Types of preschool education programs. Early childhood education programs

Types of educational programs for children preschool age

Modern trends in the development of the system preschool education expressed in the implementation of the principles of humanistic pedagogy of development, pedagogy of cooperation, in recognizing the priority of a personality-oriented style of pedagogical communication, providing the child with independence, initiative in a variety of activities, and, above all, in the game, ensuring the development of the child’s own active position and allowing the most complete realize yourself.
Preschool childhood is a period of human development, during which there is an initial acquaintance with the universal values ​​recognized by mankind, the child gaining his "I", the active realization of the need for the manifestation of individuality, as well as the period in which the children's community is formed as the first institution of the child's socialization.
Preschool childhood is characterized by the development of perceptual, mnemonic and elementary thought processes, the mastery of complex manipulations and actions with things, the accumulation of experience in behavior in various life situations. This period is distinguished by the intensive development of speech, which, however, does not exclude the use of earlier, non-verbal expressive forms of behavior: facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonations. This period is characterized by intensive assimilation of culture through play, activity, and communication. At this age, the symbolic beginning in thinking and behavior is clearly expressed. Logical thinking is carried out in the form of mastering specific operations: grouping objects, generalizations, etc. This stage is of decisive importance for the socialization of the child, which takes place not only empirically (through the accumulation of behavioral experience), but also rationally - by mastering the foundations of morality and regulating diverse social ties and relationships on these foundations.

Due to the importance of the emotional factor for the process social development child, special attention should be paid to individual differences in emotional manifestations, emotional experiences (sensitivity level), emotional expression (severity) and emotional behavior (method of response). The success of socialization, the formation of personality traits and the intellectual development of the child depend on how this triad manifests itself. Sensual experience of emotion simultaneously motivates a person to certain actions: positive emotions promote constructive interaction.

The main tasks of preschool education:

Ensure the emotional well-being of each child, maintain and strengthen his psychophysical health, contribute to the formation of the image of "I";

To form the basic personality traits that ensure the successful socialization of the child;

To develop the individuality of the child through the development of social norms and rules of behavior at a given age;
- to form ideas about such universal values ​​as life, health, happiness, nature, beauty, communication, knowledge, human, humanism, kindness, work, mercy, love, freedom, personality, peace, justice;

To educate a "participatory", active attitude to the world, an understanding of the representation of one's role in the nearest socio-cultural space.

The educational process during preschool childhood is built on the basis of respect for the child's individuality, taking into account the readiness to master the requirements and the exclusion of coercion and violence, based on the achievements of the previous stage of development.

