Register of exemplary programs for GFS up to. Organization of examination of exemplary basic educational programs



4.1. Partial programs used in the pedagogical process should ensure the integrity of the pedagogical process and complement each other.

4.2. Partial programs used in the pedagogical process should be based on common principles (concepts).

4.3. When using a partial program instead of the corresponding section integrated program duplication of content, contradictions in the basic principles (concepts) of these programs are not allowed.

4.4. The set of programs used in the pedagogical process should provide the optimal load on the child.

5.1. Regional (local) educational authorities can
establish additional regional requirements for programs.

5.2. Additional regional requirements should not provoke a significant increase in the load on children, contribute to their overwork and maladaptation.

5.3. Taking into account socio-economic, national-cultural, demographic, climatic and other conditions, regional requirements may determine:

Ø priority areas educational programs based on the needs of the population in educational services for children preschool age rural, urban population, metropolis, resort, industrial, military zone, university campus, etc.;

Ø carrying out recreational activities and regime moments with
taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and natural conditions, the state of the ecological situation, the health of the population;

Ø selection of works by national (local) writers, poets,
composers, artists, samples of national (local) folklore and folk art crafts when introducing children to art;

Ø Teaching the national language, acquaintance with national and cultural traditions.

6.1. Expertise of complex and partial programs carried out
Federal Expert Council for general education Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In case of a positive assessment, the program (complex or partial) is recommended for use by preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

6.2. Regional (local) educational authorities can
create expert councils (commissions) for the examination of programs preschool education. At the same time, in case of a positive assessment, the program is recommended for use in preschool educational institutions of the region (city, district).

6.3. Examination of a set of partial programs is carried out:

Ø Council of teachers of a preschool educational institution for
use of a set of programs in the work of this institution:

Ø by the commission for attestation of a preschool educational institution in the process of a comprehensive examination of its activities.

For the examination of a set of partial programs, a preschool educational institution may apply to the expert council (commission) of the regional (local) education authority, if the practice of examination of preschool education programs is carried out in the region (city, district).



1. General Provisions

1.1. These Recommendations are addressed to the Federal Expert Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, regional (local) education authorities organizing the examination of new programs in preschool education, expert commissions for the certification of preschool educational institutions.

1.2. The objectives of these Recommendations are to regulate the quality of preschool education, to protect the child from incompetent pedagogical influences in the context of the variability of education, and also to focus the work of preschool educational institutions on developmental pedagogy.

1.3. These Recommendations are in line with the strategy for developing national educational standards preschool education and can be used by employees of the system of preschool education of the Russian Federation in the period before the approval and entry into force of these standards.

2. Types of programs

Programs are divided into complex and partial.

2.1. A comprehensive program includes all the main areas of child development.

2.3.* The partial program includes one or more areas of the child's development.
* The numbering corresponds to the original. - Note "CODE".

2.4. The integrity of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is ensured by using a comprehensive program or a set of partial programs.

3. General requirements for programs

3.1. Integrated and partial programs for preschool educational institutions must comply with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution.

3.2. The programs must respect the secular nature of education.

3.3. Programs should be based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between adults and children.

3.4. The content of a comprehensive educational program (or a set of partial programs) should be oriented towards universal (world) culture and, at the same time, correspond to Russian cultural traditions. The content of a comprehensive program (a set of partial programs) should include the development of the child's speech, his acquaintance with the basics of natural science, physical, artistic and aesthetic development.

3.5. Programs should aim at:

the development of curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity in a preschooler;

development of the child's abilities;

the formation of creative imagination;

development of communication.

3.6. Programs should provide:

protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development;

the emotional well-being of each child;

intellectual development of the child;

creation of conditions for the development of the child's personality, his creative abilities;

introducing children to universal values;

interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

3.7. Programs should provide for the organization of children's life in three forms:

classes as a specially organized form of education;

non-regulated activities;

free time provided for the child in kindergarten during the day.

3.8. The programs should include the optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children. Programs should be built taking into account the types of activities specific to preschool children (games, construction, visual, musical, theatrical activities, etc.).

3.9. Programs should provide for the possibility of implementing an individual approach to the child, work with different subgroups of children; take their age into account.

3.10. Programs should include a description of the organization of the developing environment, indicating the main lists of materials and equipment used.

3.11. Programs should provide an optimal load on the child in order to protect him from overwork and maladaptation.

4. Requirements for a combination of programs

4.1. Partial programs used in the pedagogical process should ensure the integrity of the pedagogical process and complement each other.

4.2. Partial programs used in the pedagogical process should be based on common principles (concepts).

4.3. When using a partial program instead of the corresponding section of the complex program, duplication of content, contradictions in the basic principles (concepts) of these programs are not allowed.

4.4. The set of programs used in the pedagogical process should provide the optimal load on the child.

5. Regional requirements for programs

5.1. Regional (local) educational authorities may establish additional regional requirements for programs.

5.2. Additional regional requirements should not provoke a significant increase in the load on children, contribute to their overwork and maladaptation.

