Comprehensive dow programs are their general characteristics. Variability of exemplary educational programs as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education and its accessibility

The fundamental political and economic changes that have taken place in our society have also affected the education system of the Russian Federation. The preschool system of education, upbringing and development of children has also undergone some changes.

Primarily preschool institutions were also called educational.

Here, the main thing for the teaching staff of kindergartens is to remember that the main task of these institutions is socialization. little man, upbringing, and then preparation for school, and only after that “preschool education”.

The physiological capabilities of the child's body are limited, and it can not withstand any load without pathological changes.

The integrity of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is ensured by specially designed and tested programs.

In the context of the variability of education, enshrined in the "Law on Education of the Russian Federation", more and more programs have been developed and are being developed for preschool institutions.

Any program recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for use is a state document that defines the goals, objectives and content of educational activities with 134 preschool children.

The first draft of the program for kindergartens was created and released in 1932. The improvement of this document continued until 1962. In the same year, a unified program of educational and educational work with children in kindergarten approved and recommended for use.

The Ministry of Education of the RSFSR in 1978 made the necessary corrections and additions to the program. It was called the "Standard Program" and is still in use today.

The model program has played a positive role in systematizing the content, forms and activities of children up to school age. With the advent of this program, continuity was ensured in the education and upbringing of preschool children of various age groups in preparation for school.

At present, when we are talking about the versatile development of the child, and proclaiming the personality-oriented relationship with the child as the main principle of education, the Standard Program cannot fully meet the requirements of teaching and educating a new generation of preschool children. It is excessively ideologized, includes areas of activity and topics for study that are inaccessible to the child's life experience and his age-related capabilities, the program does not take into account regional characteristics that are important for the formation of the child's personality. In connection with the adoption of the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the orientation of preschool educational institutions to the standard of preschool education, a number of research teams have developed new versions of programs for preschool education, upbringing and development of the child.

At the same time, it was taken into account that all variable programs must meet certain psychological and pedagogical requirements.

Each program must reflect the content of education and training and comply with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". In addition, all variable modern programs should also be oriented towards the new Model Regulations on various types of preschool educational institutions. The program itself should guide preschool workers to student-centered interaction between adults and children.

Programs should focus not only on universal culture, but also on Russian cultural traditions. Therefore, the main place in their content is the development of children's speech, physical, cognitive and aesthetic development. In accordance with the age characteristics of children, elements of labor education, the formation of a child's attitude to nature, and the formation of a need for a healthy lifestyle are introduced into the content of the programs.

All new programs should be aimed at developing the child's abilities, his curiosity, the formation of children's creativity and the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

Each program should provide for forms of organizing the life of children during their stay in kindergarten, classes as a specially organized form of education; unregulated activities of children, organization of free time during the day.

Modern programs should combine various types of children's activities, taking into account the age capabilities of pupils, and orient educators and teachers to implement an individual approach to the child, to ensure the optimal load for the child and protect his health.

Programs for preschool educational institutions can be complex and partial. A comprehensive program includes all the main areas of work with children, ensuring the all-round development of the child. The partial program includes one or more areas of child development.

Any program is subject to peer review, which is carried out by a special expert council. With a positive assessment, the program is recommended for use by preschool educational institutions.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", teaching staff of educational institutions, including preschool ones, have the right to independently choose a program of work with children, as well as make changes to the program, methods and forms of work with pupils.

The programs of the new generation (1990s) include three programs recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for use in the work of preschool educational institutions. All these programs are built on the principle of personality-oriented interaction with the child.

One of the first practitioners of preschool institutions was recommended Rainbow program. This program is designed for the period of preschool childhood from 2 to 7 years. "Rainbow" is five programs with methodological support, covering the following age groups of children: 2 - 3 years; 34 years; 45 years; 5 - 6 years; 6 - 7 years old.

The program "Rainbow" reflects a holistic system of progressive development of the child. We are talking about the formation of his consciousness, the role of various activities in the development of personality. The leading role in this program is assigned to the theory of mental neoplasms in each age group of children.

The structure of the program includes the characteristics of children of a certain age. Getting to work, the educator, teachers have the opportunity to study the psychological capabilities of their pupils, to trace changes in the mind of a child of a certain age and emerging ways of becoming a personality. The purpose of the Rainbow program is to provide every child with a joyful and meaningful experience during the period of preschool childhood.

In all five "Rainbow" programs, specific tasks of education and the main directions of pedagogical work corresponding to them are highlighted. For example, for teachers and educators of the middle group of a kindergarten, one of the leading tasks is to protect and strengthen the health of children, the formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle. To implement this task, the following areas of activity with children are proposed: to observe sanitary norms and rules for protecting the life and health of children; create an atmosphere of psychological comfort, protect the nervous system of children from stress and overload; organize a rational daily routine; to achieve unity of approaches to health promotion in the family and in kindergarten; pay attention to the prevention of visual impairment, posture, the occurrence of allergic reactions.

The structure of the program "Rainbow" has the following sections: "We form the habit of a healthy lifestyle", "Development of speech", "The child learns the world", "Mathematics", "Visual activity", "Constructive and practical productive activities of children", "Development musicality."

The "Rainbow" program provides an opportunity to develop the child's existing abilities through various activities, and especially through the activation of the cognitive activity of children. Unlike other programs, "Rainbow" expands the content of the formation of the mathematical representations of the child and the development of the prerequisites for logical thinking.

The practical use of all the "Rainbow" programs requires a radical restructuring that has developed over many years traditional work preschool institution in the following areas: humanization of the pedagogical activity of the teacher and kindergarten teachers, focus on creating a positive microclimate in the team of teachers and pupils, humane attitude towards the child, attention to the issues of individual communication with the child, which ensures the development of his individual abilities, interests and needs. In order to humanize the educational process, all program tasks are formulated and presented in such a way that they involve the use of a variety of methods.

Currently, most of the preschool educational institutions are actively using the Rainbow program.

A team of employees led by the famous psychologist L.A. Wenger was developed and recommended for implementation by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation development program. Its name already speaks about the features of this program. The authors tried to get away from the task of forming skills and abilities and focused their attention on the holistic development of the child. The program is focused on a differentiated approach to children with different levels of development.

