries will decide on their interests and give preference to any areas of knowledge in which they will understand very well, which will please the teacher. But it won't be right away.

And Aries lacks patience and perseverance. A strict and dynamic daily routine will help to cope with this.


"Slower ride - you will continue!" - This is the motto of the student of Taurus. He's in no hurry. Does not grasp knowledge on the fly. He needs to make sure that he understood everything correctly, and therefore, if there is a why in the class, bombarding the teacher with questions, then this is most likely a Taurus.

Don't learn? Or learn not to the end? No, it's not about him. Taurus will finish any topic, though not quickly. But on the other hand, the quality of his knowledge will amaze both parents and teachers, if, of course, the child can show the teacher how well he knows everything, but problems may arise with this.

Parents need to help the little Taurus learn to clearly express their thoughts. If we talk about the craving of Taurus for any subjects, then most likely they will like the humanities.

Taurus does not participate in brawls or school "dumps". He does not like excessive activity at all.


Even the elusive Figaro, who is here and there, will not be able to compete in mobility with a schoolboy born under the sign of Gemini. An extremely lively mind makes the student in the classroom listen not only to what the teacher says, but also to what the neighbor on the left says, and also the neighbor on the right, and to notice what is happening in the back desk, and outside the window, of course, too.

This little meteor goes to school with pleasure. Still would! There are so many interesting things going on there! In addition to the lessons, there are also a bunch of circles and various communities of interest, in which the student will definitely sign up.

The Gemini child knows a lot, a lot, though a little bit of everything. Therefore, the entrance to his diary is open to both good grades and for the bad ones. Also, on the pages of the diary of a student - Gemini, the remark “I talked in class” is often found.


Who will never claim a place behind the first desk?

Who will never voluntarily volunteer to go to the blackboard?

Who would not agree to become the host at a school event for any money?

Who would be happy to remain invisible to the teacher and some classmates?

He is a Cancer student! And this is not at all because he is such a modest or a coward. But because Cancers cannot stand excessive fuss and try their best to avoid it.

Cancer students can study well, but only if they feel comfortable. If the relationship with the teacher is good, if classmates do not pester with or without reason. If at least the appearance of order reigns in the team, then the little Cancer will be quite comfortable.

With his success, Rachok will please rather a teacher of literature or history, rather than mathematics and physics. After all, Cancer is a philosopher from birth, and it is in the humanities that he can show his ability to reason beautifully.

a lion

Every class has its own "star"! And most likely this star will be the student Leo. After all, from an early age he was used to being the center of attention of others. He just needs it! Therefore, your little Lion cub will do everything to be noticed and recognized as a leader.

Perhaps he will try to distinguish himself with excellent studies, but this is an extreme case. Rather, he will try to show off his attractive appearance, and maybe with his high-society manners, then how it will turn out.

Moreover, classmates themselves are happy to recognize the leader in Leo. Everyone wants to bask a little in his royal radiance. And the student - Leo treats his "fans" a little condescendingly.

As for teachers, most often they fall under his influence. Often a student is in the top ten, and even in the top three of the most beloved. Especially if he also manages to enroll in a school theater studio.

In addition, Leo will never refuse to come out to answer the board. He likes it when the attention of the class is drawn to him alone. And the Lion cub will try to perform as it should. Even if the lesson is not learned, he will try to get out. Since getting a scolding from a teacher in front of everyone is perhaps the most terrible punishment.


“Accuracy is the courtesy of kings!” - students born under the sign of Virgo are absolutely sure of this. No, they do not strive to become leaders, they do not grab stars from the sky, but often it is from them that round honors students are obtained.

Parents are proud of them, teachers are not overjoyed at them. Especially the teachers of mathematics, so beloved by the little Virgos. It is difficult to find a student more diligent and accurate.

Schoolchildren - Virgos always know exactly where their notebooks and textbooks are, they are sure exactly what and where they are in their pencil case, they remember exactly what is given at home and they definitely will not forget to do their homework on time. Therefore, they often hear from classmates a hackneyed school phrase - “Let me write it off.”

Parents of little Virgos can be advised to enroll a child in a section, but not for the sake of great sporting achievements, but for the sake of maintaining health.