"Origins" Author's team: researchers Center "Preschool childhood" them. A. V. Zaporozhets under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences L.A. Paramonova This program holistically defines the content and nature of the modern pedagogical process, which are aimed at developing the basis of personal culture in a preschool child in kindergarten. It implements the most important principle of humanistic pedagogy - the dialogue of an adult and a child, children among themselves, teachers with each other, a teacher with parents. As an educational program for a new generation, "Origins" reflects the enduring importance of preschool childhood as an exceptionally important, basic period for the subsequent development of a person. The main goal of the program is the formation of a diversified personality aged from birth to 7 years, its universal, including creative, abilities to a level corresponding to the age capabilities of the child; ensuring for each child an equal start of development; preservation and promotion of health. The program is based on the concept of psychological age as a stage in the development of a child, which has its own structure and dynamics, as well as the scientific position of A.V. Zaporozhets about the amplification (enrichment) of child development, the relationship of all its aspects. In accordance with this approach, the following age stages are identified in the program: early childhood - infancy (up to one year); early age (from one year to three years); preschool childhood; junior preschool age (from three to five years old) and senior (from five to seven years old). Such age periodization, according to the authors, allows you to see both the most general trends and the individual perspective of the development of each child. Periodization does not provide for the mandatory association of children in groups of different ages. Taking into account the specific working conditions, it is possible to complete groups of a preschool educational institution with children of both the same and different calendar ages within a single psychological age. The program is built in accordance with the didactic principles of education, training and development of preschool children. For each age stage in the program, four leading lines of development are identified: social, cognitive, aesthetic and physical; reveals the features of the development of these lines in infancy, early, younger and older preschool age; the hierarchy of the main types of activity (communication, objective activity, game) is set. Game activity, as the main one in the development of the personality of a child of preschool age, is given in the program special place . The game permeates all the structural components of the program and its content as a whole. The "Social Development" section contains a list of progressively more complex tasks and working conditions to develop the child's communication skills with adults and peers, and also provides for the formation of a child's attitude towards himself. At all age stages, various types of children's activities are considered as important conditions for the emergence of social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships. In the section "Cognitive development" the tasks, content and conditions of pedagogical work to expand and enrich the child's orientations in the world around him, the development of mental abilities, methods and means of cognitive activity, etc. are highlighted. The content of the section "Aesthetic development" is considered in the unity of the formation of an aesthetic attitude in the child to the world and its artistic development by means of folk, classical and contemporary art. This development is based on the formation of artistic abilities through children's creativity, the integration of various types of children's artistic activities. The section "Physical development" defines the tasks, content and conditions of pedagogical work, the solution of which contributes to the strengthening of children's health, the formation of correct posture, the improvement of the functional capabilities of the child's body, vital motor skills, and physical qualities. The program has new, independent sections "Health", "Speech and speech development", "The world in which we live", "Nature and the child", "Culture of everyday life" and others that significantly complement and enrich it. Thus, the "Health" section reflects modern ideas about the health of a preschool child, contains approximate daily routines in kindergarten, recommendations for its organization. In the section "Speech and Speech Development", dialogue is considered as the main means of developing communication, and the special role of word creation and the child's games with sounds and rhymes is emphasized. The purpose of the section "The world in which we live" is to form in the child a sense of belonging to a certain culture, cultures of other peoples, involvement in the events taking place in the country, city, village. The tasks of introducing children to work activities are presented in such sections of the program as "The world in which we live", "Nature and the child", "Culture of everyday life", etc. In the "Origins" program, the basic and variable content of education is highlighted. The basic part, along with tasks for each direction of the child's development, includes: characteristics of the age capabilities of children; general indicators of development; basic personality characteristics; recommendations on organizing the life of children in a preschool institution, creating a subject-developing environment, cooperation between a kindergarten and a family, and the work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution. Variable approaches to the implementation of the program are disclosed in the section "Content and conditions of pedagogical work". They provide for the possibility of adjusting the content of the pedagogical process, taking into account the specific conditions of the kindergarten. The appendix to the program contains optional sections: "Teaching a second language", ((Computer in a preschool institution", "The living world of nature in the city and the child", which are intended for preschool educational institutions working in these areas. In addition, the annex to the program contains samples of planning educational work, the main indicators of the development of a kindergarten graduate are offered.The program is provided with methodological and teaching aids: on the education of young children (author L.N. Pavlova), the development of speech and verbal communication (author A. G. Arushanova), teaching the Russian language to non-Russian-speaking children (Eyu. Protasova, N.M. Rodina), creative design (author L.A. Paramonova), physical (M.A. Runova), aesthetic development (K.V. Tarasova, V.A. Petrova, L.V. Panteleeva), ecological (N.A. Ryzhova), interaction with the family (E.P. Arnautova), etc. Benefits of the program "Origins"
"Rainbow" Scientific supervisor of the program E.V. Solovieva. Authors-developers T.N. Doronova, V.V. Gerbova, T.I. Grizik and others. "Rainbow" is the first comprehensive innovative program that paved the way for new variable programs for preschoolers that have come to replace Model Program. It covers a full range of problems related to the provision of health, education, upbringing and development of children aged 2-7 years. "Rainbow" is the only program for preschool educational institutions that has passed a full pilot test in 10 regions of Russia for 6 years and an independent examination by the commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, following which the program was recommended for mass implementation. The program is focused on universal humanistic values ​​and was created with the aim of preserving the health of children, helping each child to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood, and ensuring the full and timely mental development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics. "Rainbow" is distinguished by the rejection of strict regulation of children's activities, taking into account the logic of the formation of the child's psyche, the possibility of variability in the implementation of the program, taking into account regional and national characteristics, and a high level of preparation of children for school. Benefits of the program "Rainbow"
"Childhood" The program was developed by a team of teachers of the department preschool pedagogy RGPU them. A.I. Herzen from the standpoint of humanistic pedagogy. The content of education and upbringing of preschool children, developed on the basis of the achievements of classical and modern preschool pedagogy, is presented. The publication is addressed to teachers of preschool institutions different types, students and teachers of pedagogical institutes, colleges, schools. Recommended by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the program is to ensure the holistic development of the child's personality during preschool childhood: intellectual, physical, emotional and moral, strong-willed, social and personal. Introduction to the child the world is carried out through its interaction with various spheres of life and culture. Learning in the classroom is aimed at systematizing, deepening and generalizing the child's personal experience. The number of classes and their duration are not regulated. The teacher is given the right to independently determine the need for their conduct, content, method of organization and place in the daily routine. The content of the program is divided into four blocks: "Knowledge", "Humanity", "Creation", " healthy image life." The program consists of three parts in accordance with the three stages of preschool age - junior (third and fourth years of life), middle (fifth year of life) and senior preschool age (sixth and seventh years of life). The program, focused on the social and personal development of the child, the upbringing of a positive attitude towards the outside world, includes a new important section - "Attitude towards oneself." Benefits of the program "Childhood"
"Baby" The program "Baby" (upbringing, education and development of children under three years old) under the guidance of the authors G. G. Grigorieva, D. V. Sergeev, N. P. Kochetova and others. The purpose of the program is the comprehensive upbringing and development of children under the age of three. The program was developed in the spirit of the ideas of humanization of family and social education of young children. The program provides for a multi-level, individually differentiated approach to the child. The program is based on humanistic principles recognizing the child's right to be an individual. It is the development of personal qualities, such? as independence, curiosity, initiative, occupies a central place in the program. The main principles are respect for the child, attention to his needs, desires and interests, development of his self-esteem, independence. The creation of the program is dictated by the current state of education of young children. On the one hand, until now, most parents are guided by outdated ideas about the development of children in the first years of life as physiological maturation and put the provision of conditions for the physical development of the child at the forefront. Aspects of personal development are usually not recognized and ignored. As a result, the huge reserves of the psyche of young children remain unclaimed. On the other hand, some parents and teachers strive to start teaching reading, mathematics and other things that are unnecessary at an early age as early as possible and, not understanding the patterns of child development, use inadequate methods that are suitable only for older children. The Krokha program is certainly designed for those parents and educators who want to gain in-depth knowledge in this area. The scientific justification section contains a competent presentation modern views on patterns mental development children, while knowledge is given to parents in a very specific form, namely in life situations in which age-related characteristics of babies are manifested. The program consists of several sections covering the most important aspects of the development of infants and young children. Many of these sections for domestic programs are traditional: physical education, health protection and promotion, movement development, self-service skills, speech development. Other sections reflect new developments in the field of pedagogy (for example, a section on the environmental education of young children). For the first time, within the framework of the upbringing program, a section on the psychological preparation of parents for the birth of a child is quite fully presented. In addition to traditional medical advice, the stages of intrauterine development of a child are described in an interesting and accessible way, the emphasis is placed on how important it is to communicate with the baby even before his birth. The methodological part of the program meets modern requirements: it corresponds to the values ​​of personality-oriented pedagogy embedded in the program; it implements the principle of gradualness and continuity of the development of the child during the transition to a new age stage; it is equipped with new pedagogical techniques and technologies for working with children. Each section begins with a statement of the main tasks of education, which will help parents better understand the meaning of their pedagogical influences. The proposed methodological techniques are mainly playful in nature, which corresponds to the age characteristics of children. They are set out in the form of wishes, rather than rigid requirements, which are often presented even to the youngest children. The section of artistic and aesthetic education of children is well represented. It offers a variety of techniques of visual, theatrical and musical activities aimed at developing the creative imagination and abilities of kids. Benefits of the program "Baby"