The authors emphasize that school forms of education and upbringing cannot be transferred to preschool childhood, to a preschool institution. It is necessary to develop technologies that meet the age characteristics of preschool children.

Each section of the "Development" program consists of an explanatory note, recommendations for work, sample lesson plans. In their recommendations, the authors suggest conducting classes in subgroups and in a fairly free form: children can walk around the group, work standing or sitting at tables, on a carpet, etc.

In general, the "Development" program is designed for a personality-oriented model of education, which involves the creation of relations of cooperation and partnership between adults and children.

The scientific team of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen in St. Petersburg developed a program for the development and education of preschool children "Childhood".

This is a comprehensive educational program based on a student-centered approach to the development and upbringing of preschool children. The authors of the program distinguish three age groups - junior, middle and senior. The programs for each age group are based on the ideas of humanistic pedagogy. Employees of preschool educational institutions are invited in natural conditions for the child, choosing the most significant activities for each age, to work on intellectual, emotional-moral, volitional, emotional-personal development.

In the introduction to the program, “A Word to the Educator” is given, which notes that “The task of preschool education is not to maximize the development of the child, not to speed up the timing and pace of transferring him to the “rails” of school age, but, above all, to to create for each preschooler all the conditions for the most complete disclosure and realization of his unique, specific age potential. The entire content of the program for three age groups is combined into four blocks: "Knowledge", "Humanity", "Creation", "Healthy Lifestyle".

The program consists of three parts - each part corresponds to one age group.

In each part, a characteristic is given of the age characteristics of children and the tasks of the upbringing and development of a preschooler are specified. Then the content of work with children is given in the following areas: “We raise children healthy, strong, cheerful”, “We develop in the game, we learn the world, we communicate”, “The child in the circle of adults and peers”, “Surrounding objects and the child”, “The child discovers world of nature”, “Child in the world of fine arts and music”, “First steps in mathematics”.

For each area of ​​work with children, the tasks of their upbringing and development are specified. After each direction, characteristics or indicators of the levels of assimilation of the program material are given. There are three levels - low, medium, high. The program also includes methodological advice. The program "Childhood" ends with the section "Soon to School".

The program "Childhood" is distinguished by its systematic nature, deep analysis of the age capabilities of children, specification of the tasks of upbringing and development in each direction of the content of work with children.

Let us follow the example of this program, how the general and specific tasks of teaching, educating and developing children of each age group are solved.

In section 1 “Younger preschooler in kindergarten”, after characterizing the age characteristics of children, the following general tasks of education are given:

1. Contribute to the favorable adaptation of kids in kindergarten, establishing good relations with the teacher and children in the group, stable emotionally positive well-being and activity of each child.

2. To ensure the full-fledged physical development of children, their timely mastery of basic movements, cultural and hygienic skills, the development of the need for active motor activity.

3. Contribute to the development of children's cognitive activity, enrich their ideas about surrounding objects and phenomena, teach them to highlight some features of objects based on sensory examination, comparison, and elementary analysis.

4. To bring up a benevolent attitude of children towards others, emotional responsiveness to the condition of other people.

5. To develop children's interest in cooperation, the skills of speech and activity communication with peers and adults, to enrich the experience of gaming communication.

6. Promote the development of imagination and creativity, instill interest in artistic activity with elements of creativity.

The general tasks of upbringing, identified in Part I "Junior Preschool Age", are specified in each specific block. So, in the block “A child in the circle of adults and peers”, the following tasks of the social and moral education of younger preschoolers are indicated:

To develop a benevolent attitude of children towards close people (adults and peers), encourage them to show a positive attitude towards others (love for parents, affection for the teacher and peers);

Awaken emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones, peers, heroes of children's fairy tales and stories, etc. (to regret, console, caress, say a kind word);

Teach to follow the elementary rules of cultural behavior and communication, be able to use “polite” words: “thank you”, “please”, “hello”, “good night”, express requests in a calm tone;

To cultivate a positive attitude towards the assimilation of cultural and hygienic skills, to develop independence in self-service;

Develop the ability to reflect the emotional state in imitation games, dance movements, round dance and musical games, according to the musical image (sad and funny bunnies, nesting dolls, kind Vanya, etc.);

To form children's ideas about people (adults, peers), about their features appearance, about pronounced emotional states, about actions, manifestations of attention and care for others.

In Part II - "Middle Age" - the tasks of upbringing and development are already more compact and significantly different from those that were given for working with young children. In addition, the analysis of tasks shows continuity in the upbringing and development of children of different age groups. Tasks of education and development of children of the middle age group:

1. Further strengthening of health, hardening and development of physical activity of children.

2. The development of cognitive activity through the enrichment of the experience of activity and understanding of the environment.

3. Strengthening friendly relations between children and in joint activities.

4. Education of independence based on the development of various ways of activity and the development of the desire for self-affirmation.

5. Development of creative manifestations and imagination in artistic, visual and gaming activities.

In part III - "Older age" - the main tasks of education orient the employees of preschool institutions to respect the rights of the child, a humane-personal attitude and an individual approach.

More specific tasks for the upbringing and development of children are as follows:

1. Health promotion, development of motor and hygienic culture of children.

2. Development of the humanistic orientation of children's relations to the world, education of a culture of communication, emotional responsiveness and goodwill towards people.

3. The development of children's aesthetic feelings, emotional and value orientations, introducing children to artistic culture.

4. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive , , nyh interests of intellectual abilities.

5. Development in the child of the desire for schooling, interest in school, a new social position of the student.

6. The development of children's independence and initiative-1D2 you, the education of each child's self-esteem, self-respect, the desire for vigorous activity and creativity.

Thus, the program "Childhood" defines the basic, cognitive, practical, speech skills that allow the child to consciously join the world of accessible objects and use them in their activities. Serious attention is paid to the issues of mastering the culture of activity, cooperation, and creativity by the child.

The team of authors of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after A.V. Zaporozhets prepared a basic program for the development of a preschool child "Origins". As the team of authors notes, this is a new type of program. Its goal is the versatile, full-fledged development of the child, the formation of universal, including creative, abilities in him to a level corresponding to age-related capabilities and requirements. modern society. The program is based on an activity approach to the development of the child, taking into account the age characteristics of children of different age groups of a preschool educational institution.