5.3. Taking into account socio-economic, national-cultural, demographic, climatic and other conditions, regional requirements may determine:

priority areas of educational programs based on the needs of the population in educational services for preschool children of the rural, urban population, metropolis, resort, industrial, military zone, university campus, etc.;

carrying out recreational activities and regime moments, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and natural conditions, the state of the ecological situation, and the health of the population;

selection of works by national (local) writers, poets, composers, artists, samples of national (local) folklore and folk art crafts when introducing children to art;

teaching the national language, acquaintance with national and cultural traditions.

6. Expertise of preschool education programs

6.1. The examination of complex and partial programs is carried out by the Federal Expert Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In case of a positive assessment, the program (complex or partial) is recommended for use by preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

6.2. Regional (local) educational authorities can create expert councils (commissions) for the examination of preschool education programs. At the same time, in case of a positive assessment, the program is recommended for use in preschool educational institutions of the region (city, district).

6.3. Examination of a set of partial programs is carried out:

the council of teachers of a preschool educational institution to use a set of programs in the work of this institution;

by the commission for attestation of a preschool educational institution in the process of a comprehensive examination of its activities.

For the examination of a set of partial programs, a preschool educational institution may apply to the expert council (commission) of the regional (local) education authority, if the practice of examination of preschool education programs is carried out in the region (city, district).

Head of Department
preschool education
R.B. Sterkina

The text of the document is verified by:
"Preschool education in Russia
in documents and materials,
Moscow, 2001

The name of the program: Teaching mathematics in educational institutions
Author(s) of the program:
  • Full name: Svetlana Vladimirovna Krokhmal, position: head of the Center for Mathematical Education of the KKIPK, place of work: Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Studies, academic title: no
  • Full name: Polyakova Tatyana Vladimirovna, position: senior lecturer at the Center for Mathematical Education of the KKIPK, place of work: Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Studies, academic title: no
  • Full name: Senkina Elena Viktorovna, position: teacher at the Center for Mathematical Education of KKIPK, place of work: Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Studies, academic title: no
  • Full name: Elena Grigorievna Tyaglova, position: associate professor, place of work: Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Studies, academic title: Candidate of Sciences
Examination end date: 22.05.2017
List of labor functions: 1. Development and implementation of programs of academic disciplines within the framework of the main general education program; 2. Implementation professional activity in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards for basic general, secondary general education; 3. Planning and conducting training sessions; 4. Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of training sessions and approaches to learning; 5. Organization, monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements, current and final results of mastering the main educational program by students; 6. Formation of universal learning activities among students; 7. Formation of students' skills related to information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT); 8. Formation of students' motivation for learning; 9. Objective assessment of knowledge of students on the basis of testing and other methods of control in accordance with the real learning opportunities of children; 10. Formation in students of the ability for logical reasoning and communication, installation on the use of this ability, on its value; 11. Formation of students' ability to comprehend the basics of mathematical models of a real object or process, readiness to use modeling to build objects and processes, determine or predict their properties; 12. Formation of students' specific knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of mathematics; 13. Formation in students of an internal (mental) model of a mathematical situation (including a spatial image); 14. Formation of students' ability to check mathematical proof, give a refuting example; 15. Formation of students' ability to identify subtasks in a task, to sort out possible options for objects and actions; 16. Formation of students' ability to use a given mathematical model, in particular, a formula, a geometric configuration, an algorithm, to evaluate the possible result of modeling (for example, calculations); 17. Formation of a material and informational educational environment that promotes the development of the mathematical abilities of each child and implements the principles of modern pedagogy; 18. Formation of students' ability to apply the means of information and communication technologies in solving a problem where it is effective; 19. Formation of students' ability to overcome intellectual difficulties, solve fundamentally new tasks, show respect for intellectual work and its results; 20. Development of students' initiative in the use of mathematics; 21. Use of information resources in work with children, assistance to children in the development and independent use of these resources; 22. Assistance in preparing students for participation in mathematical competitions, research projects, intellectual marathons and student conferences; 23. Formation and maintenance of high motivation and development of students' ability to study mathematics, providing them with suitable tasks, conducting circles, optional and elective courses for students who wish and effectively work in them; 24. Identification together with students of unreliable and implausible data; 25. Conducting a dialogue with a student or a group of students in the process of solving a problem, identifying doubtful places, confirming the correctness of the solution.

Anastasia Verbitskaya
Organization of expertise

Educational programs of preschool education developed and approved organization carrying out educational activities, in accordance with GEF DO and taking into account the relevant exemplary educational programs of preschool education. are developed taking into account their level and focus on on the basis of GEF DO.

