Educational programs for children of preschool and primary school age. Educational programs for preschool children

Alena Votinova
Educational programs for preschool children


System preschool education presents a flexible, a multifunctional network (DOEs that provide a wide range of educational services, taking into account age and individual characteristics of the child, the needs of the family and society as a whole. Develop preschool institutions with priorities in one or more areas of work with children (kindergartens of a compensatory type, care and rehabilitation, child development centers, etc.).

New forms of service emerged preschoolers(mini-gardens, short-term groups, pleasure, wellness, etc.). Proved positively educational institutions"elementary school - kindergarten" that create the most favorable conditions for ensuring continuity in education, training and development children. Positive changes have been outlined in the development and dissemination of psychological services for preschool children and junior school age, and their parents.

Significant changes have taken place in the content preschool education and junior school age, in the general character and style of pedagogical process: variability is becoming more common programs, curricula, teaching aids, which greatly enriches the content of both preschool, and the initial stage education. There has been a rejection of rigidly regulated forms of education, the pedagogical community has adopted the ideas of humanistic pedagogy.

The last decade has brought radical changes to the system of domestic preschool education. To replace the typical program came variable, to replace the unified "kindergarten"- different types and types preschool educational institutions. Over the past 10 years, preschool educational institutions have officially worked on 12 complex basic, 25 partial, 2 special (for children with speech disorders) educational programs. In addition, in accordance with Appendix 3 to the order of the Ministry education RF dated August 22, 1996 No. 448, in the Russian educational space were"registered" 3 categories and 6 types of preschool educational institutions. Search and independent selection of specific forms educational work has become the norm for teachers. Innovation movement in preschool education in scale was not inferior to school innovations.

Analyzing the current state preschool education, appropriate consider the previously existing concepts of its development. In 1989 State Committee for People's education The USSR approved the Concept preschool education, the authors of which pointed out a number of shortcomings in the system of public preschool education: educational and disciplinary model of interaction between adults and children, orientation educational process for the formation of preschool children"ordered" school of the spectrum of knowledge, skills and abilities, excessive regulation of the child's day regimen - preschooler, the use of the game as an addition to the didactic process of acquiring knowledge.

These problems have not been resolved due to an insufficiently well-developed mechanism for implementing the outlined conceptual approaches to the development of the system. preschool education. Therefore, in the concept preschool education 2003 (The concept of continuous education(preschool and elementary) again as topical issues of public preschool education are called underestimation of the role of play activities in the development of the child, the use "school" learning technologies and early learning first class programs, quality reduction education and overload of children. In addition, the level of training of teaching staff, the inability of kindergarten teachers to implement educational program taking into account individual capabilities and needs children.

Today, the authors of modern concepts (Slobodchikov V.I., Rubtsov V.V., Kudryavtsev V.T. et al.) call for system upgrades preschool education to prepare children to subsequent schooling, taking into account the variability of institutions implementing preschool education programs, levels of physical and mental development preschool children, the degree of preparedness of teaching staff.

Development of legislation regulating relations in the field preschool education, contributed to the emergence of a fundamentally new document for the modernization of the system preschool education– Federal state requirements for the structure of the main (hereinafter - FGT).

Conceptual provisions of FGT to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education defined in accordance with such documents as the Concept of the content of continuous education(preschool and elementary, approved by the Federal Coordinating Council for General Education Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 17.06.2003 and Federal state educational primary general education(hereinafter - FSES IEO, which determines the status and place preschool education as the first link in a continuous system education. The theoretical and methodological basis of the FGT is similar to the FGOS IEO, which makes it possible to realize the main goal of the continuity of two adjacent ages- create conditions for the successful adaptation of the child to schooling, the development of his new social roles and new leading activities.

Purpose and objectives of the Development Concept preschool education

The methodological foundations of the Concept were formed from the fundamental provisions preschool education:

O preschool childhood as a unique, valuable period of life

a person in whom the foundations of personal culture are laid;

About value education and culture as the most important factors

development of the individual, society and the state;

O preschool education as a basic step of continuous education, its continuity with the initial common education;

About the historically established, unique domestic system preschool education;

About the child as a subject of children's activities, communication and behavior, actively entering the culture and society, the integrity of his development;

O age and individual psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of the development of the child;

On the psychological and pedagogical phenomenon child's readiness for school;

About relevance early diagnosis and continuous psychological, medical and pedagogical support of the child at all stages of ontogenesis;

About flexibility, openness, variability preschool education and individualization of the educational process;

On the family as the main social institution of upbringing and home child's education;

About the teacher as the creator of the pedagogical process, his professional culture and subject-activity position in the context of innovation preschool education.