The basic program is based on the following areas of child development: social development; physical development; aesthetic development; cognitive development; nature and man; history, geography and culture of the Motherland; diploma; development of speech and speech communication; second language acquisition; health.

In the basic program for the development of a preschool child, in comparison with other programs, the age characteristics of children in each age group as a whole are well represented. In addition, for each of the areas of work with children, reasonable age opportunities are given, and on their basis, the tasks of raising children are specified.

For the first time, the "Origins" program introduced the section "Content and conditions of pedagogical work" in all areas of work with children. This section of the program guides preschool teachers to the selection of methods and technologies for working with preschoolers in each of the areas of development and education of children.

In addition to those listed, there are other programs that include one or more areas of education and development of preschool children.

This is the Gifted Child program, developed by the team scientific staff Children's Center under the direction of L.A. Wenger; the Golden Key program, created by a team of scientists led by G.G. Kravtsov; programs "Harmony", "Synthesis", "We play in the orchestra by ear."

The presence of various programs that reflect different options and approaches to the upbringing and development of the child requires attention when selecting them for use in the practical activities of educators and teachers of a preschool educational institution. First of all, the teaching staff must be psychologically prepared for the transition to one of the recommended programs. And for this, the program should be carefully studied, selected didactic and methodological material. The transition to a new program must begin with the younger preschool group. Only in this case will a certain continuity be observed in the upbringing, development and education of children, and the main theoretical provisions of the chosen program will be implemented.

Tasks for independent work

1. Justify the need for variable programs for the upbringing, education and development of children in a preschool educational institution.

2. Describe the positive value of the Model Program in the upbringing and development of preschoolers in kindergarten.

3. List the modern programs for the upbringing, development and education of children. What is their difference?

5. What tasks of upbringing and development of children can be traced in the program "Childhood"?

6. The program "Rainbow" and its structure.

7. What is the originality of the "Development" program?

8. The structure of the program "Origins" and its difference from other programs of the new generation.

9. Expand the section of the program "Origins": "Content and conditions of pedagogical work."

The defining foundations for education in Russia are state educational standards of various levels and directions, as well as a set of successive educational programs.

Educational state standard- a mandatory level of assimilation of programs recommended by educational authorities for educational institutions.

Educational programs are divided into two types:

- general education (basic and additional);

– professional (basic and additional).

General educational programs are aimed at the formation and development of a general culture of the individual, adaptation to life in society, implement the tasks of the general development of the individual in modern social conditions, create the basis for a conscious choice and development of a profession. These include programs preschool education, primary general education, basic general education, secondary (complete) general education.

Professional educational programs are focused on training specialists of appropriate qualifications, on solving the problems of improving the professional and general educational level of specialists. This includes programs of initial vocational education, secondary vocational education, higher vocational education, postgraduate vocational education.

The normative terms for the development of programs in state and municipal educational institutions are determined by law, as well as by the regulation on the types and types of educational institutions.

In the education system of the Russian Federation great importance is attached to preschool education, which pupils receive in a network of preschool educational institutions or under the guidance of parents who are the first teachers and are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in infancy.

The purpose of early childhood education- all-round general development of the child, determined by the state standard in full in accordance with the potential age opportunities and the specifics of childhood as an intrinsically valuable period of a person's life.

Today, each preschool institution is given the opportunity to become independent both in financial and economic, and in pedagogical activities.

The integrity of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is ensured by the implementation of a particular program. In the context of the variability of education, enshrined in the Law "On Education", a number of domestic programs of a new generation have been developed for preschool institutions.

It should be noted that many of them were created by serious scientists or large scientific teams who have tested experimental programs in practice for many years. Collectives of preschool institutions in collaboration with qualified methodologists also created author's programs. All programs provide different approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten. In this regard, preschool educational institutions in Russia today have a wide selection of various programs and new pedagogical technologies.

In accordance with Art. 7 Law Russian Federation“On Education”, in order to regulate the quality of preschool education as the first stage of the system of continuous education and preserve a single educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Department of Preschool Education was tasked with organizing the development and examination of federal components of state requirements (State educational standards) for preschool education.

The standard of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the education and upbringing of children should include state requirements for:

– pre-school education programs;

- the professional competence of the teacher, based, first of all, on his personality-oriented interaction with the child;

– organization of the subject environment.

The professionalism of a teacher working with preschool children is largely determined by his communicative competence - the ability to communicate and play with a child. Of course, the extent to which the teacher owns the content of work with children and private methods is also important. At present, the task of mastering the skills of partner communication with children comes to the fore.

The introduction of an education standard does not imply the subordination of the educational process to a rigid pattern. On the contrary, it opens up wide opportunities for the competent and creative use of various educational models and technologies, the basis of which is the standard, its implementation is the fulfillment of the obligations of the state to the child, family and society as a whole, related to ensuring an equal start for all children. Each new generation program should be oriented towards the standard of pre-school education.

The draft state standards of Russian preschool education define the following structure of the content of preschool education:

§ development in gaming activities;

§ health protection and physical development;

§ speech development;

§ development in visual activity;

§ development in musical activity;

§ development in theatrical activities;

§ development in constructive activity;

§ development of elementary mathematical concepts;

§ basics of natural science knowledge;

§ development of ecological culture;

§ development of elementary ideas about a person in history and culture.

The objective grounds for the mandatory content of preschool education programs are:

- orientation to cultural traditions, both universal (speech and language, mathematics, the foundations of natural sciences, the aesthetic cycle, etc.), and Russian (socio-cultural, including national ones);

- pedagogical traditions based on the assessment by psychological science of the significance of specific children's activities (games, construction, visual, musical, etc.) in the development of a preschooler.

The program of preschool education is aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of the child, his physical and mental development, and the correction of this development. This definition is found in all recent normative documents, primarily in the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution. Its main meaning is the requirements of the integrity, complexity of the program. In other words, if at least one of the components - health-improving, developmental or correctional - falls out, then such a program will not meet the educational standard. These requirements stem from the traditions of the Russian preschool pedagogy whose achievements are recognized all over the world. The program should be aimed at developing the child's abilities, his curiosity, the formation of children's creativity and the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

All programs should provide for the following forms of organizing children during their stay in kindergarten:

§ classes as a specially organized form of education;

§ unregulated activities of children;

§ organization of free time during the day.