Approximate main educational programs included based on results expertise in the register of exemplary basic educational programs, which is the state information system. Information contained in the register exemplary basic educational programs, is public. According to the position expressed by the Department, exemplary basic educational programs of preschool education are educational and methodological documentation that allows organizations carrying out educational activities in preschool education programs, use the past expertise model for effective educational organization activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

In a situation of great variability the main educational programs the choice of the content of education in the form of an approximate PLO is a serious managerial challenge. The choice must be made on basis preliminary study and professional public examination of the program by all participants of the educational process and end with a decision to approve it as a public agreement. At the same time, the parameters and selection criteria and exemplary OOP for different participants educational processes may differ.

The correctness of the procedure expertise is determined by how fully and competently carried out its stages:

Goal setting and definition of the subject expertise;

Development of a procedure for conducting expertise;

Selection expert organizations and group formation experts;

- organization of expertise;

Collection of information received from experts;

- treatment, analysis and generalization of the received information

Decision making based on results expertise.

In preschool education program should ensure the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual and psychological and physiological features: infancy; early age; preschool age.

new when conducting program reviews is the evaluation of their content.

Content preschool education programs should be fully consistent with the planned results (targets) and ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various activities in accordance with the age and individual characteristics and inclinations of the development of each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world. How content is structured and deployed educational programs areas should correspond to their goals, depend on the age of the children and be implemented in certain types of activities.

The content must be sufficient to generate and maintain a high motivation for use in educational the process of forms and methods of work with children, corresponding to their age and individual characteristics (inadmissibility of both artificial acceleration and artificial slowdown in the development of children).

Content control preschool education programs and mechanisms for achieving its goals allows you to check the results of development in the form of targets for preschool education, which represent the age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completion of the preschool level education. Targets are not subject to direct assessment, including in the form pedagogical diagnostics(monitoring, and are not basis for their formal comparison with the real achievements of children. They are not basis objective assessment of compliance with established requirements educational activities and training of pupils. Development Programs is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of pupils. The assessment of the individual development of children is carried out in the course of observations aimed at determining the effectiveness of the teacher's own educational activities, individualization education and optimization of work with a group of children.

Implementation expertise requires a careful selection experts to conduct it. However, not every specialist, even a very reputable one, can be recommended as expert. Some of them, with extensive knowledge, do not possess the qualities necessary for a member expert group.

Expert must be competent in the subject area, own the methodology for conducting expertise, have general erudition, an analytical mind, and also feel the development trends of the phenomena being evaluated. It is desirable that expert had a high social status and was recognized in his professional field.

Expert must also own expert methodology and possess certain abilities, for example, creativity that will allow program expertise not only according to ready-made criteria, but also to conduct their research, revealing hidden, not yet obvious meanings. He must have developed ability to reflect on one's own expert activities, its implications for development education.

meaningful to expert characteristic is also the optimal combination of his qualities as a scientific and practical worker. These include the ability expert to the analysis and synthesis of the issues under study, to their objective comprehensive assessment, the stability of his scientific views, but at the same time sufficient flexibility of thinking, the ability to change his point of view under the influence of new facts and arguments, the ability to process, assimilate and form qualitatively new information.

Criteria examination of an exemplary basic educational program of preschool education:

The POOP passport is issued in accordance with the requirements.

In the structure of the POOP there are target, content and organizational sections, the content of which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for programs of this level of education.

The document has a glossary that provides transcripts applied in the text of the POOP designations and abbreviations, as well as the meaning of the symbols used in program special terms and meaning of concepts.

The document has a list of normative and normative-methodical documents and scientific and methodological literary sources used in the development of the POOP.

The document includes a section that reveals the prospects for the work carried out by developers and customers in the next 3-5 years to improve and develop the content programs, ensuring the implementation of its regulatory legal, scientific and methodological, personnel, information and material and technical resources.

The document is presented on paper (in three copies) and electronic media, certified by the seal and signature of the head of the institution that develops it or is the customer.

So the procedure expertise DOEP DO is carried out in several stages:

1. Preparatory stage. Includes the tasks of setting a goal and determining the subject of the expertise; developing a procedure for expertise; selection and group formation experts.

2. The first stage of the implementation expertise. Includes tasks: collecting information received from experts; analysis and information processing received from experts.

3. The second stage of decision-making on the results expertise. Generalization is carried out collected information, development and decision making.

So way, support principle childhood diversity, which is fundamental principle of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, implies the variability of the content of preschool education. Achieving real variability is guaranteed, because the content Sample program is of a framework and modular nature, allowing you to build basic educational program of preschool educational organization on materials of various complex and partial educational programs of preschool education. All in use now preschool education programs, including partial, past expertise, can be used organization in whole or in part, as educational modules.

List of sources used

1. Order of the Ministry education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2014 No. 594 “On Approval of the Procedure for the Development exemplary basic educational programs, holding them examination and maintenance of the register of exemplary basic educational programs”

2. Ekimova S. B. Problems of formation the main educational program of the school. / S. B. Ekimova, Yu. S. Zakhir, S. V. Pavlyuchik. // Magazine "Quality education in Eurasia» . - No. 2. - 2014. P. 107-113

Psychocorrection of deviations in children