“Who is the cutest in the world?” asks a student born under the sign of Libra before heading off to school. These are very cute, sweet, charming schoolchildren. Little Libras love to go to school. But if you think that for them the main thing at school is the lessons, then you are deeply mistaken. Lessons are secondary. The main school events have nothing to do with mathematics or literature.

Libra manages to do everything: to study, to make friends, to participate in amateur performances, and to visit various circles. By nature, little Libras are big imaginative, they love to be admired.

And these students can't stand violence. Therefore, in school conflicts they act as peacekeepers. They are trying to reconcile everyone.

They learn easily, somehow even clover. They prefer the humanities to the exact. Two things that can greatly reduce their academic performance are: firstly, laziness, and secondly, coercion. There is no point in forcing Libra to do something. Therefore, parents need to explain to the child why he needs all this.


“The most important thing is the weather in the classroom!”, the student, Scorpio, is sure of this. And who makes the weather in the classroom? Yes, he does - Scorpio. These little schoolchildren are excellent psychologists. It is innate in them. An excellent understanding of the motives of the actions of classmates allows Scorpios to easily and simply manipulate others.

Parents of little Scorpions can be advised to carefully choose a teacher for their child. You need a real professional. And not a "green" graduate of a pedagogical university. Because if your kid feels that the teacher is incompetent, then it will be almost impossible to make him learn and fulfill the requirements of the teacher.

It is generally difficult for a Scorpio to be forced to do anything against his will. Perhaps he will follow your lead, but he will hold a grudge for such treatment with him for a long time. Offending a Scorpio is dangerous to health. He will not quietly suffer on the sidelines, he will not shed tears, he will simply give his offender a good beating.

Little Scorpio studies well, shows an extraordinary depth of knowledge, which pleases teachers. This contributes excellent memory. Prefers exact sciences.


The best class leaders are, of course, Sagittarius. They are the first assistants to teachers and defenders of the weak and unjustly offended. If the social load at school is not enough for Sagittarius, then he will easily find a “occupation” for himself and become a noble ugly.

Excellent organizers, Sagittarius students are always trying to explain to their classmates how to do the right thing. And it's not because they're such a pushover, they act out of good intentions trying to help others.

Little Sagittarius have a high-speed mind, they do not really like to spend precious time preparing homework, because there are so many interesting things in the world. In which case they will have time for everything at the break before the lesson.

Sagittarius schoolchildren rarely give preference to any one school subject, except that physical education, where you can show your activity or work that allows you to feel the joy of creativity, enjoy their special location. Sagittarians do not like to go to the board. It is better to write an essay or answer from the spot.


Do you have a Capricorn student in your family? Congratulations, you can breathe! You most likely will not see deuces in the diary and failures for behavior. These children behave just like adults. Moreover, at school, they prefer communication with teachers to communication with their classmates.

Don't do homework? Get a two? Skip class? This is not about Capricorns. They understand very well why they need to go to school, why they need to learn lessons and why they need good grades.

They consider school as the first step to the heights they are going to conquer.

Students - Capricorns do not have to have natural abilities for the sciences. Their responsibility, perseverance and self-confidence help to achieve very good results.


No one loves vacations as much as little Aquarius schoolchildren. At school, they study well, and with a strong desire, they can become excellent students. But to be honest, in the walls educational institution these kids don't feel completely happy. Students - Aquarians are freedom-loving personalities. And what kind of freedom is there, if school discipline and duties press from all sides?

They are very quick-witted and often excel at one subject they enjoy more than others. But whether Aquarius will love this or that subject depends on the teacher.

The teacher should give the little Aquarius at least some freedom. For example, offer to learn a verse of your choice or draw a picture on a free topic.

With classmates, Aquarius behave smoothly. They are sociable and can get along with almost anyone. Popular among peers.


The scattered man from Basseinaya Street was most likely a Pisces according to the horoscope. Pupils - Pisces are very scattered, endowed with magnificent fantasy, imagination and figurative perception of the world. They even in the classroom are in the world of their own rainbow dreams, so they often miss the words of the teacher. But if you suddenly have to answer the question of the teacher, then the powerful intuition of Pisces comes into play and they answer brilliantly.