When solving complex problems preschool education in the conditions of a multicultural region, a combination of national-regional, interregional, all-Russian and international interests is necessary. This corresponds to the provision on the development and preservation of the cultural identity of the child in the context of civilizational changes. modern society, and will contribute to the development of children's subculture based on the regional and ethnic orientation of the content education.

The purpose of the Concept is to develop mechanisms for accessibility and sustainable development of quality preschool education as the most important resource that ensures the development of all spheres of the child's life and his future.

The goal is specified by a set of interrelated tasks:

institutional transformation of the system of preschool education in order to ensure state guarantees of the constitutional right of the child to receive quality preschool education, its accessibility based on the choice of organizational forms, their continuity and individualization

Creation of conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the health of the child as the main resource of all his life;

Optimization of technological modeling of innovation educational infrastructure and its resource support;

Formation of regulatory legal regulations and effective technologies for economic support of the innovative development of the system preschool education;

Development of a multi-level system for training specialists in various fields;

Development of the quality management system preschool education.

Accessibility Tasks preschool education:

Ensuring life safety conditions children in preschool educational institutions;

Ensuring unconditional observance of the child's rights to health protection and harmonious development in conditions preschool educational institutions;

Providing conditions for the formation of a health-saving environment preschool institutions and for the implementation of hygienic requirements for the organization of educational educational process;

Creation of conditions for the effective integration of preventive and health technologies in educational educational process;

Development and implementation in preschool establishment of a system of social and hygienic monitoring for the assessment and dynamic control of the influence of a complex of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social factors on growth, development and health preschoolers;

Structure preschool education represented by two components: preschool educational institutions and services that ensure the functioning and development preschool education.

Multifunctional system a variety of preschool educational institutions, different:

By type (by form of ownership): public and private;

- by type: nursery, kindergarten, nursery-garden, school-garden ( options: kindergarten - elementary school; kindergarten - school, preschool child development center, orphanage (for preschool children) ;

According to the profile of work with children: general purpose; with in-depth focus; care and inspection; health and compensatory orientation;

System preschool education has a rather complex mechanism, includes structural education varying degrees of importance. The key link in which problems are concentrated to the maximum extent preschool education, is . That's why transformation of the preschool education system- this is, first of all, the creation of the most favored nation regime preschool. preschool educational the institution is regarded as an organization designed to meet the basic needs of the family for education and training children. In accordance with the needs of parents, the right to choose is provided preschool institutions depending on the type, type, profile. In modern conditions, the family, being the main social institution of education children, acts as a social customer and consumer educational services preschool .

An important issue concerning both living conditions children, and the activities of the educator, is associated with the occupancy of groups. Revision of occupancy hygiene standards should be considered differentially: integrated groups - 6 - 12 children, depending on the age and degree of impairment; mixed ages - 10 - 12 children, in groups young children - 6 - 8 children, from 3 to 5 years - 8 - 10 children, from 5 to 6 years - 10 - 12 children, and the lower limit of filling is considered as the best option, and any excess of the established upper limit is not permissible.

The variability of the norms will allow a more differentiated approach to solving the issue of normal life support children. For children difficult to adapt to conditions preschool, with poor health, prone to neurosis, in agreement with the parents (for a higher fee) appropriate create smaller groups.

Quantity children in the group should be determined based on age of children(the younger they are, the less occupancy, the features of their psychophysical development, as well as taking into account the individual, personal characteristics of educators, the level of their professional capabilities (the ability to organize a full-fledged educational process, their desire to work with a certain number of children(for example, with a group children 20 people can work two educators at the same time).

When recruiting groups, it is necessary to take into account demographics (gender, age, social, personal characteristics children, their psychophysical features. Science-based reduction children in the group will provide a favorable socio-psychological microclimate, create conditions for the normal mental development of the child, more successfully carry out behavioral adjustment, provide differentiated education and training, as well as integrated education.

Logistics preschool institutions are a constant concern of the state. The problem of construction is still relevant preschool institutions for such projects, which would take into account the new norms for the occupancy of groups, the need of the population for various types of preschool institutions; planning and placement of kindergartens, taking into account the environmental situation in the countryside, city, district, etc. Projects must necessarily include music and sports halls, art studios, swimming pools, a winter garden, game libraries, sleeping and playrooms for each group, separate toilets for boys and girls, a room for psychological unloading of educators, etc. The layout of administrative and utility rooms should create maximum convenience for the work of staff. Preschools expediently hand over with ready-made design elements, with sketches-variants of the interior of group rooms, with mandatory artistic landscaping of the site, as well as its improvement (equipment for sports, environmental, playgrounds and other areas).

