Orthodox educational institutions. Reviews about Orthodox theological schools for boys and girls

AT modern Russia the question of the diversity of Orthodox theological education is no longer as acute as it was several decades ago: academies and seminaries are opening throughout our country, graduating future priests, archpastors and theologians, Orthodox theological schools, giving the opportunity to get a starting spiritual education, and not only for young men, but also for representatives. In addition, Christian education with a religious bias today can be obtained in several Orthodox universities that train bachelors and masters not only in religious directions, but also in mundane (pedagogy, education, journalism), but at the same time they are taught to consider their future profession from the point of view of the Russian Orthodox Church. Even the smallest Orthodox Christians in Russia are not offended: the problem of opening Orthodox kindergartens, classes and schools in our country is gradually being solved.

In this article, I want to introduce you to Orthodox schools: to tell you how you can enter them, what to learn, what to be prepared for after admission, since it is Orthodox theological schools that can give a start to receiving further religious education in seminaries and academies.

Admission and education in an Orthodox theological school

The Orthodox school, like the secular one, gives its students the opportunity to get a secondary special education. Some schools accept only boys, but there are also those where girls can study, and this point should be clarified before you start planning your studies.

The conditions for admission to Orthodox theological schools do not differ much from the rules for admission to academies and seminaries: an applicant must confess Orthodox faith, which must be confirmed by a baptismal certificate, as well as to know the history of religion and the church at a decent level, be able to read Church Slavonic, write, correctly express one’s thoughts, have general information about church worship.

The Orthodox Theological School, as a rule, accepts documents from applicants aged 18 to 35, with a clear preference given to those who already have a first education. advantage Orthodox school is that its completion allows you to immediately enter the 4th year of the seminary, having passed an interview in several disciplines.

What is taught in Orthodox theological schools?

Orthodox schools for the most part have a pastoral-theological direction. After graduation, one can already be ordained a deacon and a priest, however, those who have the intention to grow and develop themselves do not stop there and continue their studies in educational institutions of a higher order. Women entering Orthodox theological schools can get an education in sewing, regency, icon painting departments.

Orthodox schools are distinguished not only by the high moral and spiritual level of students, but also by strict discipline, arranged according to the example of organizing the life and life of students in Orthodox seminaries. Applicants do not have the right to miss classes and lectures without a good reason, they are required to attend worship services and, in addition to basic studies, have their own obediences - mainly housework.

Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities is a non-state educational institution of higher professional education, implementing educational programs of professional higher and postgraduate, pre-university and additional professional education, performing fundamental and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences, educational areas and specialties.

The University was founded by the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) represented by His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and the Holy Synod of Russia Orthodox Church in 1992 as the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute.

Education in full-time departments - free (upon receiving the first higher education)

The university accepts citizens for full-time education on the basis of contracts no tuition fees, on part-time and part-time forms on the basis of contracts with payment of the cost of education by legal entities and (or) individuals.

PSTGU became the first secular university in the history of Russia, where a layman can receive a complete higher theological education. According to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, "St. Tikhon's University provides an opportunity for people, regardless of their social status and gender, to receive a theological education and become useful to the Church."

The basis of education at all faculties is the principle of basic fundamental university education, based on a deep study of national history, philosophy and foreign languages. (17 modern and ancient foreign languages ​​are taught at PSTGU).

Master's degree

After completing the four-year bachelor's training, the student has the opportunity to continue his studies for a master's degree. The master's program operates in 9 areas:

  • Theology,
  • religious studies,
  • Story,
  • Philology,
  • Teacher Education,
  • Economy,
  • art history,
  • Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts,
  • Conducting.

Second degree

PSTGU provides an opportunity to get a theological education for people who already have a higher secular education. Among our graduates is the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation A.V. Konovalov; Director of the Department of Interethnic Relations of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation A.V. Zhuravsky; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Director of the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.K. Zhirov and others.

Directions of preparation:

The University has 10 faculties:

Faculty of Theology- directions (undergraduate) "Philology", "Philosophy", directions (bachelor's and master's) "Theology" and "Religious Studies"..

Missionary faculty– directions (bachelor's degree) "Religious studies", "Culturology", "Tourism", "Social work".

Faculty of Education– direction (bachelor's and master's) "Pedagogical education (primary education)".

Faculty of Philology - direction (undergraduate and graduate) "Philology" (domestic and foreign philology).

History department- direction (undergraduate and graduate) "History".

Faculty of Church Arts- specialty "Painting" (departments of restoration, icon painting, monumental art); directions (bachelor's and master's) "History of Art", "Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Crafts.

Faculty of church singing- specialty "Artistic direction of the opera - symphony orchestra and academic choir", direction (bachelor's degree) "Conducting";

Department of secondary vocational education- Choir School - specialty "Choral Conducting".

Social Sciences– direction (undergraduate and graduate) "Economics", "Sociology".

Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics - direction (bachelor's degree) "Mathematical support and administration of information systems".

Faculty of Additional Education– professional retraining programs, advanced training programs, short-term distance advanced training courses in theology and fundamentals Orthodox theology and culture.

Department of pre-university training provides training for applicants in all areas of the University.

Students of all faculties receive a basic theological education. The list of theological disciplines and their content correspond to the programs adopted in the higher theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

A postgraduate course and a dissertation Academic Council for the defense of theological and church-historical dissertations for the degree of candidate, master, doctor of theology, doctor of church history has been opened.

Lectures and seminars are held in the buildings of the University at the following addresses: st. Novokuznetskaya, 23 B; st. Ilovaiskaya, 9; 1st Novokuznetsky lane, 4; st. Bakhrushina, 8, etc. The university has 6 icon-painting workshops, 2 mosaic and fresco workshops, 3 church sewing workshops, 1 icon restoration workshop.

International activity

PSTGU carries out wide international cooperation. The geography of the university's international contacts includes the countries of Eastern, Western and Northern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and Australia. The university has a number of joint scientific and educational programs with such foreign universities as the Orthodox St. Sergius Theological Institute (Paris, France), St. Vladimir Theological Academy (USA), University. Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany), University of Friborg (Switzerland), Catholic University of Milan (Italy), Catholic University of Paris (France), Institute for Eastern Christian Studies (Niemengen, Holland), Patriarchal University. Andrew the First-Called (Georgia).

The most successful students of PSTGU undergo additional training, internships and practice in foreign educational centers. University teachers travel to give lectures, conduct academic and scientific work to foreign educational and scientific institutions. Foreign experts speak to our students with lecture courses.

student life

In 2010, the consecration of the campus took place on Ilovayskaya street, 9 (m. Maryino, Bratislavskaya). It includes a hostel, an educational building, a refectory, a library and a chapel.

In their free time, our students lead an active student life. From the first year, everyone participates in the liturgical life organized by faculties. Festive performances, concerts, meetings with famous hierarchs, learned theologians, etc. are held at the faculties. The all-university futsal team successfully takes part in various competitions.

We are waiting for you at the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University!

Psychology of feelings and emotions