Among the little schoolchildren - Pisces, it is easy to find excellent students and good students. Everything is going well with studies. But an active social school life strains them, causing discomfort. Since by nature Pisces are very shy.

Parents of Pisces children need to look after them, as a child can pick up various bad habits very quickly.

They, like a sponge, absorb everything that surrounds them, so it is important for little Pisces to be in a friendly environment, and not in bad company.

Here we have such a school horoscope. A is a personal matter.

I wish you that the stars always show you the right path)

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

The sign of the Zodiac affects many things, including the ability to study and master information. Astro7 expert Stella Mira spoke about the features of each of them.

Astro7 expert


Classical representatives of the zodiac sign Aries would not have a price in their studies on one condition - if they could sit in one place enough time. Such students are restless, it is difficult for them to sit quietly for a whole lesson at school (and even more so for a couple at the university), they spin in place and distract other students. Aries are quick-witted and grasp educational material literally on the fly. Unfortunately, they forget all the information as soon as they answered the teacher's questions and received their well-deserved 5 points. For many years, only the information that evoked a spiritual response from the representatives of this zodiac sign was remembered, was really interesting and useful.


Unlike restless Aries, Taurus is assiduous. Both girls and guys. Such students learn new knowledge somewhat more slowly than others; for comfortable learning, they need peace and quiet. But, rest assured, what Taurus once learned, they will remember for many, many years. They have an amazing talent - they are able not only to memorize new knowledge, but also to apply it in practice. A typical Taurus, having learned a dozen rules of English grammar, will immediately begin to look for successful examples of their use in their favorite books.



The classic Gemini is almost always the teacher's favorite. They easily grasp information without needing a calm atmosphere, like Taurus. Sometimes it seems that they are able to keep a million formulas and rules in their heads. Gemini is a walking reference book that can instantly give all the necessary information on request. But, it was not without a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. Gemini is just as restless as Aries. This shortcoming is offset by an excellent memory and quick wits. They just need to go over the pages of the textbook to remember the information for a long time.


Teachers do not like representatives of the Zodiac sign Cancer, since such students are characterized by instability and changeability of their mood. Yesterday, the student flipped through the textbooks with joy in his eyes and answered all the questions of the teacher, and today he plays a naval battle with a neighbor on his desk and shows absolutely no interest in learning. It is almost impossible to achieve any kind of stability. Cancers are controlled by the Moon, which is changing rapidly and just as quickly changing its wards. In order for students to normally learn new knowledge, teachers must interest them. In the absence of emotional coloring, it will not be easy to achieve reciprocity.

a lion

In a kind of rating of teachers' favorites, Lions occupy an honorable second place, passing only Gemini in front of them. The classic representatives of the zodiac sign Leo will do anything to earn favor teaching staff school, college, university. They are even ready to study textbooks on mathematics and the history of the CPSU, if only to hear praise addressed to them within the walls of the educational institution. Lions will not miss the chance to show off their knowledge, not only for the sake of a good grade, but also in order to make a good impression on an interlocutor who loves his subject. A teacher who is crazy about his math and physics is easy prey for the Lions. It is for this reason, and not because of the love of science, that there are many excellent students among them. More than any other zodiac sign! Royal students learn new knowledge well, prefer to study in order to look smart enough in society.


The punctuality and pedantry that distinguish representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign in everyday life also affect their studies. They try to memorize new knowledge in the smallest detail, so as not to lose sight of anything. To some, such tediousness will seem superfluous, but not for Virgo students. Such dedication cannot go unnoticed by teachers. The teaching staff loves and appreciates such students. You can always count on the classic Virgos, they will not forget anything and will not let anyone down.


If other signs of the Zodiac are trying to win the love of the teaching staff with the help of knowledge, then Libra is their beautiful presentation. They will be able to tell even the usual homework in chemistry in such a way that the whole class will hear. But Libra needs time to absorb large amounts of information, as they are very sensitive to intellectual overload. Unfortunately, they cannot learn too much information in one sitting. Scales should calmly put everything on the shelves, which will take a lot of time. In stressful situations, they quickly get tired and can even get sick, which is especially noticeable before tests, exams and olympiads.


Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio are meticulous, which is especially noticeable in relation to their favorite subjects. Does your little Scorpio love math? Rest assured, he will study it as thoroughly as possible. It will seem that he is a real encyclopedia of mathematical formulas and calculations. But it wasn't without drawbacks either. If they don’t like any of the subjects (maybe even all, with the exception of one), it will be almost impossible to get knowledge from Scorpios at least for a solid “C grade”. Forcing them to study is beyond the power of either the parents or the teaching staff. It is for this reason that there are not so many excellent students among the classic Scorpios.


Sagittarians, unlike the classic Scorpios, are inquisitive students who love to learn. They get a lot of pleasure not only from good grades and recognition of the teaching staff, but also from the learning process itself. Only for this they are ready to love teachers. Among adult Sagittarius there are many scientists involved in complex sciences, reputable teachers.


The classic Capricorn students are to some extent similar to the classic Virgos. They are distinguished by perseverance and diligence, they absorb new knowledge well. Capricorns are purposeful, so they need to understand why they need kilometer-long formulas in mathematics, tons of rules for English grammar. As soon as they decide that this knowledge will help them take a leadership position in an international company, they will immediately begin their studies. Capricorns learn new knowledge not as quickly as others, but they remember them for a long time.


Of all the signs of the zodiac, the classic Aquarians are the worst learners. Yes, they are smart. Yes, they show an increased interest in technology, computers and programming. But lack of assembly does not allow Aquarius to show their own talents to the fullest. In studies, such students are characterized by instability and instability. Interesting items will be honored with their attention, uninteresting ones will be abandoned on the far shelf. Only a wise teacher can find an approach to classical Aquarius.


The classic representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces are too dependent on their own mood to study with stable success. For them, it is important not only their own mood, but also the atmosphere within the walls of the educational institution, understanding from the teaching staff. If the teacher cannot establish emotional contact with them, Pisces, even if they have natural abilities for the subject, will not teach him. If the teacher can establish good contact with them, they will become diligent students.

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Aries at school age are distinguished by activity, stubbornness and perseverance in achieving their goals. Aries are proactive and responsible. If someone needs their help, they will definitely share their acquired knowledge.

Astrologer's advice: For most individuals, manifestations of properties that are not inherent in it are likely. This is due to the fact that most of them have a dependence on celestial phenomena, here are some of them - the retrograde of the planets, the parade of planets, etc.

For Aries study and education no problem. Here he is at his best. This is just the case when in all subjects it is excellent, but in behavior it is unsuccessful. The problem is the lack of perseverance. He can not sit still, what are the rules of conduct here. At the same time, each remark made to him is perceived as a call to action. For him, silence is perceived as the calm before the storm.

Astrologer's advice: Often, a good chance for a global change in personal life in better side, appears only once in a lifetime. Don't miss it - sign up for it and find out how soon to expect it!

Aries have a lively mind: they literally immediately grasp everything on the fly, but just as quickly forget everything. This is their main attribute as disciples.

Aries is independent. His place is always ahead. They will never follow the herd. Often teachers can understand them. Aries will not bow down just because the teacher is older and more powerful. But the teacher who inspires and encourages will turn into his idol.

Aries loves to prove his abilities, but at the same time he is very impatient, quickly rushing to a conclusion, so sometimes he looks funny. He needs to restrain himself and only thinking, give out the result.

Aries need a quality education, as they are unsuitable for low-skilled jobs. To interest him, you need to arrange a competition. Here Aries will not be equal in study and education. He will come out of his skin to be the first. You need to give him the opportunity to shine, to stick out. It’s just that he’s not interested in working for grades.

Astrologer's advice: In order to understand and understand well the character and traits of the zodiac sign, it is advisable to consider it from different angles and the heading will help you with this.

Aries needs a goal, for the sake of achieving it, he is ready for anything. He will sit and tirelessly delve into, understand, even open books, outside school curriculum- he needs it. Otherwise, this is superficial knowledge and nothing more. It is difficult to force him to study, but he is one of those who will not sleep the night before the exam, and in the morning will pass ahead of everyone else. He will not worry at all, because he owes a bonus for courage.