Any program should combine various types of children's activities, taking into account the age capabilities of the pupils, and orient educators to the implementation of an individual approach to the child, to ensure the optimal load for the child and protect his health.

Currently, there are various programs. The teacher is given a wide scope for his creative activity. The practice of preschool institutions shows that, despite the freedom to choose new programs, it is difficult for a teacher to understand their diversity, it is difficult in a short time to rethink the content of the presented programs and get acquainted with their methodological support, which is simply unique - this is a set of teaching aids for the program " Rainbow”, and the library of the “Childhood” program, a package of methodological aids for the “Development” program, a teaching aid for the “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” program and many other excellent developments that are replenished every day. In 1999, a catalog-reference book “Preschool Education in Russia” was published (edited by R. B. Sterkina), which lists recommended programs and new technologies for preschool institutions that meet the requirements of the state educational standard preschool level of education.

In accordance with clause 19 of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1995 No. 677), a preschool educational institution is independent both in choosing a program from a set of variable programs and in making changes to them, as well as in the development of their own (author's programs) in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard.

All programs can be divided into complex and specialized.

Comprehensive (general developmental) programs should be focused on the formation of universal abilities in the child and their development to a level corresponding to the age capabilities and requirements of modern society. These include: "Rainbow" (supervisor T.N. Doronova), "Development" (the team of the Children's Center of L.A. Venger), "Childhood" (the group of authors of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, edited by T. N. Babaeva and others), the program of education and training in kindergarten (under the editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva); “Kindergarten is a house of joy” (N.M. Krylova, V.T. Ivanova), “Origins” (L.A. Paramonova, T.I. Aliyeva, A.N. Davidchuk, etc.)

Specialized (partial) programs include one or more areas of child development. These are Semitsvetik (V.I. Ashikov, S.G. Ashikova), Our Home is Nature (N.A. Ryzhova), Young Ecologist (S.N. Nikolaeva), Spider Web (Zh. L. Vasyakina-Novikova), “Introduction to the origins of Russian folk culture” (O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva), “The development of children's ideas about history and culture” (L.N. Galiguzova, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova), “Musical masterpieces” (O.P. Radynova), “Beauty - joy - creativity” (T.S. Komarova, A.V. Antonova, M.B. Zatsepina), “Theater - creativity - children” ( N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich), “Nature and the Artist” (T.A. Koptseva), “I am a Man” (S.A. Kozlova) and many others.

The choice of programs should depend on the type of preschool educational institutions. Thus, a kindergarten of a general developmental type implements the standard of the preschool level of education (any comprehensive program or a set of specialized programs in all areas). A kindergarten with a priority direction of development works in excess of the standard of preschool education in the chosen direction (in addition to the comprehensive program, one of the specialized programs is additionally used). Child Development Center - a preschool educational institution that operates in excess of the standard in several areas of child development (in addition to the comprehensive program, several specialized programs are additionally used).

It is necessary that the chosen program meets the objectives of the preschool educational institution. It is not allowed to use in work with children programs that have not passed the appropriate examination at the federal or city level. At the council of the labor collective or the pedagogical council, a decision should be made on the introduction of a particular program in the work of a preschool institution. The selected program is recorded in the charter of the kindergarten.

Teachers of preschool institutions need to acquaint parents with the programs and technologies that they use in their work, involve them in the educational process, and invite them to the Open Day. In the course of such interaction, adults begin to better understand the child, parents are more interested in the problems of the preschool institution and actively participate in the choice of educational programs, the adoption of which is supported by their consent.

In the process of implementing the program in the work of a preschool institution, the following is necessary:

– theoretical acquaintance with the program for all age groups; the teacher needs to get acquainted with the entire program in full in order to continue the educational process with children of preschool age;

- study of the section "Developing subject environment"; depending on the type of children's institution, the content of education, the subject environment should ensure the development of all types of children's activities, depending on the chosen program and its tasks;

– selection of methodological and didactic material corresponding to the program; you need to make a selection of teaching aids and didactic games provided for by the program.

– diagnostic examination of children in each age group;

– holding theoretical and practical seminars for teachers on the implementation of the chosen program;

– consultations and open events for parents;

- go to new program should start from the early preschool age or from the one provided for by the program.

The period of education and upbringing of a preschooler is the foundation from which the personality of the child begins to form, the basis for building his successful future. The educational program for preschool children should cover three areas: mental development, moral and physical education.

Mental development of a preschooler

Determined by degree:

  • possession of a pencil and brush;
  • ability to write and read;
  • the ability to make a short retelling and memorize small verses;
  • knowledge of numbers (in direct and reverse order), the ability to perform simple arithmetic operations;
  • knowledge of basic geometric shapes;
  • ability to determine time;
  • possession of initial ideas about the world around.

moral education

How a child knows how to behave in a group of peers and adults, how ready he is to learn, his future school life largely depends. Therefore, the program should be designed in such a way as not to lose sight of this aspect.

Physical training

As Dr. Komarovsky said: “A happy child is, first of all, healthy child. And only then - able to read and play the violin. Therefore, children's training programs are inconceivable without elements of physical culture.

Teaching children 2-3 years old

This age is characterized by an intensive acquaintance of the child with the outside world, the colors and shapes of objects, their sizes and textures. The kid is able to vividly express emotions, respond to his successes and failures, communicate with other children and adults. During this age period, you should not be zealous in teaching the child letters and numbers, since all this for him is incomprehensible hieroglyphs that do not cause any interest. Also, the effectiveness of learning foreign languages ​​will be much higher at a later age.

The educational program for children should be aimed at understanding the world around them with the help of the senses: sight, hearing, smell and touch. Scientists have proven that success in mastering reading skills directly depends on the ability to feel the world. The preschool education program for children aged 2 and 3 is based on the development of fine motor skills. The fact is that a child's fingers contain a large number of receptors that send impulses to areas of the brain that are simultaneously responsible for the coordination of finger movements and for the development of speech. For these purposes, finger gymnastics, sorting out small items(safe, of course), playing with cubes and balls of various sizes, playing with scraps of fabrics of various textures, playing “patties”, “magpie-crow”, modeling from plasticine and so on.

It is worth paying due attention to physical exercises, accompanied by nursery rhymes and jokes. In general, any activity of a baby at this age should take place in a playful way - this is the most effective method for him to know the world and learn to this stage development.