"Educational system "School 2100". Program "Kindergarten 2100"" Team of authors: A.A. Leontiev (head), R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, M.V. Korepanov, T.R. Kislova, S.A. Kozlova, O.A. Kurevina, I.V. Maslova, O.A. Stepanova, O.V. Chindilova. The main goal of this program is to implement the principle of continuity and ensure the development and education of preschoolers in accordance with the concept of the School 2100 Educational System. A distinctive feature of this program is that it really solves the problem of the continuity of preschool and school education. The purpose of preschool education is to create conditions for the maximum disclosure of the child's individual age potential. A modern kindergarten needs to synchronize the processes of education and upbringing, to make them not opposing each other, but complementary, enriching the development of children. The child should get the right to become the subject of his own life, to see his potential, to believe in his strength, to learn how to be successful in his activities. This will greatly facilitate the child's transition from kindergarten to school, preserve and develop interest in learning in the conditions of schooling. Realization of the goal involves the solution of a number of tasks. 1. Development of content that ensures education, the harmonious development of the child's personal qualities; development of the cognitive sphere (thinking, imagination, memory, speech); development of the emotional sphere; the integrity of the child's worldview. 2. Formation of experience in practical, cognitive, creative and other activities.
  1. Formation of the experience of self-knowledge.
Mandatory conditions for solving these problems are the protection and strengthening of the health of preschoolers, the development of their motor culture, the creation of a subject-developing environment. The result of the entire course of development and upbringing of a child in preschool age is the maximum disclosure of his individual age potential, the harmonious development of his personal qualities, the child's awareness of himself, his abilities and individual characteristics, the ability to communicate and cooperate with adults and peers, mastering the basics of physical culture and healthy lifestyle, school readiness. The program is built in accordance with the purpose and general principles of the School 2100 Educational System. The main goal of this educational system is to create conditions for the development of a functionally literate personality - a person who is able to solve any life tasks (problems), using for this knowledge, skills and abilities acquired throughout life and remaining a person. The goal defines a system of psychological and pedagogical principles that reflect our understanding of the inherent value of preschool age and its significance for the formation and development of a child's personality. A whole Internet resource is devoted to the program - http://www.school2100.ru/uroki/preschool/index.php?sphrase_id=6988
Benefits of the program "Kindergarten 2100"
"Development" The Development program was developed by the staff of the L. A. Wenger Training Center. The Development program was developed by the staff of the L. A. Wenger Training Center. It is based, as the authors point out, on two theoretical propositions. The first is the theory of A. V. Zaporozhets about the inherent value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding of preschool childhood to its humanistic understanding. Setting on "self-worth" implies the absence of any kind of violence against the child, the imposition of activities and forms of education alien to his interests and inclinations. The life of a child can be full, provided that he feels himself not being taken care of, but a “creator”, discovering something new for himself, joining the world of adults. According to this theory, the main path of a child's development is the amplification of development, i.e., its enrichment, filling it with the most significant forms and methods of activity for a preschooler. The second is the concept of L. A. Wenger about the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions of orientation in the environment with the help of means of solving problems specific to preschoolers. The main thing here is the construction and use of images that correspond to the forms of displaying the properties of objects and phenomena fixed in human culture, their connections and relationships. In the process of perception, these are images that correspond to sensory standards, generally accepted samples of external properties (shapes, colors, sizes, etc.). In the process of visual-figurative thinking and imagination, they correspond to various types of visual models (schemes, drawings, plans, etc.). The Development program is based on a personality-oriented model of education, which involves the creation of relations of cooperation and partnership between adults and children. Purpose: development of the mental and artistic abilities of the child, as well as the development of specific activities of the preschooler. Objectives of the program: · sensory abilities and the assimilation of symbols, which are a prerequisite for the subsequent development of cognitive and creative, intellectual abilities of the child; development of emotional responsiveness to the means of fiction, painting, music; ability to visual modeling; elements logical thinking. The development in children of abilities characteristic of their age is manifested in the ability to independently analyze the situation, create an idea for a future product and a plan for its implementation, and in the development of decentration. The Development program is designed for four age groups: junior, middle, senior and preparatory. In the structure of the educational process organized under the program "Development": 1. Development of sensory abilities (younger age). 2. The development of speech and familiarization with fiction. 3. Introduction to reading and writing (junior, middle group); preparation for teaching literacy (from the senior group). 4. Formation of ideas about the surrounding world about oneself (young age). 5. Acquaintance with nature (middle group). 6. Formation of elementary ecological ideas. 7. Development of elements of logical thinking (from senior group). 8. Formation of elementary mathematical representations (from the middle group). 9. Acquaintance with spatial relationships (from the middle group). 10. Constructive activity. 11. Visual activity. 12. Game activity. The technology of the "Development" program requires the establishment of new relationships between adults and children based on a personality-oriented model of education, involves the use of new forms and methods. Developing education is characterized by an independent search for a child in solving various problems, meaningful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of activity, independence. In the complex of the program there are no sections "Development of musicality" and "Physical development". The authors recommend the programs: "Harmony", "Synthesis" (K.V. Tarasova, T.V. Nestereno); "Baby" (V.A. Petrova) - musical education and development; recommendations on the organization of physical education in the preschool educational institution Makhaneva. The program offers additional sections: "Artistic Design", "Expressive Movement", "Director's Game". Software and methodological support: Program "Development" (for each age group); lesson plans for the Development program (for each age group); "Educator's diary: the development of preschool children"; " Pedagogical diagnostics»; "Diagnosis of mental development of children of senior preschool age" (theoretical and practical material); "Recommendations for identifying mentally gifted children aged 5-6". Benefits of the program "Development"
M.A. Vasiliev "The program of education and training in kindergarten" The team of authors, ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Herbova, T. S. Komarova. The compilers of the program were based on the most important didactic principle - developmental education and the scientific position of L. S. Vygotsky that properly organized education “leads” development. Development acts as the most important result of the success of the upbringing and education of children. Taking into account the indicated approaches, the program is a modern variable program, in which all the main content lines of upbringing, education and development of a child from birth to 7 years are comprehensively presented. The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle will ensure that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education, and will make up for the shortcomings of the spiritual, moral and emotional education of the child. Education is seen as a process of introducing the child to the main components of human culture (representation, knowledge, morality, art, labor). The program represents all areas of preschool education: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic, labor; provides ample opportunities for the cognitive, social and personal development of the child. The main goals of the program are the creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child in preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of a basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society. These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: play, educational, artistic, motor, elementary labor. To achieve the goals of the program, the following are of paramount importance: care for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child; creation in groups of an atmosphere of a humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which will allow them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity; maximum use of various types of children's activities: their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process; creativity (creative organization) of the process of education and training; the variability of the use of educational material, which allows developing creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child; respect for the results of children's creativity; ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training; coordination of approaches to the upbringing of children in the conditions of preschool educational institutions and families. Ensuring family participation in the life of kindergarten groups and preschool generally; maintaining continuity in the work of the kindergarten and elementary school excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of a child of preschool age. Vasilyev Program Benefits