In parallel, the reconstruction of buildings that do not provide appropriate normal conditions for education and training should be carried out. preschoolers. Both the construction of new buildings and the reconstruction of old buildings should be carried out according to individual projects designed to accommodate no more than six groups in them, where for children of different ages all the necessary conditions for games, classes, communication have been created. So way, the most convenient, meeting the needs children, parents, teachers, is a 6-group preschool educational institution.

In rooms intended for children, there must be an opportunity for them to various activities. Groups should be equipped with multifunctional transformable furniture that allows you to easily (with the participation of the kids themselves) change its location, and thereby create various options spatial arrangement of the group.

An indispensable condition for building a developing environment in preschool institutions of any type is based on a personality-oriented model of interaction between an adult and a child, children with each other. Principles of building a developing environment in preschool institutions: distances, positions during interaction; activity, independence, creativity; stability - dynamism; emotional environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult; combinations of familiar and extraordinary elements of the aesthetic organization of the environment; openness - closeness; gender and age differences of children; spatial principle "eye to eye"; principle natural development of the child, which implies the use of elements of a sign system in the construction and design of the environment ( figurative-gestural, figuratively-graphic and verbal) in connection with sensitivity children for all three options.

The program of education and training in kindergarten is a comprehensive educational program for preschool children, developed under the editorship of. M. A. Vasilyeva. Based on " Model Program upbringing and education in kindergarten” (M.: Prosveshchenie, 1983) and is its adapted version for Russian preschool educational institutions. It is based on the best traditions of domestic education of children of early and preschool age. The main tasks (protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive education and preparation of children for school) are specified for each age group of the kindergarten. The program provides for the organization of the life of children in each age group, the daily routine in kindergarten and at home; is built according to the types of activities of children; has a clear structure and regulated content, aimed at developing certain knowledge, skills and abilities in children.