Teaching children 4-5 years old

This age is perfect for gently starting teaching your child letters and numbers. Now the baby is already able to analyze the properties of objects, purposefully influence them, he is more calm, assiduous and better organized. If a child can enthusiastically play educational games for 10-15 minutes - go ahead! The age of 4-5 years is also ideal for sending your child to some kind of circle or sports section. By this time, the physical development of the child's musculoskeletal system allows him to successfully master the basics of swimming, choreography, martial arts, and so on.

If you notice a linguistic aptitude in your child, learning a foreign language or visiting will be a great solution to develop these abilities. Sculpting, fine arts, vocals are perfect for creative kids. However, if the child still does not know how to focus attention, consciously perform developmental tasks, is impatient and reacts violently to his own failures, you should wait a bit with reading and visiting circles.

Making crafts together will help your child learn to concentrate. You should start with simple details so that the result is quick, gradually complicating the task. In the course of work, it is important to show the baby that any failure can be corrected. The study of the alphabet, numbers and animals can easily be included in this process. With a little imagination, you can kill several birds with one stone. It is advisable to use such exercises as passing a pen through a maze, tracing and coloring pictures, weaving, modeling, and much more.

Teaching children 6-7 years old

Modern physiologists, psychologists, teachers and speech therapists agree that this period is most favorable for the development of attention, perception, memory and thinking of the child. Physiologically, the baby is already ready for developmental learning, and he has a desire to learn. That is why a six-year-old child is sometimes able to bring his parents to white heat with his many “whys”. Brushing off your inquisitive child or limiting yourself to superficial answers is like depriving a tree of life-giving moisture. So be patient and find the complete information to satisfy your little one's curiosity. At this age, it's time to teach your child to count, write, tell time by the clock, explain to him the basics of geography and astronomy. The educational program for children of 6 years old already provides for the transition to organized forms of classes.

Correct actions of parents

So, the program of preschool education of each child should include games-exercises for the development of sensory perception (development of the sense organs), speech, mental activity, physical skills, for the education of curiosity, as well as for the formation of general elementary ideas about the world around. Various institutions of preschool education help to successfully solve this problem. Kindergartens, preschool groups and specialized educational institutions not only use effective programs and unique techniques to prepare children for school, but also have additional courses in their arsenal, for example, training programs in English.

Undoubtedly, teaching a child in a team has a number of advantages over individual lessons: here the skills of proper interaction with peers are developed, discipline, the concept of responsibility, and the ability to resolve difficult situations are developed. Interactive educational programs, as well as the work of psychologists, will undoubtedly help the child in the future to adapt more easily to new school conditions and quickly move to the position of "I am a student."

Of course, each baby is individual, and it is also quite possible to achieve the desired results without outside help. If you have firmly decided that your self-study with your child will be no worse than a training program for children in preschool educational institutions, just take into account the age-related characteristics of the psychology of the baby and adhere to certain rules.

the transition to personality-oriented pedagogy, based on the recognition of the inherent value of each period of childhood, bringing to the fore the upbringing of an active, creative personality of the child, taking into account the individual pace of development, necessitates the creation of new generation programs. If, before the education reform, all preschool institutions in the country worked according to a single model program, then, in accordance with the principle of variability, proclaimed in the new concept of preschool education, the possibility of free choice of educational programs by teachers has opened up.

At present, a large number of new generation programs have been developed for the education of preschool children, both complex (aimed at the comprehensive development of the child) and partial (aimed at the development of certain types of children's activities). A somewhat different situation has long been preserved in early childhood pedagogy, which to a much greater extent than preschool, and is still largely based on the outdated principles of the educational and disciplinary model of education. Within the framework of this model, the child acts as an object of influence of an adult, and the main goal of education is to transfer to the child the knowledge, skills and abilities specified and severely limited by the requirements and age standards of a typical program.

One of the reasons for this lag was the almost complete destruction of the nursery education system in the 90s of the last century. Providing mothers with cash benefits for raising children at home has certainly had positive effects; it is known that the most favorable for a full-fledged mental development young children are the conditions of family education. And although the need for a nursery turned out to be irrelevant at first glance, socio-economic changes in life modern family revived the public need for them. Nursery groups began to appear in kindergartens, and the question immediately arose of updating the content of early childhood education. The “Standard Program for the upbringing and education of children from 1 to 3 years old” that was in force earlier was largely outdated and, in terms of its initial principles and methods, did not correspond to modern ideas about the goals and objectives of education. However, the lack of alternative programs forced teachers to work within the framework of an outdated model. An urgent need for modern programs for the youngest, it served as an incentive to correct the previously mandatory standard program and create new programs. This chapter describes the most famous of them.

The Kindergarten Education and Education Program13 is based on the Standard Kindergarten Education and Education Program, is an adapted version of it, and in the 1980s and 1990s was a mandatory document for all educators and teachers of preschool institutions in Russia.

The program for the upbringing and education of young children is an integral part of this program for the upbringing, development and education of children from 1 to 7 years old. In it, early age is divided into two periods: from 1 year to 2 years and from 2 to 3 years. In accordance with this, in each section of the program, the following are the general tasks of educating young children:

health promotion, hardening, development of neatness skills;

sensory education (visual, auditory, tactile perception), development of ideas about the environment;

development of attention, memory, cognitive activity;

development of speech, the need for verbal communication;

development of a culture of behavior: benevolence, sympathy, responsiveness towards people;

the formation of the ability to imitate adults, carry out labor assignments, take care of animals and plants;

development of aesthetic perception;

development of interest in music, imitation of adult singing, rhythmic movements to music.

In the third year, these tasks are supplemented by the following:

the formation, along with visual-effective thinking, of elements of visual-figurative thinking and the simplest types of judgments;

fostering interest in the labor activities of adults, the desire to help them;

formation of the ability to play and practice next to a peer; formation of elements of a role-playing game;

the formation of practical experience of correct behavior with peers, love for parents and loved ones, obedience.

The content of all sections of the program is strictly timed to the age of the children. Classes with children of the second year of life are presented in six months. Their main focus is the formation in children of self-service skills, obedience, the ability to follow instructions from adults, careful handling of toys, the ability to play next to other children, and learning to play together.