Lecture 4 - 5. The specifics of regional educational programs for preschool children.

An exemplary regional program for the education of preschool children is drawn up taking into account the modern legal and conceptual framework for preschool education:
· The concept of the content of lifelong education (preschool and elementary level);
Regional (national-regional) component of the state educational standard for preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education.
An exemplary regional program for the education of preschool children is characterized by the fact that:
- is aimed at the versatile development of children from three to seven years old, taking into account the psychophysiological patterns of their development;
- is aimed at developing the emotional-sensory sphere, the child's ability to understand the emotional states of one's own and other people, to express emotions and feelings verbally and non-verbally (in movement, facial expressions, voice), to form group cohesion and emotional openness;
- aimed at developing social and communicative skills, the ability to empathize with another, mastering socially acceptable ways of self-expression in communication situations, expanding the child's ideas about himself and his abilities, contributes to the formation of socially confident behavior;
- has a basic character, aimed at supporting the main lines of child development that correspond to the uniqueness of age, taking into account the sensitivity of different age periods to the formation of certain mental functions and neoplasms, the role of leading activity in their formation. Educational activity is based on the development of imagination and creativity based on it (a creative attitude to reality); initial forms of thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative, elements of logical thinking); speech and verbal communication; arbitrariness, regulation of behavior, etc.), is designed to provide a projected level of general psychophysical development a child at each age stage of preschool childhood and at the stage of its completion;
- sets the basic content of the educational process in preschool institutions, taking into account regional specifics (geographical conditions, national and cultural traditions), provides for the variability of its implementation, promotes the development of initiative and creativity of teachers of preschool educational institutions;
- includes the content of education, the appropriate psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the potential for the psychophysical development of preschool children, which can serve as a condition for equalizing their starting opportunities when entering school;
- has a successive, promising character with exemplary programs of the initial stage of general education, determining the connection, consistency and perspective of all components of the system (goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization of the educational process), which ensures the development of the child;
- is a guideline for the development of educational programs of a preschool institution, the compilation of author's work programs for teachers of preschool educational institutions.
An exemplary regional program for the upbringing and education of preschool children determines the invariant (mandatory) part of the content of education for implementation in preschool educational institutions, leaving the possibility of the author's choice of the variable component of the content of education. At the same time, the authors of work programs can offer their own approach in terms of structuring the content material, as well as ways for children to master the ideas, knowledge, abilities, skills, means and methods of activity necessary for the development and socialization of pupils.
Thus, an exemplary regional program for the education of preschool children contributes to the preservation of a single educational space without restricting the creative initiative of teachers, provides ample opportunities for implementing various approaches to building the educational process in preschool institutions.
The implementation of the content of the program is recommended to be carried out not so much in organized forms of education (classes), but through the organization of work with children outside of classes, in joint and independent activities. The leading place here should belong to developing games, reading fiction, productive activities (pictorial, musical, theatrical), active exploration of the social and natural world, as well as a well-organized developing subject-spatial environment where children can study independently, on their own initiative.
The optimal condition for the development of the child is the socio-pedagogical culture of the teacher, which is revealed in such a category as "interaction". The essential-content characteristics of this process fix the degree of personal involvement of the teacher in the educational process, leading to a conscious interest in the child as a value in itself. The orientation and semantic content of the entire pedagogically organized activity complex depends on the system of relations "child-adult".
The program is based on the idea of ​​both a personality-oriented and activity approach in the upbringing, education and development of preschool children.
- takes into account the priority of practical activity (the activity-communicative component of education), during which children receive the necessary information (the subject-information component of education), gradually mastering the value-oriented component of education;
- structured on the basis of a competency-based approach aimed at developing new universal personality abilities and behavioral models in a child, readiness to effectively integrate internal (knowledge, skills, values, psychological features etc.) and external resources to achieve the goal;
- has a bright educational orientation, i.е. contributes to the formation of tolerance, respect for the traditions and customs of their people and other peoples, cultural and environmentally competent behavior, etc.
In accordance with this, at the preschool level of education, simultaneously with the development of personal qualities, the child's competence in various types of activities and in the sphere of relations increases.

The ability not only to distinguish directions, but also to move in the indicated direction, to determine the position of an object in the room in relation to oneself;
- the ability to distinguish between parts of the day and navigate in the sequence of the names of the next days (today, yesterday, tomorrow), remembering what happened yesterday, what is happening today and what will happen tomorrow.
In the field of speech development of the child
- an idea of ​​the forms of polite appeal to adults and peers with a request, gratitude, resentment, complaint.
In the field of natural science ideas, ecological culture
- an idea of ​​the change of time of day, seasons, days, characteristic features of each season;
- an idea of ​​the relationship of wildlife (trees, shrubs, flowers, birds, insects) from the time of year;
- ideas about the signs of living organisms in individual representatives of plants and animals;
- ideas about the purpose of the main organs and parts of plants, animals, familiar to children, humans;
- ideas about the basic needs of plants and animals and their own needs;
- ideas about the work of a person to create conditions and care for living beings, about the attitude towards them.
In the field of development of elementary mathematical representations of the child
- ideas about the main standards of form, color, size;
- ideas about the surrounding world, about the quantitative and spatial relationships in it;
- the idea of ​​a number as an essential feature of a phenomenon (one object or a group of them).
In the field of constructive activity of the child
- generalized ideas about constructed objects;
- ideas about the properties of parts (color, shape, size, etc.) and how to connect them;
- the ability, in the course of experimenting with new materials, to discover the ways of fastening and create the simplest buildings for the game.

In the exemplary program, the content of education is represented (structured) by modules in accordance with the main areas of interaction of the child with the outside world (social-personal, physical, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic) and taking into account three age levels of preschool childhood: junior preschool age (4- 1st year of life), middle preschool age (5th year of life) and senior preschool age (6-7th years of life).
The structure of each program module includes:
- brief description age opportunities development of each sphere of the child in a certain age period;
- priority goals and objectives of raising and educating children younger, middle and older preschool ages, solved in the process of leading activities: games, communication, physical activity;
- the content of education in accordance with the main areas of child development(physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic development), implemented in specially organized integrated activities, in joint communicative interaction. The content of each module of the program is aimed at the development of ideas, the development of practical skills, abilities, the child's ability to actively, value-oriented interaction with the natural and social world of the region, the immediate environment;
- basic approaches to problem solving each of the areas of child development (directions of development);
- recommended result of education of pupils, reflecting the main educational achievements of children of a certain psychological age and ensuring the integrity of the psychophysical and social development of the child in the conditions of the regional educational space.
Module 1. Physical development of a preschool child
Target: Formation of a value attitude to one's own health, improvement of motor skills and physical qualities of the child, development of ideas about one's body and one's own physical capabilities, through familiarity with the available ways to strengthen it, the creation of an emotionally favorable (supporting, stabilizing, tuning, activating, training) environment for physical development, the prevention of negative emotions.
There is a growth and development of the child's body, physiological functions and processes are improved. The musculoskeletal system is actively formed. Motor functions are intensively developing. The motor skills of performing movements are characterized by a more or less accurate reproduction of the structure of the movement, its phases, direction, etc. Motor activity of children is characterized by a rather high level of independence of actions. The movements are deliberate and purposeful. There is an interest in determining the correspondence of movements to the pattern. Children strive for new combinations of movements, they feel a desire to try their hand at more complex activities, but at the same time they are characterized by an inability to measure their strength with their capabilities, instability of strong-willed efforts to overcome difficulties.