Program " Kindergarten- house of joy comprehensive program development of a preschool child, developed by N. M. Krylova and V. T. Ivanova. The purpose of the Program is to build a holistic pedagogical process and create conditions for the formation of interdisciplinary links in a system with predetermined performance indicators. The specificity of the Program is the formation in children of ideas about the model of their activities (labor, play, productive activities, communication and speech activity) and the use by the educator of a scenario plan with a regimen of 12-hour stay of children in a group. First, the teacher indirectly interests the child in activities, then reveals the content of each component of the activity and its place in the chain of actions, and organizes frontal training for pupils.
The program "Childhood" is a comprehensive program for the development of a preschool child and pedagogical technology developed by teachers of the department preschool pedagogy RGPU them. A. I. Herzen under the direction of V. I. Loginova, under the editorship of T. I. Babaeva, 3. A. Mikhailova, L. M. Gurovich. The program is compiled in accordance with the three main stages of preschool childhood - younger, middle and older. Particular emphasis is placed on the personal development of the child, so the results of pedagogical activity in each section of the work (“Knowledge”, “Humanity”, “Creation”, “Healthy Lifestyle”) can be assessed through the formation of promising psychological neoplasms. The program is an integral pedagogical system for the development of a child in the process of mastering the main types of children's activities (natural history, mathematics, artistic and creative, speech, socio-moral and physical). However, the full scope of the content of the work on the musical and physical education of children is not included in it, since the kindergarten is supposed to have a music director and a sports worker who implement partial programs corresponding to their areas of activity.
Program "Friendly guys" - partial program, aimed at educating humane feelings and relationships among preschoolers, developed by a team of authors led by R. S. Bure. The Program defines the tasks of educating preschool children in humane feelings and relationships. The program consists of the following sections: communication between the teacher and the child and its impact on the creation of a positive microclimate in the kindergarten group; formation of a responsive attitude towards peers; the formation of a humanistic orientation of behavior in children; the formation among preschoolers of ways of cooperation in the conditions of joint activity. The program allows the child to realize their abilities and realize their interests in communicating with peers.
The Golden Key program is a comprehensive program for the development of children from 3 to 10 years old, developed by G. G. Kravtsov, E. E. Kravtsova, E. L. Berezhkovskaya and others. The goal of the Program is to achieve an organic unity of conditions that provide children with the most complete, age-appropriate development, emotional well-being. The program is a model of continuous education for children, which provides for a different age composition of groups (2-4 years old, 5-7 years old, 8-10 years old), the predominance of individual forms of work with children, the formation of a system of relations according to the type of family relationships, an emphasis on development game activity and emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children.
The program "From childhood to adolescence" is a comprehensive educational program for children aged 4-10, developed by a team of authors led by T. N. Doronova. The program implements the tasks of continuous pre-school and primary school education of children and provides a close relationship between the family, kindergarten and school. The first direction of the Program - "Health" - ensures the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development and emotional well-being. The second direction of the Program - "Development" - is aimed at the formation of the child's personality as a whole, familiarization with cultural values, development of curiosity, search activity of children, heuristic thinking, formation of creative imagination, social competence. The program can be used in the system school - kindergarten, kindergarten with short stay groups.
The Origins program is a comprehensive program for the development of a preschool child, developed research assistants Center "Preschool childhood" them. A. V. Zaporozhets, edited by L. A. Paramonova, A. N. Davidchuk, S. L. Novoselova, K. V. Tarasova and others. The goal of the Program is the versatile development of the child; ensuring that all children have an equal start in development; formation of universal abilities; maintaining and improving their health. The specificity of the Program lies in the fact that for each age stage, psychological conditions, mechanisms and criteria for assessing the main personality neoplasms of children (“basic personality characteristics”) are determined. Sections of the Program correspond to the division of preschool childhood into "psychological ages" (1-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-7 years). The tasks of child development in each section of the Program are presented along 4 main lines: social, cognitive, aesthetic and physical development. Particular attention in the Program is paid to the development of literary and musical abilities of children. In the appendix to the Program, recommendations are given on the organization of additional educational services in preschool educational institutions for teaching preschoolers a second language and working with a computer.
The Gifted Child program is a variant of the Development program developed by a team of authors led by L. A. Venger and O. M. Dyachenko. The program is designed for educational work with children 6-7 years old with a high level of mental development. The program is aimed at developing the mental and artistic abilities of preschoolers, taking into account the specifics of working with gifted children and consists of 10 sections: “Introduction to spatial relationships”, “Development of elements logical thinking”, “Development of speech and familiarization with fiction”, “Development of elementary mathematical representations”, “Preparation for literacy”, “Design”, “Preparation for a role-playing game”, “Introduction to nature”, “Introduction to elementary physical phenomena”, “Fine arts”.
The Spider Web program is a partial program of environmental upbringing and education for children aged 3-7, developed by Zh. S. Vasyakina. The purpose of the Program is to form the foundations of planetary thinking in children, to develop a reasonable attitude towards the world and towards oneself as an inhabitant of the planet Earth. The program includes the following blocks: “I am a resident of the planet in solar system”, “The unique location of the planet Earth in space”, “The concept of the Moon and its influence on the life of the planet”, “The concept of the Sun and its influence on life on Earth”.
The Planet of Childhood program is a comprehensive program developed under the guidance of T. N. Taranova, L. F. Serbina, L. I. Grekhova. The program is aimed at the harmonious development of the child's personality by introducing him to value orientations and phenomena of world and national culture. The principle of integration acts as the leading idea of ​​the substantive blocks of the Program: "Heirs of the World" (historical and cultural block, reveals the spiritual traditions of the peoples of the world), "Workshop of the Sun" (aesthetic and cultural block, reveals the origin of the arts and the diversity of their types), "Our Home - Planet Earth" (environmental block, aimed at forming a value attitude to the world), "The ABC of Health" (valeological block, forms knowledge and ideas about healthy way life).
The program for the development of speech in kindergarten is a partial program developed under the guidance of Dr. Program n. O. S. Ushakova, whose goal is the development of the speech of preschoolers. The program is aimed at mastering by children the norms and rules of their native language, the development of cognitive and communicative abilities. The program is designed to work with children of the second junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups for school and consists of the following sections: education of the sound culture of speech; vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech; development of connected speech. The program is provided with methodological recommendations and class notes for all age groups
The Rainbow program is a comprehensive program for the upbringing and development of preschool children, developed by employees of the laboratory of general education of the Institute general education under the leadership of T. N. Doronova by order of the Ministry of Education.
The implementation of the Program is based on an activity approach to the development of the child. In accordance with it, the authors distinguish three types of motivation for children's activities (game motivation, communication motivation and personal interest motivation), they are taken into account when working on each section of the program: Physical Culture”, “Game”, “Visual activity and labor”, “Design”, “Classes on the development of speech”, “Classes in music and plastic arts”, “Mathematics”. A feature of the Program is attention to the formation of a positive emotional atmosphere in a group of children and the use of monthly, weekly and daily traditions for this purpose.
The Development program is a comprehensive development program for children aged 3-7 years, developed under the guidance of L. A. Venger and O. M. Dyachenko. In each age group, the main attention is paid to the development of age-specific children's activities and the development of the mental and artistic abilities of "pupils (fine abilities, visual modeling and symbolization abilities, constructive abilities). In addition to the traditional sections of the educator's work, the Program contains non-traditional ones: "Expressive movement ”, “Artistic design”, “Director's game”, - the choice of which is carried out by preschool institutions independently.
The Rostock program is a partial program for preschool children developed by A. M. Strauning. The purpose of the Program is to help educators to systematically convey to children the various ways of knowing the world around them that are available to them, to develop the creative abilities of children in the technology of the theory of solving inventive problems and the development of creative imagination. The Program defines the features of work and the tasks of educating children of younger, middle, older and preparatory to school age. For each group, brief summaries of classes for all age categories and a diagnostic card were developed for summing up the results in the middle and at the end of the school year.
The TRIZ program (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) is a partial program for the development of a preschool child, developed by G. S. Altshuller and M. Shusterman. The purpose of the Program is to teach children to think systematically, to understand the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and to be able to solve problematic problems. The program is focused on the development of the literary, intellectual and creative abilities of preschoolers and in its content corresponds to the technology, since it does not define tasks for each age group, indicators and criteria for assessing the skills of children, and does not present lesson plans.
The program "School-2100" is a comprehensive program of continuous education, developed under the editorship of. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education A. A. Leontiev. The purpose of the Program is to prepare a literate personality in the process of preschool and school developmental education as an indicator of quality education. The program is addressed to the system of preschool education, educational complex, family education and in preparing children for school. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The program "I am a man" is a partial program for introducing a child to the social world, developed by S. A. Kozlova. The purpose of the Program is to form a child's ideas about the world around him, about himself as a representative of the human race; about people living on Earth, their various activities, rights and obligations. The program is aimed at shaping a child's worldview, at educating a creative, free personality and includes four sections: "What I know about myself", "Who are adults", "Man-Creator", "Earth is our common home".