Classes are the predominant form of teaching children. It is recommended to conduct 2 classes per day with subgroups of 5-6 children up to one and a half years old and 8-12 children from one and a half to three. The duration of the lessons is 8-15 minutes.

The program contains sufficiently detailed and strict requirements for the content of classes on familiarization with the environment, sensory development, development of speech, movements, plot and didactic games in accordance with the age stage of children's life. These requirements are based on the authors' ideas about the age standards for the development of children. So, children from one and a half to two years old should be able to fold a pyramid of 2-3 rings, distinguish 4 colors, by the age of three - know 6 colors, be able to properly hold a pencil, brush, use them; be able to roll a lump of clay with straight and circular movements, etc. The requirements for the development of children's speech in six months are spelled out in detail.

In general, the program has a regulated content, orients educators and teachers towards the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities in children, and is an example of an educational and disciplinary model of education and training.

The Rainbow program14 is the first comprehensive program for the upbringing and development of preschool children. It was prepared in order to implement a new concept of education based on the principles of development pedagogy from the point of view of humanistic pedagogy, providing an atmosphere of emotional comfort in the preschool group. The authors have developed non-traditional forms of organizing the life of children in a group, which provide for a focus on the personality of the child, the rejection of strict regulation of the activities of both the child and the educator. The program includes methodological guides for each age group of the kindergarten.

Early age covers the period from 2 to 3 years. The content of the program is set out in the "Guidelines for kindergarten teachers working with children of two or three years" (M., 1991).

The program provides a psychological description of a child of the third year of life, special attention is paid to the problem of the child's adaptation to the nursery, and advice is offered to facilitate the entry of the baby into the peer group. The following tasks of working with children are formulated:

protect and strengthen the health of children (observe sanitary norms and rules for protecting the life and health of children);

build habits in children healthy lifestyle life, to promote full-fledged physical development (organization of a rational daily regimen, the formation of self-service skills, explaining to children the meaning of regime moments, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children);

lay the foundations of a future personality (develop self-confidence and one's abilities, activity, initiative, independence; form friendly relations with educators and peers; maintain cognitive activity in relation to the world around; awaken emotional responsiveness to the aesthetic side of reality);

develop purposefulness of activity (contribute to the enrichment of the child's gaming experience, acquaint with the goals human activity, maintain interest in various types of children's activities, encourage the desire to act according to the plan and achieve results);

to promote the development of children's consciousness in the process of speech development and cognitive activity.

The tasks set are implemented in the following specific areas of work of the educator:

the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children;

development of motor activity of children;

the formation of children's cognitive attitude to the world;

speech development;

introducing the child to the book;

development of play at an early age;

musical education of children;

drawing and modeling;


The program constantly focuses on maintaining the emotional well-being of the child, developing his creative potential, and makes special demands on the personality of the educator. Here the educator is not only a role model, but above all a creative person. He seeks to convey to the child his interest in this or that activity, to introduce elements of novelty, surprise into it, he knows how to be surprised and enjoy ordinary things, flexibly rearranges his behavior depending on the interests and needs of each child, tries to make the life of children in a group joyful, filled with positive experiences. To this end, the program has developed such original methodological techniques as the introduction of rituals at sensitive moments, “gifts and surprises”, “travel activities”, various holidays, which are accompanied by the manufacture of new toys, decorating the group, etc.

The planning of the work of the educator is based on the rhythms of activity and fatigue of children. Based on the recommendations of doctors, classes are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Thursday is dedicated to walks and games.

The program "Childhood"1 is a comprehensive educational program built on the principles of humanistic pedagogy and periodization of children's development, which is non-traditional for domestic psychology. It distinguishes three main stages of preschool childhood - junior, middle and senior. The third year of life is included in the younger preschool age, which covers the period from 2 to 4

years. For this age, general educational goals are determined, and their implementation is carried out taking into account the age capabilities of children, i.e. there is a differentiation of the content of the sections of the program for children of the third and fourth years of life. The second year of the program is not covered. As a general task of education, the creation of conditions for the disclosure of age-related opportunities and abilities of everyone is put forward. The child here appears not as an object of educational influences of adults, but as a subject preschool types activities.

The authors of the program warn educators and educators against the artificial acceleration of children and put forward as priorities in the process of upbringing and education the types of activities closest to the child - play, communication with adults and peers, experimentation, subject, visual, artistic and theatrical activities, child labor. In these activities, intellectual, emotional and personal development and the maturation of such neoplasms as arbitrariness of behavior, self-control, creative imagination, which form the basis of personal development and future successful schooling, take place.

The motto of the program is: "Feel-Know-Create". These words define three interrelated lines of development of the child and the integrity of the program itself, provided by the connection of its three main lines - the development of the emotional sphere, cognitive and practical activities. Work on each section of the program includes the formation of children's ideas in a certain area, cognitive and practical skills. At the same time, the formation of cognitive skills implies the development in children of the need and ability to explore one or another area of ​​the objective and social world (for example, to study the properties of objects and substances in various ways, experiment with colors, sounds, words, movements, etc.).

The program sets the following tasks for the upbringing and education of children from 2 to 4 years old:

adaptation to a preschool institution: establishing good relations with teachers and children, creating

conditions for emotionally positive well-being and activity of the child;

full physical development, the formation of the foundations of motor culture and hygiene skills;

development of cognitive activity of children, enrichment of their ideas about the environment;

development of independence in objective activities, in the game and communication with others, mastering self-service skills;

development of a benevolent attitude towards the environment, emotional responsiveness to all living things;

formation of children's interest in cooperation, skills of speech and activity communication with adults and peers, enrichment of gaming experience;

development of imagination and creativity in different types artistic and aesthetic activities, creating conditions for children to experience the joy of realizing ideas and desires.

The program is designed taking into account the differentiated development of the content of education (high, medium, low levels) for each section, which is a guideline for the teacher in designing the "educational route" of the child. It includes the following sections, which describe the directions of development of children and children's activities, determine the corresponding pedagogical tasks, methodological recommendations for educators are given. one.

Health (tasks: formation of the foundations of hygienic culture and motor culture). 2.

In the game, the child develops, learns the world, communicates (tasks: development of the gaming experience of children, encouragement of creative manifestations in the game, gaming communication with peers). 3.