Module 2. Social and personal development of a preschool child
Target: The formation of a child's social abilities and skills that determine the formation of the basic properties of his personality: self-esteem and the image of "I", the socio-communicative sphere, moral values ​​and attitudes, as well as socio-psychological characteristics in the system of relations with other people on the basis of familiarization with the culture of one's own people and other peoples, meaningful communication with the outside world, taking into account the level of social development already achieved by the child, personal characteristics, the specifics of the development of the emotional-affective sphere.
The leading condition for the implementation of the content of education for preschool children is the development by children of the social experience of joint activities with peers, adults and the establishment of relationships that are based on a sense of community and trust, and which take into account their own interests and the interests of others (children, adults).

TO future life but a real, bright, original, unique life. And on how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the outside world, it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The main educational program of preschool education- this is a regulatory and managerial document of a preschool educational organization that characterizes the specifics of the content of education and the features of the organization of the educational process. The program is developed, approved and implemented educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education and taking into account the exemplary educational program of preschool education.

The program should ensure the construction of a holistic pedagogical process aimed at the full-fledged comprehensive development of the child - physical, socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic.

One of the provisions of the Action Plan to ensure the introduction of the FSES DO is the provision on the introduction of the Federal Register of exemplary basic educational programs used in the educational process in accordance with the FSES DO. To date, the federal register of exemplary basic general education programs is under development. Registry website: fgosreestr.ru

Projects of exemplary basic educational programs for preschool education are posted on the website of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" (FGAU "FIRO"): www.firo.ru. However, these programs will receive official status only after being included in the register. On our site we publish a list of these programs with links to the publishers that produce them. On the websites of publishing houses you can get acquainted with projects, presentations of programs, accompanying methodological literature.

Educational programs of preschool education that correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO:

Approximate general educational program of preschool education "Birth to School"/ Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

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How to choose a preschool educational program | Articles | Directory of the head of the preschool institution

Modern requirements for educational programs of preschool educational institutions

Updating the content of preschool education on present stage provides for its complexity and variability, in connection with which the teaching staff of a preschool educational institution has a great responsibility for the selection, development and implementation of educational preschool programs.

Before proceeding with the development of the educational program of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to study the legislative acts, regulations regulating issues of preschool education, pedagogical and methodological literature (see the section "Local acts of an educational institution" on the portal "Education Manager")

The quality of education in a preschool institution, the effectiveness of the management of an educational institution are determined by the content of the organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the achievement of high efficiency in educational and educational work with children at the level of modern requirements:

  • building a developing environment that meets the goals and objectives of the educational process of preschool educational institutions;
  • application of developing teaching methods (problematic, partially exploratory, research);
  • optimal use of personal and creative potential, professional experience of each teacher and the teaching staff as a whole;
  • ensuring manageability of pedagogical activity (organization of adaptation, creation of motivation, implementation of corrective actions and measures);
  • set of complex and partial programs, their adaptation to the peculiarities of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions.

The choice of educational programs of preschool educational institutions

Modern educational programs of preschool education are developed by the authors taking into account the latest achievements of psychological and pedagogical science and the practice of domestic preschool education, taking into account all the features of the process of managing an educational institution. Many teachers and leaders of preschool institutions experience difficulties in their assessment and selection. At the same time, it is very important to be able to navigate this variety of educational programs and make the right informed choice, on which the quality of management of an educational institution will depend.

Types of preschool educational institutions:

  • Kindergarten, which implements the main general educational program of preschool education;
  • Kindergarten for young children;
  • Kindergarten for children of preschool (older preschool) age;
  • Kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation;
  • Kindergarten of a compensating type;
  • Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of development of children;
  • Child development center - kindergarten.

The choice of educational programs should be determined taking into account the type of preschool institution. According to the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2008 No. 666, eight types of preschool educational institutions have been established.

The model regulation on a preschool educational institution determines the right of a kindergarten to choose educational programs. According to paragraph 21 of this Regulation, the content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is determined by the educational program of preschool education.

The program is developed, adopted and implemented by him independently in accordance with? federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation, established by the federal executive body that develops state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, and taking into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development and capabilities of children.

According to Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 32661 "On Education", several types of educational programs of preschool education.

General educational program of preschool education includes the content of education and training of preschool children. Its goal is to achieve educational outcomes defined by federal state requirements.

General educational program of preschool education, aimed at integrating educational needs participants in the educational process, is a set of basic and additional programs in accordance with the priority direction of the preschool institution.

Basic and additional programs are copyrighted variations. They are developed on the initiative of collectives of creative groups or individual authors.

They are divided into complex and partial programs.

General education program - a program aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, creating the basis for a conscious choice and development of professional educational programs.

V. M. Polonsky

Comprehensive program provides for all the main directions of development of a child of preschool age.

Educational programs implemented in Russian Federation

  • general education (basic):

More www.resobr.ru

The main programs of preschool education. Short review

The quality and effectiveness of preschool education are mediated by many factors, among which the educational program is far from the last. Since modern preschool educational institutions are represented by diversity, and parents get the opportunity to choose among kindergartens of various specializations and directions, the main programs of preschool education are also quite diverse.

The law "On Education" of the Russian Federation states that the staff of the preschool educational institution has the right to independently develop or choose from existing programs those that most fully comply with the conditions and principles of work of this preschool institution. This is not to say that this or that program is better or worse - they are all designed with the necessary requirements in mind, and each of them has its own merits.

Let us briefly consider the main programs of preschool education that are common in kindergartens in the Russian Federation.

What are the main programs of preschool education?

All the main programs of preschool education can be divided into two types - complex (or general education) and the so-called partial (specialized, basic programs of preschool education with a narrower and more pronounced focus).

Main programs of preschool education complex type take into account a holistic approach to the harmonious and comprehensive development of the child. According to such programs, education, training and development take place in all directions in accordance with existing psychological and pedagogical standards.

Assume the main emphasis on any one direction in the development and upbringing of the child. In this case, a comprehensive approach to the implementation of preschool education is ensured by the competent selection of several partial programs.