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Faculty of Psychology and Defectology

Department of Psychology


According to the course "Educational programs for children of preschool and primary school age"

Completed: 5th year student

group DZP-110 Bogacheva E.P.

Saransk 2016

Task 1. Implement comparative analysis one of the activities in different educational programs of preschool education (present in the form of a table)

Comparative analysis of gaming activity in the programs "Origins" and "From Birth to School"

education preschool program source

Game activity in the programs "Origins" and "From birth to school"

Game activity in the educational program "Origins"

Game activity in the educational program "From birth to school"

Game activity, as the main one in the development of the personality of a child of preschool age, is given in the program special place. The game permeates all the structural components of the program and its content as a whole. The program focuses the teacher on the revival in kindergarten of the game as the leading activity of the preschool child, which is of an amateur and creative nature. Play as a specifically children's activity is heterogeneous. Each type of game has its own function in the development of the child. The blurring of the line between amateur and educational games observed today in theory and practice is unacceptable. The program offers a radical and at the same time simple solution to this sore problem: the place of play in a child's life, its comprehensive developmental significance are determined by a new classification of games, based on the idea of ​​whose initiative they arise. There are three classes of games:

* games that arise on the initiative of the child (children) - amateur games;

* games that arise on the initiative of an adult who introduces them for educational and educational purposes;

* games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group - folk games that can arise both on the initiative of an adult and older children. The educational and developmental value of such games is enormous. They shape the culture of the game; serve in the preschool period of life as a natural form of transferring knowledge to children; contribute to the assimilation of social norms and rules; and, most importantly, along with other activities, are the basis of amateur games in which children can creatively use the acquired knowledge

The game is the leading activity and a special form of social life of preschoolers, in which they unite at will, act independently, carry out their plans, and learn about the world. Independent play activity promotes physical and mental development each child, education of moral and volitional qualities, creative abilities.

The program defines the tasks of developing and improving all types of games, taking into account the age of children: role-playing, didactic, outdoor games with rules, dramatization games, as well as game actions with toys and substitute objects. All types of games should be widely used in the organization of cognitive, artistic and aesthetic activities and in the socialization of children.

By the age of seven, children should learn to independently organize a variety of games, negotiate, assign roles, play together, follow the established rules.

didactic games, didactic games with elements of movement, plot-role-playing, mobile, psychological, musical, round dance, theatrical games, dramatization games, games for a walk, outdoor games of an imitative nature;

Task 2. Implement psychological analysis GCD in the age group according to the GEF of preschool education

Psychological analysis of GCD

1. Topic: "Victory Day"

2. Date: 05.05.2016

3. Venue: classroom

4. Full name : Baulina M. G.

5. Age of children and group name: preschool children (5 years old)

6. Tasks set and methods for their solution:

1) to promote the moral and patriotic education of preschool children;

2) improve various types of walking and running;

3) learn to listen to music, develop a sense of rhythm and improve the speed of motor reactions.