Aries is a leader in life and if he rules in the classroom, he will run to school ahead of the rest. Otherwise, he is disappointed, begins to be lazy and capricious. This condition can be overcome only with the help of parents and teaching staff. After all, the ability to adapt to others is so lacking for Aries in the future.

Having matured, Aries do not change. They are so full of energy that there is only one Aries in the lecture hall, this is already too much. Their behavior is as positive as it borders on extremism.

Astrologer's advice: Good quality and useful. Go to the category of horoscopes. We suggest you read for a month, a year for all signs of the zodiac. Astro forecast will allow you to make the most effective decisions on any issues.

Aries can stir up a crowd in just a couple of minutes. If a student is present in the classroom - Aries, the teacher needs to have one more pair of eyes. Moreover, it is better if they are behind.

From time to time I would like to offer the student - Aries to run around to relieve stress and calm down. The teacher needs to remember that these are the children of Aries who always had five in school in subjects, and two in behavior. Remove always need to be in full readiness.

The given data about Aries and his manner study and education will allow parents and teachers to determine their line of conduct with students and achieve a good assimilation of knowledge from Aries.

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If the sign of the Zodiac affects our character, then why shouldn't it affect other aspects of life? For example, it is no coincidence that someone becomes an excellent student at school, and someone becomes a loser, someone studies diligently, and someone is lazy ... Perhaps, knowing astrological features your children, you can help them succeed in the learning process.

Let's make a reservation right away: there is no such sign of the Zodiac under which solid geniuses or, on the contrary, fools would be born. Everyone has the ability to assimilate various sciences, but not everyone develops them. In addition, some are inclined towards the exact sciences, others towards the humanities. Some learn on their own, while others need to be constantly prodded. But everything is in your hands!

Those born under the sign Aries, can study both excellently and poorly. It is easier for them to succeed if they have some specific task in front of them: such children have a hard time with abstract thinking. If you want your Aries child to become the first in the class, then you need to praise him more often.

Taurus like to do everything according to plan. An unexpected test can throw them off track. Therefore, it is better to draw up an action plan with them for the day, for the week, and so on, in consultation with the teacher. In order for the Taurus child to study well, it is also necessary to encourage him regularly - for example, for good academic performance, promise to buy a new computer or bicycle.

Gemini Knowledge comes easily because they have a good memory. They do best in mathematics and foreign languages. However, children born under this sign are restless, and therefore their knowledge is often superficial. They need constant supervision.

crayfish, as a rule, choose for themselves one favorite subject, which they study thoroughly. The rest teach under the mood or under duress. They have a hard time remembering different rules. It is easier for them to memorize the material with the help of figurative thinking.

lion in order for him to make progress in his studies, you must first be interested in the subject being studied. In addition, this "king of beasts" loves praise in his address. It’s worth scolding him once - the obstinate Leo can completely stop doing this subject. So refrain from swearing as much as possible.

Among Dev most often come across the so-called "walking encyclopedias". They always write off their homework, and if they seriously undertake to study something, they will certainly achieve great success in this. The main thing is not to impose your own opinion on the issues under study. Virgos love to learn and sometimes learn all their lives.

At Libra, as a rule, there are no serious problems with study. But sometimes some little thing is enough to discourage them from learning. Let's say if they don't like how the teacher or the cover of the textbook looks like, then they can "score" on this subject.

scorpions do not know the "golden mean". Either they don't study at all, or they study excellently. To avoid problems with learning, such a child needs to be constantly pulled, checked his lessons, called to the board, and so on. And then he will amaze you and teachers with his knowledge. But if you let everything take its course, then he can earn the glory of a loafer and a truant.

archers too lazy, although they have good abilities. They tend not to learn subjects, but in lessons and exams they most often get exactly those questions to which they know the answers. Truly, such a child will learn only "under duress."

main feature Capricorn- self-love. They are prone to cramming, because they can not stand if they are behind others. Most likely, Capricorn will be an excellent student at school, and adults do not need to make special efforts to force him to study - he himself will begin to lean on his studies without anyone's reminders.

At Aquarius problems with learning arise only because they are trying to drive them into the usual framework. The Aquarius child must be allowed to show freedom of thought and creativity, and then he

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