Comprehensive Core Early Childhood Education Programs

"Origins"- a program in which due attention is paid to the development of the personality of the child in accordance with his age. The authors offer 7 basic personal characteristics that must be developed in a preschooler. The educational program "Origins", like other main programs of preschool education, takes into account the comprehensive and harmonious development of the preschooler and makes it a priority.

"Rainbow"- in this program you will find 7 main activities that are typical for a preschooler. They include play, construction, mathematics, physical culture, fine arts and manual labor, musical and plastic arts, development of speech and acquaintance with the outside world. Development under the program takes place in all of the above areas.

"Childhood"- the program is divided into 4 main blocks, each of which is a central element in the construction of preschool education. There are sections "Knowledge", "Healthy lifestyle", "Creation", "Humanity".

"Development"- This is a special program of preschool education, which is based on the principle of gradual complication of educational, educational and educational tasks. The program provides a systematic, consistent approach to preschool education and child development.

"Baby"- This comprehensive program specially designed for children up to 3 years old. It takes into account the specifics of early age and ensures maximum efficiency in solving educational problems in children of this age category. Includes several blocks - "We are waiting for you, baby!", "I myself", "Gulenka", "How I will grow and develop."

Partial basic programs of preschool education

"Spider line", "Young ecologist", "Nature is our home"- these programs have been developed for the purpose of environmental education of preschoolers. Accordingly, they instill in children love and careful attitude to nature and the world around us, form an ecological consciousness, which is very important for preschool children.

"Nature and the Artist", "Semitsvetik", "Integration", "Umka-TRIZ", "Kid", "Harmony", "Musical Masterpieces", "Design and Manual Labor" - all these programs of preschool education have one thing in common: they have a pronounced focus on the creative development of the child and on the artistic and aesthetic perception of the world.

“I, you, we”, “The development of children's ideas about history and culture”, “I am a person”, “Heritage”, “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” - the listed main programs of preschool education have a socio-cultural focus . They are designed to stimulate the development of spirituality, morality, ideas about culture and important social skills. In addition, some programs have as the highest goal the education of patriotism as a valuable characteristic of the individual.

"Sparkle", "Play for your health", "Start", "Hello!", "Health"- in these programs, the emphasis is on recovery, physical development of the preschooler and his physical activity. The priorities are to instill a love for sports, an active and healthy lifestyle.

There are even more specialized core preschool programs. Eg, program "Fundamentals of Security" involves preparing preschoolers for possible situations of danger, natural disasters and emergencies. "Preschooler and Economics"- a program designed for economic education and the formation of initial financial and economic ideas.

Some of the main programs of preschool education have absorbed certain achievements in pedagogy and psychology.

Eg, TRIZ program is based on the postulates of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, developed by G. T. Altshuller in 1945. It is an original approach to the development of imagination, fantasy, creativity and ingenuity.

Maria Montessori Pedagogy Program has an original position regarding the upbringing, training and education of the child, based on a solid scientific and philosophical basis. In addition, this program involves a deviation from some generally accepted pedagogical standards, for example, the rejection of the usual class-lesson system.

Material from the site www.deti-club.ru

Preschool Education Programs | For educators

· Programs of physical development and health of preschool children, etc. ABOUT modern programs for preschool educational institutions Programs developed by author teams in our country or borrowed from foreign pedagogy have undoubted advantages, originality of approaches to the construction of pedagogical work and a variety of views on the child and his development.

At the same time, each program may contain features that are not always undeniably accepted by every teacher. A large internal assessment is needed of whether the theoretical concept of a particular program is close to the worldview of the teacher.

Formal transfer of any most remarkable program to the existing pedagogical situation will not be able to lead to a positive effect. Therefore, knowledge of various approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process is very useful and promising for future teachers.

Many programs have been developed by serious scientists or large research teams who have tested experimental programs in practice for many years. Collectives of preschool institutions in collaboration with qualified methodologists also created original programs. In order to protect the child from incompetent pedagogical influence in the context of the variability of education, the Ministry of Education of Russia in 1995 prepared a methodological letter "Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation", which indicated that complex and partial programs should be based on the principle of personal- oriented interaction of adults with children and should provide:

  • protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development;
  • the emotional well-being of each child;
  • creation of conditions for the development of the child's personality, his creative abilities;
  • introducing children to universal values;
  • interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

The recommendations state that programs should include the organization of children's life in the classroom, in ad hoc activities and in free time provided for a child in kindergarten during the day. At the same time, an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children in its various types (game, design, visual, musical, theatrical and other activities) should be laid down. At present, various programs and manuals for the upbringing and education of children in a preschool institution have been published and distributed through various pedagogical seminars.

A number of programs are the result of many years of work of scientific and scientific-pedagogical teams. All these programs show different approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten. It is the teaching staff that will have to choose the program according to which this preschool institution will work. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions"Rainbow" program "Kindergarten - the house of joy" program "Development" program

More details on the website vospitatel.edu54.ru

Authors: L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, N.S. Varentsova and others.
The "Development" program has a serious theoretical and experimental substantiation. It is based on: the concept of A.V. Zaporozhets on the amplification of development in preschool age (its generalization, filling it with the most significant forms and methods of activity for a preschooler); L.A. concept Wenger on the development of cognitive abilities in preschool childhood through the mastery of sensory standards, visual-figurative and symbolic models: the psychological theory of L.S. Vygotsky, according to which the most significant line in the development of a person is represented by the formation of his consciousness.

It is consciousness that characterizes the possibilities of a person's cognition of the surrounding reality and himself, the possibilities of his self-regulation, the features of his emotional sphere throughout human life. At the same time, there are special sensitive periods when certain types of abilities develop most successfully.

Any cultural form involves the use of some generalized mode of action, which makes it possible to apply it to the widest class of tasks. This distinguishes abilities from specific knowledge and skills. You can know what animals are and name them, but not be able to analyze why this or that animal leads its own way of life, how a person is connected with wildlife.

For a preschool child, the main path of development is an empirical generalization, i.e. generalization of their own sensory experience. Empirical generalizations, as rightly pointed out by V.V. Davydov, rely primarily on visual representations of the child. Such generalizations are carried out with the help of figurative means: a standard, a symbol, a conditional substitute, a model.

The first type of childhood experience is called cognitive. The main form of its organization is observation and experimentation. N.N. rightly points out the special role of experimentation in the development of a preschooler. Poddyakov. The task of an adult is to create conditions for experimentation, to help the child see the new in the familiar. Only then does an adult help to generalize this experience, to highlight what is most characteristic of this or that phenomenon, and leads the children to a possible designation. The method of designation is not given to the child, it is not formal for him, but is revealed to him as a natural generalization of his experience with the help of an adult.