The presence of complex - developing, training, educational and correctional goals

Learning objectives: 1. Expand children's understanding of the army (during the years of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers fought bravely and defended our country from enemies).

2. Introduce the heroes of V.O.V.

3. To consolidate the knowledge of children about how the living remember the participants in V.O.V, to recall family traditions.

4. To consolidate the ability to respond with a full sentence to the question posed on the content of the story.

Development tasks:

1. To develop curiosity, expand the horizons of children, the desire to learn more new, useful, interesting things about the history of their native land.

2. To develop children's imagination, observation and ability to empathize with other people.

3. Development of memory, attention.

4. Activate the dictionary of children with proverbs and sayings, enrich it by clarifying the concepts: Russia, Fatherland; defend, defend, be proud, fight; just, popular, heroic war; infantry, tankers, pilots; fascism, blockade, trenches, trenches; generals, marshals, military leaders.

Educational tasks:

1. Teach a sensitive, benevolent attitude towards comrades; encourage children to act morally; cultivate a sense of respect for people; goodwill; friendliness; desire to do good deeds.

2To instill a sense of patriotism, love for one's Motherland, respect for the veterans of the V.O.V., a desire to take care of them.

3. Education of tolerance.

Corrective tasks were not set.

Formation of a motivational basis for the lesson (the ability to captivate children, the ratio of methods of motivation and coercion of activities

This principle was present in the lesson.

Individual and differentiated approach

The structure of the lesson adhered to this principle.

Dynamism of children's perception (switching from different types perceiving activity to others: from auditory to visual, kinesthetic, etc.

The structure of the lesson corresponds to this principle.

Development of higher mental functions

This principle was not respected.

The use of different types of teaching aids (by imitation, model, verbal instruction, schematic plan, use of symbols)

The principle of using different types of training assistance was respected.

Using gaming activities as the "outline" of the lesson

This principle has been respected. Playing was the main activity during the lesson.

To what extent is the load distributed?

For the memory of children and their thinking

The studied material is divided into parts and groups. The load on memory decreases exactly as many times as the number of parts and classes was divided into the material to be memorized.

To the alternation of emotionally rich and interesting, but difficult material;

interesting but simple material;

uninteresting and simple material;

uninteresting and difficult material

Most of the load was on. On the alternation of emotionally rich and interesting, but difficult material. On uninteresting, simple material and

uninteresting, complex material, the load was not distributed.

On the use of reproducing and creative activity

The load on the use of reproductive and creative activities was distributed to a lesser extent.

What techniques are used to prevent overwork in children

* moment of relaxation

* breathing exercises

* gymnastics for the eyes

* physical education minutes

* a rational choice of postures in accordance with the type of activity (sitting on chairs, standing in a circle, sitting on a carpet, standing around a table, etc.)

* Providing emotional comfort

Which links of problem-heuristic learning are performed by the teacher, and which ones - by children:

Who poses a problem


Who formulates it


Who decides

The educator together with the children.

The ability of the educator to combine collective, subgroup, pair and individual forms of work

The teacher has a well-developed ability to combine collective, subgroup, pair and individual forms of work.

How does the control, analysis and evaluation of children's activities by adults and peers compare? What is the object of the teacher's assessment?

The object of assessment of the educator is the knowledge, skills and abilities of children, their behavior, mutual assistance.

Features of self-organization of the educator:

Preparedness for the lesson (the degree of mastery of the content and psychological purpose of the lesson), internal readiness for the lesson (activity, purposefulness, optimism, resourcefulness); working well-being at the beginning of the lesson and during its implementation

The teacher was prepared for the lesson, he was well versed in the material, owned the content and psychological purpose of the lesson. The teacher was active, purposeful, resourceful.

Throughout the lesson, the teacher was in a good, cheerful mood, and with pleasure and interest led the lesson.

Pedagogical tact and flexibility of the teacher

The teacher retained self-control, Directed, organized and supported the conditions of the process, regulating possible contradictions in such a way that the pedagogical influence maintained friendly conditions and personal relationships.

Psychological climate in the group:

How does the teacher support the atmosphere of communication between children with each other

Analyzing classes, the teacher-psychologist performs the functions of psychological education throughout the school year.

Relationship type and communication style

The type of relationship between the educator and children is active-positive, even, sincere attitude towards children, caring for them, helping with difficulties.

Communication style - democratic style. The teacher relies on the student team, encourages and nurtures the independence of the children. He discusses the problems of students together with them and at the same time does not impose his point of view, but seeks to convince him of its correctness.

Compliance with the time schedule of the lesson for the age category (mark in minutes)

The duration of the lesson was 20 minutes.