The world of social relations (tasks: the development of friendly relationships between children and adults and peers, the formation of a positive self-image in the child). four.

The child learns the objective world, joins the work (tasks: the formation of ideas about the objects of the immediate environment, the ability to highlight their qualities and properties, use them in various types of children's activities; education careful attitude to objects; acquaintance with the simplest labor actions of adults, their results, mastering self-service skills). 5.

The child discovers the world of nature (tasks: enriching the child's ideas about objects of animate and inanimate nature, supporting children's interest in the world of animals and plants, forming good feelings for all living things, performing feasible actions to care for plants and animals). 6.

Speech development (task: helping children learn spoken language - developing speech understanding, the ability to make contact with others, express their thoughts, feelings, impressions). 7.

Fiction, fine arts and music (tasks in the field of artistic education: open the world of verbal art to the child, cultivate interest and love for the book, the ability to listen and understand events, empathize with the characters; tasks in the field of familiarization with the fine arts: develop interest in looking at illustrations, emotional response to the aesthetic properties and qualities of objects and phenomena; to form the ability to look at pictures, recognize familiar images, understand the plot, empathize with the characters; acquaint with works of applied art; develop interest in drawing, the ability for visual activity; tasks in the field of familiarizing the child with music: to cultivate interest in music, the desire to listen to it, emotionally respond to it; develop musical abilities). eight.

The first steps in mathematics (tasks: drawing children's attention to the properties and relationships of objects, naming their properties, location, size, purpose and quantity, decreasing or increasing with a purely practical, playful purpose; organizing activities for sensory development).

The organizational principles of the work of educators and teachers are built in the program, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

The main principles of organizing the activities of the educator and teacher are:

rejection of classes as the main, leading means of working with children;

rejection of strict regulation of the duration of classes;

giving educators and teachers themselves to determine the need for classes, the way they are organized and the place in the daily routine; problem-game way of learning;

organization of classes with subgroups of children;

integrative nature of classes.

The Origins program15 is a comprehensive regional program, its goal is the versatile, full-fledged development of a child from birth to 7 years, the formation of universal, including creative abilities, to a level corresponding to the age capabilities and requirements of modern society. The program provides for the enrichment of child development, the interconnection of all its aspects.

The main lines of child development (including early childhood) are:

social Development,

cognitive development,

aesthetic development,

physical development.

Each line of development is presented in the program through the description of four basic components: 1.

Characterization of age-appropriate opportunities for the mental development of the child and his personality. 2.

Development tasks. 3.

Development indicators. four.

Basic personality characteristics.

The program has not only a basic, but also a variable component. This is an open-type program that involves the use of a wide variety of pedagogical technologies.

It sets the tasks of educating and educating children from 1

years to 3 years.

Tasks social development:

formation of friendly relationships with adults and peers, situational business communication with adults, ethical standards and rules of conduct;

support of the child's self-confidence, his desire for independence;

development of speech as a means of communication.

Tasks of cognitive development:

development of sensory culture (through the formation of elementary ideas about the size, shape,

color, the development of skills to recognize objects by the most characteristics);

development of a culture of thinking (through practical experimentation, the formation of instrumental methods for solving practical problems, stimulating and supporting the search for new ways to solve them, developing the symbolic function of thinking);

formation of ideas about the surrounding social and objective world, the world of nature, respect for all living things;

development of design (through the formation of interest in the creation of buildings, acquaintance with a variety of building materials and their properties, development of spatial orientation).

Tasks of aesthetic development:

the formation of the prerequisites for the aesthetic attitude of children to the environment and elementary types of artistic activity: musical, visual, artistic and speech;

familiarization of children with the works of folk art.

Tasks of physical development:

formation of a healthy lifestyle in children;

support for children's need for motor activity, development of movements.

Each section of the program presents the content and conditions of the teacher's pedagogical work with children. Child development indicators for each area are given as a description of the motivational, cognitive and behavioral components of development.

The basic personality characteristics include a description of those personal qualities that are formed in children by the end of an early age: competence in various areas of development (social, intellectual, physical), initiative, creativity and independence.

The section “General conditions for the implementation of the program” also belongs to the basic ones - recommendations on organizing the life of children in kindergarten; principles of creating a developing subject environment; the content and forms of cooperation between the teacher and the family; work of a psychologist in a preschool institution.

A variant of the implementation of the basis is presented in the section of the program "Content and conditions of pedagogical work".

The Krokha program16 is a program for the upbringing and development of children under 3 years of age in a family environment, it is a model of developmental education for young children, covering all periods of a child’s development from birth to 3 years, including preparing a mother for the birth of a baby and adapting children to admission to a nursery.

The program is addressed to parents, can be used in early childhood groups of a preschool institution. It is developed in the spirit of the ideas of humanization of family and social education. The systematization of the program content is based on the problem of the development of the child's personality, which is reflected in the formulation of tasks, the specification of goals, and the selection of methods of education and training that are adequate in content. No less important is the principle of an activity approach to the upbringing and education of children, which is realized through the selection of the following as priority goals of education:

the development of objective activity and communication in children, as leaders in early childhood;

building subject-subject relationships between adults and children in different types of interaction;

establishing the relationship between various types of children's activities to solve the common problems of educating young children.

The program for educating children 2-3 years old includes sections that describe methodological techniques in the following areas of work for adults: -

organization of regime moments; -

education of independence of children in solving everyday problems (food, dressing, toilet, etc.); -

development of subject activity of children; -

development of gaming activities; -

organization of joint activities of an adult with a child (joint household activities, games with objects); -

movement development; -

speech development; -

development of visual activity; -

development of theatrical activities; -

introducing children to music; -

fundamentals of ecological education of children; -

adaptation of the child to preschool.

As an application are offered:

Methods of teaching a child to swim; -

a selection of fairy tales and children's poems that can be used when organizing games, performing regime moments, etc.; -

scenarios for family holidays; -

description of fun games with children; -

tables of indicators of the physical and neuropsychic development of the child; -

a variety of ways to provide first aid to a child.

In general, this is a program of a new generation, although some of its sections still gravitate towards a typical program with an emphasis on the formation of skills and abilities in children, strictly timed to a certain age of the child. This is also evidenced by the diagnostics of the mental development of young children proposed by the authors, which does not correspond to the methodological guidelines of the program and is weakly linked to its content.