The second form of organization of the child's experience is his experience of various situations. Living includes not only the experience of an impartial analysis of reality, but also the experience of one's attitude to it.

Development Program designed for four age groups: junior, middle, senior, preparatory to school.

The purpose of the program is to develop the intellectual and artistic abilities of preschoolers, which the authors understand as indicative actions with figurative means of solving problems.

The development of the cognitive abilities of preschool children is based on the actions of visual modeling: substitution, the use of the models themselves and the construction of the model. All actions of visual modeling at the first stages of their development are carried out externally, and later even complex tasks, in particular logical ones, are solved mainly in the mind.

Section "Introduction to nature"

Goal and tasks. To help children 4-5 years old to understand the richness and diversity of relationships in nature, to acquaint them with the norms and rules of behavior in relation to animals and plants.

By the age of 6, introduce them to the surrounding nature (nearest), help them realize the first simple patterns: the change of seasons and the changes that occur in the life of plants and animals depending on the coming season.

Children 6-7 years old are introduced to various natural areas, ecosystems and the evolution of life on Earth. Learning nature and its laws, the child begins to be more conscious about it. So, in preschool age, the foundations of ecological culture are laid. Directed work on familiarization with nature in kindergarten not only lays the foundations for the subsequent successful development of such school subjects as natural history, geography, biology, but also educates environmentally literate, thinking person who, even in adulthood, will consciously and caringly treat all living and non-living things on Earth.

Structural and content characteristics

Acquaintance with nature, included in the program "Development", is one of the means of developing different abilities of children. They learn the simplest forms of symbolic reflection of objects of nature, their state, change, relationships. In the middle group, more attention is paid to seasonal phenomena, in the older group - to the flora, and in the preparatory group - to the animal world. Nevertheless, through modeling activities, children learn the connection of the organism with the environment, get acquainted with the connections in ecosystems, and establish connections between animate and inanimate nature. In the preparatory group for school, the ideas of children are significantly expanded - they get acquainted with the natural belts of the planet and the evolution of life on Earth, with the help of models they establish connections between ancient and modern animals and their habitat. Thus, we can say that the program has an educational trend towards environmental education of preschoolers.

One of the ways to specialize the purposeful development of children's curiosity can be, for example, the creation of conditions for children's experimentation (N.N. Poddyakov). Observing in practice the manifestations of various natural patterns, children acquire an interest in discovering them, discovering the common in specific manifestations of reality.

When working on the section “Development of ideas about the world around us and ourselves”, educators most often encounter the following difficulties and mistakes.

Teachers can unnecessarily complicate the content of the section, not taking into account the capabilities and needs of primary and secondary preschool age, experimentation sometimes turns into physics lessons instead of getting to know the properties of objects. In addition, educators may underestimate the importance of the emotional component of the section, which is its feature. A specific difficulty can be considered the representation of the classification of concepts (in the form of a tree), which is not always methodically correctly performed by educators.

Excessive passion for models, signs can "dry" the perception of wildlife. It is good when children are active outside of classes: observations, work in nature, experimentation, etc.

In classes to acquaint children with nature, it is especially important to give the children the opportunity to express themselves, unobtrusively lead them to the right answers, the ability to discover, as it were, independently new knowledge for themselves, based on their own experience.

Subject-developing environment

The program notes that the development of a child depends on where, in what environment he grows up, who brings him up and how education is organized. It is important that the child's environment contains three types of material stimulating his development: first, material used in the process of specially organized training; secondly, different, but similar (for example, if building parts of various shapes are used in the classroom in red, then outside the classroom they are blue); thirdly, free, i.e. allowing the child to apply the acquired means and methods of cognition in other circumstances.

In kindergartens, there are different possibilities for providing children with these types of materials. An organized object environment implies a harmonious ratio of materials surrounding the child in kindergarten, in terms of quantity, diversity, originality, variability.

For a corner of nature, it is recommended to use a group room, placing indoor plants in it, characteristic of different seasons, natural zones of ecological systems, etc. Didactic materials related to the section (games "Lotto", "Domino", films, etc.) are "in the office". All materials should be accessible to children, but storage areas for the use of materials should be separated and should be updated periodically.

There may be animals in the corner. Fish and snails in an aquarium, turtles, guinea pigs, birds can become permanent residents. Temporary inhabitants - a hedgehog, a squirrel, a cat or a dog brought by children from home.

In a group room, plants with beautiful leaves of various shapes, blooming, and not requiring complex care are desirable. For example, violet uzambarskaya, begonia Rex, fuchsia, balsam, tradescantia or plants characteristic of different seasons.

Local history materials are needed: photographs, paintings, slides, films about the nature of the native land, as well as minerals, herbariums of plants typical of the area.

Objects for experimentation can be: bowls of water and sand, pebbles, floating and sinking, metal and non-metal objects, a magnet, windmills, salt, sugar, molds, a microscope, a magnifying glass, etc.

All materials should be arranged in such a way that children can independently conduct simple experiments with them, drawing conclusions about their properties. On the stand, you can place a circular diagram of the change of seasons. You should also have a special stand where materials on various topics are changed: for example, sets of pictures for different climatic zones (desert, Arctic, etc.), ecosystems (forest, city, etc.). There is always a model of the tree of evolution.

Features of the organization of work of specialists of preschool educational institutions

The program requires the establishment of new relationships between adults and children based on a personality-oriented model of education, involves the use of new forms and methods. Not only educators, but also parents are involved in developing general educational work with children.

The organization of work in all age groups involves conducting classes in subgroups of 8-10 people. While one subgroup performs the task of the educator, the rest of the children, under the supervision of the assistant educator, are engaged in games or independent activities.

The full mastery of this program by educators implies not just following the technology presented in it, but also a clear understanding of the entire complex of psychological and pedagogical foundations for educational work on this program. When implementing the "Development" program, the educator can work in the design mode. For the educator, this is, first of all, an independent analysis of the situation: determining at what level the children of this group are, how they enter the program; taking into account the resources of a preschool institution in terms of equipping classes. Then a strategy is chosen, i.e. specific ways to implement the program.

Realizing the plan, the teacher provides flexible guidance, constantly focuses on the child. The active inclusion of children in the search situation contributes to the organization of their joint activities. To develop the ability of children to independently analyze reality, to find solutions in new unexpected situations, the educator can successfully use children's experimentation.

Most classes, especially in the younger and middle groups, are recommended to be carried out in a fairly free form: children can walk around the room, work sitting or standing at tables, sit around one table, etc. The duration of classes, as a rule, should not exceed 15-20 minutes in the younger group and 20-25 minutes in the rest.