The presence of reflection (feedback) - how interesting it is for children (describe the moment)

Feedback was present. The children were interested.

Lesson excerpt:

“Educator: Children, do you know that airplanes are very important military equipment in war? Without aircraft, it is very difficult to win a war. And I suggest playing the game "Pilots to the airfield."

Educator: Guys, would you like to become brave defenders of the Motherland? Then answer me these questions:

1. Who protects our Motherland? (soldiers).

2. What military vehicles do you know? (tanks, planes, ships, submarines).

3. Who sails on ships? (sailors)

4. Who drives the planes? (pilots)

5. Who controls the tanks? (tankers)

6. What great holiday celebrates our country and all of us on May 9? (Victory Day).

Educator: Well done guys. And you know that the soldiers, the defenders of our Motherland, must be very strong. After all, sometimes you have to fight hand-to-hand with enemies. And in order to become strong, a soldier does exercises every morning. Let's practice with you."

Lesson conclusions

In the preparatory group, an integrated lesson "May 9" was held.

Educational areas: cognition, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity. The lesson is built methodically correctly, the speech of the educator is clear, emotional. The program content corresponded to the age and knowledge of the children. The lesson was aimed at raising patriotic feelings in children, enriching the vocabulary of children, activating coherent speech, and developing creative abilities.

The following methods and techniques were used in the lesson: artistic word, story, question-answer. Basically, the children were active in the lesson, followed the instructions of the teacher, showed interest in activities.

Children compose and invent descriptive stories, answer questions in full sentences. But, despite this, some children showed distracted attention, the teacher did not pay enough attention to the behavior and posture of the children. The lesson is delayed, the children are tired.

1) the educator to systematically and carefully prepare for classes,

think over the course of the GCD;

2) use more effective methods of motivation, interest of inactive children;

3) use a variety of speech methods and techniques in the classroom, formulate questions accurately and seek correct answers from the children to the question posed;

4) carefully consider the placement of visual material.

Task 3. Present a lesson outline for elementary school with an indication of all UUD for the following educational programs

Fill in according to technological map lesson section "Formed UUD" taking into account the stages of the lesson.

Abstract of a mathematics lesson under the program "School of Russia"

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

1.Self-determination to activity

Purpose: Inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level.

Creates conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in activities.

Guys, the bell has already rung,

time to start the lesson!

And I want to start it with the statement: "Mathematics is gymnastics for the mind." How do you understand these words?

Get involved in learning activities.

Participate in dialogue.

To do mathematics means to train the mind.

Personal: self-determination

Communicative: the ability to engage in dialogue

2.Updating knowledge

Purpose: Readiness of thinking and awareness of the need to build a new way of action.

1. Leads a leading dialogue. (Activates students' mental operations, attention, memory)

Look at the desk. What do the entries have in common?

72 10 42 20 376 80

68 100 23 200 1625 300

I propose, before you name the product, to explain the method of multiplication.

Participate in the dialogue:

These are works.

The second factors in each expression ends in zeros.

Explain division.

In the first column, to multiply by 10, it is enough to assign one zero; on 100 - add two zeros.

In the second column, to multiply by 20, you need to multiply by 2, and then by 10, since 20 = 2 10

To multiply by 200, you must multiply by 2 and then by 100, because 200=2 100

In the third column - multiply verbally

find it difficult


general education; brain teaser;


Ability to engage in dialogue and participate in a collective discussion of the problem

3. Statement of the learning problem

(Creating difficulty)

Purpose: Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty, setting the goal of the lesson.

1. Leads an encouraging dialogue.

Why did you find it difficult to name the work in the last column?

How do you propose to solve?

What if there is no calculator?

Conducts an exercise for the formation of regulatory UUD. Exercise "True and False Statements".

2. Encourages awareness of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Can you state the topic of the lesson?

What is your goal for the lesson?

Participate in dialogue.

We cannot solve verbally, since the first factor is a multi-digit number.

Put forward hypotheses:

Can be solved with a calculator

You can solve the example in writing - in a column

Written multiplication by numbers ending in zeros.

Learn how to multiply multi-digit numbers by numbers ending in zeros.


staging and formulation

difficulties; search and

allocation of necessary



goal setting;


the ability to express one's thoughts

4. "Discovery" of new knowledge by children.

Purpose: Building by children a new way of acting and

the formation of the ability to carry it out

1. Organizes work.

I suggest you, based on previously acquired knowledge, try to solve the examples yourself.

So, name the meanings of the works. - Raise your hand those who completed the solution as shown on the board. (I open the correct entry.)

Explain the multiplication technique at the blackboard.