The Community17 program is a methodological guide for working with children from birth to 3 years of age, created as a result of joint work on the introduction of child-centered methods of upbringing and education in Russia, the Open Society Institute, the Soros Foundation and the Center for International Children's Programs. Its goal is to develop in children the ability to think critically, make choices, pose and solve problems, take care of people and the environment, and develop creative abilities.

"Community" is a framework type program, i.e. does not contain detailed content, including topics, calendar plan, class notes, etc. It presents the general principles of organization and content of the educational process and a number of examples of specific methods of student-oriented interaction between teachers and children, which are advisory in nature.

The program contains the following main sections:

General philosophy of the program; -

theoretical foundations of the methodology; -

description of the directions of development of the child from birth to 3 years: emotional, social, cognitive, development of language and speech, physical development; -

organization of regime procedures as elements of training; -

ways to monitor the development of the child; -

principles of organizing joint work of parents and educators; -

principles of organization of the child development environment; -

organization of proper nutrition; -

principles of selection and training of personnel for work with children.

The program is based on the natural interest and attraction of children to knowledge, on their need for close and deep contact with the surrounding adults; focuses on the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of the child; creating a safe, healthy, learning-enhancing environment; organization of a favorable emotional atmosphere for development, coordination for this purpose of interaction between teachers and parents.

The leading principle of the program is the individualization of the approach to education and training: taking into account the temperament, individual characteristics, tastes and preferences of the child, the style of education in the family. It is assumed that the educator comes up with interesting activities for each child, carefully observes him, if necessary, replaces or adapts materials and tasks, creates conditions for the development of his curiosity and experiencing success in activities.

An important place in the program is given to the selection and training of personnel working with young children. In addition to special pedagogical education, the teacher must have special personal qualities - the ability to communicate and play with kids, while experiencing joy, pleasure, showing sensitivity and ingenuity, following their interests. The key to the high quality of the program is the ability of staff to systematically monitor the development, emotional state, and behavior of children. To help educators, methods of conducting observations, ways of fixing them, using them in work with children and parents are offered.

The necessary conditions for the implementation of the program are the presence of a permanent educator working with children from birth to 3 years; the small number of children in groups and the requirement that there be no more than three children per adult. Only under these conditions can a truly individual approach to the development of a young child be implemented and a personality-oriented interaction of staff with children be realized.

An important principle, corresponding to the humanistic principles of the program, is the participation of the family in its implementation. From the point of view of the psychology of the development of a young child, it is unacceptable to separate the child from the mother and place him in unusual conditions. Therefore, special attention is paid to the period of adaptation of the child to the children's institution, the involvement of parents in the life of the group, the establishment of mutual understanding and interaction between parents and teachers in order to maintain attachments, ensure continuity in the methods of education, create a safe, emotionally favorable environment for development.

In addition to complex, a number of partial programs for young children, aimed at the development of certain types of children's activities. Here are some of the most common partial programs.

The program "Harmony"1 - the main idea of ​​which is the integral development of the personality of a child of 2-5 years old, his intellectual, artistic and creative potential. The main principle here is the multi-stage integration of educational and upbringing tasks and activities of various content, with an emphasis on the productive activities of children (graphic, constructive, artistic and speech, theatrical). The program provides for work in two interrelated areas: the accumulation in children of social experience of knowing themselves and the world around them and its implementation in the conditions of independent activity of children; contains new original technologies, which are based on the search activity of the child, providing him with a subjective position in the cognitive and creative process. Integral part This document is a subprogram for the development of rhythmic plasticity of the child "Rhythmic Mosaic"18, which contains methodological recommendations and a variety of practical material. A “Set of Video Films” was developed for it (D.I. Vorobyeva - St. Petersburg, 1993-1996), which reveals the features of the organization of the pedagogical process, the nature of the relationship between children and the teacher during mini-classes, playing and practical activities of children.

The "Kid"19 program is aimed at developing musical abilities in children of the third year of life in various types of musical activities. It is based on works of the classical repertoire; developed a number of new music games. The program for the development of musicality in young children includes manuals for teachers and for children. The manual for teachers includes a musical repertoire, guidelines for organizing work with children, material for festive matinees and puppet shows. A rich choice of it allows teachers to conduct classes taking into account the level of development of each child. Benefits for children include "Anthology of musical repertoire for the program "Kid" (M., 1995), which contains a repertoire of works for listening, movements to music, relevant methodological recommendations, an audio cassette with recordings of classical music, and a manual "We dance and sing" ( M., 1998). This manual includes children's songs with repetitive words, onomatopoeia and a simple melody, which enable kids from a year and a half to sing along with the participation of an adult. Singing songs is accompanied by dance movements and

I eat colorful pictures in the book. The manual contains methodological advice for parents and teachers.

The Young Ecologist20 program is aimed at developing the principles of ecological culture in children from the age of 2. Ecological culture is considered as a conscious attitude of children to natural phenomena and objects, to themselves and their health. Ecological education is based on children's sensory perception of nature, emotional interaction with it, elementary knowledge about life, growth and development of living beings. The ecological approach in introducing children to nature and the content of the sections of the program is based on the main regularity of nature - the relationship of all living things with the environment.

The transition to personality-oriented pedagogy, based on the recognition of the intrinsic value of each period of childhood, bringing to the fore the upbringing of an active, creative personality, taking into account the individual pace of development of the child, entailed the need to create programs for a new generation. If before the education reform all preschool institutions in the country worked according to a single standard program, then in accordance with the principle of variability proclaimed in the new concept of preschool education, the possibility of free choice of educational programs by teachers has opened up. At present, a large number of new generation programs have been developed for the education of preschool children, both complex (aimed at the comprehensive development of the child) and partial (aimed at the development of certain types of children's activities).

Among the programs of the new generation in the practice of educating young children, complex programs are used - "The program of education and training in kindergarten", "Rainbow", "Development", "Origins" and partial ones - "Harmony", "Kid", "Young Ecologist" .

Issue questions 1.

Justify the need to create different educational programs for young children. 2.

What is a comprehensive and partial educational program? 3.

What principles should underlie the creation of new generation programs? four.

Analyze the described educational programs in terms of their compliance with the principle of student-centered pedagogy.

Psychocorrection of deviations in children