Zebzeeva V.A. Development of elementary natural-scientific ideas and ecological culture of children: a review of preschool education programs. - M.: Sfera, 2009.

Topic 6. Modern educational programs of preschool education

At present, according to federal law, educational program is a complex of the main characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions ..., which is presented in the form of a curriculum, calendar curriculum, work programs of subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as evaluation and teaching materials.

Educational programs of preschool education belong to basic educational programs. Educational programs for preschool education are developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and taking into account the relevant exemplary educational programs for preschool education (Article 12 of the Federal Law).

Approximate basic educational program- this is educational and methodological documentation that determines the recommended volume and content of education of a certain level and (or) a certain focus, the planned results of mastering the educational program, exemplary conditions educational activities, including approximate calculations of the standard costs of providing public services for the implementation of the educational program.

The target section includes an explanatory note and the planned results of the development of the program. Explanatory note should disclose:

Goals and objectives of the Program implementation;

Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program;

Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the Program, including characteristics of the characteristics of the development of children of early and preschool age.

Planned results development of the Program specify the requirements of the Standard for targets in the mandatory part and the part formed by the participants in educational relations, taking into account the age capabilities and individual differences (individual development trajectories) of children, as well as the developmental characteristics of children with handicapped health, including children with disabilities (hereinafter - children with disabilities).

A) description of educational activities in accordance with the directions of the development of the child, presented in five educational areas x, taking into account the used variable exemplary basic educational programs of preschool education and methodological aids that ensure the implementation of this content;

b) description of variable forms, methods, methods and means implementation of the Program, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils, the specifics of their educational needs and interests;

V) description of educational activities for the professional correction of developmental disorders in children if this work is provided for by the Program.

A) features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices;

b) c benefits and areas of support for children's initiatives;

V) features of the interaction of the teaching staff with the families of pupils;

G) other characteristics of the content Programs that are the most significant from the point of view of the authors of the Program.

Part of the Program formed by participants in educational relations, may include various directions chosen by the participants of educational relations from among partial and other programs and / or created by them independently.

This part of the Program should take into account the educational needs, interests and motives of children, their families and teachers and, in particular, may be focused on:

- the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions, in which educational activities;

- choice of those partial educational programs and forms of work organization children who best meet the needs and interests of children, as well as the capabilities of the teaching staff;

- established traditions of the Organization or Group.

This section should contain special conditions for the education of children with disabilities, including Program adaptation mechanisms for the specified children , the use of special educational programs and methods, special teaching aids and didactic materials, conducting group and individual remedial classes and the implementation of a qualified correction of developmental disorders.

Organization section must contain description of logistics Programs, security methodological materials and means of training and education, include schedule and / or daily routine, and features of traditional events, holidays, events; peculiarities organization of the developing object-spatial environment.

If the mandatory part of the Program corresponds to the exemplary program, it is drawn up as a link to the relevant sample program. The mandatory part must be presented in detail in accordance with paragraph 2.11 of the Standard, if it does not correspond to one of the sample programs.

Part of the Program formed by the participants in educational relations can be presented in the form of links to the relevant methodological literature, which makes it possible to get acquainted with the content of the partial programs, methods, forms of organization of educational work chosen by the participants in educational relations.

1) subject-spatial developing educational environment;

2) the nature of interaction with adults;

3) the nature of interaction with other children;

4) the system of the child's relationship to the world, to other people, to himself.

2.9. The program consists of a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations. Both parts are complementary and necessary from the point of view of the implementation of the requirements of the Standard.

Mandatory part The program assumes a comprehensive approach, ensuring the development of children in all five complementary educational areas (paragraph 2.6 of the Standard).

In the part formed by the participants in educational relations, Programs selected and/or independently developed by participants in educational relations aimed at the development of children in one or more educational areas, activities and/or cultural practices (hereinafter referred to as partial educational programs), methods, forms of organization of educational work should be presented.

Origins program- one of the most popular programs in modern gardens. The team of authors - researchers of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after. A.V. Zaporozhets. It was developed by order of the Moscow Department of Education as a basic program for the development of a preschooler. It is based on many years of psychological and pedagogical research conducted under the guidance of Academician A.V. Zaporozhets. And takes into account modern tendencies development of domestic preschool education. The program allows the teacher to find an individual approach to each child. The goal is the versatile development of the baby, the formation of universal, including creative, abilities. As well as the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Program "Childhood" developed by a group of authors - teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen. It is aimed at revealing the individual qualities of the child and helping him to adapt to society. The peculiarity of the program lies in the fact that all types of activities: various activities, communication with adults and peers, play, work, experimentation, and theatricalization are very closely intertwined. This makes it possible for the child not only to memorize separate knowledge from each other, but to quietly accumulate a variety of ideas about the world, to master all kinds of knowledge, skills and abilities, to comprehend their capabilities. The program includes four main blocks: "Knowledge", "Humanity", "Creation", "Healthy Lifestyle".

Program "From birth to school" ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The Program highlights the developing function of education, which ensures the formation of the child's personality and orients the teacher to his individual characteristics, which corresponds to the modern scientific "Concept of preschool education" (V. V. Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky, etc.) on the recognition of self-worth preschool period of childhood.

Leading goals of the program:

Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood,

Formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual,

Comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics,

Preparation for life in modern society, for schooling,

Ensuring the safety of the life of a preschooler.

The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle ensures that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education, makes up for the shortcomings of spiritual, moral and emotional education. The program is built on the positions of a humane-personal attitude towards the child and is aimed at its comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and integrative qualities. The Program lacks strict regulation of children's knowledge and subject centrism in teaching.

A special role in the Program is given to play activities as a leading activity in preschool childhood.

Program "Success" edited by N.V. Fedina. Program goal: the creation of educational, correctional, developmental and health-forming conditions in preschool educational institutions that contribute to the full development and socialization of a preschooler, ensuring equal starting opportunities and a successful transition of the child to education in general educational institutions.

The idea of ​​the intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood is taken as a basis. The pedagogical process is based on two interrelated areas - caring for a full-fledged childhood and preparing a child for a future life.

The game in the "Success" program is given the most productive time in the morning, because the game (plot, with rules) is the leading activity of preschool age. At the same time, the program fully ensures the formation of the prerequisites for future educational activities, the solution of such complex problems as the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the outlook of modern preschoolers.

The program is designed in such a way that the teacher has the opportunity in the course of everyday educational work to take into account the individual characteristics and pace of individual development of children.

Psychocorrection of deviations in children