2. Calls to the board a student who correctly solved the examples.

3. Organizes work in pairs to formulate a conclusion, how to perform multiplication for similar cases.

Try, working in pairs, to formulate a conclusion: how to perform written multiplication of a multi-digit number by a number ending in zeros.

You have cards on your desks that have an unfinished sentence printed on them. Working and discussing in pairs, complete it.

Trying to solve the problem on their own.

Perhaps there will be 2 options for recording:

1) x 376 x1625 2) x376 x1625

Check notes with the board, correct errors, if any.

Explains division

To multiply 376 by 80, you must first multiply 376 by 8, and then assign 0.

Working in pairs

Conclusion: to multiply by a number that ends in zeros, you need to perform the multiplication without looking at the zeros, and then assign them.


Building a logical circuit

reasoning; independent

creation of ways to solve search problems;


Proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information from

peers and with the teacher

5. Primary fastening

Goal: Learning a new way of doing things

1. Organizes work to consolidate new knowledge

Let's consolidate the knowledge gained by performing written multiplication with an explanation on the board

(No. 40 - 2 examples) -- the rest on your own

First, he calls the “strong” student to the board, then the “weak” one.

Two students work at the blackboard, the rest - in a notebook.

Mutual checking and evaluation: + or -

Children perform the proposed task "Reception of mathematical signs."


the ability to express one's thoughts

Regulatory: mastering the division algorithm

6. Independent work with self-test according to the standard

Purpose: Applying a new way of doing things; creating a situation of success

I think exercise for the muscles is no less useful than for the brain. What winter sports do you know?

Do you know that in Shablykino we have recently flooded the ice rink for playing hockey, or you can just go skating.

But I wonder what is the area of ​​a rectangular skating rink if its length is 157 meters and its width is 67 meters less?

1. Reads the task (brief writing on the board)

3. Conducts a physical education session.

Let's try pantomime to portray any sports.

Children list winter sports.

One student works on a spread of the board, the rest in a notebook

1)157-67=90(m) -- the width of the rink.

14130(m2) -- ice rink area.

Answer: 14130 m2.

Check the solution with the notes on the board, correct if necessary.

Evaluate: + or -


self-control; correction



7. Pair work at the computer Purpose: consolidation of new knowledge

1. Organizes work on an electronic application to the textbook on the topic "Multiplication of numbers ending in zeros"

Work on assignment while supervising each other's work

Regulatory: self-control; mutual control; correction


academic cooperation

8. Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson)

Purpose: self-assessment of the results of activities, awareness of the method for constructing the boundaries of the application of new knowledge.

1. Organizes the analysis of the result of the lesson

What was the purpose of the lesson?

Have we achieved this goal?

2. Helps students assess the level of knowledge gained in the lesson.

Look at the notes in the margins, the work in the files, try to evaluate your work in the lesson.

Where and in what cases can the knowledge gained in the lesson be useful in life?

Offers the exercise "Traffic light" contributing to the development of regulatory UUD.

3. Conducts homework briefing:

Be sure to complete number 44 in the textbook

Optional - calculate how many liters of water would be needed to fill a skating rink the size of our school basketball court, if 90 liters of water are needed per 1 m2 of area?

Remember the purpose of the lesson.

Learn how to multiply multi-digit numbers by numbers ending in zeros.


Conduct reflection and self-assessment of activities in the lesson.


express opinions

Red - help needed!

Green - I can do it myself.

Yellow - I can, but I'm not sure yet. (Exercise "Traffic light".

Write down the task


ability to structure knowledge


justify your statements


self-regulation; self-esteem

2. Select from the proposed summary one of the types of formed UUD and detail the fragment of the lesson summary with games or exercises that would allow you to form the selected action.

Techniques aimed at the formation of regulatory UUD

These techniques are applied at the following stages of the lesson:

Statement of the educational task (Creation of difficulty);

Primary fastening;

Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson).

Reception “True and False Statements”

This technique can be the beginning of the lesson. The teacher offers a series of statements on a particular topic. Students choose “true” statements based on their own experience or intuition. In any case, they tune in to the study of the topic, highlight key points, and the element of competition allows you to keep your attention until the end of the lesson. At the stage of reflection, we return to this technique in order to find out which of the statements were true.

Reception "Mathematical signs"

Students are presented with a statement and are invited to express their attitude towards it using punctuation marks, mathematical signs, etc. the choice must be commented on and the questions that have arisen in this regard should be formulated.

Reception "Traffic light"

The student evaluates the performance of tasks using color signals:

Red - help needed!

Green - I can do it myself.

Yellow - I can, but I'm not sure yet.

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